November 2013 DCCAC Minutes

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Dallas County Childrens Advocacy Council (DCCAC)

Patricks Restaurant Adel, IA

Thursday, November !, "!#

Attendance$ Debb Franz (Restorative Justice/Juvenile Court), Lisa Mickelson (ISU E tension ! "utreac#), Dena "$ens (%rovi&ence %lace), 'ivian D( &e)onzalez (%artners in Fa*il+ Develo,*ent), Lin&a Le*ons (retire& *ental #ealt# t#era,ist), Mic#elle Leonar& (Dallas Center %olice D,t), Ste,#anie -eit*an (co**unit+ *e*ber), .atalie Scar,ino (Crises Intervention ! /&vocac+), 0ia$n+ Me+ers (Dallas Count+ %olice D,t), .anc+ Cullen (visitor), 1onnie Fors+t# (%artners in Fa*il+ Develo,*ent) Ste,#anie2 Calle& to "r&er at 3245a* $it# t#e boar& / /&6ourne& 7284 a*

Called to %rder & Ad'ourned$

(oard )embers A**roval o+ A,enda & A**roved )inutes$

Dena *ove& to a,,rove .ove*ber a9en&a( Lisa secon&e&( /&&e& to inclu&e C%%C :un&in9 reco**en&ations :or Ste$ar&s o: C#il&ren $orkbooks( /,,rove& unani*ousl+( Mic#elle *ove& to a,,rove "ctober *inutes( Dena secon&e& an& a,,rove& unani*ousl+(

Additional )inutes +rom the (oard )embers -ection o+ )eetin, Treasurers Re*ort$

Discusse& &e:inin9 all t#e acron+*s $e use :or t#e *eetin9s to assist in 9ettin9 atten&ees :a*iliar $it# t#e*( ;ill also e ,lain better in *inutes(

Mic#elle Current 1alance is <7==(=> "ctober Io$a C#il&ren /buse %revention %ro9ra* (IC/%%) )eneral /ccountin9s E ,en&iture ()/?) sub*itte& @ <8873(A8 :or "utreac# an& Follo$ U, to %artners in Fa*il+ Develo,*ent (%FD) an& ISU E tension an& "utreac# ( <A>4(A5 :or Se ual /buse %revention to Crises Intervention an& /&vocac+ (CI/C)( Receive& <4=3=(7= :ro* %revent C#il& /buse Io$a (%C/ Io$a) :or %FD Jul+ e ,enses( Receive& *e*bers#i, &ues :ro* CI/C :or Bace+, .atalie, an& ;#itne+ Ste,#anie *ove& to a,,rove t#e 0reasurerCs re,ort( Lisa secon&e& an& a,,rove& unani*ousl+(

%*en .orum

Lin&a @ Circle o: Securit+ trainin9 :or ,arents o: +oun9 c#il&ren to increase attac#*ent bet$een ,arent an& c#il&( Li:e@Line Resources is :acilitatin9 t#e ,ro9ra*( Co**unication about DCC/C ,riorities &iscusse&( Ste,#anie $ill $ork on

Dallas County Childrens Advocacy Council (DCCAC)

:lo$ c#art t#at s#o$s our subcontractors an& t#e ,ro9ra*s t#e+ ,rovi&e un&er IC/%% alon9 $it# Ste$ar&s o: C#il&ren trainin9 :ocus( /lso &iscusse& t#e i*,ortance o: su,,ort an& assistin9 $it# ,ro*otion b+ DCC/C *e*bers o: t#e ,ro9ra*s t#at DCC/C :un&s an& su,,orts( Lisa D Stren9t#enin9 Fa*ilies %ro9ra*2 For %arents an& Eout# /9es 45@4>, $ill be o::ere& in Dallas Center startin9 on Sun&a+ Januar+ 47 an& runnin9 t#rou9# Marc# 7 :ro* F D A285 ,*( ;ill also be o::ere& in %err+ on Mon&a+ evenin9s also startin9 in Januar+( Fl+ers $ere &istribute& an& $ill be sent $it# *inutes(

%ld (usiness$

-te/ards o+ Children 'ivian *otione& an& Mic#elle secon&e& :or Ste$ar&s o: C#il&ren to be t#e DCC/C initiative( /,,rove& unani*ousl+( 'ivian *otione& an& Mic#elle secon&e& :or <F55 to be utilize& :or trainin9 (,a+ :or trainers) an& <F to be c#ar9e& ,er ,artici,ant( /,,rove& unani*ousl+( 'ivian *otione& an& Mic#elle secon&e& to s,eak $it# Jenn+ at C%%C *eetin9 to reGuest <4555 :ro* DC/0 :un&s to be utilize& :or $orkbooks( 0#is trainin9 $ill be t#e :ocus o: t#e Januar+ H8r& /CEs Learnin9 Stu&+ 0rainin9 :ro* 4285 D 8285 at /&el Librar+( Dena $ill ,urc#ase $orkbooks t#rou9# %rovi&ence %lace an& be rei*burse& b+ DCC/C( Dece*ber *eetin9 $ill be :or DCC/C 1oar& onl+( %ro,ose& location c#an9e in Januar+ to be at Dallas Count+ E tension "::ice(

Ne/ (usiness$

Collaboration 0++orts and Announcements$

Due to ti*e restrictions no :urt#er &etails &iscusse& re9ar&in9 t#e :ollo$in92 /CEs/Mental -ealt# ;ork9rou, Earl+ C#il&#oo& Io$a C#an9es/U,&ates to DCC/C /nnual Calen&ar Dece*ber Meetin9 $ill be :or t#e DCC/C 1oar& onl+( Startin9 a9ain in Januar+ *eetin9s $ill be t#e >t# 0#urs&a+ o: t#e *ont#, Januar+ H8(

Ne1t )eetin,$

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