State of Hunger Report
State of Hunger Report
State of Hunger Report
MPFS Releases Annual State of Hunger Report Record emergency food demand means more children, families receiving assistance
'un(er )as dipped be&o* t)e radar a(ain" +et, despite t)e seemin( &ack o, pub&ic a*areness, more &oca& ,ami&ies t)an ever be,ore *aited in &ines to receive an emer(enc- ,ood bo! in t)e past -ear, reported .arion-Po&k /ood 0)are, t)e re(iona& ,ood bank" 1n a&&, one o, ever- ,ive area )ouse)o&ds ate ,rom an emer(enc- ,ood bo! at &east once durin( t)e -ear" 2nd, amon( t)ose eatin( ,rom ,ood bo!es *ere an avera(e o, more t)an 1%,000 c)i&dren a mont)" 31ma(ine 2%% sc)oo& bus &oads o, c)i&dren" 4)at5s t)e number o, c)i&dren *)o are accessin( t)e emer(enc- ,ood supp&- in an avera(e mont) in order to keep )un(er at ba-,6 said .P/0 President and CEO Rick Gaupo" 32s a ,at)er, 1 can ima(ine *)at parents o, t)ose c)i&dren must ,ee&" 2nd, as CEO o, /ood 0)are, it makes me keen&- a*are o, t)e c)a&&en(e *e ,ace bot) in meetin( t)e immediate need and in *orkin( to brin( t)is number do*n"6 C)i&dren are especia&&- vu&nerab&e to even temporar- ,ood insecurit-" 0cienti,ic evidence abounds &inkin( )un(er and poor nutrition to prob&ems in menta& deve&opment, p)-sica& )ea&t), academic ac)ievement and be)avior" 0ome o, t)ese prob&ems carr- over to adu&t)ood reducin( ones potentia& ,or economic productivit-" 3C&ear&-, man- &oca& ,ami&ies sti&& )ave not recovered ,rom t)e recession,6 Gaupo said" 32n avera(e o, $,770 ,ami&ies eac) mont) accessed an emer(enc- ,ood bo! to )e&p make ends meet" 4)at avera(e is 5 percent more t)an durin( t)e previous -ear"6
8ut not a&& t)e ne*s is bad" .P/0 records s)o* t)e rate o, increase in need s&o*ed t)is -ear" 9ookin( back, t)e increase bet*een ,isca& -ears 2010 and 2011 *as 17 percent# bet*een 2011 and 2012, it *as 22 percent# and bet*een 2012 and 2013 it s&o*ed to 5 percent" Gaupo said, 31t5s t)e proverbia& ocean &iner comparison: 0omet)in( as bi( as t)e economsimp&- does not c)an(e direction overni()t, and t)at means )un(er doesn5t c)an(e overni()t" ;e are )ope,u&, as *e &ook to t)e -ear a)ead, t)at t)e rate o, )un(er *i&& improve" /or no*, *e sti&& vermuc) need t)e communit-5s support to assure )un(r- &oca& ,ami&ies, individua&s, seniors, and c)i&dren are ,ed"6 <ob &osses and decreases to *ork )ours )ave driven more ,ami&ies to seek ,ood assistance ,rom t)e .P/0 net*ork o, near&- 100 &oca& partner c)arities" 1n pre-recession 200=, an avera(e o, more t)an 5,000 ,ami&ies a mont) sou()t emer(enc- ,ood bo!es" 9ast -ear, )un(er-re&ie, ,ood pantries served 7,700 more ,ami&ies a mont) compared to si! -ears a(o" 34)e communit- )as rea&&- stepped up to )e&p us keep pace *it) t)e need" /or t)at *e are ver- (rate,u&,6 Gaupo said" 4)is -ear, more vo&unteers t)an ever pitc)ed in to )e&p sort, repack and distribute ,ood t)rou()out t)e .P/0 )un(er-re&ie, net*ork" Partner c)arities &o((ed more t)an 211,500 )ours" 2nd .P/0 vo&unteers contributed near&- 7 ,500 )ours" 4)at5s a conservative tota& o, near&- 2%0,000 vo&unteer )ours" 0imi&ar&-, &oca& donations ,rom (ro*ers, ,ood manu,acturers, retai&ers and ,ood drives brou()t in more t)an 5"= mi&&ion pounds o, ,ood" 4)at5s =2 percent o, t)e ="$ mi&&ion pounds o, ,ood t)at crossed t)e .P/0 dock" Partner c)arities a&so increased t)eir ,ood co&&ection activit- b- 3= percent over t)e previous -ear, au(mentin( t)e ,ood t)e- received ,rom .P/0 *it) 1"% mi&&ion pounds t)at independent&came to t)eir doors" 2&& to&d, more t)an $ mi&&ion pounds *ere distributed" 32s t)e &eader in t)e &oca& ,i()t a(ainst )un(er, .arion-Po&k /ood 0)are makes ever- e,,ort to direct donations to our partners *)en possib&e,6 Gaupo said" 32n e!amp&e o, t)at *as our partners)ip &ast 2pri& *it) /eed 0a&em, an independent, ,ait)-based e,,ort t)at co&&ected and distributed more t)an %0,000 pounds o, ,ood"6 Prospects for the year ahead 0ervice statistics ,rom <u&- 1 t)rou() 0ept" 30 o, t)is -ear >t)e ,irst ?uarter o, t)e 2013-17 .P/0 ,isca& -ear@ s)o*ed a mont)&- avera(e o, more t)an $,%00 ,ami&ies seekin( emer(enc- ,ood bo!es" 4)at5s up %00 ,ami&ies ,rom &ast -ear at t)e same time, a %A increase"
3C&ear&-, *e *i&& need t)e communit-5s )e&p to make sure t)at t)e most vu&nerab&e peop&e in .arion and Po&k counties are receivin( nutritious ,oods in su,,icient ?uantities,6 Gaupo said" 4o meet t)e need, .P/0 *i&&: Continue to (ro* t)e 0ustainer Circ&e o, mont)&- donors, peop&e *)o understand t)at ,i()tin( )un(er re?uires -ear-round e,,ort and, t)ere,ore, -ear-round support" Continue ,armin( activities to brin( stabi&it- to t)e ,ood supp&-, and to (ro* ?uinoa ,or t)e 8etter 8ur(er, a &o*-cost nutritious ve((ie bur(er desi(ned b- .P/0 ,or distribution to area )un(r-" 1ncrease partners)ips *it) retai&ers, &oca& (ro*ers and ,ood manu,acturers" Encoura(e (ro*t) in t)e number o, &oca& ,ood and ,unds drives" Beve&op Cob trainin( opportunities t)at )e&p put peop&e to *ork so t)e- are &ess re&iant upon emer(enc- ,ood" Continue to e!pand t)e communit- and sc)oo& (ardens pro(ram be-ond t)e current 53 so more ,ami&ies can (ro* ,res) ,ood ,or t)emse&ves and t)eir nei()bors" Not Just MPFS Numbers ther Sources Po!nt "o Cause For Concern 2ccordin( to /eedin( 2merica, t)e nationa& ,ood bank, 2 ,1 0 c)i&dren in .arion and Po&k counties are considered ,ood insecure" 1n Po&k Count-, 7,1%0 c)i&dren ma- not )ave access to ade?uate ?uantities and ?ua&it- o, ,ood on a dai&- basis" 1n .arion Count-, 27,020 c)i&dren >2$A@ are ,ood insecure" 0tate Bepartment o, Education records s)o* about 3$,000 &oca& c)i&dren are income?ua&i,ied ,or t)e ,edera& ,reeDreduced mea& pro(rams in area pub&ic sc)oo&s" O, t)ese, percent are e&i(ib&e ,or ,ree &unc) >e"(" a ,ami&- o, ,our earns &ess t)an E30,%15 annua&&-@" .an- o, t)ese c)i&dren must eat ,rom emer(enc- ,ood bo!es or mea& sites *)en ,ami&resources are stretc)ed t)in" C)i&dren /irst ,or Ore(on reported t)at more t)an 25,000 c)i&dren in .arion Count*ere &ivin( in povert- in 2011, and t)ose bein( assisted b- 0N2P ,ood stamps numbered 3=,03$" 1n Po&k Count-, 3,303 c)i&dren *ere &ivin( in povert-, and 7, 12 c)i&dren *ere assisted b- 0N2P" 2ccordin( to t)e F"0" Census 8ureau, more t)an %5,000 peop&e in t)e .P/0 service area are &ivin( in povert-" 1n .arion Count-, 1="3 percent o, t)e popu&ation is &ivin( be&o* t)e povert- &eve&" 1n Po&k Count-, t)e percenta(e is 12"="
Ho# !nd!$!duals and bus!nesses can help <oin t)e 0ustainer Circ&e o, mont)&- donors" 'ost a *orkp&ace or nei()bor)ood ,oodD,unds drive" Bonate ,ood at .P/0 *are)ouse, 1%%0 0a&em 1ndustria& Brive NE .ai& a donation to .arion-Po&k /ood 0)are, 1%%0 0a&em 1ndustria& Brive NE, 0a&em, $=301 4o donate b- p)one, 503-5 1-3 55# or secure&- on&ine at ***"marionpo&k,oods)are"or("
About: Marion-Polk Food Share is a nonprofit charity and the regional food bank serving Marion and Polk counties through a network of 9 local member charities ! " food pantries# $$ meal sites# % after-hour bo& sites' that provide emergency food bo&es or that prepare and serve on-site meals to local families# children# seniors and individuals in need of emergency food assistance( MPFS also works to end hunger long term by developing and implementing lasting solutions to hunger( MPFS is one of )* regional food banks in +regon that belong to the +regon Food ,ank statewide food bank network( 2442C'.EN40: .P/0 0ervice 0naps)ot >comparin( /+13 to /+12@ .P/0 2012-13 Re(iona& 2ctivit- 2t 2 G&ance .EB12 NO4E: Contact Ei&een BiCicco at 503-5 1-3 55 i, -ou need assistance connectin( *it) )un(er-re&ie, partners in -our area"
FY2013 Emergency food boxes (distributed at food pantries after!hour sites" (eals (served at meal sites shelters foster homes etc " *hildren eating from food boxes +E, (-./0 113 2#$ )&0 01$ 1) 000
1olunteer hours 2 (+F3 hunger!relief partners 1olunteer hours 2 (+F3 head4uarters gardens
5uly 1 2012 ! 5une 30 2013 6nventory (FY13 comparison to FY12" FY2013 FY2012 % diff /-/78 +-9.:3 :63/,6;9/E: ;Y (+F3 .E/<-,= $ 0'& 3' 0 % $%0 10 ' 1%
#$) 0#)
1 0&$ 3) #
,etail Food ,ecovery (includes Fresh 7lliance" (pounds" 8ocal :onations (pounds" excluding food drives ? retail food recovery Food :rives (pounds to (+F3 @arehouse"
Service Area *ity of 3alem <oodburn 7rea ,ural +olA *ounty 3ilverton!(ount 7ngel 7rea 3antiam *anyon =eiBer -ther 2 8ocal -utreach /otals
G'ouse)o&ds t)at received emer(enc- ,ood bo!es ,rom pantries and socia& service a(encies" GG.ea&s prepared and served at communit- mea& sites, s)e&ters, ,oster )omes, etc"