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The document appears to outline standards for measuring civil engineering works and provides classifications, divisions, definitions, coverage and additional description rules.

It outlines classifications for general items, testing of materials, and divisions related to onshore/offshore currency. It also provides definitions and rules for various measurement items.

It provides coverage rules regarding what items are deemed to include and additional description rules outlining what details must be stated in item descriptions, such as locations, dimensions, excavation depths, lining details, etc.

Modified Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement Page 1 of 42


Includes: General obligations site services & facilities, Temporary Works, testing of materials
& work, Provisional Sums & Prime Cost Items, and Items to cover elements of the cost of the
work which are not to be considered as proportional to the quantities of the Permanent Works

1 Preliminary (contract- 1 Advance Payment Bond 1 Onshore (local currency)

ual) requirements sum 2 Performance Bond 2 Offshore (foreign currency)
3 Insurance of Works
4 Insurance against Damage
to Persons & Property
5 Third Party Insurance
6 Insurance of Workmen
7 Establishment & maint-
enance of Contractors
Camp, inc. T. Levy
----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
2 General (specified) 1 Facilities for the Engineer's 1 Establish & remove offices, 1 Floor area n.e. 50 m2
requirements Staff land provided by Contractor 2 Floor area 50 - 150 m2
sum 3 Floor area exc. 150 m2
2 Establish & remove offices, (stated)
on land provided by Client
3 Establish offices on land
provided by Client sum
4 Establish & remove labar-
atory, land provided by
Contractor sum
5 Establish & remove mess
room/canteen, land prov-
ided by Contractor sum
6 Maintain offices wk
7 Maintain laboratory wk
8 Maintain canteen/
messroom wk
9 Other (stated)
----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
2 Accommodation for the 1 Establish houses on land 1 Grade IX type A house
Engineer's Staff provided by Client sum (double unit)
2 Establish houses on land 2 Type B house (single unit)
provided by Contractor sum 3 Type C house (single unit)
3 Maintain houses wk 4 Type D house (single unit)
----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
3 Services for the Engineer's 1 Transport vehicles 1 Provide wk
Staff 2 Telephones 2 Percentage on %
3 Radio Telephones 3 Maintain wk
4 Water & Electricity
5 Signboards
----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
4 Equipment for use by the 1 Office equipment to 1 Provide wk
Engineer's staff Specification 2 Percentage on %
2 Laboratory equipment to 3 Maintain wk
Specification 4 Develop and print wk
3 Survey equipment to
4 Stationery & other cons-
umables to Specification
5 Photographic films
----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
5 Attendance upon the 1 Drivers 1 Provide wk
Engineer's staff 2 Chainmen 2 Percentage on %
3 Laboratory assistants 3 Maintain wk
4 Secretary/typist
5 Office messengers
6 Watchmen
----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
6 Testing of Materials nr 1 By Contractor (natural 1 Clay
materials) 2 Fine sand
2 By Third Party Inspection 3 Coarse sand
(natural materials) 4 Aggregate
5 Stone fill
6 Rubble
7 Other (stated)
------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------
3 By Contractor (man made 1 Cement
other than pipes) 2 Concrete cubes, (stated)
4 By Third Party Inspection 3 Steel reinforcement
(man made other than 4 Structural steel
pipes) 5 Sheet steel
6 uPVC
7 Fibre reinforced cement
8 Other (stated)
------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------

General (specified) Testing of materials 5 By Contractor (man made- 1 Pipes & fittings, (stated)
requirements (cont'd) (cont'd) pipes) 2 Clay pipes & fittings
6 By Third Party Inspection 3 Concrete pipes & fittings
(man made -pipes) 4 Ductile pipes & fittings
5 Steel pipes & fittings
6 uPVC pipes & fittings
7 A/C pipes & C.I. fittings
8 GS or GI pipes & fittings
9 Valves, hydrants, meters
--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
7 Testing of Works 1 Water Retaining Structures 1 Mixing chamber
nr 2 Flocculating elements
2 Other Concrete Structures 3 Sedimentation tanks
nr 4 Filters
5 R/f blockwork reservoirs
6 R/f concrete reservoirs
7 Intakes & weirs
8 Pipe bridges
9 Pump basements
---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
3 Pressure pipelines n.b. not 1 Ferrous pipes & fittings
exc. 200 mm m 2 uPVC pipes & fittings
4 Pressure pipelines n.b. 3 Concrete pipes & fittings
exc. 200 mm m 4 Pipes & fittings, (stated)
5 Sewers & drains m
---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
6 Non concrete Structures 1 Steel panel tanks
nr 2 Chemical dosing tanks
3 Other, (stated)
---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
7 Test run Works 2 weeks 1 Including supply of chem-
prior & 2 weeks after icals for test run period
substantial completion 2 Including supply of chem-
Sum icals for test run period &
additional period (stated)
----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
8 Temporary Works sum 1 Traffic diversions
2 Traffic regulation
3 Access roads
4 Bridges
5 Cofferdams
6 Pumping
7 De-watering
8 Compressed air for
9 Other (stated)
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
3 Method related 1 Accommodation & buildings 1 Offices
charges sum 2 Laboratories
3 Cabins
4 Stores
5 Canteens & messrooms
----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
2 Services 1 Electricity
2 Water
3 Security
4 Hoardings
5 Site transport
6 Personnel transport
7 Welfare
----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
3 Plant 1 Cranes
2 Transport
3 Earthmoving
4 Compaction
5 Concrete mixing
6 Concrete transport
7 Pile driving
8 Pile boring
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
4 Plant 1 Pipelaying
2 Paving
3 Tunnelling
4 Crushing & screening
5 Boring & drilling
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
5 Temporary Works 1 Traffic diversions
2 Traffic regulation
3 Access roads
4 Bridges
5 Cofferdams
6 Pumping
7 De-watering
8 Compressed air for
9 Other (stated)
------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------

Method related charges 6 Temporary works

(cont'd) 1 Access scaffolding
2 Support scaffolding &
3 Piling
4 Formwork
5 Shafts & pits
6 Hardstandings
----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
7 Supervision & labour 1 Supervision
2 Administration
3 Labour teams
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
4 Provisional Sums 1 Daywork 1 Labour sum
2 Percentage adjustment to
provisional sum for day-
work labour %
3 Materials sum
4 Percentage adjustment to
provisional sum for
daywork materials %
5 Plant sum
6 Percentage adjustment to
provisional sum for
daywork plant %

----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------

2 Other Provisional
Sums (stated) sum
----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
5 Prime Cost Items 1 Including work on Site by a
nominated sub-contractor
2 Percentage adjustment to
work on site by a nomin-
ated sub-contractor %
3 Not including work on Site
by a nominated sub-
contractor sum
4 Percentage adjustment to
prime cost sum not includ-
ing work on site by a nom-
inated sub-contractor %
5 Supply only, item (stated)
6 Percentage adjustment to
supplied item
7 Percentage adjustment to
P.C. sum items (stated) %


1. The unit of measurement 4. Item descriptions for plant 7. Item descriptions for testing 10. Each Prime Cost item shall
for general items shall be the associated with Temporary of materials and testing of the be followed by an item for labour
sum, except where another unit Works which are classed as Works shall include particulars and an item for other charges
of measurement is indicated specified requirements shall of samples and methods of and profit.
(see note 5). distinguish between plant testing. Items shall be given in
operating and standing by. this class for all testing for 11. The sum determined for
2. Items for insurance classed which items are not given Third Party Inspection shall be
as contractual requirements 5. A quantity shall be given separately as set out in other expended at the discretion of the
shall cover only the provision of against all items for specified classes. Engineer.
insurance in accordance with requirements of which the value
clauses 21 and 23 unless is to be ascertained and 8. Items for Method Related 12. Test running of the Works
otherwise stated. Method determined by admeasurement Charges, if any, shall be in- shall include for the supply of all
Related Charges may be in accordance with clause 56(1). serted by the tenderer in ac- fuel, oil, and chemicals, and for
inserted by the tenderer in A unit of measurement shall be cordance with section 5 dis- the computation of the quantities
accordance with paragraph 5 (a) stated for each such item. tinguishing between Time needed subsequently for the
for additional insurances. Related and Fixed Charges. proper operation of the Works.
6. Item descriptions for work
3. Items shall be given in the classed as specified require- 9. Items for percentage ad-
Bill of Quantities and classed as ments (except work quantities in justment of Provisional Sums
specified requirements to cover accordance with note 5) shall for Daywork shall be given only
all work other than the distinguish between the where a Daywork Schedule in
Permanent Works which is establishment and removal of accordance with alternative form
expressly stated in the Contract the services or facilities and (b) of paragraph 8 is given in the
to be carried out by the their continued operation and Bill of Quantities. Adjustments
Contractor and of which the maintenance. shall be inserted against such
nature and extent is expressly items to correspond with the
stated in the Contract. adjustments, if any, inserted by
the tenderer in the Daywork
Includes: Demolition and removal of natural and artificial articles, objects and obstructions
which are above the Original Surface
Excludes: Removal of articles, objects, obstructions and materials other than tree roots at or
below the Original Surface (included in class E)

1 General Clearance ha 1 Urban land 1 Removed from site and

2 Agricultural land disposed of
3 Woodland 2 Locally disposed
4 Rough grassland 3 Set aside for reuse
5 Open bush and thicket 4 Removed from site and disposed
6 Dense bush and thicket of as directed
7 Forest 5 Burnt
8 Seasonal swamp
--------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
2 Removal of trees and stumps nr 1 Trees of girth: 500 mm. - 1 m
2 Trees of girth: 1-2m
3 Trees of girth: 2-3m
4 Trees of girth: 3-5m
5 Trees of girth: exc 5 m., (stated)
6 Stumps of diameter: 150-500 mm
7 Stumps of diameter: 500- 1 m
8 Stumps of diameter: exc. 1 m.,
--------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
3 Demolition of buildings, disposal 1 Brickwork construction 1 Volume: not exc. 50 m3
(stated) sum 2 Concrete construction 2 Volume: 50 - 100 m3
4 Demolition of other structures, 3 Masonry construction 3 Volume: 100 - 250 m3
disposal (stated) sum 4 Metal construction 4 Volume: 250 - 500 m3
5 Timber construction 5 Volume: 500 - 1000 m3
6 No predominant material 6 Volume: 1000 - 2500 m3
7 Blockwork construction 7 Volume: 2500 - 5000 m3
8 Mud and pole construction 8 Volume: exc. 5000 m3., (stated)
--------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
5 Clearance of Pipeline 1 Nominal bore not exc. 100 mm 1 Pipeline only
wayleaves, disposal (stated) m 2 Nominal bore: 100 - 300 mm 2 Pipeline and access track
3 Nominal bore: 300 - 500 mm
4 Nominal bore: exc 500 mm
--------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
6 Removal of ant and termite hills and 1 General site clearance 1 Excess material - removed form site
nests m 2 Along pipeline routes and disposed of
2 Excess material - locally disposed
--------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
7 Removal of man placed or 1 In existing channels 1 Removed from site and
naturally deposited material m 2 In existing chambers disposed of
3 In existing cellular structures 2 Locally disposed
4 In other structures, (stated) 3 Set aside for reuse
4 Removed from site and disposed
of as directed
5 Burnt


1. General clearance shall include the 5. Buildings and other structures shall be 9. Wayleave clearance for pipeline only
demolition and removal of all articles, identified in item descriptions. An shall refer to clearance where the
objects and obstructions which are identified group of buildings or other proposed pipeline is within 20 metres of
expressly required to be cleared, except structures may be given as a single item. an existing road or track or where no new
those for which separate items are given access is required. Clearance width shall
as set out in this class. 6. The volume stated in the classification then be measured as nom. bore of pipe
of buildings and other structures shall be plus two metres.
2. Item descriptions for general their approximate volume occupied,
clearance shall identify the area included excluding any volume below the Original 10. Wayleave clearance for pipeline and
unless it is the total area of the Site. Surface. access track shall be used where no
existing track exists and one is required, in
3. Item descriptions for work from which 7. Parts of buildings and other which case the width to be cleared and
the materials arising remain the property of structures below the original Surface shall measured shall be the nom. bore of pipe
the Employer shall so state. be excluded from items in this class plus five metres.
unless otherwise stated.
4. Girths of trees shall be measured one 11. Ant and termite hills shall be
metre above ground level. Separate items 8. Pipelines within buildings and other excavated and removed complete. The
are not required for removal of stumps of structures shall be measured only where below ground excavation shall be filled
trees which are themselves to be removed. their nominal bore exceeds 300 mm. using the excavated material after its
Separate items are not required for treatment with an approved insecticide,
demolition of supports of pipelines. with refilling being made progressively in
layers not exc. 200 mm. deep, compacted
to 95% MOD at optimum moisture content
to the Final Surface or as otherwise
Includes: Excavation, dredging, filling, compaction, landscaping
Excludes: Excavation for: site investigation (inc. in class B): diaphragm walls (inc. in class
C): pipes, and sewers, manholes, trenches and ditches, (inc. in classes J,K,L): piles (inc. in
classes P and Q): tunnels, shafts, headings, and other subterranean cavities (inc. in class T):
foundations of fences and gates (inc. in class X)

1 Excavation by 1 Topsoil
dredging m
2 Excavation for cuttings
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
3 Excavation for 2 In class I material 1 Max. depth: not 1 For reuse
3 3 In class II material exc. 0.25 m 2 For disposal
foundations m
3 4 In class III material 2 Max. depth: 0.25 -0.5 m
4 General Excavation m
5 In artificial hard material 3 Max. Depth: 0.50 - 1 m
exposed at Commencing 4 Max. Depth: 1 -2 m
Surface for disposal 5 Max. Depth: 2 -5 m
6 In artificial hard material not 6 Max. Depth: 5 - 10 m
exposed at Commenc- ing 7 Max. Depth: 10 - 15 m
Surface for disposal 8 Maximum depth: exc.
15 m (stated)
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
5 Excavation ancillaries 1 Trimming of excavated 1 topsoil
surfaces m 2 class I material
2 Preparation of excavated 3 class II material
surfaces m 4 class III material
3 Disposal of excavated 5 artificial hard material
material m 6 other artificial material
4 Double handling of
excavated material m
5 Dredging to remove
silt m3
6 Excavation of material
below Final Surface and
replacement with
material (stated) m3
7 Timber supports left
in m
8 Metal supports left
in m
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
6 Filling and compaction 1 To structures m 1 using excavated 1 topsoil
2 Embankments m 2 using imported 2 class I material
3 General m 3 class II material
4 To depth and thickness 4 selected class III
(stated) m material
5 Pitching m 5 unselected class III
6 To roads m material
6 artificial material

--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

7 Filling Ancillaries 1 Trimming of filled 1 in topsoil
surfaces inclined at an 2 in class I material
angle not exc 10o to the 3 in class II material
horizontal m 4 in class III material
2 Trimming of filled 5 in artificial hard material
surfaces inclined at an 6 in other artificial material
angle exc 10o to the
horizontal m
3 Preparation of filled
surfaces inclined an angle
not exc. 10o to the horizontal
4 Preparation of filled
surfaces inclined an angle
exc. 10o to the horizontal
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
5 Geotextiles, (stated) m2
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
8 Landscaping 1 Turfing m 1 to surfaces inclined at an
2 Grass seeding, type angle not exc. 10o to the
(stated) m horizontal
3 Grassing, type 2 to surfaces inclined at an
(stated) m
angle exc.10o to the
4 Other seeding, type horizontal
(stated) m
--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

Landscaping (cont'd) 5 Plant plants, species and size

(stated) nr
6 Plant shrubs, species and size
(stated) nr
7 Plant trees, species and size
(stated) nr
------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
8 Plant hedges, species and size 1 Single row
(stated) nr 2 Single row & protective fence
3 Double row
4 Double row & protective fence


1. The location and limits of dredging 11. Measurements for dredging shall be 20. Where rock fill is deposited into soft
shall be stated in item descriptions where made from soundings, unless otherwise areas the volume shall be measured in the
its extent would otherwise be uncertain. stated. transport vehicles at the place of
Such excavation classes in the Bill of deposition.
Quantities shall be measured as dredging, 12. Dredging to remove silt shall be
irrespective of the method of excavation measured only to the extent that it is 21. Where material is deposited below
adopted by the Contractor. expressly required that silt which water, and the quantity cannot be
accumulates during the period of calculated satisfactorily by any other
2. Excavation below embankments shall maintenance shall be removed. means, the volume shall be measured in
be classed as excavation of cuttings. the transport vehicles at the place of
13. An isolated volume of artificial hard
3. The location and limits of excavation material or rock occurring within other
of foundations shall be stated in item 22. Where the rate of deposition of filling
material to be excavated shall not be
descriptions where the limits would material is limited the limitation shall be
measured separately unless its volume
otherwise be uncertain. Excavation stated in item descriptions.
exceeds one cubic metre.
around pile shafts shall be so described
and classed as excavation of foundations. 23. Filling material shall be classed as
14. Double handling of excavated rock and excavated rock shall be classed
4. Excavation from borrow pits on the material shall be measured only to the as for re-use only where the use of rock as
Site shall be classed as general extent that it is expressly required. The filling at stated locations is expressly
excavation and shall be measured only to volume measured for double handling required.
the extent that it is expressly required. shall be that of the voids formed in the
temporary stockpile from which the 24. Filling shall be classed as to stated
5. Excavated material shall be deemed to material is removed. thickness where material is provided of
be for re-use unless it is stated in item uniform total compacted thickness or
descriptions to be for disposal. Disposal 15. The area measured for supports left in depth such as in drainage blankets or
shall mean disposal by the Contractor off shall be the area of supported surfaces for topsoiling. Bulk filling shall not be classed
the Site unless otherwise stated in item which the supports are expressly required as to stated thickness notwithstanding
descriptions. Where material is for to be left in. that it may be compacted in separate
disposal on the Site the location of the layers of material of stated thickness.
disposal areas shall be stated in item 16. Filling material shall be deemed to be
descriptions. excavated material other than rock or 25. The nature and dimensions and the
topsoil, unless otherwise stated in item depth or thickness of materials used for
6. Material to be excavated shall be descriptions. pitching shall be stated in item
deemed to be natural material other than descriptions.
rock or topsoil, unless otherwise stated in 17. Filling of excavations around
item descriptions. The nature of artificial 26. Trimming of slopes shall be measured
completed structures shall be measured
hard material to be excavated shall be only for the sides of earthworks inclined at
only to the extent that the volume filled is
stated in item descriptions. an angle exceeding 10° to the horizontal.
also measured as excavation according to
7. An item shall be given for each note 8. 27. Preparation of surfaces shall be
separate stage of excavation where measured only tot he extent that surfaces
separate stages in the conduct of the work 18. Separate items are not required for are to receive Permanent Works other
are expressly required. compaction of embankments and other than earthworks.
filled volumes. Where different
8. The volume measured for excavation compaction requirements are specified for 28. Items descriptions for turfing,
of a structure or foundation shall be the the same filling material they shall be seeding, pitching and filling to stated
volume which is to be either occupied by stated in item descriptions. thickness which is carried out on surfaces
or vertically above any part of the structure inclined at an angle exceeding 10° to the
or foundation. Additional excavation 19. The volume of filling and compaction horizontal shall so state. Item descriptions
necessary to provide working space shall measured shall be that of each compacted for turfing which is pegged or wired shall
not be measured. embankment or other filed volume. The so state.
9. Separate items are not required for volume of imported filling material
disposal of excavated material upholding measured shall be the difference between 29. The lengths of hedges measured shall
the sides of excavations or keeping the total volume of filling material and the be their developed lengths along centre
excavations free of water. volume of excavated material used for lines.
filling. A volume of excavated material
10. Disposal of surplus excavated used for filling shall be deemed to form the 30. Unless specifically stated otherwise,
material arising from piling operation shall same volume of compacted fill. Additional every item for excavation shall have as its
be classified as piling ancillaries (class Q). filling and compaction necessitated by Commencing surface the surface of the
settlement of or penetration into underlying ground exposed prior to start of work
material shall be measured only to the under that item.
extent that its depth exceeds 75 mm.

The classification of excavation material type will be as follows:

Class I: "Rock" or "Hard material" will be as detailed in specification clause 206.

Class II: "Compact gravel" or "Altered rock" detailed description of which is also outlined in specification
clause 206.

Class III: "Normal" or "Soft material" detailed classification of which is given in Table 2-2.
Description of class III material characteristics is given fully in specification clause 206.

Assistance in identification for the three classes of material is given in Table 1 (below).

Table 2-2 on the following page gives a more detailed-classification for soil (Class III material).

Table 1: Identification of the three classes

Class 1 Class II Class III

Typical Black Volcanic Rocks Altered Rocks Weathered Rock
Material Trachyte, Phonolyte Agglomerate and Soils
and Igmnibrite and Tuff
Hammer Solid note from Drummy Noise Dents
Blow Ringing to a or crushes pieces Sample
Dully sound
Pliers Not possible or Fractures or
Crushing Grani Fracture Crushes small piece
50 mm dia. Cannot break Can break Can be crushed
Core in Hand 500 mm long piece 300 mm piece into pieces
Soaked in No change Some change Disintegrates in
water for on weaker pieces the hand after
One hour pieces soaking
Expected Above 40 1.5 to 40 Below 1.5 N/mm3
Crushing N/mm2 N/mm2

Basic Soil Particle size Nature and Composite Soil Types

Visual Identification
Type (mm) Plasticity (mixture of basic soil types)

BOULDERS Only seen complete in pits or exposure Scale of Secondary Constituents


200 with coarse soils



COBBLES Often difficult to recover from boreholes

Term % of clay or silt
60 Particle shape:
Subangular slightly clayey GRAVEL
coarse Easily visible to naked eye; particle shape Subrounded or under 5%
can be described; grading can be described Rounded slightly silty SAND
20 Flat
- clayey GRAVEL
GRAVELS medium Well graded: wide range of grain sizes, well or 5 to 15%
distributed. Poorly graded: not well graded. - silty SAND
Over 65% sand and gravel sizes

6 (May be uniform: size of most particles lies

between narrow limits; or gap graded; an
intermediate size of particle is markedly very clayey GRAVEL
Coarse Soils

fine under represented) or 15 to 35%

Texture: very silty SAND
Visible to the naked eye; very little or no Rough Sandy GRAVEL Sand or Gravel and
coarse cohesion when dry; grading can be described Smooth Important second constit-
0.6 Polished Gravelly SAND uent of the coarse fraction
Well graded: wide range of grain sizes, well
SANDS medium distributed. Poorly graded: not well graded.
0.2 (May be uniform: size of most particles lies
between narrow limits; or gap graded; an
fine intermediate size of particle is markedly
0.06 under represented)
Only coarse silt barely visible to naked eye; Non plastic Scale of secondary constituents with fine soils
coarse exhibits little plasticity and marked dilatancy; or low
0.02 slightly granular or silky to the touch. plasticity Term % of sand
Over 35% sand and clay sizes.

Disintegrates in water; lumps dry quikly; or gravel

SILTS medium looses cohesion but can be powdered
0.006 easily between fingers. sandy CLAY
fine or 35 to 65%
Fine Soils

0.002 gravelly SILT

Dry lumps can be broken but not powdered Intermediate
between the fingers; they can also disintegrate plasticity - CLAY SILT under 35%
under water but more slowly than silt; smooth (Lean clay)
to the touch; exhibits plasticity but no dilatancy; Examples of composite types
CLAYS sticks to the fingures and dries slowly; shrinks
appreciably on drying usually shows cracks. Loose, brown, subangular very sandy,
Intermediate and high plasticity clays show High plasticity fine to coarse GRAVEL with small
these properties to a moderate to high degree (Fat clay) pockets of soft clay.
respectively. Medium dense, light brown, clayey, fine
ORGANIC and medium sand.
Organic Soils

CLAY-SILT or Varies Contains substantial amounts of organic Stiff, orange brown, fissured sandy CLAY.
SAND vegetable matter.
Predominantly plant remains usually dark Firm, brown, thinly laminated SILT and CLAY
PEATS Varies brown or black in colour, often with distinctive
smell; low bulk density. Plastic, brown, amorphous PEAT
Excludes: In situ concrete for:
Capping of boreholes (inc. in class B): diaphragm walls (inc. in class C): drainage and
pipework (inc. in classes K and L): piles (inc. in classes P and Q): roads (inc. in class R): rail
track foundations (inc. in class S): tunnels and shaft linings (inc. in class T): foundations of
fences and gates (inc. in class X)

1 Provide cement for concrete t 1 Ordinary portland cement 1 in 50 kg. bags

2 Sulphate resistant cement 2 in 200 kg. drums
3 Other (stated) 3 in bulk by lorry

------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------

2 Designed mix for ordinary structural 1 Provide concrete grade: 10 1 aggregate size 10 mm
concrete for class C exposure using 2 Provide concrete grade: 15 2 aggregate size 14 mm
ordinary portland cement m 3 Provide concrete grade: 20 3 aggregate size 20 mm
3 Designed mix for ordinary structural 4 Provide concrete grade: 25 4 aggregate size 40 mm
concrete for class B exposure using 5 Provide concrete grade: 30 5 aggregate size (stated)
ordinary portland cement m 6 Provide concrete grade: 40 6 All-in aggregate, size range (stated)
4 Special design mix for special 7 Provide concrete grade: 50
structural concrete for class A 8 Provide concrete grade: 60
exposure using ordinary portland 9 Provide concrete grade: (stated)
cement m
5 Designed mix for ordinary
structural concrete for class B
exposure using sulphate resistant
cement m
6 Special design mix for special
structural concrete for class A
exposure using sulphate resistant
cement m
------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
7 Place mass concrete m 1 As blinding 1 thickness: not exc. 50 mm
8 Place reinforced concrete m 2 In bases, footings, and ground slabs 2 thickness: 50 - 100 mm
9 Place prestressed concrete m 3 In suspended slabs 3 thickness: 100 - 150 mm
4 In walls 4 thickness: 150 - 300 mm
5 thickness: 300 - 500 mm
6 thickness: exc. 500 mm (stated)
------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
5 In columns and piers 1 X- sectional area: n.e. 0.03 m2
6 In beams 2 X- sectional area: 0.03 - 0.10 m2
7 As casing to metal sections 3 X- sectional area: 0.10 - 0.25 m2
8 In other concrete forms, (stated) 4 X- sectional area: 0.25 - 1 m2
5 X- sectional area: exc. 1 m2, (stated)
6 Special beam section: m. (stated)

10. The volume of concrete measured shall
1. Items for provision of concrete shall be 6. Beams shall be classed as special beam include that occupied by
classified and described in accordance with sections where their cross-section profiles
SSRN 101, 'Specification of concrete'. The are rectangular or approximately rectangular (a) reinforcement and other metal sections
mix specification and type of cement used over less than 4/5 ths. of their length and (b) prestressing components
shall be as stated in item description for where they are of box or other composite (c) cast-in components each less than 0.1
provision of concrete in accordance with section. m3 in volume
SSRN 101. Concrete mixes shall be classed (d) rebates, fillets or internal splays each
as designed mixes for ordinary structural 7. Item descriptions for components less than 0.005 m2 in cross-sectional
concrete where the mix proportions are classed as other concrete forms shall area
stated in the Contract and as special mixes include one of the following: (e) pockets and holes which are measured
for special structural concrete where the mix as large or small voids in accordance
proportions are to be selected by the (a) the principal dimensions of the concrete with note 7 of class G.
Contractor. component
(b) a type or mark number of a concrete 11. The volume of concrete measured shall
2. Prestressed concrete which is also component whose principal dimensions exclude that of nibs or external splays less
reinforced shall be classed as prestressed are given on the Drawings than 0.005 m2 in cross-sectional area.
concrete. (c) a statement identifying or locating a
concrete component whose principal 12. The location of concrete members in the
3. The thickness used for classification of dimensions are given on the Drawings. Works shall be stated in item descriptions for
blinding shall be the minimum thickness. placing of concrete where special
8. Beams integral with a slab shall be characteristics may affect the method and
4. Columns and piers integral with a wall measured as part of the slab. placing of concrete ..
shall be measured as part of the wall.
9. Concrete in suspended slabs and walls
5. The cross-sectional dimensions of less than one metre wide or long shall be
special beam sections shall be stated in the classed as concrete in beams and columns
item descriptions, except where a beam type respectively. The thickness used for
or mark number is stated for which classification of suspended slabs and walls
dimensions are given on the Drawings. shall exclude the additional thickness of
integral columns, piers, beams and other
Details of the various classes of concrete are given in the following table:



N/mm2 mm RATIO kg/m3 kg/m3

C25/10/A 25 10 0.55 360 400

C25/20/A 25 20 0.55 360 400
C25/20/B 25 20 0.55 290 400
C25/20/C 25 20 - 240 540
C20/20/B 20 20 0.55 290 400
C20/40/B 20 40 0.55 260 400
C20/40/C 20 40 - 220 540
C15/40/B 15 40 - 180 540
C15/20/C 15 20 - 180 540
C10/40/C 10 40 - 150 540

* Compressive strength (N/mm2) / aggregate size (mm) / class of exposure

Class of Exposure :

A- exposed to a moist or corrosive atmosphere or alternate wetting and drying

B- exposed to continuous or almost continuous contact with liquid

C. not exposed to liquid nor to resist corrosion

Includes: Form work for in-situ concrete: Reinforcement for in-situ concrete: Joints in in-situ
concrete: Post-tensioning prestressing: Accessories for in-situ concrete.
Excludes: Reinforcement in diaphragm walls (inc. in class C): Post-tensioned pre-stressing
reinforcement (inc. in class H): Formwork reinforcement ancillary to drainage and pipework,
(inc. in classes K &,L): Formwork reinforcement in piles (inc. in classes P & Q): Formwork &
reinforcement in concrete roads & pavings, (inc. in class R): Formwork for concrete rail track
foundations, (inc. in class S): Formwork for tunnels and shaft linings, (inc. in class T):
foundations of fences and gates (inc. in class X).Formwork for foundations of fences and gates
(inc. in class X).
1 Formwork: rough finish 1 Plane horizontal 1 Width: not exc. 0.1 m m2
2 Formwork: fair finish 2 Plane sloping Width: 0.1 - 0.2 m m
3 Formwork: other finish (stated) 3 Plain battered 3 Width: 0.2 - 0.4 m m
4 Formwork: surface features (stated) 4 Plane vertical 4 Width: 0.4 - 1.22 m m2
5 Curved to one radius in one plane 5 Width: exc. 1.22 m (stated) m2
-------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
6 Other, curved to radius in m.
(stated) m
-------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
7 For voids nr 1 Small void, depth: not exc. 0.5 m
2 Small void, depth: 0.5 -1 m
3 Small void, depth: 1 -2 m
4 Small void, depth: exc. 2 m (stated)
5 Large void, depth: not exc. 0.5 m
6 Large void, depth: 0.5 - 1 m
7 Large void, depth: 1 -2 m
8 Large void, depth: exc. 2 m (stated)
-------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
8 For concrete components of constant 1 Beams
cross section m 2 Columns
3 Walls
4 Other members (stated)
5 Projections
6 Intrusions
-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
5 Reinforcement 1 Mild steel bars to specification t 1 Diameter: 6 mm
2 High yield bars to specification t 2 Diameter: 8 mm
3 Stainless steel bars, quality (stated) t 3 Diameter: 10 mm
4 Reinforcing bars of quality (stated) t 4 Diameter: 12 mm
5 Diameter: 14 mm
6 Diameter: 16 mm
7 Diameter: 20 mm
8 Diameter: exc. 20 mm (stated)
9 Diameter 6 mm. to mm. (stated)
------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
5 Special joints, (stated) nr
------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
6 High yield steel fabric to specification 1 Nominal mass: not exc. 2 kg/m2
m2 2 Nominal mass: 2 - 3 kg/m2
7 Fabric of material (stated) m2 3 Nominal mass: 3 - 4 kg/m2
4 Nominal mass: 4 - 5 kg/m2
5 Nominal mass: 5 - 6 kg/m2
6 Nominal mass: 6 - 7 kg/m2
7 Nominal mass: 7 - 8 kg/m2
8 Nominal mass: exc. 8 kg/m2 (stated)
-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
6 Joints (stated) 1 Open surface plain joint m2 1 Width or depth: not exc. 0.5 m
2 Open surface joint with filler m2 2 Width or depth: 0.5 - 1 m
3 Formed plain surface joint m2 3 Width or depth: exc. 1 m (stated)
4 Formed surface joint with filler m2
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
5 Plastic or rubber waterstop m 1 Width: not exc. 150 mm
6 Metal waterstop m 2 Width: 150 - 200 mm
3 Width: 200 - 300 mm
4 Width: exc.300 mm (stated)
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
7 Sealed rebate or grooves m
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
8 Doweled joints nr 1 Plain or greased
2 Sleeved or capped
-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
7 Post-tensioned prestressing nr 1 Horizontal internal tendons in in-situ 1 Length: not exc. 5 m
concrete 2 Length: 5 - 7m
2 Inclined and vertical internal tendons in 3 Length: 7 - 10 m
in situ concrete 4 Length: 10 - 15 m
3 Horizontal internal tendons in pre-cast 5 Length: 15 - 20 m
concrete 6 Length: 20 - 25 m
4 Inclined and vertical internal tendons in 7 Length: 25 - 30 m
pre-cast concrete 8 Length: exc. 30 (stated)
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------

(Post tensioned pre.stressing (cont’d) 5 External jacking operations

--------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
1 Finishing of top surfaces, 1 Using wood float
8 Concrete accessories (stated) m 2 Using steel trowel
3 Other surface treatment, (stated).
4 Granolithic finish
5 Other applied finish, (stated)
--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
2 Finishing of formed surfaces m 1 Aggregate exposure using retarder
2 Bush hammering
3 Other special treatment carried out
after striking formwork (stated)
--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
3 Inserts 1 Linear inserts
2 Other inserts (stated)
--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
4 Grouting under plates nr 1 Area not exc. 0.1 m2
2 Area 0.1 - 0.5 m2
3 Area 0.5 - 1 m2
4 Area exc 1 m2, (stated)


1. Formwork shall be measured for all final 8. Radii of curved formwork shall be stated Separate items are not required for form-
surfaces of in-situ concrete which require in item descriptions as follows. work to joints or for joining and cutting
temporary support during casting except (a) to one radius in one plane (cylindrical), waterstops.
where otherwise stated. radius stated 16. Joints for which temporary support
(b) to one radius in two planes (spherical), of the whole surface area of concrete is
2. Formwork shall be measured for the side radius stated required during casting shall be
surfaces of in-situ concrete cast within (c) varying radius (conical), maximum and classified as formed surface joints.
excavated volumes except where the minimum radii stated. Other joints shall be classed as open
concrete is expressly required to be cast surface joints.
against an excavated surface. Such side 9. The classification of large and small
surfaces shall back sloping surfaces inclined voids shall be as follows. 17. Widths or depths of joints shall be
at an angle not exceeding 45o to the vertical. measured between the outer surfaces of
concrete with no deduction or addition for
Upper surfaces of concrete inclined at angle Maximum cross-section width or depth occupied by face or
exceeding 15o to the horizontal shall be Class Circular voids Other voids internal details such as fillets and
deemed to require temporary support during (diameter) (area) waterstops. Joints shall be classified
casting. Item descriptions for formwork according to the average width or depth
which is to upper surfaces shall so state, Large 0.35 - 0.7 m 0.1 - 0.5 m2 of each continuous joint.
except where the surfaces are inclined at an Small Not exceeding Not exceeding
angle not exceeding 10o to the vertical. 18. Item descriptions for prestressing
0.35 m 0.1 m2 shall identify the concrete component to
be stressed and state the composition of
3. Formwork for temporary concrete the tendon and particulars of the
surfaces shall be measured at locations anchorage.
where temporary surfaces are expressly The depths of voids shall be measured
required but not where temporary surfaces perpendicularly to the adjacent surface of 19. Prestressing shall be measured by
are formed at the discretion of the Contractor. concrete. the number of tendons where tendons
Formwork for blinding concrete shall not be are used and by the number of external
measured. 10. The area of formwork shall include the jacking operations where stress is
induced by jacking only.
area of formwork obscured by forms for large
4. Plane formwork shall be classified and small voids. 20. Separate items are not required for
according to its angle of inclination as ducts, anchorages, grouting or other
follows. 11. The mass of steel reinforcement shall be components or tasks ancillary to
taken as 0.785 kg/m per 100 mm2 of cross- prestressing. Profiled tendons in
Class Angle of inclination to section (7.85 t/m2). The mass of other horizontal components shall be classed
the vertical reinforcing materials shall be taken as stated as horizontal tendons. The lengths of
in the Contract. Separate items are not tendons used for classification shall be
Horizontal 85 - 90o their developed lengths between the
required for tying and supporting outer faces of anchorages.
Sloping 10 - 85o reinforcement. The mass of reinforcement
Battered 0 - 10o measured shall include the mass of steel 21. The areas of the tops of walls and of
Vertical 0o supports to top reinforcement. other surfaces which are not given
separate finishing treatment shall not be
12. Reinforcing bars which are not circular in measured for finishing of top surfaces.
cross-section shall be classified by the No deduction from the areas measured
5. Formwork may be measured by length for finishing shall be made for holes and
as one item instead of by area in items for the diameter of the circular bar in the classifi- openings in the finished surfaces each
separate surfaces where the formwork is for cation which is nearest in cross-sectional less than 0.5 m2 in area. The materials
components of constant cross-section. Item area. and thicknesses of granolithic and other
descriptions for formwork for components of applied surface finishes shall be stated
constant cross-section shall state the 13. Lengths of reinforcing bars next higher in the item descriptions.
principal cross-sectional dimensions of the multiple of 3 m. where they exceed 12 m.
component and its mark number, location or before bending. 22. All components cast or grouted into
in-situ concrete, except reinforcement,
other unique identifying feature. structural metalwork, prestressing and
14. Item descriptions for high yield steel jointing materials, shall be classified as
6. Formwork shall be deemed to be for fabric to SSRN 128 shall state the type inserts. Separate items are not required
plane areas exceeding 1.22 m. wide unless number in accordance with SSRN 128. Item for adapting formwork or boxing out for
otherwise stated. The formed surfaces of descriptions for other fabric reinforcement inserts.
rebates, grooves, and fillets shall be classed shall state the material, sizes and its nominal
as plane surfaces. mass per square metre. The area of
additional fabric in laps shall not be
7. Formwork for the surfaces of voids measured.
larger than those classed as large voids in
accordance with note 8 shall be measured as 15. The dimensions, spacing and nature of
set out in this class for formwork generally. components shall be stated in item
descriptions for joints in concrete.
Includes: Manufacture, erection, joining and fixing of precast concrete units
Excludes: Precast concrete pipework, (inc. in classes I & J): Precast concrete manholes,
catchpits, and gullies, (inc. in class K): Precast concrete piles, (inc. in classes P & Q): Precast
concrete paving, kerbs, and traffic sign supports, (inc. in class R): Precast concrete tunnel
linings, (inc. in class T): Precast concrete blockwork, (inc, in class U): Precast concrete
fencing, (inc. in class X)


1 Beams nr 1 In concrete grade 10 1 Length: not exc. 5 m 1 Mass: not exc.100 kg

2 Prestressed pre- 2 In concrete grade 15 2 Length: 5- 7m 2 Mass: 100 - 250 kg
tensioned beams nr 3 In concrete grade 20 3 Length: 7 - 10 m 3 Mass: 250 - 500 kg
3 Prestressed post- 4 In concrete grade 25 4 Length: 10 - 15 m 4 Mass: 500 - 750 kg
tensioned beams nr 5 In concrete grade 30 5 Length: 15 - 20 m 5 Mass: 750 - 1 t
4 Columns nr 6 In concrete grade 40 6 Length: 20 - 30 m 6 Mass: 1- 2 t
7 In concrete grade 50 7 Length: exc. 30 m 7 Mass: 2- 5 t
8 In concrete grade 60 (stated) 8 Mass: 5 - 10 t
------------------------------------ 9 In concrete grade ------------------------------------ 9 Mass: exc. 10 t., (stated)
5 Slabs and covers nr (stated) 1 Area: not exc. 0.1 m2
2 Area: 0.1 - 0.5 m2
3 Area: 0.5 - 1.0 m2
4 Area: 1.0 - 5.0 m2
5 Area: 5.0 - 15 m2
6 Area: exc. 15 m2

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
6 Segmental units nr 1 X-sect. area: not exc.
0.1 m2
2 X-sect. area: 0.1 - 0.5
3 X-sect. Area: 0.5 - 1.0
4 X-sect. area: exc. 1 m2,
------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
7 Units for subways,
culverts and ducts m
8 Copings, sills and
weir blocks m

5. Units with different
1. The position of the 2. The cross-section type 4. Concrete components dimensions shall be given
Works for each type of and principal dimensions of which are cast other than in different mark or type
precast unit shall be beams, columns, segmental their final position shall numbers.
stated in item descrip- units, box units, copings, generally be classed as
tions. Unless otherwise sills and weir blocks and the precast concrete units. 6. The mass used for
stated, precast units average thickness of slabs Where site precasting of classification in the fourth
shall be deemed to be shall be stated in item units is adopted for reasons division shall be the mass of
reinforced but not pre- descriptions other than to obtain multiple each unit. The length
stressed. Particulars of use of formwork, and the measured for box units,
the prestressing shall be 3. Item descriptions shall nature of the work is copings, sills, and weir
stated in item state the mark or type characteristic of in situ blocks shall be the length of
descriptions for number of each precast concrete, but involves identical units.
prestressed units. concrete unit. movement of the cast units
into their final positions, the 7. Where weir blocks are
units shall be classed as in laid to precise levels, item
situ concrete and items given descriptions shall so state.
in class A for the Temporary
Works associated with the
movement of the units
Includes: Provision of pipes, specials, fittings and valves, complete with jointing materials
and associated components to site of Works.
Excludes: Associated work included in classes J, K, & L.
3 Concrete (stated)
1 Pipes and sewers 4 Ductile iron (coating/lining 1 Double flanged, standard m 4TH pressure class
stated) 2 S & S standard joints, 1 NP 0
5 Welded steel (coating/lining (stated) m 2 NP 3
stated) 3 S & S tyton joints, standard m 3 NP 6
6 uPVC 4 S & S bolted gland joints, 4 NP 9/10
7 Asbestos cement standard m 5 NP 12
8 G.S. or G.I. 5 Plain ended, ogee joints, 6 NP 16
9 Polyethylene standard m 7 NP 25
6 Plain ended, with separate 8 NP 40
joints (one/pipe), standard m 9 NP other
7 Threaded, separate joints, (stated)
(one/pipe), standard m
8 Double flanged, non- 5TH nominal bore list
------------------------------------------- standard, length (stated) nr
1 Bends, double flanged 9 Other, non-standard Select from the list
2 Bends, plain ended (A.C. & length (stated) nr displayed for the
------------------------------------------- welded steel), double socket ------------------------------------------- pipe material that
2 Fittings to ductile iron ( ductile iron & uPVC), or 1 Long radius, 11.25 o has been indicated
pipes (coating/lining stated) nr (stated) 2 Long radius, 22.5o
3 Fittings to welded steel 3 Long radius, 45o
pipes (coating/lining stated) nr 4 Long radius, 90o 6TH sequence no
4 Fittings in steel to uPVC 5 Short radius 11.25o
pipes (coating/lining stated) nr 6 Short radius 22.5o A number from 1
5 Fittings in uPVC to uPVC ------------------------------------------- 7 Short radius 45o through 9 to be
pipes nr 3 Junctions and branches, 8 Short radius 90o used if necessary
6 Fittings to asbestos all flanged unless (stated) 9 Duckfoot to differentiate
cement pipes nr ------------------------------------------- between items that
7 Fittings to G.S. or G.I. 1 Tees, equal, branch as main would otherwise
pipes nr 2 Tees, branch down 1 dia. have the same
8 Fittings to other pipes 3 Tees, branch down 2 dia. BOQ number
(stated) nr 4 Tees, branch down 3 dia.
5 Tees, branch down 4 dia.
6 Tees, branch down 5 dia.
7 Tees, branch down 6 dia.
------------------------------------------- 8 Tees, branch down 7 dia.
4 Junctions and branches, 9 Tess, branch down more
main line plain ended (A.C. than 7 dia., (stated)
& welded steel), and -------------------------------------------
double socket (ductile iron 1 Tees, equal, branch as main
& uPVC), or (stated) 2 Tees, branch down 1 dia.
3 Tees, branch down 2 dia.
4 Tees, branch down 3 dia.
5 Tees, branch down 4 dia.
6 Tees, branch down more
than 4 dia. (stated)
7 Tees, hydrant, flanged
branch n.b. 80 mm
8 Tees, invert branch flanged
or (stated), n.b. 80 for main
------------------------------------------- of n.b. < 225, or n.b. 100 for
5 Tapers, double flanged main of n.b. >225
6 Tapers, plain ended (A.C. 9 Cross or wye (stated)
& welded steel), double -------------------------------------------
socket (ductile iron & uPVC), 1 Concentric, down 1 dia
or (stated) 2 Concentric, down 2 dia
3 Concentric, down 3 dia
4 Concentric, down more than
3 dia (stated)
5 Invert, down 1 dia
6 Invert, down 2 dia
------------------------------------------- 7 Invert, down 3 dia
7 Plain ended & single flanged 8 Invert, down more than
pieces and bellmouths, 3 dia (stated)
single flanged socketed -------------------------------------------
pieces, nominal lengths 1 P.e. length n.e. 1 m (stated)
(stated) 2 P.e. length 1 - 2 m (stated)
3 P.e. length exc. 2 m (stated)
4 P.e. with puddle flange
(length & p.f. position stated)
5 Single fl. length n.e. 1 m
6 Single fl. length 1 -2 m
7 Single fl. length exc. 2 m
8 Single fl. with puddle
------------------------------------------- flange (length & p.f. position)

Fittings to pipes (cont'd) 8 Adaptors, detachable 1 Flexible, straight coupling, 4TH pressure class
collars, couplings and standard unless (stated) 1 NP 0
saddles 2 Flexible, stepped coupling 2 NP 3
(stated) 3 NP 6
3 Flexible, anchor coupling 4 NP 9/10
4 Flexible, test coupling 5 NP 12
5 Flange adaptor, flexible 6 NP 16
6 Flange adjustable/ 7 NP 25
removable joint 8 NP 40
7 Detachable collar, short 9 NP other
unless otherwise (stated) (stated)
8 Saddle, (stated)
9 Adaptor, stepped, (stated)
------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- 5TH nominal bore list
9 Standard couplers & end 1 Flange-p.e. coupler in C.I
pieces or D.I. unless (stated) Select from
2 Union (stated) the list
3 Flanged socket displayed for
4 Threaded-threaded coupler the pipe
5 Threaded-p.e. coupler material that
6 Blank flange has been
7 Separate flange (stated) indicated
8 Plug or cap (stated)
9 Other (stated)
------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- 6TH sequence no
9 Valves, penstocks, 1 Gate valves 1 Flanged, non-rising spindle.
hydrants, meters nr 2 Butterfly valves 2 P.e. non-rising spindle A number
(with cap and key unless 3 Socketed,non-rising spindle from 1
otherwise stated) 4 Threaded,non-rising spindle through 9 to
3 Penstocks 5 Flanged,rising spindle (stated) be used if
(with extension spindle, 6 P.e.,rising spindle (stated) necessary to
headstock and handwheel 7 Socketed, rising spindle, differentiate
unless otherwise stated) (stated) between
8 Single flange (butterfly & items that
penstock (stated) would
9 Other, (stated) otherwise
------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- have the
4 Non-return valves 1 Flanged, gravity closing type same BOQ
2 Flanged, counterweight number
disc type
3 Flanged, surge suppressing
4 Flanged, other (stated)
5 Foot valve with strainer
6 Flap valve, single flange
------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
5 Air valves 1 Single small orifice,
threaded without stopcock
2 Single small orifice,
threaded with stopcock
3 Single small orifice,
flanged without stopcock
4 Single small orifice,
flanged with stopcock
5 Single large orifice, flanged,
separate isolating valve
6 Single large orifice, flanged,
integral isolating valve
7 Double orifice, flanged,
separate isolating valve
8 Double orifice, flanged,
integral isolating valve
9. Other (stated)
with separate isolating valve
------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
6 Pressure control valves 1 Sustaining valve (stated)
2 Reducing valve (stated)
3 Release valve (stated)
4 Level control (stated)
------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
7 Hydrants 1 With integral isolating valve
2 With separate isolating valve
------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
8 Float Valves 1 Equilibrium type,(stated)
2 Streamline type (stated)
3 Other (stated)
------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
9 Meters 1 Woltman bulk type, (stated)
2 Bulk type (stated)
3 Waste meter c/w recorder
4 Single jet, inferential with
dry dial, domestic type
5 Single jet, inferential with
wet dial, domestic type
6 Volumetric, with rotary,piston
domestic type
7 Multi-jet rotor, domestic type

1. Items shall be deemed to include the supply of both pipes and 2. The nominal bores, and in the case of uPVC pipes the nominal
fittings complete with all jointing materials, coatings and linings and external diameters are given in the table below for the various types of
other related materials called for on the drawings or in the pipe wall material.
specification unless such material is specifically excluded in the item


(NOD) =nominal outside diameter

( ) =non preferred sizes

Includes: Distribution of pipes and fittings from storage areas to installation site or trench
side, excavation of trenches, including necessary shoring, dewatering of trenches, laying of
pipes and fittings in trenches, jointing, partial backfilling of trenches prior to testing of
pipelines, and completion of backfilling after successful testing, testing, sterilisation, and
Excludes: Work included in classes I, K and L.

1 Method of 1 Other pipes and fittings, 1 Pipe n.b: n.e. 100 mm 1 Not in trenches
Measurement (stated) 2 Pipe n.b.: exc 100 but 2 In trenches, depth: n.e.
type A in metres 2 Clay pipes and fittings not exc. 200 mm 1m
m 3 Concrete pipes and 3 Pipe n.b.: exc 200 but 3 In trenches, depth: 1 -
fittings, (stated) not exc. 300 mm 1.5 m
4 Ductile iron pipes and 4 Pipe n.b.: exc 300 but 4 In trenches, depth: 1.5
fittings not exc. 400 mm -2 m
5 Welded steel pipes and 5 Pipe n.b.: exc 400 but 5 In trenches, depth: 2 -
fittings not exc. 500 mm 3 m
6 uPVC pipes and 6 Pipe n.b.: exc 500 but 6 In trenches, depth: 3 -
fittings not exc. 600 mm 4 m
7 A.C. pipes and fittings 7 Pipe n.b.: exc 600 but 7 In trenches, depth: 4 -
8 G.S. or G.I. pipes and not exc. 900 mm 6 m
fittings 8 Pipe n.b.: exc 900 but 8 In trenches, depth: exc.
9 Polyethylene pipes and not exc. 1200 mm 6 m (stated)
fittings 9 Pipe n.b.: exc 1200 9 On piers, number and
(stated) height, (stated)
----------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
2 Testing m 1 Test pressure not exc.
6 bar
2 Test pressure exc. 6
bar but not exc. 12 bar
3 Test pressure exc. 12
bar but not exc: 25 bar
4 Test pressure exc. 25
bar but not exc. 40 bar
5 Test pressure exc. 40
bar (stated)
----------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
3 Sterilisation 1 N. B: n.e. 100 mm
and flushing m 2 N. B: 100 - 200 mm
3 N. B: 200 - 300 mm
4 N. B: 300 - 400 mm
5 N. B: 400 - 500 mm
6 N. B: 500 - 600 mm
7 N. B: 600 - 900 mm
8 N. B: 900 - 1200 mm
9 N. B: exc. 1200 mm
----------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------
4 Method of Meas-urement 1 Pipes 1 Other pipes, (stated) 1 N.b: n.e. 100 mm 1 Not in trenches
type 2 Clay pipes 2 N.b.: exc 100 but 2 In trenches, depth:
B by number nr 3 Concrete pipes, not exc. 200 mm n.e. 1 m
5 Method of Meas- (stated) 3 N.b.: exc 200 but 3 In trenches, depth:
urement type 4 Ductile iron pipes not exc. 300 mm 1- 1.5 m
C by number nr 5 Welded steel pipes 4 N.b.: exc 300 but 4 In trenches, depth:
6 uPVC pipes not exc. 400 mm 1.5 - 2 m
7 A.C. pipes 5 N.b.: exc 400 but 5 In trenches, depth:
8 G.S. or G.I. pipes not exc. 500 mm 2- 3 m
9 Polyethylene pipes 6 N.b.: exc 500 but 6 In trenches, depth:
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- not exc. 600 mm 3- 4 m
2 Fittings 1 Bends (radius and 7 N.b.: exc 600 but 7 In trenches, depth:
joints stated) not exc. 900 mm exc. 4 m (stated)
2 Junctions & branches 8 N.b.: exc 900 but 8 On piers, number
(type and joints stated) not exc. 1200 mm and height,(stated)
3 Tapers (type and joints 9 N.b.: exc 1200 9 In chambers
stated) (stated)
4 Pipe pieces and
bellmouths, (length,
joints and type stated)
5 Adaptors, collars, coup-
lings, saddles & end
pieces (stated)
6 Gate & Butterfly
valves (stated)
7 Air valves (stated)
8 Meters, (type stated)
9 Others (stated)
----------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------

6 Method of Measurement 1 Pipe n.b. n. e. 200 mm 1 Max. depth n.e. 1 m

type B and type C 2 Pipe n.b. exc. 200 but 2 Max. depth 1 - 1.5 m
trench excavation m not exc. 300 mm 3 Max. depth 1.5 - 2 m
3 Pipe n.b. exc. 300 but 4 Max. depth 2 - 3 m
not exc. 600 mm 5 Max. depth 3 - 4 m
4 Pipe n.b. exc. 600 but 6 Max. depth 4 - 6 m
not exc. 900 mm 7 Max. depth exc. 6 m
5 Pipe n.b. exc. 900 mm (stated)


1. Three methods of measure- d) All pipes shall be deemed to c) The volume of excavation & b) Depths shall be measured
ment are specified herein. be in trenches unless backfilling shall be calculated from the commencing surface
Methods of measurement A and B expressly stated otherwise. by multiplying together the to the invert of the pipe or
are used for new works that do not e) No separate payment shall be depth of the trench and the fitting.
directly involve any tie-in works made for: length of the pipe or fitting in c) The volume of excavation &
although they may subsequently i) Excavation of pipe the trench & the nominal width backfilling shall be calculated
require this. Method of trenches of excavation, by multiplying together the
measurement C is specifically ii) Backfilling of pipe the excavation as stated in the depth of the trench and the
reserved for tie-in work that can trenches unless trenches Specification. length of the pipe or fitting in
only be executed by shutting down are expressly required to d) No separate payment shall be the trench & the nominal width
a live system. be backfilled with material made for: of excavation,
other than that excavated the excavation as stated in the
from the trench. i) Backfilling of trenches Specification.
2. Unless otherwise indicated in iii) Provision, cutting, lay unless trenches are ex- d) No separate payment shall be
the item description contained in ing, jointing of pipes and pressly required to be made for:
the Bill of Quantities, pipes shall fittings in trenches backfilled with material
be measured in accordance with iv) Temporary supports other than that excavated i) Backfilling of trenches
Method A. If used, Method B will which are not expressly from the trenches unless trenches are ex-
generally be limited to intake sites, required to be left in the ii) Provision, cutting, lay pressly required to be
treatment works, and reservoir excavations ing, and jointing of pipes backfilled with material
sites, where there are a v) Keeping trenches clear and fittings. other than that excavated
disproportionate number of fittings of water iii) Temporary supports from the trenches
involved. vi) Trimming of trench which are not expressly ii) Provision, cutting, lay
bottoms required to be left in the ing, and jointing of pipes
vii) Disposing of excess excavation and fittings, whether old
3. Method A for the measure- excavated material iv) Keeping trenches clear or new.
ment of pipes and fittings. viii) Any additional protect- of water iii) Temporary supports
a) The unit of measurement shall ion at the time of laying v) Trimming of trench which are not expressly
be in metres. if called for on the bottoms required to be left in the
b) Lengths of pipelines shall be drawings or in the vi) Any additional protection excavation
measured along their cen- specification. at the time of laying if iv) Keeping trenches clear
treline and shall include called for on the drawings of water
lengths occupied by fittings 4. Method B for the measure- or in the specification. v) Trimming of trench
and valves. Where pipes are ment of pipes and fittings. bottoms
built into manholes and other a) The unit of measurement shall 5. Method C for the measure- vi) Any additional protection
chambers, the lengths shall be by nr., with excavation and ment of fittings, and at the time of laying if
be measured from the inside backfilling of trenches in cubic occasionally pipes that can called for on the drawings
surfaces of the chambers. metres under first division 6. only be installed by closing or in the specification.
c) Depths shall be measured b) Depths shall be measured down a live system.
from the Commencing from the commencing surface a) The unit of measurement shall
Surface to the invert of the to the invert of the pipe or be by nr., with excavation and
pipe. fitting. backfilling of trenches in cubic
metres under first division 6.
Includes: Manholes and other chambers, ducts, metal culverts, crossings and
reinstate-ment, other ancillaries as listed
Excludes: Work included in classes I, J, L and Y.

1 Manholes & other 1 Brick 1 Sluice (gate) valve box 1 Nom. bore n.e. 100 1 Depth: n.e. 1.5 m
chambers, in accord- 2 Brick with backdrop 2 Single air valve,(small mm 2 Depth: 1.5 - 2 m
ance with standard 3 In-situ concrete orifice) chamber 2 Nom. bore exc 100 3 Depth: 2-3m
drawings, (stated) nr 4 In-situ concrete 3 Single air valve, (large but n.e. 200 mm 4 Depth: 3-4m
with backdrop orifice), or double air 3 Nom. bore exc. 200 5 Depth: 4-5m
5 Precast concrete valve chamber but n.e. 300 mm 6 Depth: 5-6m
6 Precast concrete 4 Meter chamber 4 Nom. bore exc.300 7 Depth: exc. 6m
with backdrop 5 Hydrant chamber but n.e. 400 mm (stated)
7 Masonry or 6 Washout valve 5 Nom. bore exc.400
blockwork chamber (single or but n.e. 500 mm
8 Masonry or block- double stated) 6 Nom. bore exc. 500
work with backdrop 7 Sewer manhole but n.e. 600 mm
9 Other (stated) 8 Drainage manhole 7 Nom. bore exc.600
9 Outfall, (stated) but n.e. 900 mm
8 Nom. bore exc 900
but n.e. 1200 mm
9 Nom. bore exc.
1200 mm (stated)
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------------
2 Concrete manhole 1 Paving, (stated) 1 Area: n. e. 0.5 m2
covers or surr- 3 In-situ concrete 2 Area: 0.5 - 1 m2
ounds (stated) nr 5 Precast concrete 3 Area: 1 - 2 m2
7 Masonry or block-work 4 Area: 2 - 3 m2
5 Area: 3 - 4 m2
6 Area: 4 - 5 m2
7 Area: exc. 5 m2
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
3 Gullies nr 1 Clay
2 Clay trapped
3 In-situ concrete
4 In-situ concrete
5 Precast concrete
6 Precast concrete
7 Plastics
8 Plastics trapped
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
4 French drains, 1 Filling of french &
rubble drains and rubble drains with
ditches graded material m3
2 Filling of french &
rubble drains with
rubble m
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
3 Trenches for unpiped 1 X-sect. area:
rubble drains m n.e. 0.25 m
4 Unlined rectangular 2 X-sect. area:0.25 -
section ditches m 0.5 m2
5 Lined rectangular 3 X-sect. area:0.5 -
section ditches m 0.75 m2
6 Unlined vee section 4 X-sect. area:0.75 -
ditches m 1 m2
7 Lined vee section 5 X-sect.area:1-1.5 m2
ditches m 6 X-sect.area:1.5-2 m2
8 Trenches for pipes or 7 X-sect area: 2 -3 m2
cables to be laid by 8 X-sect. Area: exc.
others m 3 m2 (stated)
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
5 Ducts and metal 1 Cable ducts: 1 way 1 Not in trenches
culverts m 2 Cable ducts: 2 way 2 In trenches, depth:
3 Cable ducts: 3 way n. e. 1m
4 Cable ducts: exc. 3 3 In trenches, depth:
way (stated) 1 - 1.5 m
5 Sectional corrugated 4 In trenches, depth:
metal culverts n.i.d. 1.5 - 2 m
n.e. 0.5 m 5 In trenches, depth:
6 Sectional corrugated 2-3m
metal culverts n.i.d. 6 In trenches, depth:
0.5 - 1 m 3-4m
7 Sectional corrugated 7 In trenches, depth:
metal culverts n.i.d. 4-6m
1 - 1.5 m 8 In trenches, depth:
8 Sectional corrugated exc. 6 m (stated)
metal culverts n.i.d. 9 Elevated on piers, no.
exc. 1.5 m (stated) & height (stated)
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Modified Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement Page 18 of 35
6 Crossings nr

1 River, stream or canal, width 1 - 1 Pipe nom.bore n.e. 250 mm 1 Overcrossing - type I
3m 2 Pipe nom.bore 250- 500 mm 2 Over crossing - type II
2 River, stream or canal, width 3 - 3 Pipe nom.bore 500-1000 mm 3 Undercrossing - type III
10 m 4 Pipe nom.bore 1000-1500 mm
3 River, stream or canal, width 5 Pipe nom.bore 1500-2000 mm
exc. 10 m (stated) 6 Pipe nom.bore exc. 2000 mm
4 Hedge crossing (stated)
5 Wall crossing
6 Fence crossing
------------------------------------------ 7 Sewer, ditch or drain crossing
7 Reinstatement m 8 Other underground
service, (stated)
9 Railway crossing, (stated)
----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
1 Breaking up and temporary 1 Pipe nom.bore n.e. 250 mm
reinstatement - surfaced roads 2 Pipe nom.bore 250- 500 mm
2 Breaking up and temporary re- 3 Pipe nom.bore 500-1000 mm
instatement of dirt roads (where 4 Pipe nom.bore 1000-1500 mm
specified by Engineer) 5 Pipe nom.bore 1500-2000 mm
3 Breaking up, temporary 6 Pipe nom.bore exc. 2000 mm
and permanent reinstatement (stated)
of surfaced roads
4 Breaking up, temporary and
permanent re-instatement of dirt
roads (where specified)
5 Reinstatement of grassland
6 Reinstatement of cultivated
------------------------------------------ lands incl. gardens
8 Other pipework ancillaries 7 Reinstatement of sports fields

----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

1 Reinstatement of field
drains m
----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
2 Marker posts for (stated) nr 1 Sluice valves 1 In class 30 precast
2 Air valves concrete
3 Fire hydrants 2 In accordance with
4 Washouts standard drawings
5 Pipelines
6 Other (stated)
---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
3 Timber supports left in
excavations m
4 Metal supports left in
excavations m
-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
5 Connection of pipes to 1 Existing materials (stated) 1 Pipe n.b. n.e. 100 mm
existing manholes, and other 2 Existing materials (clay) 2 Pipe n.b. 100 - 200 mm
chambers nr 3 Existing materials (concrete) 3 Pipe n.b. 200 - 300 mm
4 Existing materials (ductile 4 Pipe n.b. 300 - 400 mm
iron) 5 Pipe n.b. 400 - 500 mm
5 Existing materials (welded 6 Pipe n.b. 600 - 900 mm
steel) 7 Pipe n.b. 900 -1200 mm
------------------------------------------ 6 Existing materials (uPVC) 8 Pipe n.b. exc. 1200 mm
9 Metal covers and surface 7 Existing materials (A/C) (stated)
boxes nr 8 Existing materials (G.S. or
----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
1 Other, (stated) 1 With grade A cover & frame 1 Area: not exc. 0.1 m2
2 Cast iron 2 With grade B cover & frame 2 Area: 0.1 - 0.5 m2
3 Rust resistant steel 3 With heavy duty cover & 3 Area: 0.5 - 1 m2
4 Mild steel, plain frame 4 Area: 1 - 5 m2
5 Galvanised steel 4 With medium duty cover & 5 Area: 5 - 15 m2
frame 6 Area: exc. 15 m2
5 With light duty cover & frame (stated)
6 With cover & frame, (stated)
7 With lockable cover and
frame as per standard


1. Type or mark numbers shall be stated in item descriptions for manholes and other chambers of which details are given elsewhere in the
Contract. Item descriptions shall identify different configurations of manholes and other chambers. Separate items are not required for different
arrangements of inlets and outlets or for access shafts of different heights.

2. Types and loading duties of manhole gully and catchpit covers shall be stated in item description.

3. Depths of manholes and catchpits shall be measured from the tops of covers to the tops of base slabs.

4. Separate items are not required for excavation for work in this class except as set out in class L (see notes 1-5 of class L).

5. Excavation and pipe laying for piped French and rubble drains shall be included in Class J. The nature of the filling material shall be stated in
item descriptions for filling of French and rubble drains in this class.

Modified Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement Page 18 of 35

6. Notes in classes I, K and L which refer to pipe and pipework shall also apply to ducts and metal culverts in this class. Crossings, reinstatement
and other pipework ancillaries for ducts and metal culverts shall be itemized, described and measured as set out in this class, except that the
dimension used for classification in the third division shall be the maximum nominal distance between the inside faces of the outer walls of the duct or
culvert. Non-circular metal culverts shall be classified by their maximum nominal internal cross-sectional dimension. Separate items are not required
for bends in cable ducts.

7. Materials and dimensions of linings to ditches shall be stated in item descriptions. The cross-sectional areas of rubble drains and ditches shall
be measured to the Excavated Surfaces.

8. Types of surfaces shall be stated in item descriptions for breaking up and reinstatement of roads. Separate items are not required for removal
and reinstatement of kerbs. Surfaced roads denote tarmac, concrete, paving bricks or similar surfaces. Dirt roads denote only official designated
murram roads of at least 6 m width and where specified by the Engineer or his Representative.

9. River, stream and canal crossings shall be classified by their widths between banks measured along pipe centre lines. Crossings of streams
shall be measured only where their width exceeds one metre. Items for crossings shall include reinstatement unless otherwise stated. Where linings
to rivers, streams or canals are to be broken through and reinstated the type of lining shall be stated in item descriptions for crossings. Crossings of
roads and paths shall be classed as breaking up and reinstatement of roads and paths. Lengths for breaking up and reinstatement of roads and
footpaths shall be measured along pipe centre lines and shall include lengths occupied by manholes and other chambers.

10. Sizes and types of marker posts shall be given in item descriptions or given on drawings.

11. The area measured for supports left in excavations shall be the area of supported surfaces for which the supports are expressly required to be
left in.

Includes: Extras to excavation and backfilling of trenches for pipework, ducts and metal
culverts, manholes and other chambers. Pipelaying in headings and thrust borings.
Excavation for and provision of supports and protection to pipework, ducts and metal culverts
Excludes: Work included in classes I,J, and K.

1 Extras to excavation and 1 In pipe trenches 1 Excavation of rock class I

backfilling m 2 In manholes and chambers material
3 In headings 2 Excavation of rock class II
4 In thrust borings material
5 In pipe jackings 3 Excavation of mass concrete
6 In foundations 4 Excavation of reinforced
7 Other (stated) concrete
5 Excavation of other artificial
hard material
6 Backfilling above Final
Surface with concrete
7 Backfilling above Final
Surface with material other
than concrete (stated)
8 Excavation of natural
material below the Final
Surface and backfilling with
9 Excavation of natural material
below the Final Surface and
backfilling below the Final
Surface with material other
than concrete (stated)
----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- 1 Pipe n.b. n.e. 100 mm
2 Special laying methods m 1 Pipe laying in headings 2 Pipe n.b. 100 - 200 mm
2 Pipe laying in thrust 3 Pipe n.b. 200 - 300 mm
borings 4 Pipe n.b. 300 - 400 mm
3 Pipe jacking 5 Pipe n.b. 400 - 500 mm
----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- 6 Pipe n.b. 500 - 600 mm
3 Beds m 1 Sand 7 Pipe n.b. 600 - 900 mm
4 Haunches m 2 Selected granular material 8 Pipe n.b. 900 -1200 mm
5 Surrounds m 3 Imported granular material 9 Pipe n.b. exc. 1200 mm
4 Mass concrete (stated)
5 Reinforced concrete
----------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
6 Wrapping & lagging of m 1 Polythene sheeting,
grade (stated)
2 Material, (stated) -----------------------------------------
----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- 1 Volume: n.e. 0.1 m3 -----------------------------------------
7 Concrete stools and thrust 1 To horizontal bends 2 Volume: 0.1 - 0.2 m3 1 Pipe n.b. n.e. 100 mm
blocks, concrete class 2 To vertical bends at crest 3 Volume: 0.2 - 0.5 m3 2 Pipe n.b. 100 - 200 mm
(stated) nr 3 To vertical bends at trough 4 Volume: 0.5 - 1 m3 3 Pipe n.b. 200 - 300 mm
4 To steep slopes 5 Volume: 1 - 2 m3 4 Pipe n.b. 300 - 400 mm
5 To junctions 6 Volume: 2 - 4 m3 5 Pipe n.b. 400 - 500 mm
6 To tapers 7 Volume: 4 - 8 m3 6 Pipe n.b. 500 - 600 mm
7 To other (stated) 8 Volume: exc. 8 m3 7 Pipe n.b. 600 - 900 mm
(stated) 8 Pipe n.b. 900 -1200 mm
9 Pipe n.b. exc. 1200 mm
----------------------------------------- (stated)
----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- 1 Pipe n.b. n.e. 100 mm -----------------------------------------
8 Other isolated pipe 1 Height: n.e. 1 m. 2 Pipe n.b. 100 - 200 mm
supports nr 2 Height: 1 - 1.5 m. 3 Pipe n.b. 200 - 300 mm
3 Height: 1.5 - 2 m. 4 Pipe n.b. 300 - 400 mm
4 Height: 2 - 3 m. 5 Pipe n.b. 400 - 500 mm
5 Height: 3 - 4 m. 6 Pipe n.b. 600 - 900 mm
6 Height: 4 - 5 m. 7 Pipe n.b. 900 -1200 mm
7 Height: 5 - 6 m. 8 Pipe n.b. exc. 1200 mm
8 Height: exc. 6 m.(stated) (stated)


1. Items shall be given in this class in addition to the items for the provision and jointing of pipes, ducts and culverts and for the excavation, laying
and backfilling of pipes, ducts and culverts laid in trenches in classes I and K. Items shall be given in this class in addition to the items for manholes
and other chambers in class K.

2. The volume of extras to excavation and backfilling for pipes shall be calculated by multiplying together the average depth and length of the
material removed or backfilled and the nominal width is stated it shall be taken as 500 mm greater than the maximum nominal distance between the
inside faces of the outer pipe walls where this distance does not exceed one metre, and as 750 mm greater than this distance where it needs one
Modified Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement Page 22 of 35
3. The volume of extras to excavation and backfilling for manholes and other chambers shall be calculated by multiplying the average depth of the
material removed or backfilled by the maximum horizontal external cross-sectional area of the manhole or chamber.

4. Breaking up of roads and pavings shall be included in class K.

5. Backfilling above the Final Surface (L1 - 5-6*) shall be measured only if it is expressly required that the material excavated shall not be used for
backfilling. Excavation below the Final Surface and backfilling (L1 - 7-8*) shall be measured only where it is expressly required.

6. Pipe laying in headings and by thrust boring shall be measured only where they are expressly required. Item descriptions for pipe laying in
headings and by thrust borings shall identify the run of pipe or pipes laid. The type of packing shall be stated in item descriptions for pipe laying in
headings. Thrust blocks constructed for the purposes of thrust boring only shall be classed as Temporary Works in class A.

7. Lengths of supports and protection to pipelines shall be measured along pipe centre lines including lengths occupied by fittings and valves but
not including lengths occupied by manholes and chambers through which the support or protection is not continued.

8. Materials used for beds, haunches and surrounds to pipes and the depths of beds shall be stated in item descriptions. Separate items shall not
be given for beds to haunched or surrounded pipes where the same material is used for beds and haunches or beds and surrounds respectively.

9. Materials used for wrapping and lagging of pipes shall be stated in item descriptions. Separate items are not required for wrapping and lagging of
fittings and valves.

10. Principal dimensions and materials shall be stated in item descriptions for pipe supports. Heights of pipe supports shall be measured from the
ground or other supporting surface to the invert of the highest pipe where pipes are supported from below and of the lowest pipe where pipes are
supported from above. Where two or more pipes are carried by a support, the item for the support shall be classified in the third division by the
aggregate bore of the pipes supported.

11. The specification of concrete shall be stated in item description for concrete stools and thrust blocks.

12. Work in this class associated with ducts and metal culverts shall be itemized, described and measured as set out for work associated with pipes,
except that the dimension used for classification in the third division shall be the maximum nominal distance between the inside faces of the outer
walls of the duct or culvert.

Excludes: Metal reinforcement for concrete (included in classes C, G, H and R). Metal
concrete inserts (included in classes G and H). Pipework (included in classes I, J, K, and L).
Structural metalwork (included in class M). Fittings and fastenings to timber (included in O).
Piles (included in classes P and Q). Traffic signs (included in class R). Rail track and
accessories (included in class S). Surface treatment of metalwork on site (included in class
V). Fences (included in class X).

1 Mild steel, plain 1 Stairways and landing t

2 Galvanized steel 2 Walkways and platforms t
3 Aluminium ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
4 Stainless steel 3 Ladders and step irons m 1 Ladders, dimensions (stated)
5 Other (stated) 2 Step irons, dimensions (stated)
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
4 Handrails m
5 Bridge parapets m
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
6 Miscellaneous frames, 1 From angle section, painted
dimensions, (stated) m 2 From angle section, hot dip
3 From channel section, painted
4 From channel section, hot dip
5 From I section, painted
6 From I section, hot dip galvanized
7 From tubular section, round, painted
8 From tubular section, round, hot dip
9 From tubular section, rectangular,
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
7 Flooring, dimensions, (stated) m 1 From plain plate
2 From open grid
3 From chequer plate
4 From chequer plate, lockable
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
8 Screens, dimensions, (stated) m 1 Fine, dia 5 to 10 mm., (stated)
2 Coarse, dia. 30 to 50 mm, (stated)
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
9 Plate, dimensions, (stated) m 1 With notch 53 degrees, fixed
2 With notch 53 degrees, removable
3 With notch, 90 degrees, fixed
4 With notch, 90 degrees, removable
5 Fixed, detail (stated)
6 Removable, detail (stated)
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
6 Cast Iron 1 Cladding m
7 Rust resistant steel 2 Welded mesh panelling m
8 Mild steel, plain 3 Duct covers m
9 Other (stated) 4 Tie rods nr
5 Walings nr
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
6 Bridge bearings nr 1 Roller
2 Slide
3 Rocker
4 Cylindrical
5 Spherical
6 Plain rubber
7 Laminated rubber
8 Rubber pot
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
7 Tanks, nominal size, (stated) nr 1 Volume: n.e. 1 m3
2 Volume: 1- 3 m3
3 Volume: 3 - 10 m3
4 Volume: 10 - 30 m3
5 Volume: 30 - 100 m3
6 Volume: 100 - 300 m3
7 Volume: 300 - 1000 m3
8 Volume: exc. 1000 m3
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
8 Tank ancillaries nr 1 Cover description (stated)
1 Roof vent assembly, diam.: 50 mm
2 Roof vent assembly, diam.: 80 mm
3 Roof vent assembly, diam.: 100 mm
4 Roof vent assembly, diam.: 150 mm
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
9 Hand stops (stated) m

Modified Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement Page 24 of 35

1. Item descriptions shall state the specification and thicknesses of metal used off-site surface treatments and principal dimensions of
miscellaneous metalwork assemblies. Alternatively, item descriptions may identify assemblies by mark numbers related to detail shown on the
Drawings or given in the Specification.

2. Masses calculated for measurement of miscellaneous metalwork assemblies shall include the mass of all metal components and attached
pieces. Separate items are not required for the components of miscellaneous metalwork assemblies.

3. Item codes N3-38** shall be used for miscellaneous metalwork not listed in the classification. Generally the measurement unit for such work
shall be the tonne.

4. Separate items are not required for erection and fixing of miscellaneous metalwork or for provision of fixings to miscellaneous metalwork.

5. The lengths of handrails and bridge parapets shall be measured along their top members. The lengths of rectangular frames shall be measured
along their external perimeters.

6. No deductions from the masses or areas measured for miscellaneous metalwork shall be made for openings and holes each less than 0.5 m¨ in
Includes: Timber components and fittings Timber decking
Excludes: Formwork to concrete (included in class G). Timber piles (included in class
P). Timber sleepers (included in class S). Timber fencing (included in class X). Building
carpentry and joinery.

1 Hardwood components for 1 X-sect. area: n.e. 0.01 m2 1 Length: n.e. 1.5 m
general use m 2 X-sect. area: 0.01 - 0.02 m2 2 Length: 1.5 - 3 m
2 Hardwood components for 3 X-sect. area: 0.02 - 0.04 m2 3 Length: 3 - 5 m
marine use m 4 X-sect. area: 0.04 - 0.10 m2 4 Length: 5 - 8 m
3 Softwood components m 5 X-sect. area: 0.10 - 0.20 m2 5 Length: 8 - 12 m
6 X-sect. area: 0.20 - 0.40 m 6 Length: 12 - 20 m
7 X-sect. area: exc. 0.4 m2 (stated) 7 Length: exc. 20 m (stated)
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
4 Hardwood decking for 1 Thickness: 25 mm 1 Width 75 mm.
general use m 2 Thickness: 50 mm 2 Width 100 mm.
5 Hardwood decking for 3 Thickness: 75 mm 3 Width 125 mm.
marine use m 4 Thickness: 100 mm 4 Width 150 mm.
6 Softwood decking m 5 Thickness: 125 mm 5 Width 225 mm.
6 Thickness: 150 mm 6 Width 250 mm.
7 Thickness: 200 mm 7 Width 300 mm.
8 Thickness: 225 mm 8 Width 450 mm.
9 Thickness exc. 225 mm, (stated) 9 Width, exc. 450 mm., (stated)
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
7 Fittings and fastenings nr 1 Straps of dimensions, (stated)
2 Spikes of length, diameter, (stated)
3 Coach screws of length, diameter,
4 Bolts of diameter, length, (stated)
5 Plates of dimensions, (stated)
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
8 Roofing nr 1 Truss assemblies, (stated)
2 Rafters, (stated)


1. Timber components in buildings which 3. The structural use and location of timber 6. The thickness used for classification of
may be included in civil engineering contracts components shall be stated in item and stated in item descriptions for timber
need not be measured according to the descriptions for components longer than 3 decking shall be its nominal gross thickness.
procedure set down in this class metres.
7. Separate items are not required for fixing
4. The length of each timber component timber components and decking or fittings and
2. The nominal gross cross-sectional measured shall be its overall length with no fastenings or for boring and cutting.
dimensions or thicknesses, species and any deduction for scarfed or other joints.
impregnation requirements or special surface 8. No deduction from the areas measured for
finishes shall be stated in item descriptions for 5. The cross-sectional areas used for timber decking shall be made for openings and
timber components and decking. classification of timber components shall be holes each less than 0.5 m2 in area.
their nominal gross cross-sectional areas.
Excludes: Boring for site investigation (included in class B). Ground anchors (included
in class C). Walings and tie rods (included in class N). Piling ancillaries (included in class

1 Bored cast in place concrete piles 1 Diameter: 300 mm or 350 mm 1 Number of piles nr
2 Driven cast in place concrete piles 2. 400 mm or 450 mm 2 Concreted length m
3 500 mm or 550 mm 3 Depth bored or driven to stated maximum
4 600 mm or 750 mm depth m
5 900 mm or 1050 mm
6 1200 mm or 1350 mm
7 1500
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
3 Preformed concrete piles 1 Cross-sectional area: not exceeding 1 Number of piles of stated length nr
4 Preformed prestressed concrete tiles 0.025 m² 2 Depth driven m
5 Preformed concrete sheet piles 2 0.025-0.05 m²
6 Timber piles 3 0.05 – 0.1 m²
4 0.1 – 0.15 m²
5 0.15 – 0.25 m²
6 0.25 – 0.5 m ²
7 0.5 – 1 m²
8 exceeding 1 m²
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
7 Isolated steel pipes 1 Mass: not exceeding 15 kg/m 1 Number of piles of stated length nr
2 15 – 30 kg/m 2 Depth driven m
3 30 – 60 kg/m
4 60 – 120 kg/m
----------------------------------------------------------- 5 120 – 250 kg/m
8 Interlinked steel pipe piles 6 250 – 500 kg/m
7 500 kg/m – 1 t/m
8 exceeding 1 t/m
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
9 Interlocking steel piles 1 Section modulus: not exceeding 1 Length of special piles m
500 cm³/m 2 Driven area m²
2 500-800 cm³/m 3 Area of piles of length:
3 800-1200 cm³/m not exceeding 14 m m²
4 1200-2000 cm³/m 4 14-24 m m²
5 2000-3000 cm³/m 5 exceeding 24 m m²
6 3000-4000 cm³/m
7 4000-5000 cm³/m
8 exceeding
5000 cm³/m
M1 Bored and driven depths
shall be measured along ADDITIONAL
the axes of piles from the DESCRIPTION RULES
the toe levels of bored C1 Items for piles shall be A1Materials of which piles are
piles, to the bottom of the D1The maximum depth stated in deemed to include disposal composed shall be stated
casings of driven cast in item descriptions for the depth in item descriptions.
place piles and to the cast in place concrete piles of excavated material.
shall be the depth which is not A2Preliminary piles shall be
bottom of the toes of other identified in item
driven piles. The exceeded by any pile included descriptions. Raked piles
Commencing Surface in the item. shall be identified in item
adopted in the preparation D2Piles comprising a driven descriptions and their
of the Bill of Quantities as permanent steel casing which inclination stated.
the surface at which boring is filled with concrete shall be
or driving is expected to classed as driven cast in A3The structure to be
begin shall be adopted for place concrete piles where supported and the
the measurement of the the piles are designed for the Commencing Surface shall
completed work. load to be carried on the be identified in item
concrete. descriptions for piles.
M2 Each group of items for
cast in place concrete piles D3The lengths of preformed
shall comprise concrete and timber piles A4The diameter shall be
(a) an item for the number shall be the lengths expressly stated in item descriptions
of piles (P1-2 * 1) required to be supplied for cast in place concrete
excluding extensions but piles.
(b) an item for the total including heads and shoes.
concreted length of piles A5Contiguous bored piles
(P1-2 * ) D4The lengths of isolated steel shall be identified in item
piles shall be the lengths descriptions.
(c) an item for the total expressly required to be
depth bored or driven supplied excluding A6The cross-section type and
(P1-2 * 3). extensions. cross-sectional dimensions or
diameter shall be stated in
M3 The concreted lengths D5Piles comprising a driven item descriptions for
of cast in place concrete permanent steel casing which preformed concrete and
piles shall be measured is filled with concrete shall be timber piles.
from the cut-off levels classed as isolated steel piles
expressly required to the where the piles are designed A7Details of treatments and
toe levels expressly for the load to be carried on coatings shall be stated in
required. the casing. Filling such piles item descriptions for the
shall be classed as filling number of piles.
M4 Each group of items for hollow piles with concrete (Q
preformed concrete and 53*) A8Details of driving heads and of
timber piles shall comprise shoes shall be stated in item
D6The lengths of interlocking descriptions for the number of
(a) one or more items for the steel pipes shall be the piles.
number of piles of stated lengths expressly required to
length (P3-6*1) be supplied excluding A9The mass per metre and
extensions. cross-sectional dimensions
(b) an item for the total shall be stated in item
depth driven (P3-6 * 2). D7Interlocking steel corner, descriptions for isolated steel
M5 Each group of items for junction, closure and taper piles.
isolated steel piles shall piles shall be classed as
special piles. A10 The section reference or
comprise mass per metre and section
(a) one or more items for the modulus shall be stated in
number of piles of stated item descriptions for
length (P7*1) interlocking steel piles.
(b) an item for the total A11 Details of treatments and
depth driven (P7 * 2). coatings shall be stated in
item descriptions for area of
M6 Each group of items for A12 The type of special pile
interlocking steel piles shall shall be stated in item
comprise descriptions for the length of
(a) one or more items for the special tiles.
total length of each type
of special pile, if any (P8
* 2)
(b) an item for the total
driven area of piles (P8 *
(c) one or more items for the
total area of piles divided
into the ranges of length
given in the third division
(P8 * 3-5).
M7 The areas of
interlocking steel
piles shall be
calculated by
multiplying the mean
horizontal lengths of
the pile walls formed
(including lengths
occupied by special
piles) by the depths
measured in
accordance with rule
M1 in the case of
items in the case of
items for the driven
areas (P8 * 2) and by
the lengths defined
in accordance with
rule D6 in the case of
items for the areas of
piles (P8 * 3-5).
M8 Closure and taper piles
classed as special piles
shall be measured only
where they are expressly
Includes: Work ancillary to piling.
Excludes: Ground anchors (includes in class C). Piles included in class P). Walings and tie
rods (included in class N).

1 Cast in place concrete piles 1 Pre-boring m 1 Diameter: 300 mm or 350 mm

2 Backfilling empty bore with stated material 2 400 mm or 450 mm
m 3 500 mm or 550 mm
2 Permanent casings each length: 4 600 mm or 750 mm
not exceeding 13 m m 5 900 mm or 1050 mm
4. exceeding 13 m m 6 1200 mm or 1350 mm
5 Enlarged bases nr 7 1500 mm
7 Cutting off surplus lengths m
8 Preparing heads nr
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
2 Cast in place concrete piles 1 Reinforcement t 1. Straight bars, nominal size:
not exceeding 25 mm
2. exceeding 25 mm
3. Helical bars of stated nominal size

----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------

3 Preformed concrete piles 1 Pre-boring m 1 Cross-sectional area: not exceeding
4. Timber piles 2 Jetting m 0.025 m²
3 Filling hollow piles with concrete m 2 0.025 m² - 0.05 m²
4. Number of pile extensions nr 3 0.05 m² - 0.1 m²
5. Length of pile extensions, each length: 4 0.1 m² - 0.15 m²
not exceeding 3 m m 5 0.15 m² - 0.25 m²
6 exceeding 3 m m 6 0.25 m² - 0.5 m²
7 Cutting off surplus lengths m 7 0.5 m² - 1 m²
8 Preparing heads nr 8 stated exceeding
1 m²
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
5 Isolated steel piles 1 Preboring m 1 Mass: not exceeding 15 kg/m
2 Jetting m 2 15 – 30 kg/m
3 Filling hollow piles with concrete m 3 30 – 60 kg/m
4 Number of pile extensions nr 4 60 – 120 kg/m
5. Length of pile extensions, each length: 5 120 – 250 kg/m
not exceeding 3 m m 6 250 – 500 kg/m
6 exceeding 3 m m 7 500 kg/m – 1 t/m
7 Cutting off surplus lengths m 8 stated exceeding 1 t/m
8 Preparing heads nr

----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------

6 Interlocking steel piles 1 Preboring m 1 Section modulus:
2 Jetting m not exceeding 500 cm³/m
4 Number of pile extensions m 2 500 - 800 cm³/m
5. Length of pile extensions, each length: 3 800 - 1200 cm³/m
not exceeding 3 m m 4 1200 - 2000 cm³/m
6 exceeding 3 m m 5 2000 - 3000 cm³/m
7 Cutting off surplus lengths m 6 3000 - 4000 cm³/m
8 Preparing heads nr 7 4000 - 5000 cm³/m
8 stated exceeding 5000 cm³/m

----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------

7 Obstructions h

----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------

8 Pile tests 1 Maintained loading with various reactions 1 Test load: not exceeding 100 t
2 Constant rate of penetration 2 100 – 200 t
3 horizontal loading 3 200 – 300 t
4 300 – 400 t
5 400 – 600 t
6 600 – 800 t
----------------------------------------------------------- 7 800 – 1000 t
4. Non-destructive integrity 8 exceeding 1000 t
5. Inclinometer installations
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
Modified Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement Page 30 of 42

MEASUREMENT RULES founding stratum of bored

M1 Work in this class, piles.
other than backfilling
empty bore for cast in
place concrete piles, shall
be measured only where
it is expressly required.
M2 The lengths of
permanent casings shall
be measured from the
Commencing Surface to
the bottom of the casing.
M3 The mass measured
for reinforcement shall
include the mass of
reinforcement in laps.
M4 The mass of steel
reinforcement shall be
taken as 0.785 kg/m per
100 mm² of cross-section DEFINITION RULES
(7.85 t/m³). The mass of
other reinforcing D1 The diameter used for COVERAGE RULES
materials shall be taken classification in the third C1 Items for piling
as stated in the Contract. division shall be the ancillaries shall be
M5 Driving extended piles diameter of the piles. deemed to include
shall be included in the disposal of surplus
measurement of the D2 The nominal size used materials unless
items for driven depth in for classification in item otherwise stated.
class P. descriptions for bar ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION
reinforcement shall be C2 Items for permanent RULES
M6 Each group of items the cross-sectional size casings shall be deemed
for pile extensions shall A1 The diameters of
comprise defined in BS 4449. to include driving heads enlarged bases for bored
and shoes. piles shall be stated in
(a) an item for the D3 The cross-sectional item descriptions.
number of pile area used for C3 Items for A2 Materials, thickness
extensions (Q3-44*) classification in the third reinforcement shall be and details of treatments
division shall be the deemed to include and coatings shall be
(b) one or two items for cross-sectional area of supporting reinforcement. stated in item
the length of pile the piles. descriptions for
extensions divided permanent casings. Item
into the ranges of C4 Items for pre-boring
length given in the D4 The mass used for shall be deemed to descriptions for cutting
second division (Q3-4 classification in the third include grouting voids off surplus lengths which
5-6*) division shall be the mass between the pile and the include permanent
of the piles. bore. casings shall so state.
M7 The length of pile A3 Materials shall be
extensions measured C5 Items for pile stated in item
shall not include lengths D5 The section modulus
formed from material used for classification in extensions shall be descriptions for
arising from cutting off the third division shall be deemed to include the reinforcement.
surplus lengths of other the section modulus of work necessary to attach A4 Details of couplers for
piles. the piles the extension to the pile. high tensile steel
reinforcement which are
M8 The length measured C6 Items for filling hollow expressly required shall
for timber pile extensions piles with concrete shall be stated in item
shall include lengths descriptions for
occupied by scarfed or be deemed to include
other joints. removal of material from reinforcement.
within the pile before A5 Item descriptions for
M9 Each group of items concreting. filling hollow piles with
for pile extensions shall concrete shall state the
comprise C4 Items for pre-boring specification of the
shall be deemed to concrete.
(a) an item for the include grouting voids
number of pile between the pile and the A6 Materials of which pile
extensions (Q 5 4*) bore. extensions are composed
shall be stated in item
(b) one or two items for descriptions for their
the length of pile C5 Items for pile length.
extensions divided extensions shall be
into the ranges of deemed to include the
length given in the work necessary to attach A7 Item descriptions for
second division Q 5 5- the extension to the pile. pile tests shall identify
6*). those which are to
C6 Items for filling hollow preliminary piles.
M10 Each group of piles with concrete shall
items for pile extensions be deemed to include
shall comprise removal of material from A8 Item descriptions for
(a) an item for the within the pile before loading tests shall state
number of pile concreting. the load. Where the load
extensions (Q 6 4 *) is applied to raking piles
(b) one or two items for item descriptions shall so
the length of pile state.
extensions divided
into the ranges of
length given in the
second division.
M11 The lengths
measured for cutting off
surplus lengths of
interlocking steel piles
shall be the mean
undeveloped horizontal
lengths to be cut
(including lengths
occupied by special
M12 Obstructions shall
be measured only for
breaking out rock or
artificial hard material
encountered above the
Modified Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement Page 31 of 42
Includes: Sub-base, base and surfacing of roads, runways and other paved areas. Kerbing
and light duty pavements, footways and cycle tracks. Traffic signs and markings.
Excludes: Landscaping ( included in class E). Drainage (included in classes I, J, K and L).
Fences and gates (included in class X). Gantries and other substantial structures supporting
traffic signs.

1 Sub-bases, flexible road bases 1 Granular material of CBR (stated) 1 Depth: n.e. 30 mm
and surfacing at MDD (stated) m 2 Depth: 30 - 60 mm
2 Granular material (general) m 3 Depth: 60 - 100 mm
3 Soil-cement, ratio (stated) m 4 Depth: 100 - 150 mm
4 Cement bound granular material m 5 Depth: 150 - 200 mm
5 Lean concrete of CBR (stated) 6 Depth: 200 - 250 mm
at MDD (stated) m 7 Depth: 250 - 300 mm
6 Hardcore m 8 Depth: exc. 300 mm (stated)
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
7 Geotextiles, (stated) m
8 Allow for making up additional
depth of material (stated) m
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
2 Sub-bases, flexible road bases 1 Wet mix macadam m 1 Depth: n.e. 30 mm
and surfacing 2 Dry bound macadam m 2 Depth: 30 - 60 mm
3 Dense bitumen macadam m 3 Depth: 60 - 100 mm
4 Open texture bitumen macadam m 4 Depth: 100 - 150 mm
5 Dense tarmacadam m 5 Depth: 150 - 200 mm
6 Open texture tarmacadam m 6 Depth: 200 - 250 mm
7 Dense tar surfacing m 7 Depth: 250 - 300 mm
----------------------------------------------------------- 8 Depth: exc. 300 mm (stated)
3 Sub-bases, flexible road bases 1 Cold asphalt wearing course m
and surfacing 2 Rolled asphalt m
3 Slurry sealing m
4 Surface dressing m
5 Bituminous spray m
6 Removal of flexible surface m
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
8 Regulating course of, (stated) t
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
4 Concrete pavements 1 Carriageway slabs, paving 1 Depth: n.e. 30 mm
quality concrete (stated) m 2 Depth: 30 - 60 mm
2 Carriageway slabs of other 3 Depth: 60 - 100 mm
strength, (stated) m 4 Depth: 100 - 150 mm
3 Other cast in-situ concrete slabs, 5 Depth: 150 - 200 mm
strength, (stated) m 6 Depth: 200 - 250 mm
7 Depth: 250 - 300 mm
8 Depth: exc. 300 mm (stated)
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
4 Reinforced with steel fabric 1 Nom. mass: n.e. 2 kg/m2
to specification m 2 Nom. mass: 2 - 3 kg/m2
5 Reinforced with other fabric 3 Nom. mass: 3 - 4 kg/m2
(stated) m 4 Nom. mass: 4 - 5 kg/m2
5 Nom. mass: 5 - 6 kg/m2
6 Nom. mass: 6 - 7 kg/m2
7 Nom. mass: 7 - 8 kg/m2
8 Nom. mass: exc.8 kg/m2., (stated)
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
6 Reinforced with mild steel bar 1 Diameter: 6 mm
to specification t 2 Diameter: 8 mm
7 Reinforced with high yield steel 3 Diameter: 10 mm
bar, (stated) t 4 Diameter: 12 mm
5 Diameter: 14 mm
6 Diameter: 16 mm
7 Diameter: 20 mm
8 Diameter: 25 mm or greater,
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
8 Waterproof membrane laid
below concrete pavements m
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
5 Joints in concrete pavements m 1 Longitudinal joints, (stated) 1 Depth of joint: n.e. 30 mm
2 Expansion joints, (stated) 2 Depth of joint: 30 - 60 mm
3 Contraction joints, (stated) 3 Depth of joint: 60 - 100 mm
4 Warping joints, (stated) 4 Depth of joint: 100 - 150 mm
5 Butt joints, (stated) 5 Depth of joint: 150 - 200 mm
6 Construction joints, (stated) 6 Depth of joint: 200 - 250 mm
7 Depth of joint: 250 - 300 mm
8 Depth of joint: exc. 300 mm, (stated)
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
Modified Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement Page 32 of 42


6 Kerbs, channels and edgings 1 Precast concrete kerbs to 1 Laid straight or curved to
specification, bullnosed type radius exc. 12 m m
2 Precast concrete kerbs to 2 Laid curved to radius n.e. 12 m m
specification, full batter type 3 Quadrants nr
3 Precast concrete kerbs to 4 Drops nr
specification, half batter type 5 Transitions nr
4 In-situ kerbs and edgings
5 Precast concrete channels
6 Precast concrete edgings
7 Asphalt kerbs, (stated)
8 Asphalt channels, (stated)
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
7 Light duty pavements m 1 Granular base 1 Depth: n.e. 30 mm
2 Hardcore base 2 Depth: 30 - 60 mm
3 Tarmacadam 3 Depth: 60 - 100 mm
4 Rolled asphalt 4 Depth: 100 - 150 mm
5 Bitumen macadam 5 Depth: 150 - 200 mm
6 Dense tar 6 Depth: 200 - 250 mm
7 In-situ concrete, strength (stated) 7 Depth: 250 - 300 mm
8 Precast concrete flags, specification 8 Depth: exc. 300 mm (stated)
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
8 Ancillaries 1 Traffic signs 1 Non-illuminated nr
2 Illuminated nr
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
2 Surface markings 1 Using non-reflecting road studs,
(stated) nr
2 Using reflecting road studs,
(stated) nr
3 Using letters and shapes,
(stated) nr
4 Using continuous lines, (stated) m
5 Using intermittent lines, (stated) m


1. Item description for all courses of paving 5. Reinforcing bars which are not circular in 10. The material, size and diagram number
and road making materials and pavement slabs cross-section shall be classified by the taken from Traffic signs, regulations and
shall identify the materials and state the depth diameter of the circular bar given in the general directions, issued by the Ministry
of each course or slab. classification nearest in cross-sectional area to responsible for roads, shall be stated in item
the bars measured. descriptions for traffic sings and surface
2. Item descriptions for work in this class markings.
which is applied to surface inclined at an angle 6. Separate items are not required for
exceeding 10° to the horizontal shall so state. formwork to concrete pavement or formwork to 11. Separate items are not required for
joints in concrete pavements. supporting posts and foundations for traffic
3. The width of each course of material shall signs. Items for supporting gantries and other
be measured at the top surface of the course. 7. The dimensions, spacing and nature of substantial structures associated with traffic
The area of a manhole cover or other intrusion components shall be stated in item descriptions signs which are constructed in concrete,
into a surface shall not be deducted where the for joints in concrete pavements. Construction structural metalwork or other materials shall be
are of the intrusion is less than one square joints shall be measured only where they are given in the appropriate classes.
metre. expressly required.
12. Lengths measured for linear surface
4. Item descriptions for steel fabric 8. Materials, cross-sectional dimensions and markings shall exclude gaps in intermittent
reinforcements to SSRN 128 shall include the details of backings and beds shall be stated in markings.
type number or letter in accordance with SSRN item descriptions for kerbs, channels and
128. Item descriptions for other fabric edgings. 13. The expression - 'Specified' shall mean as
reinforcement shall state the material sizes and specified in the Specification for road and
its nominal mass per square metre. The area 9. The shape and colour of aspects shall be bridge works issued by the Ministry
of additional fabric in laps shall not be stated in item descriptions for reflecting road responsible for roads.
measured. studs.
Modified Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement Page 33 of 42


Excludes: Brickwork, blockwork and masonry in manholes and other brickwork, blockwork or
masonry incidental to, pipework (included in class K).

1 Common brickwork 1 Composite construction, thick- 1 In vertical straight walls

2 Facing brickwork ness not exc. 150 mm. m
3 Engineering brickwork 2 Cavity construction, thickness 2 In vertical curved walls
2 3 In battered straight walls
4 Lightweight blockwork 150 - 250 mm. m
5 Dense concrete blockwork 3 Composite construction, thick- 4 In battered curved walls
6 Artificial stone blockwork ness 150 - 250 mm. m 5 As vertical facing to concrete
7 Ashlar masonry 4 Cavity construction, thickness
8 Rubble masonry 250 - 500 mm m
2 6 As battered facing to concrete
5 Composite construction, thick- 7 As casing to metal section
ness 250 - 500 mm m 8 As other, (stated)
6 Composite construction, thick-
ness 500 - 1000 mm. m
7 Composite construction, thick-
ness exc. 1000 mm., (stated) m
8 Surface and other features

1 Copings and cills m
2 Rebates and chases m
3 Cornices m
4 Band courses m
5 Corbels m
---------------------------------------------------------- 6 Pilasters m
9 Ancillaries 7 Plinths m
8 Fair facing m
9 Columns and piers, cross-sect.
dimensions (stated) m
1 Joint reinforcement using (stated)
2 Damp proof courses m
3 Movement joint filled with,
material, width, (stated) m
4 Bond to existing work by,
(stated) m2
5 Concrete infill, material, thickness
(stated) m2
6 Fixing and ties, material, means,
centres, (stated) m2
7 Built in pipes and ducts, X-sect.
area n.e. 0.025 m2 nr
NOTES 8 Built in pipes and ducts, X-sect.
area 0.025 - 0.25 m2 nr
1. Item descriptions for brickwork and 5. Volumes and areas measured for 9 Built in pipes and ducts, X-sect.
blockwork shall either state the materials, brickwork, blockwork and masonry shall area exc. 0.25 m2 (stated) nr
nominal dimensions and types of brick or block include the volumes and areas of joints. No
or give equivalent references to applicable deduction or addition to the volumes and areas
Standard specifications. The thickness of measured shall be made for rebates, projecting
mass brickwork and blockwork shall be stated courses or other surface features each less
in item descriptions where it does not excess than 0.05 m2 in cross-sectional area. No
one metre. deduction from areas and volumes measured
shall be made for holes and openings in walls 8. The materials and dimensions of joint
2. The materials and nominal thicknesses or surfaces each less than 0.25 m2 in cross- reinforcement and damp proof courses and the
shall be stated in item descriptions for sectional area. Areas shall be measured at the mix specification of concrete infills shall be
masonry. centre lines of brickwork, blockwork and stated in item descriptions.
3. Separate items are not required for joints, 9. The area measured for centering to arches
pointing, fixings or ties to brickwork, blockwork 6. Walls battered on one side shall be classed shall be the temporarily supported area of the
or masonry. as battered walls. intrados.

4. Item descriptions for brickwork, blockwork 7. Item descriptions for surface features shall
and masonry which is in cavity or composite include sufficient detail to identify special or cut
construction shall so state. Where different bricks or blocks. The spacings of intermittent
bonding patterns are specified for the same surface features shall be stated in the item
material, the bonding pattern shall be stated in descriptions. Reveals shall not be classed as
the item descriptions. surface features.
Modified Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement Page 34 of 42

Includes: In-situ painting, and in-situ surface preparation
Excludes: Painting and other surface treatment carried out prior to delivery of components to
Site and maintenance of such surfaces until completion (measured only for metalwork in
classes M & N)

1 Lead, iron or zinc based primer paint 1 On metal other than metal sections 1 With upper surface inclined at
2 Etch primer paint and metal pipework an angle not exc. 30o to the
3 Oil paint 2 On timber horizontal m
4 Alkyd gloss paint 3 On smooth concrete 2 With upper surface inclined at
5 Emulsion paint 4 On rough concrete 30o - 60o to the horizontal m
6 Cement paint 5 On masonry 3 With surface inclined at an angle
7 Epoxy or polyurethane paint 6 On brickwork and blockwork exc. 60o to the horizontal m
8 Bituminous or coal tar paint 4 With soffit surfaces and lower
surfaces inclined at an angle
not exc. 60o to the horizontal m
5 With surfaces of width
not exc. 300 mm m
6 With surfaces of width
300 mm - 1 m m
7 To isolated groups of surfaces nr
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
7 On metal sections m
8 On pipework m


1. Item descriptions for work in this class 4. Isolated groups of surfaces may be 6. The area measured for painting pipework
shall state the materials used and either the classed as such only where the total surface shall be the length multiplied by the barrel girth
number of coats or the film thickness. area of each group does not exceed 6 m2. of each length of pipework. Lengths occupied
Item descriptions for isolated groups of by valves and other projecting fittings shall not
surfaces shall identify the work to be painted be deducted. Surfaces of flanges, valves and
2. Surfaces of width not exceeding one metre and state its location. Groups of surfaces of other projecting fittings shall not be measured.
shall not be distinguished by inclination. the same shape and dimensions may be
included in one item.
3. No deduction from areas measured for 7. Separate items are not required for
painting shall be made for holes and openings 5. In calculating the painted area of metal preparation of surfaces before painting.
in the painted surfaces each less than 0.5 m2 sections, the presence of connecting plates,
in area. brackets, rivets, bolts, nuts and similar
projections shall be ignored.
Modified Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement Page 35 of 42

Includes: Damp proofing, tanking and roofing
Excludes: Waterproofed joints (included in classes C, G, H, I, J, K, R, T, and X). Damp proof
courses in brickwork, blockwork and masonry (included in class U).

1 Damp proofing 1 Using asphalt 1 On upper surface inclined at an angle

2 Tanking 2 Using sheet metal, material (stated) not exc. 30o to the horizontal m
3 Roofing 3 Using waterproof sheeting 2 On upper surface inclined at
4 Using waterproof coating of (stated) 30o - 60o to the horizontal m
5 Using rendering in ordinary cement 3 On surface inclined at an angle
mortar exc. 60o to the horizontal m
6 Using rendering in waterproof cement 4 On curved surfaces of less than
mortar 10 m. radius m
7 Using rendering with proprietary mix 5 On domed surfaces of less than
mortar (stated) 10 m. radius m
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- 6 On surfaces of width not exc.
4 Protective layers of 1 Sand asphalt 300 mm m
2 Flexible sheeting 7 On surfaces of width
3 Sand 300 mm. - 1 m. m
4 Sand and cement screed 8 To isolated groups of surfaces nr
5 Tiles
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
5 Sprayed or brushed waterproofing
using (stated) m


1. Item descriptions for work in this class 4. The areas measured for waterproofing 6. Isolated groups of surfaces may be
shall state the materials used and the number shall be those of the surfaces covered. No classed as such only where the total surface
and thickness of coatings or layers. deduction from the areas measured for area of each group does not exceed 6 m2.
waterproofing shall be made for holes and Item descriptions for isolated groups of
2. Separate items are not required for openings in the waterproofed surfaces each surfaces shall identify the work to be
preparing surfaces or for joints, overlaps, less than 0.5 m2 in area. waterproofed and state its location. Groups of
mitres, angles, fillets, and built-up edges or for surfaces of the same shape and dimensions
laying to falls and cambers. 5. Waterproofing shall be classed as to may be included in one item.
curved or domed surfaces only where the
3. Surfaces of width not exceeding one metre radius of curvature of the surface is less than
shall not be distinguished by inclination or 10 m. Waterproofing so classed shall not be
curvature. distinguished by inclination.
Includes: Fences, gates and their foundations. Rock filled gabions. Windows and doors.
Drainage to structures above ground. Underdrainage to structures. Filter media. Other items
not allowed for elsewhere and as stated.

1 Fences m 1 Timber post and rail 1 Height: n.e. 1 m.

2 Timber post and wire 2 Height: 1 - 1.25 m.
3 Concrete post and wire 3 Height: 1.25 - 1.50 m.
4 Metal post and wire 4 Height: 1.50 - 2 m.
5 Coated metal post and wire 5 Height: 2 - 2.50 m.
6 Timber close boarded 6 Height: 2.50 - 3 m.
7 Height: exc. 3 m. (stated)
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
2 Gates and stiles nr 1 Timber field gates 1 Width: n.e. 1.5 m.
2 Timber wicket gates 2 Width: 1.5 - 2 m.
3 Metal field gates 3 Width: 2 - 2.5 m.
4 Metal wicket gates 4 Width: 2.5 - 3 m.
5 Stiles 5 Width: 3 - 4 m.
6 Width: 4 - 5 m.
7 Width: exc. 5 m. (stated)
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
3 Drainage to structures above ground 1 Mild steel 1 Gutters m
2 Cast iron 2 Fittings to gutters nr
3 Plastics 3 Downpipes m
4 Asbestos cement 4 Fittings to downpipes nr
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
4 Rock filled gabions 1 Boxes , size, mesh and fill material
(stated) nr
2 Mattress of thickness, mesh and fill
material (stated) m
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
5 Underdrainage to structures m 1 Perforated clay 1 Diameter: 100 mm.
2 Clay layed with gaps 2 Diameter: 150 mm.
3 Perforated uPVC 3 Diameter: 200 mm.
4 No fines concrete 4 Diameter: 250 mm.
5 Concrete laid with gaps 5 Diameter: exc. 250 mm. (stated)
6 Perforated asbestos cement
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
6 Windows nr 1 Wooden frame, openable 1 Area: n.e. 1 m2.
2 Wooden frame, deadlight 2 Area: 1 - 2 m2.
3 Mild steel frame, openable 3 Area: 2 - 3 m2.
4 Mild steel frame, deadlight 4 Area: 3 - 4 m2.
5 Aluminium frame, openable 5 Area: 4 - 5 m2.
6 Aluminium frame, deadlight 6 Area: exc. 5 m2. (stated)
7 Louvre, wooden frame, lockable
8 Louvre, aluminium frame, lockable
9 Other (stated)
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
7 Doors nr 1 Wood, flush, internal 1 Single leaf, standard
2 Wood, flush, external 2 Single leaf, stable type
3 Wood, panel, internal 3 Double leaf, standard
4 Wood, panel, external 4 Double leaf, non standard (stated)
5 Wood, matchboard, internal
6 Wood, matchboard, external
7 Metal, flush
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
8 Filter media m 1 Graded sand 1 Effective size 0.25 -0.35 mm.,
uniformity coeff. 2.0 - 3.0 for slow
sand filters.
2 Effective size 0.55 mm., uniformity
coeff. not exc. 1.5 for rapid gravity
3 Other, (stated).
2 Graded gravel 4 Particle size 2 - 5 mm., layer
thickness 50 -80 mm., ave. 65mm.
5 Particle size 5 - 12 mm., layer
thickness 50 -80 mm., ave. 65mm
6 Particle size 12 - 20 mm.,layer thick-
ness 80 - 130 mm., ave. 100 mm.
7 Particle size 20 - 38 mm., layer thick-
ness 80 - 130 mm., ave. 100 mm.
8 Particle size 38 - 65 mm., layer thick-
ness 80 - 130 mm., ave. 100 mm.
9 Other, (stated)
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
9 Other (stated)


1. The types and principal dimensions of fences, gates and stiles and of their foundations shall be stated in item descriptions.
Modified Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement Page 32 of 35

2. Item descriptions for fences which are erected on a curve of radius not exceeding 100 m or on a surface inclined at an angle exceeding 10° shall
so state.

3. Heights of fences shall be measured from the Commencing Surface. Widths of gates and stiles shall be measured between the inside faces of

4. Item descriptions for drainage to structures above ground shall state the type, principal dimensions and materials of the components.

5. Fittings to gutters shall include bands, angles, stop ends and outlets. Fittings to downpipes shall include bends, swan necks, shoes and roof
outlets fixed directly to downpipes.
Includes: Preparation and renovation of existing sewers and manholes and new manholes
within the length of existing sewers.
Excludes: Grouting carried out from the outside of the sewer (included in class C). Supply
and installation of new sewers and, new manhole and pipework ancillaries and supports and
protection ancillaries to laying and excavation included in classes I, J, and K.

1 Preparation of 1 Other sewer wall 1 N. b. n.e. 100 mm 1 Cleaning m

existing sewers material (stated) 2 N. b. exc. 100 - 200 mm ------------------------------ -------------------------------
2 Clay sewers 3 N. b. exc. 200 - 300 mm 2 Removing 1 Laterals, bore n.e.
3 RC concrete 4 N. b. exc. 300 - 400 mm intrusions nr 150 mm
sewers 5 N. b. exc. 400 - 500 mm 2 Laterals, profile &
4 Cast iron sewers 6 N. b. exc. 500 - 600 mm size exc. 150 mm
5 Steel sewers 7 N. b. exc. 600 - 900 mm in one or more dim-
6 uPVC sewers 8 N. b. exc. 900 - 1200 mm ensions, (stated)
7 A.C. sewers 9 N. b. exc. 1200 mm (stated) 3 Other artificial
8 Unreinforced intrusions (stated)
concrete sewers ------------------------------ -------------------------------
3 Plugging laterals nr 1 Bore n.e. 300 mm
4 Filling laterals & 2 Profile & size exc.
other sewers, mat- 300 mm in one or
erials stated m3 more dimensions
---------------------------------------- -------------------------------
5 Local internal 1 Area: n.e. 0.1 m2
repairs nr 2 Area: 0.1 – 0.25 m2
3 Area exc. 0.25 m2
----------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------
2 Stabilisation of 1 Other sewer wall 1 N. b. n.e. 100 mm 1 Pointing, materials
existing sewers material (stated) 2 N. b. exc. 100 - 200 mm stated m2
2 Clay sewers 3 N. b. exc. 200 - 300 mm 2 Joint sealing, mat-
3 RC concrete 4 N. b. exc. 300 - 400 mm erial stated nr
sewers 5 N. b. exc. 400 - 500 mm ------------------------------ ---------------------------------
4 Cast iron sewers 6 N. b. exc. 500 - 600 mm 3 External grouting 1 Number of holes nr
5 Steel sewers 7 N. b. exc. 600 - 900 mm 2 Injection of grout,
6 uPVC sewers 8 N. b. exc. 900 - 1200 mm material stated m3
7 A.C. sewers 9 N. b. exc. 1200 mm (stated)
8 Unreinforced
concrete sewers
----------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------
3 Renovation of 1 Other sewer wall 1 N. b. n.e. 100 mm 1 Sliplining 1 Polyethylene
existing sewers material (stated) 2 N. b. exc. 100 - 200 mm 2 Polypropylene
2 Clay sewers 3 N. b. exc. 200 - 300 mm ------------------------------ ---------------------------------
3 RC concrete 4 N. b. exc. 300 - 400 mm 2 In-situ jointed 1 Polyethylene
sewers 5 N. b. exc. 400 - 500 mm sewer lining 2 Polypropylene
4 Cast iron sewers 6 N. b. exc. 500 - 600 mm 3 Glass reinforced
5 Steel sewers 7 N. b. exc. 600 - 900 mm plastic
6 uPVC sewers 8 N. b. exc. 900 - 1200 mm ------------------------------ ---------------------------------
7 A.C. sewers 9 N. b. exc. 1200 mm (stated) 3 Segmental lining 1 Glass reinforced
8 Unreinforced plastic
concrete sewers 2 Glass reinforced
3 Cast gunite
4 Resin concrete
------------------------------ ---------------------------------
4 Proprietary lining
5 Gunite coating,
thickness stated
6 Annulus grouting
materials stated
----------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------
3 Laterals to reno- 1 Other sewer wall 1 N. b. n.e. 100 mm 1 Jointing 1 Bore n.e. 150 mm
vated sewers material (stated) 2 N. b. exc. 100 - 200 mm 2 Bore 150 to 300 mm
2 Clay sewers 3 N. b. exc. 200 - 300 mm 3 Profile & size exc.
3 RC concrete 4 N. b. exc. 300 - 400 mm 300 mm in one or
sewers 5 N. b. exc. 400 - 500 mm more dimensions
4 Cast iron sewers 6 N. b. exc. 500 - 600 mm (stated)
5 Steel sewers 7 N. b. exc. 600 - 900 mm
6 uPVC sewers 8 N. b. exc. 900 - 1200 mm
7 A.C. sewers 9 N. b. exc. 1200 mm (stated)
8 Unreinforced
concrete sewers
------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------
9 Flapvalves 1 N.b. n.e. 100 mm 2 Flapvalves 1 Remove existing
2 N.b. exc. 100 - 200 mm 2 Replace existing
3 N.b. exc. 200 - 300 mm 3 New flap valve,
4 N.b. exc. 300 - 400 mm type stated
5 N.b. exc. 400 - 500 mm
6 N.b. exc. 500 – 600 mm
7 N.b. exc. 600 mm (stated)
----------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------

5 New manholes in 1 Brick 1 N. b. n.e. 100 mm 1 Depth: n.e. 1.5 m

new locations nr 2 Brick with back- 2 N. b. exc. 100 - 200 mm 2 Depth: 1.5 - 2 m
6 New manholes drop 3 N. b. exc. 200 - 300 mm 3 Depth: 2-3m
replacing existing 3 In-situ concrete 4 N. b. exc. 300 - 400 mm 4 Depth: 3-4m
manholes nr 4 In-situ concrete 5 N. b. exc. 400 - 500 mm 5 Depth: 4-5m
with backdrop 6 N. b. exc. 500 - 600 mm 6 Depth: 5-6m
5 Precast concrete 7 N. b. exc. 600 - 900 mm 7 Depth: exc. 6m
6 Precast concrete 8 N. b. exc. 900 - 1200 mm (stated)
with backdrop 9 N. b. exc. 1200 mm (stated)
7 Masonry or
8 Masonry or block
work with back-
9 Other (stated)

7 Existing man-
holes nr
----------------------------- ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------
8 Interruptions 1 N. b. n.e. 100 mm 1 Depth: n.e. 1.5 m ---------------------------------
2 N. b. exc. 100 - 2 Depth: 1.5 - 2 m
200 mm 3 Depth: 2-3m ------------------------------ 1 Abandonment
3 N. b. exc. 200 - 4 Depth: 3-4m 1 Preparation of 2 Alteration
300 mm 5 Depth: 4-5m existing sewers ---------------------------------
4 N. b. exc. 300 - 6 Depth: 5-6m 2 Stabilisation of
400 mm 7 Depth: exc. 6m existing sewers
5 N. b. exc. 400 - (stated) ------------------------------
500 mm
6 N. b. exc. 500 - 3 Renovation of
600 mm existing sewers ---------------------------------
7 N. b. exc. 600 - 1 Sliplining
900 mm
8 N. b. exc. 900 - 2 In-situ jointed pipe
1200 mm lining
9 N. b. exc. 1200 3 Segmental lining
mm (stated) 4 Proprietary lining,
------------------------------ 5 Gunite coating
4 Work on laterals to 6 Annulus grouting
renovated sewers ---------------------------------
5 Work on manholes
Modified Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement Page 40 of 42

MEASUREMENT RULES other voids grouted in the course A11 Type or mark numbers shall be
M1 Lengths of sewers shall be of grouting annular voids. stated in item descriptions for man-
measured along their centre lines be- C5 Items for pointing and sewer joint holes of which details are given
tween the inside surfaces of manholes sealing shall be deemed to include elsewhere in the Contract. Item
but shall exclude lengths occupied by preparation of joints. descriptions shall identify different
pipes and fittings comprising configurations of manholes.
C6 Items for laterals shall be deemed to
backdrops to manholes. include the work involved in connecting A12 Types and loading duties of covers
M2 Where work is expressly required to to the lining within 1 m from the inside shall be stated in item descriptions for
be carried out by excavation, face of the lined sewer. new manholes.
crossings, reinstatement and other C7 Items for new manholes shall be A13 Item descriptions for existing
sewer-work ancillaries shall be deemed to include excavation, manholes shall state details of the work
measured in class K and extras to ex- preparation of surfaces, disposal of ex- required.
cavation and backfilling shall be cavated material, upholding sides of
measured in class L. excavation, backfilling, concrete, re-
M3 No deduction shall be made from inforcement, form-work, joints, finishes
the areas of sewer surfaces measured and reinstatement.
for pointing for openings or voids each C8 Items for manholes shall be deemed
not exceeding 0.5 m2 in area. to include metalwork, different ar-
M4 External grouting shall be measured rangements of inlets and outlets, and
only where grouting is expressly re- access shafts of different heights and
quired to be carried out as a separate connection of sewers to manholes.
operation from annulus grouting Items for manholes with backdrops
M5 The volume measured for annulus shall be deemed to include the sewers
grouting shall not include the volume and fittings comprising the backdrop.
measured for external grouting C9 Items for new manholes replacing
( Y 2 [1-8] [1-9] .3 2). existing manholes shall be deemed to
M6 Interruptions shall be measured only include breaking out and disposal of
where a minimum pumping capacity is existing manholes.
expressly required and for periods of
time during normal working hours ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES
wherein the flow in the sewer exceeds
the installed pumping capacity and A1The location of the work in each item or
work is interrupted. group of items shall be stated so that
the work can be identified by reference
to the Drawings.
DEFINITION RULES A2Principal dimensions, other than
D1Items shall be classed as removing diameter and depth of sewers and pro-
intrusions where artificial intrusions files of sewers shall be identified by
into the bores of existing sewers are to reference to the Drawings.
be removed prior to renovation. A3Work expressly required to be carried
D2The areas stated in item descriptions out manually or by remotely controlled
for local internal repairs shall be the methods shall each be so stated in
finished surface areas. item descriptions.
D3External grouting shall be grouting of A4Item descriptions for work which is
voids outside the existing sewer from expressly required to be carried out by
within the existing sewer other than excavation shall so state and (except
voids grouted in the course of annulus for manholes) shall state the maximum
grouting. depth of excavation in stages of 1 m
measured to the invert of the sewer.
D4Annulus grouting shall be grouting of
the annular voids between new linings A5Item descriptions for preparation,
and existing sewers and of other voids stabilisation, renovation and laterals
grouted in the course of grouting shall state the material forming of the
annular voids. existing sewer.
D5The depth of manholes shall be A6Item descriptions for removing
measured from the tops of covers to intrusions shall state the materials
channel inverts or to tops of base forming the intrusions.
slabs, whichever is the lower. A7Where external grouting is carried out
through sewer joints, descriptions of
items for the number of holes shall so
C1 Items for work which is expressly A8Item descriptions for slip-lining, in situ
required to be carried out by excavation jointed pipe lining, segmental lining and
shall be deemed to include preparation stated proprietary lining shall state the
of surfaces, disposal of excavated type lining, its minimum finished
material, disposal of excavation, internal size and its thickness or grade.
backfilling and removal of existing A9Item descriptions for in situ jointed
services. sewer lining and segmental lining shall
C2 Items for cleaning shall be deemed state the offset where the lining is
to include making good resultant curved to an offset which exceeds 35
damage. mm per metre.
C3 Items for removing intrusions shall A10 Item descriptions for jointing laterals
be deemed to include making good. shall state the type of lining to which
the laterals are to be connected and
C4 Annulus grouting shall be grouting identify those laterals which are to be
of the annular voids between new regraded.
linings and existing sewers and of

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