We The Children: End-Decade Review of The Follow-Up To The World Summit For Children Report of The Secretary-General (2001)
We The Children: End-Decade Review of The Follow-Up To The World Summit For Children Report of The Secretary-General (2001)
We The Children: End-Decade Review of The Follow-Up To The World Summit For Children Report of The Secretary-General (2001)
#We were a$$ %hi$&ren on%e' An& we a$$ share the &esire (or the we$$)*eing o( o!r %hi$&ren+ whi%h has a$ways *een an& wi$$ %ontin!e to *e the "ost !niversa$$y %herishe& as,iration o( h!"ankin&'# We the Children: End-decade review of the follow-up to the World Summit for Children Report of the Secretary-General (2001 -any ,eo,$e o( In&onesia &ont rea$i.e a*o!t so"e i",ortant &ays that ,eo,$e o( the wor$& !s!a$$y %heer !, o(+ one o( the" is the %hi$&rens &ay' I "yse$( &o not rea$$y !n&erstan& what the &ay "eans+ or "ay*e as yo! rea& this arti%$e+ yo! have the sa"e i&ea as "ine+ whats the &ay a%t!a$$y e/ist (or0 A Brief History A$$ %o!ntries have &i((erent ti"e o( %e$e*rating the &ay *e%a!se 1nite& Nations re%o""en&e& a$$ %o!ntries to %hoose the 2a,,ro,riate ti"e o( %hi$&rens &ay in ea%h %o!ntry' The Universal Childrens Day is known at Nove"*er 34th+ when the (irst ti"e the &e%$aration o( the rights o( %hi$& an& %onvention on the rights o( %hi$& was he$&' An& 5!ne 6 st+ the International Childrens Day+ is the &ay when ,eo,$e o( the wor$& %e$e*rate the %hi$&rens &ay' There are !s!a$$y so"e (estiva$s o( %hi$&ren in so"e %o!ntries' In&onesia herse$( &e%$ares her %hi$&rens &ay at June 23rd' The i&ea o( &e%$aring %hi$&rens &ay showe& !, *e%a!se o( so"e *a%kgro!n&s ha,,ening in the ,ast to %hi$&ren: 1. Chi$&ren was ,!t in so"e &angero!s work,$a%e' There were so "any %hi$&ren worke& in "ine' As we know "ine is a very &angero!s ,$a%e (or %hi$&ren+ even (or a&!$ts' 2. -any %hi$&ren &i&nt easi$y get a%%ess to e&!%ation' 3. -any %hi$&ren were *eing o*7e%t o( vio$en%e+ whether (a"i$y vio$en%e or %o""!nity vio$en%e' So+ the %hi$&rens &ay %o"e as a so$!tion to e$evate ,eo,$e awareness o( the rights o( %hi$&ren' These i&eas showe& !, aro!n& 68s' Islamic View What were going to %a$$ %hi$&ren here are *oth "a$e an& (e"a$e' A%%or&ing to Is$a"i% tea%hing+ *oth "a$e an& (e"a$e %hi$&ren are a$ike in the sight o( A$$ah' They have the 2a,,ro,riate rights whi%h s!it their ,hysi%a$ an& ,sy%ho$ogi%a$ nee&s' Here I !se& the wor& a,,ro,riate *e%a!se thats %$ear &i((eren%es *etween the sa"e an& the (air' Is$a" is a re$igion whi%h ,!t its (o$$owers in the rea$ 7!sti%e+ *ase& on their &!ties an& nee&s'
Ba%k to the rights o( %hi$&ren+ Is$a" initiate& the i&eas h!n&re&s year *e(ore the 1N showe& !, with the %onvention an& &e%$aration' There are so "any rights the %hi$&ren have the entire their $ives' So"e i",ortant rights &!ring their ear$y ,erio& o( $i(e is the right to $ive ,ro,er$y+ "eans that they are raise& an& e&!%ate&' It is i",ortant *e%a!se "ost ,eo,$e are (or"e& *y their ear$y ,erio& o( $i(e' I( the ,arents raise their %hi$&ren we$$+ "eans they give the right n!trition (or the %hi$&ren+ they ten& to *e hea$thy (or their entire $ives' Is$a" gives instr!%tion to a$$ ,arents to "ake s!re that a$$ their *a*ies are *reast(e& (or two years' Why0 Be%a!se the *reast "i$k %ontains "any things the *a*y nee&s+ $ike i""!ne syste")re$ate& ,rotein+ right ,ortion o( n!trition+ et%' A$$ah says in S!rah A$)Ba9arah ,art o( Ayah 3:::
The mothers shall give suckling to their children for two whole years
The se%on& one is the right o( %hi$&ren to *e e&!%ate&' Its easier to e&!%ate h!"an *eing whi$e theyre ki&s then whi$e they *e%o"e a&!$t' The ana$ogi%a$ ,ro%ess is a sta%k o( rose' When theyre in ear$y ,erio& o( growth+ its so easy to *en& as we want how they $ook $ike+ *!t when they rea%h a&!$thoo& o( growth+ the a%t o( *en&ing the sta$k wi$$ 7!st *reak it a,art' Thats the reason why ,arents have rea$$y *ig res,onsi*i$ity to give e&!%ation to their %hi$&ren %o",$ete$y' Re$igio!s tea%hings whi%h %ontain *ran%hes o( a$$ se%tions o( $i(e+ the "ora$ an& ethi%a$ g!i&an%e+ the tr!e an& (a$se va$!es+ an& the "eaning o( right an& wrong o( the $i(e+ a*so$!te$y have to *e inserte& into %hi$&rens "in& in the ear$y o( their $ives' Those va$!es wi$$ &eter"ine how the %hi$&ren wi$$ $ive the $i(e o( their (!t!re' Now+ thats %$ear eno!gh why this &ay o( %hi$&ren is i",ortant' irst+ *e%a!se the i&ea s!its the tea%hing o( Is$a" an& the se%on&+ *e%a!se the a%tion is !rging ,eo,$e to take %are o( their %hi$&ren'