T1Rist University Faculty of Engineering 5th SEMESTER B.Tech., CSE, 2013-2014 Course Handout
T1Rist University Faculty of Engineering 5th SEMESTER B.Tech., CSE, 2013-2014 Course Handout
T1Rist University Faculty of Engineering 5th SEMESTER B.Tech., CSE, 2013-2014 Course Handout
OUT Date: 03/06/2013 In addition to prescribed syllabus for all courses appended to the timetable this portion gives further specific details regarding the course. C"#$%e N" C"#$%e T&t'e F,c#'tE2,&' 1. C"#$%e !e%c$&1t&"/(
!o introduce the concepts" terminologies and technologies used in modern days data communication and computer net#or$ing.
3. Te7t B""8(
%ehrou& '. (orou&an" )Data communication and *et#or$ing+" !ata ,c-ra#./ill" 2006.
4. Re9e$e/ce B""8%(
1ames (. 2urose and 2eith 3. 0oss" )4omputer *et#or$ing: ' !op.Do#n 'pproa!1 (eaturing the Internet+" 5earson 6ducation" 2012. 7arry 7.5eterson and 5seter 8. Davie" )4omputer *et#or$s+" /arcourt 'sia 5vt. 7td." 8econd 6dition. 'ndre# 8. !anenbaum" )4omputer *et#or$s+" 9th 6dition" 5earson 2012. 3illiam 8tallings" )Data and 4omputer 4ommunication+" 8i;th 6dition" 5earson 6ducation" 200<.
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!o understand the concepts of data communications. !o understand the concepts of data communications. !o understand the concepts of data communications. !o understand the concepts of data communications. !o understand the concepts of data communications. !o understand the concepts of data communications. !o understand the concepts of data communications. !o understand the concepts of data communications. data lin$ layer. data lin$ layer. data lin$ layer. data lin$ layer. data lin$ layer. data lin$ layer. data lin$ layer. data lin$ layer. data lin$ layer. data lin$ layer. net#or$ layer net#or$ layer net#or$ layer net#or$ layer net#or$ layer net#or$ layer
!1. 1.1 !1. 1.2 !1. 1.2
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net#or$ layer net#or$ layer net#or$ layer net#or$ layer !o study the functions 69of transport layer transport layer transport layer transport layer transport layer transport layer transport layer transport layer transport layer application layer application layer application layer application layer application layer application layer application layer application layer
Distance vector routing = 0I5 7in$ 8tate 0outing = >85( 0outers 0outing table and I5 0outing !ransport layer services ,utiple;ing a transport layer Demultiple;ing a transport layer 8oc$ets CD5 !45 4ongestion control B>8 Integrated 8ervices D*8 8,!5 (!5 /!!5" 333 !67*6! 8ecurity 4ryptography 8*,5
!1.22.3 !1.22.3 !1.22.: !1.22.: !1.23.1 !1.23.1 !1.23.1 !1.23.3 !1.23.2 !1.23.3 !1.2:.2.2:.3 !1.2:.9 !1.2:.< ! !1.26.2 !1.26.3 !1.2<.3 !1.26.1 !1.30.1 !1.30.2 !1.2?.1.2?.2
*%: 'mong the four hours of lectures in a #ee$" one hour #ill be considered e;clusively as a tutorial hour. !he above.mentioned lecture hours are #ithout ta$ing into consideration the tutorial hours. 'long #ith the above :9 lectures you #ould also be having 19 hours of tutorial sections" #hi!1 #ould ma$e it to a total of 60 hours :. "2e ,%%&0/2e/t% #ill be announced in the class.
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,a$e Cp for any component #ill be given only in genuine cases. In all cases prior intimation must be given to faculty concerned. In case of any $ind of illness a DoctorDs certificate is mandatory.
10. N"t&ce%( *otices regarding the course #ill be displayed on the general notice board of %loc$ II A the course #eb page.
8plit /ori&on 'nother solution is called split hori&on. In this strategy" instead of flooding the table through each interface" each node sends only part of its table through each interface. If" according to its table" node % thin$s that the optimum route to reach F is via '" it does not need to advertise this piece of information to 'G the information has corne from ' H' already $no#sI. !a$ing information from node '" modifying it" and sending it bac$ to node ' creates the confusion. In our scenario" node % eliminates the last line of its routing table before it sends it to '. In this case" node ' $eeps the value of infinity as the distance to F. 7ater #hen node ' sends its routing table to %" node % also corrects its routing table. !he system becomes stable after the first update: both node ' and % $no# that F is not reachable. 8plit /ori&on and 5oison 0everse Csing the split hori&on strategy has one dra#bac$. *ormally" the distance vector protocol uses a timer" and if there is no ne#s about a route" the node deletes the route from its table. 3hen node % in the previous scenario eliminates the route to F from its advertisement to '" node ' cannot guess that this is due to the split hori&on strategy Hthe source of information #as 'I or because % has not received any ne#s about F recently. !he split hori&on strategy can be combined #ith
the poison reverse strategy. *ode % can still advertise the value for F" but if the source of information is '" it can replace the distance #ith infinity as a #arning: JDo not use this valueG #hat I $no# about this route comes from you.J