GSM Feature Configuration: Huawei Technologies Co., LTD

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GSM Feature Configuration

Issue Date

01 2010-11-04


Co$%rig&t ' Hua(ei Te)&no*ogies Co"# !t+" 2010" A** rig&ts reser,e+"
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Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

$%out This &o u'ent

()* +eature Configuration

About This Document

The in re'ental **# o''ands are e,ported fro' the Configuration *anage'ent -,press (C*-)! +or ea h .erifi ation" o''ands should %e deli.ered one %y one a ording to .erifi ation des riptions and results should %e o%ser.ed!

Configuration Express Description

The /)C Configuration -,press refers to the ingress for onfiguring o%0e ts of the /)C le.el! $s shown in the following figure" sele t GSM fro' the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area! $ll the nodes under the GSM tree %elong to the /)C Configuration -,press!

The /T) Configuration -,press refers to the ingress for onfiguring o%0e ts of the /T) le.el! 1ight- li 2 any /T) in the Main na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area and sele t BTS Configuration Express! The interfa e for onfiguring /T) para'eters is displayed! The Cell Configuration -,press refers to the ingress for onfiguring o%0e ts of the ell le.el! 1ight- li 2 any ell in the Main na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area and the Cell Configuration Express interfa e is displayed! $lternati.ely" in the interfa e for /T) topology onfiguration" right- li 2 any ell" and the Configure Cell Parameter interfa e is
ii Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

$%out This &o u'ent

displayed" whi h is the Cell onfiguration -,press! The 3eigh%oring Cell Configuration -,press refers to the ingress for onfiguring neigh%oring ells! 1ight- li 2 any ()* ell in the Main na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area and sele t Neighboring Cell Configuration Express! The interfa e for neigh%oring ell onfiguration is displayed! )ele t the ell for whi h neigh%oring ells need to %e onfigured fro' the o%0e t tree on the left of the interfa e for neigh%oring ell onfiguration! The infor'ation a%out the onfigured neigh%oring ells of this ell is displayed on the upper area on the left of the onfiguration interfa e! To onfigure %idire tional neigh%oring ells" sele t Bidirectional! )et the ()* ell to %e a neigh%oring ell!

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td



i)ite /T)4001C-115 ()* +eature Configuration

About This Document.......................................................................ii 1 Configuring System Information Sending........................................1 Configuring !ybrid Ce"".................................................................1 # Configuring Enhanced Dua"$%and &et'or(......................................1 ) Configuring *requency !opping.....................................................1 + Configuring %CC! Carrier *requency !opping.................................1 , Configuring Antenna *requency !opping........................................1 - Configuring .SC Poo"....................................................................1
6!1 Configuring *)C Pool ($ Interfa e T&*)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 6!2 Configuring *)C Pool ($ Interfa e IP)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4

/ Configuring 0S.12CD.A Interoperabi"ity......................................1 3 Configuring 0S.12CD.A Ser4ice %ased !ando4er..........................1 15 Configuring 0S.12CD.A 6oad %ased !ando4er............................1 11 Configuring 1 01#0 Ce"" 7ese"ection %ased on .S State..................1

Configuring Sate""ite Transmission...............................................1

12!1 Configuring )atellite Trans'ission $%is Interfa e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

1# Configuring Acti4e Po'er Contro".................................................1 1) Configuring Dynamic Ad8ustment %et'een *7 and !7...................1 1+ Configuring Ce"" %roadcast...........................................................1
17!1 Configuring )hort *essage )er.i e Cell /road ast (T)24)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 17!2 Configuring )i'plified Cell /road ast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4

1, Configuring 9oice :ua"ity Index ;<p"in( 9:I=.................................1 1- Configuring Dynamic Ad8ustment of <p"in( .CS Coding.................1 1/ Configuring Pac(et Channe" Dispatching.......................................1
18!1 Configuring the +eature of -(P1) )pe ial Channel /e 9sed %y :nly -(P1) )er.i e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2 18!2 Configuring the +eature of -(P1) Preferred Channel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration


18!4 Configuring the +eature of Channel *ultiple,ing in the - &own ( 9p ) enario!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2

13 Configuring 0uaranteed Emergency Ca"".......................................1 5 Configuring Abis o4er IP..............................................................1

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP


Configuring System Information Sending


The original ells ha.e 2( neigh%oring ells! )et INTERR TCE!!RESE!EN of the original ells to "ES!

)yste' infor'ation 'ain radio networ2 para'eters on the 9' interfa e" in luding networ2 identity para'eters" ell sele tion para'eters" syste' ontrol para'eters" and networ2 fun tion para'eters! /ased on the re ei.ed syste' 'essage" an *) an properly sele t and a ess a radio networ2! Then" the *) an fully use .arious ser.i es pro.ided %y the networ2 and well ooperate with the networ2!

Configuration steps Step 1 Configure other software para'eters of /)C! In this step" set Support Sent #$% TER to "ES! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t a /)C node under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area to display the interfa e for onfiguring the /)C" and then hoose Soft&are Parameter Configuration < 'ther Soft&are Parameters! (erification steps Step -,port and the in re'ental **# o''and!

Step # Tra e ir uit swit hed (C)) do'ain 'essages on the $%is interfa e! In the Trace T)pe area" li 2 RS! to tra e 1)# 'essages on the $%is interfa e Step ) 1un the **# o''and SN* GCE!!S"SMSG! In this step" set Index T)pe to B"I*" and fill in the orre t ell I&! Step + =iew the C) do'ain 'essages tra ed on the $%is interfa e! Step , -,pe ted result; si#+,uarter+ind in )yste' Infor'ation Type 4 'essage is -! ++++End

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP

Configuring !ybrid Ce""

The /T) 'ust support the onfigured fre>uen y %ands!

Hy%rid ells an in rease the ell apa ity" de rease the nu'%er of hando.ers" and redu e syste' interferen e! They an %e used to sol.e the pro%le's of ontinuous o.erage and sporadi o.erage in hotspot areas! $ hy%rid ell onsists of an underlaid su% ell and an o.erlaid su% ell! The fre>uen y %and onfiguration is as follows;

If the o.erlaid su% ell is onfigured in the &C)1800 %and" the underlaid ell is onfigured in the ()*?00 or ()*870 %and! If the o.erlay ell is onfigured in the PC)1?00 %and" the underlaid ell is onfigured in the ()*870 %and!
The signal loss of the &C)1800 %and hanges with the trans'ission distan e! $t the distan e of 0!7 2' to 1 2'" signals of the &C)1800 %and are a%out 17 d/ wea2er than those of the ()*?00 %and!

The onfiguration of the hy%rid ell should o'ply with the following prin iples;

(enerally" a hannel in the o.erlaid su% ell is not dire tly assigned to a all" an in o'ing inter- ell re>uest is not dire tly assigned to the o.erlaid su% ell" and a all %eyond the o.erage of the &C)1800 T1@ is not for i%ly assigned to the o.erlaid su% ell! The traffi in the underlaid su% ell and the o.erlaid su% ell should %e properly assigned to 'aintain the load %alan e %etween the o.erlaid su% ell and the underlaid su% ell! (enerally" the ()*?00 or ()*870 T1@ is onfigured in the underlaid ell to e,pand the o.erage" whereas the &C)1800 or PC)1?00 T1@ is onfigured in the o.erlaid ell to a%sor% the traffi ! Therefore" the /CCH is generally onfigured on the ()*?00 T1@! The priorities of different types of T1@s are; P-()* < --()* < 1-()*! The fre>uen y hopping (+H) %etween ()*?00 and &C)1800 is not allowed! The +H within the sa'e fre>uen y %and is allowed! $.oid using a 'ulti-layer on entri ell due to in onsistent o'%ination 'odes of the T1@s on the sa'e fre>uen y %and! $ 'ulti-layer on entri ell affe ts the networ2 APIs" su h as the su ess rate and assign'ent su ess rate!
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 1

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

Configuration steps Step 1 'ptional. Configure %asi attri%utes of the /T)! Bhen the fre>uen y %and of a ell is set to GSM/0-123--" set Support 4igh 5re,uenc) Band to PCS23--! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t a /)C node under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area to display the interfa e for onfiguring the /T)" and then hoose BSC < BSC Basic Info < Basic ttributes of BSC! )et Support *ual 4igh 5re,uenc) Band to PCS23--!
If you need to add a hy%rid ell" set the fre>uen y %and of the ell to GSM3--1*CS2/-- or GSM/0-12/--!


$dd a ell! In this step" set the type of the hy%rid ell to %e added!

Step # )et /CCH I9: of &ou%le +re>uen y Cell and Cell I9: Type! Configuration 'ethod; In the *ain na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area" right- li 2 any dual-%and ell and hoose Cell Configuration -,press < Cell $ttri%utes < ()* Cell! Then set the attri%utes of the ell" su h as the /CCH I9: of &ou%le +re>uen y Cell" Cell I9: Type" and -nhan ed Con entri $llowed! Step ) Configure the intelligent underlay o.erlay (I9:) para'eters of the ell! Configuration 'ethod; Choose Cell Configuration -,press < &ata < I9: para'eter! (erification steps Step + 1un the /)C5?00 **# o''and !ST GCE!! to >uery the attri%utes of the ell su h as Cell Inner6Extra Propert) and BCC4 I%' of *ouble 5re,uenc) Cell! Step , 1un the /)C5?00 **# o''and !ST GCE!!4'I%' to >uery the para'eters in the on entri ell! ++++End

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP


Configuring Enhanced Dua"$ %and &et'or(

This hapter des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the optional feature (/+&114402 -nhan ed &ual-/and 3etwor2!

The li ense is a ti.ated! Bhen two ells %elong to different operators" the enhan ed dual-%and networ2 annot %e onfigured! /efore hanging the 'apping %etween ells and operators" he 2 whether the enhan ed dual-%and networ2 is onfigured! If the enhan ed dual-%and networ2 is onfigured" 'odify the attri%utes of the enhan ed dual-%and networ2!

The enhan ed dual-%and networ2 is an enhan e'ent of the e,isting dual-%and networ2! In the enhan ed dual-%and networ2" two single-%and ells at the sa'e le.el and layer with different o.erage areas logi ally for' a ell group with two %idire tional neigh%oring ells! :ne is an o.erlaid su% ell and the other is an underlaid su% ell! In the enhan ed dual-%and networ2 algorith'" hannel resour es an %e shared and ell load is %alan ed %etween the two ells in a ell group!

Configuration steps Step 1 $dd %idire tional neigh%oring ells! $ ()*?00 ell and a &C)1800 ell are onfigured in a /)C! Configure the two ells as %idire tional neigh%oring ells! Configuration 'ethod; 1ightli 2 a ()* ell in the Main na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area and sele t Neighboring Cell Configuration Express! The interfa e for neigh%oring ell onfiguration is displayed! )ele t the ell for whi h neigh%oring ells need to %e onfigured fro' the o%0e t tree on the left of the interfa e for neigh%oring ell onfiguration! The infor'ation a%out the onfigured neigh%oring ells of this ell is displayed on the upper area on the left of the onfiguration interfa e! )ele t Bidirection for onfiguring %idire tional neigh%oring ells! Cli 2 the dd %utton to add neigh%oring ells! Step )et the attri%utes of the on entri ell! That is" 'odify the attri%utes of a ()*?00 ell! In

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

this step" set Cell I%' T)pe to Enhanced *ouble 5re,uenc) Cell" Cell Inner6Extra Propert) to Extra" and Same Group Cell Index to the inde, of the &C)1800 ell! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t any ell fro' the Main na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area! Then hoose Cell Configuration Express < Cell ttributes < GSM Cell! (erification steps =erify the all a ess fun tion in the enhan ed dual-%and networ2! Step # 1un the **# o''and SET GCE!!CCB SIC twi e to respe ti.ely set ECSC of the two ells to "ES! Step ) 1un the **# o''and SET GCE!!CCB SICP R twi e to respe ti.ely set *irected Retr) of the two ells to "ES! Step + 1un the **# o''and SET GCE!!4'E*BP R to set the para'eters of the ()*?00 ell! In this step" set %! Subcell ssignment 'ptimi7ation to "ES" %! Subcell !o&er !oad Threshold to -" %! Subcell General '8erload Threshold to 2" and *istance Bet&een Boundaries of Subcells and *istance 4)steresis Bet&een Boundaries to -! )et !oad 4' llo&ed and !oad 4' of '! Subcell to %! Subcell to N'! Step , *a2e test *)1 and test *)2 (%oth supporting the fre>uen y %ands of ?00 *HC and 1800 *HC) a'p on the ()*?00 ell! Then" use *)1 to 'a2e a all to a fi,ed-line phone! *)1 is assigned to a hannel of the ()*?00 ell! Step - *aintain the all of *)1 and use *)2 to 'a2e a all to a fi,ed-line phone in the ()*?00 ell! *)2 is assigned to a hannel of the &C)1800 ell %e ause the load of the underlaid su% ell is higher than the .alue of %! Subcell General '8erload Threshold! This indi ates that the all in the underlaid su% ell an %e assigned to the o.erlaid su% ell when the traffi in the underlaid su% ell is hea.y and the signals in the o.erlaid su% ell are strong enough! Step / Ter'inate all the alls! 1un the **# o''and SET GCE!!4'E*BP R to set the para'eters of the &C)1800 ell! In this step" set %! Subcell ssignment 'ptimi7ation to N'" '! Subcell ssignment 'ptimi7ation to "ES" %! Subcell !o&er !oad Threshold to 0-" and %! Subcell General '8erload Threshold to /-! Step 3 1un the **# o''and SET GCE!!4'CTR! to set the para'eters of the &C)1800 ell! In this step" set Min Po&er !e8el 5or *irected Retr) to -! Step 15 *a2e *)1 a'p on the &C)1800 ell and originate a all! *)1 is assigned to the underlaid ()*?00 su% ell %e ause the load of the underlaid su% ell is not higher than the .alue of %! Subcell !o&er !oad Threshold! This indi ates that alls in the o.erlaid su% ell an %e assigned to the underlaid su% ell when the traffi in the underlaid su% ell is light! Step 11 =erify the fun tion in the enhan ed dual-%and networ2! Step 1 1un the **# o''and SET GCE!!4'B SIC! In this step" set all the type para'eters to N' and Edge 4' *! R91!E( Threshold to :! 1un the **# o''and SET GCE!!4'E*BP R to set the para'eters of the &C)1800 ell! In this step" set %! Subcell ssignment 'ptimi7ation to N'" '! Subcell ssignment 'ptimi7ation to N'" %! Subcell !o&er !oad Threshold to 0-" %! Subcell General '8erload Threshold to /-" !oad 4' llo&ed to "ES" and !oad 4' of '! Subcell to %! Subcell to "ES!

Step 1# *a2e *)1 a'p on the &C)1800 ell and originate a all to a fi,ed-line phone! *)1 is assigned to a hannel in the o.erlaid su% ell! Then" *)1 is handed to the ()*?00 ell %e ause the load of the underlaid su% ell is lower than the .alue of %! Subcell General '8erload Threshold! The H$3&:=-1 P-1+:1* 'essage an %e tra ed on the $ interfa e and the ause .alue in the 'essage is traffic! Step 1) *aintain the all of *)1! Then" run the **# o''and SET GCE!!4'E*BP R to set
2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP

the para'eters of the ()*?00 ell! In this step" set %! Subcell ssignment 'ptimi7ation to N'" '! Subcell ssignment 'ptimi7ation to N'" %! Subcell !o&er !oad Threshold to -" %! Subcell General '8erload Threshold to 2" !oad 4' llo&ed to "ES" and !oad 4' of '! Subcell to %! Subcell to "ES! Step 1+ The all is handed fro' the ()*?00 ell %a 2 to the &C)1800 ell %e ause the load in the underlaid su% ell is higher than the .alue of %! Subcell General '8erload Threshold! The H$3&:=-1 P-1+:1* 'essage an %e tra ed on the $ interfa e and the ause .alue in the 'essage is traffic! Step 1, *aintain the all! Then" run the **# o''and SET GCE!!4'E*BP R to set the para'eters of the &C)1800 ell! In this step" set %! Subcell ssignment 'ptimi7ation to N'" '! Subcell ssignment 'ptimi7ation to N'" %! Subcell !o&er !oad Threshold to -" %! Subcell General '8erload Threshold to 2" !oad 4' llo&ed to N'" !oad 4' of '! Subcell to %! Subcell to N'" Incoming '! Subcell 4' !e8el T4 to ;<" 'utgoing '! Subcell 4' !e8el T4 to ;#" and Inner Cell E*GE 4' Enable to "ES! Step 1- *)1 is handed the ()*?00 ell %e ause the re ei.e le.el of *)1 is lower than the le.el of 'utgoing '! Subcell 4' !e8el T4! The H$3&:=-1 P-1+:1* 'essage an %e tra ed on the $ interfa e and the ause .alue in the 'essage is better cell!
This type of edge re>uires that the underlaid su% ell is 'ore prefera%ly sele ted as the target ell for than the o.erlaid su% ell! Dou an hange the le.el of the underlaid su% ell to %e higher than the le.el of the o.erlaid su% ell!


Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP

Configuring *requency !opping

This hapter des ri%es how to a ti.ate and .erify the optional feature (/+&-114601 +re>uen y Hopping! This fun tion onsists of radio fre>uen y (1+) +H and %ase%and +H!


&ependen y on hardware The ell 'ust %e onfigured with at least two T1@s! &ependen y on other features 3one #i ense 3one

+H an si'plify fre>uen y planning" enhan e the anti-interferen e apa%ility of the syste'" in rease the syste' apa ity" and effe ti.ely i'pro.e the .oi e >uality! Bhen the pa 2et swit hed (P)) ser.i es use high-rate oding s he'es su h as C)4" C)4" and *C)7 to *C)?" the appli ation of +H will affe t the P) ser.i es and ause negati.e i'pa ts on the networ2! In this ase" you are not ad.ised to ena%le the +H fun tion! Bhen the all state is cti8e" the +H feature an %e onfigured >ui 2ly!

Configuration steps Step 1 )et the +H type of the ell! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 a ell in the Main na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area and sele t Configure M Group=! The dialog %o, for onfiguring +H is displayed! In the Cell 4op Information area" sele t Cell 4op Mode! Step $dd a *$ group of the ell! Configuration 'ethod; In the interfa e for onfiguring +H" li 2 the dd %utton! 1e'ar2s; The syste' 'ay auto'ati ally add +H groups! Dou an reset 4ead Slot No" 4op Mode" and 5RE$ as needed!
)et 4op Mode to BaseBand 54 or R5 54 as re>uired! If the /CCH parti ipates in %ase%and +H" the ell 'ust %e onfigured with at least two +H groups!

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

Step # )et +H inde,es and *$I:s of hannels! That is" set Channel 4op Index and Channel M I'! Configuration 'ethod; )et fre>uen y nu'%ers and hop 'odes of T1@s" and hop inde,es and *$I:s of hannels 0 to 6 in the Trx Channel Information area! The /CCH T1@ is identified in yellow on the C*-! The syste' auto'ati ally allo ates fre>uen y nu'%ers" whi h you an 'odify as re>uired! If you need to apply the +H attri%ute of the urrent hannel to other hannels of the sa'e T1@" sele t S)nchroni7ed TimeSlot! In this ase" if the +H attri%ute of the hannel is hanged" the syste' auto'ati ally hanges the +H attri%ute of other hannels of the sa'e T1@!
If the sa'e +H group is used for .arious T1@s" the *$I: of the sa'e hannel of the T1@s 'ust %e different!

Step ) Bhen the setting is o'pleted" li 2 the ppl) %utton! Step + $ ti.ate the ell! (erification steps Step , 1un the /)C5?00 **# o''and SET GCE!!4'P$%IC>SET%P! In this step" set Index T)pe to B"I*(B) Index) and then spe ify Cell Index" and set 5re,uenc) 4opping Mode to BaseBand 54 and 5re,uenc) 4opping Mode of BCC4 TR9 to 4op! Step - 9se an *) to initiate a all in the ell to %e .erified! The all is initiated su essfully and the .oi e >uality is good! In the $%is signaling tra ing window" the $ssign'ent Co''and 'essage is tra ed" and the .alue of the infor'ation ele'ent h.rf+hopping+channel in the 'essage is 2! ++++End

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP


Configuring %CC! Carrier *requency !opping

This hapter des ri%es how to a ti.ate and .erify the optional feature (/+&-114602 /CCH Carrier +re>uen y Hopping!

&ependen y on hardware The ell 'ust %e onfigured with at least two T1@s! &ependen y on other features This feature depends on %ase%and +H in (/+&-114601 +re>uen y Hopping! This feature and the 1+ +H in (/+&-114601 +re>uen y Hopping are 'utually e, lusi.e!

#i ense The li ense is a ti.ated!

+H an si'plify fre>uen y planning" enhan e the anti-interferen e apa%ility of the syste'" in rease the syste' apa ity" and effe ti.ely i'pro.e the .oi e >uality! Bhen the pa 2et swit hed (P)) ser.i es use high-rate oding s he'es su h as C)4" C)4" and *C)7 to *C)?" the appli ation of +H will affe t the P) ser.i es and ause negati.e i'pa ts on the networ2! In this ase" you are not ad.ised to ena%le the +H fun tion! Bhen the all state is cti8e" the /CCH arrier +H an %e a ti.ated >ui 2ly!

Configuration steps Step 1 )et the +H type of the ell! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 a ell in the Main na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area and sele t Configure M Group=! The dialog %o, for onfiguring +H is displayed! In the Cell 4op Information area" sele t Cell 4op Mode! Step $dd a *$ group of the ell! Configuration 'ethod; In the interfa e for onfiguring +H" li 2 the dd %utton ! 1e'ar2s; The syste' 'ay auto'ati ally add +H groups! Dou an reset 4igh
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 1

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

Slot No" 4op Mode" and 5RE$ as needed!

)et 4op Mode to BaseBand 54 or R5 54 as re>uired! If the /CCH parti ipates in %ase%and +H" the ell 'ust %e onfigured with at least two +H groups!

Step # )et +H inde,es and *$I:s of hannels! That is" set Channel 4op Index and Channel M I'! Configuration 'ethod; )et fre>uen y nu'%ers and hop 'odes of T1@s" and hop inde,es and *$I:s of hannels 0 to 6 in the Trx Channel Information area! The /CCH T1@ is identified in yellow on the C*-! The syste' auto'ati ally allo ates fre>uen y nu'%ers" whi h you an 'odify as re>uired! If you need to apply the +H attri%ute of the urrent hannel to other hannels of the sa'e T1@" sele t S)nchroni7ed TimeSlot! In this ase" if the +H attri%ute of the hannel is hanged" the syste' auto'ati ally hanges the +H attri%ute of other hannels of the sa'e T1@!

If the sa'e +H group is used for .arious T1@s" the *$I: of the sa'e hannel of the T1@s 'ust %e different! The /CCH parti ipates in %ase%and +H and hannel 0 does not parti ipate in +H! )et Channel 4op Index to #00!

Step ) Bhen the setting is o'pleted" li 2 the ppl) %utton! Step + $ ti.ate the ell! (erification steps Step , 1un the /)C5?00 **# o''and SET GCE!!4'P$%IC>SET%P! In this step" set Cell Index to the inde, of the ell to %e .erified" Cell 4op Model to BaseBand 54" and 5re,uenc) 4opping Mode of BCC4 TR9 to 4op! Step - 9se an *) to initiate a all in the ell to %e .erified! The all is initiated su essfully and the .oi e >uality is good! In the $%is signaling tra ing window" the $ssign'ent Co''and 'essage is tra ed" and the .alue of the infor'ation ele'ent h.rf+hopping+channel in the 'essage is 2! ++++End

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP

Configuring Antenna *requency !opping

This hapter des ri%es how to a ti.ate the optional feature (/+&-114604 $ntenna +re>uen y Hopping!


&ependen y on hardware

The /T) 'ust %e a dou%le-density /T) or a 4?00 series /T)! $t least two antennas are used in the ell that parti ipates in antenna +H!

&ependen y on other features 3one #i ense The li ense is a ti.ated!

$ntenna +H ena%les the downlin2 data on ea h T1@ to %e rando'ly trans'itted on other T1@s! This i' the data re >uality of an *) fro' the /CCH T1@ and the data sending >uality of the /CCH T1@" thus i' the networ2 perfor'an e! If the ell supports %oth %ase%and +H and antenna +H" the T1@ in.ol.ed in %ase%and +H 'ust also parti ipate in antenna +H!

Configuration steps Step 1 &ea ti.ate the ell! Step )et an antenna hopping group of the ell! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell" hoose Configure 4op ntenna Group < Cell 4op ntenna Support" and then set Cell ntenna 4opping to "ES14P NT!

Step # $dd an antenna hopping group of the ell! Configuration 'ethod; )et Cell ntenna 4opping to "ES14P NT and then li 2 the dd %utton! To 'odify the T1@ list" dou%le- li 2 TR9!ist!
Issue 01 (2010-11-04) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 1

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

Step ) Bhen the setting is o'pleted" li 2 the ppl) %utton! ++++End

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Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP

About This Chapter

Configuring .SC Poo"

The *)Cs in the *)C pool share load and resour es for e.en traffi allo ation in the *)C pool" thus redu ing inter-*)C hando.ers and pro.iding the fun tion of disaster re o.ery %a 2up! 6!1Configuring *)C Pool ($ Interfa e T&*) This se tion des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the optional feature (/+&116401 *)C Pool %ased on the $ interfa e trans'ission ti'e di.ision 'ultiple,ing (T&*)! 6!2Configuring *)C Pool ($ Interfa e IP) This se tion des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the optional feature (/+&116401 *)C Pool %ased on the $ interfa e trans'ission Internet Proto ol (IP)!

-.1 Configuring .SC Poo" ;A Interface o4er TD.=

This se tion des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the optional feature (/+&116401 *)C Pool %ased on the $ interfa e trans'ission T&*!


&ependen y on hardware 3one &ependen y on other features 3one #i ense The li ense is a ti.ated! :thers

The *)C ser.ers and the 'edia gateways (*(Bs) are fully inter onne ted and the
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 1

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

data is orre tly onfigured!


The originating signaling point (:)P) is onfigured!

$n *)C pool onsists of 'ultiple *)Cs that are onne ted with ea h other! The /)C5?00 is inter onne ted ea h of the *)Cs! $ll the *)Cs in the *)C pool share load and resour es for e.en traffi allo ation in the *)C pool" thus redu ing inter-*)C hando.ers and pro.iding the fun tion of disaster re o.ery %a 2up!

Configuration steps Step 1 Configure data of *)C ser.ers and *(Bs! +or 'ore detailed operations" see the user 'anual of the *)C produ t!

-na%le the *)C pool fun tion on the *)C side! :n the *)C side" set whether the /)C5?00 supports $-+le, to "ES! Configure the para'eters related to the *)C pool" su h the 31I" 39##F31I" and a.aila%le apa ities of the *)Cs" 'o%ile networ2 ode of the lo al *)C" and *)C I&s! -nsure that all the para'eter .alues are the sa'e as those onfigured on the /)C5?00 side!


$dd a destination signaling point (&)P)! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t a /)C under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area" and then sele t *estination Signalling Point in the e,panded /)C onfiguration tree!
Bhen 'ultiple &)Ps are added" the first added one is the default &)P!

Step # $dd a ()* C3 node! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t an *)C under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area" and then sele t GSM CN Node in the e,panded *)C onfiguration tree! Step ) $dd an $ Interfa e -1GT1! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t the $ node under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area" and then sele t Interface E26T2 in the e,panded $ interfa e onfiguration tree!
In the sa'e destination signaling point ode (&PC) group" the start ir uit identifi ation odes (CIC) of different ports 'ust %e different!

Step + $dd a ()* operator! In this step" set MSC Pool 5unction Enabled to "ES" and spe ify !ength of NRI in TMSI and MSC N%!!+NRI (alue! -nsure that all these para'eter .alues are the sa'e as those onfigured on the *)C side! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t a /)C under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area" and then sele t GSM CN 'perator in the e,panded /)C onfiguration tree! Step , $dd the 'apping %etween a networ2 resour e identifier (31I) and an *)C! -nsure that the 31I .alue is the sa'e as that onfigured on the *)C side! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t an *)C under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area" and then sele t NRI+MSC Mapping in the e,panded *)C onfiguration tree! (erification steps Step - *)C1 and *)C2 o'pose an *)C pool! -na%le the te'porary 'o%ile station identity (T*)I) reallo ation fun tion on the ore networ2 (C3)!
2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP

Step / Prepare two *)s" %oth of whi h are registered with the *)C pool! Step 3 :n the lo al 'aintenan e ter'inal (#*T)" start the $ interfa e 'essage tra ing in the dire tions of *)C1 and *)C2! In this step" respe ti.ely set MSC *PC ?4ex@ to the &PC of the orresponding *)C" and Cell I* ?cell2A cell#A = cell2;@ to the I& of the ell that the orresponding *) a'ps on! Step 15 Power on *)1! 9se *)1 to initiate a lo ation update pro edure on *)C1 side! The C3 assigns a T*)I to *)1! Step 11 Power on *)2! 9se *)2 to initiate a lo ation update pro edure on *)C2 side! The C3 assigns a T*)I to *)2!
To ena%le an *) to initiate a lo ation update at a spe ifi *)C" run the /)C5?00 **# o''and M'* GCNN'*E to set the ad'inistrati.e states of all the other *)Cs to %N ( I!(%na8ailable)! $fter the lo ation update" hange the states of these *)Cs to N'RM ! again!

Step 1

Bhen %oth *)C1 and *)C2 are nor'al" 'o.e the two *)s to a lo ation area %eyond the o.erage area of the *)C pool" and use the *)s to respe ti.ely originate a all again!

Step 1# -,pe ted result; :%ser.e the *)Cs that the *)s a'p on" and find that *)1 sets up the all on the *)C1 side and *)2 sets up the all on the *)C2 side and that the ho'e *)Cs of %oth *)s re'ain un hanged!
In the T*)I reallo ation pro edure" an *)C assigns the T*)I that ontains 31I ( onfigured %y the C3) to an *)! Bith this infor'ation" the /)C5?00 allo ates the ser.i e to the orresponding *)C when the *) originates a all ser.i e! 3ote that the 'apping %etween the 31I and the *)C on the /)C5?00 side 'ust %e onsistent with the one onfigured on the C3 side! Dou an use the /)C5?00 **# o''and ** NRIMSCM P to onfigure the 'apping on the /)C5?00 side!



Configuring .SC Poo" ;A Interface o4er IP=

This se tion des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the optional feature (/+&116401 *)C Pool %ased on the $ interfa e trans'ission IP!


&ependen y on hardware 3one &ependen y on other features 3one #i ense The li ense is a ti.ated! :thers

The *)C ser.ers and the *(Bs are fully inter onne ted and the data is orre tly onfigured! The lo al *TP4 9ser $daptation #ayer (*49$) entity and signaling points are onfigured!

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

$n *)C pool onsists of 'ultiple *)Cs that are onne ted with ea h! The /)C5?00 is inter onne ted with ea h of the *)Cs! $ll the *)Cs in the *)C pool share load and resour es for e.en traffi allo ation in the *)C pool" thus redu ing inter-*)C hando.ers and pro.iding the redundan y fun tion!

Configuration steps Step 1 Configure data of *)C ser.ers and *(Bs! +or 'ore detailed operations a%out para'eter onfiguration" see the user 'anual of the *)C produ t!

-na%le the *)C pool fun tion on the *)C side! :n the *)C side" set whether the /)C5?00 supports $-+le, to "ES! Configure the para'eters related to the *)C pool" su h as the 31Is" 39##F31Is" and a.aila%le apa ities of the *)Cs" 'o%ile networ2 nu'%er of the lo al *)C" and *)C I&s!


$dd an *49$ destination entity! Configuration 'ethod; sele t an *)C under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area" and then sele t M<% *estination Entit) in the e,panded *)C onfiguration tree!

Step # $dd an *49$ lin2 set! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t the $ node under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area" and then sele t M<% !inB Set under the Interface '8er IP node in the e,panded $ interfa e onfiguration tree! Step ) $dd an *49$ route! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t the $ node under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area" and then sele t M<% Route under the Interface '8er IP node in the e,panded $ interfa e onfiguration tree! Step + $dd an *49$ lin2! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t the $ node under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area" and then sele t M<% !inB under the Interface '8er IP node in the e,panded $ interfa e onfiguration tree! Step , $dd a ()* operator! In this step" set MSC Pool 5unction Enabled to "ES" and spe ify !ength of NRI in TMSI and MSC N%!!+NRI (alue! -nsure that all these para'eter .alues are the sa'e as those onfigured on the *)C side! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t a /)C under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area" and then sele t GSM CN 'perator in the e,panded /)C onfiguration tree! Step - $dd the 'apping %etween an 31I and an *)C! -nsure that the 31I .alue is the sa'e as that onfigured on the *)C side! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t an *)C under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area" and then sele t NRI+MSC Mapping in the e,panded *)C onfiguration tree! (erification steps Step / *)C1 and *)C2 o'pose an *)C pool! -na%le the T*)I reallo ation fun tion on the C3! Step 3 Prepare two *)s" %oth of whi h are registered with the *)C pool! Step 15 :n the #*T" start the $ interfa e 'essage tra ing in the dire tions of *)C1 and *)C2! In this step" set MSC *PC ?4ex@ to the &PC of the orresponding *)C" and Cell I* ?cell2A cell#A = cell2;@ to the I& of the ell that the *) a'ps on! Step 11 Power on *)1! 9se *)1 to initiate a lo ation update pro edure on *)C1 side! The C3 assigns a T*)I to *)1!
4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP

Step 1

Power on *)2! 9se *)2 to initiate a lo ation update pro edure on *)C2 side! The C3 assigns a T*)I to *)2!
To ena%le an *) to initiate a lo ation update at a spe ifi *)C" run the /)C5?00 **# o''and M'* GCNN'*E to set the ad'inistrati.e states of all the other *)Cs to %N ( I!(%na8ailable)! $fter the lo ation update" hange the states of these *)Cs to N'RM ! again!

Step 1# Bhen %oth *)C1 and *)C2 are nor'al" 'o.e the two *)s to a lo ation area %eyond the o.erage area of the *)C pool" and use the *)s to respe ti.ely originate a all again! :%ser.e the *)Cs that the *)s a'p on" and find that *)1 sets up the all on the *)C1 side and *)2 sets up the all on the *)C2 side and that the ho'e *)Cs of %oth *)s re'ain un hanged!
In the T*)I reallo ation pro edure" an *)C assigns the T*)I that ontains 31I ( onfigured %y the C3) to an *)! Bith this infor'ation" the /)C5?00 allo ates the ser.i e to the orresponding *)C when the *) originates a all ser.i e! 3ote that the 'apping %etween the 31I and the *)C on the /)C5?00 side 'ust %e onsistent with the one onfigured on the C3 side! Dou an use the /)C5?00 **# o''and ** NRIMSCM P to onfigure the 'apping on the /)C5?00 side!


Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP


Configuring 0S.12CD.A Interoperabi"ity

This hapter des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the optional feature (/+&114401 ()*GBC&*$ Interopera%ility!

&ependen y on hardware The *) supports %oth the ()* and BC&*$GT&-)C&*$ networ2s! It also supports %idire tional ell resele tion and hando.ers %etween the ()* and the BC&*$ syste's! The %ase station su%syste' (/))) and the networ2 su%syste' (3))) support %idire tional ell resele tion and hando.ers %etween the ()* and the BC&*$ syste's! They also support ()*GBC&*$ inter-1$T ell sele tion" ell rese tion" and lo ation update! In addition" they support 'easure'ent ontrol" de ision" and signaling pro edure during inter-1$T hando.ers!

&ependen y on other features 3one #i ense The li ense is a ti.ated!

The onfiguration of ()*GBC&*$ interopera%ility is restri ted %y the li ense! The ()*GBC&*$ interopera%ility feature ena%les an *) to %e handed to or resele t a ()* ell if the ell of the *) is not o.ered %y the BC&*$GT&-)C&*$ networ2 or in an area with wea2 BC&*$GT&-)C&*$ o.erage! Bhen a dual-'ode *) enters the o.erage of the BC&*$GT&-)C&*$ networ2 again" or the *) dete ts that the signal >uality in the BC&*$GT&-)C&*$ ell is higher than that in the ()* ell" the *) an %e handed to or resele t a BC&*$GT&-)C&*$ ell if the or ell resele tion onditions are 'et! Then" the *) an en0oy .arious ser.i es pro.ided %y the 4( 'o%ile o''uni ation networ2! The ()*GBC&*$ interopera%ility feature applies to s enarios su h as ell resele tion and hando.ers %etween the ()* and BC&*$GT&-)C&*$ syste's" and intera tions %etween the ()* syste' and other 4( syste's! This feature has no i'pa t on ser.i es! The networ2
Issue 01 (2010-11-04) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 1

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

ele'ents (3-s) in.ol.ed are the *)" /T)" /)C" *)C" PC9" )()3" (()3" and H#1!

Configuration steps Step 1 $dd a 4( e,ternal ell! In this step" set %tran Cell T)pe to 5**! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 an 3- node in the Main na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area! In the pop-up 'enu" sele t GSM External Cell! Then in the su%-option" sele t BSC <G External Cell! The interfa e for onfiguring 4( e,ternal ells is displayed on the right!
If you need to onfigure the ()*GT&-)C&*$ interopera%ility feature" 'odify %tran Cell T)pe to T**!


$dd a 4( neigh%oring ell! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Neighboring Cell Configuration Express! Then in the interfa e for onfiguring neigh%oring ells" li 2 BSC <G Neighbor Cell! :n the onfiguration interfa e on the right" you an add or delete 4( neigh%oring ells!

Step # *odify para'eters related to neigh%oring ells! Configuration 'ethod; In the interfa e for onfiguring neigh%oring ells" right- li 2 the added neigh%oring ell and hoose Modif) Ncell Relationship=! Step ) Configure %asi attri%utes of the /)C! In this step" set Interface Tag to GSM1P4 SE1#Plus! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t a /)C under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area" and then sele t Basic ttributes of BSC in the e,panded /)C onfiguration tree! Step + Configure other software para'eters of the /)C! In this step" set Support Sent #$% TER to "ES" Send <G Class 5lag to "ES" and ClassmarB En,uir) Cith <G Re,uest to "ES! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t a /)C under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area" and then sele t 'ther Soft&are Parameters under the Soft&are Parameter Configuration node in the e,panded /)C onfiguration tree! Step , Configure all ontrol %asi para'eters of the ell! In this step" set ECSC to "ES! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express to ena%le the Cell Configuration -,press! 9nder the Call Control node in the onfiguration tree" set ECSC of Call Control Basic Parameters to "ES! (erification steps Step - 1un the **# o''and !ST GE9T<GCE!! to >uery the .alue of %tran Cell T)pe! -,pe ted result; The .alue of %tran Cell T)pe is 5**! ++++End

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP


Configuring 0S.12CD.A Ser4ice %ased !ando4er

This hapter des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the optional feature (/+&114421 ()*GBC&*$ )er.i e /ased!

&ependen y on hardware The *) supports %oth the ()* and BC&*$GT&-)C&*$ networ2s! It also supports %idire tional ell resele tion and hando.ers %etween the ()* and the BC&*$ syste's! The /)) and the 3)) support the %idire tional ell resele tion and hando.ers %etween the ()* and the BC&*$ syste's! They also support ()*GBC&*$ inter-1$T ell sele tion" ell rese tion" and lo ation update! In addition" they support 'easure'ent ontrol" de ision" and signaling pro edure during inter-1$T hando.ers!

&ependen y on other features This feature depends on the feature (/+&-114401 ()*GBC&*$ Interopera%ility" whi h is already onfigured!

#i ense The li ense is a ti.ated!

Configuration steps Step 1 Configure %asi para'eters of the ell! In this step" set Inter+R T 'ut BSC 4ando8er Enable and Inter+R T In BSC 4ando8er Enable to "ES! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < 4ando8er *ata < 4ando8er Basic Parameters of Cell! Step Configure inter-1$T para'eters! In this step" set llo& Inter+R T !oad 4' in ccess State to Ser8ice+based! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < 4ando8er *ata < Inter+R T 4ando8er Parameters!

Step # Configure the 9T1$3 +&& data! In this step" set Better <G Cell 4' llo&ed to "ES" Inter+rat 4' Preference to Pre1<G1Cell" and RSCP Threshold for Better <G Cell
Issue 01 (2010-11-04) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 1

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

4' and Ec6No Threshold for Better <G Cell 4' to -! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < 4ando8er *ata < %TR N 5** 4ando8er *ata!
If the .alue of %tran Cell T)pe of the added e,ternal 4( neigh%oring ell is T**" you need to run the **# o''and SET GCE!!4'%TR N5**!

Step ) $dd a 4( neigh%oring ell! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the added neigh%oring ell and hoose Modif) Ncell Relationship=! Step + Configure other software para'eters! In this step" set Ser8ice Based 4ando8er S&itch to 'PEN and Ser8ice 4ando8er Reassign to "ES! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t a /)C under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area" and then sele t 'ther Soft&are Parameters under the Soft&are Parameter Configuration node in the e,panded /)C onfiguration tree! (erification steps Step , 9se an *) to a ess the 2( ell and then originate a all! $fter the all is originated nor'ally" 'o.e the *) to the o.erage area with strong 4( signals! )et llo& Inter+R T !oad 4' in ccess State to CnSer8ice+based?CN Ser8ice+based@! :n the C3 side" set Ser8ice 4ando8er to 4ando8er to %TR N or cdma#--- should be performed! Step - :n the #*T" tra e the /ase )tation )u%syste' $ppli ation Part (/))$P) 'essages the $ interfa e! Step / -,pe ted result; The /)C sends a 1e>uired 'essage to the *)C with the ause .alue of better+cell! ++++End

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP


Configuring 0S.12CD.A 6oad %ased !ando4er

This hapter des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the optional feature (/+&114422 ()*GBC&*$ #oad /ased!

&ependen y on hardware The *) supports %oth the ()* and BC&*$GT&-)C&*$ networ2s! It also supports %idire tional ell resele tion and hando.ers %etween the ()* and the BC&*$ syste's! The /)) and the 3)) support %idire tional ell resele tion and hando.ers %etween the ()* and the BC&*$ syste's! They also support ()*GBC&*$ inter-1$T ell sele tion" ell rese tion" and lo ation update! In addition" they support 'easure'ent ontrol" de ision" and signaling pro edure during inter-1$T hando.ers!

&ependen y on other features This feature depends on the feature (/+&-114401 ()*GBC&*$ Interopera%ility" whi h is already onfigured!

#i ense The li ense is a ti.ated!

The *)C transparently trans'its the load infor'ation of the BC&*$ networ2 to the /)C! Then" the /)C 'a2es a de ision on the inter-1$T %ased on its own load and the load in the BC&*$ networ2! In addition" the /)C sends a re>uest arrying its own load infor'ation to the BC&*$ networ2 for referen e in the de ision on the inter-1$T!

Configuration steps Step 1 Configure %asi para'eters of the ell! In this step" set Inter+R T 'ut BSC 4ando8er Enable and Inter+R T In BSC 4ando8er Enable to "ES! Configuration
Issue 01 (2010-11-04) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 1

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < 4ando8er *ata < 4ando8er Basic Parameters of Cell! Step Configure other software para'eters! In this step" set CS #G <G !oad Balance *elta Threshold a ording to a tual re>uire'ents! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t a /)C under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area to display the interfa e for onfiguring the /)C" and then hoose BSC < Soft&are Parameter Configuration < 'ther Soft&are Parameters!

Step # Configure inter-1$T para'eters! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < 4ando8er *ata < Inter+R T 4ando8er Parameters! Step ) *odify the 4( e,ternal ell! In this step" set !oad hando8er !oad ccept Threshold a ording to a tual re>uire'ents! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the on erned 3- and then hoose GSM External Cell < BSC <G External Cell! Step + Configure ed para'eters of the ell! In this step" set !oad hando8er !oad ccept Threshold a ording to a tual re>uire'ents! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < 4ando8er *ata < 4ando8er d8anced *ata! (erification steps Step , 9se an *) to a ess the 2( ell and then originate a all! $fter the all is originated nor'ally" 'o.e the *) to the o.erage area with strong 4( signals! )et llo& Inter+R T !oad 4' in ccess State to !oad+based?!oad+based@! :n the C3 side" set Ser8ice 4ando8er to 4ando8er to %TR N or cdma#--- should be performed! Step - :n the #*T" tra e the /))$P 'essages the $ interfa e! Step / -,pe ted result; The /)C sends a 1e>uired 'essage to the *)C with the ause .alue of traffic! ++++End

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Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

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20 Configuring $%is IP



01#0 Ce""

7ese"ection %ased on .S State

This hapter des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the optional feature (/+&114424 2(G4( Cell 1esele tion /ased on *) )tate!

&ependen y on hardware The *) supports %oth the ()* and BC&*$GT&-)C&*$ networ2s! It also supports %idire tional ell resele tion and hando.ers %etween the ()* and the BC&*$ syste's! The /)) and the 3)) support %idire tional ell resele tion and hando.ers %etween the ()* and the BC&*$ syste's! They also support ()*GBC&*$ inter-1$T ell sele tion" ell rese tion" and lo ation update! In addition" they support 'easure'ent ontrol" de ision" and signaling pro edure during inter-1$T hando.ers!

&ependen y on other features This feature depends on the feature (/+&-114401 ()*GBC&*$ Interopera%ility" whi h is already onfigured!

#i ense The li ense is a ti.ated!

Configuration steps Step 1 Configure %asi para'eters of the ell! In this step" set Inter+R T Cell Reselection Enable to "ES! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < 4ando8er *ata < 4ando8er Basic Parameters of Cell! Step Configure 9T1$3 syste' 'essage para'eters of the ell for all ontrol! In this step" set $search I" $search C" and $search P to D" and $search C Initial to l&a)s! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < 4ando8er *ata < %TR N S)stem Message Parameters!

Step # :ptional; If %tran Cell T)pe is set to T**" set the 9T1$3 syste' 'essage para'eters of the ell for all ontrol! In this step" set T** S)stem Information 'ptimi7ation llo&ed to
Issue 01 (2010-11-04) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 1

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

"ES! (erification steps Step ) *o.e the *) within a ()* ell or 9*T) ell" and ensure that the - G3o and the re ei.ed signal ode power (1)CP) of the o''on pilot hannel (CPICH) are nor'al during the neigh%oring ell 'easure'ent of the 9*T) ell (+&&)! If the following onditions are 'et within fi.e se onds" the *) will initiate a ell resele tion fro' the ()* ell to the 9*T) ell; CPICH 1)CP < 1#$FC H 5** $ 'ffset and CPICH - G3o < 5** $min! Step + Bhen the *) is in the ()* ell" the fre>uen y infor'ation of the *) indi ates that the *) is in the ()* ellI when the *) is in the 9*T) ell" the fre>uen y infor'ation of the *) indi ates that the *) is in the 9*T) ell! ++++End

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Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP

About This Chapter

Configuring Sate""ite Transmission

+or a %rea2through in terrain and distan e restri tions" satellite trans'ission is onfigured for o''uni ation in re'ote 'ountain areas or on sparsely populated plains! )atellite trans'ission an satisfy the re>uire'ents of wide o.erage" long trans'ission distan e" and fle,i%le lin2 s heduling!

1 .1 Configuring Sate""ite Transmission o4er Abis Interface

This se tion des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the feature (/+&-114?01 )atellite Trans'ission $%is Interfa e!


$ ti.ation The li ense is a ti.ated! =erifi ation The ell to %e .erified is in nor'al state and has idle hannels!

The onfiguration of satellite trans'ission the $%is interfa e is restri ted %y the li ense! Bith satellite trans'ission the $%is interfa e" /T)s an %e deployed in areas that are diffi ult to rea h through terrestrial lines" thus the o''uni ation pro%le' in those areas! )atellite trans'ission the $%is interfa e has a longer delay in infor'ation e, hange than terrestrial trans'ission! In satellite trans'ission 'ode" the (P1) para'eters of P) do'ain ells 'ust %e set as follows for nor'al P) ser.i es; T<2;/ to #---ms" T<23# to -ms" and 'a,i'u' ountdown
Issue 01 (2010-11-04) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 1

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

nu'%er to 20!

Configuration steps Step 1 Configure the trans'ission 'ode of a /T)! In this step" set Transmission Mode to Satellite Transmission! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the /T) and then hoose BTS Configuration Express < BTS Basic ttributes < BTS Transfers Mode! Step Configure /T) lo 2 para'eters! The C*- does not ha.e this o%0e t! ->ui.alently" set the lo 2 type of the /T) to INT1C!>! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the /T) and then hoose BTS Configuration Express < BTS Basic ttributes < SITE ClocB T)pe!

Step # :ptional; )et the #$P& window siCe of the /T)! In this step" set RS! ! P* Cindo& Si7e a ording to the a tual delay! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the /T) and then hoose BTS Configuration Express < BTS Basic ttributes < ! P* Cindo& Si7e!
The default .alue of RS! ! P* Cindo& Si7e is 48! Dou an set it a ording to the a tual delay! $ longer delay re>uires a larger .alue!

Step ) :ptional; Configure ti'er para'eters of the ell for all ontrol! In this step" set T#-S*CC4 and T#-- S*CC4 S PI< to #--" and T#-- S CC4 S*CC4 to 2--! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < Call Control < Call Control Timer Parameter! Step + :ptional; Configure %asi para'eters of the ell for all ontrol! In this step" set MS M 9 Retrans as re>uired! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < Call Control < Call Control Basic Parameters!
*odifying MS M 9 Retrans to a larger .alue an in rease the radio a ess rate and 'odifying MS M 9 Retrans to a s'aller .alue an redu e the load of the 1$CH and )&CCH!

Step , :ptional; Configure %asi P) attri%utes of a 2( ell! In this step" set T<2;/ to #---ms" T<23# to -ms" and BS1C(1M 9 to 20! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < GPRS ttributes < Basic PS ttributes of #G Cell! (erification steps Step - 1un the **# o''and *SP GCE!!ST T to >uery the status of the ell! -,pe t result; Cell Ser8ice State is set to "ES! Step / 9se an *) to originate a all! Step 3 Tra e the C) do'ain 'essages on the $%is interfa e! In this step" set Trace T)pe to RS!! -,pe ted result; The o'plete signaling pro edure of the 'o%ile-originated all an %e seen! Step 15 9se the *) to perfor' the PI3( ser.i e after dial-up a ess! The ser.i e su eeds! ++++End

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Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP


Configuring Acti4e Po'er Contro"

This hapter des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the %asi feature (/+&-116502 $ ti.e Power Control!

The $ ti.e Power Control feature ena%les a /)C to ontrol the uplin2 and downlin2 power pro'ptly after an *) su essfully a esses the networ2 or a is su essfully perfor'ed in the /)C! In su h a ase" %oth the *) and the /T) trans'it signals at a proper power! Thus" the pro%le' of unti'ely power ontrol is sol.ed! Bith a ti.e power ontrol" the syste' interferen e is de reased" the >uality of ser.i e (Jo)) is i'pro.ed" and the power onsu'ption of the *) or /T) is redu ed!

Configuration steps Step 1 Configure %asi para'eters for power ontrol of the ell! In this step" set Po&er 5orecast llo&ed to "ES! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < Po&er Control < Po&er Control Basic Parameters! Step Configure %asi para'eters of the ell! In this step" set %! PC llo&ed and *! PC llo&ed to "ES! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < Cell ttributes < Basic ttribute! (erification steps Step # 1un the **# o''and SET GTR9C4 N *MST T! In this step" spe ify the rele.ant hannels" and then set dministrati8e State to !ocB to %lo 2 all TCHs on the /CCH T1@ of ell 0 e, ept )&CCHs! Step ) Tra e the C) do'ain 'essages of a single su%s ri%er in ell 0! Step + 9se an *) to 'a2e a all! -nsure that the le.el during the test is good" that is" the uplin2 and
Issue 01 (2010-11-04) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 1

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

downlin2 le.el .alues in the 'easure'ent report are greater than -50 d/'! Step , :%ser.e the result of tra ing the C) do'ain 'essages of a single su%s ri%er in ell 0! Step - -,pe ted result; The all is su essfully originated and the o''uni ation is nor'al! The TCH o upied %y the all is on a non-/CCH T1@" and the *easure'ent 1esult 'essage regarding the all e,ists %efore the Channel $ ti.ation 'essage is deli.ered! In this ase" the .alues of bs po&er and ms po&er in the Channel $ ti.ation 'essage are not the 'a,i'u' (the 'a,i'u' power le.el of a ?00 *HC ell is 7 and that of the 1800 *HC ell is 0)! ++++End

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Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP


Configuring Dynamic

Ad8ustment %et'een *7 and !7

This hapter des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the optional feature (/+&114402 &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1!

&ependen y on hardware 3one &ependen y on other features 3one #i ense The li ense is a ti.ated! The ell is a non- on entri ell and wor2s properly!

$ll the TCHs in the ell are full-rate (+1) hannels! The C3" ell" and *) support this feature!

Bith this feature" +1 hannels and half-rate (H1) hannels are dyna'i ally on.erted to auto'ati ally adapt to the proportions of +1 hannels and H1 hannels in a ell during an a tual all! In this 'anner" the situation in whi h hannels of one type are ongested whereas hannels of the other type are idle an %e pre.ented!

Configuration steps Step 1 Configure de.i e attri%utes of T1@s! In this step" spe ify all the T1@s in the ell and set TC4 Rate dEust llo& to "ES! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 a T1@ and then hoose TR9 Configuration Express < GTR9*E( F Site TR9 *e8 Propert)! (erification steps Step 1un the /)C5?00 **# o''and SET GCE!!C4MG *! In this step" spe ify the rele.ant ell" and set TC4 Traffic Bus) Threshold to - to ensure that a new all is
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Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

preferentially assigned to an H1 TCH! Step # 9se an *) to originate a all in the ell! -,pe ted result; The all is su essfully originated and the o''uni ation is nor'al! $ +1 TCH is on.erted into two H1 TCHs and o upied %y the *)! Step ) Ter'inate the all! -,pe ted result; The H1 TCHs are not on.erted into +1 TCHs! Step + 1un the /)C5?00 **# o''and SET GTR9C4 N *MST T! In this step" spe ify all the +1 TCHs in the ell and set dministrati8e State to !ocB to %lo 2 all the +1 TCHs in the ell with only H1 TCHs reser.ed! Step , 1un the /)C5?00 **# o''and SET GCE!!C4MG *! In this step" spe ify the rele.ant ell" and set TC4 Traffic Bus) Threshold to 2-- to ensure that a new all is preferentially assigned to an +1 TCH! Step - 9se an *) to originate a all in the ell! -,pe ted result; The all is su essfully originated and the o''uni ation is nor'al! The *) o upies an +1 TCH!
In 5" if the *) and the alled party a'p on the sa'e ell" you need to reser.e an +1 TCH to ensure the su essful setup of the all!


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Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP


Configuring Ce"" %roadcast

About This Chapter

Through the ell %road ast ser.i e" 'o%ile operators an %road ast spe ified short 'essages in the ells o.ered %y one or 'ore /T)s in a 'o%ile networ2! $ll the *)s in the ells an re ei.e the short 'essages! 17!1Configuring )hort *essage )er.i e Cell /road ast (T)24) This se tion des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the feature (/+&-114501 )hort *essage )er.i e Cell /road ast (T)24)! 17!2Configuring )i'plified Cell /road ast This se tion des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the feature (/+&-114502 )i'plified Cell /road ast!

1+.1 Configuring Short .essage Ser4ice Ce"" %roadcast ;TS #=

This se tion des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the feature (/+&-114501 )hort *essage )er.i e Cell /road ast (T)24)!


The li ense is a ti.ated! The @P9aG@P9% %oard is onfigured and wor2s properly! The Cell /road ast Center (C/C) wor2s properly!

The )hort *essage )er.i e Cell /road ast is restri ted %y the li ense! To ena%le this feature" you 'ust install the hardware and software of the C/C and the orresponding networ2ing e>uip'ent!
Issue 01 (2010-11-04) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 1

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

Configuration steps Step 1 *odify the attri%utes of a ()* operator! In this step" set Support Cell Broadcast to SPPRTST N* R*! Configuration 'ethod; Choose BSC Configuration Express < BSC < BSC Basic Info < GSM CN 'perator! Step $dd =#$3 attri%utes of the @P9 %oard! In this step" set the =#$3 attri%utes on the /)C onne ted to the C/C a ording to the IP address a tually allo ated! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the on erned 3- and hoose *e8ice Panel! Then right- li 2 the @P9 %oard and hoose Propert)! :n the interfa e for onfiguring %oard attri%utes" set 9P%(! N!

Step # Configure port attri%utes of the @P9 %oard! In this step" set Panel Port S&itch to 'PEN! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the on erned 3- and hoose *e8ice Panel! Then rightli 2 the @P9 %oard and sele t Propert)! :n the interfa e for onfiguring %oard attri%utes" set 9P%P'RT! Step ) $dd a C/C address! In this step" set the C/C address related para'eters! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t a /)C under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area! In the interfa e for onfiguring /)C" hoose BSC < BSC Basic Info < CBC ddress! Step + Configure hannel attri%utes of T1@s! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 a T1@ and then hoose TR9 Configuration Express < GTR9C4 N F Channel T)pe! (erification steps Step , 1un the **# o''and M'* GCN'PER T'R! In this step" set 'PER T'R IN*E9 to the inde, of the operator whose ell is to %e .erified" Support Cell Broadcast to SPPRTST N* R*?Support Standard CB@! Step - 1un the **# o''and ** 9P%(! N! In this step" set SubracB NoG" Slot NoG" and Subs)stem NoG to the su%ra 2 nu'%er" slot nu'%er" and su%syste' nu'%er orresponding to the @P9 %oard that 'anages the ell %road ast ser.i e" and set M C ddress to -" IP ddress to the a tually allo ated la% IP address" and Net MasB to #00G#00G#00G-! Step / 1un the **# o''and SET 9P%P'RT! In this step" set SubracB NoG" Slot NoG" and Port NoG to those of the @P9 %oard added through the ** 9P%(! N o''and" and set Panel Port S&itch to 'PEN! Then insert an -thernet a%le into the port" and he 2 that the IP address of this port an %e pinged! Step 3 1un the **# o''and ** GCBS **R! In this step" set CBC IN*E9 to - and 'P IN*E9 SET to the inde, of the operator whose ell is to %e .erified! )et SubracB NoG" Slot NoG" and CP% N' to those of the @P9 %oard added through the ** 9P%(! N o''and! In addition" set BSC IP to the IP address of the @P9 %oard added through the ** 9P%(! N o''and! )et BSC Port to 0---" BSC GateCa) IP to the gateway IP address of the la%" CBC IP to the IP address of the C/C" MasB to #00G#00G#00G-" CBC Port to ;---" and If CB ShaBe 4and to "ES! Step 15 1un the **# o''and SET GTR9C4 N! In this step" set TR9 I* to the inde, of the /CCH T1@ in the ell" Channel NoG to -" and Channel T)pe to BCC41CBC4?BCC4HCBC4@! Step 11 $dd the settings of the /)C" ell" area" hannel" and user on the C/C side" and di.ide ells into different ell groups! -na%le the /)C-C/C interfa e tra ing fun tion on the #*T when using an *) with the C/C fun tion ena%led to a ess the networ2 in different ells" and he 2 whether the C/CH Juery and C/CH Juery 1esponse 'essages an %e tra ed! Step 1

$dd the 'essage )ele t Channel 0 on the C/C side" and set the sa'e hannel on the *) side (the onfiguration pro edure depends on the *) %rand)! )et the priority to Normal ?2@"
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP

nu'%er of %road ast ser.i es to ;" %road ast to 2-s" oding s he'e to English" ontent of the 'essage to 4app) ne& )ear! )end this 'essage to the *)s in the ells! Then" ena%le the /)C-C/C tra ing fun tion and $%is interfa e tra ing fun tion on the #*T" and he 2 whether the BriteG1epla e 'essage and 1eport 'essage are tra ed on the /)C-C/C tra e window" whether the )*) /road ast Co''and 'essage is tra ed on the $%is interfa e" and whether the *) an re ei.e the Happy new year 'essage orre tly! ++++End


Configuring Simp"ified Ce"" %roadcast

This se tion des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the feature (/+&-114502 )i'plified Cell /road ast!


The li ense is a ti.ated! The @P9a %oard is onfigured and wor2s properly!

The )i'plified Cell /road ast is restri ted %y the li ense! This feature pro.ides the si'ple ell %road ast ser.i e without the C/C syste'!

Configuration steps Step 1 *odify the attri%utes of a ()* operator! In this step" set )upport Cell /road ast to )PP1T)I*P#-()upport )i'ple C/)! Configuration 'ethod; Choose /)C Configuration -,press < /)C < /)C /asi Info < ()* C3 :perator! Step Configure hannel attri%utes of T1@s! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 a T1@ and then hoose T1@ Configuration -,press < (T1@CH$3 < Channel Type!

Step # Configure si'ple %road ast para'eters of the ell! In this step" set )upport Cell /road ast 3a'e to D-)! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration -,press < :ther $ttri%utes < )i'ple /road ast Para'eter! Step ) Configure ell %road ast 'essages! The C*- does not support the onfiguration of the Cell /road ast *essages o%0e t! To add si'plified ell %road ast 'essages" run the $&& ()*)C/ o''and on the on erned 3-! (erification steps Step + 1un the **# o''and M'* GCN'PER T'R! In this step" set 'PER T'R IN*E9 to the inde, of the operator whose ell is to %e .erified" Support Cell Broadcast to SPPRTSIMP!E?Support Simple CB@! Step , 1un the **# o''and SET GTR9C4 N! In this step" set TR9 I* to the inde, of the /CCH T1@ in the ell" Channel NoG to -" and Channel T)pe to BCC41CBC4?BCC4HCBC4@! Step - 1un the **# o''and SET GCE!!SBC! In this step" set Cell Index to the inde, of the ell to %e .erified" Support Cell Broadcast Name to "ES" Chan I* to -" and Broadcast
Issue 01 (2010-11-04) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 4

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

Content to Celcome! Create an $%is interfa e signaling tra ing tas2 on the #*T! )et the sa'e hannel ( hannel 0) on the *) side as that on the C/C side (the setting pro edure depends on the *) %rand)" and then he 2 whether the )*) /road ast Co''and 'essage an %e tra ed the $%is interfa e and whether the *) an re ei.e the Bel o'e 'essage orre tly! Step / 1un the **# o''and SET GCE!!SBC! In this step" set Cell Index to the inde, of the ell to %e .erified" and set Support Cell Broadcast Name to N'! Create an $%is interfa e signaling tra ing tas2 on the #*T" and he 2 that the )*) /road ast Co''and 'essage annot %e tra ed the $%is interfa e! Step 3 1un the **# o''and ** GSMSCB! In this step" set Cell Index !ist to the inde, of the ell to %e .erified" Geograph) Scope to ! C1CI?CE!! IMME@" Code to 2" %pdate to -" Chan I* to -" Coding Scheme to ENG!IS4" Content of Message to Better Cit) Better !ife" Repeat to ;-" and Broadcast Inter8al to ;-! )pe ify Start Time and End Time! Create an $%is interfa e signaling tra ing tas2 on the #*T" and set the sa'e hannel ( hannel 0) on the *) side as that on the C/C side (the setting pro edure depends on the *) %rand)! Che 2 that the )*) /road ast Co''and 'essage is tra ed the $%is interfa e and that the *) re the /etter City /etter #ife 'essage orre tly!

Start Time set through the ** GSMSCB o''and 'ust %e later than the real ti'e of the :*9! To ensure that the si'ple %road ast 'essage an %e trans'itted for 50 ti'es" the fro' Start Time to End Time 'ust %e greater than one hour!


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Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP


Configuring 9oice :ua"ity Index ;<p"in( 9:I=

This hapter des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the optional feature (/+&115801 =oi e Juality Inde,!

Configuration The /T) that ontrols the ell supports the downlin2 .oi e >uality inde, (=JI) fun tion! =erifi ation

Report *o&nlinB ($I llo&ed for the ell to %e .erified is set to EN B!E" and Measurement Report T)pe in the 9T1$3 syste' 'essage for all ontrol of the ell to ComMeasReport?Common Measurement Report@ for .oi e ser.i e tests! Measurement Report T)pe for the ell to %e .erified is set to EnhMeasReport?Enhanced Measurement Report@ and different .oi e .ersions are set for .oi e ser.i e tests! MRGPreprocessing for the ell to %e .erified is set to BTS1Preprocessing for .oi e ser.i e tests!

The downlin2 =JI fun tion and the rele.ant traffi statisti s ounters help learn and deter'ine the .oi e >uality of a networ2! The =JI fun tion applies to the downlin2 of all networ2s! $fter the downlin2 =JI fun tion is ena%led" the pre eding ounters 'ust %e in luded in o.erall e.aluation of the downlin2 .oi e >uality!

Configuration steps Step 1 Configure software para'eters of the ell! In this step" set Report *o&nlinB ($I llo&ed to EN B!E! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < 'ther ttributes < Soft&are Parameter!

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

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14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

=JI data an %e re orded in a 'easure'ent report during a .oi e ser.i e after Report *o&nlinB ($I llo&ed is set to EN B!E! If an *) does not support enhan ed 'easure'ent reports or Measurement Report T)pe is not set to EnhMeasReport?Enhanced Measurement Report@" the downlin2 =JI .alue is #00!

(erification steps Step 1un the **# o''and SET GCE!!S'5T! In this step" set Cell Index to the inde, of the ell to %e .erified" and Report *o&nlinB ($I llo&ed to EN B!E! Perfor' a .oi e ser.i e test" and he 2 whether the downlin2 =JI .alue in the 'easure'ent report is #00 (an in.alid .alue)!

Step # 1un the **# o''and SET GCE!!CC%TR NS"S! In this step" set Cell Index to the inde, of the ell to %e .erified" and Measurement Report T)pe to EnhMeasReport?Enhanced Measurement Report@!
If no enhan ed 'easure'ent report is o%tained during a .oi e ser.i e when an *) supports enhan e 'easure'ent reports" you need to onfigure a 2( neigh%oring ell!

Step ) 1un the /)C5?00 **# o''and SET GCE!!CC CCESS! In this step" set Speech (ersion to one that 'at hes the hannel type! )pee h .ersions in lude 5%!!1R TE1(ER2?5ull+rate (ER 2@" 5%!!1R TE1(ER#?5ull+rate (ER #@" 55%!!1R TE1(ER<?5ull+rate (ER <@" 4 !51R TE1(ER2?4alf+rate (ER 2@" 4 !51R TE1(ER#?4alf+rate (ER #@" and 4 !51R TE1(ER<?4alf+rate (ER <@! Perfor' a .oi e ser.i e test" and he 2 whether the downlin2 =JI .alue in the 'easure'ent report is a .alid .alue! Step + 1un the /)C5?00 **# o''and SET GCE!!4'CTR!! In this step" set MRGPreprocessing to BTS1Preprocessing?BTS preprocessing@ and set Sent 5re,Gof preprocessed MR %ased on site re>uire'ents! Perfor' a .oi e ser.i e test" and he 2 the downlin2 =JI .alue in the prepro essing 'easure'ent report! ++++End

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP

1Prerequisites Context

Configuring Dynamic

Ad8ustment of <p"in( .CS Coding

This hapter des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the %asi feature (/+&-11?204 &yna'i al $d0ust'ent of 9plin2 *C) Coding!

The ell is onfigured with the enhan ed general pa 2et radio ser.i e (-(P1))" and the uplin2 oding s he'e of the ell an %e hanged!

Bith this feature" the /)C dyna'i ally ad0usts the oding s he'e adopted %y the P&CH %ased on the uplin2 'easure'ent report fro' the /T)! In this 'anner" the P&CH oding s he'e an dyna'i ally .ary with the hanges of the radio trans'ission >uality of the *) that o upies the P&CH" thus i'ple'enting dyna'i ad0ust'ent of the uplin2 *C) oding to >ui 2ly adapt to the >uality hanges of air interfa es! $s a result" the uplin2 throughput is in reased!

Configuration steps Step 1 Configure -(P1) para'eters of the 2( ell! In this step" set Support EGPRS %plinB MCS *)namic dEust to ccording to uplinB ,ualit) measurements reported b) BTS! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < GPRS ttributes < EGPRS Parameters of #G Cell! (erification steps Step #ead downlin2 /T) signals into a shielding a%inet!

Step # Co'%ine the uplin2 signals and interferen e sour e signals in the shielding a%inet and then lead the o'%ined signals to the re ei.e end of a T1@! Step ) )et the fre>uen y of the interferen e sour e to the uplin2 fre>uen y of the T1@" set the trans'it power" and then put an *) in the shielding a%inet! Step + 9se the *) to upload files through +TP!
Issue 01 (2010-11-04) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 1

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

Step , Tra e the result of ad0usting the uplin2 oding s he'e through the P) 9' interfa e! -,pe ted result; Bhen the power of the interferen e sour e in reases" the rate of the uplin2 -(P1) oding s he'e de reases!
The power of the interferen e sour e annot %e too great! :therwise" the P) ser.i es 'ay %e interrupted!


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Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP


Configuring Pac(et Channe" Dispatching

About This Chapter

This hapter des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the optional feature (/+&11?402 Pa 2et Channel &ispat hing!

The PC9 type is set to %uilt-in PC9! The ell supports the -(P1) ser.i e! :ne ()* *) supporting only .oi e ser.i es is a.aila%le! :ne (P1) *) supporting only the (P1) ser.i e is a.aila%le!


The (P1) ser.i e uses only the (*)A 'odulation s he'e whereas the -(P1) ser.i e an use the (*)A and 8P)A 'odulation s he'es! Bhen -(P1) downlin2 ser.i es and (P1) uplin2 ser.i es use the sa'e pa 2et hannel" the -(P1) downlin2 data %lo 2s with the 9)+ 'ay %e used to s hedule the (P1) uplin2 ser.i es! In this ase" the -(P1) downlin2 data %lo 2s an use only the (*)A 'odulation s he'e! This greatly affe ts the downlin2 throughput of the -(P1) *)! Bith this feature" the operator an separate the -(P1) ser.i e fro' the (P1) ser.i e" thus effe ti.ely in reasing the downlin2 throughput of the -(P1) *)! This feature redu es the pro%a%ility that the -(P1) ser.i e and the (P1) ser.i e use the sa'e hannel" thus in reasing the -(P1) ser.i e rate" i' the entire networ2 perfor'an e" and enhan ing the user e,perien e!

18!1Configuring the +eature of -(P1) )pe ial Channel /e 9sed %y :nly -(P1) )er.i e This se tion des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the feature -(P1) )pe ial Channel /e 9sed %y :nly -(P1) )er.i e! 18!2Configuring the +eature of -(P1) Preferred Channel This se tion des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the feature -(P1) Preferred
Issue 01 (2010-11-04) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 1

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

Channel! 18!4Configuring the +eature of Channel *ultiple,ing in the - &own ( 9p ) enario This se tion des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the feature Channel *ultiple,ing in the - &own ( 9p ) enario!

1/.1 Configuring the *eature of E0P7S Specia" Channe" %e <sed by >n"y E0P7S Ser4ice
This se tion des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the feature -(P1) )pe ial Channel /e 9sed %y :nly -(P1) )er.i e!

Configuration steps Step 1 Configure an -(P1) T1@ for the ell! Step )et %asi (P1) $ttri%utes of the 2( ell! In this step" set GPRS to Support as built+in PC% and E*GE to "ES to ena%le the -(P1) fun tion! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < Cell ttributes < Basic GPRS ttributes of #G Cell!

Step # Configure hannel attri%utes of T1@s! In this step" set Channel T)pe and P*C4 Channel Priorit) T)pe! -,pe ted result; The .alues of Channel T)pe of si, hannels are TC45R?TC4 5ull Rate@" and the .alues of P*C4 Channel Priorit) T)pe are EGPRSSPEC4?EGPRS Special Channel@! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 a T1@ and then hoose TR9 Configuration Express < GTR9C4 N F Channel T)pe! Step ) )et Channel T)pe to P*TC4 and P*C4 Channel Priorit) T)pe to EGPRSSPEC4?EGPRS Special Channel@! (erification steps
$n *) (()* *)) that supports only .oi e ser.i es and an *) ((P1) *)) that supports only the (P1) ser.i e are a.aila%le!

Step + *onitor the hannels o upied %y the *)s! Step , 9se the ()* *) to 'a2e a .oi e all in the ell! Step - $tta h the (P1) *) to the (P1) networ2 and initiate the P&P a ti.ation! -,pe ted result;

The ()* *) fails to 'a2e a .oi e all in the ell! The (P1) *) fails to %e atta hed to the (P1) networ2 and the P&P a ti.ation fails!


Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP

1/. Configuring the *eature of E0P7S Preferred Channe"

This se tion des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the feature -(P1) Preferred Channel!

Configuration steps Step 1 Configure two -(P1) T1@s for the ell! Step &o not ena%le the -(P1) fun tion for the /CCH T1@! )et %asi (P1) attri%utes of the 2( ell for the other T1@! That is" set GPRS to Support as built+in PC% and E*GE to "ES to ena%le the -(P1) fun tion! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < Cell ttributes < Basic GPRS ttributes of #G Cell!

Step # )et hannel 'anage'ent status! This step uses a non- onfiguration o''and that the C*does not support! 1un the **# o''and SET GTR9C4 N *MST T on the /)C! In this step" set TR9 I* to the inde, of the /CCH T1@" and set Channel NoG and dministrati8e State! Step ) -,pe ted result; The .alues of all dministrati8e State for all the TCHs on the /CCH T1@ are !ocB! Step + Configure hannel attri%utes of T1@s! In this step" set Channel T)pe and P*C4 Channel Priorit) T)pe! -,pe ted result; The .alues of Channel T)pe are TC45R?TC4 5ull Rate@! The .alues of P*C4 Channel Priorit) T)pe of four hannels are EGPRSPRIC4?EGPRS Priorit) Channel@ and those of the other four hannels are GPRS?GPRS Channel@! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 a T1@ and then hoose TR9 Configuration Express < GTR9C4 N F Channel T)pe! (erification steps
(P1) *)1 ( lass10)" (P1) *)2 ( lass10)" and -(P1) *)1 ( lass10) are atta hed to the (P1) ell!

Step , 1e ord the pro ess of onfiguring hannels for the de.i es! Step - -(P1) *)1 a ti.ates the P&P and starts the &# +TP! Step / (P1) *)1 a ti.ates the P&P and starts the &# +TP! Step 3 (P1) *)2 a ti.ates the P&P and starts the &# +TP! Step 15 -(P1) *)1 stops the &# +TP and releases the P&CH! Step 11 -(P1) *)1 starts the &# +TP again after a period of ti'e! Step 1 9se a dri.e test tool to re ord the hannels o upied %y the *)s! (erification results

$fter a ti.ating the P&P for the first ti'e" -(P1) *)1 starts the &# +TP and uses an -(P1) preferred hannel!
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 1

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

$fter starting the &# +TP" (P1) *)2 shares a P&CH with (P1) *)1! The syste' does not allo ate an -(P1) preferred hannel to (P1) *)2! $fter -(P1) *)1 stops the &# +TP and releases the P&CH" (P1) *)2 or (P1) *)1 is swit hed to the orre t hannel instead of sharing a P&CH! The orre t hannel is the -(P1) preferred hannel used %y -(P1) *)1! $fter -(P1) *)1 starts the &# +TP again" (P1) *)2 or (P1) *)1 is swit hed out of the -(P1) preferred hannel" and then the two (P1) *)s share a P&CH again! The -(P1) preferred hannel is allo ated again to -(P1) *)1" whi h starts the &# +TP on the -(P1) preferred hannel!


1/.# Configuring the *eature of Channe" .u"tip"exing in the E Do'n 0 <p Scenario
This se tion des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the feature Channel *ultiple,ing in the - &own ( 9p ) enario!

Configuration steps Step 1 Configure an -(P1) T1@ for the ell! Step Configure hannel attri%utes of T1@s! In this step" set Channel T)pe and P*C4 Channel Priorit) T)pe! -,pe ted result; The .alues of Channel T)pe of all the hannels are TC45R?TC4 5ull Rate@" and the .alues of P*C4 Channel Priorit) T)pe of at least two of the hannels are EGPRSN'RC4?EGPRS Normal Channel@! Configuration 'ethod; 1ightli 2 a T1@ and then hoose TR9 Configuration Express < GTR9C4 N F Channel T)pe!

Step # Configure P) software para'eters! In this step" set llo& E *o&n G %p S&itch to Close! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t a /)C under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area! Then in the displayed interfa e for onfiguring the /)C" hoose BSC < BSC Basic Info < PS Soft&are Parameter! (erification steps
Two (P1) *)s ( lass8) and one -(P1) *) ( lass10) are a.aila%le!

Step ) $tta h (P1) *)1 to the (P1) networ2 and initiate the P&P a ti.ation! (P1) *)1 starts the 9# +TP and uses one uplin2 hannel! The downlin2 hannels are not used! Step + $tta h -(P1) *)1 to the -(P1) networ2 and initiate the P&P a ti.ation! -(P1) *)1 starts the &# +TP and does not share a hannel with (P1) *)1! Step , $tta h (P1) *)2 to the -(P1) networ2 and initiate the P&P a ti.ation! (P1) *)2 starts the 9# +TP and shares an uplin2 hannel with (P1) *)1! Step - 1e ord the hannels o upied %y ea h *)! Expected results

$fter -(P1) *)1 a esses the ell and starts the &# +TP" the uplin2 hannel of (P1)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP

*)1 does not share the sa'e hannel with the downlin2 hannel of -(P1) *)1!

$fter (P1) *)2 a esses the ell and starts the &# +TP" the uplin2 hannel of (P1) *)2 does not share the sa'e hannel with the downlin2 hannel of -(P1) *)1!


Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP


Configuring 0uaranteed Emergency Ca""

This hapter des ri%es how to a ti.ate" .erify" and dea ti.ate the optional feature (/+&110721 (uaranteed -'ergen y Call!

&ependen y on hardware 3one &ependen y on other features 3one #i ense The li ense is a ti.ated!

The (uaranteed -'ergen y Call feature is introdu ed to 'a,i'iCe the setup su ess rate of e'ergen y alls" thus ensuring the o''uni ation in disaster relief a ti.ities! This feature has the following hara teristi s;

-'ergen y alls are preferentially assigned to full rate TCHs (TCHG+s) in the i''ediate assign'ent phase! The syste' TCHG+s for the *)s 'a2ing e'ergen y alls! The *) 'a2ing an e'ergen y all pree'pts the hannel resour es seiCed %y the all with a lower priority!

Configuration steps Step 1 Configure ed para'eters of the ell for all ontrol! In this step" set Priorit) of Emergenc) Call to a proper .alue a ording to a tual re>uire'ents" for e,a'ple" 2! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < Call Control < Callctrl d8anced Parameters! Step Configure %asi hannel 'anage'ent para'eters of the ell! In this step" set Max Channel
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 1

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

Num Reser8ed for EC to a proper .alue a ording to a tual re>uire'ents" for e,a'ple" #! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < Channel Management < Channel Management Basic Parameters! Step # Configure ed para'eters of the ell for all ontrol! In this step" set Emergenc) Call Preemption Permitted to 'N! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < Call Control < Callctrl d8anced Parameters! Step ) :ptional; Configure ti'er para'eters of the ell! In this step" set Timer of Reser8ed TC4 for EMC to a proper .alue a ording to a tual re>uire'ents" for e,a'ple" 20! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the ell and hoose Cell Configuration Express < 'ther ttributes < Timer Parameters! (erification steps Step + 1un the /)C5?00 **# o''and !ST GCE!!CC * to he 2 the .alue of Priorit) of Emergenc) Call! -,pe ted result; The .alue of Priorit) of Emergenc) Call is 2! Step , 1un the /)C5?00 **# o''and !ST GCE!!C4MGB SIC to he 2 the .alue of Max Channel Num Reser8ed for EC! -,pe ted result; The .alue of Max Channel Num Reser8ed for EC is #! Step - 1un the /)C5?00 **# o''and !ST GCE!!CC * to he 2 the .alue of Emergenc) Call Preemption Permitted! -,pe ted result; The .alue of -'ergen y Call Pree'ption Per'itted is :3! Step / :ptional; 1un the /)C5?00 **# o''and !ST GCE!!TMR to .iew the .alue of Timer of Reser8ed TC4 for EMC! -,pe ted result; The .alue of Timer of Reser8ed TC4 for EMC is 20! Step 3 9se *)1 to 'a2e an e'ergen y all in the ell! Step 15 $ll the TCHs in the ell are o upied %y o''on alls and no idle hannel is a.aila%le! $n e,isting all has a lower priority than the e'ergen y all and the hannel resour es of the all an %e pree'pted! -,pe ted result; $ all in the ell is released %e ause its resour es are pree'pted! Step 11 *)1 'a2es the e'ergen y all su essfully! In the i''ediate assign'ent phase" an )&CCH is assigned and in the assign'ent phase" a TCHG+ is assigned! ++++End

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP


Configuring Abis o4er IP

This hapter des ri%es how to onfigure and .erify the feature (/+&-118501 $%is IP!

The li ense is a ti.ated! The +(2a" +(2 " (:9a" (:9 " P-9a" or P:9 %oard is in position! The /)C supports o''uni ation through de.i e IP or port IP addresses! The /T) supports trans'ission IP! Bhen de.i e IP addresses are used for o''uni ation" the opposite de.i e 'ust %e onfigured with a stati route to the de.i e IP address of the /)C e.en if the /)C is dire tly onne ted to the opposite de.i e! There is no su h a re>uire'ent for the o''uni ation through IP addresses of ports! The $" $%is" or (% IP interfa e %oard an %e onfigured with 15 de.i e IP addresses! $%is IP does not support the Hu%/T)s and T&*GIP line sharing trans'ission %ut supports only the %uilt-in PC9 and star networ2ing of the /T)! $%is IP supports only IP.4! Bhen the layer 2 networ2ing is used on the $%is interfa e" the /)C and /T) auto'ati ally perfor' the %idire tional forwarding dete tion (/+&) on lin2s! In this ase" the /T) is not allowed to use de.i e IP addresses for o''uni ation! The feature (/+&-116801 1ing Topology" (/+&-116601 /)C #o al )wit h" or (/+&116401 +le, $%is is not onfigured in the trans'ission networ2!

The /T)4005C and /T)4002- do not support $%is IP!

The $%is IP feature is restri ted %y the li ense! Bith this feature ena%led" the /)C an %e optionally onfigured with the $%is *9@ fun tion" whi h is used to i'pro.e the trans'ission effi ien y on the $%is interfa e and to sa.e the %andwidth!

Configuring bis o8er IP
Issue 01 (2010-11-04) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 1

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

Step 1 Configure IP +-G(-! 1! $dd a %oard! In this step" add an +(2a" +(2 " (:9a" or (:9 %oard on the /)C side! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 an 3- in the Planned area and sele t *e8ice Panel to display the de.i e panel! 1ight- li 2 a slot on the de.i e panel" and in the pop-up 'enu" sele t INT! Then sele t the %oard type to %e added! Configure the data of the physi al layer and the data lin2 layer on the +(2a" +(2 " (:9a" or (:9 %oard! $dd an ad0a ent node! Configuration 'ethod; Choose BSC Configuration Express < bis < bis Interface '8er IP < dEacent Node! $dd an IP path! In this step" onfigure the data of IP user plane! Configuration 'ethod; Choose BSC Configuration Express < bis < bis Interface '8er IP < IP Path! $dd a /T) %oard! That is" add an IP trans'ission %oard to the /T)! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 the /T) and then hoose *e8ice Panel!
This step is perfor'ed only when the /T) is a dou%le-density /T)!

2! 4! 4! 7!

5! 6!

Configure the IP lo 2 of the /T)! Configuration 'ethod; Choose BTS Configuration Express < BTS Transmission !inB < BTS IP ClocB Ser8er! $dd a serial nu'%er of the /T) e>uip'ent! Configuration 'ethod; Choose BTS Configuration Express < BTS Transmission !inB < BTS E,uipment Serial Number! )et IP BTS Communication ddress! In this step" set Peer BSC IP to the de.i e IP address or -thernet port IP address of the IP interfa e %oard on the /)C side" and set the IP address of the /T)! Configuration 'ethod; Choose BTS Configuration Express < BTS Transmission !inB < IP BTS Communication ddress!
In the ase of layer 4 networ2ing" if the /)C5?00 and the /T) are not in the sa'e networ2 seg'ent" you need to run the **# o''and ** IPRT to add an IP route on the /T) side!



Configure Ethernet Port of IP BTS! That is" set the port IP address of the /T)! Configuration 'ethod; Choose BTS Configuration Express < BTS Transmission !inB < Ethernet Port of IP BTS!


Configure IP -1GT1! 1! 2! $dd a %oard! In this step" add an P-9a or P:9 %oard on the /)C side! Configure the data of the physi al layer and the data lin2 layer!

Configure the data of the physi al layer and the data lin2 layer on the P-9a %oard! Configure the data of the physi al layer and the data lin2 layer on the P:9 %oard!

4! 4! 7!

$dd an ad0a ent node! $dd an IP path! In this step" onfigure the data of IP user plane! $dd a /T) %oard! That is" add an IP trans'ission %oard to the /T)!
This step is perfor'ed only when the /T) is a dou%le-density /T)!


$dd /T) onne tions! In this step" add the onne tion %etween a /T) and a /)C5?00" and onne tion %etween /T)s in luding onne tions in a /T)" or onne tion %etween a /T) and a &@@! Configuration 'ethod; 1ight- li 2 a /T) under the /)C node and hoose BTS Topolog)! Then right- li 2 on the displayed /T) Top interfa e and hoose Chain Management?! $dd a serial nu'%er of the /T) e>uip'ent! )et IP BTS Communication ddress! In this step" set Peer BSC IP to the de.i e IP
Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

6! 8!

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()* +eature Configuration

20 Configuring $%is IP

address or -thernet port IP address of the IP interfa e %oard on the /)C side! ?! :ptional; )et IP M%9 Pipe! In this step" set IP M%9 T)pe to BISM%9" and add $%is *9@! Configuration 'ethod; )ele t a /)C under GSM in the Transport na.igation tree on the left of the Planned area to display the interfa e for onfiguring the /)C" and then hoose BSC < Transmission Configuration < IP M%9 Pipe!

(erif)ing bis o8er IP Step # =erify the data of the physi al layer and the data lin2 layer! IP +-G(Step ) 1un the **# o''and *SP ET4P'RT! In this step" set SubracB NoG" Slot NoG" and Port NoG to those of the interfa e %oard where the port onne ted to the /T) is lo ated! Che 2 the .alues of Port state and !inB 8ailabilit) Status in the o''and e,e ution result! If the .alue of Port state is cti8ated and that of !inB 8ailabilit) Status is 8ailable" the lin2 is nor'al! Step + If the lin2 aggregation 'ode is used" run the **# o''and *SP ET4TR> to >uery the setting of Status of ET4TR>! If the .alue of Status of ET4TR> is 9P" it indi ates that the lin2 aggregation group wor2s properly! 1un the **# o''and *SP ET4TR>!N> to >uery the setting of Status of ET4TR>!N> sub+port! If the .alue of Status of ET4TR>!N> sub+port is %P" it indi ates that the su%-port for the lin2 aggregation group wor2s properly! Step , 1un the /)C5?00 **# o''and *SP *IN'*E to >uery the status of an ad0a ent node" nu'%er of paths to the ad0a ent node" and a.aila%le %andwidth! Dou an he 2 the .alue of 'peration state and %andwidths! If the .alue of 'peration state is 8ailable and the a.aila%le %andwidth is greater than 0" it indi ates that the ad0a ent node is nor'al! Step - 1un the **# o''and *SP IPP T4 to he 2 whether the IP path is a.aila%le! If the .alue of 'peration state is 8ailable and the a.aila%le %andwidth is greater than 0" it indi ates that the IP path is nor'al! IP -1GT1 Step / 1un the /)C5?00 **# o''and *SP E2T2 to he 2 whether the port is fun tional %y >uerying Port running state! Step 3 If the PPP lin2 is used" run the /)C5?00 **# o''and *SP PPP!N> to >uery the settings of !inB state" !ocal IP address" and Peer IP address! Step 15 If the *#PPP lin2 is used" run the /)C5?00 **# o''and *SP MPGRP to >uery the settings of !inB state" !ocal IP address" and Peer IP address" and run the /)C5?00 **# o''and *SP MP!N> to >uery the settings of !inB state and !CP negotiated state! Step 11 If the PPP lin2 is used" run the /)C5?00 **# o''and PING IP! In this step" set Source IP address to the sa'e .alue as !ocal IP address in the *SP PPP!N> o''and and *estination IP address to the sa'e .alue as Peer IP address in the *SP PPP!N> o''and! If the statisti s on PI3( pa 2ets an %e re ei.ed" the PPP lin2 is nor'al! Step 1 If the *#PPP lin2 is used" run the /)C5?00 **# o''and PING IP! In this step" set Source IP address to the sa'e .alue as !ocal IP address in the *SP MPGRP o''and and *estination IP address to the sa'e .alue as Peer IP address in the *SP MPGRP o''and! If the statisti s on PI3( pa 2ets an %e re ei.ed" the *#PPP lin2 is nor'al!

Step 1# =erify the ontrol plane on the $%is interfa e! Step 1) 1un the /)C5?00 **# o''and *SP ! P*!N> to he 2 the #$P& lin2! If %sageStatus is Normal" the #$P& lin2 is nor'al!
Issue 01 (2010-11-04) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td 4

14 Configuring &yna'i $d0ust'ent /etween +1 and H1

()* +eature Configuration

Step 1+ =erify the user plane on the $%is interfa e! Step 1, 1un the /)C5?00 **# o''and *SP *IN'*E to >uery the status of an ad0a ent node" nu'%er of paths to the ad0a ent node" and a.aila%le %andwidth! Dou an he 2 the .alue of 'peration state and %andwidths! If the .alue of 'peration state is 8ailable and the a.aila%le %andwidth is greater than 0" it indi ates that the ad0a ent node is nor'al! Step 1- 1un the **# o''and *SP IPP T4 to he 2 whether the IP path is a.aila%le! If the .alue of 'peration state is 8ailable and the a.aila%le %andwidth is greater than 0" it indi ates that the IP path is nor'al! ++++End

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Te hnologies Co!" #td

Issue 01 (2010-11-04)

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