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Working With Informatica Basics

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Working with Informatica Basics

Makes you familiar to work with Informatica basics 327431 Gayathri R 5/2/2013

Working with Informatica Basics

Ta !" of #ont"nts
Table of Contents....................................................................................................... 2 1. What is Informatica?............................................................................................... 3 2.W !"#$ W M %IT !........................................................................................... 3& 3.Issues an' (olutions.............................................................................................. 3)


Working with Informatica Basics


What is Informatica%

Informatica is an ,T$ a tool to set u- .ata Warehouse. Informatica can communicate with all ma/or 'atabases0 can mo1e2transform 'ata between them. It can mo1e huge 1olumes of 'ata in a 1ery effecti1e way. It can throttle the transactions 3'o big u-'ates in small chunks to a1oi' long locking an' filling the transactional log4. It can effecti1ely 'o /oins between tables in 'ifferent 'atabases on 'ifferent ser1ers.

1$1 &ackag"s
Informatica comes in 'ifferent -ackages5
Informatica &ow"r #"nt"r license 6 has all o-tions7 inclu'ing 'istribute' meta'ata7 ability to organi8e re-ositories into a 'ata mart 'omain an' share meta'ata across re-ositories. Informatica +ower Mart 6 a limite' license

1$2 working with informatica

Informatica re-ository contains5 (ources Targets Ma--ings (ession Workflow Manager Workflow Monitor

'o(rc"s5 The (ource 'atabase to be connecte' Targ"ts5 The target 'atabase to be connecte' )a**ings5 Ma--ings re-resent the 'ata flow between sources an'

targets. When the Informatica (er1er e9ecutes a session7 it uses the instructions configure' in the ma--ing to rea'7 transform7 an' write 'ata. ,1ery ma--ing must contain the following com-onents5
Source definition5 It 'escribes the characteristics of a source table or file. Transformation+ It is use' to mo'ify 'ata before writing it to targets. We can use 'ifferent transformation ob/ects on the source 'ata an' obtain 'ifferent results Target definition+ It 'efines the target table or flat file


Working with Informatica Basics

Connectors+ Connect sources7 targets7 an' transformations so the Informatica (er1er can mo1e the 'ata as it transforms it

'"ssions+ : session is a set of instructions to mo1e 'ata from sources

to targets Workf!ow )anag"r+ : Workflow is set of instructions for the Informatica (er1er. It combines the logic of (ession Tasks to -erform 'ata transformation an' loa' Workf!ow )onitor+ Workflow Monitor is hel-ful in monitoring an' tracking the workflows create'

2 I,-.R)/TI#/ 01'IG,1R

2$1 #.)&.,1,T' .- 01'IG,1R

(ource Target Ma--ing



(te-s to Connect To (ource .atabase5


Working with Informatica Basics

Step 1+ Tools 6 < (ource :naly8er

't"* 2+ (ource 6< Im-ort from 'atabase

't"* 3+
Set the ODBC data source Click the icon as shown in the figure


Working with Informatica Basics

'T1& 4+ Click on the >(ystem .(%? tab an' click >:''? to a'' a .(% as shown in the figure.

't"* 5+ (elect the .ata source an' click >finish as shown in the figure


Working with Informatica Basics

't"* 2+ Ty-e the 'ata source name an' click TestConnect as shown in the figure

't"* 7+ (elect the %etwork $ibrary7 ,nter the %etwork :''ress7 $ogin I.7 an' +asswor' an' select the .atabase an' click > k?

't"* 3+ (elect your .ata (ource an' click > k?.


Working with Informatica Basics

't"* 4+ Ty-e the Asername7 .wn"r name an' +asswor' an' click >Connect? as shown in the figure

't"* 10+ (elect the tables an' click > k? as shown in the figure


Working with Informatica Basics

The ta !"s get loa'e' to the (ource #ol'er in the .esigner Win'ow as shown in the figure.



(te-s to $oa' the Target Tables5 't"* 1+ (elect Tools 6< Target .esigner


Working with Informatica Basics

't"* 2+ (elect Targ"ts 6< Im-ort from .atabase

't"* 3 (elect the .BC 'ata source. Click the icon as shown in the figure

1C * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

't"* 4+ (elect the >(ystem .(%? tab an' click >:''? as shown in the figure

't"* 5+ (elect the .ata (ource an' Click >#inish?.

11 * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

't"* 2+ Ty-e th" .ata (ource %ame an' Click >Test Connect? as shown in the figure

't"* 7+ (elect the %etwork $ibrary7 Ty-e the %etwork :''ress7 $ogin I.7 +asswor'7 .atabase an' click > "?.

12 * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

'T1& 3+ '"!"ct your .ata (ource an' Click > "?

'T1& 4+ Ty-e the Asername7 wner name an' +asswor' an' click >Connect? as shown in the figure

'T1& 10+ (elect the ta !"s an' click > "? as shown in the figure

13 * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

The target tables get loa'e' to the Target fol'er as shown in the figure



(te-s to Create Ma--ing

'T1& 1+ (elect Tools 6< Ma--ing .esigner

1; * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

'T1& 2
Ty-e the name for the ma--ing an' Click > k? .rag the (ource table into Ma--ing .esigner win'ow

'T1& 3+ (elect the Transformation from the toolbar an' 'rag it to the .esigner Win'ow

1= * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

'T1& 4+ (elect the Target ta !" an' 'rag it to the .esigner Win'ow

'T1& 5+ (elect the column in from the (ource Dualifier an' 'rag it to the Transformation to form the connection

1& * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

'T1& 2+ (elect the columns from the Transformation an' 'rag it to the Target table to form the connection

't"* 7+ !ight Click on the Transformation an' Click e'it an' select the -ro-erties to the Transformation

1@ * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

'T1& 3+ &r"ss CT!$ E ( to sa1e the ma--ings.

2$2 TR/,'-.R)/TI.,'
+lease fin' below the freFuently use' transformations


'o(rc" 5(a!ifi"r Transformation

It is use' to filter sources 3(D$7 select 'istinct7 /oin7 etc.4 The source Fualifier transformation re-resents the recor's that the

informatica ser1er rea's when it runs a session.

To e'it the -ro-erties of (ource Dualifier7 right click 6< e'it.

1B * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

In the -ro-erties7 you can s-ecify the sFl Fuery to be run 3which

selects 'ata from the source table4 Gou can s-ecify the filter con'itions Below are the freFuently use' tabs in the source Fualifier e'it win'ow5

+orts 5 s-ecifies the fiel' name7 'ata ty-e of the source table +ro-erties5 s-ecifies the sFl Fuery to be run7 -re sFl an' -ost sFl to be run. Has o-tion to select 'istinct 'ata from the source an' filter con'itions to be a--lie' to the source 'ata

1) * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics


6*7at" 'trat"gy transformation

Informatica -rocesses the source 'ata row6by6row. By 'efault e1ery row is marke' to be inserte' in the target table. If the row has to be u-'ate'2inserte' base' on some logic A-'ate

(trategy transformation is use'. The con'ition can be s-ecifie' in A-'ate (trategy to mark the -rocesse' row for u-'ate or insert. #ollowing o-tions are a1ailable for u-'ate strategy5

008I,'1RT+ If this is use' the A-'ate (trategy flags the row for insertion. ,Fui1alent numeric 1alue of ..II%(,!T is C. 0086&0/T1+ If this is use' the A-'ate (trategy flags the row for u-'ate. ,Fui1alent numeric 1alue of ..IA+.:T, is 1. 0080191T1+ If this is use' the A-'ate (trategy flags the row for 'eletion. ,Fui1alent numeric 1alue of ..I.,$,T, is 2. 008R1:1#T+ If this is use' the A-'ate (trategy flags the row for re/ection. ,Fui1alent numeric 1alue of ..I!,J,CT is 3.

2C * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

'T1& 1+ (elect the A-'ate (trategy Transformation from the tool bar

an' 'rag it to the Ma--ing .esigner Win'ow.

'T1& 2+ Connect the A-'ate (trategy Transformation. 3#or ,95

Connecting (ource Dualifier to A-'ate Transformation4

'T1& 3+ Right click on the A-'ate (trategy Transformation an' click

>,'it? to set the -ro-erties. 21 * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

Below are the ;ario(s -ro-erties that can be set5 &orts 5 (-ecifies the fiel' names7 'ataty-es &ro*"rti"s5 s-ecifies the ty-e of function to be -erforme' 3insert7 u-'ate7 'elete7 re/ect4

22 * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics


1<*r"ssion transformation

,9-ression Transformation is use' to calculate 1alues in a single row

before writing to the target.

'T1& 1+ (elect the ,9-ression transformation from the tool bar an'

'rag it to the ma--ing 'esigner win'ow

23 * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

'T1& 2+ Connect the ,9-ression Transformation. 3#or ,95 Connect

(ource Dualifier to ,9-ression Transformation4

'T1& 3+ !ight click on 1<*r"ssion Transformation an' Click >,'it? to

set the -ro-erties.

2; * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

B"!ow are the -ro-erties that can be set +orts5 (-ecifies the fiel' names7 'ataty-es an' the ty-e of the fiel' 3in-ut2out-ut21alue fiel'4 +ro-erties5 To set the tracing le1el of the logs to be 'is-laye' in the workflow monitor

2= * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics 2$2$4

$ooku- 'efinition can be im-orte' either from source or from target

9ook(* Transformation

9ook(* Transformation is use' to looku- the 'ata in table7 1iew7 an'

'T1& 1+ (elect the $ooku- Transformation from the tool bo9 an' 'rag

it to the ma--ing 'esigner win'ow

'T1& 2 9ook(* Transformation can be connecte' or unconnecte' Can select the table either from source or target an' im-ort it

2& * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

'T1& 3+ !ight click on the $ooku- Transformation an' Click >,'it? to

set the -ro-erties

Below are the *ro*"rti"s that can be set5 +orts5 s-ecifies the fiel' names7 'ataty-es7 ty-e of

+ro-erties 5 can s-ecify the sFl Fuery to be run7can a'' a filter to the

recor's to be selecte'.
Con'ition 5 it must be s-ecifie' 3like a key column4 K the con'ition on

which the recor's are searche' an' selecte' 3#or ,g 5 tablea.i'Ltableb.i'4

2@ * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics


Ro(t"r Transformation

It is use' to filter the 'ata base' on the con'itions Multi-le con'itions can be use' to filter the 'ata It has in-ut7 out-ut an' 'efault grou-s It is similar to case statement in any -rogramming language

2B * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

'T1& 1+ (elect the !outer Transformation from the toolbo9 an' 'rag it

to the ma--ing 'esigner win'ow

'T1& 2+ Connect the in-ut to the in-ut -orts of !outer Transformation

3#or ,95 (ource Dualifier is connecte' to !outer Transformation4.

'T1& 3+ Right click on !outer Transformation an' Click >,'it? to set

the -ro-erties an' a'' grou-s to the !outer Transformation

2) * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

Below are the *ro*"rti"s that can be set5 +orts5 (-ecifies the fiel' names an' 'ataty-es +ro-erties5 (-ecifies the tracing le1el of the log to be 'is-laye' in the workflow monitor Mrou-5 s-ecifies the con'itions

3C * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

3 Workf!ow )anag"r
: workflow is a set of instruction that tell the Informatica ser1er how to e9ecute the tasks It controls the e9ecution of tasks such as comman's emails an' sessions Click on the Workflow icon from the toolbo9

3$1 '"ssion
: session is a set of instructions to mo1e 'ata from sources to targets The following are the ste-s to create the session5 'T1& 1+ Click on the >Task .e1elo-er? icon from the toolbar

'T1& 3+ Ty-e a name to the session an' click Create

31 * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

'T1& 4+ Click >0on"= after the session get create'.

'T1& 5+ !ight click on th" session an' Click >,'it? to set the -ro-erties

32 * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics 3$2 #r"ation of th" workf!ow

#ollowing are the st"*s to create a workflow 'T1& 1+ Click on the Workflow 'esigner icon from the toolbo9

'T1& 2+ Click Workflow 6< Create

33 * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

'T1& 3+ Ty-e the nam" of the workflow an' click > k?.

'T1& 4+ (elect the session an' 'rag it to the workflow 'esigner win'ow

3; * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

'T1& 5+ !ight click on the session an' Click >,'it? to set the -ro-erties

'T1& 2+ $ink the session by clicking Task 6< $ink Task

3= * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

'T1& 7+ !ight click on th" workflow an' Click >(tart Workflow from Task? to start the workflow

2$ W.R>-9.W ).,IT.R
The Workflow Monitor *ro;i7"s o-tions to 1iew information about workflow runs :fter you o-en the Workflow Monitor an' connect to a re-ository7 you can 1iew 'ynamic information about workflow runs by connecting to an Integration (er1ice Gou can customi8e the Workflow Monitor 'is-lay by configuring the ma9imum 'ays or workflow runs the Workflow Monitor shows Gou can also filter tasks an' Integration (er1ices in both Mantt chart an' Task 1iew

3& * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

3$3 R(n *ro*"rti"s

In the workflow monitor7 you can get the run -ro-erties by right clicking the task an' selecting >Met !un +ro-erties? as shown in the figure

3@ * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

3$4 '"ssion 9og

In the workflow monitor7 you can get the session log by right clicking the task an' selecting >Met (ession $og? as shown in the figure

3B * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics

3$ Iss("s an7 'o!(tions

3$5 0at" format
.escri-tion+ The 'ate format in (D$ an' (ybase is 'ifferent so the 'ata was not able to get loa'e' from (D$ ser1er to (ybase ser1er
(olution5 :''e' an e9-ression ma--ing in the ma--ing win'ow an' ty-e' the -ro-erties as5 To .ate 3column name7 GGGG6MM6.. HH2;5 MI5 ((.%(4

3$2 ,orma! mo7"

.escri-tion+ %ormal loa' for tables ha1ing more !ecor's took longer time. In ma--ing when the loa' o-tion is selecte' as N%ormalO7 Informatica took more time to loa' the 'ata from (D$ ser1er to (ybase. #or ,95 Table with !ecor's5 137@23 took C51)53@
(olution5 Bulk loa' o-tion is selecte' in Ma--ing. 3Table with !ecor's5 137@23 took C5CC5314

3) * + a g e

Working with Informatica Basics 3$7 6*7at" fai!"7

0"scri*tion+ A-'ate faile' for the tables in which all the columns are -rimary key #or e95 Consi'er a table t1 contains two columns col1 an' col2. Both col1 an' col2 is marke' as -rimary key :s both the columns are -rimary key7 Informatica 'oesn?t allow an u-'ate to be -erforme'

(olution5 In the target table7 select the -ro-erty5 A-'ate Menerate(D$

1erri'e 6<

3$3 ,o !ast (*7at" 7at" co!(mn

0"scri*tion+ #or tables without the $astu-'ate.ate column7 A-'ate must be 'one There were tables with no $astu-'ate.ate column for which the incremental loa' must be 'one
(olution5 Ase' +rimary "ey to check for the uniFue recor's an' use' !outer Transformation to -erform either Insert or A-'ate (ince we 'oesn?t ha1e any timestam- to say which column is newly a''e'7 +rimary "ey is been use' to check whether the 'ata is alrea'y -resent in the table or not. .ata from the target table is checke' with the 'ata in the (ource table using a $ooku- Transformation. If the 'ata is -resent A-'ate is 'one an' if the 'ata is not -resent Insert is 'one

3$4 ,o *rimary k"y

0"scri*tion+ There were tables without -rimary key for which the 'ata must be loa'e' from (D$ to (ybase
(olution5 Create' Informatica le1el -rimary key In source 'esigner7 select the table an' in -ro-erties7 select the -rimary key In target 'esigner7 select the table an' in -ro-erties7 select the -rimary key

;C * + a g e

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