Group Member Augustino Dere Puthyrak KANG

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Group Member Augustino Dere Puthyrak KANG

Presentation Objectives
Answer three basic Questions :

What? what is ATM How ? how it works. Why? -- why its used (benefits)

I - Introduction: Definition O er ie!: "istory# $eatures II - A%M Protoco&'Architecture

What ?

(eference Mode& Architecture of A%M net!ork )irtua& *onnection *e&& $ormatted A%M (outing *ongestion *ontro& - +er ice - ,ua&ity of +er ice - (ate--ased Approach

ow ?

III- A%M -enefit I) - *onc&usion

Why? 3

ATM !efinition
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) A high-performance# ce&&-oriented s!itching and mu&tip& techno&ogy that uti&i/es fi.ed&ength packets to carry different types of traffic0

ATM O"er"iew
A%M: A%M !as designed in ear&y 1223s In October 1221# A%M $orum !ith four companies as members4 Adapti e 5N6%7# *I+*O# Norther %e&ecom# and +print0 +ince then# A%M $orum members has gro!n to o er 833 principa& members0 A%M aim is to e.pedite the process of integrating AM% into the market0 It is designed for high-performance mu&timedia net!orking0 It enab&es carriers to transmit oice# ideo# and future media app&ications0 It9s suitab&e for bursty traffic0 It a&&o!s communication bet!een de ices that operate at different speeds0 It can be offered as an end-user ser ice by ser ice pro iders# or as a net!orking infrastructure It is a set of internationa& interface and signa&ing standards defined by I%:-% +tandards +ector0

ATM O"er"iew
So far, ATM has been implemented in :

P*# !orkstation# and ser er net!ork interface cards +!itched-6thernet and token-ring !orkgroup hubs A%M enterprise net!ork s!itches A%M mu&tip&e.ers A%M-edge s!itches A%M-backbone s!itches

ATM #eatures
Main features of ATM

+er ice is connection oriented# !ith data transferred o er a )* A ce&&-s!itched net!ork 5architecture70 $i.ed-si/e ce&& 5;<--ytes7 :ses Asynchronous time-di ision mu&tip& 5Asynchronous %DM7 %he ,uantity of +er ice 5,of+7 enab&e carriers to transmit oice# data# and ideo0 A%M is independent of the transmission medium0 A%M ce&&s can be sent on a !ire or fiber# and can a&so be packaged inside the pay&oad of other carrier system0

Fixed and Small Si e !ell

Ad"anta#e: %ransmitted !ith predictabi&ity and uniformity0

6asy to be mu&tip&e.ed !ith other ce&&s# and routed through the ce&& net!ork0 =ith high speed of the &inks# sma&& and fi.ed-si/e ce&&s seem to arri e their respecti e destinations in an appro.imation of continuous stream# despite inter&ea ing0 60g0 phone ca&&0 +imp&er buffer hard!are# a oiding memory fragmentation prob&em +imp&er ce&&s schedu&ing: - 6asier to a&&ocate different band!idths and de&ays to different )*s0 - 6asier to imp&ement priority - $i.ed si/ed can be s!itched in para&&e& in synchronous fashion0 It9s suitab&e for time-critica& information such as oice or ideo ,uicker reco ery in case of circuit fai&ure0

#i$ed-%i&e and %'all (ell

$isad"anta#e: Processing o erhead as messages are segmented into ce&&s

+egmentation mismatch# as the &ast ce&& in a fragmented message may not be fu&&y used0 %his effect !i&& decrease as the message &ength increases0

ATM 'ulti)le$in*

a7 Asynchronous %DM : A%M mu&tip&e.ers fi&& a s&ot !ith a ce&& from any input channe& that has a ce&&0 b7 %DM



%ow does ATM wor& '


ATM Technology Reference Model

!ontrol responsib&e for generating and managing signa&ing re>uest 5connection management70 (ser dea&s !ith data transport# f&o! contro&# error correction# and other user functions0 )ayer Mana#ement : manages &ayer-specific functions 5detection of fai&ures and protoco& prob&ems7 *lane Mana#ement: manages and coordinates functions re&ated to the comp&ete system0


ATM Technology Reference Model

*hysical Medium+$ependent (*M$), ha ing t!o functions: +ynchroni/es transmission and reception by sending and recei ing a continuous f&o! of bits !ith associated timing information0 +pecifies the physica& media for the physica& medium used# inc&uding connector type and cab&e0


ATM Technology Reference Model

Transmission !on"er#ence (T!) , ha ing four functions: *e&& de&ineation# generating ce&& boundaries0 "eader error contro& 5"6*7 se>uence generation and erification *e&&-rate decoup&ing# maintaining synchroni/ation and inserting or suppressing id&e A%M ce&&s to rate of a&id A%M ce&&s to the pay&oad capacity of transmission system0 %ransmission frame adaptation# packaging ce&&s into frame acceptab&e to the particu&ar physica& &ayer imp&ementation0


ATM Technology Reference Model

ATM )ayer Pro ides

Defining ce&&s &ayout Defining header (outing 6stab&ishment and re&ease )*0 +!itching Mu&tip& *ongestion contro&0


ATM Technology Reference Model

A%M defines four ersions of the AA?: AA)-: +upport *onstant-bit-rate data 5*-(7 from upper &ayer@ ideo and oice0

AA).: :sed for &o!-bit-rate and short-frame traffic such as audio 5compressed or uncompressed7# ideo# or fa.0 AA?8 a&&o!s the mu&tip& of short frames into one ce&&0 AA)/01: support connection-oriented and connenction&ess data ser ices AA)2: Assumes that a&& ce&&s be&onging to a sing&e message tra e& se>uentia&&y and that contro& functions are inc&uded in the &ayers of the sending app&ication0


ATM Technology Reference Model

ATM Adaptation )ayer (AA)) 6nab&es A%M to accept any type of pay&oad# both data frames and streams of bits $ragments them into sma&& and fi.ed-si/e *e&&s (eassemb&es *e&&s !on"er#ence sub layer (!S): prepares data to ensure their integrity# pro iding standard interface0 Se#mentation and 3eassembly (SA3): +egments the pay&oad into AB-byte ce&&s# and at the destination# reassemb&e them to recreate the origina& pay&oad0


ATM Technology Reference Model


ATM Technology Reference Model


ATM Technology Architecture of ATM Networ

"c "p "p "p "c


+ser-to-network interface (!N"), interface between end)oint (user access de"ices) and network switches. -etwork-to-network interface (NN"s), interface between switches insides the network.


ATM Technology ATM #irtual $onnection

-+ Transmission *ath (T*): the physica& connection 5!ire# cab&e# sate&&ite# C 7 bet!een an endpoint and a s!itch or bet!een t!o s!itches0 .+ 4irtual *aths (4*s): pro ides a connection or a set of connections bet!een t!o s!itches0 /+ 4irtual !ircuits (4!s): *e&& net!orks are based on irtua& circuits0 A&& ce&&s be&onging a sing&e message fo&&o! the same irtua& circuit and remain in their origina& order unti& they reach their destination0 )* must be set up across the A%M net!ork prior to any data transfer0


ATM Technology ATM %ra&e and Header 'tructure


ATM Technology ATM %ra&e and Header 'tructure

5eneric Flow !ontrol (5F!) pro ides f&o! contro& at the :NI &e e& 4irtual *ath 6dentifier (4*6) identifies the ce&&9s ne.t )P to pass through a series of net!ork0 4irtual !hannel 6dentifier (4!6) Identifies the ce&&9s ne.t )* inside the )P0 *ayload Type (*T) %he first bit indicates !hether the ce&& contains user data 5bit 37 or contro& data 5bit 170 %he second bit indicates congestion 53 D no congestion# 1 D congestion7# and %he third bit indicates !hether the ce&& is the &ast in a series of ce&&s 51 D &ast ce&&s for the frame7 !ell )oss *riority (!)*) Indication if the ce&& shou&d be discarded if it encounters e.treme congestions as it mo es through the net!ork 5bit 1 D discarded in referenced to ce&&s !ith *?P e>ua& to 37 %eader 7rror !ontrol (%7!) *a&cu&ates checksum on&y on the first A bytes of the header0 "6* can detect error and correct a sing&e bit error in these bytesEthus preser ing the ce&& rather than discarding it0


ATM Routing

A ce&& of ;< bytes is used as a data unit for transfer0 A%M uses t!o types of connections: a permanent irtua& circuit 5P)*7 and a +!itch )irtua& *ircuit 5+)*70 A%M uses s!itches to route the ce&& from one source endpoint to the destination A s!itch routes the ce&& using both the )PIs and the )*Is0




ATM 'ervices
-+ !onstant 8it 3ate (!83):

*-( is used by a connections that re>uires a static amount of band!idth that is continuous&y a ai&ab&e during the connection time0 It appropriates for such app&ications as te&ephone traffic# ideo conferencing# interacti e Audio# %)

.+ 3ate+9on+3eal Time 4ariable 8it (nrt+483)

A&&o!s users to send traffic at a rate that aries !ith time depending on the a ai&abi&ity of user information0 App&ication: emai&0

/+ 3ate+3eal Time 4ariable 8it 3ate (rt+483):

Intended for those app&ication !hich re>uires tight&y constrained de&ay and de&ay ariation0 App&ication: oice !ith speech acti ity detection 5+AD7 and interacti e compressed ideo0

1+ A"ailable 8it 3ate (A83)

Pro ides rate-based f&o! contro& Depending on the state of congestion in the net!ork# the source is re>uired to contro& its rate0 A&&o!s users to dec&are a minimum ce&& rate guaranteed to the connection by the net!ork0 Aimed at data traffic such as fi&e transfer and e-mai&0

2+ (nspecified 8it 3ate ((83)

Intended for non-rea& time app&ication !hich do not re>uire tight&y constrained de&ay and de&ay ariation0 =ide&y used today for %*P'IP


ATM .uality of %er"ice (.o%) and Traffic Attributes

%he fo&&o!ing ,o+ parameters need to be specified by the user !hen setting up the connection QoS *arameters *e&& %ransfer De&ay (!T$) $efinition %he de&ay bet!een the first bit of the ce&& is transmitted by the source and the &ast bit of the ce&& is recei ed by the destination - Inc&udes propagation de&ays# >ueuing de&ays at arious s!itches# and ser ice times at >ueuing points0

*e&& De&ay )ariation (!$4) *e&& ?ost (atio (!)3) *e&& De&ay )ariation %o&erance (!$4T)

%he difference of the ma.imum and minimum *%D e.perienced during the connection0 %he percentage of ce&&s &ost in the net!ork due to congestion and buffer o erf&o!0 A&&o!s the users to send abo e P*( !ith a certain to&erance0


ATM .uality of %er"ice (.o%) and Traffic Attributes

%he fo&&o!ing traffic attributes a&so needs to be specified by the user during the connection setup0 Traffic *arameters Peak *e&& (ate (*!3) +ustained *e&& (ate (S!3) -urst %o&erance (8T) Ma.imum -urst +i/e (M8S) $efinition %he ma.imum ce&& rate at !hich the user !i&& transmit0 %he ma.imum &ong-term a erage ce&& rate of the user0 Determines the ma. burst that can be sent at the peak rate0 %he ma. number of ce&&s that can be sent at the peak ce&& rate# but !ithout io&ating the sustained ce&& rate0

Minimum *e&& (ate (M!3)

%he minimum rate desired by a user


ATM .uality of %er"ice (.o%) and Traffic Attributes

Attribute P*( and *D)% +*(# M-+# *D)% M*( Peak-to-peak *DMean *%D Ma.imum *%D *?( !on#estion !ontrol !83 F6+ n'a n'a F6+ NO F6+ F6+ 9: 3t+483 F6+ F6+ n'a F6+ NO F6+ F6+ 9: 9r+483 F6+ F6+ n'a NO F6+ NO F6+ 9: (83 F6+ n'a n'a NO NO NO NO 9: A83 F6+ n'a F6+ NO NO NO F6+ ;7S

Among these ser ice c&asses# A-( is common&y used for data transmissions !hich re>uire a guaranteed ,o+# such as &o! probabi&ity of &oss and error0 +ma&& de&ay is a&so re>uired for some app&ication0 Due to the burstiness# upreditabi&ity and huge amount of the data traffic# congestion control of this c&ass is the most needed0


ATM $ongestion $ontrol

Ob/ecti"es of (on*estion (ontrol ?

+upport a set of ,o+ parameters and c&asses for a&& A%M ser ices Minimi/e net!ork and en-system comp&e.ity !hi&e ma.imi/ing the net!ork uti&i/ation0


ATM $ongestion $ontrol

*ongestion happens !hene er the input rate is more that the a ai&ab&e &ink capacity:

Sum (input rate) < A"ailable )in& !apacity

%he traffic mana#ement wor&in# #roup !as started in the $orum in May 122<4 !ith main duties to estab&ish a mechanism for congestion control. %here !ere a number of congestion schemes !ere presented4 these are 1. Fast Resource Management, 2. Delay-Based Rate Control, 3. Backward E !licit Congestion "oti#ication $BEC"%, &. Early 'acket Discard, (. )ink *indow wit+ End-to-End Binary Rate, ,. Fair -ueuing wit+ Rate and Bu##er #eed.ack, /. Credit-Based 0!!roac+ and 1. Rate-Based 0!!roac+. "o!e er# the !orking group se&ected t!o key proposa&s 4 *redit--ased Approach and (ate--ased Approach4 for the forum to make decision0 After a considerab&e debate !hich &asts for o er a year# A%M $orm adopted the (ate--ased Approach and reGected the credit-based approach0


ATM $ongestion $ontrol

%he fo&&o!ing is the main se&ection criteria used to sort out the abo e proposa&: 1- +ca&abi&ity: %he scheme shou&d not be &imited to a particu&ar range of speed# distance# number of s!itches# or number of )*s0 %he scheme shou&d be app&icab&e for both ?AN and =AN0 8- Optima&ity A fair share of band!idth among sources# !hich is based on such fairness criteria as Ma.-Min <- $airness Inde. %he share of band!idth for each source shou&d be e>ua& to or con erge to the optima& a&ue according to some optima&ity criterion0 A- (obustness %he scheme shou&d be insensiti e to minor de iations such as s&ight mistuning of parameters or &oss of contro& messages0 It shou&d a&so iso&ate misbeha ing users and protect other users from them0 ;- Imp&ementabi&ity %he scheme shou&d not dictate a particu&ar s!itch architecture0 It a&so shou&d not be too comp&e. both in term of time and space it uses0


ATM $ongestion $ontrol ( Rate)*ased A++roach

3ate+8ased Approach= basic concept:

%his approach contro&s the rate by !hich the source can transmit0 If the net!ork is &ight &oaded# the source are a&&o!ed to increase its ce&& rate0 If the net!ork is congested# the source shou&d decrease its rate0 +!itches monitor their >ueue &engths and if congested set 6.p&icit $or!ard *ongestion Indicator 56$*I7 to 10 %he destination monitors these indications for a periodic inter a& and sends a (M ce&& back the source0 %he sources use an additi e increase and mu&tip&icati e decrease a&gorithm to adGust their rates0


ATM $ongestion $ontrol ( Rate)*ased A++roach

Ho+ by Ho+


ATM $ongestion $ontrol ( Rate)*ased A++roach

+tructure of 3esource Mana#ement !ells: A%M $orum %echnica& *ommittee specifies the format of the (M-ce&& as fo&&o!:
A%M "eader Protoco& ID Direction
Message %ype

1-; -ytes 1 -yte 1 bit 1 bit 1 bit 1 bit 1 bit < bit 8 -ytes 8 -ytes 8 -ytes A -ytes A -ytes <30H; -ytes 13 -its

the standard A%M header 1 for A-( ser ice 3 for!ard (M-ce&&s@ 1 for back!ard (M-ce&&s 1 for s!itch generated 5-6*N7 (M-ce&&s 3 for source generated (M-ce&&s 1 : congestion@ 3 : no congestion 1 : no additi e increase of rate@ 3 : additi e increase

-ack!ard Notification *ongestion Indication No Increase (e>uest'Ackno!&edg e (eser ed 6.p&icit *e&& (ate *urrent *e&& (ate Minimum *e&& (ate ,ueue ?ength +e>uence Number (eser ed *(*-13

used to &imit the source rate to a specific a&ue0 used to indicate to current ce&& rate of the source the minimum ce&& rate desired by the source0



Why ATM is used ?


ATM *enefits

(e enue opportunities (educes infrastructure costs through efficient band!idth management# operationa& simp&icity# and the conso&idation of o er&ay net!orks0 "igh performance ia hard!are s!itching Dynamic band!idth for bursty traffic


A%M is a f&e.ib&e and po!erfu& techno&ogy !hich integrates the ce&&-s!itching and mu&tip& functions# and enab&es transmissions o er a ariety of carrier system0 It9s designed for high performance mu&timedia net!orking# and suitab&e for bursty traffic0 A%M techno&ogy is a po!erfu& common p&atform for ?AN and =AN to increase producti ity# to reduce costs and to imp&ement ne! app&ications and ser ice0 %hus# the potentia& demand for A%M is a direct resu&t of the !idespread of ?ANs and =ANs# massi e demand for fi&e transfers# and gro!ing interest in Ipaper&ess officeJ techno&ogies0 %he gro!ing in mu&timedia market is another huge potentia&ity of A%M0 "o!e er# the success of A%M !i&& be determined by t!o se>uentia& e ents: first ho! fast the standard is fina&i/ed and then ho! fast can endors bring A%M products to the market0



0 - Which field in the ATM header can check the header error?
Ans!er : "6* 4 %eader 7rror !ontrol (%7!)

1 What is the si&e of ATM fra'e ?

Ans!er : ;< -ytes



Andre! +0 %anenbaum#J*omputer Net!orksJ# fourth edition -ehrou/ A0 $orou/an# IData *ommunications and Net!orking#J third edition

:nline Sources

Internationa& 6ngineering *onsortium# http:''!!!0iec0org'on&ine'tutoria&s'atmKfund K0 +iu and (0 Lain# IA -rief O er ie! of A%M: Protoco& ?ayers# ?AN 6mu&ation# and %raffic Management#J*omputer *ommunications (e ie! 5A*M +IG*OMM7# o& 8;# no 8# Apri& 122;0 5http:''!!!0cis0ohio-state0edu'MGain'papers'atmKtut0htm7 A%M +!itching# http:''!!!0cisco0com'uni ercd'cc'td'doc'cisint!k'itoKdoc'atm0htm A%M *e&& +tructure# http:''!!!0cisco0com'uni ercd'cc'td'doc'product'atm'cB;A3'18K3'1<K12'troub&e'ce&&s0htm http:''ntrg0cs0tcd0ie'undergrad'Aba8'atm'inde.0htm& A%M %raffic *ontro&# http:''ntrg0cs0tcd0ie'undergrad'Aba8'atm'A%Mtraffic0htm&Nnrm A%M *ongestion *ontro&s# http:''!!!0cis0ohio-state0edu'MGain'cisHBB-2;'ftp'atmKcong'inde.0htm&


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