State of Hunger Report

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...because no one should be hungry

For Release: November 15, 2013 Contact: Rick Gaupo, President and CEO 503-5 1-3 55, e!t" 305# 503-$10-110%, ce&&

MPFS Releases Annual State of Hunger Report Record emergency food demand means more children, families receiving assistance
'un(er )as dipped be&o* t)e radar a(ain" +et, despite t)e seemin( &ack o, pub&ic a*areness, more &oca& ,ami&ies t)an ever be,ore *aited in &ines to receive an emer(enc- ,ood bo! in t)e past -ear, reported .arion-Po&k /ood 0)are, t)e re(iona& ,ood bank" 1n a&&, one o, ever- ,ive area )ouse)o&ds ate ,rom an emer(enc- ,ood bo! at &east once durin( t)e -ear" 2nd, amon( t)ose eatin( ,rom ,ood bo!es *ere an avera(e o, more t)an 1%,000 c)i&dren a mont)" 31ma(ine 2%% sc)oo& bus &oads o, c)i&dren" 4)at5s t)e number o, c)i&dren *)o are accessin( t)e emer(enc- ,ood supp&- in an avera(e mont) in order to keep )un(er at ba-,6 said .P/0 President and CEO Rick Gaupo" 32s a ,at)er, 1 can ima(ine *)at parents o, t)ose c)i&dren must ,ee&" 2nd, as CEO o, /ood 0)are, it makes me keen&- a*are o, t)e c)a&&en(e *e ,ace bot) in meetin( t)e immediate need and in *orkin( to brin( t)is number do*n"6 C)i&dren are especia&&- vu&nerab&e to even temporar- ,ood insecurit-" 0cienti,ic evidence abounds &inkin( )un(er and poor nutrition to prob&ems in menta& deve&opment, p)-sica& )ea&t), academic ac)ievement and be)avior" 0ome o, t)ese prob&ems carr- over to adu&t)ood reducin( ones potentia& ,or economic productivit-" 3C&ear&-, man- &oca& ,ami&ies sti&& )ave not recovered ,rom t)e recession,6 Gaupo said" 32n avera(e o, $,770 ,ami&ies eac) mont) accessed an emer(enc- ,ood bo! to )e&p make ends meet" 4)at avera(e is 5 percent more t)an durin( t)e previous -ear"6

8ut not a&& t)e ne*s is bad" .P/0 records s)o* t)e rate o, increase in need s&o*ed t)is -ear" 9ookin( back, t)e increase bet*een ,isca& -ears 2010 and 2011 *as 17 percent# bet*een 2011 and 2012, it *as 22 percent# and bet*een 2012 and 2013 it s&o*ed to 5 percent" Gaupo said, 31t5s t)e proverbia& ocean &iner comparison: 0omet)in( as bi( as t)e economsimp&- does not c)an(e direction overni()t, and t)at means )un(er doesn5t c)an(e overni()t" ;e are )ope,u&, as *e &ook to t)e -ear a)ead, t)at t)e rate o, )un(er *i&& improve" /or no*, *e sti&& vermuc) need t)e communit-5s support to assure )un(r- &oca& ,ami&ies, individua&s, seniors, and c)i&dren are ,ed"6 <ob &osses and decreases to *ork )ours )ave driven more ,ami&ies to seek ,ood assistance ,rom t)e .P/0 net*ork o, near&- 100 &oca& partner c)arities" 1n pre-recession 200=, an avera(e o, more t)an 5,000 ,ami&ies a mont) sou()t emer(enc- ,ood bo!es" 9ast -ear, )un(er-re&ie, ,ood pantries served 7,700 more ,ami&ies a mont) compared to si! -ears a(o" 34)e communit- )as rea&&- stepped up to )e&p us keep pace *it) t)e need" /or t)at *e are ver- (rate,u&,6 Gaupo said" 4)is -ear, more vo&unteers t)an ever pitc)ed in to )e&p sort, repack and distribute ,ood t)rou()out t)e .P/0 )un(er-re&ie, net*ork" Partner c)arities &o((ed more t)an 211,500 )ours" 2nd .P/0 vo&unteers contributed near&- 7 ,500 )ours" 4)at5s a conservative tota& o, near&- 2%0,000 vo&unteer )ours" 0imi&ar&-, &oca& donations ,rom (ro*ers, ,ood manu,acturers, retai&ers and ,ood drives brou()t in more t)an 5"= mi&&ion pounds o, ,ood" 4)at5s =2 percent o, t)e ="$ mi&&ion pounds o, ,ood t)at crossed t)e .P/0 dock" Partner c)arities a&so increased t)eir ,ood co&&ection activit- b- 3= percent over t)e previous -ear, au(mentin( t)e ,ood t)e- received ,rom .P/0 *it) 1"% mi&&ion pounds t)at independent&came to t)eir doors" 2&& to&d, more t)an $ mi&&ion pounds *ere distributed" 32s t)e &eader in t)e &oca& ,i()t a(ainst )un(er, .arion-Po&k /ood 0)are makes ever- e,,ort to direct donations to our partners *)en possib&e,6 Gaupo said" 32n e!amp&e o, t)at *as our partners)ip &ast 2pri& *it) /eed 0a&em, an independent, ,ait)-based e,,ort t)at co&&ected and distributed more t)an %0,000 pounds o, ,ood"6 Prospects for the year ahead 0ervice statistics ,rom <u&- 1 t)rou() 0ept" 30 o, t)is -ear >t)e ,irst ?uarter o, t)e 2013-17 .P/0 ,isca& -ear@ s)o*ed a mont)&- avera(e o, more t)an $,%00 ,ami&ies seekin( emer(enc- ,ood bo!es" 4)at5s up %00 ,ami&ies ,rom &ast -ear at t)e same time, a %A increase"

3C&ear&-, *e *i&& need t)e communit-5s )e&p to make sure t)at t)e most vu&nerab&e peop&e in .arion and Po&k counties are receivin( nutritious ,oods in su,,icient ?uantities,6 Gaupo said" 4o meet t)e need, .P/0 *i&&: Continue to (ro* t)e 0ustainer Circ&e o, mont)&- donors, peop&e *)o understand t)at ,i()tin( )un(er re?uires -ear-round e,,ort and, t)ere,ore, -ear-round support" Continue ,armin( activities to brin( stabi&it- to t)e ,ood supp&-, and to (ro* ?uinoa ,or t)e 8etter 8ur(er, a &o*-cost nutritious ve((ie bur(er desi(ned b- .P/0 ,or distribution to area )un(r-" 1ncrease partners)ips *it) retai&ers, &oca& (ro*ers and ,ood manu,acturers" Encoura(e (ro*t) in t)e number o, &oca& ,ood and ,unds drives" Beve&op Cob trainin( opportunities t)at )e&p put peop&e to *ork so t)e- are &ess re&iant upon emer(enc- ,ood" Continue to e!pand t)e communit- and sc)oo& (ardens pro(ram be-ond t)e current 53 so more ,ami&ies can (ro* ,res) ,ood ,or t)emse&ves and t)eir nei()bors" Not Just MPFS Numbers ther Sources Po!nt "o Cause For Concern 2ccordin( to /eedin( 2merica, t)e nationa& ,ood bank, 2 ,1 0 c)i&dren in .arion and Po&k counties are considered ,ood insecure" 1n Po&k Count-, 7,1%0 c)i&dren ma- not )ave access to ade?uate ?uantities and ?ua&it- o, ,ood on a dai&- basis" 1n .arion Count-, 27,020 c)i&dren >2$A@ are ,ood insecure" 0tate Bepartment o, Education records s)o* about 3$,000 &oca& c)i&dren are income?ua&i,ied ,or t)e ,edera& ,reeDreduced mea& pro(rams in area pub&ic sc)oo&s" O, t)ese, percent are e&i(ib&e ,or ,ree &unc) >e"(" a ,ami&- o, ,our earns &ess t)an E30,%15 annua&&-@" .an- o, t)ese c)i&dren must eat ,rom emer(enc- ,ood bo!es or mea& sites *)en ,ami&resources are stretc)ed t)in" C)i&dren /irst ,or Ore(on reported t)at more t)an 25,000 c)i&dren in .arion Count*ere &ivin( in povert- in 2011, and t)ose bein( assisted b- 0N2P ,ood stamps numbered 3=,03$" 1n Po&k Count-, 3,303 c)i&dren *ere &ivin( in povert-, and 7, 12 c)i&dren *ere assisted b- 0N2P" 2ccordin( to t)e F"0" Census 8ureau, more t)an %5,000 peop&e in t)e .P/0 service area are &ivin( in povert-" 1n .arion Count-, 1="3 percent o, t)e popu&ation is &ivin( be&o* t)e povert- &eve&" 1n Po&k Count-, t)e percenta(e is 12"="

Ho# !nd!$!duals and bus!nesses can help <oin t)e 0ustainer Circ&e o, mont)&- donors" 'ost a *orkp&ace or nei()bor)ood ,oodD,unds drive" Bonate ,ood at .P/0 *are)ouse, 1%%0 0a&em 1ndustria& Brive NE .ai& a donation to .arion-Po&k /ood 0)are, 1%%0 0a&em 1ndustria& Brive NE, 0a&em, $=301 4o donate b- p)one, 503-5 1-3 55# or secure&- on&ine at ***"marionpo&k,oods)are"or("

About: Marion-Polk Food Share is a nonprofit charity and the regional food bank serving Marion and Polk counties through a network of 9 local member charities ! " food pantries# $$ meal sites# % after-hour bo& sites' that provide emergency food bo&es or that prepare and serve on-site meals to local families# children# seniors and individuals in need of emergency food assistance( MPFS also works to end hunger long term by developing and implementing lasting solutions to hunger( MPFS is one of )* regional food banks in +regon that belong to the +regon Food ,ank statewide food bank network( 2442C'.EN40: .P/0 0ervice 0naps)ot >comparin( /+13 to /+12@ .P/0 2012-13 Re(iona& 2ctivit- 2t 2 G&ance .EB12 NO4E: Contact Ei&een BiCicco at 503-5 1-3 55 i, -ou need assistance connectin( *it) )un(er-re&ie, partners in -our area"

Marion-Polk Food Share Service Snapshot FY 2013 monthl y averag e

FY2013 Emergency food boxes (distributed at food pantries after!hour sites" (eals (served at meal sites shelters foster homes etc " *hildren eating from food boxes +E, (-./0 113 2#$ )&0 01$ 1) 000

% chang FY2012 e 10% 2&% #10 %#2 1& 10&

'% $ &&0 !10% '3 33' 13%

1olunteer hours 2 (+F3 hunger!relief partners 1olunteer hours 2 (+F3 head4uarters gardens

211 '#0 &% &%#

1%% 3#0 3) &)2

12% 1# )31 1$% 3 )0%

5uly 1 2012 ! 5une 30 2013 6nventory (FY13 comparison to FY12" FY2013 FY2012 % diff /-/78 +-9.:3 :63/,6;9/E: ;Y (+F3 .E/<-,= $ 0'& 3' 0 % $%0 10 ' 1%

Food +urchase (pounds" for (+F3 .E/<-,=

#$) 0#)

1 0&$ 3) #


,etail Food ,ecovery (includes Fresh 7lliance" (pounds" 8ocal :onations (pounds" excluding food drives ? retail food recovery Food :rives (pounds to (+F3 @arehouse"

1 &&' 10 3 3 %'$ &3 $ &'% )&$

1 &3# %# # 3 #$3 ') 0 3$3 %$#

> '% 1>#% 1)%

MPFS 2012-13 Regional Activity At A Glance

Pounds o Food ro! MPFS & 11& 01& %#2 #&' #$& 0&' #'# 310 &)2 '%' 3&% 03) &% 11# # 3$) %'2 "ousehol ds# Served $ith Food %o&es )3 '%% 1% '&1 11 '12 % &&% # 0%' & 10' 113 2#$ Prepared ## Meals Served &&3 ))3 111 &1& 12 333 3% &)% ! 3& 1&1 )&0 01$

Service Area *ity of 3alem <oodburn 7rea ,ural +olA *ounty 3ilverton!(ount 7ngel 7rea 3antiam *anyon =eiBer -ther 2 8ocal -utreach /otals

G'ouse)o&ds t)at received emer(enc- ,ood bo!es ,rom pantries and socia& service a(encies" GG.ea&s prepared and served at communit- mea& sites, s)e&ters, ,oster )omes, etc"

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