Aggregate Pop Out
Aggregate Pop Out
Aggregate Pop Out
WHAT is Popout?
The aggregate particle expands and fractures as a re-
sult of a physical action or a chemical reaction:
The origin of a physical popout usually is a near-sur-
face aggregate particle having a high absorption and
relatively low relative density (specific gravity). As
that particle absorbs moisture; or if freezing occurs un-
der moist conditions, its swelling creates internal pres-
sures sufficient to rupture the particle and the overly-
ing concrete surface. The top portion of the fractured
aggregate particle separates from the concrete surface
taking a portion of the surface mortar with it. In some
cases the aggregate forces water into the surrounding
mortar as it freezes thus causing the surface mortar to
pop off, exposing an intact aggregate particle. Clay
balls, coal, wood or other contaminants can uptake
water and swell even without freezing, but the result-
ing pressure rarely is great enough to cause popouts.
Also, there are reported cases of grain (soybeans, corn)
contamination of aggregate shipments that have resulted
in surface popouts. Such occurrences are not within
the scope of this document.
Popouts as a result of physical action are typically only
a problem with exterior flatwork in climates subject to
freezing and thawing under moist conditions and re-
sulting expansion. Even aggregates which meet the
requirements of ASTM C 33 Class 5S, for architec-
A popout is a small, generally cone-shaped cavity in
a horizontal concrete surface left after a near-surface
aggregate particle has expanded and fractured. Gen-
erally, part of the fractured aggregate particle will be
found at the bottom of the cavity with the other part of
the aggregate still adhering to the point of the popout
cone. The cavity can range from in. (6 mm) to few
inches in diameter.
WHY do Concrete Popouts Occur?
tural concrete in severe exposure, allow several types
of particles which may cause popouts when exposed
to freezing and thawing in the saturated condition. The
most common type of particles resulting in popouts are
low density chert in natural aggregate deposits.
Crushed aggregates are less likely to contain light-
weight, absorptive particles which are more suscep-
tible to popouts.
The cause of a popout due to a chemical reaction is
often related to alkali-silica reaction (ASR). Alkalis
from cement or other source cause an environment of
high pH (high concentrations of OH ions) causing the
breakdown of silica and formation of an ASR gel, which
absorbs water and expands, removing a small portion
of the surface mortar with it. These are called ASR
Popouts. They are typically small and are often ac-
companied by a small spot that is discolored and/or
appears to be damp. The aggregate particle does not
often fracture and split as is the case of popouts from
physical action. However, the ASR phenomenon can
result in micro-fractures within the aggregate particles.
Some alkali-silica reaction popouts can occur within a
few days after the concrete is placed.
Aggregate Popout
Courtesy PCA
Most popouts are aesthetic defects that do not impact
the structural performance of the concrete members.
A large number of popouts however make it easier for
water and other harmful chemicals to enter the con-
crete, which can ultimately lead to other forms of dete-
rioration such as corrosion of steel reinforcement. The
following steps can be taken to avoid concrete popouts.
Physical Popouts
1. Avoid using aggregates which contain particles which
may cause popouts, or that have a history of popouts.
However, in some parts of the United States, the
available natural gravels contain some particles that
are likely to result in surface popouts. Due to the
unavailability of economical alternate aggregates, the
occurrence of popouts on sidewalks and pavements
is an accepted , albeit undesirable, likelihood in those
2. If popouts are unacceptable, an alternate source of
aggregates must be located. If appropriate, two-
course construction can be used, whereby the popout
susceptible aggregate is used for the lower course
and the pop-out free aggregat that is likely to be
more expensive is used for the surface course.
3. Aggregates can be beneficiated to remove light-
weight materials, but the added cost of beneficiation
can be prohibitive for most uses.
4. Reduce the water to cementitious materials ratio of
the concrete, as this will reduce the likelihood of
saturation and will increase the resistance to swell-
ing forces. Provide proper curing for exterior
flatwork, as this results in improved strength of the
cementitious materials, especially on the surface.
This will reduce permeability thereby lowering the
amount of water migrating to coarse aggregate par-
ticles. These steps can reduce the frequency, but
will not necessarily, eliminate popouts.
5. Reduce the maximum aggregate size, as smaller
aggregates will develop lower stresses due to freez-
ing, and fewer popouts will occur. Those that do
will be smaller and less objectionable.
Chemical Popouts
1. Use a low-alkali cement or a non-reactive aggre-
gate. This is often not a practical option in many
2. Flush the surfaces with water after the concrete
has hardened and before applying the final curing.
This will remove the alkalis that may have accumu-
HOWto Repair Concrete Popouts?
Prior to undertaking a repair program, it is advisable to
confirm the cause of the popouts by obtaining core
samples containing one or more typical popouts and
having them studied by a qualified petrographer.
Popouts can be repaired by chipping out the remaining
portion of the aggregate particle in the surface cavity,
cleaning the resulting void, and by filling the void with a
proprietary repair material such as a dry pack mortar,
epoxy mortar, or other appropriate material following
procedures recommended by the manufacturer. It will
be difficult to match the color of the existing concrete.
If the popouts in a surface are too numerous to patch
individually, a thin bonded concrete overlay may be used
to restore a uniform surface appearance. Specific rec-
ommendations for such overlays are beyond the scope
of this publication.
HOWto Avoid Concrete Popouts?
lated at the surface as a result of evaporation of
bleed water.
3. Permit the use of Class F fly ash or slag cement as
a partial cement substitute to reduce the permeabil-
ity of the paste and mitigate deleterious reactions
due to ASR.
1. Popouts: Causes, Prevention, Repair, Concrete Technology
Today, PL852, Portland Cement Association,
2. Guide to Residential Cast-in-Place Concrete Construction, ACI
332R, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI,
3. Closing in on ASR Popouts, Concrete Technology Today,
CT022, Portland Cement Association,
4. R. Landgren, and D. W. Hadley, Surface Popouts caused by
Alkali-Aggregate Reaction, Portland Cement Association,
5. N. E. Henning, K. L. Johnson, and L. J. Smith, Popouts, Con-
struction Bulletin, March 4, 1971, Upper Midwest News
6. Richard H. Campbell, Wendell Harding, Edward Misenhimer,
and Leo P. Nichelson, Surface Popouts: How are they Affected
by Job Conditions?, ACI Journal, American Concrete Institute,
June 1974, pp. 284-288.