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Citizenship in Action

We have created opportunities for the study of citizenship throughout the curriculum. Every year group creates stunning visual displays across the school which illustrate the rich cultural diversity of the school population and promote a respect for the values incorporated in the Human Rights Act. Each year, themes are chosen which reflect these values and our citizenship philosophy. Our corridors often reflect global issues and concerns which are covered throughout the curriculum in order to encourage our pupils to become responsible world citizens. Issues which have been covered over the years include, the environment, religious tolerance, demographic world changes, fair trade, children's definition of terrorism, the global effects of recycling, child poverty and childrens homes around the world. Every class is involved in researching and making our displays appropriate to their age group. Parents, staff and pupils created a magnificent patchwork mural that now hangs in pride of place in our schools main entrance. Another mural was created depicting the legacy of Nelson Mandela. This was taken to Nelson Mandelas family in South Africa by the Head Teacher of one of our partner schools, Newlands Primary. Above is a picture of Mandelas family in South Africa holding the mural made by our staff and pupils. In 2012, we also made themed murals to share with our partner schools in Uganda, Poland and Russia. In spring 2012, the whole school learnt about the Queen and held a street party to commemorate her Diamond Jubilee. In 2013 we also celebrated Mardi Gras as part of the Comenius project as well as raising money for Children in Need and children in Syria.

Following debates about human rights, the School Council made the decision to rent water cooling machines for the classrooms from AquAid. Following their wheeling and dealing with the company, AquAid built four water wells in Africa. Villagers work in partnership with Christian Aid to provide year round clean water supplies within their rural communities. Pupils, parents governors and staff can see how the Councils decision positively affects the quality of life of communities who have been traumatised by war, poverty, famine and political discord. The water pumps/wells are inscribed with our school name in villages in Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

UNICEF Day for Change

In February 2013 we began celebrating UNICEFs Day for Change. This is now an annual event which we will continue supporting for years to come! Due to the support and immense generosity of parents, pupils and staff, we are also able to support Comic Reliefs work in the UK and Africa, emergency disaster appeals around the world and other UK charities including BBC Children in Need and the Syrian Appeal.

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