Sin Título 1
Sin Título 1
Sin Título 1
Martin 9'tero
Martin Luther /as a 7er%an %on1, for%er :at#oli( &riest, &rofessor of t#eolo$* an, se%inal fi$'re of a refor% %o)e%ent in 1-t# (ent'r* :#ristianit*, s'bse;'entl* 1no/n as t#e Protestant Refor%ation. He stron$l* ,is&'te, t#e (lai% t#at free,o% fro% 7o,<s &'nis#%ent for sin (o'l, be &'r(#ase, /it# %onetar* )al'es. He (onfronte, in,'l$en(e sales%an=o#ann Tet>el, a Do%ini(an friar, /it# #is 0inet*?Fi)e T#eses in 1+14.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi ! A(tober 15-@B C0 =an'ar* 1@"58 /as t#e &ree%inent lea,er of In,ian nationalis% in Britis#?r'le, In,ia. E%&lo*in$ non)iolent (i)il ,isobe,ien(e, 7an,#i le, In,ia to in,e&en,en(e an, ins&ire, %o)e%ents for (i)il ri$#ts an, free,o% a(ross t#e /orl, Ass'%in$ lea,ers#i& of t#e In,ian 0ational :on$ress in 1@!1, 7an,#i le, nation/i,e (a%&ai$ns for easin$ &o)ert*, ex&an,in$ /o%en<s ri$#ts, b'il,in$ reli$io's an, et#ni( a%it*, en,in$ 'nto'(#abilit*, b't abo)e all for a(#ie)in$ Swaraj or self?r'le.