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Spatial data input


Spatial data input

Analysis and modeling in a GIS requires input of relevant data. T e data !onsist of t"o types# spatial data representing geograp i! features $points% lines and areas& and attribute data $des!riptive information&. 'ata input s ould (e done "it utmost !are% as t e results of analyses eavily depend on t e quality of t e input data. In I)*IS data !an (e entered (y# + Digitizing% if you "ant to use data from analog $paper& maps, + Keyboard entry% for entering ta(ular data, + Scanning% if you "ant to use paper prints of satellite images% aerial p otograp s% maps and pi!tures, + Importing e-isting data files from ot er sour!es. T is ! apter e-plains o" to digiti.e maps. T e ne-t ! apter deals "it t e import of digital map data and in ! apter / t e import and !reation of ta(les is treated. 0efore you !an start "it t e e-er!ises% you s ould start up I)*IS and ! ange to t e su(dire!tory C#1I)*IS 3.2 'ata13sers Guide1C apter23 % " ere t e data files for t is ! apter are stored.

'ou(le+!li!5 t 3se t

e I)*IS i!on on t e des5top.

e 6avigator to go to t e dire!tory C#1I)*IS 3.2 'ata13sers Guide1 C apter23. Apart from a segment map used in se!tion 3./% you "ill !reate all digital data for t is ! apter yourself.

Introduction to digitizing T e most !ommon met od of entering spatial data in I)*IS is digitizing. 4eatures on ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input a paper map or ot er analog do!uments $e.g. a p oto+interpretation on a pie!e of tra!ing film& !an (e digiti.ed. T is !an (e done using a devi!e !alled a digiti.ing ta(let% or digiti.ing ta(le% or simply digitizer. A digiti.er !ontains a pointing devi!e $digitizer cursor& to tra!e spatial features. T e position of t e digiti.er !ursor is registered ele!troni!ally to a pre!ision of fra!tions of a millimeter. T is is done t roug a fine grid of "ires em(edded in t e digiti.er $4igure 3.7&. T e verti!al "ires re!ord t e 8+!oordinates, t e ori.ontal ones t e 9+!oordinates. T e range of digiti.er !oordinates depends% amongst ot er t ings% on t e density of t e net"or5 of "ires# digitizer resolution. T e !ursor !ontains a small transparent "indo" "it a !ross+ air% and a num(er of (uttons $at least four (uttons are needed

Spatial data input

to "or5 "it I)*IS&. * en you press one of t e (uttons% an ele!tromagneti! signal is transmitted and t e position of t e !ross+ air is re!orded (y one of t e ori.ontal and one of t e verti!al "ires. 4rom t is% a !oordinate pair in digiti.er units is defined and sent to t e !omputer.

Figure 3.1: :peration of a digiti.er $simplified&.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7 7 IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input

3.1 !ap coordinates "ersus digitizer coordinates

3.1.1 #reating a coordinate s$ste%
0efore you !an start digiti.ing% you s ould first pay attention to t e coordinate system in " i! you "ill digiti.e your map. 9ou may for instan!e use user+defined !oordinates% !oordinates defined (y a national standard or !oordinates of a !ertain 3T; .one. T e information on t e map coordinates you use in a pro<e!t% is stored in a coordinate system. A !oordinate system defines t e possi(le minimum and ma-imum 8=s and 9=s t at !an (e used in one or more maps% along "it ot er information on map datum% pro<e!tion% et!.% as "as mentioned in t e previous ! apter. A !oordinate system may in!lude a projection% " i! defines t e relations ip (et"een map !oordinates and geograp i! !oordinates in latitude and longitude. In I)*IS% t ere are seven main types of !oordinate systems# + Boundary Only# !orners of map in 8%9, no pro<e!tion possi(le. + Projection# !orners of map in 8%9, optional pro<e!tion and optional ellipsoid and datum. + LatLon# !orners of map in )at)on, optional ellipsoid and datum. + Formula# !oordinates !al!ulated (y mat emati!al formula (ased on anot er e-isting !oordinate system. + TiePoints# ta(le "it pairs of !oordinates $master+slave& to define a relation (et"een t e t"o% using a !onformal% affine% se!ond order% pro<e!tive% et!. transformation. + Direct Linear# to digiti.e ve!tor features from an $ ard!opy& aerial p otograp on t e digiti.er. Ta(le !ontaining 89> !oordinates and digiti.er !oordinates. 'T; of t e area required, no fidu!ial mar5s on aerial p otograp . + Ortho Photo# to digiti.e ve!tor features from an $ ard!opy& aerial p otograp on t e digiti.er. Ta(le !ontaining 89> !oordinates and digiti.er !oordinates. 'T; of t e area required, fidu!ial mar5s on aerial p otograp and !amera information required. I)*IS as t ree standard !oordinate systems# + LatLon# Geograp i!al !oordinates in degrees. + LatLon !S"## )at)on !oordinates% using *GS?@ datum and ellipsoid. + $n%no&n# T is is t e !oordinate system you !an use if you do not "ant to spe!ify t e pro<e!tion used in your maps. In t at !ase you define your o"n lo!al !oordinate system, only t e minimum and ma-imum 8 and 9 values are stored and t ere is no need for pro<e!tion parameters.

Spatial data input In prin!iple% all t e maps t at are used of a !ertain area s ould ave t e same !oordinate system. I)*IS e-pe!ts t at all maps t at you "ant to superimpose or display toget er in one map "indo" ave t e same or a !ompati(le !oordinate system. T erefore% " en you start "it a pro<e!t you first create a user'de(ined coordinate system% and you use t is for all t e maps t at you digiti.e or t at you import from ot er sour!es.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

4or maps "it different pro<e!tions% different !oordinate systems $of type pro<e!tion& ave to (e !reated. To display t"o or more maps "it different pro<e!tions an I)*IS map "indo" automati!ally Atransforms= t e !oordinates of t e se!ond map to t e pro<e!tion of t e first one. 9ou !an use t e Transform operation to permanently transform maps "it different pro<e!tions to one !ommon pro<e!tion. Sometimes you may not 5no" t e pro<e!tion of a map t at you are going to digiti.e. In t at !ase you !annot fill in t e pro<e!tion parameters in t e !oordinate system% and t erefore% you don=t 5no" t e relations ip (et"een metri! and geograp i! !oordinates. T is is not a pro(lem as long as you don=t "ant to !om(ine your data "it maps in ot er pro<e!tions. *e strongly advise you not to digiti.e your map in a !oordinate system t at you invent yourself% for e-ample <ust (y ta5ing t e lo"er left !orner of t e map as 8 B 2 and 9 B 2. If you do so it "ill (e very diffi!ult to !om(ine your o"n digiti.ed data "it t at from ot er sour!es. 6ormally% topograp i! maps !ontain information on t e map pro<e!tion t at "as used. 4or e-ample% on t e topograp i! map of Co! a(am(a% t e follo"ing information is given# + Ellipsoid# International. + Pro<e!tion# Transverse ;er!ator. + Certi!al 'atum# Sea level. + Hori.ontal datum# Provisional Sout Ameri!a7D/E. + 3T; .one# 7D F. In t e ne-t ! apter% you "ill find a more ela(orate e-planation on map pro<e!tions% and espe!ially on 3T;. T e map t at you are going to digiti.e first% is s o"n in 4igure 3.3. 9ou !an see from t e map t at t e a!tual study area is lo!ated (et"een t e follo"ing !oordinates $in 3T; .one 7D&# + minimum 8 B GD/222 + ma-imum 8 B ?2?/22 + minimum 9 B ?2G7/22 + ma-imum 9 B ?2D2/22 6o" t at you 5no" t e !oordinate (oundaries of your map and t e pro<e!tion information% you !an generate t e !oordinate system t at "ill (e used for all maps of t e Co! a(am(a area.


IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input

6ote t at if you "ant to e-tend your study area and digiti.e ad<a!ent areas you need to e-tend t e range of !oordinates as defined in t e !oordinate system.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

'ou(le+!li!5 t Type for t Type for t Sele!t t Cli!5 t Cli!5 t

e 6e" Coordinate Systemitem in t e :peration+list. T e Create Coordinate Systemdialog (o- is opened. e Coordinate System 6ame# Co! a(am(a. e 'es!ription# Coordinate system of Co! a(am(a in 3T;.

e option CoordSystemPro<e!tion and !li!5 :F. T e Coordinate System Pro<e!tion ICo! a(am(aJ dialog (o- is opened. e Pro<e!tion (utton and sele!t t e Pro<e!tion# 3T;. e Sele!t Pro<e!tiondialog (o-.

Cli!5 :F in t

e Ellipsoid (utton% and sele!t t e Ellipsoid# International 7DK@. e Sele!t Ellipsoid dialog (o-.

Cli!5 :F in t Cli!5 t

e 'atum (utton and sele!t t e 'atum# Provisional Sout Ameri!an 7D/Eand sele!t t e Area# 0olivia. e Sele!t 'atum dialog (o-.

Cli!5 :F in t

If you no" !li!5 t In t

e Ellipsoid (utton% you !an see t at t e ellipsoid International7DK@ is used. Cli!5 Can!el in t e Sele!t Ellipsoiddia+ log (o-.

e Coordinate System Pro<e!tion ICo! a(am(aJ dialog (o-% !lear t e ! e!5 (o- 6ort ern Hemisp ereand enter for t e 3T; >one# 7D Coordinate system Co! a(am(a is no" !reated and you !an pro!eed "it t e digiti.er installation and !onfiguration.


'igitizer setup
To (e a(le to digiti.e in I)*IS% a digiti.er ta(let and a digiti.er !ursor "it a minimum of @ !ursor (uttons is needed. 0efore you !an use a digiti.er% it must (e properly installed and !onfigured. T e digiti.er !an (e !onfigured eit er (y using a *inTa( driver or (y using t e 'igiti.er Setup *i.ard.

Using Win(a) T e digiti.er manufa!turer usually supplies a *inTa( driver, ot er"ise it !an (e do"nloaded from t e Internet. Install t e *inTa( driver on your !omputer $see your digiti.er manual or *inTa( do!umentation&. It is advised to use a *inTa( driver% (e!ause *inTa( ma5es it easier to set up your digiti.er and t e

Spatial data input digiti.er !an (e used for ot er appli!ations as "ell.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

To set up your digiti.er using a *inTa( driver ! oose for *inTa( !ommuni!ation in t e Sele!t Port page of t e 'igiti.er Setup *i.ard.

Using 'igitizer Setup Wizard 0efore setting up a digiti.er "it t e 'igiti.er Setup *i.ard% you first need to !onfigure t e digiti.er ta(let a!!ording to t e digiti.er manual. 9ou need to pay spe!ial attention to# Run ;ode% ASCII data format% 0aud Rate% 6um(er of 'ata 0its% Parity% Resolution% and 'ata Rate. 4or t e !onfiguration of t e digiti.er ta(let itself% you must 5no" " et er you !onfigured DE22 or somet ing else for 0aud Rate% G or ? for num(er of 'ata 0its% 7 or K for num(er of Stop0its and " et er you used Even% :dd% or 6one for Parity. After you !onfigured t e digiti.er ta(let% you !an use t e 'igiti.er Setup *i.ard. In t e 'igiti.er Setup *i.ard% you ave to spe!ify e)actly t e same settings as during t e !onfiguration of t e ta(let itself. T en ! oose t e AAutomati!= !onfiguration.

* en t e !onfiguration is :F% t e last page of t e 'igiti.er Setup *i.ard$i.e. Si.e% Resolution and 4inal C e!5& gives you t e opportunity to ! e!5 t e !orre!t "or5ing of all (uttons% !orre!t in!rease of digiti.er !oordinates " en moving t e digiti.er !ursor to t e upper rig t !orner% et!.

4or more information see t e I)*IS Help topi!s Ho" to set up a digiti.er and
start digiti.ing and 'igiti.er Setup *i.ard.

3.1.3 !ap re*erencing

A digiti.er re!ords t e lo!ation of spatial features (y means of digitizer coordinates. To !orre!tly register features in a map% t e relations ip (et"een map and digiti.er !oordinates needs to (e esta(lis ed. A minimum of t ree control points and t e !orresponding map coordinates s ould (e spe!ified (y t e user in order to !al!ulate t e transformation (et"een digiti.er and map !oordinates. Sin!e (ot !oordinate systems are metri!% an affine transformation is used. *it t e map !oordinates of t e !ontrol points e-pressed as 8i%9iand t e digiti.er !oordinates as 8dig%i% 9dig%i$4igure 3.K&% t e follo"ing formula for an a((ine


IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input trans(ormation is used to !al!ulate t e transformation !oeffi!ients# 8iBa7%7L8dig%iMa7%KL9dig%iM(7 9iBaK%7L8dig%iMaK%KL9dig%iM(K " ere# ai%<and (iare t e affine transformation !oeffi!ients.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

Figure 3. : Referen!ing a map to a digiti.er $simplified&. )eft# t e digiti.er !ontains an a!tive

area. :nly "it in t at area% t e ori.ontal and verti!al "ires inside t e digiti.er !an pi!5 up a signal from t e digiti.er !ursor $rig t&.

To determine t e si- transformation !oeffi!ients% at least t ree !oordinate pairs are required. If t ree or more !oordinate pairs are entered% t e equations are !omplete and t e !oeffi!ients are !al!ulated. 3sing t e affine transformation% ne" sets of !oordinate pairs are !al!ulated for t e !ontrol points. T e differen!es (et"een t e a!tual and t e !al!ulated !oordinates of t e !ontrol points $t e residuals&% indi!ate o" "ell t e !ontrol points ave (een digiti.ed and entered. Errors in lo!ation or typing result in large residuals. To digiti.e a map% t e !oordinate system of t e map must (e referen!ed to t at of t e digiti.er. In t is e-er!ise t e point map s o"n in 4igure 3.3 "ill (e referen!ed.

;a5e a p Position t 4rom t

oto!opy of 4igure 3.3.

is map in t e !enter of your digiti.er and fasten it to t e digiti.er "it tape. *it some digiti.ers you !an also pla!e t e paper under a plasti! !over% so t at it remains fi-ed. e 4ile menu of t e ;ain "indo"% sele!t ;ap Referen!e.

Spatial data input

T e first ;ap Referen!ingdialog (o- is opened. In t is (o- you !an sele!t or !reate a !oordinate system% " i! stores t e minimum and ma-imum 8 and 9 !oordinates of t e map% and optionally a pro<e!tion for t e map. T e information is used to des!ri(e o" !oordinates on t e eart surfa!e are related to !orresponding !oordinates on t e map. T e ! e!5 (o-es in t e dialog (o- are used to sele!t metri! or geograp i! !oordinates. 6ote% if you ! oose geograp i! !oordinates% a pro<e!tion and asso!iated

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

parameters ave to (e defined. T e information is needed for t e transformation of geograp i! !oordinates to metri! ones.

9ou !an use t e Transform Coordinatesoperation% to ! e!5 " et er t e trans+ formation from metri! to geograp i! !oordinate system and vi!e versa is !orre!t

Sele!t Co! A!!ept t

a(am(a in t e list (o- Coordinate System.

e defaults (y !li!5ing t e :F (utton.

$see also ! apter @% se!tion ;ap pro<e!tions&. T e se!ond ;ap Referen!ingdialog (o- $4igure 3.@& and t e ;ap Referen!ing !ommand (o- $4igure 3.@& are opened. T e ;ap Referen!ing!ommand (o- s o"s t e !oordinates of t e digiti.er !ursor lo!ation and !ontains t e options# 'igiti.e Point% 6e-t Point and 'elete Point. T e num(ers $2% 7% K% 3& refer to t e digiti.er !ursor (uttons " i! are normally la(eled 2% 7% K% 3% or 7% K% 3% @% or A% 0% C% '. T e !ommands in t is "indo" are used for digiti.ing !ontrol points and ave t e follo"ing meaning# +0utton 2# To digiti.e a !ontrol point on t e map. + 0utton 7# To move to t e ne-t !ontrol point. + 0utton K# To delete t e !urrently a!tive !ontrol point.

;ove your digiti.er !ursor over t

e digiti.ing ta(le. * en you do so% you s ould see t e !oordinates ! ange in t e upper part of t e ;ap Referen!ing !ommand (o-.

* en you don=t see any !oordinates in t e ;ap Referen!ing!ommand (o-% or " en t e !oordinates remain t e same " ile you move t e digiti.er !ursor over t e digiti.er% your digiti.er is not set+up properly. C e!5 t e digiti.er installation $See se!tion 3.K.7 or refer to I)*IS Help% topi! Ho" to set up a digiti.er and start digiti.ing&.


IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input

Figure 3.3: Point map ;ountainNtop.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

'igitizing control points 9ou are no" a(le to start digiti.ing !ontrol points. After digiti.ing a point% you need to enter t e !orresponding metri! or geograp i! !oordinates in t e ;ap Referen!ing dialog (o- $4igure 3.@&. It is important t at you do t e follo"ing as pre!ise as you !an.

Position t

e digiti.er !ursor at point A of t e map and press t e 2 (utton.

;a5e sure t

e mouse pointer is lo!ated in t e first $left and& !oordinate te-t (o-. Type GD/222 for t e 8 !oordinate and press t e Ta( 5ey. T e mouse pointer is no" lo!ated in t e rig t and !oordinate te-t (o-. Type ?2G7/22 for t e 9 !oordinate of t e point. e digiti.er !ursor to point 0 and press t e 2 (utton. e 8 !oordinate and ?2G7/22 for t e 9 !oordinate of t e

Position t

Type ?2?/22 for t ;ove t


e digiti.er !ursor to point C and press t e 2 (utton. e 8 !oordinate and ?2D2/22 for t e 9 !oordinate of t e

Type ?2?/22 for t ;ove t

e digiti.er !ursor to point ' and press t e 2 (utton.


IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input

9ou !an use CtrlMC and CtrlMC to !opy and paste !oordinate values.

T e ;ap Referen!ingdialog (o- s o"s information su! as# + digiti.er# Position of digiti.ed !ontrol points in digiti.er !oordinates $mm&. +!oordinates te-t (o-es# Position of digiti.ed !ontrol points in real "orld 8 and 9 !oordinates. T ese are eit er metri! $8%9& or geograp i! $)at)on& !oordinates% depending on t e type of !oordinate system used $first ;ap Referen!edialog (o-&. + diff 8 diff 9# T e diff 8 and diff 9 !olumns indi!ate deviations $in millimeters& (et"een t e a!tual map !oordinates and t e !al!ulated ones. A large deviation may signify t at t e !oordinate pairs "ere entered in!orre!tly. If less t an t ree points ave (een digiti.ed% diff 8 and diff 9 are 2 sin!e no deviation !an (e !al!ulated. + Sigma# T e value of Sigma $in millimeters& for t e !urrent data% indi!ates t e a!!ura!y "it " i! t e !ontrol points ave (een digiti.ed. If t e value of sigma is mu! larger t an 7% t is indi!ates t at an error "as made " en digiti.ing t e points% or " en entering t e !oordinates. Sigma is t e standard deviation !al!ulated from t e differen!es (et"een t e digiti.ed and t e !al!ulated !ontrol points. + S!ale# T e !al!ulated s!ale in ori.ontal and verti!al or 8 and 9 a-es assumes t at t e entered !oordinates are metri!. It also ta5es into a!!ount t e resolution of t e digiti.er $linesOmm or linesOin! as spe!ified in t e digiti.er !onfiguration&. + Rotation# T e rotation of t e map !oordinates $8 and 9 a-es& relative to t e digiti.er 8 and 9 a-es.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

+ Transformation option (uttons# T e met ods t at !an (e used to !al!ulate t e transformation (et"een digiti.er and real "orld !oordinates. An *((ine trans(ormation is a first order fun!tion requiring a minimum of t ree tie points. T e order of t is transformation is suffi!ient to a!!ount for ! anges in s!ale on t e 8 and 9 a-es and for t e map translation and rotation. T e Conformal transformation is also a first order fun!tion and needs a minimum of t"o tie+points. 0y sele!ting t e +on(ormal trans(ormation% t e program only a!!ounts for s!ale differen!es in 8 and 9 a-es and for map rotation. Alt oug mat emati!ally t"o or t ree tie points are needed for t e !onformal or affine transformations% it is preferred to use at least four tie points to derive a notion of a!!ura!y.

Figure 3.&: T e ;ap Referen!ing dialog (o- and t e ;ap Referen!e !ommand (o- $upper

left&. T e a!tual values displayed on your !omputer may (e different from t e ones s o"n in t e figure% depending on t e type of digiti.er you used% t e pre!ision $lines per in! &% and t e a!!ura!y "it " i! you digiti.ed t e four points.

A!!ept t If t

e default Affine transformation and !li!5 t e :F (utton if t e Sigma is less t an 7.

e Sigma is larger t an 7% repeat entering t e !ontrol points until t e sigma is less t an 7 and t en !li!5 t e :F (utton. T e ;ap Referen!ingdialog (o- "ill (e !losed. T e digiti.er is no" referen!ed to t e map. T e map referen!e settings are stored and "ill remain un! anged until you

Spatial data input enter a ne" referen!e setting. If t e position of t e map on t e digiti.er as ! anged% or if you start to digiti.e anot er map% it is ne!essary to referen!e t e map again.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

9ou are no" ready to a!tually !reate a map and digiti.e t e data t at s ould (e in t e map.

* en you digiti.e paper maps t at are quite old% or t at ave (een e-posed to sunlig t% t e paper may not !ontain t e same s!ale in 8 and 9 dire!tion% due to s rin5ing. In su! a !ase you "ill also not rea! a sigma t at is around 7% and you eit er ave to get a (etter paper !opy to digiti.e% or a!!ept t at it is less a!!urate. * en produ!ing a map from image interpretation t at is to (e used for digiti.ing% it is t erefore re!ommended% not to use paper% (ut a transparent film type t at "ill not s rin5.

Su%%ar$: !ap re*erencing + A digiti.er re!ords t e !oordinates of spatial features (y means of digiti.er !oordinates. T e relations ip (et"een t e map and digiti.er !oordinate is esta(lis ed (y referen!ing t e !oordinates of t e map to t at of t e digiti.er. + A minimum of t ree !ontrol points and t e !orresponding map !oordinates are required to referen!e t e map. T e map referen!e settings are stored and "ill remain un! anged until you enter ne" referen!e settings.

IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input


'igitizing a point %ap

In t is e-er!ise a point map !alled ;ountainNtop "ill (e !reated. T e points in t e map s o" t e pea5s of mountains and ills in t e Co! a(am(a area% 0olivia. A ard+ !opy of t e map is presented in 4igure 3.3. A p oto!opy of t e same map "as used in t e previous e-er!ise for map referen!ing.

It is assumed t at t e p oto!opy of 4igure 3.3 is still atta! ed in t e same position on your digiti.er ta(le. If you removed t e map% you "ill ave to repeat t e map

In t

e :peration+tree in t e ;ain "indo"% e-pand t e Create item and dou(le+!li!5 6e" Point ;ap. T e Create Point ;apdialog (o- is opened. e ;ap 6ame te-t (o-.

Type ;ountainNtop in t Type for t Sele!t t

e 'es!ription# Points indi!ating mountaintops.

e Coordinate System# Co! a(am(a. T is is t e !oordinate system t at you ave !reated in t e previous e-er!ise. 6ote t at t e display of t e minimum and ma-imum 8 and 9 !oordinates ! anges% as t e values of t e !oordinate system are used.

Cli!5 t

e Create (utton ne-t to t e 'omain list (o-. T e Create 'omain referen!ing $e-plained in t e previous e-er!ise&% sin!e t e position of t e !ontrol points on t e digiti.er may ave ! anged.

As e-plained in t e previous ! apter, ser-ice objects su! as a domain and a !oordinate system% are needed to !reate a map $data object.. A list of I's or !lasses% or t e value ranges and t e pre!ision used to !odify elements in a map% are defined in a 'omain. T e domain !ontains all possi(le names or values t at may o!!ur in a map.

Type ;ountainNtop in t Sele!t t

e te-t (o- 'omain 6ame.

e option Identifier.

See also ! apter K for more information a(out domains.

A!!ept t
ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

e default for t e 6r of itemsand !li!5 :F.

Spatial data input T e domain type identifier $I'& is sele!ted for t is point map% (e!ause ea! point in t e map is identified (y a unique num(er. Sele!ting t e domain type identifier% a te-t (o- "it t e default value 2 appears. :ptionally% you !an use t e te-t (o- to define t e num(er of items in t e domain. It is t en also possi(le to give ea! item a prefi$e.g. nr% or point&.

Spatial data input

T e 'omain Identifier editor is opened. T e editor !an (e used to add% ! ange or delete items in t e domain. * en you digiti.e you !an eit er# + 4irst des!ri(e all domain items (efore you digiti.e% or, + 'efine t e domain items " ile you digiti.e. T e point I's "ill (e entered during digiti.ing.

Close t

e 'omain Identifier editor. 9ou are no" (a!5 in t e Create Point ;apdialog (o-. 6ote t at t e domain ;ountainNtop% " i! you <ust !reated% is indi!ated in t e list (o- 'omain. e Create Point ;apdialog (o-.

Cli!5 :F in t

Figure 3.-: T e Point editor and t e Point editor !ommand (o-.

T e Point editor and t e Point editor !ommand (o- are opened $4igure 3./&. T e Point editor !ommand (o- s o"s t e position of t e digitizer cursor and ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7 ,& IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input !onsists of t e follo"ing !ommands# + 0utton 2# Add Point# 4or digiti.ing a ne" point. + 0utton 7# ;ove Point# Allo"s you to move a point. + 0utton K# C ange *indo"# 4or ! anging t e "indo" displayed on t e s!reen. + 0utton 3# Edit Point# 4or editing t e la(el of a point. T e follo"ing (uttons on t e Tool(ar of t e Point editor "indo" are s ort!uts to

Spatial data input

sele!t different modes% manage your data and to e-it t e editor#

Sele!t ;ode# t is allo"s sele!tion of one or more e-isting features $points% segments% polygons or pi-els& "it t e mouse. * en you !li!5 t e Sele!t ;ode (utton t e mouse !ursor appears as a and. In t is mode you !an sele!t a feature (y !li!5ing it. ;ove Points ;ode# t is allo"s you to sele!t a point $or a point "it in a segment& "it t e mouse and drag it to a ne" position. * en you !li!5 t e ;ove Point ;ode(utton% t e mouse pointer appears as a pair of t"ee.ers. Insert ;ode# t is allo"s you to insert ne" features "it t e mouse. * en in t e Insert ;ode% t e mouse !ursor appears li5e a pen!il. 3ndo All C anges(utton# to undo all ! anges sin!e you last used t e Save (utton. If you aven=t used t e Save (utton sofar% t e original map "ill (e restored. Save (utton# to save your map to dis5. E-it Editor (utton# used to e-it t e editor. T e Point editor "or5s in t e Sele!t% ;ove Points and Insert ;odes. 9ou !an "or5 "it t e Point editor (y using t e mouse or t e digiti.er apart or simultaneously.

'igitizing points In t is e-er!ise you "ill digiti.e ne" points using t e digiti.er !ursor.

Position t
Enter .

e digiti.er !ursor at point 7 and press (utton 2 $Add Point&. e digiti.ed point. Type P7 in t is (o- and press

A small (o- is opened at t 'igiti.e t

e rest of t e points $4igure 3.3& and la(el t em as follo"s#

(a)le 3.1: T e !odes used for digiti.ing t e points in 4igure 3.3. .oint / .oint la)el .oint / .oint la)el .oint / .oint la)el

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

7 K 3 @ / P7 PK P3 P@ P/ E G ? D 72 PE PG P? PD P72 77 7K 73 7@ 7/ P77 P7K P73 P7@ P7@

* en you enter t e la(el P7@ for point 7/% a message appears indi!ating t at t e la(el P7@ is used for anot er point. Alt oug t e I' domain allo"s dupli!ate names% it is not very logi!al to ave t"o points in an I' domain "it t e same name. To

Spatial data input

enter t e !orre!t la(el for t is point#

Cli!5 6o in t

is (o- and enter a ne" name for t is point.

Type P7/ and press Enter .

0diting a point

Position t

It is re!ommended to save your "or5 regularly during t e

digiti.ing pro!ess# you !an eit er use t e Save (utton or t e Save !ommand on t e 4ile menu. * en you e digiti.er !ursor at t e point " i! as to (e edited% in t is !ase point 7/ and press (utton 3. Type a ne" la(el for t is point% e.g.% P7E and press Enter .

leave t e editor using t e E-it Editor (utton% your "or5 is saved automati!al+ly. T e la(el $I'& of a point !an (e edited or ! anged if in!orre!tly entered. To edit or ! ange t e la(el of a point#

Position t

e digiti.er !ursor at t e point " i! as to (e moved% in t is !ase point 7@ and press (utton 7. T e digiti.er !ursor on your s!reen ! anges from an - to a M.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7 ,+

Figure 3.+: T e ;ove Point !ommand (o-.

IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input !o"ing a point A point !an (e moved eit er (y ! oosing t e ;ove Points ;odein t e Tool(ar or (y using t e digiti.er !ursor#

T e ;ove Point !ommand (o- $4igure 3.E& is s o"n. It as t e follo"ing options# + 0utton 2# 6e" Position# Spe!ifies t e ne" position for t e sele!ted point. +0utton 7# 6o fun!tion. + 0utton K# C ange *indo"# C anges t e "indo" displayed on t e s!reen. + 0utton 3# Return# Returns to t e Point editor !ommand (o-.

Spatial data input

;ove t

e !ursor a(out a !entimeter a(ove t e point 7@ and press (utton 2.

If during digiti.ing points "ere in!orre!tly entered% t ey !an (e repositioned after"ards.

'eleting a point

In t e Tool(ar% ! oose "it t e mouse t e Sele!t ;ode (utton Put t e mouse pointer on point 7E and sele!t it. . Press t e rig t mouse (utton to open t e !onte-t+sensitive menu and sele!t
'elete. 9ou !an also press t e 'elete 5ey on t e 5ey(oard.

Cli!5 9es in t

e opened Point Editor message (o- to !onfirm.

;ultiple points !an (e sele!ted (y pressing t e S ift% or t e Ctrl 5ey " ile you sele!t more points. T e digiti.ing of points is no" finis ed% so you !an e-it t e Point editor.

Cli!5 t e E-it Editor (utton Close t e map "indo".

in t e Tool(ar.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

3.3 'igitizing a seg%ent %ap

0efore you !ontinue to digiti.e a segment map% it may (e good to e-plain first a(out o" points% segments and polygons are digiti.ed. Points% segments and polygons are t ree types of spatial features used in I)*IS. An individual point is defined (y a pair of 8 and 9 !oordinates. A segment is !omposed of a series of intermediate points% !onne!ted (y straig t lines% "it a start and an end node. A polygon is a !losed area !onsisting of one or more segments. All segments forming a polygon ave to (e

Figure 3.7: Presentation of points% segments and polygons in I)*IS.

!onne!ted at interse!tions. Ea! interse!tion or end !onne!tion of segments as a node $4igure 3.G&. * en you digiti.e a polygon% t e (oundary lines of t is polygon s ould (e !onne!ted. T e !onne!tion of one line to anot er is !alled snapping. Snapping al"ays ta5es pla!e at a node $t e end of a line&. Snapping is needed for polygons% and for segment maps t at represent a net"or5 $e.g. a drainage net"or5% or a road net"or5&. Snapping is not required for ot er segment maps% su! as a !ontour map. * en you digiti.e a !ontour map% you !an only snap lines t at ave equal altitude. 9ou !an digiti.e a line% (y olding do"n t e !ursor (utton and simultaneously moving t e !ursor on t e line $digiti.ing in stream mode&. T e line !oordinates are re!orded at regular time intervals. T e disadvantage is t at many points are needed to define t e segment. ;any of t ese points do not improve t e a!!ura!y of t e line and are !onsidered redundant.


IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input 9ou !an also digiti.e a line% (y pressing t e !ursor (utton only " en a point in t e segment needs to (e digiti.ed $digiti.ing in point mode&. In t is "ay !oordinates are only re!orded if t e (utton is pressed. T e num(er of points used to store a segment depends on t e !omple-ity of t e line% and on t e a!!ura!y of t e person digiti.ing.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

To redu!e t e num(er of !oordinates defining a segment% a data redu!tion pro!edure !alled tunneling is !arried out automati!ally $4igure 3.?&. T e ne!essity of ea! !oordinate% is evaluated (y !onne!ting t e ad<a!ent !oordinates (y a line or tunnel "it a pre+defined "idt . * en t e evaluated !oordinate lies inside t e tunnel% it is !onsidered redundant% and is removed. If it lies outside t e tunnel% it is 5ept and t e same operation is !arried out for t e ne-t !oordinate.

Figure 3.,: T e pro!ess of tunneling using t"o different tunnel "idt s. See te-t for e-planation.

In t is e-er!ise% a segment map " i! !ontains information a(out t e road net"or5 in t e area "ill (e !reated. T is segment map is presented in 4igure 3.D.

;a5e a p Remove t

oto!opy of 4igure 3.D.

e p oto!opy of 4igure 3.3 if it is still on t e digiti.er. Position t e p oto!opy of 4igure 3.D in t e !enter of your digiti.er% and fasten it to t e digiti.er "it tape. *it some digiti.ers you !an also pla!e t e paper under a plasti! !over% so t at it remains fi-ed. e 4ile menu of t e ;ain "indo"% sele!t ;ap Referen!e. T e first ;ap Referen!edialog (o- is opened.

4rom t

Spatial data input

* en a ne" map is pla!ed on t e digiti.er% or " en you ave moved t e map t at you "ere digiti.ing (efore% you "ill ave to referen!e t e map again. Ho"ever% t e ;ap Referen!edialog (o- still !ontains t e 8 and 9 values of t e !ontrol points of t e previous map. So if t e ne" map uses t e same !ontrol points% t e only t ing to do is to digiti.e t e four points. :n!e a map is referen!ed% it remains li5e t at% until you ma5e a ne" map referen!e. So even if you turn off t e !omputer and " en later

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

on you de!ide to !ontinue digiti.ing% and t e map on t e digiti.er is still in t e same position% you don=t ave to referen!e your map anymore.

A!!ept t

e defaults (y !li!5ing t e :F (utton. T e se!ond ;ap Referen!ingdialog (o- and ;ap Referen!ing!ommand (o- $4igure 3.@& are opened. e four !ontrol points of 4igure 3.D. ;a5e sure to digiti.e t e !or+ re!t points for t e 89 !oordinates t at are already given in t e ;ap Referen!edialog (o-. Cli!5 :F " en t e error is tolera(le $Sigma value is around 7 or lo"er&. :t er"ise digiti.e t e four points again. e 4ile menu of t e ;ain "indo"% sele!t Create% Segment ;ap. T e Create Segment ;apdialog (o- is opened. e te-t (o- ;ap 6ame.

'igiti.e t

4rom t

Type Road in t Sele!t Co! Cli!5 t

a(am(a from t e list (o- Coordinate System.

e Create 'omain i!on in t e list (o- 'omain. T e Create 'omain "indo" is opened. e te-t (o- 'omain 6ame% ma5e sure t e option Class is

Type Road in t

Close t

e 'omain Class editor. 9ou are (a!5 in t e Create Segment ;ap dialog (o-. e Create Segment ;apdialog (o-.

Cli!5 :F in t


IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input

It is possi(le to "rite t e names of t e domain items in t e 'omain Class editor dire!tly. In t is e-er!ise% o"ever% you "ill !reate t e names during digiti.ing.

T e Segment editor and t e Add Segments !ommand (o- are opened. T e Segment editor "or5s in Sele!t ;ode% ;ove Points ;ode% SplitO;erge ;ode and Insert ;ode.
SplitO;erge ;ode# T is is only used in t e Segment editor. It allo"s t e splitting

of segments and t e !reation of a node. It also allo"s t e removal of unne!essary nodes. * en you !li!5 t is (utton t e mouse pointer ! anges to a pair of s!issors.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

L0G02' Segments E4% PP% HR and R6: B ig "ay Segments )4;6% ;GH% HI' and ISP B main road Segments F)G% CS and TC' B motor"ay Segments ;3% 'Q and IR

Figure 3.1: T e segment map road $not a!!ording to t e real situation&. T e nodes of ea! line

ave a !ode in t is e-ample to fa!ilitate t e e-planation on o" to digiti.e.

B eart road

Spatial data input

T e Add Segments !ommand "indo" s o"s t e position of t e digiti.er !ursor and t e !ommands. T e !ommands in t is "indo" are# + 0utton 2# 0egin Segment.To start digiti.ing a ne" segment% "it its starting point not !onne!ted to anot er segment. + 0utton 7# Snap Segment.To start digiti.ing a ne" segment% "it its starting point !onne!ted to anot er segment# snapping. + 0utton K# C ange *indo". To ! ange t e area of digiti.ing displayed on t e s!reen $.oom in or .oom out&. + 0utton 3# ;ove Points.To s"it! to ;ove Point ;ode.

;ove t ;ove t

e digiti.er !ursor a"ay from t e part of t e digiti.er !overed (y t e map. 9ou "ill ear a (eeping sound. T is is to remind you t at t e digiti.er !ursor is outside of t e georeferen!ed area. e digiti.er !ursor (a!5 inside t e part of t e digiti.er !overed (y t e map. T e sound stops.

Press digiti.er (utton K $C

!ommand (o- appears.

ange *indo"&. 6o" t e C ange *indo"

Position t ;ove t

e digiti.er !ursor on t e upper left !orner of t e (o- indi!ated in 4igure 3.D "it a at! ed line. Press digiti.er (utton 7 $7st Point&. e digiti.er to t e lo"er rig t !orner of t e (o- "it a at! ed line and press digiti.er (utton K $Knd point&. T e map "indo" no" only displays t e area inside t e (o-. C e!5 t is (y moving your digiti.er !ursor t roug t e (o-.

3oo%ing in 0efore you start digiti.ing a part of t e map% "e re!ommend you to .oom in on t at area% so t at you !an digiti.e as detailed as possi(le. T is is espe!ially important " en you are going to !onne!t segments.

Cli!5 t

e ;a-imi.e (utton pointer to enlarge t e map "indo".

"it t e mouse

Position t e digiti.er !ursor at point P in t e map. ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7 Press digiti.er (utton 2 to enter t e point $starting point of t e segment&.
1 IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input

6ote t at you !an use (utton 2 $Entire ;ap& to .oom out again. 9ou !an also .oom in (y using t e mouse pointer. In t at !ase% !li!5 t e >oom In (utton on t e Tool(ar of t e Segment editor and define t e area you "ant to .oom in.

'igitizing seg%ents In 4igure 3.D ea! node as a !ode. T is is only used ere so t at "e !an e-plain (etter o" to digiti.e. To digiti.e t e segment PHISP#

Spatial data input

T e program pro!eeds to t e !ommand (o- 'igiti.e Segment $4igure 3.72A&. In t is (o-# + 0utton 2# Enter Point. To enter t e $intermediate& points of t e segment. + 0utton 7# Snap End Segment.To end a segment (y !onne!ting it to anot er or (y !reating a !losed segment# Snapping. + 0utton K# End Segment.To end t e segment% not !onne!ted to anot er segment. + 0utton 3# 'elete )ast Point.To delete "rongly digiti.ed point$s& at t e end of t e segment.
Figure 3.10: T e

'igiti.e Segment !ommand (o- $A&% and t e End Segment !ommand (o- $0&.

$A& $0&

;ove t

e digiti.er !ursor along t e line PHISP " ile olding do"n t e (ut+ ton 2 of t e digiti.er !ursor.

6ote% sin!e t e (utton 2 is !ontinuously pressed t e !oordinates are re!orded at

Release t

e (utton 2 " en you are <ust (efore t e starting point P of t e line PHISP.

regular time intervals $see se!tion 3.K&. T is is digiti.ing in stream mode.

;ove t

e digiti.er !ursor to point P " ile not olding do"n t e (utton 2 of t e digiti.er !ursor.

Press (utton 7 $Snap Segment&.

It is important to stop digiti.ing a little (it (efore you rea! t e a!tual point " ere you "ant to !onne!t t e segment. T is is done to ensure t at no additional intermediate !oordinate is digiti.ed% " i! is in fa!t on t e ot er side of t e ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input !onne!tion point% and " i! "ill !ause an error " en you ! e!5 t e segments later.

T e snap segment ensures t at t e segment is lin5ed to t e starting node. T e program pro!eeds "it t e End Segment !ommand (o- $4igure 3.720&. In t is (o-% you !an sele!t# + 0utton 2# A!!ept. To a!!ept t e point to " i! t e segment "ill (e snapped. + 0utton 7# Snap :t er.To sele!t anot er node% "it in t e snap toleran!e% to snap t e segment to.

Spatial data input

+ 0utton K# Snap Split.To split t e sele!ted segment into t"o and to snap t e segment to t e t"o ne" segments. + 0utton 3# 6o Snapping. To return to t e 'igiti.e Segment !ommand (o-.

Press t

e 2 (utton to snap t e last point to t e starting point.

Sele!t Rne"S from t

e list (o- Class 6ame.

T e Edit dialog (o- is opened. In t is (o- you !an sele!t one of t e e-isting !lasses or ne" to enter a ne" name for t e digiti.ed segment or for t e segment " i! "ill (e digiti.ed. In t is e-er!ise% t e domain does not yet !ontain any !lass. T erefore% you ave to sele!t Rne"S in order to enter a la(el for t e digiti.ed segment.

Type ;ain road in t Type ;r in t Sele!t a !olor in t

leave t e editor.

e te-t (o- 6ame.

e te-t (o- Code. e list (o- Color. T is !olor "ill only (e s o"n after you

Cli!5 :F in t

e Add item to 'omaindialog (o- and in t e Edit dialog (o-.

T e Add item to 'omaindialog (o- is opened. Here a 6ame% a Code and a Color for t e digiti.ed segment !an (e entered.

4rom t

e Edit menu of t e Segment editor% sele!t Insert Code. T e Edit dialog (o- is opened. e list (o- Class 6ame.T e Add item to 'omaindia+ log (o- is opened.

Sele!t Rne"S from t

Type ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7 Hig "ay in t e te-t (o- 6ame and H" in t e te-t (o- Code.
1& IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input

It is advised to enter !odes $letters or num(ers&% espe!ially% " en t e !lass names are long and you intend to use t e map for furt er ;apCal! operations. T e !odes !an (e used in t e map !al!ulation formula instead of t e !lass names.

T e Segment editor "ill (y default display all segments in t e same !olor $default Green&. If during digiti.ing you "ant to ! e!5 on segment namesO!odes and ave t e segments dra"n in t e !olor of t e representation% open t e Customi.e Segment Editordialog (o- $4ile% Customi.e& and sele!t Segment !olors'omain. T e lines E4% PP% HR andR6: represent ig "ays in t e map. 0efore digiti.ing t e lines% "e "ill add a ne" !lass Hig "ay to t e domain. To add a ne" !lass#

Spatial data input

Sele!t a !olor in t Cli!5 :F in t

e list (o- Color and !li!5 :F in t e Add item to 'omaindialog (o-. 9ou are (a!5 in t e Edit dialog (o-. e Edit dialog (o-.

6o" you !an also digiti.e t e lines representing ig "ays. It is advised to save your "or5 regularly.

>oom in on t Position t Release t

e lo"er alf of t e map (et"een point E and t e lo"er rig t !orner of t e map. e digiti.er !ursor at point E and press t e 2 (utton. is (utton and move t e !ursor along t e line E4.

Feep pressing t

e (utton " en t e !ursor is at point 4 and press t e K (utton $End

'igiti.e segment PP. To end segment PP at P% press digiti.er (utton 7 $Snap

End Segment& and t en (utton 2 $A!!ept&. In t is "ay node P !onne!ts

segments PHIS and PP.

'igiti.e segment HR6: similarly. To start segment HR6: at H% press respe!+

tively digiti.er (utton 7 $Snap Segment&% (utton K $Snap Split& and (utton 2 $A!!ept&. In t is "ay node H !onne!ts segments HISP and HR6:. ;ove t e !ursor " ile pressing (utton 2. End t e segment (y pressing (utton 7 $End Segment&.

Cli!5 t

e SplitO;erge (utton on t e Tool(ar. T e mouse pointer ! anges to a pair of s!issors. e mouse pointer at point C $! e!5 "it digiti.er !ursor& and !li!5 "it t e mouse. T e follo"ing message is s o"n#
"# Hig "ay T

Position t

Split Segment Cli!5 9es. T Cli!5 t

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

e segment is no" split and an intermediate node is s o"n.

e ne"ly !reated node. T e message appears#

Spatial data input

6o"% if you "ant to digiti.e segment CS% t ere is a pro(lem. Sin!e t ere is no node yet at point C% t e segment TC' s ould (e split first (efore you !an digiti.e segment CS. 9ou !an split a segment during digiti.ing% as you did (efore% (ut no" "e "ill use t e SplitO;erge ;ode.

*it t e SplitO;erge ;ode you !an split segments into t"o% !onne!ted (y a node. 9ou !an also use it to remove unne!essary nodes.

Spatial data input

Position t

e digiti.er !ursor at point C and press (utton 7 $Snap Segment&.

Press digiti.er (utton 2 $A!!ept&. Press digiti.er (utton 2 and move along t Position t
e line CS until you are near to S. e mouse pointer on point S and press digiti.er (utton 7 $snap end segment&. *it a sound it is indi!ated t at t e segment !annot (e !onne!ted to point C% sin!e t ere is no node yet. T e End Segment !ommand (oappears. e segment PHISP.

Press digiti.er (utton K $Snap Split& to split t

previously Press digiti.er (utton 2 $A!!ept& to a!!ept t e lo!ation " ere t e segment T e digiti.ed segments F)G% CS% TC and C' "ere !oded as Hig "ay% (ut in fa!t t ey represent ;otor"ays. Sin!e no ne" !lass name as (een defined for t em yet% t ey automati!ally got t e same !lass name $Hig "ay& as t e last digiti.ed segment. Hen!e% t e names of t e segments need to (e ! anged to ;otor"ay. 9ou "ill use t e mouse to ! ange t e !lass names of t ese segments. Press t Press t 'o t
e Sele!t ;ode (utton on t e Tool(ar "it t e mouse pointer. e mouse pointer on t e segment F)G and sele!t it.

Position t

e S ift 5ey and put t e mouse pointer on t e segment CS and sele!t it. In t is "ay you !an sele!t multiple segments. e same for t e segments TC and C'. 6ote t at TC' no" !onsists of t"o segments% sin!e you ave split it. e rig t mouse (utton% to open t e !onte-t+sensitive menu and sele!t Edit. T e Edit dialog (o- is opened. e Edit dialog (o-. T e Add item to 'omaindialog (ois opened.

Cli!5 t

Sele!t Rne"S in t

Type ;otor"ay in t

e te-t (o- 6ame% type ;" in t e te-t (o- Code% sele!t a !olor in t e list (o- Color and !li!5 :F.

'ou(le+!li!5 t T

e segment F)G.

e list of t e e-isting segment la(els is displayed% and you !an see t at t e sele!ted name for segment F)G is ;otor"ay.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7 1+ IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input

T e names of t e segments !an also (e ! anged (y dou(le+!li!5ing t e segment.

As you ave seen% t e !onne!tion of one segment to anot er is done via snapping. T is is to ensure t at t e segments are lin5ed pre!isely t roug t e nodes. Snapping only su!!eeds if a point e-ists "it in t e snapping toleran!e distan!e. A (eep "arns if

Spatial data input

t is is not t e !ase. Reposition t e !ursor near t e point you "ant to snap and try again. T e snap !ommand only fun!tions " en you snap to t e starting or ending point of a segment. To snap to an intermediate point% t e segment as to (e split and t en snapped. T e snap tolerance is a distan!e "it in " i! t e program "ill a!!ept a node to snap to it. 9ou !an define t e snap toleran!e yourself in t e Customi.e Segment Editordialog (o-.

4rom t

e 4ile menu of t e map "indo"% sele!t Customi.e. T e Customi.e Segment Editordialog (o- is opened.

*it in t e Customi.e Segment Editordialog (o- you !an see t at t e default value for t e Snap toleran!e is 7D2 meters. T is means t at if you "ant to !onne!t t"o segments% and t e !ursor is less t an 7D2 meters from a node% t is node "ill (e used to !onne!t t e t"o segments. T e snap toleran!e is defined (y t e system " en you start t e Segment editor% (ased on t e !oordinate (oundaries $and t e s!ale& of your map. T e user may enter anot er value if needed. A large value for t e snap toleran!e "ill ma5e t e map less a!!urate. A very small value for t e snap toleran!e "ill ma5e t e digiti.ing diffi!ult% sin!e you ave to .oom in a lot (efore you !an snap. * en you "or5 "it t e mouse% t e option Snap toleran!e $pi-els&is used. T e default value is / pi-els. 6ote also anot er value in t e Customi.e Segment Editor# T e Tunnel toleran!e. T is value $in t is !ase 7D meters& defines t e "idt of !orridor (et"een t e first and last of t ree points $see 4igure 3.?&. If t e se!ond point falls "it in t is !orridor% it "ill not (e used as intermediate point% and t erefore not stored. If it falls outside t e !orridor% it "ill (e used as intermediate point. So (y sele!ting t e tunnel toleran!e you !an influen!e t e detail of t e lines t at you digiti.e. If you in!rease t e tunnel toleran!e% t e segments "ill (e digiti.ed rat er !oarsely% "it only a fe" intermediate points. If you ma5e t e tunnel toleran!e very small% many intermediate points "ill (e stored and t e si.e of your segment map "ill (e!ome large.

Cli!5 Can!el in t Put t

e Customi.e Segment Editordialog (o-.

e digiti.er !ursor at point 4 and press t e (utton 7% to snap t e starting point of t e ne" segment to point 4 of t e segment E4 and press (utton 2 to a!!ept.

'igiti.e segment 4) (y pressing t e (utton 2. Stop <ust (efore ). ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7 Press (utton 7 to snap t is segment to point ) of segment F)G. T e program pro!eeds to End Segment !ommand (o-.

Spatial data input 6ote also t at t e default setting for Auto Snap in t e Customi.e Segment Editor is sele!ted. T is means t at " en you end a segment "it t e mouse% t e system "ill automati!ally try to snap it. 6o" you "ill pra!ti!e some more "it snapping segments.

Spatial data input

Press (utton K $Snap Split& to split t


e segment F)G to segments# F) and

Press (utton 2 to snap t 'ou(le+!li!5 4). T In t

e segment 4) to one of t e segments $F) or )G&.

e Edit dialog (o- appears.

e Edit dialog (o- sele!t ;r# ;ain road and !li!5 :F.

'igiti.e t e rest of t e segments yourself% and use snap or split " ere ne!es+ #4ange t4e position o* a point
An in!orre!tly digiti.ed point !an (e !orre!ted (y re+positioning it after"ards. Assume t at t e !orre!t position of point C on t e line 3; $4igure 3.D& is at point >. To ! ange t e position of t is point#

Return to t

e Add Segment !ommand (o-. Press (utton 3 to sele!t t e ;ove Point ;ode.

T e program pro!eeds to t e ;ove Points !ommand (o-. In t e ;ove Points ;ode% all segment nodes appear as little (o-es and all intermediate !oordinate pairs appear as small !rosses. T e ;ove Points ;ode!an also (e sele!ted from t e Edit menu or from t e Tool(ar of t e Segment editor. T e !ommands in t e ;ove Points !ommand (o- $4igure 3.77A& are#

>oom in on t Position t

e area surrounding point C.

e digiti.er !ursor $(o-& on an intermediate point near point C and press (utton 7.

+0utton 2# 6o fun!tion. + 0utton 7# Ta5e Point. To sele!t a point to (e moved. +0utton K# C ange *indo".To ! ange t e "indo" displayed on t e s!reen. + 0utton 3# Return.To return to t e Add Segments !ommand (o-.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7 1, IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input

T e program pro!eeds to t e Retou! Point !ommand (o- $4igure 3.770&. T e !ommands in t is !ommand (o- are# + 0utton 2# 6e" Position.To drop t e point at a ne" position. + 0utton 7# Ta5e Point. To sele!t anot er point to (e moved. + 0utton K# Snap. To drop t e point at an e-isting node $snap& or to drop t e point on an e-isting segment to a point on t e segment on " i! it as (een positioned. + 0utton 3# Return.Return to t e ;ove Points !ommand (o-.

Spatial data input

Figure 3.11: T e ;ove

Points $A& and Retou! Point $0& !ommand (o-es.

$A& $0&

9ou !an also use

;ove Points ;odeto

!orre!tly snap e !ursor at t e ne" position% point > and press (utton 2.

Position t

nodes% for e-ample t e end point of segment E4.

>oom in on t Put t

e area around node 4.

e !ursor at node 4% and press (utton 7. T e Retou! Points !ommand (o- is opened. e line E4 is s o"n in red.

Press digiti.er (utton 7 until t To !onne!t it to anot

er segment% press (utton K.

>oom in on t C Cli!5 "it

e area of segment 3;.

oose "it t e mouse pointer t e Sele!t ;ode. Sele!t segment 3;. t e rig t mouse (utton and sele!t 'elete from t e !onte-t+sensi+ tive menu.

:pen t

e !onte-t+sensitive menu and sele!t 3ndelete segments.T e delet+ ed segments "ill (e displayed in t e map "indo" "it a different !olor. e undeleted segment ;3 to really re!over t e segment.

Sele!t t
'eleting a seg%ent ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input In!orre!tly digiti.ed segments !an (e deleted "it t e mouse. Suppose t e segment 3; "as in!orre!tly digiti.ed% and you "ant to delete it#

'eleted segments !an (e undeleted. If t e segment 3; "as deleted (y mista5e and you "ant to undelete it#

'eleted segments% " i! !an (e undeleted% are s o"n in a !olor spe!ified in t e Customi.e Segment Editordialog (o-.

Spatial data input

'ispla$ing seg%ents in di**erent colors 9ou !an qui!5ly see o" many !lasses e-ist in a segment map% (y displaying t e segments in different !olors or in t e !olors defined in a representation.

:pen t

e !onte-t+sensitive menu in t e map "indo" (y !li!5ing t e rig t mouse (utton% and sele!t Customi.e.T e Customi.e Segment Editordia+ log (o- is opened.

Sele!t 'omain from t Cli!5 t Close t

is (o- and !li!5 :F.

e E-it Editor (utton. T e segment map is displayed. e map "indo" after you ave seen t e result.

4rom t is (o- you !an ! oose to display t e segments in 6ormal !olor% !olors defined in t e representation $'omain&% or in Primary Colors.

T e final part of segment digiti.ing is t e ! e!5ing of t e segments. T e items t at are ! e!5ed are interse!tions of lines "it out a node% dead ends in segments% self overlapping segments and !onsisten!y of t e !odes. T e ! e!5ing of segments is not treated ere. In se!tion 3./% a detailed e-planation "ill (e given of t e pro!edure for ! e!5ing segments and !orre!ting errors.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7 100 IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input

3.& 'igitizing contour lines

In t e previous e-er!ise you ave seen o" to digiti.e a segment map "it a !lass domain. 6o" you "ill learn o" to digiti.e segments $!ontour lines& "it a value domain. Ea! !ontour line is digiti.ed "it t e !orresponding eig t as t e value. T e !ontour value is given in t e map $4igure 3.7K&. T is !ontour map !an (e used to !reate a 'igital Elevation ;odel $see ! apter 72&. 'igiti.ing !ontour lines is quite a tedious <o(. To simplify t e e-er!ise% only t e sout ern part t e !ontour map of t e study area "ill (e digiti.ed. * en digiti.ing% ta5e t e follo"ing into !onsideration# + Al"ays digiti.e !ontour lines a little (it furt er outside t e (oundaries of t e study area% to prevent t e (oundaries of t e area aving "rong results after !ontour interpolation. + * ere many !ontour lines are !lose to ea! ot er% it is preferred to digiti.e only a fe" to minimi.e errors in t e interpolation. + To prevent ills aving a flat top% illtops s ould (e digiti.ed as small lines%

;a5e a p Remove t 4rom t

oto!opy of 4igure 3.7K.

e p oto!opy of 4igure 3.D if it is still on t e digiti.er% position t e p oto!opy of 4igure 3.7K in t e !enter of your digiti.er% and fasten it to t e digiti.er. e 4ile menu of t e ;ain "indo"% sele!t ;ap Referen!e. T e ;ap Referen!edialog (o- is opened. e map $4igure 3.7K& to t e digiti.er% similarly% as des!ri(ed in se!tion 3.7.3. ;ind# t e minimum and ma-imum 8 and 9 values are differ+ ent for t is map. e Create item in t e :peration+tree and dou(le+!li!5 6e" Segment ;ap. T e Create Segment ;apdialog (o- is opened. e name of t e map.

Referen!e t E-pand t

Type Isolines for t Sele!t Co! C

a(am(a from t e list (o- Coordinate System.

ange t e ;in 8 and 9 values in ?22D22 and ?2G7@22 respe!tively and t e ;a- 8 and 9 values in ?2?322 and ?2?2722. 0y ma5ing t e minimum 8 and 9 values a (it lo"er $722 m& and t e ma-imum ones a (it ig er $722 m&% you !an digiti.e t e !ontour lines a little (it outside t e map (oundaries. e Create 'omain(utton. T e Create 'omain dialog (o- appears. e 'omain 6ame and sele!t domain TypeCalue. e ;in% ;a- te-t (o-es% and type 2.7 in t e te-t

Cli!5 t

Type Isolines for t

Type K222 and @222 in t

Spatial data input defined (y t e ig est !losed !ontour line% or as a point map in a separate file.

T e Segment editor and t e Add Segments !ommand (o- are opened.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

4rom t T Type t

e Edit menu of t e segment editor% sele!t Insert Code.

e Edit dialog (o- is opened. e value# K/E2. T is "ill (e t e default value for all segments t at you "ill digiti.e from no" on. Cli!5 :F. e !ontour lines "it t e altitude K/E2. After you finis ed digiti.+ ing ea! line% !li!5 :F in t e Edit dialog (o-. e Edit dialog (o-% " i! appears after you finis ed digiti.ing t e line% ! ange t e value into K/?2 and !li!5 :F.

'igiti.e t

Su(sequently digiti.e a first !ontour line of altitude K/?2. In t 'igiti.e t e ot er t"o !ontour lines "it t is altitude. Continue to digiti.e t e rest of t e !ontour lines.

;a5e snap different parts of t you e same * en you sure finis todigiti.ing t e !ontours% !an !ontour easily ! line. e!5 " et er an error "as made% (y ! e!5ing t e code consistency. T e !ode !onsisten!y ! e!5 finds segments t at are !onne!ted% (ut ave different values. T is !annot (e true for !ontour lines.

4rom t

e 4ile menu of t e segment editor% sele!t C e!5 Segments% Code Consisten!y. e defaults in t e C e!5 Segments dialog (o- and !li!5 :F. If t e program finds an error% it "ill indi!ate t e pla!e of t e error "it a red (oand a dialog (o- appears stating t e nature of t e error# 'ifferent !odes
Avalue= and Avalue= at node. >oom in on errorT

A!!ept t

Cli!5 9es to .oom in and !orre!t t


e errors $if any& (y re!oding t e "rong

Press t

e E-it Editor (utton " en t e digiti.ing is finis ed. * en t e segment editor is !losed% t e segments are displayed in a map "indo", segments are displayed "it system representationPseudo.


IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input

Figure 3.1 : T e segment map Isolines.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

3.- #reating a pol$gon %ap

6o" you "ill see o" to digiti.e a polygon map. A polygon map !an (e !reated using t e follo"ing steps# + 'igiti.ing t e (oundaries of t e polygons as segments in t e Segment editor, + C e!5ing t e segments in t e Segment editor, + 'igiti.ing t e la(els of t e polygons as a point map in t e Point editor, + Polygoni.ing t e segments using t e point map as la(els in t e Segment editor. T e digiti.ing of segments is not treated ere anymore. T is "as already e-plained in se!tion 3.3. 9ou "ill start t is e-er!ise "it a segment map t at !ontains a num(er of errors% " i! "ill (e dete!ted and !orre!ted during t e ! e!5ing of t e segments.

;a5e a p In t

oto!opy of 4igure 3.7/ and fi- t is to t e digiti.er. is map "it t e met od e-plained in se!tion 3.7.3.

Referen!e t

e Catalog% !li!5 segment map C e!5seg "it t e rig t mouse (utton and sele!t Edit from t e !onte-t+sensitive menu. T e file "it " i! you "ill "or5 is named C e!5seg. It is t e digital version of 4igure 3.7@. It !ontains segments "it t e !ode 3nit(ound.

Figure 3.13: 'ifferent types of digiti.ing errors t at are dete!ted during t e ! e!5ing of seg+

ments. See te-t for e-planation.


IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input

T e Segment editor and t e Add Segments !ommand (o- are opened.

#4ec5ing seg%ents After you finis ed digiti.ing segments% you s ould ! e!5 " et er all segments are !orre!t. T e most important errors t at may o!!ur during digiti.ing are s o"n in 4igure 3.73#

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

+ 'ead end in segment. T e segment is not !onne!ted to anot er segment. T is is s o"n in e-ample 7. + Interse!tion "it out node. T e segment overlays anot er segment "it out a node. Several e-amples are s o"n in K and 3. + T e same segment is digiti.ed t"i!e. T is may appen in large files% or in files you o(tain from someone else. T is is illustrated in e-ample @. + Self :verlap. T e segment !rosses itself. T is is s o"n in e-ample /. 0efore a map !an (e polygoni.ed% it s ould (e ! e!5ed " et er t e segments ave (een digiti.ed and snapped in a proper "ay. T is ! e!5 is done using t e option C e!5 Segments from t e 4ile menu of t e Segment editor map "indo". 9ou !an ma5e !orre!tions eit er "it t e digiti.er !ursor or "it t e mouse pointer. Segments !an also (e ! e!5ed " en you sele!t t e option Polygoni.e from t e 4ile menu.

4rom t

e 4ile menu of t e editor "indo"% sele!t C e!5 Segment and Self :verlap. T e C e!5 Segments dialog (o- is opened. e defaults and !li!5 :F. T e map is no" ! e!5ed for segments t at overlap t emselves. T e program ! e!5s and a C e!5 Segments message (o- "it t e question >oom in on errorTappears. e part " ere t e error o!!urs. T is is near ' in t e map and t e error is indi!ated "it a red (o-.

A!!ept t

Cli!5 9es to automati!ally .oom in on t

Figure 3.1&: Self overlap error near point ' in 4igure 3.7/. A# :riginal situation s o"ing t e

overlap. 0# Situation after automati!ally removal of false polygon. C# Situation after automati! splitting segments.

Spatial data input T e situation near point ' is s o"n in 4igure 3.7@A. As you !an see t e segment !rosses itself. To !orre!t it automati!ally% t ere are t"o possi(ilities# + Remove t e false polygon $s o"n in 4igure 3.7@0&. + Split t e segment $s o"n in 4igure 3.7@C&.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

Figure 3.1-: Polygon map Geomorp ology.


IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input

e program "ill give an error message# Segment unit(ound $nr @& !ross+
es itself. Remove false polygonT

Cli!5 9es.T 'rag t

e false polygon is removed and t e program "ill !ontinue to ! e!5 for ot er segments t at overlap t emselves. It "ill give again t e mes+ sage >oom in on errorT e C e!5 Segments message (o- outside t e map "indo" and !om+ pare t e segment map near point ' "it 4igure 3.7@0. T en !li!5 9es in t e message (o- to .oom in on t e area near ;. T e message Segment unit+ (ound $nr K7& !rosses itself. Remove false polygonT appears. e message Split Segment unit(oundappears.

Cli!5 6o. T

e interse!tion and a ne" small polygon no" remains near ;. T e situation is !ompara(le "it t e one s o"n in It is in general not advisa(le to use t e automati! editing options $su! as Remove false polygon% or Split Segment&% sin!e t is may lead to many small polygons $if you use t e Split Segment option&% or to un"anted generali.ation of t e segment $if you use t e Remove false polygon option&. Instead it is often (etter to edit t e error manually using t e ;ove Point ;ode.

Cli!5 9es. A node is inserted at t

e program is no" ! e!5ing furt er on segments t at overlap t emselves and "ill give again t e message >oom in on errorT e area "it t e red (o- $(et"een ; and )&. An error message Segment unit(ound $nr K/& !rosses itself. Remove false polygonTis s o"n. e Tool(ar and .oom in on t e lo"er part of t e

Cli!5 9es to .oom in on t

Cli!5 Can!el. Press t e >oom In (utton on t

la5e (et"een ; and ).

Cli!5 t

e ;ove Points (utton and use t e mouse in t " e form of little t"ee.ers% to move t e intermediate points of t e segment% pointer% i! is no" until t ey no longer overlap.

Cli!5 t 4rom t

e Sele!t ;ode (utton and t e Entire ;ap(utton " en finis ed. e 4ile menu in t e Segment editor% sele!t C e!5 Segments% Self :verlap. T e C e!5 Segments dialog (o- is opened. Sele!t t e ! e!5 (o- Start at 6um(er. T e num(er of t e last ! e!5ed seg+ment is s o"n. Cli!5 :F. T e ! e!5ing is resumed and% if you made t e !orre!tions "ell% no ot er self overlapping segments are found and t e Segment Editor message :F# Segments are not overlapping t emselvesappears.

Cli!5 :F to !lose t
ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

e message (o-.

Spatial data input

T e ne-t ! e!5 t at "ill (e made is on dead ends in segments $see 4igure 3.73 e-ample 7&.

4rom t

e 4ile menu in t e Segment editor% sele!t C e!5 Segments and 'ead Ends. T e C e!5 Segments dialog (o- is opened. e map is no" ! e!5ed for segments t at are not !onne!ted to ot ers $dead ends&. An error message "ill appear# 'ead end in Segment
unit(ound $nr 7@&. >oom in on errorT

Cli!5 :F. T

Cli!5 9es to .oom in on t

4igure 3.7E.

e area around H. T e situation near H is s o"n in

3se t

e mouse pointer to move t e nodes of t e segments until t ey !onne!t. Return to Sele!t ;ode and !li!5 t e Entire map (utton " en finis ed. e 4ile menu of t e Segment editor% sele!t C e!5 Segments% 'ead Ends. T e C e!5 Segments dialog (o- is opened. e option Start at 6um(erand !li!5 :F. T e ! e!5ing is resumed. Again an error message "ill appear% no" near point Q. e error at point Q and resume ! e!5ing dead ends. 9ou may need to e-tend t e map "indo" $via t e :ptions menu& a (it on t e left $e.g. 72U&. T ere "ill (e anot er error at point '. Continue ! e!5ing dead ends until no

4rom t

Sele!t t

Corre!t t


IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input

Figure 3.1+: 'ead ends in segments% near H in t e map of 4igure 3.7/.

As you !an see t ere are t ree segments at point H " i! are not properly !onne!ted.

T e last ! e!5 t at "ill (e made is on intersections &ithout nodes $see 4igure 3.73 e-amples K and 3&.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input

'isplay t 4rom t

e entire map.

e 4ile menu of t e Segment editor% sele!t C e!5 Segments and Interse!tions. T e C e!5 Segments dialog (o- is opened. e map is no" ! e!5ed for segments t at are interse!ting "it out a node. T e message >oom in on errorTappears.

Cli!5 :F. T

e situation near E is s o"n in 4igure near 3.7GA. T e situation point E after automati! !orre!tion is s o"n in 4igure 3.7G 0. As

Cli!5 9es to .oom in on a lo!ation near E. T

Figure 3.17: Interse!tion "it out node near point E in 4igure 3.7/.

A# :riginal situation. 0# Situation after automati! !orre!tion.

you !an see% it is not al"ays advisa(le to use t e automati! editing option sin!e t is


er error message Interse!tion "it out node in Segment unit(ound $nr E&. Split segmentTappears.

Cli!5 9es.
may lead to many small polygons. Instead it is often (etter to edit t e error manually using t e ;ove Point ;ode. 9ou "ill no" !orre!t t e error near ) manually using t e ;ove Points ;ode.

e program resumes ! e!5ing interse!tions and "ill display an error mes+ sage for an error near ) $after you !li!5ed 9es in t e >oom in on errormes+ sage (o-&. 'o not a!!ept automati! !orre!tion and sele!t 6o. e mouse pointer to move t e nodes of t e segments so t at t e t"o segments no longer interse!t. Cli!5 t e Entire ;ap(utton " en finis ed. e 4ile menu in t e map "indo"% sele!t C e!5 Segments and Interse!tions. T e C e!5 Segments dialog (o- is opened.

3se t

4rom t

Spatial data input

Sele!t t

e option Start at 6um(erand !li!5 :F. If you !orre!ted t e previ+ ous errors "ell% no more errors are found.

T ere is one more option to ! e!5 segments# Code Consisten!y. T is is useful only in situations " ere you "ant only segments "it t e same !ode to (e !onne!ted. 4or e-ample% in t e !ase of !ontour lines% " ere only lines "it t e same altitude !ode s ould (e !onne!ted. In t e e-ample of t e segment map C e!5seg t is is not a useful option% sin!e t ere is only one segment !ode $3nit(ound&. To (etter see t e effe!t of automati! editing% you "ill no" !orre!t for t e small polygons t at "ere generated during t e automati! editing in point ; and point E. 9ou "ill do t is "it t e mouse pointer.

>oom in on t e area around ;. C oose t e Sele!t ;ode% sele!t t

e small un"anted segments and delete t em (y pressing 'elete. Repeat t e pro!edure for t e area around point E and !li!5 t e Save (utton " en you are finis ed "it t e e-er!ise.

E-it t

e Segment editor (y pressing t e E-it Editor (utton

. 9ou "ill return to a map "indo" displaying t e !orre!t segments. T e segments of segment map C e!5seg are no" error free% and you !an pro!eed "it t e !reation of t e polygon map.

#reating a la)el point *ile * en you !reate a polygon map% t e (est pro!edure is to digiti.e t e (oundary lines of t e segments in a segment map% and t e la(els or names of t e polygons as points in a point map. 6o" you "ill digiti.e a point map% !ontaining t e names of t e units

In t

e map "indo" displaying t e !orre!ted segments% open t e 4ile menu and sele!t Create% Point ;ap. T e Create Point ;apdialog (o- is opened. e ;ap 6ame te-t (o-.

Type )andunit in t Type for t Cli!5 t

e 'es!ription# Points indi!ating t e la(els of land unit polygons. e Create (utton ne-t to t e 'omain list (o-. T e Create 'omain dialog (o- is opened.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7 )andunit in t e te-t (o- 'omain 6ame. Type 110

Sele!t t

e option Class and !li!5 :F. T e 'omain Class editor is3.0 User s Guide IL WIS

Spatial data input in t e map of 4igure 3.7/.

Spatial data input

Press t

e Insert 5ey or !li!5 on t e Add Item (utton Add 'omain Itemdialog (o- appears. t e domain inAdd t e Tool(ar . T eitem# Alluvial fan and !li!5 :F. Add also t e domain items# Infilled la5e% )a5e and ;ountain.

Close t

e 'omain Class editor. 9ou are no" (a!5 in t e Create Point ;ap dialog (o-. Cli!5 :F. T e Point editor and t e Point Editor !ommand (o- are opened $4igure 3./&.

'igiti.e a point "it

in ea! of t e units indi!ated in 4igure 3.7/. See se!tion 3.K on o" to digiti.e points $you !an also do t is "it t e mouse pointer&. * en you are finis ed digiti.ing t e points% !li!5 t e E-it Editor (utton in t e Point editor. T e point map )andunit is displayed on top of segment map C e!5seg. #reating t4e pol$gon %ap 6o" t at t e segments are ! e!5ed and you ave a la(el point file% you !an pro!eed "it t e polygoni.ation.

Cli!5 "it 4rom t

t e rig t mouse (utton on t e segment map C e!5seg in t e

)ayer ;anagement pane% and sele!t Edit )ayer.

e 4ile menu of t e Segment editor% sele!t Polygoni.e.T e Polygoni.e Segment ;apdialog (o- is opened.

Sele!t t

e option )a(el Points and sele!t t e point map )andunit.

Type )andunit for :utput Polygon ;ap. Type# Polygon map of land units for 'es!ription% a!!ept all ot
er defaults and !li!5 :F. T e segments are ! e!5ed again and t e map is no" polygoni.ed. After t e Polygoni.ation t e 'isplay :ptions dialog (o- is opened. e polygon map is s o"n. Cli!5 t e units to find out t eir names. 9ou !an also ! e!5 t e units in t e legend.

Cli!5 :F. T

At t is point you ave t e possi(ility to polygoni.e t e map using a point map "it ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input la(els $!ontaining t e name of t e polygons&% to use a domain% or to auto identify t e polygons $in " i! !ase default names "ill (e assigned to t e polygons&.

T e last step is to edit t e polygons. In order to (e a(le to edit it% you s ould first (rea5 t e dependen!y lin5 (et"een t e polygon map )andunit and t e segment map C e!5seg.

Spatial data input

'ou(le+!li!5 t Sele!t t
0diting pol$gons

e "ord AProperties= in t e )ayer ;anagement pane. T e Properties s eet is opened. e 'ependen!y ta(% !li!5 t e 0rea5 'ependen!y )in5(utton and !onfirm "it 9es. e map "indo" open t e Edit menu and sele!t Edit )ayer7 )andunit.

In t

T e Polygon editor and t e Polygon Editor !ommand (o- are opened. T e Polygon Editor !ommand (o- only !ontains t"o options# +0utton 2# Edit Calue# To ! ange t e name of a polygon. + 0utton 7# 6o fun!tion. + 0utton K# C ange *indo"# To ! ange t e area displayed on t e s!reen. + 0utton 3# 6o fun!tion.

>oom in on t

e area around E and 4.

If you forgot to add a la(el point to t

e t ree small la5e polygons (efore% you !an edit t e names of t e polygons no". 'ou(le+!li!5 t e units% sele!t )a5e and press Enter . en finis ed% press t e E-it Editor (utton. e polygon map )andunit is no" ready. Close t e map "indo" " en

* T

Create a segment map )andunitK% using t

e !oordinate system Co! a(am(a. 'igiti.e t e lines of 4igure 3.7/ in a similar "ay as e-plained in se!tion 3.3. 'igiti.e all segments% in!luding t e (oundaries of t e map% and ma5e sure to snap all segments. All segments in t e map may re!eive t e same !ode# )andunitK. e!5 t e segments and !orre!t t e errors. Co! a(am(a% digiti.e t e la(els% and use t is point map toget er "it t e segment map )andunitK to !reate a polygon map )andunitK.

Create a point map )andunitK% also using !oordinate system

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7 11 IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input

If you "ant to pra!ti!e some more "it t e !reation of a polygon map% you !an digiti.e t e landunit segments of 4igure 3.7@ yourself% do t e segment ! e!5 and polygoni.e t e segments.

Spatial data input

Su%%ar$: 'igitizing %aps + Spatial data in I)*IS are digiti.ed as point% segment or polygon maps. + An individual point is defined (y 8 and 9 !oordinates. + A segment is !omposed of a series of intermediate points% !onne!ted (y straig t lines% "it a start and an end node. + A polygon is a !losed area !onsisting of one or more segments. + Point% segment and polygon maps are digiti.ed and edited "it t e Point editor% Segment editor and Polygon editor respe!tively. + T e editors "or5 in Sele!t% Insert and ;ove Point modes. T e Polygon editor only as a Sele!t ;ode. + 9ou !an add features to t e sele!tion% (y !li!5ing t em " ile pressing and olding t e CTR) 5ey. * en you ave !ompleted t e sele!tion% release t e CTR) 5ey. To sele!t all points or pi-els "it in a spe!ifi! area% define a "indo" en!losing t em. T is "indo" !an (e defined (y dragging it "it t e left mouse (utton. To desele!t any of t ese features% press and old t e SHI4TMCTR) 5eys and !li!5 on t e sele!ted features. * en you ave finis ed desele!ting% release t e SHI4TMCTR) 5eys. To toggle (et"een sele!ted and desele!ted features% press and old do"n t e SHI4T 5ey% !li!5 t e sele!ted one to (e desele!ted% and non+sele!ted one to (e sele!ted. * en finis ed% release t e SHI4T 5ey. + Segments are digiti.ed eit er (y !ontinuously digiti.ing t em $stream mode&% or (y pressing t e digiti.er !ursor only for some points along t e line $point mode&. + A data redu!tion pro!edure !alled tunneling is !arried out automati!ally% to redu!e t e num(er of points defining a segment. + In a segment map% generally% it is not needed to !onne!t segments to ea! ot er% e-!ept " en it !on!erns linear features t at "ill (e used% e.g.% in net"or5 analysis. + In a polygon map% all segments forming a polygon ave to (e !onne!ted $snapped& to ea! ot er at interse!tions. In ot er "ords% all (oundary lines of polygons s ould (e snapped to ea! ot er at t eir nodes. ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

Spatial data input + Segments !an (e ! e!5ed for 'ead Ends $a node t at is not !onne!ted&% Interse!tions "it out node $segment overlays "it out a node&% and Self :verlap $a segment t at !rosses itself&. 4or !ontour maps% it is also useful to ! e!5 for Code Consisten!y$! e!5 if !onne!ted segments ave t e same !ode&. + Polygon maps are made (y digiti.ing t e (oundary lines in t e Segment editor% ! e!5ing t e segments% and polygoni.ing t em.

Spatial data input

+ A domain type I'% !lass or value% !an (e sele!ted for a ne" map. T e domain of a map is sele!ted (ased on t e data represented (y t e map% e.g. a domain type !lass for a land use map% value domain for a segment map representing t e !ontour lines. + 9ou !an also use domain type 3nique I' for ne" maps. If you li5e you !an assign user+defined names to t e points% segments or polygons yourself.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7 11& IL WIS 3.0 User s Guide

Spatial data input

3.+ 6dditional in*or%ation on digitizing p4otograp4s

!onoplotting on t4e digitizer /onoplotting is t e a!tivity of digiti.ing segments and points from an aerial p otograp " ile !orre!ting relief and !amera tilt distortion. 'uring digiti.ing t e soft"are is transforming t e gat ered !oordinates su! t at t ey fit on a topograp i! map defined "it a Cartesian !oordinate system. T e transformation requires a 'T;% in t e form of a raster map% " ose georeferen!e as t e same Cartesian !oordinate system% or at least a similar system " i! is !onverti(le into t e one of t e !reated segment or point map. T e 'T; is needed to !ompute t e distortions due to t e relief in t e terrain. To digiti.e on aerial p otograp s you need to !reate a coordinate system Direct Linear or a coordinate system Orthophoto. 4or more information refer to t e I)*IS Help# Ho" to monoplot $on t e digiti.er&.

Screen digitizing In I)*IS it is furt ermore possi(le to digiti.e a satellite image or s!anned p otograp "it t e mouse pointer on your s!reen. Screen digitizing is t e pro!ess of !reating andOor editing a segment or point map " ile an e-isting raster map is displayed as a (a!5ground in a map "indo". T e raster map !an (e for instan!e a (and of a satellite image% a !olor !omposite% a s!anned map% or a s!anned p otograp . T e (a!5ground map or p oto needs to ave a georeferen!e of type# + Tiepoints# for satellite imagery, + Direct Linear# " en t e p otograp is ta5en "it a normal !amera, + Orthophoto# " en t e aerial p otograp is ta5en "it a professional p otogram+ metri! !amera and as fidu!ial mar5s. 4or t e dire!t linear and ort op oto georeferen!es a 'E; s ould (e availa(le. 4or more information% refer to t e I)*IS Help% topi!s Ho" to s!reen digiti.eand Ho" to monoplot $on s!reen&.


An orthophoto is a re!tified $nort +oriented raster map "it square pi-els& s!anned p otogrammetri! aerial p otograp "it !orre!tions for tilt and relief displa!ement. An ort op oto is o(tained (y resampling a p otograp " i! as a geore(erence orthophoto to a geore(erence corners. 4or more information see I)*IS Help# Ho" to

Spatial data input

!reate an ort op oto.

4rom t e I)*IS "e( site% you !an do"nload te-t and data for an e-er!ise on !reating an ort op oto $see I)*IS K.K Guide&.

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide 7

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