Planning and Evaluation
Planning and Evaluation
Planning and Evaluation
Health p omotion involves all a!tivities that "ill ena#le people in! ease !ont ol ove $a!to s that dete mine thei health in o de to imp ove thei health% There has been the evolution of health promotion profession in responding to international health promotion movement as well as the public health movement that is broad (Warr, Mann and Kelaher, 2012) !part from activities that are directed to strengthening s"ills and capabilities of an individual, health promotions also embraces actions that are directed to change of the social, political, environmental and economic conditions (&ingh' M(#u gh and Lalloo' 2)1)* This is done to alleviate the impact of these forces on human population and health of individuals +hen it !omes to dis!ipline,spe!i$i! -no"ledge that in!ludes the !apa#ilities o$ health p omotion' the e a e eal and pe sistent health ine.ualities that e/ist in va ious !ommunities% This has e/isted ove the last ten de!ades and it is due to di$$e en!e #et"een health o$ the populations o$ !ount ies that have high in!omes "hi!h have #een imp oving d amati!all(0 this is t ue $o middle, and lo",in!ome !ount ies although at a lesse #ut signi$i!ant e/tent 1&hilton' Ho"at, #ames, and $ower, 2001*% The g eat advan!ement o$ health p omotion is led #( a host o$ inte ventions that in!lude imp ovement in housing' $ood suppl(' #ette "o -ing !onditions' enhan!ement o$ good emplo(ment ights' $amil( planning se vi!es and va ious immuni2ation p og ammes% These imp ovements have #een made a!!essi#le to the !ommunit( and !ount ies th ough the development o$ sustaina#le "el$a e p ovision and health se vi!es% &etting o$ ta gets $o imp ovements is one o$ the $a!to s that d ove $o "a d health p omotion' this has #een !hallenging #ut a!hieva#le0 $ om histo (' setting o$ health ta gets that a e in$o med is a -e( me!hanism $o aising e/pe!tations o$ #ette health and delive ing imp ovements% Man( so!ieties that a e less health a e lagging #ehind the #ette o$$0 the( "ill not #e a#le to !at!h up easil( #ut
"ill !ontinue $alling #ehind% The main easons gove nments have made poo p og ess in imp ovement o$ health is #e!ause the( $o!us too mu!h on !u ing and too little on p evention% Anothe eason is the la!- o$ development o$ o#ust eviden!e,#ased app oa!h $o inte ventions in health p omotion' apa t $ om this' the e have #een emphasis on sho t,te m thin-ing and p o4e!t $o!used app oa!hes and not long,te m st ategi! planning p og amme app oa!hes% The e is poo investment made in developing health and epidemiolog( su veillan!e s(stems that "ill have a easona#le !han!e o$ su viving' in addition to this' the e is the p o#lem o$ la!- o$ investment in e$$e!tive ta get setting that has #een integ ated as pa t o$ long,te m !ommitment to development o$ pe $o man!e !ultu e $o !ontinuous imp ovement% Health p omotion $a!es the !hallenge o$ p oviding eviden!e0 the eviden!e !an !ome $ om inne vations having easona#le !hanges o$ su!!ess% To have an imp oved unde standing o$ "hat "ill ep esent #est p a!ti!e in health p omotion' the e has to #e p a!ti!al e/pe ien!e in !ontempo a ( health p omotion' this has to #e p ovided "ith p a!ti!al guidan!e on "a(s o$ ma/imi2ing !han!es o$ su!!ess% &ome o$ the needs to a!hieve su!!ess in!lude ma-ing plans #ased on epidemiologi!al anal(sis' #ehavio al and so!ial esea !h that "ill #e a#le to indi!ate lin-ages #et"een sho t te m inte vention impa!ts' and having su#se.uent !hanges in health and health out!ome dete minants 15 i$$iths' 6lai ,&tevens and Pa ish' 2))7*% This anal(sis helps in indi!ating $easi#ilit( and s!ope o$ su!!ess$ul inte vention% The t(pe o$ inte vention planned "ill e.ui e development o$ inte vention p og ammes that a e in$o med th ough esta#lishment o$ theo ies elevant to the inte vention !hosen% Ne!essa ( !onditions $o su!!ess$ul implementation o$ a p og amme should #e ! eated0 this in!ludes p esen!e o$ su$$i!ient pu#li! and politi!al a"a eness o$ the issues elated to health p omotion su!h as the need $o a!tion' !apa!it( $o p og amme delive (' among othe s% The inte vention p og amme has to #e su$$i!ient in si2e'
sophisti!ation and du ation in o de to #e dete!ta#le a#ove the #a!-g ound nose o$ the va ious !hanges in the so!iet( that a e gene al% P og amme panning that has s(stemati! app oa!h indi!ated a#ove has a g eat !han!e o$ imp oving su!!ess$ul out!omes that has #een dete!ted and lin- o#se ved out!omes to inte ventions o$ the p og amme 19o#us,Matthe"s' M%' : ;a!-son' &% 12))<*% P ope attention to this issues "ill avoid !i !umstan!es "he e p og ammes a e not implemented "ithout #eing developed su$$i!ientl( o$ the( ma( #e small !ompa ed to the #a!-g ound o$ a!tivities and' hen!e not a#le to p odu!e an( di$$e en!e% Eviden!e,#ased app oa!h to poli!( #e!ame an appetite $o man( !ount ies that a e high, in!ome to"a ds the end o$ t"entieth !entu (' "ith the development o$ eviden!e,#ased medi!ine0 this idea "as a#le to ta-e its lead% The e "e e s(stemati! app oa!h to use o$ esea !h eviden!e in !lini!al medi!ine and this has #een unde "a( $o almost th ee de!ades% The e "e e a num#e o$ p in!iples that ought to #e applied to !lini!al medi!ine and these #e!ame means $o dete mining !ost,e$$e!tiveness o$ health !a e inte ventions in o de to eliminate ha m$ul p a!ti!es% =a ious lo!al in$ ast u!tu es su!h as lo!al o gani2ation a angements' level o$ involvement o$ p o$essional g oups' leade ship and lo!al politi!s pla( an impo tant ole in the su!!ess o$ an inte vention 1Langille' > o"ell and L(ons' 2))7*% This has led to the di$$e entiation #et"een -no"ledge that is to delive ed $ om s!ienti$i! studies and -no"ledge got $ om p a!ti!e0 the e a e tools that ena#le s!ienti$i! studies #e g aded a!!o ding to thei inte nal validit( #ut this does not $ollo" the valid eviden!e that "ill p odu!e st ong e!ommendations $o that a!tion% A$te assessment o$ mediating $a!to s that ope ate on the g ound and lo!al p a!ti!es that a e em#edded' guidan!e and e!ommendations !an then #e made% The t(pe o$ -no"ledge asso!iated "ith the li-elihood o$ su!!ess is the assessment o$ mediating $a!to s' and !olle!tion o$ .ualitative data $ om p a!titione s "ill assist in unde standing lo!al !onditions 1Eage ' 5a ett and Lin'
2))1*% Eviden!e a!ts as a $ ame"o - $o plausi#le possi#ilities and a point o$ sta t $o inte ventions athe than impe ative a!tion% It is not eas( to p edi!t the eal "o ld and "e should the e$o e' !onside eve (thing that !an p o#a#l( happen0 man( health p omotion situations !an #e seen as e/amples de!ision ma-ing du ing high is-s% The is-s "ill involve impe $e!t in$o mation and va ious pe sonal p e$e en!es and in most !i !umstan!es the( a e ega ded as in!onsistent "ith ational #ehavio s% As "e tal- a#out is-s' $e" people have !on!ise unde standing o$ the !on!ept0 the e$o e' is- "ill have t"o pa ts "hi!h a e the p o#a#le o$ is- o!!u en!e and out!omes that a e undesi a#le 19eleher, Mac%ougall and Murph&, 200'*% 6oth o$ these have #een seen togethe and mo e $o!us has #een put on the out!ome as p o#a#ilit( o$ the is- is igno ed% This is att i#uted to lo" involvement o$ p o#a#ilities "hi!h people have had !ognitive p o#lems in unde standing due to la!- o$ t aining on p o#a#ilit( theo (% Management o$ is-s "ill involve identi$(ing the is-' anal(2ing the is-' evaluations a!tions to #e ta-en' implementing and do!umentation 1;i o4"ong and $iamputtong, 200(*%
Re$e en!es Eage ' 9%' 5a ett' P% and Lin' =% 12))1* )ealth planning* !ustralian perspectives, +rows ,est* !llen and -nwin 5 i$$iths' ;%' 6lai ,&tevens' >%' : Pa ish' R% 12))7*% The integ ation o$ health p omotion and so!ial ma -eting% Perspectives in Public Health, 1291@*' 2@<,A1% ;i o4"ong' &% and Liamputtong' P% 12))7* .opulation health, communities and health promotion, /outh Melbourne* 01ford -niversit& .ress 9elehe ' H%' Ma!Dougall' >% and Mu ph(' 6% 12))A* -nderstanding )ealth .romotion, /outh Melbourne* 01ford -niversit& .ress 9o#us,Matthe"s' M%' : ;a!-son' &% 12))<' )A*% Mental health p omotion matte s% CrossCurrents, 11' 18,1?% Langille' L% L%' > o"ell' &% ;%' : L(ons% 12))7*% &i/ essential oles o$ health p omotion esea !h !ent es: The atlanti! !anada e/pe ien!e% Health Promotion International, 2411*' A<,<A% &hilton' T%' Ho"at' P%' ;ames' R% and Lo"e ' T% 12))1* )ealth promotion development and health promotion wor"force competenc& in !ustralia, )ealth .romotion #ournal of !ustralia, 11(2)* 11'2123 &ingh' &%' M(#u gh' N% 5%' : Lalloo' R% 12)1)*% Poli!( anal(sis o$ o al health p omotion in south a$ i!a% Global Health Promotion, 1711*' 1@,28'77,1))'1)@,1)A% +a ' D%;%' Mann' R% and 9elahe ' M% 12)12* 4! lot of the things we do5 people wouldn6t recognise as health promotion6* addressing health ine7ualities in settings of neighbourhood disadvantage, +ritical .ublic )ealth 23(1), (8210(