Indonesia East Bali Poverty - FINAL - Bhs Inggris

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Bali's tourism industry does little to help the island's poor SLUG: Indonesia East Bali poverty Date:

09/07/2012 Reporter: A s!ar S r"a!ti I#$R% $&e 'overnor o( Bali &as sla))ed to ris) in t&e pop lar &oliday destination* +allin' it a ,disaster (or t&e poor,Re+ent 'overn)ent (i' res s&o. t&at t&e n )"er o( nderprivile'ed Balinese &as risen* )a!in' Bali t&e provin+e .it& t&e se+ond &i'&est per+enta'e o( poor people in Indonesia* "e&ind /a!arta0&arity 'ro ps are +allin' (or )ore o( t&e to ris) spoils to "e spent on eradi+atin' povertyA s!ar S r"a!ti (ro) Radio A stralia &as t&e report$E1$ $&is is t&e side o( Bali t&at )any people are (a)iliar .it&: rollin' .aves* sandy "ea+&es and endless s ns&ineIn and aro nd t&e to rist +entres* yo +o ld "e (or'iven (or t&in!in' t&at yo .ere in anot&er +o ntry alto'et&er22 ) +& o( it is developed and 3esternisedB t even in Bali* t&ese i)a'es only represent a s)all part o( t&e islandDrive a (e. &o rs inland* and it,s a very di((erent si'&t$o ris) is non2e4istent- And t&e ( rt&er in yo 'o* t&e 'reater t&e poverty$&ere are (e. paved roads* no r nnin' .ater or ele+tri+ity* and +onta+t .it& nei'&"o rin' villa'es 22 let alone t&e o tside .orld 22 is al)ost i)possi"leSo)e t&ree &o rs a.ay (ro) t&e &oliday &otspots is t&e villa'e o( Ban* .&i+& lies on t&e slopes o( 5o nt A' n' and 5o nt A"an'It,s +onsidered to "e one o( t&e )ost i)poveris&ed villa'es in Indonesia* and it &asn,t reaped t&e re.ards o( t&e to ris) dollar* .&i+& &as seen t&e rest o( t&e island (lo ris&David Boot&* a Britis& en'ineer livin' in Bali* (irst visited t&e villa'e o( Ban in 1996- 3&at &e .itnessed s&o+!ed &i)3it& t&e nearest &ospital &o rs a.ay* t&e +&ild )ortality rate .as &i'&-- )aln trition .as .idespread-- and iodine de(i+ien+y 22 .&i+& is easily treata"le t&ro '&o t t&e rest o( Indonesia 22 .as ri(e-

B%%$7 0LI8 1 95ale* En'lis&:: ;It .as (ar )ore dire t&an I +o ld i)a'ine and vis alise and so a(ter t&ree )ont&s visitin' till / ne* I realised it .as t&e villa'e t&at needed )y &elp- I < st realised t&at I,d never seen anyt&in' so "ad )y .&ole li(e-= 5otivated "y .&at &e sa.* 5r Boot& set2 p t&e East Bali 8overty 8ro<e+tSta(( "e'an ed +atin' residents a"o t 'ood n trition and &y'iene* )edi+al +&e+!s .ere +ond +ted* and )edi+ation .as dispensedSoon eno '&* iodine de(i+ien+y and )aln trition .ere all " t eli)inated (ro) t&e villa'e and ( +&ildren .ere dyin'- B t 1> years later* t&e area still la+!s t&e )ost "asi+ servi+esEd +ation &ere .as non2e4istent ntil a (e. years a'o* even t&o '& pri)ary s+&ool is +o)p lsory (or all Indonesian +&ildren3it& t&e s pport o( international +&arities* t&e 8overty 8ro<e+t &as " ilt t&ree s+&ools and sta(( say litera+y &as no. rea+&ed 100 per +ent5adir is a lo+al tea+&er and (or)er st dent ? &e says ed +ation is t&e !ey to develop)ent &ere5ADIR 0LI8 1 95ale* Indonesia ? translated to En'lis&:: ;$&is s+&ool is i)portant so t&at t&e +&ildren &ere +an learn to read and +o nt- I &ope t&is villa'e +an pro'ress and 'ro.-= And it see)s t&at ed +ation &as already &ad an i)pa+t on livin' standards0o.s &ave lon' "een a +as& +rop (or villa'ers " t (or a lon' ti)e (ar)ers .ere only earnin' aro nd @60 per &ead o( +attle and ) +& o( t&at .as spent on transport and )iddle )enB t .it& i)proved !no.led'e and "etter a++ess to )ar!ets* t&ey,re no. a"le to sell t&e) (or p to 102ti)es as ) +&B diasi& is a lo+al villa'erBUDIASI7 0LI8 1 9Ae)ale* Indonesia ? translated to Indonesia:: ;3e distri" te t&e )oney a)on' t&e )e)"ers o( o r +olle+tive and save it* so t&at &ope( lly .e,ll "e a"le to see t&e )oney 'ro. (or t&e ( t re-= Despite si'ns o( pro'ress and develop)ent* t&ere,s still a lon' .ay to 'o (or t&e villa'e o( Ban$&e ri+&es seen a (e. &o rs drive a.ay < st aren,t tri+!lin' do.n to r ral areas o( Bali- And so)e villa'ers are startin' to noti+e#en'a& $ t p is t&e villa'e leader$U$U8 0LI8 1 95ale* Indonesia ? translated to En'lis&:: ;$&e lo+al and provin+ial 'overn)ents still aren,t providin' .&at .e need- 3e need roads* ele+tri+ity and r nnin' .ater-=

David Boot& says t&e divide "et.een ri+& and poor is dist r"in'B%%$7 0LI8 2 95ale* En'lis&:: ;$&e +ontrast "et.een t&e .ealt&y part o( Bali and t&e east o( Bali )ade )e (eel very sad* e4+eedin'ly sad- Basi+ally it .asn,t (air- $&ere,s not a lot o( .ealt&y ret rn (ro) to ris) ta4es in t&e east and n(ort nately t&ere(ore t&e 'overn)ent (o+ sed on t&e .estern areas .&ere t&ere is 'reat si'&ts o( interest* ri+e(ields and t&is !ind o( t&in'-= Bali,s 'overnor +on+edes t&at poverty is a pro"le) t&at +annot "e i'noredAnd I 5ade 5an'! 8asti!a &as even 'one as (ar as sayin' t&at ,to ris) is a disaster (or t&e poor, "e+a se t&e ind stry is raisin' t&e +ost o( livin'B t &e doesn,t "la)e t&e to rists t&e)selves (or t&e pro"le)8AS$IBA 0LI8 1 95ale* En'lis&:: ;$o rists is o!ay- $&ey are 'ood people----- " t t&e 'reedy investors 2 t&at,s t&e pro"le)- Be+a se so)e o( t&is investor are 'reedy* e4ploitation o( t&e environ)ent* e4ploitation o( t&e land* e4ploitation o( t&e people* e4ploitation o( t&e + lt re 2 t&at is t&e pro"le)-C 7e )ay "e 'overnor* " t &e see)s po.erless to stop t&e onsla '&t o( develop)ent "y Indonesia,s l investorsEven so* &e,s pled'ed to red +e poverty (ro) t&e + rrent (o r2and2a2&al( per+ent o( t&e pop lation to < st 1 per+ent* addin' t&at it,s t&e 'overn)ent,s role to address t&e so+ial 'apB t .it& to ris) a vital part o( Bali,s e+ono)y* t&e 'overnor ad)its t&at "alan+in' t&e needs o( t&e ind stry .it& t&ose o( t&e poor .ill a +&allen'in' tas!DDD

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