Chirag Patil Conzultancy
Chirag Patil Conzultancy
Chirag Patil Conzultancy
7021065043 | 8655559341
Subject To
This Building has Safe And Stable after Above Work has Undertaken
Condition IRecommend That The Following Recommendation Repairs To Be Taken
Order To Make Structurally Safe In Future.
& General Maintenance Done
1. In Future The Periodically Corrective Repair Re-strengthing, Restoring Work,
Properly (Regularly Like Internal & External Paving
External Plaster Work, Plumbing Work, Drainage Work, Root Formation,
and Check By
Work, Waterproofing Work, crack filling work Ete. In Prior Time
Experience Person In This Field Engineers Etc.)
Problem Observed, Then
2. In Future If Any Structural/Physical/Technical
To Check Structural / Load Bearing
Immediately Inform To Concern Authority
Components In Prior Time.
Date: -28/03/2023
Hon. Santoshi Sandeep Gupta (Owner)
A/104, Kakad Pardise,
Phase 1Co-Op-HSG,
Penkarpada Mira Village
Thane 401107.
IHereby Certified That, the above changes has done in Existing fat
(Changes has done in Toilet Door Position, wall of Toilet and Converted Toilet in
Attache) of Flat A/104,Kakad Pardise, Phase 1 co-op Hsg,Penkarpnda Mira
village,thane 401107.for Changed of Kitchen Wall, Toilet door, Extended of
Window Balcony in bedroom is Safe And Stable For The Purpose of Human
Habitation .