Physical Design

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IL2200 ASIC Design

Muhammad Ali Shami

Physical Design

Lecture Outline

Physical Implementation Styles ASIC Design Flow Floor and Power planning Placement Clock Tree Synthesis Routing Timing Analysis Verification and Energy Calculation

22 November, 2010

IL2200 , ASIC Design

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Physical Implementation Styles

Semi Custom ASICs/FPGAs AMD Newer Intel Array Based Full Custom Older Intel

Cell Based

Standard Cells

Macro Cells

Pre Diffused Gate Arrays Structured ASICs !

Pre Wired FPGAs

Coarse Grain Reconfigurable Architecture

Standard Cell Layout

Cells are of same height but different width. The layout is organised as rows of cells seperated by channels used for routing. The routing channels are not fixed in their height. This is dependent on the routing density in it. This is one important reason why standard cell layout is more flexible compared to array based designs where the routing channels have a fixed capacity. Cells in the same row or adjacent rows can be connected by running wires through the adjacent channel. To connect cells in non-adjacent rows, vertical routing space on the sides is used or special feed through cells are instantiated as shown in It is possible that in some rows, some space may be left unused, as either no cell would fit there or routing considerations dictate placing cells elsewhere. Cells may have the same height but can differ in complexity from simple gates to cells as complex as full adders. Complex cells use the width to spread out the necessary logic. As the logic can be spread out only horizontally, the interconnection delay is typically larger compared to cells design without the fixed height constraint. As the same std. cell is supposed to work correctly in a variety of circuit conditions, the transistors are typically larger than in a custom layout. Some libraries may provide two varieties: low and high power. Technology mapping tools will select one based on estimation. c e l ls Rats nest are a good way to judge wire congestion and long nets.
r o u ti n g a r e a
f e e d th r o u g h c e ll

r o u ti n g a re a w a s te d sp a ce

Standard Cells
Standard Cell Height

VDD Bus P-Type Transistor Diff Spacing N-Type Transistor VSS Bus

2-input AND

4-input AND

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Design Flow

Design Specification

Logical Design
Thing you already learned in IL2204
learned in IL2200 till now

RTL Development Functional Verification




Gate Level Net list

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Physical Design

Converting gate-level netlist to physical layout

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Physical Design Flow

Gate Level Net list

Floor and Power Planning

Floor Planning

Placement CTS Routing

Physical Design
Thing to Learn in this lecture


Post Route Verification

Sign Off

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Slide 8

Before Physical Design..

You must have synthesized gate level netlist. Please verify that this netlist is working properly by doing gate level simulation in NCSim/ModelSim Also Generate Standard delay constraint file .sdc.

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SoC Encounter

We use Cadence SoC Encounter 8.1 for Layout.


Design Import

Before starting the Physical Design We first have to import the design and associated libraries

.LEF File Contains layer, via and macro definition .LIB File (.TLF) This file has timing information e.g delay and capacitance Verilog Netlist Netlist file generated by Synthesis Tool .SDC File (Synopsys Design Constraints Format) Constraint file generated by synthesis tool .DEF File Design exchange format to output the design so it is readable by other modules.
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Design Import

Design Import Design

Veriglog Netlist File Toplevel of the design .Lib .TLF Files .LEF File .SDC File

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Design Import

Advance Power

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Floor Planning

Results in Efficient Design Implementation Two styles of Implementation


Small to Medium ASIC Better Area Usage Since no reserve space around each sub-design for power/ground


For very large design When sub-systems are design individually Possible only if a design hierarchy exist.
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22 November, 2010

#/* Translate to target independent structure (GTECH) */ analyze -format vhdl -lib WORK {"./SOURCE/mics.vhd"} analyze -format vhdl -lib WORK {"./SOURCE/SRAM.vhd"} .. elaborate FIR_Toplevel -lib WORK -update -param "width = 4" -param "filter_taps=5" ungroup all Link uniquify set_wire_load_mode segmented set_wire_load_model -name "TSMC8K_Lowk_Conservative" #T=-40, V=1.1 set_units -time ns -resistance kOhm -capacitance pF -voltage V -current mA set_operating_conditions LTCOM #/* Specify clock constraint */ create_clock clk -period 4 set_false_path -from rst_n compile -map_effort medium -boundary_optimization write -hierarchy -format verilog -output /home/ali/ASICLABS/LAB2/LAB2_FIRToplevel.v write_sdc /home/ali/ASICLABS/LAB2/MAPPED/constraints.sdc
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Floor Planning

Automatic Floor Planning Seed Selection: USB controllers PCI controllers Hierarchical modules Automatic Floorplan Synthesis analyzes the data flow between seeds (design blocks) based on their connectivity and their location

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Floor Planning

Relative Floor Planning

Capture and define the placement relationship of floorplan objects independently from the actual coordinates in a floorplan

flexible way to place objects, such as modules, blocks, groups, blockages, pin guides, pre-routed wires, and power domains

I/O pins can be used as reference objects but they cannot be relative objects

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Floor Planning
Orientation Keys for Relative Floor Planning

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Floor Planning

Pre-route example: S1 and S2 are relative to the object I2 and the Core_Boundary

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Floor Planning

Manually Floor Planed DRRA Fabric

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Floor Planning

Aspect Ratio

Area of Stand. Cell/Area of Core Distance from IO Boundary Distance from Die Boundary

Core Utilization

Core to IO Boundary

Core to Die Boundary

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Floor Planning

Adjustable Routing Channel Width

0um every row 10um every second row 10um every row

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Floor Planning

Cutting with Rectilinear Tool

Move Tool

Rectilinear Tool

Blockage tools


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Part of Floor Planning Standard Cells are in Floating States before placement.

Have not been assigned a fixed location in Core Time to define clusters and regions

To keep time critical component close

Soft Regions

Boundary can change during standard cell placement Prevent Standard cell crossing boundaries
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Hard Regions

22 November, 2010


Exclusive Regions

Allow standard cells assigned to the region to be placed within the region Allow standard cells that do not belong to the region to be placed within the region

Non Exclusive Regions

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Power Planning

Deal with Power Distribution Network Three levels of Power Distribution


Carries VDD and VSS around the chip Carries VDD and VSS from Rings across the chip



Connect VDD and VSS to the standard cell VDD and VSS

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Power Planning
Rings Stripes (vertical or horizontal) VDD VSS Rails Special Route

Power Distribution Network

22 November, 2010
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Power Planning

Add Rings, Stripes & do a special route (SROUTE)


Power Distribution network Example

Power Distribution Network in DRRA

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Global Placement algorithm are partitioned based Two Associated Cost functions

Reduce Total wiring or routing length Distribute standard cell instances homogeneously in ASIC Core such that optimal equilibrium among vertical and horizontal routing is achieved

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Detailed Placement

After global placement

To Refine placement based on congestion, timing and power To distance standard cell instances from each other such that more routing tracks are created between them To optimize large sets of path delays Try to control the delay on signal path by imposing an upper bound delay or weight to net

Congestion Driven Placement

Timing Driven Placement

Net Based

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Clock Tree Synthesis

Automatic insertion of buffers/inverters along the clock path to balance the clock delay to all the clock inputs.

Why balancing clock delay? Clock Skew?

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Clock Distribution: How?

Source: MIT 6.375 Complex Digital System

22 November, 2010
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Clock Tree Synthesis

Delay of a wire

Elmore Delay
Vin R1 C1 R2 C2 Ri-1 Ci-1 Ri Ci RN CN

i 1

j 1

Rj R1 R2 ... CN (R1 R2 ... RN)


C 1R 1 C

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Clock Tree Synthesis

Optimizing Wire Delay

Divide the wire into N identical segments with length L/N Resistance= rL/N. Capacitance= cL/N



rc N N 2

2 rc 1




rc L



N 2N

22 November, 2010

rcL 2

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Clock Tree Synthesis

Equation shows that the wire delay depends on RC effect. One method to reduce RC is to insert intermediate buffers. Most Popular technique to reduce propagation delay Making a line m times shorter reduces its propagation delay quadratically


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Clock Tree Synthesis

For optimal propagation delay, buffer size increases in their drive strength d by a factor a for each level of clock tree path
Clock Source

a0 d

a1 d

a2 d


If clock buffers are not selected correctly they may cause the clock pulse width to degrade as the clock propagates through them

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Skew and Jitter

Clock Skew = t2 - t1
Positive skew occurs when the transmitting register receives the clock earlier than the receiving register. Negative skew is the opposite: the receiving register gets the clock earlier than the sending register

t1 clk


Combinational Logic



Clock Jitter
Period A
22 November, 2010

!= Period B
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Why minimizing Skew and Jitter is hard?

Source: MIT 6.375 Complex Digital System

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Clock Distribution

Source: MIT 6.375 Complex Digital System

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Clock Distribution

Source: MIT 6.375 Complex Digital System

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Clock Tree Synthesis



Combinational Logic

Without On-Chip Variation Awareness

Combinational Logic


With On-Chip Variation Awareness

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Clock Tree Synthesis in SoC Encounter

Fish Bone Routing Style

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Clock Tree Synthesis in SoC Encounter

The color Difference tells us about clock skew

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Electromigration (EM) is the movement or molecular transfer of metal from one area to another area that is caused by an excessive electrical current in the direction of electron flow. EM currents exceeding recommended guidelines can result in premature ASIC device failure

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Global Routing

Decomposes ASIC design interconnection into net segments Assign these segments to regions Follows global routing Performs actually physical interconnection of ASIC design Places actual wire segments in the region defined by the global router to complete the connections between the ports

Detail Routing

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Power Analysis

Power analysis

Reduces risk of IR voltage drops in power nets Ground bounce on the ground nets Reduces Electromigration effects due to high current

Resistance of power and ground net extracted Average current of each transistor connected to power net is calculated Average currents are distributed throughout the power net Calculate node voltages and branch currents Design goal violations shown

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RC Extraction

RC extraction is the calculation of all the routed net capacitances and resistances Used for

Delay calculation Static Timing Analysis Circuit Simulation Signal Integrity Analysis

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The complete placed and routed design is verified before fabrication Functional Verification

Verification is performed against behavioral RTL pre-layout and post-layout structural description (netlist) for the design validation. Assertion based verification Assertions macros are expressions that, if false, indicate and error Instantiated in RTL Code
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Rule Based

22 November, 2010

Energy Calculation

Save your design as a Verilog Netlist Simulate the Design in NCSim/ModelSim Create a VCD File Restore the Design in encounter Read the VCD Activity file Report Power to get the average power Energy= Pave * Tperiod * No of Cycles

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VCD File Script

run -timepoint 0 ns -absolute database -open /media/disk-1/mdpu/ADD2/MAC_0.vcd vcd -default -timescale us probe -create :mTile -vcd -all -depth all run -timepoint 100 us -absolute database -close /media/disk-1/mdpu/ADD2/MAC_0.vcd

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Power Calculation in Encounter

restoreDesign /home/ali/PhysicalDesign/ICAD2/mdpu/Tile_final.enc.dat Tile extractRC -outfile file.cap read_activity_file -format VCD -vcd_scope Tile_tb/mTile /media/disk-1/mdpu/ADD2/MAC_0.vcd reportPower -noRailAnalysis -outfile /media/disk1/mdpu/ADD2/reports/powenc_0.rep exit

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