Aeronautical Chart: User Guide

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Aeronautical Chart User Guide

Version 3

Effective 17 July 2023

Prepared: A/g Aeronautical Charting Lead – David Harley

Endorsed: AIS Service Delivery Manager - Sarah Johnston

Approved: Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) - Simon Godsmark

Ensure document is current before use

© Airservices Australia 2023 1 of 48
Aeronautical Chart User Guide

Change summary
Version Date Change description

1 02 December 2021 Initial issue

2 19 July 2022 Minor updates to the content

3 17 July 2023  Section 3.2.4 – Updated heading to TAC / TAC AREA

 Section 4.3 – Updated North Indicator chart
 Section 4.9 – Updated Airservices Australia logo
 Section 7.4.4 – Updated RNAV (GNSS) or RNP non-precision and APV
approach procedures figure
 Section 8 – Updated Definitions table

Table of contents
1 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................. 4
2 SCOPE ....................................................................................................................................... 4
3 GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 5
3.1 User responsibilities .................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Chart types .................................................................................................................................. 6
4 COMMON CHARTING ELEMENTS .......................................................................................... 7
4.1 Chart title ..................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Scale bar ..................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 North indicator............................................................................................................................. 8
4.4 Projection information ................................................................................................................. 8
4.5 Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) ....................................................................................... 9
4.6 Production information .............................................................................................................. 10
4.7 Legend ...................................................................................................................................... 10
4.8 Location map ............................................................................................................................ 10
4.9 Ownership ................................................................................................................................. 11
4.10 Copyright ................................................................................................................................... 11
4.11 Morse code ............................................................................................................................... 11
4.12 Horizontal and vertical datum ................................................................................................... 12
4.13 Conversion scale ...................................................................................................................... 12
5 TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES................................................................................................... 13
5.1 Hypsometric and bathymetric tints ........................................................................................... 16
6 AERONAUTICAL ATTRIBUTES ............................................................................................. 17
6.1 Aerodromes .............................................................................................................................. 17
6.2 Special use airspace ................................................................................................................. 18
6.3 Air Traffic Services (ATS) ......................................................................................................... 20
6.4 Airways and route symbols ....................................................................................................... 24
6.5 Sports symbols ......................................................................................................................... 28
6.6 Obstacles .................................................................................................................................. 29
6.7 PCA symbology ........................................................................................................................ 30
6.8 Miscellaneous symbology ......................................................................................................... 31
7 AERODROME AND PROCEDURE CHARTS ......................................................................... 31

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Aeronautical Chart User Guide

7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 31

7.2 General information .................................................................................................................. 31
7.3 Special notices .......................................................................................................................... 35
7.4 Instrument Approach and Landing (IAL) legends ..................................................................... 36
7.5 Conversion tables ..................................................................................................................... 42
8 Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 45
9 References............................................................................................................................... 48

List of tables
Table 1 – Chart title .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Table 2 – Scale bar ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Table 3 – North indicator ................................................................................................................................. 8
Table 4 – Projection information..................................................................................................................... 8
Table 5 – Production information ................................................................................................................. 10
Table 6 – Location map .................................................................................................................................. 10
Table 7 – Ownership....................................................................................................................................... 11
Table 8 – Copyright ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Table 9 – Morse code ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Table 10 – Conversion scale ......................................................................................................................... 12
Table 11 – Topographic features .................................................................................................................. 16
Table 12 – Aerodromes .................................................................................................................................. 17
Table 13 – Special use airspace.................................................................................................................... 18
Table 14 – NAVAID ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Table 15 – ATS ................................................................................................................................................ 21
Table 16 – Airspace depiction (vertical limits) ............................................................................................ 21
Table 17 – Airspace depictions (vertical limits including SFC) ................................................................. 22
Table 18 – Airways and route symbols ........................................................................................................ 24
Table 19 – LSALT............................................................................................................................................ 25
Table 20 – Sports symbols ............................................................................................................................ 28
Table 21 – Obstacles ...................................................................................................................................... 29
Table 22 – PCA symbology ........................................................................................................................... 30
Table 23 – Miscellaneous symbology .......................................................................................................... 31
Table 24 – RNP AR standards ....................................................................................................................... 34

List of figures
Figure 1 – Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) ......................................................................................... 9
Figure 2 – Reporting points (example 1) ...................................................................................................... 26
Figure 3 – Reporting points (example 2) ...................................................................................................... 26
Figure 4 – Reporting points (example 3) ...................................................................................................... 26
Figure 5 – Intersection waypoint .................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 6 – Profile and plan diagram ............................................................................................................. 33
Figure 7 – Critical obstacle type and position............................................................................................. 34
Figure 8 – General symbology (IAL charts) ................................................................................................. 36
Figure 9 – Aerodrome chart (IAL) ................................................................................................................. 37
Figure 10 – ILS/LOC combined procedures ................................................................................................ 38
Figure 11 – RNAV (GNSS) or RNP non-precision and APV approach procedures ................................. 39
Figure 12 – RNAV (GNSS) or RNP approach procedures .......................................................................... 39
Figure 13 – Minima table and aerodrome lighting ...................................................................................... 40
Figure 14 – Procedure altitude/flight levels ................................................................................................. 41
Figure 15 – Holding pattern ........................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 16 – Conversion table (gradient rate nomograph) .......................................................................... 42
Figure 17 – Conversion table (altitude correction versus temperature #1) ............................................. 43
Figure 18 – Conversion table (altitude correction versus temperature #2) ............................................. 44

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Aeronautical Chart User Guide

This Chart User Guide is an introduction to the Airservices range of aeronautical
charts. It has been designed to be used by new pilots as a learning tool and for
experienced pilots as a quick reference guide.
Airservices publishes several different charting products for use in the various stages of
visual and instrument flight, including training, planning, departure, en route (for low
and high altitudes), approaches and movement at an aerodrome.

This guide covers depiction and description of the topographic, cultural, and
aeronautical data elements shown on the following chart types:
 En Route Chart High (ERCH)
 En Route Chart Low (ERCL)
 Planning Chart Australia (PCA)
 Terminal Area Chart (TAC)
 Visual Navigation Chart (VNC)
 Visual Terminal Chart (VTC)
Note: When planning visual navigation outside the coverage of a VTC, pilots will
need to refer to the appropriate VNC (if available), or ERCL for depiction of
controlled airspace and PRD areas.
 World Aeronautical Chart (WAC)
 Aerodrome and Procedure Charts
 Aerodrome Obstacle Charts
Charts produced by Airservices Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) that are not
included in the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package (IAIP) or produced for
internal operational users are not covered by this guide.

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Aeronautical Chart User Guide


3.1 User responsibilities

3.1.1 Using current charts

Aeronautical information is not static and charts are regularly updated in accordance
with a published schedule, available online:
info/aeronautical-information-management/document-amendment-calendar/ and the
effective date of each chart is clearly depicted as well as the date when the data was
captured, as shown in the example in para 4.6.
Users should also check AIP Supplements (SUP), Aeronautical Information Circulars
(AIC) and NOTAM for important updates between publication cycles.

3.1.2 Operations outside the Australian Flight Information Region

All data represented on charts that lies outside the Australian FIR is compiled from a
variety of sources and is representative of the airspace and air route mosaic as it was
understood at the time of compilation. Amendments will occur to non-Australian FIR
data outside of the Australian AIP publication cycle. Pilots should therefore check the
AIP, SUP, and NOTAM of adjoining states to ensure they are in receipt of the most up-
to-date information.

3.1.3 Reporting chart errors and omissions

Errors and omissions to charts can be report to AIS via email:
[email protected].

3.1.4 Purchasing paper charts

Charts can be purchased online through CanPrint Communication:

3.1.5 Definitions and abbreviations

Definitions and abbreviations for the terms used throughout this document can be
found in AIP GEN 2.2.

3.1.6 Applicable documents/reference material

Australian charts are produced to meet the ICAO standards published in Annex 4,
Aeronautical Charts and Doc 8697, Aeronautical Chart Manual.

3.1.7 Using different chart types

Users are reminded to use the most appropriate chart type for their operation and
consider the scale of each chart type. The chart boundaries of larger scale charts are
marked on smaller scale charts. The larger scale charts will hold more information than
the smaller scales. On low charts, the TAC and VTC boundaries are marked.

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Aeronautical Chart User Guide

3.2 Chart types

3.2.1 ERCH
Drawn to various scales to accommodate significant air traffic route areas and show
controlled airspace, prohibited, restricted and danger areas, air routes, ATS and radio
navigation services. Primarily for use by aircraft operating on transcontinental and inter-
capital routes above FL200.

3.2.2 ERCL
Depict similar information to that shown on ERCH up to and including FL200.
Aeronautical information within terminal areas may not be complete and pilots should
use a TAC or VTC.

3.2.3 PCA
Contains meteorological area forecast boundaries and locations, communication
coverage outside controlled airspace and WAC coverage.


For use in terminal areas, these charts provide airspace, air routes, prohibited,
restricted and danger areas, navigation aids and radio frequencies. They are designed
to display aeronautical information at a larger scale for easier use in congested areas.
Scale varies for each chart.

3.2.5 VNC
Assists in planning flights in relation to controlled airspace, navigation when nearing
controlled airspace or restricted and danger areas. Scale is 1:500,000.

3.2.6 VTC
Provides both aeronautical and topographical information for VFR operations in the
vicinity of major aerodromes. In some cases, these charts show the details of tracks to
be flown and significant landmarks which are used by pilots of VFR aircraft to avoid
inadvertent penetration of controlled airspace. Scale is 1:250,000.

3.2.7 WAC
These Australian charts are part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series.
Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, these charts are constructed using
Lambert’s conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications.

3.2.8 Aerodrome and approach charts

Includes aerodrome, ground movement and apron charts, noise abatement
procedures, Standard Instrument Departure (SID) and Standard Arrival Route (STAR)
charts, Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) and Global Positioning System (GPS)
arrival charts and Instrument Approach and Landing (IAL) charts.

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Aeronautical Chart User Guide

3.2.9 Aerodrome obstruction charts

Aerodrome obstruction charts, as detailed in ERSA FAC, are available to aircraft
operators by contacting the appropriate aerodrome operator. Details are available


Information common across several chart types is listed in this section with examples
for clarification.

4.1 Chart title

Identifies the type of chart and the chart name and/or number.

Table 1 – Chart title

4.2 Scale bar

Scale is depicted in two ways:
1. Statement of scale – the ratio between the chart and the earth that it is describing,
e.g., 1:100,000 states that every unit on the face of the map is the equivalent to
100,000 units on the face of the earth, 1CM on the chart = 1KM on the earth.
2. Scale bar – this can be used to measure real world distances on the map.
Where applicable the scale of the chart is shown in the scale bar; where the scale is
standard across an entire chart series this is also shown in the title block.

Table 2 – Scale bar

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4.3 North indicator

When a grid is not shown on a chart, a north arrow is published with the magnetic

Table 3 – North indicator

4.4 Projection information

A map projection is a method used to depict the earth’s surface, which is spherical onto
paper, which is flat. There are different types of map projection, all of which cause
some type of distortion. The most common form of projection used by Airservices is
Lambert’s Conformal Conic projection with two standard parallels. This information is
published on the individual charts, where no projection is published (on IAL charts)
UTM projection is used, see para 4.5.

Table 4 – Projection information

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Aeronautical Chart User Guide

4.5 Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)

UTM is a plane coordinate grid system named for the map projection on which it is
based (Transverse Mercator). The UTM system consists of 60 zones, each 6-degrees
of longitude in width. The zones are numbered 1-60, beginning at 180-degrees
longitude, and increasing to the east. The UTM zone is not published on charts,
however a diagram showing those used in the Australian FIR is at Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)

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Aeronautical Chart User Guide

4.6 Production information

This information can include the effective date and time (in UTC), the date the data was
compiled, the next edition of the chart and the chart author. Information sourced from
third parties, i.e., Geoscience Australia is also noted when applicable.

Table 5 – Production information

4.7 Legend
Symbology for each chart type and other general information is included in the chart

4.8 Location map

Where applicable, this shows the location of the chart in reference to a map of Australia
as well as the chart information for that chart type for the rest of the country.

Table 6 – Location map

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Aeronautical Chart User Guide

4.9 Ownership
The custodian of the chart is represented by the organisation logo.

Table 7 – Ownership

4.10 Copyright
A copyright notice or symbol is shown on all charts with instructions for how to seek
permission to reproduce the charts for commercial reasons.

Table 8 – Copyright

4.11 Morse code

Morse code is used to determine the serviceability of NAVAID. Morse code symbology
is shown on applicable charts as either part of the legend, as a table in marginalia or on
the chart itself.

Table 9 – Morse code

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4.12 Horizontal and vertical datum

A datum is a system which allows the location of latitudes and longitudes and heights
to be identified onto the surface of a spherical object, such as the earth. Datums are
usually named with a regional or functional description and a date for when it was last
updated. Australian charts use:
 GDA94 (vertical) – the Geodetic Datum of Australia 1994; and
 WGS84 (horizontal) – World Geodetic System 1984.

4.13 Conversion scale

Conversion scales are published to assist pilots with the conversions that may be
required for navigation, i.e., FT to M and KM to NM and vice versa. More detailed
conversion tables are published in AIP GEN 2.6.

Table 10 – Conversion scale

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Aeronautical Chart User Guide

Topographic features are shown on visual charts (VNC, VTC, and WAC) and some
Aerodrome and Procedure Charts. These features identify cultural and natural ground
features, including roads, buildings, urban development, boundaries, railways, power
transmission lines, water features, mountains, and magnetic variation.
The symbols contained may not be published on all visual charts, however where there
is a difference in symbology across different chart types this is identified. Chart specific
information is contained in the legend for each chart.
Feature Symbology Alternate Symbology

Area subject
to inundation



or post office

Built up area

Cities, towns
and villages
are shown
according to
their relative
importance to
visual air

Cliff, buff, or




Gas or

Grain storage

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Feature Symbology Alternate Symbology


offshore rock

Lake, dry

Lake, non-




Other road


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Aeronautical Chart User Guide

Feature Symbology Alternate Symbology


Principal road


abandoned or

Railway with
station or

wall, weir,

River, braided

Sand ridges

foreshore flat


Shoal or bank






Tidal ledge or

Tower or

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Aeronautical Chart User Guide

Feature Symbology Alternate Symbology




Table 11 – Topographic features

5.1 Hypsometric and bathymetric tints

5.1.1 Hypsometry
The measurement of the elevation of the land with respect to sea level.

5.1.2 Bathymetry
The measurement of the depth of water bodies.

5.1.3 Elevation
Elevation on all charts is shown in Feet Above Mean Sea Level (FT AMSL), unless
otherwise noted, e.g., Above Ground Level (AGL).

5.1.4 Contours
Contour lines mark points of equal elevation on a chart. They assist with understanding
the elevation profile of the terrain, i.e., identifying peaks, depressions, cliffs, valleys,
ridgelines, saddles, and ledges.

5.1.5 Spot elevations

Spot elevations, which denote ground level, not tree top height, may not indicate the
maximum elevation of the land in any area. The highest spot elevation in each 30-
minute grid square is depicted in bold type. Spot elevations enclosed by brackets (+)
indicate the highest elevation of terrain (not surveyed) based on best available contour
information. Hypsometric information is accurate to the extent of the surveys available
and should be accepted as only indicative of elevation and used with caution.

5.1.6 Highest point on the chart

The highest point on any VFR chart is noted, including its latitude and longitude, in the
margin of the chart.

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The amount and type of published aeronautical data varies by chart type. The colour of
the symbology may also vary by chart type.

6.1 Aerodromes
Feature Symbology

ALA – unverified

ALA – verified

Civil – Certified

Helicopter Landing Site

Joint Civil – Military


Water – unverified

Water – verified

Table 12 – Aerodromes

6.1.1 General information

 Heliports are not depicted on IFR charts
 Due to clutter, some heliports are not shown on VFR charts
 Unverified ALA are not shown on ERCH
 Verified ALA are only shown on high charts if they are part of a route
 Certified aerodromes are depicted on high charts only if the aerodrome is on a high
 Where a NAVAID and an aerodrome co-exist, symbology priority is given to the

6.1.2 Verified
Airservices has a responsible person registered for the location and associated
information confirmed.

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6.1.3 Unverified
Airservices has not been advised of a responsible person for the location. Status and
serviceability are unknown.

6.2 Special use airspace

Feature Symbology

Danger Area

Fly Neighbourly

PRD Table

Restricted Area

- Area too small to
be shown on

Procedures Area

Table 13 – Special use airspace

6.2.1 Restricted and Danger Areas

1. Restricted Areas (RA) are shown with a thick purple line on IFR charts, and a
magenta verge on VFR charts. RA conditional status is displayed in tables on the
2. Danger Area (DA) boundaries are shown with a solid purple line on IFR charts, and
a solid magenta line on VFR charts.
3. Where a DA and RA have a common lateral boundary, on the RA, verge is shown.
The DA boundary is indicated by labels.
4. On VFR charts, where RA and DA have a common lateral boundary, only the RA
verge is shown. The DA boundary is indicated by labels.
Note: WAC released from June 2022 will show RA and DA.

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6.2.2 Navigational Aids (NAVAID)

Feature Symbology

Broadcast Station (showing call sign,

frequency, and if Relay (R ) )


ILS or Localizer

Navigation Aid Limitation

Navigation Box



VHF Contact with ATS possible on ground


Table 14 – NAVAID
a. An asterisk (*) next to a NAVAID indicates that it is subject to an operating
limitation such as reduced range, bearing fluctuations, terrain shielding etc.
Details of the limitation are listed in ERSA FAC.
b. An asterisk will not be shown to indicate that an aid is pilot monitored.
c. Where there is a VOR/DME co-located with a NDB, the NDB symbol will not be
d. The ILS/Localizer beam value will only be published if it does not run along a

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6.3 Air Traffic Services (ATS)

Feature Symbology

AERIS frequency with location

Boundary between CTA, UTA, OCA

(OCA A Boundary on ERCL and

Broadcast area boundary

Civil control zone (Class C and D

Control Zone on visual charts)

Class G airspace
Note: Class G exists from SFC to
the base of overlying Class
A, C, D, or E airspace

Class C and D airspace

Note: Where LL is BLW FL200,
check for underlying Class

Class E airspace.
Note: Where LL is BLW FL180
(except where Class C
exists above)

CTA boundary
CTA limits
CTA distances


Designated route - arrow indicates

where one way

Designated route - high

Designated route - low

E Frequency boundary

Feature not on route

FIS frequency information

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Feature Symbology

FIR boundary

G Frequency boundary

Military control zone

Sector mileage and lowest safe

Note: Always shown together
Note: Continental lowest safe
altitude is only valid for RNP
2 Operations

Sub FIR boundary or sector

Terminal control area (TMA)


Upper Information Region (UIR)

Table 15 – ATS

6.3.1 Airspace depictions

Airspace categories and their lateral and vertical limits are indicated by labels,
boundary lines and colour tints. The depictions used on the ERCL, ERCH and TAC are
common across all these charts. Differing depictions have been utilised on the VTC to
complement the topographic base.
The vertical limits of airspaces are shown on all charts by indicating the airspace class
and the lower limit, i.e., LL 7500 (blue label), D LL 3500 (blue label), and E LL 8500
(brown label). Where different classes of airspace are vertically stacked the labels will
be shown in layers, e.g.
 A LL FL180 (blue label)
 E LL 8500 (brown label)

Table 16 – Airspace depiction (vertical limits)

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When depicting airspace vertical limits, "SFC" indicates the lower limit is the surface of
the earth.
IFR Charts IFR (MIL) Charts VFR

Table 17 – Airspace depictions (vertical limits including SFC)

6.3.2 Airspace depictions used on the ERCH, ERCL and TAC

1. Class A airspace
a. The lateral limits of Class A airspace are depicted with blue lines.
b. The lower limit of Class A airspace is shown with blue labels.
c. The vertical limit of Class A airspace is shown with blue labels along the lateral
2. Class C airspace
a. The lateral limits of Class C control area steps below Class A airspace are
depicted with blue lines and a blue tint.
b. The lower limit of Class C control area is shown with blue labels.
3. Class D airspace
a. The lateral limits Class D control area steps are depicted with blue lines and a
blue tint.
b. The lower limit of Class D control area is shown with blue labels.
4. Class E airspace
a. The lateral limits of Class E airspace are depicted with a brown line and a
brown tint.
b. The lower limit of Class E airspace is shown with brown labels.
5. Class G airspace
a. Class G airspace is all airspace not promulgated as Class A, C, D, or E.
b. Class G airspace is not tinted or specifically labelled.

6.3.3 Airspace depictions used on the VTC

1. Blue lines indicate the lateral boundaries of classes A, C and D airspace.
2. The lower limits of Class A, C and D airspace are shown with blue labels.
3. A brown line indicates the lateral boundary of Class E airspace.
4. The lower limits of Class E airspace are shown with brown labels.
5. Class G airspace is designated as all airspace not already promulgated as Class
A, C, D, or E. Class G airspace has not been specifically labelled.

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6.3.4 Airspace boundary information

Distances associated with airspace boundaries indicate the datum on which the
airspace is based, and is shown as follows:
1. “NM” indicates a distance from the ARP.
2. “DME” or “TAC” indicates a distance based on that navigation aid.
3. Some control zones have boundaries based on a runway threshold, e.g., “7NM FM
THR RWY 33” indicates a distance based on the threshold of Runway 33 at the
associated aerodrome.

6.3.5 Frequency information

 Flight Information Area (FIA) frequencies and associated boundaries are depicted
in green.
 ATC frequencies and associated boundaries for use in Class E airspace are
depicted in brown.
 The prefix to a frequency indicates the provider of the service.
 Where a single area is divided vertically between different frequencies, the vertical
limits applicable to each frequency will be indicated.

6.3.6 Depiction of Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF)

At non-controlled aerodromes where MULTICOM 126.7MHz is not the CTAF, or non-
controlled aerodromes that have an associated NAVAID, an entry “CTAF” followed by
the designated frequency, is annotated in a box associated with the location.

6.3.7 Broadcast Areas (BA)

BA are depicted on charts by a dashed dark green line and a label stating, ‘for
operations in this area SFC -<altitude> use CTAF <frequency>’.

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6.4 Airways and route symbols

Feature Symbology

AIREP Section 3 required from designated


Bearing to Navigation Aid (Abeam when no

bearing value shown)

Compulsory Position Report for all aircraft

Compulsory reporting required only in the

directions indicated

Position Report for aircraft with less than

300KT and for other aircraft on request

Route flight planning requirement (see


Subject to ATC clearance, track to be flown

to obviate holding prior to commencement of
instrument approach

Tactical Waypoint - No report required

When planning in controlled airspace prior

ATC approval required for flight in direction

Table 18 – Airways and route symbols

6.4.1 Air routes

The following designators are used to identify ATS routes:
 A, B, G, R for routes which form part of the regional networks of ATS routes and
are not area navigation routes.
 L, M, N, P for area navigation routes which form part of the regional networks of
ATS routes.
 H, J, V, W for routes which do not form part of the regional networks of ATS routes
and are not area navigation routes.
 Q, T, Y, Z for area navigation routes which do not form part of the regional
networks of ATS routes.
 The additional prefix U may be added to indicate that the route or portion thereof is
established in the upper airspace.
A black arrowhead on a route designator box indicates that the route is to be used,
within controlled airspace, only in the direction shown by the arrow. Air routes are
divided into route segments. Each route segment contains data for the magnetic track,
distance, LSALT and reporting requirements.

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6.4.2 LSALT
The LSALT specified for a route segment is only valid for RNP 2 operations. For
operations other than RNP 2 operations, operators and pilots must use a pilot
calculated LSALT or grid LSALT.
The minimum LSALT published is 1,500FT due to lack of data concerning terrain near
sea level. Techniques for calculating LSALT are published in AIP GEN 3.3.
LSALT details for Area Navigation routes are shown in each grid square formed by the
parallels and meridians. The grid is at the intervals shown in Table 19:
Chart Interval

ERCH H1 1°
H2, 3 and 5 2°
H4 4°


TAC 1°

Table 19 – LSALT
On IFR charts, some LSALT on one way air routes have an associated direction arrow.
This arrow indicates that the LSALT is only applicable in the direction of the one-way
route, and a LSALT has not been calculated for the opposite direction.
A LSALT without a direction arrow on any air route indicates that the LSALT is the
same in both directions. However, one-way routes should only be flown, in controlled
airspace, in the direction indicated by the route designator box.
On ERC, the LSALT figure is always attached adjacent to the distance “bubble” of the
route to which the LSALT applies.
CAUTION: In areas of chart clutter, these LSALT figures may sometimes cross
adjacent route tracks.

6.4.3 Track Bearing Specifications

Each route segment is shown as the minor arc of a Great Circle passing through the
end points. The track angles of the Great Circle segments are measured at the end
points. Rhumb line track angles can be determined by taking the track out and the track
into the next waypoint, and then averaging the Great Circle track angles.

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6.4.4 Reporting points

Reporting points are normally referenced to a radio-NAVAID, aerodrome, or town or
within 10NM of a town or a geographical feature. Where this is not possible, waypoint
names have been computer generated.
The following examples and diagrams detail the reporting requirements that apply on
crossing air routes that intersect at a reporting point:
1. A report is required on both routes

Figure 2 – Reporting points (example 1)

2. A report is required only on W435. The route segment on W242 is a single
segment between D and C and the compulsory point report does not apply.

Figure 3 – Reporting points (example 2)

3. A compulsory position report is required on W646, indicated by the arrows
associated with the report symbol. A compulsory position report for aircraft with
TAS less than 300KT and for other aircraft on request applies on W570.

Figure 4 – Reporting points (example 3)

Where arrows are associated with a reporting point, then a solid triangle (compulsory
report for ALL aircraft) applies in the direction indicated by the arrows, and an open
triangle (compulsory report for aircraft with TAS less than 300KT and for other aircraft
on request) applies on the crossing route. The same principle applies if the AIREP
Section 3 report is required.

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6.4.5 Intersection waypoint

An intersection waypoint is included at the intersection of two air routes but is not
included in the description of either air route. Effectively, this waypoint is a “point in
For a flight that will plan via one air route, the intersection waypoint is not displayed in
the FMS route data. However, if the crossing route is to be flown from the intersection,
the waypoint is included in the flight plan and appears in the FMS.
An intersection waypoint is displayed on en route charts as a Type 1 (Solid Square)
waypoint and the tracks arc around that waypoint. The legend defines a Type 1
reporting point as “waypoint - no report required unless used as a turning point
between two routes”. This is shown in the following example:

Figure 5 – Intersection waypoint

As the intersection waypoint is not included on either air route, operators wishing to
plan two routes will flight plan via:
1. the air route to the waypoint short of the intersection waypoint, then
2. direct to the intersection waypoint, then
3. direct to the first waypoint on the second air route, then
4. via the new air route.
An example of a flight plan entry based on the map shown in the above image, is as

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6.5 Sports symbols

Feature Symbology

Balloon Ascents Manned

Glider Operations

Hang Glider

Model aircraft

Model rocket operation


Parachute Jumping


Winch or auto-tow launched sports aviation


Table 20 – Sports symbols

a. Gliders use and monitor frequencies 122.5, 122.7 and 122.9.
b. Where applicable, launching cables may extend to 3,000FT AGL.

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6.6 Obstacles
Verified Unverified

Obstacle and group obstacle (lit/unlit)

Wind turbine and windfarm (lit/unlit)

Grid maximum elevation for obstacle

Table 21 – Obstacles
a. Verified obstacles meet horizontal and vertical accuracy requirements
according to ICAO Area 1 standards.
b. An unverified obstacle has been reported at that location, but not all horizontal
and vertical accuracy requirements as per ICAO standards have been met.
c. Numerals in italics indicate elevation AMSL of the top of the mast or
d. Height above ground is shown in upright text within brackets.
e. Only structures above 300FT AGL are shown, structures up to 300FT AGL
may exist that are not depicted on charts.

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6.7 PCA symbology

Feature Symbology


Aerodrome (locations)

Briefing/QNH area identification number

Briefing/QNH area zone boundary

Estimated VHF coverage at 5,000FT

Estimated VHF coverage at 10,000FT

Estimated VHF coverage at 10,000FT

Note: For emergency use only

Graphical area forecast boundary

Graphical area forecast identifier

HF network and frequencies

HF network boundary

WAC number

Table 22 – PCA symbology

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6.8 Miscellaneous symbology

Feature Symbology

Bearings, tracks, and radials

Holding pattern

IFR/VFR cruising levels

Magnetic variation

TAC coverage

VTC coverage

Table 23 – Miscellaneous symbology


7.1 Introduction
This section contains information regarding the Departure and Approach Procedure
charts for Australia, including aerodrome, ground movement and apron charts, noise
abatement procedures, Standard Instrument Departure (SID) and Standard Arrival
Route (STAR) charts, Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) and Global Positioning
System (GPS) arrival charts and Instrument Approach and Landing (IAL) charts.

7.2 General information

7.2.1 Use of navigation aids

Instrument approach procedures are based on specific NAVAID, with the applicable
navigation tolerance(s) used in the development of the procedure's obstacle protection
surfaces. The NAVAID upon which the procedures are based is identified on each
instrument approach chart. Only the NAVAID identified on each approach chart may be
used to fly the procedure; use of a non-specified aid, such as another DME located on
the airfield, is prohibited as it may seriously jeopardise the integrity of the instrument
approach procedure.

7.2.2 Units of measurement

Bearings and tracks are shown in degrees magnetic, elevations in feet and navigational
distances in nautical miles. In the aerodrome meteorological minima tables, altitudes
and ceilings are shown in feet and visibilities are shown in kilometres or metres.

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7.2.3 Line annotations

On the plan and profile diagrams full lines are used to indicate approach procedures,
broken lines to indicate missed approach procedures, light lines to indicate holding
procedures and dotted lines to indicate procedures for leaving holding patterns and for
supplementary procedures.
CAUTION: Spot heights on IAL charts do not necessarily indicate the highest terrain or
obstacle in the immediate area.

7.2.4 Distance/altitude table

A DME distance/altitude table is provided on charts where runway approach minima
are published and the DME and azimuth facilities are suitably located. This table is
provided to assist in maintaining an optimum descent profile where glideslope guidance
may not be available. Wherever possible the profile has been designed to allow for a
descent of 3° (approximately 320FT per mile) to the touch-down point (nominally 300M
past the runway threshold). The designed rates of descent for profiles more than 3° are
noted on the chart. Altitudes have been rounded to the nearest 10FT.

7.2.5 Altitude correction versus temperature

All altitude information has been calculated for ISA conditions. Correction to
altitudes/heights shown on procedures must be made when the temperature at the
QNH source (usually the destination aerodrome) is less than ISA-15°. Correction can
be added in accordance with the charts at 7.5.2 and 7.5.3, as appropriate.
Note: The example shown is an aerodrome at 2,000FT elevation reporting a surface
temperature of -9°C. The procedure IAF is at 5,250FT (3,250FT HAA) and DA
at 2,400FT (400FT DH). At 2,000FT aerodrome elevation, ISA-15° is -4°C,
therefore a correction should be applied. The correction is to IAF, add 250FT;
to DA add 30FT.

7.2.6 Minima table and aerodrome lighting

Published visibility on IAL charts for straight in minima specifies a distance, measured
in KM, from the aircraft position at MDA/DA on the published vertical path angle to a
point 160M (500FT) past the approach threshold, or approach landing lights if
CASA regulations do not allow Non-Precision Approaches to gain a visibility benefit
from approach lighting. Precision approaches may have a reduction of visibility minima
at aerodromes with approach lighting, however further considerations exist for higher
than CAT 1 operations.
The visibility for circling procedures is a standard value based on the category of
aircraft. It is related to the nominal turn radius at maximum IAS for the category and
provides for aircraft on a downwind leg in a circuit pattern to maintain visual contact
with the aerodrome environment.

7.2.7 Climb or descent limitations

Climb or descent limitations are shown as a heavy line above or below the appropriate
altitude on the profile diagram. Non-limiting altitudes are shown in italics.
All procedures depict tracks, and pilots should attempt to maintain the track by applying
corrections to heading for known or estimated wind.

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7.2.8 Profile and plan diagrams

Profile diagrams of approach procedures are diagrammatic. Plan diagrams are shown
to scale, except that the depicted length of outbound and inbound legs on timed
procedures (e.g., NDB procedures) are diagrammatic. The profile line depicted on
approach procedures is representative of the descent profile designed for the
approach. However, the angles may be exaggerated for illustrative purpose. On those
charts where a DME-based procedure is combined with a non-DME based procedure,
the altitude/distance scale (where provided) applies only to the DME-based procedure.
That is, it is not necessary to fly a time-based procedure to conform to the
altitude/distance scale. However, if a limiting fix or radial is shown on these procedures,
the segment must be terminated at the earlier limit of time or fix/radial.
Times shown on outbound legs of holding and approach procedures provide for
optimum manoeuvring in zero wind. These times may be adjusted only to the extent
that allows for known or estimated wind component.
On profile diagrams where an approach without DME is combined with one using DME
(e.g., VOR/DME or VOR), any reference to a DME FIX refers only to the approach
using DME. The reference to time only refers to the approach not using DME.
Compliance with indicated fix positions and DME distances of DME descent
procedures is mandatory.
Further, where a common step-down limitation applies to both procedures, generally
only one altitude is shown with arrows pointing to the position on each procedure at
which the restriction applies, as per Figure 6.

Figure 6 – Profile and plan diagram

Speed restrictions shown on individual approach charts apply to holding and the initial
segment of reversal procedures only. When speed restrictions are required for DME
arcs or other segments of the approach, text will be included specifying the restriction.
The circling restrictions shown apply by day in less than VMC and at night.

7.2.9 Chart title

The titles on Australian IAL charts conform to a convention to allow commonality of
names between the chart title and electronic databases. The convention uses only the
NAVAID providing final approach lateral guidance in the title. If another NAVAID is
required to fly the procedure but is not needed to provide final approach guidance, this
aid will be identified in the top right-hand corner of the chart, under the title, in the
'NAVAID RQ' box.
Where the use of a NAVAID that is not identified as a required NAVAID permits a lower
minimum altitude, a separate line in the minima box is provided.

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Where more than one approach of the same type is provided to the same runway,
these are identified by an alphabetical suffix commencing at the end of the alphabet:
e.g., RWY 19 ILS-Z, and RWY 19 ILS-Y identify two different ILS approaches to the
same runway.
Where more than one circling approach is published at the same aerodrome, each
procedure is identified by an alphabetical suffix, commencing at the beginning of the
alphabet: e.g., NDB-A, VOR-B, VOR-C.
Note: RNAV or RNP- procedures which have become circling retain a suffix
indicative of the direction of approach i.e., N, E, S, W.
RNP-AR approach procedures published by Airservices are designed according to
criteria contained in ICAO Doc 9905. Unless noted on the approach procedure chart,
standard RNP values for each segment apply. These values are shown in Table 24.
Segment RNP values






Table 24 – RNP AR standards

7.2.10 Aerodrome information

Runway and strip dimensions are shown in metres, elevations in feet and bearings in
degrees magnetic. In the take-off minima tables, ceilings are in feet and visibilities are
in kilometres.
See AIP GEN 2.6 for NM/KM/NM conversion tables.
Where Pilot Activated Lighting (PAL) is indicated, T-VASIS, AT-VASIS and PAPI
installations are not necessarily activated. See ERSA for details.

7.2.11 Standard take-off minima

Standard take-off minima are applicable at all aerodromes except where otherwise
detailed on individual Aerodrome Charts.
Obstacles penetrating departure surfaces are depicted in accordance with ICAO Annex
4. Where penetrations occur prior to departure end of RWY (DER), visibility and ceiling
requirements are promulgated on the procedure chart where they exceed standard
take-off minima, including for IFR operations are published in AIP ENR 1.5.
The values published, where greater than standard, require the pilot to visually acquire
the obstacle prior to departure. In these cases, caution notes (see example in
Figure 7) will indicate the type and position of the critical obstacle.

Figure 7 – Critical obstacle type and position

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7.3 Special notices

7.3.1 Magnetic variation/bearing

Due to changes in magnetic variation, runway bearing information published in DAP
may differ slightly from what published in ERSA. Where the difference exceeds 2
degrees. DAP will be corrected at the next amendment cycle.

7.3.2 Changes to PBN approach procedure chart titles

From September 2021, a change is being made to the PBN APCH chart titles to match
the navigation specification. In addition, a new PBN requirement box will be added on
the top right corner indicating the navigation specification and any other requirements.
The change will be progressively implemented as per an AIC published online:

7.3.3 Proprietary procedure charts

Proprietary procedures owned by Naverus Inc., and GE Aviation are tailored for
individual operators and aircraft types, and do not conform to Airservices format.
These charts are for use by CASA approved operators only.
They are provided for use by ATC, and for situational awareness by other aircrew
outside ATC hours.

7.3.4 Contours on procedure charts

The contours shown are in increments of 500FT starting from the next higher contour
line at least 500FT above aerodrome elevation.
The printed version of these charts will show shades of grey. A colour version of the
same chart showing shades of brown is available from the Airservices website,

7.3.5 Changes to NAVAID RQ boxes on procedure charts

A change is being made to the NAVAID RQ boxes shown in the top right corner of
some approach charts. Where the NAVAID RQ box is shown on an approach chart the
text refers to the NAVAID or GNSS that the aircraft must use for the approach. Where
an IDENT is currently shown it is being removed (example ICB DME will become
DME). On ILS charts where waypoints are being introduced at the FAF so GNSS can
be used to identify the altitude verification check point (in lieu of the DME distance) the
NAVAID RQ box will have ‘DME or GNSS’.

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7.4 Instrument Approach and Landing (IAL) legends

7.4.1 General symbology

Figure 8 – General symbology (IAL charts)

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7.4.2 Aerodrome chart

Figure 9 – Aerodrome chart (IAL)

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7.4.3 ILS/LOC combined procedures

Figure 10 – ILS/LOC combined procedures

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7.4.4 RNAV (GNSS) or RNP non-precision and APV approach


Figure 11 – RNAV (GNSS) or RNP non-precision and APV approach procedures

7.4.5 RNAV (GNSS) or RNP approach procedures

Figure 12 – RNAV (GNSS) or RNP approach procedures

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7.4.6 Minima table and aerodrome lighting

Figure 13 – Minima table and aerodrome lighting

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7.4.7 Procedure altitude/flight levels

Figure 14 – Procedure altitude/flight levels

7.4.8 Holding pattern

Figure 15 – Holding pattern

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7.5 Conversion tables

7.5.1 Gradient rate nomograph

The nomograph below gives the climb/descent rate for entering arguments of gradient
(%, FT/NM, degrees) and ground speed.

Figure 16 – Conversion table (gradient rate nomograph)

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7.5.2 Altitude correction versus temperature

Figure 17 – Conversion table (altitude correction versus temperature #1)

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7.5.3 Altitude correction versus temperature

Figure 18 – Conversion table (altitude correction versus temperature #2)

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8 Definitions
Within this document, the following abbreviations will be used:
Term Definition

AD Aerodrome

AERIS Automatic En Route Information Service

AFRU Aerodrome Frequency Response Unit

AGL Above Ground Level

AIC Aeronautical Information Circular

AIP Aeronautical Information Publication

AIREP Air Report

AIS Aeronautical Information Services

ALA Aircraft Landing Area

AMSL Above Mean Sea Level

APV Approach Procedure with Vertical Guidance

ARP Aerodrome Reference Point

ATC Air Traffic Control

ATS Air Traffic Services

AT-VAISIS Abbreviated "T" Visual Approach Slope Indicator System

Baro-VNAV Barometric Vertical Navigation

BLW Below

CASA Civil Aviation Safety Authority

CAT Category

CM Centimetre

CTA Control Area

CTAF Common Traffic Advisory Frequency

DA Danger Area

DA Decision Altitude

DER Departure End of Runway

DH Decision Height

DME Distance Measuring Equipment

ERCH En Route Chart High

ERCL En Route Chart Low

ERSA En Route Supplement Australia

FAC Facilities (individual aerodrome entries in ERSA)

FAF Final Approach Fix

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Term Definition

FIA Flight Information Area

FIR Flight Information Region

FIS Flight Information Service

FL Flight Level

FM From

FT Feet

GDA Geodetic Datum of Australia

GEN General (section of the AIP Book)

GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System

GPS Global Positioning System

HAA Height Above Aerodrome

HF High Frequency

IAF Initial Approach Fix

IAIP Integrated Aeronautical Information Package

IAL Instrument Approach and Landing charts

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization

IDENT Identification

IFR Instrument Flight Rules

ILS Instrument Landing System

ISA International Standard Atmosphere

KM Kilometre

KT Knot

LL Lower Level

LNAV Lateral Navigation

LSALT Lowest Safe Altitude

MDA Minimum Descent Altitude

NAVAID Navigation Aid

NDB Non-Directional Radio Beacon

NM Nautical Mile

OCA Oceanic Control Area

PAL Pilot Activated Lighting

PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator

PCA Planning Chart Australia

PRD Prohibited, Restricted and Danger (Areas)

QNH Altimeter subscale setting to obtain elevation or altitude

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Term Definition

R Relay

RA Restricted Area

RNAV Area Navigation

RNP Required Navigation Performance

RQ Require(d)

RWY Runway

SFC Surface

SID Standard Instrument Departure

STAR Standard Arrival Route

SUP Supplement (to the AIP)

TAC Terminal Area Chart

TACAN UHF Tactical Air Navigation Aid (Military)

TAS True Airspeed

THR Threshold

TMA Terminal Control Area

T-VASIS "T" Visual Approach Slope Indicator System

UIR Upper Information Region

UTA Upper Control Area

UTC Coordinated Universal Time

UTM Universal Transverse Mercator

VFR Visual Flight Rules

VHF Very High Frequency

VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions

VNAV Vertical Navigation

VNC Visual Navigation Chart

VOR VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range

VTC Visual Terminal Chart

WAC World Aeronautical Chart

WGS World Geodetic System

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9 References
Title Number

AIP Book

Civil Aviation Order (CAO) 20.1.1B


ICAO Annex 4

ICAO Doc 8697

ICAO Doc 9905

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