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The document discusses the roles, planning, operations, and organization of Patriot battalions and batteries. It provides an overview of how Patriot battalions defend against tactical ballistic missile threats.

The Patriot battalion and battery aim to provide air and missile defense against tactical ballistic missiles and air threats through planning, operations, and coordination between Patriot units.

The Patriot battalion defends against tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and aircraft during contingency theater, lodgment, and operations phases. The primary threats are tactical ballistic missiles carrying weapons of mass destruction.




MAY 2002

DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

FM 3- 01.85 (FM 44-85)

Field Manual Headquarters

Number 3-01.85 Department of the Army
Washington, DC, 13 May 2002

Patriot Battalion and Battery Operations


PREFACE.......................................................................................................... v

Chapter 1 OVERVIEW…………………………………………………………………………... 1-1

Army Mission .................................................................................................... 1-1
ADA Mission ...................................................................................................... 1-1
ADA Role ........................................................................................................... 1-1
Patriot Mission ................................................................................................... 1-2
Patriot Roles ...................................................................................................... 1-2
Chapter 2 THREAT ............................................................................................................ 2-1
Contingency Theater Threat .............................................................................. 2-1
Threat During Lodgment .................................................................................... 2-5
Threat During Operations .................................................................................. 2-6
Chapter 3 PATRIOT BATTALION PLANNING ................................................................. 3-1
AMD Planning Overview .................................................................................... 3-1
Patriot Battalion Planning .................................................................................. 3-5
Chapter 4 FORCE-PROJECTION OPERATIONS............................................................. 4-1
Force Projection Process................................................................................... 4-1
Mobilization ........................................................................................................ 4-2
Deployment........................................................................................................ 4-4
Employment ....................................................................................................... 4-5
Redeployment.................................................................................................... 4-7
Sustainment ....................................................................................................... 4-8

Distribution Restriction: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Supersedes FM 44-85, dated 21 February 1997.

FM 3-01.85

Chapter 5 OPERATIONS................................................................................................... 5-1

Offensive Operations......................................................................................... 5-1
Defensive Operations........................................................................................ 5-6
Defense Designs ............................................................................................... 5-7
TBM Defenses................................................................................................... 5-9
Stability Operations and Support Operations.................................................... 5-11
Remote Launch ................................................................................................. 5-11
AMD Task Force Operations............................................................................. 5-13
Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence ..................................... 5-19
TBM Operational Engagement Effectiveness…………………………………… 5-21
Integrated Firing Doctrine Principles………………………………… .................. 5-24
Chapter 6 PATRIOT COMBAT SERVICE SUPPORT ...................................................... 6-1
Patriot Support Concept .................................................................................... 6-1
Organizations and Functions............................................................................. 6-1
Planning............................................................................................................. 6-8
Operations ......................................................................................................... 6-9
Supply................................................................................................................ 6-11
Categories of Supplies………………………………………………………………. 6-12
Classes of Supply…………………………………………………………………. .. 6-13
Maintenance ...................................................................................................... 6-20
Transportation ................................................................................................... 6-23
Field Services .................................................................................................... 6-23
Rear Area Base Security................................................................................... 6-24
Reconstitution.................................................................................................... 6-27
Appendix A ORGANIZATION............................................................................................... A-1
Patriot Battalion ................................................................................................. A-1
Headquarters and Headquarters Battery .......................................................... A-1
Patriot Battery (Fire Unit)................................................................................... A-4
Appendix B PATRIOT SYSTEM EQUIPMENT .................................................................... B-1
System Overview............................................................................................... B-1
Physical Description of Major Items .................................................................. B-3
Tactical Equipment Weights and Dimensions................................................... B-14

Table of Contents

Appendix C COMMUNICATIONS ......................................................................................... C-1

Overview ............................................................................................................ C-1
Battalion Communications ................................................................................. C-2
Battery Communications.................................................................................... C-8
Air and Missile Defense Task Force Communications ...................................... C-11
Patriot Communications Planning...................................................................... C-14
Standardization .................................................................................................. C-17
System Initialization ........................................................................................... C-20
Data Link Considerations................................................................................... C-20
Tactical Considerations...................................................................................... C-21
Recommendations ............................................................................................. C-22
Appendix D INTELLIGENCE PREPARATION OF THE BATTLESPACE ........................... D-1
Role of the Commander and Staff in IPB........................................................... D-1
IPB Process ....................................................................................................... D-1
Battlespace’s Effects On Enemy And Friendly Capabilities…………………… D-10
Appendix E SAFETY............................................................................................................. E-1
Responsibilities .................................................................................................. E-1
Identifying and Assessing Safety Issues ........................................................... E-1
Patriot System Safety ........................................................................................ E-2
Vehicle Movement and Convoys ....................................................................... E-5
AMD Task Force Safety..................................................................................... E-6
Appendix F TRANSPORTABILITY....................................................................................... F-1
Transportability Overview .................................................................................. F-1
C-5 Characteristics. ………………………………………………………………… F-3
C-17 Characteristics .......................................................................................... F-3
MEP Air Transportability .................................................................................... F-3
Special Air Transportability Requirements......................................................... F-5
Preparation For Movement…………………………………………………………… G-1
Methods Of Reconnaissance…………………………………………………………. G-2
Establishing A Team…………………………………………………………………… G-3
RSOP Team……………………………………………………………………………. G-4

FM 3-01.85

Movement Warning Order…………………………………………………………… G-6

Ground/Site Reconnaissance……………………………………………………… G-6
Laying Out The Position…………………………………………………………. ... G-7
Equipment Considerations…………………………………………………………. G-8
Occupy, Organize And Improve Positions……………………………………… .. G-11
GLOSSARY……………………………………………………………….……………………… Glossary-1
BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………………... Bibliography-1
INDEX…………………………………………………………………………………….…………. Index-1

This field manual provides doctrinal how-to-fight guidance for the Patriot
battalion and battery, and is intended primarily for battalion
commanders, staff officers, battery commanders, platoon leaders, and
tactical directors.
This FM is applicable to all theaters of operations. It focuses on Patriot's
role in the projection of land and air combat power. Chapters address
Patriot's role in the joint battle, the threat, battalion planning, force-
projection operations, offensive and defensive operations, and combat
service support. Appendices cover unit organization, equipment,
communications, intelligence preparation of the battlespace, safety,
transportability, and reconnaissance, selection, and occupation of a
This FM should be used in conjunction with FM 3-01.87, which describes
the tactics, techniques and procedures required to execute Patriot
operations and exploit Patriot’s combat power. Classified capabilities and
planning data for the Patriot system are found in (S) FM 3-01.13 (S/NF).
This publication implements the following international standardization


STANAG 2175 Classification and Designation of Flat 3
Wagons Suitable for Transporting Military
STANAG 2832 Dimensional Restrictions for the Transport 3
of Military Equipment by Rail on European
STANAG 3700 NATO Tactical Air Doctrine--ATP-33 (B) 5
STANAG 3805 Doctrine for Airspace Control in Times of 5
Crisis and War--ATP-40 (B)
STANAG 3880 Counter Air Operations--ATP-42 (B) 3

The proponent for this publication is HQ TRADOC. Send comments and

recommendations on DA Form 2028 to Commandant, United States Army
Air Defense Artillery School, ATTN: ATSA-DT-WF, Fort Bliss, Texas
Unless this publication states otherwise, masculine nouns or pronouns do
not refer exclusively to men.

Chapter 1

This chapter discusses the missions of the Army and air defense artillery
as well as the role ADA plays in protecting the force. It also describes the
Patriot mission and the roles Patriot plays in supporting the various
types of air and missile defense (AMD) operations.

1-1. The mission of the Army is to fight and win the nation’s wars, defend the
United States and its territories, and support national policies and objectives
articulated in the National Security Strategy and National Military Strategy.
1-2. The Army accomplishes this mission through a force structure comprised
of combat, combat support, and combat service support forces.
• Combat forces provide destructive capabilities to defeat the enemy.
These forces include, armor, aviation, infantry, and Special Forces
• Combat support forces provide fire support and operational
assistance to combat forces. These support forces include the ADA,
field artillery, engineers, chemical, military intelligence, military
police, and signal units.
• Combat service support forces provide essential support required to
sustain operations throughout a campaign. These forces include the
medical, transportation, quartermaster, ordnance, and several other
1-3. The above forces are normally employed within a joint theater of
operations, and their activities integrated, coordinated, and synchronized
with those of joint and multinational forces in support of the joint or
multinational force commander.

1-4. The mission of ADA is to protect the force and selected geopolitical assets
from aerial attack, missile attack, and surveillance. Aerial threats include
fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft as well as unmanned aerial vehicles
configured to conduct attack missions. Missile threats include unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAVs) and theater ballistic missiles (TBMs), cruise missiles,
and air to surface missiles. Surveillance threats include UAVs and other air
platforms configured to conduct reconnaissance, surveillance, and target
acquisition operations.

1-5. The role of ADA is to provide integrated in-depth defensive counterair
(DCA) protection of forces and critical assets in the theater, corps, and
divisional areas. This protection contributes to the defeat of enemy forces

FM 3-01.85

through destruction of his offensive capabilities. It also contributes to the

success of friendly forces by protecting the force and contributing to air
supremacy at both the tactical and operational levels.
1-6. All members of the combined arms team perform air defense operations;
however, ground-based ADA units execute most of the Army’s force-
protection mission. These units protect deployed forces and critical assets
within a theater by preventing enemy manned aircraft, missiles, and UAVs
from locating, striking, and destroying friendly forces and assets.
1-7. Today, the threat to friendly forces is significantly greater than in the
past because potential adversaries possess weapons of mass destruction
(WMD) and have access to updated technology. The prospect of catastrophic
loss of soldiers and the disruption of operational plans and objectives
highlights the importance of air and missile defense operations in creating
and sustaining combat power within a theater.

1-8. The mission of Patriot is to protect the forces and selected geopolitical
assets from arial attack, missile attack, and surveillance. Patriot provides
protection against theater ballistic missiles (TBMs), and air threats for
critical assets in the corps, and echelons above corps (EAC) areas. Patriot can
be tailored to the tactical situation in defending against air, and missile

1-9. Because of the Patriot system’s firepower, range, and altitude
capabilities, the normal role of the Patriot system is to accomplish the air
defense mission within the very low-altitude to very high-altitude
boundaries. Patriot is the lower level tier of a two-tier TBM defense system.
1-10. Patriot units are employed to protect forces and critical assets in all
types of operations. Patriot units may be deployed individually or as part of
an AMD task force to protect entering forces, airfields, seaports,
transportation centers, population centers, command, control,
communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) activities and geopolitical
assets. The AMD task force may include THAAD, SHORAD, and other
joint/multinational units.
1-11. Patriot helps to secure the lodgment in entry operations. As the theater
matures and entering forces expand into corps areas, Patriot units support
shaping and decisive operations. Some Patriot units move with maneuver
forces to provide protection for these forces and critical assets. Other Patriot
units remain at EAC and continue to provide air and missile defense of
critical assets.
1-12. Some Patriot units may remain in theater as a conflict subsides. These
units prevent residual enemy forces or terrorist factions from successfully
attacking geopolitical assets or friendly forces that are being redeployed.
1-13. Patriot may deploy during small-scale contingency (SSC) operations to
contain localized conflicts, thus obviating the need for a major military
response. In these conflicts, Patriot units can be employed to protect forces,

civilian populations, and selected military and civilian assets from air,
missile, and surveillance threats.
1-14. Patriot units may also be used to promote stability within a country. In
some countries, terrorists or rogue elements may threaten to disrupt normal
civil and political activities using air and missile threats. Patriot units may
be deployed to protect civilians and geopolitical assets, thereby discouraging
threat factions and promoting stability.

Chapter 2

The primary focus of this chapter is the air and missile threat facing
Patriot battalions and batteries in theaters. The threat is more diverse
now than ever before and may be encountered in virtually every part of
the world.


2-1. The threat in the most probable, identified theaters may include theater
missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, and fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft.
Patriot commanders must be knowledgeable of these threats because of the
danger posed to deployed forces and assets. In the paragraphs below, threats
are described in terms of their characteristics, capabilities, payloads, as well
as future trends. Classified threat characteristics may be found in
FM 3-01.13.


2-2. TBMs are surface-launched missiles, normally employed in theaters to
attack population centers, airfields, seaports of debarkation, logistical areas,
and troop concentrations. The enemy TBMs of primary interest to Patriot
commanders are the short-range ballistic missiles (SRBMs), which have
ranges up to 1,000 kilometers. These TBMs are usually launched from highly
mobile, difficult-to-detect transporter erector launchers and have the
capability to carry conventional as well as nuclear, biological, or chemical
payloads. Most TBMs are single-stage missiles with relatively modest
targeting accuracies (about 1 kilometer circular error probability (CEP) for
missiles with a 1000-kilometer range). However, state-of-the-art guidance
technologies can improve this accuracy to 50 meters or less.
2-3. TBMs are inherently difficult to defend against. Characteristics that
increase TBM effectiveness includes reduced radar cross-sections, high
terminal velocities, a variety of difficult-to-kill warheads, and an all-weather
salvo launch capability. These characteristics may affect Patriot’s detection
abilities and engagement timelines, which may result in short notification
times for defending forces.
2-4. The major TBM trends are improved accuracy, increased range, and
greater payload capacity. TBMs will become more tactically effective.
Integration of global positioning systems and terminal guidance features are
the current focus of improving accuracy. Tactical utility will increase with
improvements in accuracy, range, and payload, allowing them to more
effectively target assets that have limited or no mobility. These targets
include units in assembly areas, logistical concentrations, command posts,
and air defense sites. TBMs can be used to exploit choke points and to create
obstacles. Potential adversaries equipped with WMD warheads may also fire
them against area targets such as population centers, routes, and likely
avenues of approach.

FM 3-01.85

2-5. Cruise missiles (CMs) are unmanned, self-guided aerial vehicles capable
of sustaining flight through aerodynamic lift while carrying a warhead or
other lethal payload. In a theater environment, they are used to target
population centers, airfields and seaports of debarkation, command and
control centers, logistical areas, and troop concentrations. CMs are reliable,
accurate, survivable, and lethal. They can be launched from a variety of land,
sea, and air platforms. They have sophisticated guidance and propulsion
systems that allow them to cruise long distances (up to 3000 kilometers) at
altitudes as low as 50 meters. They can deliver a variety of payloads with
precision accuracy of 10 meters or less when equipped with terminal
guidance seekers.
2-6. Defense against CMs is difficult for several reasons. In flight, they are
difficult to detect because they have extremely low RCSs and can fly at very
low altitudes, often below the radar horizon. They can further evade detection
by using natural terrain features such as mountains or valleys to mask their
approach, and can attack defended areas from virtually any direction. They
carry a wide array of conventional and NBC warheads, to include
individually targetable submunitions.
2-7. Threat trends that are being seen, include an increase in land attack CM
variants, including missiles with greater range, improved accuracy, reduced
radar cross section, and increased lethality. Emerging CMs are incorporating
new technologies in airframe and warhead designs, propulsion systems, and
improved guidance systems making them accurate and smart. Stealth
technologies can be incorporated into cruise missiles, making them an even
more challenging target to air defense.

2-8. ASMs are air-launched, precision-guided missiles designed to strike
discrete ground targets such as radars, armored vehicles, bridges and other
“point” targets. They are similar to air-launched CMs, but are usually
smaller, have shorter ranges, and lack the wings and aerodynamic lift
associated with CM flights. ASMs are launched by fighter-bomber aircraft
and employ a variety of guidance schemes including radio-command, laser,
antiradiation homing, or electro-optical guidance systems. Note: A CM can be
classified as an air to surface missile.
2-9. ASMs are an extremely lethal threat because of their versatility and
pinpoint accuracy. Defense against ASMs is difficult because of their low
RCSs, high velocities, and comparatively long standoff ranges. ASMs that
employ antiradiation homing systems are referred to as antiradiation
missiles (ARMs); they represent the greatest threat to ADA, field artillery
(counterbattery), aviation, and intelligence radars. An enemy aircraft firing
an ARM normally attempts to launch from outside the lethal envelope of the
air defense system defending the asset.
2-10. ASMs are becoming smarter and more versatile, reliable, accurate, and
lethal. New capabilities may include a lock-on-after launch or loitering


capability to attack enemy radars (for ARM variants). Newer missiles may
use dual mode seekers for increased reliability and combat capability.


2-11. UAVs are unmanned aircraft used to perform a variety of missions,
ranging from reconnaissance and battlefield surveillance to attack and
electronic warfare. Enemy UAVs conducting reconnaissance, surveillance
and target acquisition (RSTA) missions are used to detect, identify, and
locate friendly targets and conduct battle damage assessments. UAVs
equipped with state-of-the-art sensors and data links can provide near real-
time targeting for fire support systems, maneuver forces, and aircraft. Those
UAVs that are used to conduct electronic warfare (EW) are employed to jam
C2 centers and sensor nodes.
2-12. UAV payloads consist of daylight television, infrared video, and film
cameras (for reconnaissance missions). Other major payload categories
include EW, electronic intelligence, radar, and attack warheads. Several
threat nations are developing and fielding antiradiation homing UAVs with
the primary mission of attacking battlefield radio frequency emitters (radars,
communications). These platforms have a variety of launch options and are
usually fire-and-forget systems. Other attack UAV systems employ terminal
guidance to kill tanks or fighting vehicles.
2-13. UAVs are difficult to detect, track, or engage because they have
relatively low RCSs, and low flight speeds. In addition, their flight profiles
take full advantage of terrain, thus masking their presence and increasing
survivability. UAVs conducting RSTA missions fly at altitudes safe from
small arms fire. In addition, UAVs can stand off and detect from up to 25
2-14. Future UAV roles, in addition to information gathering, will include
electronic combat, decoy, ground attack, and suppression of enemy air
defense. Standoff ranges may exceed 50 kilometers. A significant new
capability involves the direct linkage of a reconnaissance UAV to an artillery
unit’s fire direction center. This linkage provides near-real-time information
to ground commanders, followed by immediate fire and damage assessment.
UAVs are also good candidates for stealth technology and spin-off
technologies from cruise missile development programs.

2-15. Although enemy fixed-wing aircraft no longer present the most
challenging threat to air defenders, they remain a formidable threat. They
are used to perform a variety of missions in both offensive and defensive
counterair operations, as well as–air interdiction, strategic attack, close air
support, EW, and RSTA. They can be used to attack friendly troops, convoys,
armored vehicles, C2 centers, air defense systems, and other battlefield
2-16. Fixed-wing aircraft are challenging to air defenders for several reasons.
First, they can employ a variety of munitions, including guns, rockets, CMs
and ASMs. Integrated navigation/bombing computers and related mission

FM 3-01.85

equipment provide the newer combat aircraft with a precision-strike

capability day or night and in bad weather. New aircraft also incorporate
such features as radar warning receivers, on-board jammers, chaff, flares,
and a lower radar cross section to improve survivability and mission success
rate. The production of fixed-wing aircraft throughout the world increases
the probability that opposing forces may employ the same aircraft in a
conflict, thus aggravating the already challenging problem of identification.
2-17. Future technological advances in low-observable materials,
aerodynamics, power plants, armaments, and aircraft systems will result in
highly capable, but very expensive, aircraft. With the costs of new fighter
aircraft increasing, aircraft inventories will probably decline. Increased costs
will spur a move toward multirole capabilities (rather than dedicated, single-
mission platforms) and increased use of precision, and standoff munitions.
Aircraft survivability will continue to improve with the incorporation of
advanced electronic warfare suites, advanced countermeasures development,
and reductions in radar and infrared signatures. The upgrading of current
aircraft (versus replacement with next-generation aircraft) will become the

2-18. Rotary-wing aircraft are used to perform a variety of missions including
attack, RSTA, EW, assault, and transport. They can be used to attack troops,
armored vehicles, convoys, C2 centers, and other battlefield targets, including
air defense systems. Weaponry and payloads include guns, rockets, antitank
guided missiles, mines, laser systems, and electronic countermeasure
2-19. Rotary-wing aircraft is difficult for air defense systems to detect,
acquire, and engage because they are capable of flying at very low altitudes,
using terrain features to mask their presence. Improved fire control and
weapon capabilities enable rotary-wing aircraft to search, acquire, and fire at
ground targets from longer standoff ranges, thus increasing their
survivability and effectiveness.
2-20. Future trends in rotary-wing aircraft include enhanced fire control and
aircraft survivability. The most sophisticated technology will be found in
dedicated attack helicopters. Six trends stand out—
• Retrofit of existing airframes with modular upgrades.
• Modular equipment (the main focus being electro-optic sensors,
weapons, and countermeasure equipment) that facilitates
maintenance and reduces cost.
• Expanded night and adverse weather capabilities.
• Improved fire control systems and engagement capability (standoff
hovering attacks at greater distances with much improved accuracy).
• Improved infrared countermeasures against infrared-seeking
• Improved antitank guided missiles with ranges in excess of
10 kilometers.



2-21. Large caliber rockets (LCRs) are organic to field artillery units. They
are expected to remain the most serious threat to personnel and to all but the
most heavily protected vehicles and other equipment.
2-22. LCRs are classified as those of 200 mm and greater. They are unguided,
surface-launched, indirect fire rockets with ranges that may exceed 100
kilometers. They can be fired from single or multiple-launch platform. The
ability of LCR to deliver high volumes of fire and a variety of warheads
makes them ideal weapon systems for fire support missions.

2-23. Electronic warfare (EW) is military action involving the use of
electromagnetic and directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum
or to attack the enemy. EW can cause misinterpretation of the information
received by electronic systems. The three major subdivisions within electronic
warfare are: electronic attack, electronic protection, and electronic warfare
2-24. Adversaries can use EW as an essential component of warfare. EW can
be used in conjunction with counterintelligence to protect their command and
control while attacking Patriot locations. Electronic warfare, used effectively
by the enemy with maneuver and fire support, can locate, identify, damage,
and possibly destroy Patriot battalions and batteries.


2-25. Weapons that are capable of a high order of destruction, and can be
used in such a manner as to destroy large numbers of people. Weapons of
mass destruction (WMD) can be high explosives, nuclear, biological, chemical,
and radiological weapons.
2-26. The use of WMD can have an enormous impact on the conduct of all
operations. Not only does their sheer killing and destructive power redefine
the tactical battlefield, but the strategic, operational, psychological, and
political impacts of their use affect campaign designs. The effects of these
weapons can cause large-scale shifts in tactical objectives, phases, and
courses of action at all levels.


2-27. During entry operations, friendly heavy forces will normally enter a
lodgment through seaport and airport areas that are secured from ground
attack by light and special operations forces. However, long-range air attacks
and missile strikes remain a major concern. During disembarkment into the
lodgment, heavy forces are most likely to be attacked by enemy missiles, FW
aircraft, and artillery. Once the lodgment has been secured from ground
attack, Patriot units may be deployed at any time. When the threat of TBM
attack exists, Patriot will likely be deployed early because the defense of the
lodgment is critical to the rest of the operation. The lodgment is the base of
operations for US forces deployed from CONUS or OCONUS. Assets likely to

FM 3-01.85

be targeted include seaports, airfields, lines of communications, command

and control headquarters, logistical resources, ground forces, population
centers and commercial activities. Sabotage and terrorist actions also pose a
danger, and commanders must ensure their soldiers are aware of this threat
as well.


2-28. As friendly forces begin combat operations or movement beyond the
lodgment, the enemy is likely to employ TBMs, CMs, UAVs, RW, and FW
aircraft against maneuver units and their support mechanisms. Missiles
likely to be used in forward areas include the full range of short-range
TBMs–example is the SS-21 missile.
2-29. TBM delivery of persistent chemicals or tactical nuclear weapons could
cut off support for forward forces. Theater missiles could be used against
Patriot units in rear areas, as well as against C4I nodes and logistics support
facilities. Air and missile defense of the lodgment area remains critical
because the threat against it may exist throughout the operation. Lodgment
areas ensure the continuous landing of troops and materiels. Because they
provide sufficient maneuver space for the buildup of combat powers, air
defense must protect its force and all selected geopolitical assets from aerial
surveillance during this time.
2-30. The threat facing Patriot units in all theaters is diverse and capable.
The air battle in such a theater may encompass the full range of threat
TBMs, CMs, UAVs, and aircraft. In some cases, we may face military
organizations that are larger than our own. Tactics, weapon systems,
training, and capabilities vary from region to region. The threat may possess
weapons that are in some ways superior to ours. The key to winning is
thorough intelligence preparation of the battlespace.

Chapter 3

Patriot Battalion Planning

This chapter describes air and missile defense planning as a top-down,
interactive process that involves joint and Army units operating within a
theater. It summarizes the planning performed at each echelon, then
describes the Patriot battalion planning process and TF planning for the
Patriot and TF operations, including the use of automated planning in
development of the defense design.


3-1. AMD planning involves joint, multinational, and Army units including
the joint forces command, service or functional component commands, Army
Air and Missile Defense Command (AAMDC), the corps, the ADA brigades,
the Patriot battalions, and batteries. At each level of command, planning
begins with the receipt of a mission from higher headquarters and culminates
in the issuance of an operations plan, which provides planning direction to
subordinate commands. The designation “plan” is usually used instead of
“order” in preparing for operations well in advance. An operation plan may be
put into effect at a prescribed time, or on signal, it then becomes the
operation order.
3-2. AMD planning is performed concurrently at all echelons, a process
known as “parallel planning.” Figure 3-1 shows the planning process
performed at each echelon as well as the planning products exchanged
between echelons. This planning is summarized in the paragraphs below.


3-3. The joint forces commander (JFC) is responsible for providing the
guidance, priorities, tasking, and concept of operations to subordinate
commanders. The JFC and his staff develop an OPLAN that describes the
mission, situation (including IPB), concept of operations, and tasks that must
be accomplished to effectively execute defensive counterair operations. After
the OPLAN has been issued, an operational order is then developed. The
OPORD is a directive issued by a commander to subordinate commanders for
the purpose of effecting the coordinated execution of an operation. The
OPORD identifies critical assets that must be protected and levels of
protection required. These assets are identified in the defended asset list
(DAL), a prioritized listing of assets by operational phase. The OPORD also
describes command and support relationships and provides coordinating
instructions and rules of engagement for both TMs and hostile aircraft.
3-4. DAL development is an interactive process that involves subordinate
commands. After reviewing the initial DAL, subordinate commanders and
their staffs may nominate additional assets for inclusion in the DAL. The
JFC and his staff may incorporate one or more nominees and issue an

FM 3-01.85

updated (re-prioritized) DAL, which then becomes the basis for AMD
planning and defense design.
3-5. Other critical planning guidance provided by joint force planners
includes the airspace control order (ACO) and the air tasking order (ATO).
The ACO implements the airspace control plan, and provides the details of
the approved request for airspace control measures. The ATO provides alert
states, and the rules of engagement (ROE) for all air defense units. The ATO
also provides specific instructions for tasking forces/capabilities/sorties to
specific missions and targets. The ATO normally addresses the alert states.
The ACO is part of the ATO, although it may be transmitted separately. Both
are provided to all subordinate echelons of command. All components of the
ACO and the ATO should be included in the planning process to give
commanders and staff a complete understanding of the air battle.


3-6. The service and functional component commander (for example, Army
Forces Commander [ARFOR] or Joint Forces Land Component Commander
[JFLCC] or the Joint Forces Air Component Commander [JFACC]) reviews
the JFC’s OPORD, including the mission, situation, concept of operation,
tasks, DAL, and other pertinent information. The JFC will normally task the
JFACC and AADC to develop the DAL with input from all components. Part
of the planning process along with the DAL will contain the levels of
engagement effectiveness needed to protect defended assets. See Chapter 5
for a description of each level of defense. The role of the JFACC and AADC is
to provide centralized direction, coordination, and integration for counterair
operation capabilities.
3-7. The JFC defines the JFACC’s authority and responsibilities, which may
include, but are not limited to, planning, coordinating, allocating, and tasking
for joint civil affairs operations based on the JFC’s concept of operations and
air apportionment decisions.
3-8. JFACC or AADC staff planners develop and distribute a rough first-
order air defense plan (ADP) to the components. The role of the AADC is
synchronizing land-based air and missile operations. With input from other
components, the staff then produces an operation’s plan or OPORD conveying
the JFC's strategic and operational objectives but focusing on the service and
functional component area of operations. The threat composition must be
evaluated in the planning process to determine the objective. The OPORD is
then sent to subordinate commands, which include the AAMDC and corps.

3-9. The AAMDC has overall responsibility for planning Army AMD
operations in support of the ARFOR commander or JFLCC. Planners review
the assigned mission, critical assets to be protected, the enemy situation, and
the composition and disposition of AMD resources available to protect critical
assets against the known threat. This is based on the IPB process. They then
perform a top-level defense laydown to estimate if available AMD resources
can adequately protect critical assets. If required, levels of protection cannot

Patriot Battalion Planning

be achieved; additional resources are requested from the service or functional

component commander (or the commander is advised of the risk to forces or
assets). See Figure 3-1 for responsibilities of each echelon.
3-10. Based on this planning, the AAMDC task organizes the subordinate
EAC brigade(s) and assigns missions to the brigade(s). If the AAMDC is not
present in theater, the responsibility for this planning falls to an EAC ADA
brigade. To ensure the overall Army AMD effort within the theater is
coordinated and synchronized, the AAMDC must coordinate planning with
the corps and corps ADA brigades.

R D/
O /A

ES or



Figure 3-1. AMD Planning Process

FM 3-01.85

N/ O
/ AT










Figure 3-1. AMD Planning Process (Continued)

3-11. Corps planners perform essentially the same planning functions and
produce the same planning products as the AAMDC planners, except the
focus is on protecting maneuver forces and critical assets within the corps
AO. Because the corps lacks robust automated AMD planning capabilities, it
relies upon the subordinate ADA brigade to perform most of the AMD
planning, including development of the AMD annex to the corps operations
plan. In developing the AMD annex, the brigade uses its organic planning
capabilities and may leverage those of subordinate Patriot battalions as well.
3-12. Based on this planning, the corps task organizes the subordinate ADA
brigade and assigns the mission to the brigade. It also coordinates with the
AAMDC to ensure the corps effort is integrated and synchronized with the
theater Army’s AMD effort.


3-13. The brigade commander and his staff review the OPORD received from
higher headquarters, including the mission, situation, concept of operation,
tasks, AD priorities and other information. He and his staff then produce an
operations plan that describes how tactical operations in the brigade AO will
be carried out. This plan includes the restated mission, tasks to be performed,
resources to be allocated, assets to be protected, number of FUs needed to
protect assets, and coordination and control measures to be followed.

Patriot Battalion Planning

3-14. The number of fire units needed to defend an asset can be determined
by using the DAL and the levels of engagement effectiveness prescribed by
the JFC. Critical assets are posted to a database/overlay, and provided to
subordinate battalions along with the OPORD.


3-15. The focus of battalion planning is to produce a detailed defense design
that protects forces and critical assets with required levels of protection. The
battalion planning process is depicted in Figure 3-2. The diagram shows how
the TCS is part of the MDMP. The defense design is accomplished using
automated planning capabilities resident in the TCS. The TCS provides the
battalion commander and staff with organized workspace to support defense
planning with automated decision aids, real-time situation awareness, and
initialization of the battalions’ weapon systems.
3-16. For each step, battalion planners require specific information inputs to
accomplish the planning function(s). These inputs are listed on the left side of
the figure. As each step is completed, specific planning products are
produced. These products, or outputs, are listed on the right side of the
figure. The steps must be performed in sequence to produce an accomplished
mission with a defense design plan that adequately protects forces and
assets. A description of the planning process highlighting principal planning
functions for each step is provided in the paragraphs to follow.


3-17. After the mission is received over the TCS from brigade, the battalion
commander directs his staff to begin gathering mission essential tasks, facts,
estimates, situation templates, weapon’s status, availability of support, and
possible obstacles needed to discuss the mission in depth. The battalion
commander makes rapid assessment and gives the staff a restated mission
and sufficient guidance needed to begin the planning process. Based on the
commander’s guidance, the staff develops a warning order designed to notify
subordinate units of the impending mission. After information is gathered,
the staff conducts an initial METT-TC analysis using the TCS. This analysis
· The mission (task and purpose).
· The enemy (unit, size, and type).
· The area of operations (required movement, and starting time).
· The attachments and detachments (who, and when).
· The time available (time for further planning and when to issue the
warning order, FRAGO, or OPORD).

Warning Order #1
3-18. The warning order (WARNO) identifies the type of AMD operation, its
general location, the associated time lines, and any movement, deployment,
or reconnaissance that must be initiated. Upon the commander’s approval,

FM 3-01.85

the WARNO is sent to subordinate units and mission analysis begins with an
initial restated mission.

Patriot Battalion Planning

• Mission Received From Higher RECEIPT OF MISSION • Cdr’s Initial Guidance
USING TCS • Warning Order 1

• Higher HQ Order/ Plan/ IPB

2 • Initial IPB • Staff Products
MISSION ANALYSIS • Restated Mission • Battlefield Framework
• Staff Estimates And Facts
• Initial CCIR’s • Cdr’s Intent • Warning Order 2
• Risk Analysis
• Updated IPB • Cdr’s Intent 3
• Restated Mission • Staff Products COA DEVELOPMENT • Sketch the COA Using TCS
• Risk Analysis • Write COAs Statements From Sketch
• Possible COAs Developed By Staff
• Initial COAs
• Intel And Threat Data
• FU Locations
• TBM Footprints TBM DEFENSE • TBM Defense Plan
• Defended Assets PLANNING
• Threat Azimuths

• Terrain And Threat Data

• Defended Assets
AIR DEFENSE • Air Defense Plan
• Gaps In Coverage
• Air Defense Coverage
• FU Locations

• Terrain Data
• Communication Nodes PLANNING • Communication Plan
• Link Azimuths, Ranges, Altitudes, Freqs

• Update IPB • War Game Results

• Enemy COA COA ANALYSIS • Task Organization
• Run COA Statements And Sketches • Mission To Subordinate Units
• ABT Plan DESIGN ASSESSMENT • System Exerciser Results Of COA
• Commo Plan
• Targets Detected,Engaged, And Killed
• BMs Engaged Above Keepout Altitude
• War Game Results With TCS
• Establish Criteria For Comparison 5
- Disadvantages
• Conclusions And COA Recommendation
- Staff estimates (Using Criteria From
- Assumptions #3 and #4)
- Forces strength (Enemy/Friendly)
• Approved COA
6 • Refined Cdr’s Intent
• Recommendations From Staff • Specified Type Of Order
• Conclusions From COAs Ran By TCS • Specified Type Of Rehearsal
USING TCS • Overall Concept
• Warning Order 3 (if needed)

• Execution Matrix • Rehearsal

Figure 3-2. Patriot Battalion Planning Process

FM 3-01.85


3-19. The battalion commander and staff, read and analyze the OPORD so
that they completely understand the brigade commander’s intent. The staff
uses the TCS to conduct an intelligence preparation of the battlefield to
determine and evaluate friendly and enemy capabilities, vulnerabilities, and
possible course of actions. A detailed description of the Patriot IPB process is
provided in Appendix D.

3-20. The staff also determines the specified, implied, and essential tasks
required to accomplish the mission. Specified tasks are delineated in the
OPORD. Implied tasks are tasks that must be performed in order to
accomplish the specified tasks, but are not stated in the brigade or higher
headquarter’s order. Essential tasks are those tasks that must be executed in
order to accomplish the mission. The essential tasks are derived from the list
of specified and implied tasks.

Commander’s Initial Assessment

3-21. The commander’s initial assessment of tactical risk not only has
importance in COA development, but also can affect the constraints and the
accidental risk to soldiers and equipment. Such areas as movement
procedures, timelines, air defense primary target lines, and missile
distribution will ultimately be addressed when comparing tactical risk
between COAs. An initial assessment of these areas at this point will provide
the staff with insight during COA development and comparison.
3-22. Acting upon initial guidance, the staff carefully reviews available AMD
assets. The staff can use the TCS to review the current number and type of
fire units, the battalion’s maintenance posture, the personnel/critical MOS
shortages, and any supply issues that may require additional resources for
mission success. Although largely derived from staff estimates and current
unit reporting, the commander and staff analyze the assets and the list of
tasks to ensure the battalion can conduct all specified and implied tasks. Any
limitations are immediately brought to the commander’s attention.
3-23. The staff next determines constraints on the commander’s freedom to
maneuver, and identifies critical facts and assumptions pertinent to the
overall operation. The commander and staff should be aware of any
assumptions that the ADA brigade has made in developing the order that the
battalion has received. The staff also conducts a risk assessment.

Critical Information Requirements

3-24. The staff determines the commander’s critical information
requirements. Initial CCIRs during mission analysis are those things that
help support the commander’s initial decision on which course of action to
choose. Additional information requirements (IRs) support the commander’s
battlefield visualization and set a baseline for reporting from subordinate
units. These include priority intelligence requirements (PIRs), friendly force
information requirements (FFIRs), and essential elements of friendly

Patriot Battalion Planning

information (EEFI). The PIRs include critical information that must be

known about the enemy. The FFIRs include critical information that must be
known about friendly forces. The EEFIs include critical information about
friendly forces that must be withheld from the enemy. These CCIRs will have
to be refined once a COA is decided on to support the decision points
identified in the COA. The number of CCIRs should not be extraordinarily
high. Selected CCIRs should be carefully chosen so that every leader in the
battalion will know and act upon them expeditiously.
3-25. The staff also develops the initial reconnaissance annex. Unlike
maneuver units, Patriot battalions do not maintain organic reconnaissance
units. Instead, the S2 must rely on higher intelligence sections such as
AAMDC G2 and corps reconnaissance assets that are searching for enemy air
and missile threats. However, the S2 must still develop named areas of
interest (NAIs) and compare information with higher intelligence—especially
if those NAIs are designated by higher intelligence and impact upon the
battalion’s operation.

Battalion Timeline
3-26. During mission analysis, the commander and staff update the battalion
timeline, reexamining all aspects of time in terms of what is required to
accomplish the essential tasks. The most critical aspect of the timeline is
getting orders to subordinate units to give them the maximum time for
execution. The staff compares the battalion’s timeline with that of the ADA
brigade, and considers parallel planning and its impact upon the battalion
staff, and subordinate units. The battalion XO and the S3 works together to
ensure the battalion timeline do not disrupt the flow of current operations.
More importantly, the battalion S3 and S2 compare the battalion timeline
with possible enemy timelines (from the developing situational template
narratives). This is required to ensure that the intelligence and operational
timelines match the same definition of H-hour. Finally, the battalion S3 staff
writes down critical battle times and critical events (to include staff times,
briefs, rehearsals, etcetera), and disseminates this information (preferably in
warning order #2), transferred digitally down to the battery level to the BCP.
3-27. The battalion S3 then reviews the essential tasks and prepares the
restated mission. The revised mission statement indicates the purpose of the
mission and identifies the force structure that will be used to conduct the
mission (example, a task force or battalion minus, etcetera). It also specifies
the type of action to be undertaken (example, TBM, aircraft, or mixed
defense); the area of operations, and the time the operation is expected to

Mission Analysis Briefing

3-28. The staff then conducts a mission analysis briefing to the commander
that summarizes the results of the mission analysis. This briefing includes a
review of the higher echelon unit’s mission statements and the battalion
commander’s initial guidance. It summarizes the initial IPB products,
specified, implied, and essential tasks, operational constraints, forces
available, hazards and risks, recommended initial CCIRs, recommended

FM 3-01.85

timelines, CVRT matrix, and the recommended restated mission. The TCS is
used to deliver this information to the commander.
3-29. Upon conclusion of the briefing, the commander may approve the
restated mission. He can modify or choose a mission statement that he has
developed. Once approved, the restated mission is the battalion’s mission.

Commander’s Intent
3-30. The commander then prepares his intent statement, which states the
key tasks the battalion must accomplish in order to successfully complete the
mission. Examples of key tasks are: the operation’s tempo, duration, effect on
the enemy, and the degree to which assets will be defended.
3-31. The commander issues guidance that focuses on the essential tasks
supporting the mission. The staff in turn, uses this guidance in developing
possible COAs. The commander may also begin to identify decisive points and
the amount of combat power whether in terms of FUs, control, or missile
usage against the enemy air threat at specified times. The commander’s
guidance usually addresses—
· Specific COAs, both friendly and enemy (for example, most likely and
most dangerous).
· CCIRs.
· Reconnaissance/RSOP.
· Risk guidance.
· Deception guidance.
· Battlefield specific guidance.
· Force protection guidance.
· Priorities for maintenance and support operations.
· Time plan changes.
· Orders guidance.
· Rehearsal guidance.

Warning Order #2
3-32. The staff then issues the second warning order, which contains—
· Restated mission.
· Commander’s intent.
· AO (sketch, overlay, and other description).
· CCIRs.
· S2 templates,narratives, and other IPB products as necessary.
· Risk guidance.
· Reconnaissance/RSOP guidance.
· Force protection guidance.
· Deception guidance.
· Specific priorities.
· Timelines (to include battle and events).
· Rehearsal guidance.

Patriot Battalion Planning


3-33. Upon completion of the mission analysis, the staff begins developing
COAs. Courses of action are developed using the TCS located in the battalion
TOC. COAs include support requirements, type of support used, and
designation of the main attack, supporting attack and reserve forces. The
TCS has the capability to plan and analyze defense design for, TBM defense,
aircraft defense, and communication. After these COAs are made, they
provide essential elements for the overall analysis of the defense design.
Acceptable COAs not only provide coverage for all assets, but they also are
flexible enough to allow the battalion and batteries to execute quick
responses and adjust coverages in the event of equipment outages or enemy
activities. COA development involves analyzing relative combat power,
generating options, arraying initial forces, developing the scheme of
maneuver, assigning headquarters, and preparing COA statements and
sketches. When developing COAs the following criteria should be examined:
· Suitability.
· Feasibility.
· Acceptability.
· Distinguishability.
· Completeness.
3-34. Patriot battalions must first correlate their forces against enemy
capabilities. Information about the enemy is input into the tactical planner
workstation (TPW). This is used to develop the defense design plan. Note:
There are two consoles within the TCS, the tactical planner workstation and
the air and missile defense workstation (AMDWS).

COA Options
3-35. Because there is usually insufficient time to examine every possible
enemy COA, the commander normally limits COA development to the most
likely COA that the S2 has templated. The commander’s guidance may
require the staff to develop options based upon certain aspects of the S2’s
most effective COA, and incorporate those options into one or all friendly
3-36. In order to develop the COA sketch, the staff must visually determine
the decisive point in the AMD operation. For Patriot battalions, the decisive
point is when and where the battalion will provide air defense coverage to
designated assets in relation to enemy air and missile attacks. The decisive
point is also related to the commander’s endstate, or desired outcome of his
3-37. To determine the distribution of FUs and lay the foundation of the air
defense scheme at the decisive point, the battalion staff reviews the restated
mission, the higher commander’s intent and guidance; the AAAs and TBM
launch locations, and the enemy COAs (sit temps/narratives, including the
most dangerous COAs if time permits).
3-38. The staff then considers the type of missions for FUs, and in the case of
force projection, the minimum number of engagement packages needed. The
staff uses CVRT and the TCS to determine exactly what assets are affected

FM 3-01.85

and when and how much combat power each must have for protection. This
initial array identifies the total number of FUs needed, as well as possible
critical resource requirements such as missile types, numbers, and
distribution. If the number of FUs arranged at the decisive point is greater
than the number available or able to arrive in theater, the shortfall is
identified as a possible requirement for additional resources such as MEPs or
Patriot missile types. See Appendix F for a description of the basic MEP.

Scheme of Maneuver
3-39. The staff then develops the scheme of maneuver, which describes how
arrayed FUs will accomplish the commander’s intent. The scheme of
maneuver is the central expression of the commander’s concept for operations
and governs the design of supporting plans or annexes. For the Patriot
battalion, it is the concept for the defense design, and will become the COA
statement. The scheme of maneuver addresses—
· Purpose of the operation.
· Where the commander will accept tactical risk.
· Identification of critical events and phases of the operation.
· Task and purpose (priority of engagement [PE] and priority of
protection [PP]).
· Maintenance and support operations.
· Movement reconnaissance.
· Force protection operations.
· Command and control.

Layout of Fire Units

3-40. The staff next assigns the headquarters’ element to the groupings of
FUs. Although this sounds relatively simple, the battalion may deploy over
wide distances, where two groupings of C2 are required. In addition, a
grouping of FUs may have to conduct fire unit to fire unit operations under a
master battery. FUs may act autonomously or independently during the
decisive point. The Patriot battalion may even act as a task force,
incorporating such units as THAAD, Avenger/Stinger, and force protection
slices from infantry, military police, or host nation security elements.

Sketches and Statements

3-41. The staff now completes a sketch and statement for each COA under
the supervision of the battalion S3. Each COA sketch/statement should
clearly portray how the battalion will accomplish the mission and explain the
air defense scheme of maneuver. The TCS helps develop the COA sketch. The
sketch should include—
· Maneuver unit boundaries (exactly who “owns” the land Patriot forces
will be moving and operating from).
· Forward edge of the battle area (FEBA), LD/LC, and any phase lines.
· TBM brigades, battalions, or launch locations.
· AAAs, to include air bases if available.

Patriot Battalion Planning

· Known or suspected enemy SOF/terrorist locations.

· Maneuver graphics that might affect the conduct of Patriot
operations (such as assembly areas, battle positions, strong points,
engagement areas, and objectives).
· FUs, MEPs, maintenance, and C2 units.
· TBM range fans to include secondary target line (STL) coverage and
tailored search.
· CSS graphics to include MSRs, movement control measures, etcetera.
· Assets to be defended.
· Significant terrain or identifying features.


3-42. Defense design is accomplished using automated capabilities resident
in the TCS. Defense design planning is done with the COA development. It
involves planning TBM and aircraft defense, and then analyzing these initial
defense designs to determine if they provide adequate levels of protection
against expected threat scenarios. Communications planning is also
performed as part of the defense design process.
3-43. In developing a defense design, planners use information from the
initial IPB, risk analysis, battlefield framework, sketches, COA statements,
intelligence, and any other sources as needed. The Patriot battalion via the
AMDWS and other interfaces in the TCS receives the OPORD and
intelligence information. This information includes—
· Assets to be defended.
· Expected enemies TBM launch points.
· Friendly order of battle.
· Enemy OB.
· ACOs.
· Geographic AO.
· Digital terrain and elevation data.
3-44. Planners load digital terrain and elevation data for the AO into the
tactical planner workstation, then create friendly and threat overlays based
on information from the OPORD and other sources. These overlays show the
location of protected assets, friendly units, threat forces, and expected TBM
launch points. They also show airspace control boundaries and volumes
derived from the ACO.


3-45. In planning TBM defenses, planners first display the terrain and
overlays for the AO, then with the aid of the software, determine the
optimum FU locations, taking into consideration the assets to be defended,
expected threat launch points, and geographical constraints. They place the
FUs and launching station symbols at the software-recommended locations,
then choose appropriate TBM footprints (from the TCS database) based on
the expected threat. The displayed footprints are based on TBM type, TBM
range, Patriot missile type, minimum probability of kill (Pk) necessary to

FM 3-01.85

achieve a required defended area footprint, and the keep-out altitude. If the
Patriot units have extended remote launch capability (that is, PDB-5
software with configuration 3 (CE3) and PAC-3 missiles), planners may place
an enhanced CRG or ECS to operate as a launcher control station (LCS) for
RL-3 launchers at selected locations to improve coverage of defended assets.
3-46. Using automated capabilities, planners next tailor the radar search
based on the geometric relationship between defended assets and the
projected threat launch points. If Patriot is operating as part of an AMD task
force, planners also designate the lower tier defended assets.
3-47. The completed initial TBM defense design shows the location of
defended assets, the location of Patriot FUs, RL-3 communication links, the
threat azimuth(s), and the TBM footprints.


3-48. Defense planning can be conducted in parallel with TBM defense
planning or as a separate activity. As in TBM defense planning, a variety of
data must be loaded into the TPW, including the defended assets, threat
information, and terrain data. Using the color-coded elevation display,
planners can view the geographic AO as color contours, with colors keyed to
elevation. This allows planners to visualize ridges and valleys, which define
the most likely air avenues of approach.
3-49. Using the tactical planner workstation (TPW), planners determine the
optimum FU locations based on geographical constraints, assets to be
defended, and threat AAAs. They place FU and LS symbols at selected
locations and determine radar sector coverage. This is accomplished by the
software, which computes and displays radar coverage for each FU. The
result is a four-color map showing radar coverage for four operator selected
elevations. When viewed in combination with the color-coded elevation, a
comprehensive display of air defense coverage and gaps in coverage are
shown. The use of ABT includes FW, RW, UAVs, and cruise missiles. The
Patriot system and the TCS classify these threats as ABTs when dealing with
3-50. When the air defense design is completed, it shows the location of the
defended assets, the location of Patriot FUs, the threat AAAs, and the radar
coverages and gaps.

3-51. Communications planning begins with the FU locations selected in the
defense design overlay. The TPW software creates and displays
communications links between each unit, ICC, CRG, and LCS. Planners can
analyze each link to assess its condition. The links are color-coded as follows:
If a link is red or yellow, planners can relocate the CRG symbol or adjust the
antenna’s height and/or frequency until the communications are green.
· Red = no communications.
· Yellow = line-of-sight only, possibly degraded communications.
· Green = good communications.

Patriot Battalion Planning

3-52. This communications analysis encompasses not only Patriot battalion

and battery communications, but also communications links between the ICC
and higher echelon units (HEU), task force units and the Air Force control
and reporting center (CRC), and adjacent units.
3-53. After completing the above analysis, planners can automatically create
a pictorial representation of the communication’s plan (“bubble chart”)
showing the locations and elevations of the communications nodes, the
azimuths of the links, the ranges between nodes, and the communication
frequencies. A detailed discussion of communications planning is presented
in Appendix C, Communications. Once defense design is complete, the COAs
are compared and a tactical risk is added to each statement.

Air Defense Scheme

3-54. The COA statement (air defense scheme) should include—
· Restated mission. This includes who, what, when, where, why and
how, based on the mission analysis.
· Each FU’s task and purpose (PE, PP, PTL/STL, air breathing threat,
TF, TBM threat, and defended assets)
· Endstate. Commander’s hope, what he wants to accomplish in the
· Tactical risk. Within the course of the mission, the possible risks that
could occur to the soldiers or the equipment should be considered.
3-55. After the COAs have been developed, and the defense design plan has
been established the COAs are briefed to the commander for review. If the
commander is unavailable, the battalion XO or S3 should review the work of
the staff. The COA briefing should include—
·Updated IPB products (to include event templates/matrices) using the
· Restated mission, commander’s intent (battalion, 1 & 2 levels up).
· COA sketches and statements (to include rationale).
· Updated facts and assumptions.
3-56. After the briefings, the commander may give additional guidance. This
guidance is used to fine-tune the COA. If he rejects all COAs, the staff must
begin again. If he accepts one or more of the COAs, the staff begins the war-
gaming process.


3-57. The staff analyzes the COAs that have been developed. To conduct this
analysis, the staff uses the TCS and takes into consideration friendly forces
available, known critical events, decision points, and other factors. The staff
develops the evaluation criteria that are used to compare COAs. Examples of
AMD criteria include early warning, passive air defense, command and
control, force protection, active air defense, communications, and
3-58. The TCS is used to analyze and war-game all possible COAs. The
estimate of the situation is an integral part of the decision making process. It

FM 3-01.85

incorporates analysis factors of METT-TC and defense design COAs

developed by the TCS into a process that allows the commander to select the
best course of action as the basis for the plan. One way to evaluate courses of
action is to war-game them against likely enemy courses of action. Beginning
with the most probable COA, IPB plays an important part in COA analysis.
The IPB develops a clear picture of the battlefield that includes the enemies’
actions and possible movement plans.
3-59. The staff then selects the war-gaming method to be used. There are
three war-gaming techniques that are described in detail in FM 101-5, the
belt, avenue-in-depth, and the box technique. Because of the nature of air
defense operations, battalion staffs should consider using the belt or avenue-
in-depth war-gaming techniques.

Belt Technique
3-60. When using the belt technique, Patriot battalion staffs analyze the
battlefield by dividing it into belts. This is most effective when the staff
phases the battlefield and considers the movement of the enemy air and TBM
forces, as well as the movement of Patriot units, across time and space. This
technique is most effective when significant movement of forces is required.

Avenue in depth
3-61. When using the avenue-in-depth, Patriot battalion staffs analyze the
battlefield by focusing on one AAA or TBM NAI at a time. The advantage of
this technique is the in-depth analysis of the enemy air and missile force in
relation to each defended asset.
3-62. The staff then records and displays the results of war-gaming. The
recording of the war game is critical not only for the comparison of the COAs,
but also the development of the required information necessary for the
decision support template (DST) as well as the subsequent battalion order.
There are two methods of recording—the synchronization matrix, and the
sketch note method, which are discussed in Appendix D.

Actions Cycle
3-63. During war-gaming, the staff uses an action-reaction-counteraction
cycle with applications specific to Patriot operations. Actions are those events
initiated by the side with the initiative (for example, the enemy air and
missile forces execute actions along AAAs and TBM launch points). Reactions
are the ways in which the opposing side might respond (for example, FU
engagements or coverage adjustments such as slewing to an STL, etcetera.).
Counteractions are simply the response to that reaction (for example, the
enemy air force may reposition ARM carriers to another airbase/AAA).
3-64. The commander and staff may modify the COA based upon the outcome
of the war game, as well as current updates on the situation. In addition,
war-gaming allows the development of branches and sequels from the COA.
Essentially, war-gaming refines the COAs into viable and usable proposals
for an air defense plan.

Patriot Battalion Planning

3-65. If time permits, the battalion XO will review the results of the war-
gaming prior to moving on to defense design assessment, and COA
comparison. The war game brief will consist of—
· Higher headquarters mission/intent, and deception plan (if any).
· Updated IPB.
· Enemy COAs and friendly COAs war-gamed.
· Assumptions.
· War game technique/recording method used.


3-66. After the initial defense designs are completed, planners can use the
TCS to analyze the COAs and display the results in terms of targets detected,
engaged, and killed. To accomplish this, planners need to:
· Input the defense design based on the anticipated mission threat
COA. Inputs include threat origin, velocity, altitude, TM/ARM/CM
type, aircraft type, intended target, and approximate arrival time of
the enemy.
· Run the TPW so that it executes the defense design and displays the
threat targets in ICC symbology. The system generates and displays
detection, missile fly-out, and engagement information. Results are
then saved to the hard drive.
· Display the results on the monitor (or hard copy printout). The
results are expressed in terms of targets detected, targets engaged,
and targets killed (by FU and battalion totals). Also shown are TBMs
engaged above the established keep-out altitude.
3-67. Planners can use the TCS to assess TBM and air defense designs
against a variety of threat COAs, or assess a variety of TBM or air defense
designs against a given threat COA. After all defense designs are completed,
a fragmentation order may need to be issued to cover new information that
has been gathered.


3-68. The staff compares the results of war-gaming using criteria from step 3
and step 4 against established criteria to determine the preferred COA. The
TCS is used for analysis of the advantages and disadvantages for each COA.
This comparison is often made with the aid of a decision matrix, which uses
evaluation criteria to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of each COA. The
staff identifies the preferred COA and recommends that COA to the
commander. If the staff cannot decide, then the battalion XO chooses the
COA to recommend at the briefing. The commander’s decision briefing
· Intent of higher headquarters (1 and 2 levels up).
· Restated mission and status of own forces.
· Updated IPB.
· Each COA and war game result (to include assumptions, results,
advantages, disadvantages, and the decision matrix) ran by the TCS.

FM 3-01.85

· Recommended COA.


3-69. Based on the TCS data, staff recommendations, and his own knowledge
and experience, the commander decides on a COA. Once the commander
approves the recommended COA, the staff immediately begins processing the
3rd warning order. This warning order may be verbal or digitally transferred
to the batteries depending on the situation and amount of time. The warning
order includes the information necessary to refine the FUs plans as
METT-TC dependent. It is important to note that all Patriot batteries must
develop and process their own operations orders (parallel planning). As much
information should be given so that the batteries identify their missions and
refine their troop leading procedures as needed for additional planning. If the
battalion commander rejects all developed COAs, the staff will have to start
the process all over again. The staff immediately completes the plan and
operations order. The COA statement, if approved by the commander,
becomes the concept of the operation and foundation for the air and missile
defense design.


3-70. Using the latest reconnaissance and intelligence information, the staff
finalizes the concept of operation, adds details, and prepares orders using the
AMDWS. It refines and incorporates it into OPLAN/OPORD, the final task
organization and plans for fire control, CSS, security, surveillance,
communication, command and control measures, and lateral or flank
coordination. The staff determines requirements for additional support and
requests it from higher headquarters. It also coordinates with adjacent,
supporting, and higher headquarters. The staff also develops contingency
plans. After the OPLAN/OPORD has been put together, the commander may
decide to make final adjustments. When the commanders’ intent has been
reached, final orders are approved.
3-71. The battalion commander issues the OPLAN/OPORD to all subordinate
commanders and sections. The TCS is the preferred method to disseminate
all necessary information to the BCP and subordinate units. As battery
commanders develop their plans, minor changes may be needed to implement
the commanders’ intent. Any change to the plan must be coordinated with the
battalion commander. The battery commander should use any aids, such as a
sketch or a sand table, to help his soldiers visualize the terrain. He can
require subordinates to backbrief him on their unit’s role to ensure they
understand their instructions and his intent. This can be done after the
orders briefing.
3-72. After the orders have been issued, the TCS downloads all the tactical
information data down to the BCP. This information may include routes,
engagement zones, defended assets, avenues of approach, and corridors along
with other needed information at the battery level.
3-73. The commander and his staff supervise and refine the plan based on
the ability to accomplish the overall mission. Such preparations include
coordination, reorganization, fire support, engineer activities, maintenance,

Patriot Battalion Planning

resupply, movement, missile reload, and rehearsals. Rehearsals are

conducted to reinforce both the scheme of maneuver and defense design. 3.74
3.74. When possible, conduct rehearsals under limited visibility or simulated
NBC conditions and over similar terrain. Considerations should also be
considered for engagement operations at the ICC and FU level. Key staff and
subordinate commanders should take part in rehearsals. They can identify
problem areas and contingency actions, determine movement and reaction
times, help coordination, and refine the plan.
3.75. Rehearsals and backbriefs should identify key events and critical tasks,
which subordinates must address to the commander's satisfaction. Whenever
a significant change in the factors of METT-TC occurs the OIC must ensure
that the battalion commander, staff, and subordinate unit commanders know
it. Before the start time of the operation, the S2/S3 should update any
changes to the known enemy situation. Refinement of the plan is a continual
process using the TCS to analyze effectiveness. Throughout the fight, the
commander monitors the progress of the battle. He does not hesitate to adjust
or modify his original plan when METT-TC requires a significant change in
the development factors of the battle.

Chapter 4

Force-Projection Operations
This chapter summarizes the force-projection process and describes
Patriot activities during force-projection operations. Patriot may be
deployed to support operations anywhere in the world to protect forces
and selected geopolitical assets.


4-1. The force-projection process, depicted in Figure 4-1, involves
mobilization. These elements are summarized below—
• Mobilization involves assembling and organizing personnel, supplies,
and materiel to prepare for war or national emergencies. It is the
process through which reserve component units are brought to a state
of readiness, activated, and prepared for deployment.
• Deployment involves moving military forces and materiel from their
point of origin into a theater of operations. These forces and
equipment typically leave the port of origin via air or seaports of
embarkation (APOEs or SPOEs) and arrive in theater at air-or
seaports of debarkation (APODs or SPODs). From there, they proceed
to marshaling areas, where they are prepared and configured for later
movement into staging and to tactical assembly areas (TAAs).
• Employment involves conducting military operations to support the
objectives of the joint-force commander. Employment encompasses a
variety of operations including entry operations (opposed or
unopposed), shaping operations (lethal and non-lethal), decisive
operations, and post-conflict operations.
• Redeployment involves re-posturing units and materiel to prepare for
demobilization or force reconstitution. Units that do not participate in
post-conflict operations are sent to one or more staging areas within a
redeployment assembly area, then via air or sea to APODs or SPODs
to new mobilization stations or theaters.
• Sustainment involves providing and maintaining levels of personnel
and materiel needed to sustain an operation throughout its duration.




OR APOEs AIR/SEA APODs Marshalling Staging

FFoo ppooss
Readiness Rejoin Where Strategic


T raining Equipment Concentration of

bbllee d en
DEPLOYMENT And Personnel Forces Occurs

Each of the Individual

t ry
Processes Overlaps; EMPLOYMENT
Sustainments Post-Conflict
Operations Transition Operations
Continuous 3
i ts
APOEs/SPOEs le c Fort or
Air/Seaport of Embarkation Staging Se REDEPLOYMENT
Area Mobilization
APODs/SPODs Station
Air/Sea port of Debarkation
RAA APOEs AIR APODs Marshalling
Staging SPOEs SEA SPODs Area(s) New
Tactical Assembly Areas
4 Area Theater

Redeployment Assembly Manning, Arming, Fueling, Fixing, Moving, Securing and
Area 5 Sustaining Soldiers and Equipment


Figure 4-1. Force-Projection Process

4-2. The mobilization process applies to reserve component (RC) units; some
phases also apply to active components. Figure 4-2 shows a diagram of these
phases. This process is divided into five phases—
• Planning and preparation.
• Alert.
• Home station.
• Mobilization station.
• Port of embarkation.
4-3. The planning and preparation phase includes the normal day-to-day
efforts of RC units at their home stations. During this phase, Patriot
battalion’s plan, train, and prepare to accomplish assigned mobilization
missions. This includes preparing mobilization plans, conducting
mobilization training, and developing post-mobilization training plans. Units
must provide unit personnel, logistics, and training data electronically to
their respective power projection platforms and power support platforms and
must develop plans for movement to the mobilization station (MS). This
phase ends when units receive official alert notification.

Force-Projection Operations


PLANNING AND Mobilization Training MOBEX (1)


Recall Prepare to Coordinate

Unit Move MS

HOME Inventory Move Advanced Execute Convoy SI/ CI Commo

3 STATION Property Party Movement Assistance Enroute

Mission Access RC Cross Level Validate Report Update

Essential Personnel Equipment Mission Available USR
Training And Retirees And Personnel Ready for Movement

(2) PER Movement Convoy and

Directive Commercial Movements

(1) Mobilization, deployment, and employment training .
(2) port support (limited maintenance and unit equipment
preparation, staging, loading strategic lift).

Figure 4-2. Mobilization Phase

4-4. The alert phase includes those actions taken by units following receipt of
an alert. Units take specific actions to prepare for transition from RC to
active status including screening and cross leveling of personnel. Patriot unit
commanders must contact the receiving unit commander to determine
mission requirements in order to modify the units’ mission essential task list.
The unit should review the mission, conduct as thorough a predeployment
IPB as possible, assess how the force should be packaged for deployment, and
develop deployment plans.
4-5. The home station phase begins on the effective date of unit
mobilization. Actions during this phase include the inventory and loading of
unit property and disposition of an advance party to the MS. Specific tasks
and standards are listed in FORSCOM Regulation 500-3-3, and unit
movement planning requirements in FORSCOM Regulation 55-1. The units
must coordinate directly with the MS prior to departing their home stations.
This phase ends with the arrival of the units at the MS.
4-6. The mobilization station phase encompasses all actions necessary to
meet deployment requirements. Unit command passes from the CONUS to
the MS. Actions at the MS include the processing of personnel and equipment
and the actual accessioning of the unit into the active structure. This phase
also includes any necessary individual or collective training as well as
appropriate cross-leveling actions, soldier readiness processing
(SRP)/preparation for overseas movement (POM), and validation for


deployment. Patriot system training may include readiness training

conducted with training simulators capable of simulating the theater air and
missile threat. This phase ends with the arrival of the unit at the port of
4-7. The port of embarkation phase includes both manifesting and loading
of personnel and equipment and ends with the departure of personnel and
equipment from the POE.

4-8. The deployment process applies to both reserve and active component
units and is divided into five phases—
• Predeployment Activities.
• Movement to Port of Embarkation.
• Strategic Lift.
• Theater-base Reception.
• Theater Onward Movement.
4-9. The predeployment activities phase takes place during normal
peacetime operations. Based on operational requirements of the supported
CINC, Patriot units are designated, equipped, and trained with force-
projection capabilities in mind. During this phase, Patriot units conduct
routine collective deployment training to ensure forces, manpower, and
materiel are sufficient to meet the combatant commander’s missions. The
units also revise their movement plans to reflect the exact equipment being
deployed, and conduct the necessary training to attain the desired mission
capability. This training may include mission rehearsal exercises conducted
with training simulators capable of simulating the theater air missile threat.
Patriot units also conduct soldier readiness checks, prepare for overseas
movement, and undergo validation checks to ensure readiness for
deployment. Predeployment activities for RC units include those listed in
mobilization phases I through IV.
4-10. Within the first few hours of an operation or conflict, it may be
necessary to put a Patriot minimum engagement capability on the ground.
The purpose of the minimum engagement package (MEP) is to provide a
strategic responsiveness, using a quick reaction force that would protect units
using the required lethality to accomplish the mission. Basic MEPs should be
used as a starting point for planning considerations and mobilization. A MEP
can be tailorable to fit the mission and tactical situation as needed. The MEP
should have an established timeline designated to when the unit should be in
place and operational. Specific guidance and checklists should be included in
the units’ standard operating procedures. The basic MEP consists of an ECS,
radar, two launchers, SRPT, HMMWV’s with trailers, EPP, fuel tanker,
GMT, PAC-2/PAC-3 missiles or both, and sufficient supporting equipment,
supplies, rations and personnel to sustain 24-hour operations for 15 days
METT-TC dependent. (See Appendix F, Transportability, for detailed MEP
description). Note: The basic MEP is deployed into the theater using five C-
5A or seven C-17 aircraft and can be employed to defend critical lodgment
assets. The number of PAC-2/PAC-3 missiles deployed with the MEP will

Force-Projection Operations

vary according to the threat; each launcher will have a full load of missiles
plus one reload.
4-11. The movement to port of embarkation phase involves moving
Patriot units from their home installations to the port of embarkation. Unit
activities include updating automated unit equipment lists to deployment
equipment lists (DELs) and submitting them to appropriate authorities.
Units receive movement instructions from transportation component
commands and are advised via movement directives when their equipment is
required to be at the POE. Accordingly, units must back plan installation
departure and POE processing to ensure equipment arrives at the POE when
required. This phase ends when the units and their equipment depart the
4-12. The strategic lift phase involves transporting the units and equipment
from the POE via air or sea to the POD in the theater of operations. Units
develop movement plans to reflect personnel and equipment being deployed
and ensure equipment and validation checks are completed. After plans have
been made and double checked for weight limits and types of equipment
being loaded, Patriot units are then loaded aboard aircraft or sea-going
vessels and transported to the port of debarkation.
4-13. The theater-base reception phase begins with the arrival of forces in
theater. Upon arrival, unit commanders work with the combatant
commander’s designated representatives in completing the required
documents for moving and sustaining forces. This phase ends with departure
of the units from the POD.
4-14. The theater onward movement phase begins with the personnel and
equipment linkup, reconfiguration of forces, sustainment and receipt of pre-
positioned war reserve stock at designated marshaling areas. This phase
concludes with arrival at the staging areas where combat preparation occurs.

4-15. Patriot units may be employed in a variety of operations including entry
operations, shaping and decisive operations, post conflict operations, and
stability and support operations. Usually, Patriot units will be employed as
part of an ADA brigade at EAC or corps, and can be part of an AMD task
force along with a THAAD battery. Patriot units may also be employed with
other air defense units as part of a multinational AMD task force.

4-16. Entry operations are designed to establish and secure a lodgment
through which US forces and materiel can enter a theater of operations. If
the theater threat includes TMs and/or aircraft, Patriot units or an AMD task
force may be deployed early to protect entering forces and critical assets,
including airfields and seaports, transportation centers, C3I activities, and
geopolitical assets.
4-17. If the objectives of the deployed forces are not accomplished quickly, the
theater will normally transition into a mature theater of operations. The
lodgment will thus expand and additional forces with their support and


command, control, and communications elements will enter the theater.

Additional Patriot units will also enter the theater and be deployed to defend
the massing forces and expanding lodgment. Depending on the type and
magnitude of the threat, a robust AMD task force comprised of Patriot,
THAAD and SHORAD units may be required to defend forces and critical
assets. AMD task force operations are described in Chapter 5, Operations.


4-18. As our maneuver forces advance and move into corps areas, Patriot
units may be required to support shaping and decisive operations. Shaping
operations are designed to create and preserve conditions for decisive
operations. Decisive operations are those that accomplish the task assigned
by the higher headquarters. Within a theater, shaping operations may
precede, follow, or occur simultaneously with decisive operations. Patriot
units support both types of operations by protecting our maneuver forces,
thereby reducing their vulnerability, and allowing them to proactively engage
and destroy the enemy.
4-19. To support shaping and decisive operations in corps and maneuver
areas, Patriot units may employ an alternating “bounding overwatch”
maneuver scheme to provide air coverage for maneuver force elements. This
scheme involves the use of Patriot remote launch capability, specifically,
“bounding overwatch” (leapfrogging) remote launcher groups to extend air
coverage into the maneuver areas while minimizing the number of unit
moves. Remote launch operations are described in Chapter 5, Operations.
TTPs for remote launch operations are discussed in FM 3-01.87 and
ST 44-85-3.


4-20. Post-conflict operations include all operations conducted after the
conflict has been terminated. In some theaters, residual enemy forces or
terrorist factions may still be capable of launching TM or air attacks from
isolated enclaves or areas outside of the theater. In these circumstances,
Patriot units may be retained in theater to protect populated areas and to
discourage attacks on redeploying forces, materiel, or geopolitical assets.


4-21. Stability operations are undertaken to promote and sustain regional
and global stability, influence political, civil, and military environments, and
disrupt specific illegal activities. Some examples of stability operations
include peacekeeping operations, humanitarian and civil assistance, counter-
drug operations, and counter-terrorism operations.
4-22. Support operations are undertaken to provide essential support,
services, assets, or specialized resources to help civil authorities deal with
situations beyond their capabilities. Some examples include disaster relief,
humanitarian relief, support to civil law enforcement, and community
4-23. In some of these situations, terrorists or other rogue elements may use
TMs or aircraft to disrupt normal civil and political activities or threaten

Force-Projection Operations

stability. When appropriate, Patriot units may be employed to protect the

civilian populous or geopolitical assets from terrorist attack. Patriot units
also protect the force from enemy aerial RSTA, thereby promoting stability
and discouraging threat factions.

4-24. After the cessation of conflict, some Patriot units may be redeployed
along with other forces to home stations or to new theaters. The
redeployment process consists of six phases—
• Reconstitution for strategic movement.
• Movement to redeployment assembly areas.
• Movement to port of embarkation.
• Strategic lift.
• Reception at port of debarkation.
• Onward movement from port of debarkation.


4-25. Reconstitution normally takes place in TAAs, where Patriot units
initiate cross-leveling, repack and load containers, and reconcile unit
movement dates through documentation, accountability of inventory, perform
maintenance, and coordination of movement instructions.


4-26. Upon receipt of movement instructions, Patriot units move to the RAAs.
At the RAAs, units complete activities that were not accomplished at the
TAAs. These activities may include washing major end items, labeling
equipment, performing needed maintenance, obtaining US Customs and
Department of Agriculture inspections, and finalizing unit movement data
and property books. Units also initiate personnel actions including processing
decorations and awards, processing OERs and NCOERs, completing records
and finance updates, etcetera


4-27. In this phase, Patriot units move to the POE where they are processed
for strategic movement. This processing includes configuring and inspecting
cargo and passenger loads and verifying the final manifest and

4-28. Force projection and sustainment success is based on the strategic
mobility (airlift, sealift,) of getting equipment where it needs to be. Deploying
forces can improve the impact of these types of mobility by preparing unitized
loads of ammunition, supplies, and equipment


4-29. Upon arrival, Patriot units must coordinate the onward movement to
their follow-on destination. Unit personnel must work with the military


traffic management command, supporting installation transportation officers

or theater army movement control agencies in completing the required
documents for moving forces, sustaining equipment and supplies to the final


4-30. This phase begins with the reconfiguration of forces and sustainment
equipment and supplies at a designated marshaling area. It concludes with
their arrival at their destination. Units should deploy in increments–advance
party, main body, and rear detachment. The size of the unit, the requirement
to support sustainment operations and the transportation assets impact on
the number of increments needed. As units prepare for and actually move
during redeployment, installation commanders should plan and prepare for
reunions. This planning helps prepare the soldiers and their families to
4-31. The supporting installation’s commander is responsible for the health,
welfare, and support of arriving forces and for assisting with their movement
back to their home stations or to new stations in accordance with movement
plans. In this capacity, he sustains the forces and individuals until they
arrive at their prescribed destination. This may require assisting them in
airlift, commercial and military highway, military convoy, rail or other modes
for moving forces and individuals to their proper destination, or follow on
locations. These locations may be either former (home stations) or other
locations for deployment.
4-32. Other considerations needed during redeployment are support, cargo,
supplies and materiels, custom regulations, and logistics requisitions. All of
these factors must be considered by the chain of command to ensure a smooth
transition back to their home station. Types of support needed for the
redeployment may include medical care, life support, and everyday use

4-33. Sustainment operations involve providing and maintaining adequate
levels of personnel and materiel for the duration of a campaign. Primarily the
Patriot battalion S1 and S4 staffs perform sustainment activities. They focus
on how, when and where to accomplish the sustainment functions of
manning, arming, fueling, fixing, moving, securing, and sustaining soldiers
and equipment:
• Manning ensures Patriot battalions and batteries are staffed with
the right numbers and types of personnel to accomplish the mission.
• Arming ensures Patriot batteries have the right mix and quantities
of missiles at the time and place needed.
• Fueling ensures sufficient quantities of petroleum; oils, and
lubricants are available to support current and planned operations.
• Fixing ensures that critical Patriot equipment is operational and
that failed systems are quickly returned to operational status.

Force-Projection Operations

• Moving ensures adequate transportation resources (vehicles, control

procedures, movement planning and terrain deconfliction) are
available to support operations. With Patriot units dispersed
throughout an AO, moving missiles and equipment, and delivering
repair parts become critical sustainment functions.
• Securing ensures the sustainment area is adequately defended and
secured against hostile activities.
• Sustaining soldiers ensure personnel services, health services, field
services, quality of life, and that general supply support is adequate.


Chapter 5

This chapter discusses Patriot unit’s offensive and defensive operations. It
describes how Patriot is employed in the corps and EAC to protect forces,
critical maneuver assets, and geopolitical assets, and how the Patriot’s
remote launch (RL) capability and how the capability is used to increase
defensive coverage and maintain firepower when critical equipment is
lost. It also describes air and missile defense task force (AMDTF)
operations and the role Patriot units play in planning and executing these
operations. Finally, it describes Patriot unit C3I operations and Patriot
units’ management of the air and missile battle.

5-1. During offensive operations, Patriot units’ missions are to provide air
and missile defense of critical assets. To support an offensive ground
operation, EAC Patriot may be deployed to augment the corps ADA brigade
by protecting corps rear area assets. This allows corps ADA units to
concentrate their efforts forward providing weighted protection to the corps'
main effort. This may involve fighting Patriot as units or forming an AMD
task force, depending on METT-TC. In addition, forward-deployed Patriot
units, belonging either to the corps or to EAC, influence the corps deep battle
by augmenting corps and division ADA units with greater firepower and
range. Patriot units’ ability to simultaneously engage large numbers of
attacking aircraft, TBMs, standoff jammers, and specific aircraft at relatively
long ranges, allows the ground commander freedom to execute the deep
5-2. Patriot commanders should consider and plan for long-range
engagements against enemy aircraft attack packages. While the Patriot
system's probability of kill (Pk) may be reduced for such targets, the
disruptive effect may be worthwhile especially against a poorly trained or
motivated enemy.
5-3. Patriot units should attempt to identify enemy aircraft packages,
recognize the flight leaders, and selectively engage them, either before or
after attack by friendly AD fighters. This type of engagement requires
extensive coordination. Coordination is made through the identification and
engagement authority of that theater. Synchronization of effort will yield
better protection of friendly units and assets.
5-4. Patriot units in the forward area should make the most of the system's
capability against the jamming threat. Specific batteries should be
designated for the mission of engaging standoff jammers, as this type of
engagement reduces the system's ability to simultaneously engage aircraft
and TBMs. For more details on SOJC engagements, see FM 3-01.87.
5-5. Patriot battalions may be task organized with THAAD batteries to form
air and missile defense task forces (AMDTF). While the focus is on the TBM

FM 3-01.85

fight, Patriot will retain its traditional air and missile defense mission and,
in fact, expand the threat set, which it is designed to protect against.
Normally the AMDTF will employ Patriot to protect the THAAD battery from
all aircraft threats, CM threats, ARMs, and short range TBMs.

5-6. Corps Patriot battalions and batteries providing air defense to offensive
operations must maintain air defense over the corps main effort to preserve
the initiative. Top priorities are providing protection to the maneuver units
that form the main effort and to their support facilities, C3, logistics
operations, and reserve forces. The Patriot battalion participates in the
integrated theater air defense, which gives it access to early warning and
intelligence information critical to the offensive effort and to the effectiveness
of corps and divisional ADA units.

5-7. The main objective of enemy air operations against friendly offensive
operation is to destroy our ability to synchronize. The main threats to
offensive operations that Patriot must be prepared to counter are—
• The TBM threat that targets critical corps and theater assets.
• The FW threat that attempts to target the same critical assets.
• RW jammers and attack helicopters that penetrate short-range air
defense (SHORAD) units.
• Direct actions by special operation forces.
• Electronic attack against Patriot C2 and radar systems.
• The enemy’s potential use of air platforms for reconnaissance and
• UAVs that can be used for attack, surveillance, deception, jamming,
decoy, or harassment operations. They can be also be used against
targets or in support of other forces conducting offensive operations.

5-8. Alert states represent the degree of readiness of ADA units, from the
time of alert notification, to the time of engagement capability or battle
stations. The decision as to which to degree of readiness to implement is
METT-TC dependent and determined by the commander in coordination with
the JFACC, AADC or AAMDC as appropriate. Additionally alert states may
be used to specify personnel and manning requirements. Utilizing alert states
allows for maximum flexibility to conduct training or maintenance while
meeting mission requirements.

5-9. Rules of engagements (ROEs) are the positive and procedural
management directives that specify circumstances and limitations under
which forces will initiate or continue combat engagements. The JFC approves
all theater ROEs. These established ROEs enable the AADC to retain control


of the air battle by prescribing the conditions in which the engagements take
place. ROEs apply to all warfare participants in the theater and go to all
echelons of air, land, and sea forces.


5-10. The supported commander's intent is the driving force for Patriot
employment during offensive operations. Offensive operations during force-
projection operations may be extremely fluid. Patriot units can expect rapid
transition from defensive to offensive or to exploitation operations. Deep
operations and rear area battles are likely to be conducted simultaneously.
To support such fluid operations, Patriot must move quickly and efficiently to
provide air defense of friendly attacking forces and their support base. When
risk must be taken, battalion commanders may influence the battle by
pushing the flow of missiles and fuel to batteries most likely to have a
positive effect on the battle, while restricting the flow of those assets to
batteries facing less opposition. Launching stations may be redirected from
one unit to another to allow heavily engaged units to continue the fight.

5-11. An attacking force is most vulnerable to air attack during a movement
to contact. Because Patriot units cannot shoot on the move, and move more
slowly than other corps maneuver units, positioning must be planned in
detail before the operation begins. Patriot coverage of highly mobile
movements to contact can be maintained by several methods.
5-12. Forward coverage. Patriot batteries may be placed close to the line of
departure (LD) for two reasons. This ensures that initial coverage can be
maintained for at least several hours, and it places batteries in the forward
area where they must be at the onset if they expect to be able to cover a
mobile force when it contacts the enemy force. Once the force has crossed the
LD, Patriot units must have priority for movement to ensure movement in a
timely manner in order to provide coverage.
5-13. Detailed planning. Before the operation begins, the battalion S3
should identify, by map reconnaissance or other means, as many suitable
positions for Patriot batteries as possible along the axis of advance. Each
battery should know in advance which positions it will most likely occupy,
and when they should be operational. Actual use of these positions is
dependent upon reconnaissance by the battery's reconnaissance, selection,
and occupation of position (RSOP) team. See Appendix G for RSOP guidance
and checklists. For this reason, battery RSOP teams and battalion survey
crews should be considered for placement with lead elements as a means to
speed reconnaissance and selection of positions. Prospective positions for
Patriot batteries should be coordinated through the ADA brigade S3, if
possible, so that use of the land may be deconflicted with other corps units.
5-14. Bounding overwatch. Using the bounding overwatch (leapfrog)
method to move units or remote launcher groups forward ensures that
Patriot coverage moves forward with the force. Batteries located near the LD
provide initial coverage see Figure 5-1 for illustration. Designated batteries

FM 3-01.85

move forward behind attacking forces to preplanned positions along the axis
of advance. When they become operational, the batteries at the LD move to
forward positions, and so on, to the conclusion of the operation. This is a very
difficult operation for Patriot units. Keep in mind these considerations:
• The number of Patriot batteries to be kept operational at any one
time is dependent upon METT-TC. The speed of the attacking force
and the number of enemy aircraft, CMs, ASMs and TBMs expected to
oppose the attack are factors to be considered when determining the
number of batteries to move at one time.
• Remote launcher group's phase-1 (RL-1) can be used to extend
ballistic missile coverage, with some utility against medium to high
altitude AC and CMs, and minimize the number of unit moves. (See
discussion on remote launch capability later in this chapter).
• Remote launcher phase-3 (RL-3) is normally used to counter the TBM
• Command and control of AD engagements during a highly mobile
operation is extremely difficult. Prevention of surface-to-air fratricide
must be a primary consideration. ROE for enemy aircraft must be
clearly defined and widely disseminated. ROE for enemy missiles are
less critical, but should also be clear and concise. Every source of
target information data must be exploited fully.
• Patriot units cannot hope to provide TBM protection for attacking
forces except at the LD and just beyond the LD. TBM protection
should be planned for C3I nodes and for logistical locations, as these
can be more readily defined, are not as mobile, and are more likely to
be targeted by these weapons.
• Patriot is a soft target and can be taken out of the fight temporarily
or permanently if it is placed within tube artillery range or direct
weapon fire range,





Figure 5-1. Bounding Overwatch Patriot Batteries

5-15. Patriot units must stay focused on the threat. When the primary threat
is missiles, batteries must be placed near or with the assets being protected.
When the primary threat is aircraft, this is not the case. TBM defense design
is based on launcher locations. The footprints used by the TCS are related to
the defended area for the launcher, not the radar. Assets can be covered with
remote launch capability. In order to cover assets, establishment of the TBM
defense design around the footprints for the expected threat must be made.
There are three separate locations where launchers may be positioned to
defend assets: local launchers, RL-1 remote launchers, and RL-3 remote
launchers. The radar PTL orientation must be pointing towards the center of
the threat launch location NAIs.
5-16. Planners should keep in mind the most likely AAAs, as well as the
locations of enemy airfields, when determining where to place batteries.
Figure 5-2 shows a possible placement of batteries to protect the flank of a
corps movement to contact from air attack.

FM 3-01.85






Figure 5-2. Focusing on the Threat

5-17. FM 3-0.87 states that successful offensive operations include the tenets
of depth, synchronization, and agility. Patriot's contribution to offensive
synchronization is to provide air defense to forces and assets at the critical
time and place. Patriot's ability to look deep into the enemy's AO,
simultaneously engage numerous threats at all altitudes, and react quickly to
changing situations is the key to shaping the third dimension of the offensive

5-18. The ultimate objective of any defensive operation is to seize the
initiative from the enemy so that offensive operations may be mounted.
Commanders must see Patriot's contribution to defensive operations as
offensive in nature. Patriot units must aggressively attempt to disrupt the
enemy's air campaign to the point that synchronization between air and
ground offensive operations is not possible. Patriot battalions and batteries
accomplish this by locating air and missile threats, providing protection to
theater and corps critical assets, and by massing firepower forward against
the avenues of approach to those assets.
5-19. Coordination must be made with the identification and engagement
authority in that theater. Additional efforts must be made to synchronize
Patriot fires with the Air Force or other service air defense aircraft. The
threat of surface-to-air fratricide is greatly magnified during defensive
operations, especially if the enemy has enjoyed any success in targeting
friendly C2 structures.


5-20. There are seven major threats that Patriot battalions and batteries
must counter during defensive operations to degrade the enemy's ability to
synchronize. These threats include enemy TBMs, CMs, FW, RW, ASMs,
UAVs, and ECM. TBMs and CMs will target the lodgment area, C3I nodes,
and AD sites including air bases. FW aircraft will be programmed against the
same targets. RW performs close air support (CAS) and battlefield air
interdiction (BAI) operations that directly support ground operations. The
ECM threat that targets ADA radars, C3I nodes, and communications must
be disrupted.

5-21. Use of Patriot in defensive operations will differ depending on where
the battalion is employed. The demands for rear areas differ significantly
from those of forward areas. Employment, specifically separation distance
between batteries and battalions, proximity to the FLOT, and distance from
an asset, should be planned out by all levels and addressed in operation
orders. Consideration must be made about the positioning of MANPADS. The
area behind the radar (dead zone) is the most critical region during
operations, and degrades to protect. However, during march order,
emplacement, movement and nonoperational status a more balanced
approach is needed from the MANPADS team due to being more visible.
5-22. The position of Patriot firing batteries depends on the ability to achieve
overlapping fires, defense in depth, and weighted coverage to help underlie
the strategic effectiveness of air defense on the battlefield. Four AD
employment principles that help with the overall protection of the assets are
mass, mix, mobility, and integration. The balanced application of these
principles to fit the needs of the tactical situation can enhance the
effectiveness and survivability of air defense.
5-23. In conjunction with the employment principles, the six ADA
employment guidelines also assist with the survivability of air defense units.
Based on the tactical situation and availability of AD assets, applying all of
the guidelines in all tactical situations is seldom possible. These guidelines
• Balanced fires.
• Weighted coverage.
• Early engagement.
• Defense in depth.
• Mutual support.
• Overlapping fires.

5-24. Patriot forces in the corps area engage TBMs, CMs, UAVs, ASMs, and
aircraft directed against maneuver units and their sustainment facilities.
These units also engage enemy aircraft attempting to penetrate to rear areas.
Thus, Patriot units in forward areas must counter all the threats noted
above. Forward Patriot battalions must also provide early warning for corps,

FM 3-01.85

division, and higher echelons, as well as integrate with SHORAD battalions

and sensors.


5-25. Patriot in areas controlled by EAC must protect critical assets from
TBMs, CMs, and aircraft. Because Patriot's capability forces prioritization of
assets for TBM protection, all assets will receive the degree of protection
assigned to them by the DAL. Again, early warning must be exchanged with
adjacent and higher echelon AD forces.

5-26. At the ADA brigade level (macro defense design), developing defenses is
largely a matter of determining force allocation, task-organizing when
appropriate, defining the zones and areas of responsibility within which
subordinate battalions or task forces will operate, and constructing the C3
architecture to support the AD operation. At the battalion or task force level
(micro defense design), designing defenses involves maximizing Patriot
system potential against the threat. It includes planning initial and follow-on
positions, determining PTLs, allocating special missions to specific batteries,
defining assets to be protected, and planning the necessary communications
routing. The technical and system details of defense design are discussed at
length in FM 3-01.87 and in FM 3-01.13 (S/NF).
5-27. At all levels, defense development is a continuous, interactive process.
The battalion commander normally starts the process for his battalion by
giving his guidance as a statement of intent and a concept of operations.
Defense development is based on the following possible missions for Patriot
• Pure air defense.
• Pure TBM defense.
• Air-heavy defense.
• TBM-heavy defense.
• TBM/air balanced defense.
5-28. Once guidance for concept of operation and intent have been specified,
the battalion S3 begins the detailed work of defense design. Batteries'
locations, PTL designations, system initialization, and communications must
be worked out.

5-29. Because Patriot is a sectored system, the orientation of the firing
batteries takes on additional importance. Conceptually, the firing batteries
can be oriented so that their PTLs are convergent, divergent, or parallel for
air threats.
5-30. Patriot fires are more effective against the air threats when convergent
PTLs are used. As shown in Figure 5-3, each Patriot battery's PTL converges
on the PTL of at least two other batteries in the defense. Ideally, the PTL of


each unit will converge on all other units in the battalion. Convergent PTLs
are most effective when applied to known avenues of approach (AAs).
Convergent PTLs are also effective against FW aircraft attempting to
establish air corridors in forward areas. The exact orientation of battery
PTLs depends upon the METT-TC. The battalion should propose PTLs as
part of the defense design process, but final defense designs have to be
reviewed and approved by the brigade.
5-31. Convergent PTLs provide mutual support and defense in depth. They
concentrate firepower to one area while sacrificing some of the additional
area that could be gained by parallel or divergent PTL orientation. However,
the protection provided by employing convergent PTLs can be sustained
longer because it is less sensitive to loss of units than a deployment that uses
parallel or divergent PTLs. More important, convergent PTLs make the
Patriot system more effective against raids using escort or self-screening
jammers by allowing the system to triangulate to provide range.

AIR and CM



Figure 5-3. Convergent PTLs


5-32. Against the aircraft and CMs divergent and parallel PTLs allow the
battalion S3 to provide Patriot coverage to larger areas than when using
convergent PTLs. This occurs at the expense of concentration of firepower
and it reduces system electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) capability.
However, in many circumstances, the considerations of METT-TC will not
allow the use of convergent PTLs. For example, if the battalion area of
responsibility is too large to allow batteries to be positioned using convergent
PTLs, or if too few batteries have been allocated to the defense, then
divergent PTLs may be required. When threat AAs requires acquisition and
firepower in different directions, the S3 may not be able to use convergent


FM 3-01.85

5-33. Secondary target lines (STLs) need to be carefully planned to sustain

the AD protection of the supported unit or asset. They should also be planned
for contingencies and to cover possible catastrophic failures. Launcher siting
must support the use of STLs. See FM 3-01.87 for guidance on the siting of

5-34. When developing defenses against TBMs, convergent PTLs are
important to the overall design and are necessary in providing overlapping
coverage that is needed for mutual support. TBM defense design is done first.
Each battery's PTL should be oriented toward suspected TBM launch sites.
5-35. PTLs and STLs are also important to radar emplacement. Radar
location is determined to allow optimal defense using the launcher footprints.
PTL and STL orientation toward the TBM NAIs location is critical. The NAIs
may include the positions where threat TBMs may be launched. During the
planning of the FU locations and PTLs, the search sector must consider the
NAIs. The radar search sectors must be evaluated to prevent exceeding 100%
of the operational performance loads. Many technical aspects are involved
with the positioning of the FU and the PDB-5 (configuration 3) AN/MPQ-63
radar. The technical aspects include use of TBM Intercept Geometry and
Tailored Search. When there is limited intelligence as to the exact location of
the threat launchers, the default TBM NAI may be large and the standard
search must be used.

5-36. Tailored search is used to when valid NAI locations are determined.
Tailoring the search beams is based on valid IPB threat launch azimuths,
remote launcher locations, and asset boundaries. The tailored search beams
allow the radar to focus and extend the TBM search sector to counter the
longer-range TBM threat. The additional benefit is significant reduction in
radar resources required to accomplish TBM search functions. Although this
does not increase the footprint or Pk, tailored search increases the time frame
for the system operator.
5-37. When entering threat information, every launch is considered an NAI
when processing data; care should be taken to ensure every known location is
derived from the S2’s ground IPB. This data is necessary to ensure valuable
radar resources are maximized and not wasted. If excessively large launching
areas are defined, and or excessively advanced threats are defined, the FU
runs the risk of degrading the overall defensive posture by reducing the
number or coverage of defendable assets.


5-38. The Patriot system automatically controls the search sectors employed
by the REP 3 radar to provide maximum defensive coverage of the FU and
their assets. The TBM tailored search beams enhance surveillance along
search azimuths for valid TBM NAIs. Priority should go to known launch
areas. Use the intelligence data provided by the S2 whenever possible to
establish tailored TBM search sectors. Expanded search capabilities are only
available with the Config 3 radar. Figure 5-4 illustrates tailored search using
both short and long-range targets.



Figure 5-4. Tailored Search

Default Scenario
5-39. The default scenario for tailored search is used when there is limited
NAI intelligence on valid enemy TBM launch areas. The default scenario is a
self-defense plan that is used when the threat is not known. FM 3-01.13
(S/NF) addresses the technical details of a TBM defense, and FM 3-01.87
addresses tactical software issues, but the S3 should follow these general
• Plan for the most likely threat COAs that the S2 has templated. The
commander’s guidance may require the staff to develop options based
upon certain aspects of the S2’s most dangerous COAs and
incorporate those options into one.
• Identify the proper PTL for each battery with respect to the TBM
threat. The closer a TBM flies to the PTL, the more reliable system
engagement processing becomes. As a rule, the closer the battery is to
the TBM launch site, the more important the PTL selection is.
• Do not skew the ATM search sector. This should be done only when
the TBM approach can be reliably identified as different from the
main air AA.

FM 3-01.85

• Place batteries as close to protected assets as possible. The rule of

thumb is that the closer the battery is to the TBM ground impact
point (GIP), the higher the Pk.
• Maximize the use of TBM surveillance. When the battalion's mission
is providing asset protection, the majority of batteries should be in
TBM surveillance mode.
• Distribute missile types relative to the threat. The Patriot missile
inventory includes five different missile types. They are referred to as
the standard, SOJC, ATM, ATM1, and ATM2 missiles. The standard
and SOJC missiles are also referred to as PAC-1 missiles, while the
ATM missile is the PAC-2, and the ATM1 missile is the GEM. The
PAC-3 is also known as the ATM2 missile. A mix of the missiles
within the battery is recommended for the various threats. All of the
missiles may be mixed on the launchers except for PAC-3. There can
be no mixing of PAC-3 and PAC-2 missiles on the same launcher. See
FM 3-01.87 for further guidance on missile distribution and
placement of missiles on launchers.
• Fight in the automatic TBM engagement mode. The system is
designed to fight in the automatic TBM engagement mode. When the
system has classified a target as a TBM, engagement decisions and
the time in which the operator has to make those decisions are very
• Overlap TBM coverage. Do this for mutual support between batteries
and to thicken the defense by sharing assets between batteries. When
possible, batteries should be placed within 20 kilometers of another
battery to ease the planning process of sharing assets.


5-40. Patriot may be required to participate in stability operations and
support operations to promote and sustain regional or global stability or to
discourage terrorists or rogue elements from disrupting the normal civil or
political activities within a host nation. Stability operation and support
operations may involve defending the host nation against TM or air attacks
using defensive operations and or employment strategies described in this
chapter. The forces and equipment required for each operation are dependent
upon METT-TC. Some stability operations and support operations will
require deployment of a minimum engagement package, while others may
require a tailored AMD task force.

5-41. During the conduct of offensive, defensive, or stability operations and
support operations, Patriot’s remote launch capability may be employed to
increase defensive coverage, improve flexibility in defense designs, or
maintain fire power in situations where critical equipment becomes lost or
inoperable. Patriot’s phase-one remote launch (RL-1) capability allows
launching stations (LSs) to be emplaced up to 10 km from the controlling
ECS, while Patriot’s phase-three remote launch (RL-3) capability allows


launcher groups (two or more LSs) to be emplaced up to 30 km from an

associated RS.
5-42. Patriot RL3 capability allows the ECS to control one local and three
remote launcher groups. It also allows the control of remote launcher groups
to be transferred from one ECS to another in situations where an ECS has
sustained equipment losses. A battery employing both RL-1 and RL-3
capabilities is shown in Figure 5-5.

30(+) km UP TO 10km

2 3


Figure 5-5. Patriot Remote Launch Capability


5-43. The decision to employ remote launch capability is based on METT-TC.
RL capability may be needed when assets requiring protection are widely
dispersed, but it can be employed only if terrain allows LOS communications
to be established.
5-44. In the PAC-3 system, the launchers must be within the surveillance
sector. The following guidelines must be considered in planning RL
• RL-3 capabilities are normally used only for TBM defenses. Defended
area varies with threat. Defense planners should recognize that the
size of the “footprint” (area around a launcher in which assets can be
defended) varies with TBM type, characteristics, and launch profile.

FM 3-01.85

The defense design process should ensure that the final design is
balanced in order to be effective against the most likely as well as the
most stressing threat.
• RL should be employed only if local launchers cannot accomplish the
mission. An RL operation significantly increases manpower,
logistical, and security requirements. RL should be employed only
after making every effort to meet requirements with locally deployed
launcher platoons and taking advantage of upper-tier systems to
protect widely dispersed assets from TBMs.
• Remote launchers must be sited within the radar surveillance sector,
and should be within the maximum remote launch distance of the
greatest number of battery fire control sets (ECS and RS) that
defense requirements and terrain will allow. This will maximize the
availability of firepower and the ability to dynamically reconstitute.
• The remoting of launchers for air threat protection is not
recommended due to extended dead zones. When an ECS assumes
control over another FU’s launcher sections that are protecting assets
from airthreats, the extended low altitude dead zone may not allow
adequate protection. The dead zone surrounding an LS is relative to
its emplacement range from the radar and expands from the LS out
to a given distance along the LS emplacement azimuth. The dead
zone is not a discriminating factor for TBM defense.
• RL-3 provides a marginal improvement from the RL-1 in the ability
to engage medium-to-high altitude, high-speed aircraft at maximum
effective ranges.


5-45. In theaters where the threat includes a mix of medium range ballistic
missiles (MRBMs), short-range ballistic missiles (SRBMs), other TMs, and
aircraft, an AMD task force (AMDTF) may be employed to protect forces and
high-value assets. The AMDTF is normally comprised of a THAAD battery
and several Patriot batteries under the control of a TF TOC (Patriot
ICC/TCS), as shown in Figure 5-6. The AMDTF may also include SHORAD
5-46. The primary advantage of an AMDTF is that it provides a higher level
of protection than is achievable with a single system. The THAAD and
Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) weapon systems will provide a two-
tier defense for high value assets located under their protective envelope that
denies the enemy a preferred attack option. THAAD provides the upper-tier
defense against MRBMs and is needed to provide near leak proof defense
against SRBMs in the common target set, while Patriot provides the lower-
tier defense against SRBMs, other tactical missiles (CMs and ASMs), and
aircraft. TBM tracks are handed-off to the lower-tier by THAAD in time for
Patriot to engage at optimum range and altitude, and to obtain an intercept
above a prescribed keep-out altitude minimizing the effects of weapon of
mass destruction. SHORAD units supplement lower-tier defenses, by
providing additional protection against low altitude FW, RW, UAV, and CM
threats. The Patriot battalion normally provides the task force command and



FUs (5 EA)

FUs (5 EA)

Figure 5-6. AMD Task Force

5-47. To properly implement an AMDTF, task force planners should have a
detailed knowledge of the threat. They must also understand the capabilities
and limitations of all systems that comprise the task force, and have a
working knowledge of THAAD, Patriot, and SHORAD system software and
communications. Planners should refer to applicable manuals for technical
details and specifics on system performance and software capabilities and
5-48. The task force will normally receive the mission, defense priorities, and
commander’s intent from higher headquarters. After assessing METT-TC and
developing a detailed IPB, planners develop level of protection requirements;
taking into consideration the JFC defended asset list and CVRT assessments.
The level of protection requirements drives the allocation and positioning of
resources as well as system initialization, firing doctrine, and integration of
5-49. Task force planning requires cooperation and close coordination among
Patriot, THAAD, and SHORAD planners. In planning task force defenses,
THAAD defense design is first developed. This involves determining the
upper-tier search requirements, establishing the PTL(s), determining the
optimum FU location, emplacing the radar and launchers, and planning
communication links within and external to the THAAD battery, including
linkage with the AMDTF TOC. Planners next develop the Patriot defense
design, which involves determining the lower-tier search requirements,
establishing PTLs, emplacement of the radar, LCSs and launchers, and
planning communications links within and external to the Patriot battalion.
5-50. This planning results in an AMDTF defense design, illustrated in
Figure 5-7. This example shows five Patriot FUs and a THAAD FU. The
THAAD FU is capable of defending selected assets against MRBMs and some
SRBMs. Normally; THAAD is initialized to protect the lower-tier Patriot
5-51. The Patriot FUs are capable of defending selected assets within their
respective lower-tier defended areas (LTDAs). An LTDA is defined as a two

FM 3-01.85

dimensional, multisided area that represents a region where Patriot has both
defended assets and engagement capability against TBMs. LTDA coverage is
a function of a number of factors including the type of threat, threat location,
threat attack vectors, FU PTLs, Patriot missile type, and remote launcher
placement. An LTDA can be extended or enlarged using Patriot’s RL-3
remote launch capability.






T W O - T IE R


Figure 5-7. AMDTF Defense Design

5-52. Assets that require the highest level of protection (near-leak proof
protection) must be located within both the THAAD defended area (the area
that is designated for some level of protection from higher) and an LTDA
(TBMs must be in the common target set). Assets that require lower levels of
protection must be located within either the THAAD defended area or an
LTDA. In either case, Patriot and or THAAD FUs must be initialized to
defend specific assets.


5-53. Along with THAAD and Patriot, consideration must be given to how
SHORAD operates with these units in planning the defense design. Defense
design planning must include the location, communication links, and how
Manpads will be used for coverage for both Patriot and THAAD. Patriot will
exchange automated track data over TADIL-J through the air battle
management operations center (ABMOC), and EPLARS from SHORAD
Sentinel sensors for early warning (digitized units only) against RW, FW and
CMs. SHORADs primary role during defense design is to provide low-altitude
protection for defended assets and to provide coverage to AAA, and to cover
dead zones (backside) within Patriot and THAAD. SHORAD will also provide
protection against FW, RW, CMs, and ASMs to Patriot and THAAD units.
Coordination and integration must be done at all levels of air defense to
ensure success on the battlefield.

5-54. An AMDTF may be employed during any operational phase, including
entry operations, shaping operations, decisive operations, or stability and
support operations. The exact composition of the TF will depend upon METT-
TC. For example, if the threat includes a mix of MRBMs and SRBMs, the TF
will normally consist of a THAAD FU, several Patriot FUs, and a TF TOC. If
the threat includes RW, FW, CM and or UAVs, SHORAD units may be
included in the TF.
5-55. Regardless of the TF’s composition or the phase of operations, TF
operations must be integrated and coordinated to adequately counter the air
and missile threat. Each element of the task force—the TF TOC, Patriot FU,
THAAD FU, and SHORAD FU—contributes to countering the threat.
Figure 5-8 presents an overview of TF operations, highlighting the
contributions of each element of the TF. These contributions are described in
more detail in the paragraphs that follow.
Task Force TOC
5-56. The TF TOC is the focal point of task force operations. It has
operational control and command over all units comprising the task force and
is responsible for planning and coordinating task force defenses and

FM 3-01.85

• Plans and Coordinates AMD Task • Provides Air and Missile

Force TBM Defense Surveillance
• Maintains C2 Interfaces to Higher • Provides Operational and
Echelon Unit and Joint Services Engagement Status to AMD TF
• Coordinates FO Initialization and PATRIOT TOC
Firing Doctrine Data Dissemination FU • Executes, Lower Tier Battles
• Provides Air and Missile Surveillance • Engages TBMs to Enforce
data via Joint Data Net Keepout Altitude
• Maintains Area Air Picture
• Conducts Centralized Air Battle FU
• Monitors THAAD Engagement Status
and Kill Assessments • Supplements Low Altitude
SHORAD Surveillance
Provides THAAD with lower tier BTRY • Supplement Lower Tier

Engagement Support Status Defense Against
• Provides THAAD with Air Defense CMs, FWs, RWs, UAVs
Warning and Weapons Control Status
• Provides Engagement JOINT
Status to Higher Echelons DATA

TOC • Provides TBM Surveillance
Data Via the Joint Data Net
• Executes UpperTier TBM
BTRY • Provides C2 Data to AMD
TF TOC Via Engagement
Coordination Net
• Monitors Air Defense

Figure 5-8. Task Force Operations

5-57. The TOC positions FUs to optimize the protection of selected assets in
accordance with defense priorities. Patriot and SHORAD FUs may be
employed in close proximity together to defend assets. Patriot’s PTLs should
be oriented toward suspected TBM launch sites and or the most likely AAAs
to maximize detection and probability of kill. The THAAD PTL is normally
oriented in the direction of threat TBMs, but THAAD has a much larger
defended area, allowing for greater flexibility in employment and positioning
with respect to defended assets.
5-58. During operations, the TOC receives air and missile surveillance data
from lower-tier Patriot and SHORAD FUs, and ballistic missile surveillance
data from the THAAD FU. THAAD and SHORAD tracks are sent over
TADIL-J and then sent over the JDN to all users to include Patriot; it does
not get retransmitted by Patriot. The TOC establishes and maintains a
comprehensive picture of air and missile tracks for tactical operations.


5-59. The TOC coordinates the activities of all task force elements. This
coordination includes correlating tracks, resolving identity conflicts,
establishing engagement priorities, coordinating air engagements,
monitoring TBM engagements, and distributing air defense warnings and
WCSs. The TOC normally exercises centralized control of Patriot batteries in
the air battle, but decentralizes execution of the TBM battle to the Patriot
and THAAD FUs.
Patriot FUs
5-60. In most cases, THAAD provides the first line of defense against TBMs
in the common target set. Patriot provides defense against lower-tier air and
missile threats. Using organic sensors, they detect, classify, identify and
track incoming threats and, if necessary, engage and destroy them. Aircraft
engagements are performed under centralized control of the TF TOC to
optimize fires and minimize fratricide.
5-61. TBM engagements are performed under decentralized control of the FU
to ensure TBMs are engaged in sufficient time to enforce the minimum keep-
out altitude. If collocated with the THAAD FU, Patriot FUs protect the
THAAD against ARMs as well as CMs. Throughout the battle, Patriot FUs
provide operational and engagement status to the TF TOC.
5-62. The THAAD FU provides upper-tier defense against MRBMs and most
SRBM threats. Using its organic sensor, it detects, classifies and tracks
incoming ballistic missiles and provides this surveillance information to the
TF TOC via the joint data network (JDN). THAAD operates in a
decentralized engagement mode and then engages incoming ballistic missiles
that threaten critical assets. During the battle, THAAD provides its
operational and engagement status to the TF TOC via the joint mission
management net (JMMN).
THAAD-Patriot Engagement Coordination
5-63. If incoming TBMs are capable of being engaged by both THAAD and
Patriot, engagement coordination is required to optimize the use of
interceptor resources as well as ensure the required level of protection. In
coordinating the TBM battle, the TF TOC provides THAAD with an
assessment of Patriot’s capability to support THAAD engagements. If TBMs
are eligible for THAAD-Patriot coordination, THAAD will send an
engagement coordination message to the TOC via the JECN declaring
whether or not lower-tier support is expected. In making an engagement
decision, THAAD computes a method of fire for the engagement and
determines if it has sufficient interceptor resources to execute the method of
fire. THAAD informs the TOC that support is expected. However, THAAD
does not automatically change method of fire based on the availability of
Patriot support.
5-64. A SHORAD battalion and associated FUs may be utilized in the TF to
supplement lower-tier defenses. These units include Avengers, Bradley
Linebackers, and or Stinger teams. Using organic sensors (Sentinel radars)
SHORAD units detect, track and engage very low-altitude threats, including
CMs, FW and RW aircraft, and UAVs. This surveillance information is

FM 3-01.85

passed to the SHORAD battery via SHORAD communications links, and then
to the TF TOC via the JDN, where it is integrated with surveillance data for
the Patriot FUs. SHORAD FUs execute FW, RW, CM, and UAV engagements
in accordance with established ROEs and WCSs established by the AADC
under decentralized control of the SHORAD battery (or TF TOC if a
SHORAD battery is not present). Decentralized control increases the
likelihood that a hostile aircraft will be engaged as soon as it comes within
Task Force Communications
5-65. The TOC communicates with elements of the task force through several
communication networks. These networks, described in detail in
Appendix C, Communications, include the MSE net, the joint mission
management net (JMMN), the joint data network (JDN) and the joint
engagement coordination network (JECN).
• The MSE is a voice/data net used to coordinate force operations
activities, including the dissemination of defense design information,
firing doctrine, system initialization and sensor orientation to TF
• The JMMN is a data net used to disseminate commands, engagement
status and ICC/ECS operational status.
• The JDN is a data net used to disseminate near-real time
engagement operations data, including air and missile track data.


5-66. The ability of a Patriot unit to function effectively on the battlefield
depends on effective C3I. There are three types of Patriot C3I facilities,
tactical operations center (TOC), command post (CP), and fire direction
center (FDC).

Tactical Operations Center

5-67. TOCs are located at all echelons which are authorized a staff. The
battalion TOC is the operational control and planning center for the
battalion. The TOC provides guidance to the subordinate unit commanders
on employment, organization, and intelligence. In some situations, the TOC
may be split into operations and logistics cells located in different areas.
Normally, the S3 is in charge of the operations, planning, and intelligence
cell. The administrative and logistics cell, under the direction of the battalion
executive officer, handles administrative and personnel matters, and most
logistics functions and coordination (see Chapter 6). Because the XO is second
in command, additional duties and responsibilities may be assigned to him.
The XO may advise the EMMO team to assist the admin/log cell on Patriot
system logistic requirements.

Command Post/Battery Command Post

5-68. Command posts (CP) are the command and control centers of the unit.
The unit commanders are normally located at or near the CP. CPs are


maintained at both battery and battalion levels. CPs purpose within the
battery is to maintain current situation awareness regarding the national
alert status, the status of enemy and friendly forces, their own unit status
and applicable orders in effect. They also control ground defense, battery
Stinger teams, logistics functions, administrative communication networks,
and other tactical unit operations.
5-69. The battery provides communications with higher, adjacent, and
supporting units; to assist commander in planning, coordinating, and issuing
of battery OPORDS. All CPs have secure communications to higher and lower
elements. CPs must be able to execute current operations and to pass orders
to subordinate ADA units simultaneously. CPs have dedicated elements to
implement emergency survivability measures in case of chemical or ground
attack. CPs can sustain operations indefinitely through crew rotation.
5-70. New technologies is now being integrated into the battery CP. The new
Patriot battery CP provides shelterized communications, computer and
display facilities as well as working space for the battery commander and his
staff. This information will be seen using the AMDWS system. Personnel
required to support battery CP operations will be 14Js. See Appendix B for
the system descriptions. Some of the BCP functions will include the AMDWS
functions and also the following—
• Provide recommendations or input during the planning.
• Receive and send required reports and SITREPS.
• Monitor the execution of operations.
• Maintain the current operations situation.
• Effectively manage logistics ensuring a continuity of combat
• Provide a focal point for the receipt and development of intelligence.
• Plan future operations.
• Provide situation information to higher headquarters.

Fire Direction Center

5-71. The FDC is the air battle control facility for the Patriot battalion. It
consists of the Patriot ICC and support equipment. Tactical directors and
their assistants who operate the ICC control FDC operations at the tactical
level. The unit tactical communication nets are routed through the ICC for
air battle control. At the battery level, the ECS acts as the battery FDC,
taking orders from the battalion FDC and disseminating needed information
to the battery to accomplish the mission.

Air Defense Command and Control

5-72. The three cornerstones that form the basis for AD C2 are discussed in
the following paragraphs. For a more complete discussion of C2, see
FM 44-100.
Centralized Management and Decentralized Execution
5-73. Because of the complexity of force projection, air battle management
must be centralized at the highest possible level to ensure synchronization of

FM 3-01.85

effort and combat power. The sheer volume of operations precludes an

efficient response at the highest air battle management level. The use of
decentralized control would primarily be used against TBMs. Normally;
SHORAD engagements are decentralized in order to increase the likelihood
that hostile aircraft will be engaged as soon as it comes within the range of
the weapon system. Execution at the lowest possible level ensures rapid and
flexible response within the guidelines set by higher levels. Whenever
friendly air forces maintain air superiority, Patriot units can expect the
JFACC/AADC to exercise tight centralized control of Patriot firepower to
prohibit fratricide.
Air Battle Management
5-74. Air battle management is the overlap between airspace control and air
defense procedures. Close coordination is vital to the integrated AD activity
due to the many systems and components involved. Mutual interference and
fratricide must be prevented. There are two basic methods for air battle
management. They are positive control and procedural control. Some
combination of both methods is the most effective solution. The specific mix is
determined by a number of factors. The nature and magnitude of enemy
operations, and terrain and weather conditions will affect the balance of
management. The availability, capability, reliability, and vulnerability of the
management facilities, and the number, deployment and characteristics of
friendly airborne weapon systems impact on the management method choice.
5-75. The electronic identification capabilities will determine the amount of
positive management procedures used. The challenge for leaders of Patriot
units is to understand how procedural control is implemented in their
weapon system, and to be able to convert that understanding into permission
to engage using procedural controls. As noted above, loss of air superiority, or
failure to gain air superiority, will stress our ability to use positive control.
Management by Exception
5-76. This is the principle, which allows higher echelons to manage
engagements even though authority is decentralized. Engagements could be
overridden or directed. Rather than try to direct every engagement, air battle
controllers will prevent prohibited engagements. This reduces the detail
down to a manageable level at each level of control.


5-77. The operational engagement effectiveness is the overall level of
“goodness” or “success” achieved in defending assets through an intercept or
multiple intercepts following an established method of fire. This is achieved
using the five levels of engagement effectiveness and seven integrated firing
doctrine principles.


5-78. Patriot operates as the lower-tier of a two-tier system and defends
assets from short-range ballistic missiles (SRBMs). SRBMs are the primary
TBM target sets for Patriot. The target sets for TBMs falls into Patriot only,
THAAD only, and common threat sets for both THAAD and Patriot. The


following figure displays the TBM target sets for both Patriot and THAAD.
These combinations are the fundamental building blocks used in developing a
two-tiers TBM defense design.
5-79. The primary target sets for THAAD are SRBMs and medium range
ballistic missiles (MRBMs). A THAAD battery provides the upper-tier of a
two-tiers TBM defense and engages at long ranges and high altitudes.
5-80. In a two-tier defense, both Patriot and THAAD primarily perform active
defense against short and medium range ballistic missiles. Patriot will
provide defense against short-range TBMs as the lower-tier of a two-tier
defense in conjunction with THAAD. THAAD will execute the upper-tier
TBM battle to protect those assets assigned according to established
5-81. Within the common threat set for Patriot and THAAD, shown in
Figure 5-9, there exists a set of TBMs that are engageable by both Patriot
and THAAD. Using a two-tier defense, Patriot and THAAD may defend
against this common threat.
• Common threat set assets may require two-tier defense.
• In a common threat set, both Patriot and THAAD can engage.
• A two-tier defense may be used against a majority of TBM threats.
• Two-tier defense provides significant flexibility in defense design and
• Patriot or THAAD can engage to defend assets outside a common
threat set using a one-tier defense.

Common Threats For

Patriot And THAAD

Threats Engageable By
Patriot Only

Threats Engageable By
Total THAAD Only
Of Non-engageable Threats


Figure 5-9. Common Threat Set

FM 3-01.85


5-82. The JFC normally establishes the required level of engagement
effectiveness for each defended asset based on METT-TC. He specifies which
critical assets on the defended asset list (DAL) will receive a level, ranging
from Level 0 for no dedicated theater DCA, to Level 4 for a very high Level
for high value assets (HVA). Each Level is defined by a specific percentage
value and a corresponding number of shots. Once a level of engagement
effectiveness is established, defense design and firing doctrine parameters
are developed. The JFC-assigned levels of engagement effectiveness and
available battlespace determine the method of fire (number of shots) used by
the engaging fire unit.
5-83. The number of tiers does not determine the level of engagement
effectiveness. For example, you could have two-tiers or one-tier of defense for
Levels 1-4. However, one-tier normally handles Levels 1 and 2 while two-tiers
normally handle Levels 3 and 4. Although a single-tier for Levels 1-4 is
possible, it is not always practical. The key is how Patriot will achieve each
level of operational engagement effectiveness, with or without upper-tier
support. Patriot and THAAD TBM operational engagement effectiveness is
based on the five levels as shown below in Figure 5-10. The specific percentage
values for each level of engagement effectiveness are in FM 3-01.13.


Level 0 = NONE − 0 Shots
Level 1 = LOW – 1 Shot
Level 2 = MEDIUM – 2 Shots
Level 3 = HIGH – 3 Shots
Level 4 = VERY HIGH – 4 Shots
Note: The number of shots taken may vary according to the SSEKP for each
weapon system. Expected engagement effectiveness=(1-(1-SSEKP) )
where n is the number of interceptors.

Figure 5-10. Levels of TBM Engagement Effectiveness

• Level 0 (none) — the level of defense when no TBM active defense is
provided. The JFC accepts maximum risk and active defense forces
are not tasked to provide any TBM protection. Patriot will not fire.
• Level 1 (low) — the minimum level of TBM active defense that can
be provided. JFCs may provide this level of protection throughout
their operational areas, within smaller areas, or for specified assets.
One-tier of TBM protection normally will be used. Patriot or THAAD
will fire only one missile at a time using a shoot-look-shoot method of
• Level 2 (medium) — the normal level of defense used to provide
specified, hardened, or mobile military assets with a medium level of
protection. Normally, using a single-tier of TBM protection is
sufficient. Operating alone, Patriot will fire using a ripple or salvo
method of fire depending on battlespace.


• Level 3 (high) — the appropriate level of defense for assets that

require a more robust level of protection than Level 2 but less than a
very high defense. Level 3 normally requires use of two-tiers but may
use one-tier operating alone. This requires coordination between
Patriot and upper-tier. Operating with two-tiers, THAAD may shoot
one and coordinate with the lower-tier, Patriot will fire two missiles
using a ripple or salvo method of fire. The exception is when THAAD
shoots two and Patriot engages with a single shot.
• Level 4 (very high) — a near leak proof defense for high priority,
vulnerable assets such as population centers, ports, airfields, logistics
complexes, troop concentrations, and other assets. This level normally
requires two-tiers operating together in an integrated defense. This
requires coordination between Patriot and upper-tier to defend a
common asset. Normally in a two-tier defense four missiles must be
launched, two by THAAD and two by Patriot.


5-84. Complementing the five levels, there are seven integrated firing
doctrine principles. These principles are designed to account for each possible
scenario within the five levels of engagement effectiveness. They clarify the
basis and rationale for the integration of THAAD and Patriot fires. The
methods of fire and number of shots are derived from the application of these
principles. There are two over arching principles; first, the right of self-
defense is never denied, and second, the commander maintains the flexibility
to tailor the defense in other than normal modes of operation.
• If the TBMs are threatening the fire unit, the TBM is determined to
be a self-defense threat. The principle of “self-defense is never denied”
is employed against TBM threats in a decentralized (automatic) mode
of engagement.
• Integrated firing doctrine exceptions allow the JFC flexibility in
tailoring the levels of defense in other than normal modes of
‫ ـ‬The JFC may wish to provide some protection, Level 1 (low) asset
protection, for selected assets within their defended areas. These
assets are not sufficient priority to receive higher levels of
protection. All assets or areas may receive some protection while
maintaining higher levels of defense for other selected assets.
‫ ـ‬The FU provides a near leak proof Level 4 defense for selected
assets against targets not in the common target set.
‫ ـ‬The FU provides a near leak proof Level 4 defense for certain
assets protected by only a single-tier.
5-85. Principle 1—Ready/preferred missiles will not be held in reserve if they
are needed for today’s battle. Any TBM may be carrying weapons of mass
destruction; therefore, Patriot and THAAD should engage a TBM threatening
a defended asset with the best available interceptor for the mission.
Engaging units should always shoot a TBM threatening a defended asset
with the number of interceptors required to meet the CINC’s engagement
effectiveness guidance.

FM 3-01.85

5-86. Principle 2—Defense designers should build defenses around Levels 2

and Level 4 criteria. Level 2 refers to the level of engagement effectiveness
required against a specified target set that can be achieved from a single-tier
operating alone. Level 2 is the appropriate level of defense for military assets
that have some level of protection to similar less vulnerable assets.
Figure 5-11 demonstrates Principle 2, Level 2 medium level of engagement

Level 2
Patriot and Level 2 Level 2
THAAD THAAD Patriot or
Only THAAD Level 2




Figure 5-11. Principle 2, Level 2, Medium Engagement Effectiveness

5-87. Normally Level 4 refers to two-tiers operating in an integrated defense

but may refer to one-tier operating independently. Two-tiers operating in an
integrated defense is applicable only to targets in the common target set
(upper and lower-tier). Figure 5-12 demonstrates Principle 2, Level 4 very
high level of engagement effectiveness for two-tiers. Figure 5-13
demonstrates Principle 2, Level 4 for one-tier. Level 4 provides very high
level of engagement effectiveness for soft targets and high priority assets
such as population centers, ports and airfields.





Figure 5-12. Principle 2, Level 4, Two-Tiers Very High Engagement Effectiveness

5-88. Fighting in an integrated two-tiers defense against TBMs will bring a

new vision to how Patriot fights together with THAAD. First THAAD will fire
one missile and look for a TBM kill, if no kill, the system will fire again as
necessary to achieve the desired level of defense. In principle 2, when there is
lower-tier Patriot support, THAAD will fire two more missiles while Patriot
will engage with ripple or salvo method of fire.

FM 3-01.85

Level 4,
Very High Level Of Defense
With One Tier Of Patriot
Operating Independently


FU 2


Figure 5-13. Principle 2, Level 4, One-Tier Very High Engagement Effectiveness

5-89. Principle 3—This principle states that there are four-upper/lower-tier
combinations used for defense design. These four combinations are the
fundamental building blocks in defense design. The combinations for this
principle includes—
• Single-tier involving Patriot only.
• Single-tier with THAAD only.
• A two-tier THAAD (Any of these first three combinations will yield a
Level 2 defense) or Patriot integrated defense.
• A two-tier THAAD and Patriot integrated defense. The fourth
combination yields a two-tiers Level 3 (high) or Level 4 defense (very
high) because both Patriot and THAAD can engage TBMs within the
common threat set to defend the asset. This two-tiers defense
provides significant flexibility in defense design and execution. The
number of missiles fired by either tier may vary depending on battle
5-90. Any of these first three combinations in Principle 3 will yield a Level 2
defense. Within the two-tier defense, Patriot should not engage a TBM
threatening one of its defended assets if THAAD has launched the right
number of missiles to achieve the engagement effectiveness for a specified
level of defense. Based on this knowledge, Patriot should not engage. There is
no need for Patriot to fire.


5-91. Principle 4—Each tier in the defense must execute independently to

attain engagement effectiveness Level 2 against its target set within
battlespace constraints. In order to achieve Levels 3 and 4, normally Patriot
and THAAD will operate in an integrated two-tiers defense (see Figure 5-12).
To deliver the operational engagement effectiveness level, Patriot reacts to
the knowledge of a hit or miss provided by THAAD. Even though THAAD is
engaging targets, Patriot will conduct engagement according to the expected
engagement effectiveness. In exceptional cases Patriot uses either two
different launchers or two different batteries to achieve the required
engagement effectiveness as a single-tier, see Figure 5-13.
5-92. Principle 5—Within its single-tier, battlespace Patriot will normally
engage a TBM threatening its defended assets. Patriot supports only one
engagement to enforce required keep-out altitudes for defended assets. If a
NO KILL is assessed, the operational engagement effectiveness is ZERO.
Figures 5-14 illustrates Principle 5, Level 2, Patriot enforcing keepout
• In a Level 1 defense, if a NO KILL is assessed, the operational
engagement effectiveness is zero. Patriot will not have the
battlespace to re-engage. If a NO KILL is assessed for THAAD, the
operational engagement effectiveness is ZERO; the THAAD FU must
fire again within the remaining battlespace to deliver the operational
of engagement effectiveness.
• In a Level 2 defense, if a NO KILL is assessed by THAAD, and
Patriot sees a surviving threat to a defended asset, Patriot has no
operational alternatives except to engage. Patriot will engage to
enforce the keepout altitude. If NO KILL is assed, then THAAD must
fire two missiles to achieve Level 2. Patriot does not engage since
THAAD has two missiles in flight to meet Level 2 requirements, see
Figure 5-15.




FM 3-01.85

Figure 5-14. Principle 5, Level 2, Patriot Enforcing the Keepout Altitude

IN L E V E L 2 O



Figure 5-15. Principle 5, Level 2, Patriot Does Not Engage

5-93. Principle 6—In two-tier, THAAD and Patriot Levels 3 and 4 defenses,
the upper-tier may commit its last shot to intercept below the lower-tier’s
commit altitude. Four missiles could be launched to intercept its target,
although the likelihood of this occurrence is low. It is perceived as a
necessary use of missiles in order to provide a high or very high defense. See
Figure 5-16 for illustration of a Principle 6, Level 4 (very high) two-tier

T N O K IL L P a tr io t
SH C o m m it
A ltitu d e





Figure 5-16. Principle 6, Level 4, Two-tier Defense

5-94. Principle 7—In a two-tier, THAAD or Patriot Level 2 defense, either
tier may conduct the engagement of a specific threat. But, the upper-tier will
not commit if the intercept kill assessment of the last shot will be below the
lower-tier’s commit altitude. Patriot contributes the last shots in an attempt
to achieve Level 2. Figure 5-17 illustrates Principle 7, Level 2.

T Patriot
OO Commit
OK Altitude




Figure 5-17. Principle 7, Level 2, Two-tiers defense

Missile Conservation
5-95. The primary means of missile conservation within the constraints of the
commander’s guidance is a defense design consideration rather than a firing
doctrine/method of fire consideration. Units must protect defended assets to
the operational engagement effectiveness level specified until the JFC
specifies new guidance, the threat is defeated, or all ready missiles are
expended. Any TBM may carry weapons of mass destruction; therefore,
Patriot and THAAD should engage a TBM threatening a defended asset with
missiles which have the required lethality and using the method of fire
needed to achieve the specified operational engagement effectiveness.
Missiles should not be held in reserve.

Chapter 6

Patriot Combat Service Support

This chapter provides the doctrine for the combat service support (CSS) of
Patriot battalions and batteries. It further discusses CSS provided by the
corps support command (COSCOM) and the Theater Army Area
Command (TAACOM) to provide an understanding of how they provide
support to Patriot battalions assigned at corps or EAC.
To be successful, any concept of operation must be logistically
supportable. The battalion commander and his staff must ensure that
logistics is an integral part of the total battalion operation planning
process. In determining the best COA, the commander must be fully
aware of the logistic constraints and limitations, and adjust his COA, or
accept the risks entailed by not doing so. Examples for the task
organization resources and assets are included to ensure proper
understanding, but are not the only method to support the mission.
Comprehensive details on logistics are in FM 3-01.13, 54-30, 4-93.3,
4-93.4, 100-10 and 3-100.16.


6-1. The logistics concept for the Patriot battalion embodies the principles of
responsiveness, flexibility, and initiative. Force-projection operations require
that supporters anticipate needs and not wait and react to demands. Central
to the ability to do this is constant coordination and detailed planning
between supporters and those supported. Battery commanders, personnel
officer (S1), and the battalion supply officer (S4) must understand the
battalion commander's intent to perform responsively. Close coordination
with the battalion S3 is necessary to ensure that batteries with the highest
tactical priority receive required support first. Ammunition and bulk fuel
resupply, direct support maintenance, personnel replacement, and medical
evacuation are requirements with the highest priority depending on the
tactical plan. FUs are not self-sustaining. External support is required from
HHM, DS Maintenance Company and support systems in general.
6-2 The combat mission of the battalion and batteries remains the foremost
consideration in carrying out logistics functions within the battalion.
Resources and priorities are tailored to changing combat situations.
Maintenance, supply, and other support elements are coordinated and
positioned to be instantly responsive to the requirements of the battalion.


6-3. Patriot battalions should emphasize coordination with the ADA brigade,
corps, and EAC units to capture all available resources. Commanders at all
levels should designate a point of main effort along with supporting efforts.
This helps them and their staffs to allocate resources accordingly.
Coordination with all levels is critical for overall success of the mission.

FM 3-01.85

Without the dissemination of information both to higher and lower, the battle
cannot be won. Each unit and section has a specific function needed to
provide logistics and support to the FUs. An effective fighting force requires
teamwork and cohesion to ensure success on and off the battlefield.

6-4. Discussion about the ADA brigade is included to facilitate adequate
understanding of the support operations conducted at corps and EAC level.
The ADA brigade, whether assigned at corps or EAC, concentrates on
centralized logistics staff planning to interface with corps and EAC materiel
management centers (MMCs).
6-5. At the corps level, the ADA brigade receives support from the COSCOM
corps support battalion (CSB) assigned to the corps support group (CSG). In
some cases, support may come from the division support command's
(DISCOM) forward support battalions (FSBs) and main support battalions
(MSBs). With the proper coordination, divisional support units can support
Patriot units but will require augmentation from elements of the corps
support battalion. Units in the DISCOM can provide general supplies, but do
not have the capability to provide adequate maintenance support peculiar to
the Patriot system. To draw logistics support from corps support elements
through MMCs, the ADA brigade has to centralize its requirements. The
central logistics staff planning and visibility function can be accomplished by
a logistics readiness center that has responsibility for planning supply,
maintenance, transportation, services, and support operations functions. The
brigade S4 section interfaces with the corps MMC or their supporting
operations section at the corps support group or corps support battalion level.
The relationship is METT-TC driven, but it should be pointed out that direct
coordination with the corps MMC is not always the case.
6-6. At the EAC level, the ADA brigade receives logistics support from the
appropriate functional battalion assigned to the TAACOM's area support
groups (ASGs). In some cases, EAC ADA brigade elements operating within
corps forward areas receive their support as described above. Because of the
large area of operations for an EAC ADA brigade and the wide dispersion of
the support elements, the EAC brigade must be aggressive in task-organizing
available logistics personnel and assets to provide continuous support.

6-7. The Patriot battalion commander provides logistics support for his
organic elements and for any attached elements. Logistics support received
through the ADA battalion encompasses those support activities required to
sustain campaigns and major operations.

6-8. Patriot battalion support is provided by the organic supply and
maintenance support element of the battalion. It normally deals with Classes
I, II, III (package), IV, V, VII, and IX. The batteries coordinate through the
battalion to draw or receive support. Higher echelons provide combat
elements with food, fuel, ammunition (both conventional and missile), GS

Patriot Combat Service Support

maintenance, and medical support when required. The battalion S4

coordinates logistics support for assigned or attached Patriot batteries.

S4 Responsibilities
6-9. The battalion S4 along with all other staff must thoroughly understand
the battalion mission. To provide positive and responsive support to each
element of the supported force, he must determine the needs of each
supported element, when and where it will be done, and how it will be
accomplished. The type, quantity, and priority of required logistics support
must be understood and defined.

Materiel Supported
6-10. Anticipation and planning are very important for supply Classes II, III,
IV, V, VII, and IX and materiel maintenance because all these items and
actions are sensitive to variations in weather, terrain, and the tactical
situation. Class III and Class V are both particularly sensitive to variations
in intensity of combat. Before any type of operation, direct coordination
between the S3 and the S4 in both of these areas is required to determine
support requirements. Materiel densities in each support area within the
battalion must be established so risks may be assessed, proper operational
decisions made and adequate supply and maintenance resources allocated to
meet support requirements. For Class VIII, medical materiel requirements
are based upon medical materiel densities and the level of patient support
activity. The environment affects water supply.

Logistic Assets and Functions

6-11. The battalion executive officer is the commander’s assistant and also
second in command responsible for directing, coordinating, supervising, and
training the staff, He is the manager of all administrative and logistical
functions within the battalion. In addition, he is normally responsible for
coordinating maintenance and reconstitution efforts. As such, he should
organize and take advantage of all assets available. Some materiel readiness
functions the XO must coordinate throughout the battalion are–
• Apprising the commander of materiel readiness.
• Cross leveling within the battalion for required repair parts.
• Providing assistance to subordinate units on materiel readiness
• Providing liaison with higher headquarters and outside agencies
regarding materiel readiness.
6-12. The XO and the logistics personnel are normally located with the
battalion TOC or trains during combat operations. The XO is responsible for
the supervising of all tasks assigned to the staff officers. The staff officers
continuously provide information and recommendations to the XO on the
progress of the battle and related events, which in turn provides the
commander with needed information that allows the big picture to be seen.

FM 3-01.85

S1 Responsibilities
6-13. The personnel officer (S1) prepares the personnel estimate, and assists
the S4 with preparation of the support annex to the OPORD. The focus
during planning must be on maintenance of unit strength and soldier
readiness. The S1 is the primary administrative officer. He is responsible for
administrative functions within the battalion such as strength accounting,
forecasting personnel requirements, replacement operations, and casualty
operations. The S1 is also responsible for mail. He is normally located
wherever the battalion TOC is during combat operations. The S1 also has
primary staff responsibility for enemy prisoner of war (EPW) operations and
medical planning. He coordinates with the S2 for interrogation of prisoners
and with the S4 for processing captured equipment and for transportation
requirements. The S1 coordinates with the battalion surgeon to ensure that
patient treatment and evacuation are planned and coordinated throughout
the battalion. Personnel support operations maintain unit strength and
provide special services to the individual soldier. Personnel support includes
but is not limited to—
• Personnel services.
• Chaplain activities.
• Administrative services.
• Legal services.
• Health services.
• Comptroller and finance services.
• Morale and welfare support services.
• Personnel automatic data processing support and services.
• Public affairs.
6-14. The S1 section provides personnel, legal, finance actions, and other
general administrative services for the battalion. If the battalion chooses to
echelon its trains into combat trains and field trains, the S1 section has
personnel at both locations. The S1 and his staff, in the combat train’s
command post (CP), primarily perform the critical tasks of strength
accounting and forecasting, as well as CP functions. S1 personnel in the field
trains perform the critical task of casualty reporting, as well as replacement
operations, administrative services, personnel actions, legal services, and
finance services.
6-15. The S1 plans and coordinates EPW operations, collection points, and
evacuation procedures. EPWs are evacuated from the battalion area as
rapidly as possible. The capturing battery is responsible for guarding EPWs
until relieved by proper authority, recovering weapons and equipment,
removing documents with intelligence value, and reporting to the field and
combat trains CPs. EPWs may be evacuated to the vicinity of the combat
trains for processing and initial interrogation.
6-16. The battalion surgeon operates the battalion aid station. He also
coordinates the operations, administration, and logistics of the medical
section. This includes coordinating patient evacuation to the supporting
medical company and providing support to batteries.

Patriot Combat Service Support

6-17. The medical section sorts, treats, and evacuates casualties or returns
them to duty. It carries a basic load of supplies for medical section operations.
It is also responsible for maintaining and evacuating battalion medical
6-18. The chaplain supports the S1 as the morale officer. He conducts
religious services, personal and religious counseling, and pastoral care. He
may also be asked to provide religious support to the community to include
confined or hospitalized personnel, EPWs, civilian detainees, and refugees.
6-19. The S4 is the logistics officer for the battalion, and is responsible for
supply, maintenance, services, and transportation of unit personnel and
equipment. He forecasts logistical requirements and supports requests from
subordinate units. During combat, the S4 concentrates on seven classes of
supply: Classes I (subsistence items), II (general supplies and equipment), III
(POLs), IV (engineer supplies), V (ammunition), VII (major end items), and
IX (repair parts and components). The S4 and headquarters and
headquarters battery (HHB) commander coordinate the requisition, receipt,
preparation, and delivery of Classes I, III, and V. The S4 is supported by the
battalion maintenance officer (BMO) located in the motors section, the food
service noncommissioned officer (NCO), and the S4 section (which includes a
missile reload section).
6-20. The S4 section is responsible for supply, transportation, and field
service functions. The section coordinates requisition and distribution of
supplies to battery supply sections and turns in captured supplies and
equipment as directed. If the battalion chooses to subdivide its trains into
combat trains and field trains, the S4 section has personnel at both locations.
They are cross-trained with personnel from the S1 section in critical tasks to
permit continuous operations. The supply section coordinates the requisition,
receipt, and delivery of Classes II, IV, V, VII, and IX.
6-21. The signal officer is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning
signal operations, automation management, network management, and
information security. The areas of responsibility may include but are not
limited to— managing radio frequencies, managing communication protocols
and security, and coordinating the configuration of local area networks that
support the force.
6-22. The battalion maintenance officer (BMO) monitors and supervises
motor maintenance activities within the battalion. He advises the battalion
XO on vehicle repair, conventional maintenance, and recovery operations
during peacetime operations. However, in wartime he supports the S4. He
monitors the status of the battery motor pools and coordinates with the
combat support company (CSC) on priority of repair.
6-23. The electronic missile maintenance officer evaluates, supervises, and
monitors Patriot missile maintenance operations throughout the battalion.
He advises the battalion XO and the S3 and S4 on Patriot unit system
outages, system capabilities, and status. He also assists battery warrant
officers with maintenance programs and coordinates with the direct support
(DS) unit on repair priority.

FM 3-01.85

Task Force Operations

6-24. Task force (TF) operations with THAAD add additional planning and
sustaining operations. When a THAAD battery joins the battalion and a TF is
created, the attachment should bring an appropriate "slice" of CSS assets
from its parent unit. Likewise, when a Patriot "slice" joins a TF, the TF S4
integrates these assets. The attached unit leader must coordinate with the
TF S1 and furnish a copy of his unit battle roster. Thereafter, the attached
unit submits reports and requests resupply according to the TF SOP.
Everyone involved must understand his responsibilities and those of the CSS

6-25. The fire unit is the lowest tactical organizational unit with personnel
designated by the modified table of organization and equipment (MTOE) to
perform logistics functions. Battery elements perform unit-level maintenance
and supervise unit supply operations. It is at the battery level that supplies
requests, personnel status reports, and other requirements for logistics
support originate.

Battery Headquarters
6-26. The Patriot firing battery headquarters has a command element, supply
element, food service element, maintenance, and security section (when
augmented). The first sergeant is the one who usually controls the unit trains
consisting of mess teams, supply section, and medics.

Battery Elements
6-27. The battery commander has overall responsibility for logistics in the
battery. During combat operations, the battery XO, first sergeant, motor
sergeant and battery warrant officer assist in the supervision and execution
of logistics operations.
6-28. The battery XO is the logistics coordinator. During preparation for the
operation, he coordinates closely with the first sergeant, the conventional
motor maintenance officer, and the Patriot missile system technician to
determine what is required and makes sure arrangements have been made to
support the tactical plan. Besides his tactical requirements, he manages and
monitors the battery's logistics operations. The XO also receives periodic
maintenance updates from platoon leaders, platoon sergeants, the first
sergeant, and warrant officers.
6-29. The motor sergeant supports the battery maintenance officer and
ensures all maintenance procedures are properly followed. Other section
supervisors will also ensure that proper organizational maintenance is
performed on equipment assigned to their respective sections. The motor
sergeant organizes and supervises motor maintenance and advises the XO
and first sergeant on vehicle recovery, repair, and destruction. He directs the
motor maintenance and ensures requests for repair parts are prepared and
forwarded to the direct support unit. This NCO distributes repair parts when
they are received and supervises exchange and cannibalization when
authority is delegated to him. He coordinates with platoon sergeants for

Patriot Combat Service Support

maintenance status of the platoons. POL handlers fall under control of the
motor sergeant, all requests and waste products are turned into the motor
NCO for approval
6-30. The Patriot missile systems technicians are extremely important
logistics members of the Patriot battery. They are the Patriot system experts.
They are responsible for maintaining all Patriot equipment assigned to the
battery according to the maintenance SOP. These officers, using the unit-
level logistics system (ULLS), control the Patriot prescribed load list (PLL),
and the usage of Patriot peculiar repair parts. They advise the platoon
leaders and battery commander on Patriot system capabilities, limitations,
and equipment status. They coordinate among battery officers to ensure
Patriot peculiar parts and supplies are available for maintaining a mission-
capable posture. They direct the actions of Patriot system maintenance
personnel and ensure Patriot equipment outages, work orders, and
requisitions for repair are initiated and recorded. Patriot warrant officers
ensure Patriot equipment status reports are forwarded to the battalion per
SOP. The systems maintenance officer is normally located in the battery
maintenance group during combat operations, but may be located with the
battery CP as necessary for coordination of missile maintenance and logistics
6-31. The first sergeant is the battery's primary CSS operator. He executes
the battery logistical plan, relying heavily on the battery and battalion SOP.
The first sergeant directly supervises and controls the battery trains. He
receives CSS reports from the platoon sergeants, provides information to the
XO, helps the XO complete CSS preparations, and plans and conducts CSS
operations. He also receives, consolidates, and forwards all administrative,
personnel, and casualty reports to the battalion trains. He directs the medical
evacuation team forward when the situation requires. He orients new
personnel to the battery and assigns replacements to the platoons. The first
sergeant supervises the evacuation of casualties, EPWs, and damaged
equipment. Additionally, he maintains the battle roster for the battery.
6-32. The motor section personnel, using the ULLS, maintain the unit's
conventional PLL. Standardized combat PLL items set forth in the
mandatory parts list for the unit's TOE must be stocked in the PLL. Other
items may be stocked, based upon demands and availability of funds. Arms
room equipment, NBC equipment, and dining facility equipment must be
considered when designing a unit's PLL.
6-33. The supply sergeant is the battery's representative to the battalion CSS
elements. He submits requests for issue and turn-in of Class II, IV, VII, VIII
(first aid and combat lifesaver supplies only), and IX items. The supply
sergeant coordinates with the battalion S4 for Class I, III, and V supplies. He
maintains individual supply and clothing records and picks up personnel
replacements at the battalion and or task force trains, and prepares them for
the first sergeant. He also receives and evacuates personnel killed in action
(KIA) to the mortuary affairs collection point in the support area.
6-34. The supply personnel maintain the battery commander's hand receipts,
as well as run other supply room functions. It is the supply sergeant's job to

FM 3-01.85

maintain the subhand receipts, as well as the component listings. Supply is

responsible for ordering supplies for the unit.
6-35. The supervisors assigned to the various sections in the unit are
responsible to ensure that all supply procedures are properly followed. It is
the section sergeant's responsibility to ensure that all of the equipment under
his control is properly accounted for and sub-hand-receipted down to the
lowest level possible.

Combat Support Company (DS)

6-36. This company provides maintenance support to HHB and up to 6
Patriot batteries through the battalion (6 batteries is based on location of
theater). It repairs automotive, communications, communications security
(COMSEC), construction, power generation, small arms, quartermaster,
chemical, and utilities equipment. It performs metal-working functions and
repairs special electronic devices and tactical microwave systems. The
company also conducts 120-day and longer interval preventive maintenance
checks and services. For nonsystem equipment, the DS company provides the
following support to the Patriot battalion and battery:
• The technical supply section manages the flow of repair parts. This
section stocks and dispenses repair parts used by the supported units.
• The augmentation team provides DS and general support (GS)
maintenance for the Patriot missile system at EAC or corps. This
support includes limited base shop and two maintenance support
teams (MSTs) for Patriot peculiar equipment, limited Class IX (base
shop and MST) support.
• The conventional maintenance platoon provides automotive,
communications, COMSEC, power, and air-conditioning repairs for
the Patriot battalion.

6-37. Logistics planning ensures support during all phases of an operation.
The plan is developed concurrently with the tactical plan. Supporting plans
are as detailed as planning time permits. Using SOPs and planning for
contingencies will greatly assist the logistics staff officers in the planning
efforts. Task force orders only address deviations from the routine planning
priorities established in the SOP.

6-38. Successful operations depend on three basic principles. These principles
must direct the logistics effort as follows:
• Logistics functions are anticipatory in nature and are performed as
far forward as the tactical situation permits. Support must be
continuous, using immediately available assets. Ammunition, fuels,
parts, end items, maintenance personnel, and replacements are
"pushed" forward to the combat trains, unit maintenance collection
point (if established), and logistical release points (LRPs).

Patriot Combat Service Support

• Logistics planning is a continuous function. Coordination among

tactical planners and logistics planners is essential and addresses all
factors that can greatly affect the tactical mission.
• Staff officers and commanders must act rather than react to support
requirements. Personal involvement, remaining abreast of the
tactical situation and on-the-scene appraisal of the situation are
critical to mission accomplishment.


6-39. Logistical planning begins when the unit starts to formulate a tactical
plan. The XO and the S4 must participate in developing the logistics annex to
the tactical plan. The planning process begins when the battalion commander
provides mission guidance to the staff. The XO and other staff follow the
planning process outlined in FM 101-5. The logistics estimate is an analysis
of logistics factors affecting mission accomplishment. Logistics planners use
these estimates to recommend COAs and to develop plans to support selected
concepts of operation. The key concerns of ADA battalion logistics planners
are the status of supply Classes III, V, and IX, and the operational status of
ADA equipment, generators, and associated vehicles. To ensure effective
support, logistics planners must understand the commander's tactical plans
and intent. They must know–
• What each of the supported elements will be doing.
• When they will do it.
• How they will do it.
6-40. After analyzing the concept of operations, logistics planners must be
able to accurately predict support requirements. They determine–
• What type of support is required.
• What quantities of support are required.
• The priority of support, by type and unit.
• Capabilities and shortfalls of support that is required.
• Analysis and solutions for shortfalls/situations.

6-41. Patriot battalion and battery commanders can ensure flexibility by
tailoring organizations and methods. They should not allow themselves or
their organizations to be bound by traditional support methods. Logistics
planners, for their part, must accept deviation from plans as routine. They
must use initiative to carry out their responsibilities, know the CSS
requirements of their forces and the details of operational plans, and devise
innovative ways to support the plan and reduce the risks.
6-42. The battalion's combat mission must remain the first consideration in
the task organization. Resources and priorities must be adapted to changing
combat situations. Assets must be flexible enough to support from any base
arrangement and still be able to survive and accomplish their mission.
Maintenance, supply, and other support elements must be instantly
responsive to the requirements of the unit. All of this means continual and
direct coordination between operations planners (battalion S3).

FM 3-01.85

6-43. In coordination with the battalion S3, the S4 must establish priorities
for support. Ammunition and bulk fuel resupply, DS maintenance, personnel
replacement, and medical evacuation may all have high priority, depending
on the tactical plan. Effective communications must be maintained between
the Patriot battalion staff and the staff of the ADA brigade to determine the
support requirements of the battalion and to coordinate support activities.
6-44. Close coordination is also necessary to ensure that units with the
highest tactical priority receive their required support first. Effective
communications and coordination enable support elements to emphasize the
flow of supplies rather than the buildup of stocks. It may be necessary to
stock critical supplies near points of anticipated consumption to permit
continued operations in the event of disruptions in the supply system.
However, such actions must not impede battery mobility. It may be necessary
for the support elements to shuttle many of the required supplies. Constant
and complete coordination is also necessary to ensure effective and integrated
transportation support in constantly changing circumstances.

6-45. Built-up areas are good locations for trains. They provide cover and
concealment for vehicles and shelter that enhance light discipline during
maintenance. When built-up areas are used, trains elements should occupy
buildings near the edge of the area to preclude being trapped in the center.
6-46. The following factors govern the positioning of the battalion trains:
• Room for dispersion.
• Amount of cover and concealment from both air and ground
• Ground that supports vehicle traffic.
• A nearby helicopter landing site.
• Routes to LRPs or to battery positions.
• Unrestricted movement in and out of the area.
• Intensity of enemy activity in the area.
• Whether the type of operation underway is offensive or defensive.
• Trains security.
6-47. Elements behind the FLOT form base clusters and must be prepared to
defend themselves against guerrillas, special operations type forces, and
forces that have broken through or bypassed the defense. Responsibility for
train’s security should be delineated in the unit SOP. In all trains areas, a
perimeter defense is normally planned. Elements in the trains are assigned a
specific sector to defend. Mutually supporting positions that dominate likely
AAs are selected for vehicles armed with heavy machine guns. Reaction
forces and observation posts (OPs) are established, based on the unit SOP. To
enhance security, an alarm or warning system is arranged. Sector sketches,
fire plans, and obstacle plans should be prepared. Rehearsals are conducted
to ensure that all personnel know the part they play in the defensive scheme.
The OIC establishes a shift schedule for operations and security on a 24-hour
basis. The schedule is determined based on the number of personnel, amount
of area to be covered, type of security needed.

Patriot Combat Service Support


6-48. Logistics C2 in the Patriot battalion is defined as the system used to
control and direct activities to support accomplishment of the mission. The
essential elements are an established hierarchy of control centers, continuous
communications between those control centers, and a responsive logistics
control element (S4, battalion XO, and battery executive officer), and
supervision of the execution of the logistics support plan.

6-49. Patriot battalion logistics support has the internal UHF network as its
primary communications see Figure 6-1 for breakdown. FM/AM systems net
serve as the alternate communications means. For lengthy reports, use
messenger, wire, or mobile subscriber equipment (MSE) communications.






Figure 6-1. ADA Logistics Net

6-50. EAC and corps customer’s request supplies from the supply point
assigned to support them. Classes II, III, IV, and VII, and DS water support
are provided to ADA units by the supply company (DS) respectively assigned
or attached to the CSG or ASG battalions in the COSCOM and TAACOM to
provide area support. ADA units submit requests for these classes of supply
to the designated supply company's direct support unit (DSU), which either
fills the request or passes the requisition to the corps materiel management
center (CMMC) or the TAACOM MMC for action. Most requirements for
Class VII items are submitted by units to the proper S4 property book officer
and or section, which then submit requisitions to the DSU. Class V and IX
support is provided by the designated COSCOM and TAACOM operated
ammunition supply point (ASP), and the nondivisional maintenance
company, respectively. All DSUs provide supply point distribution on an area
or task basis.

FM 3-01.85

6-51. The corps or TAACOM MMC may direct issue from another DSU to the
customer, or direct issue from corps and or theater GS stocks to the servicing
DSU, which then issues to the customer. While issue from the supply point is
considered the normal method of distribution, the MMC can order direct unit
distribution. This would consist of delivery of the requisitioned items from
the designated DS or GS supply source directly to the supported ADA unit
customer, using corps or theater army transportation assets. Coordination
with the battery or battalion for missile reload depends on the tactical
6-52. The battalion always maintains some combat-essential supplies and
repair parts. These are called combat loads, basic loads, and PLLs. The
minimum stockage level is normally directed by brigade or higher. The
purpose of these loads is to enable a unit to sustain itself in combat for a
limited period, should there be an interruption in the resupply system. This
period normally is 15 days for general supplies and repair parts, and 3 to 5
days for Classes I, III, and V.

6-53. There are three categories of supplies, with regard to how supplies are
requested and issued. These are discussed in the following paragraphs.

6-54. Scheduled supplies are those for which requirements can be reasonably
predicted or have a recurring demand. Normally, a scheduled supply does not
require submission of requisitions by users for its replenishment.
Requirements are based, for the most part; on troop strength, equipment
density, forecasts, and or daily usage factors. Scheduled supplies are
normally shipped to users based on pre-planned distribution schemes.
• Classes I, III (bulk), V, and VI are normally treated as scheduled
• Class II and VI (general supplies and equipment, and personal
demand items) requirements are based on troop strength.
• Class III (bulk POL) requirements are based on long-range forecasts,
equipment densities, and historic usage factors (experience).
• Class V (ammunition) requirements are based on densities of
weapons and nature of mission(s).

6-55. Demanded supplies are those for which a requisition must be
submitted. This is for expendable items such as nuts and bolts, tools, or items
that have a recurring demand. Items in supply Classes I, III (packaged), VI,
VII, and IX are considered demanded supplies.

6-56. Regulated supplies can be scheduled or demanded, but the commander
must closely control these supplies because of scarcity, high cost, or mission
need. Any item or group of items can be designated as regulated. Normally,

Patriot Combat Service Support

some items in supply Classes II, III bulk, IV, V, and VII are regulated. If an
item is regulated, the commander who designates it must approve its release
prior to issue. Items designated as command regulated are identified in
operation plans (OPLANs) and OPORDs for operations that occur during the
time in which the items are regulated.

6-57. The battalion uses two distribution methods to replenish its stocks,
supply point and unit. Established requisition channels are used, regardless
of the issue method chosen by higher headquarters. The S4 section is
organized to process supply requests and to receive, issue, and temporarily
store supplies. The commander, based on recommendations by the S4 and the
operational requirements of the battalion for items in short supply,
determines distribution priorities.


6-58. The battalion, using organic transportation, goes to the supply point to
pick up supplies. This is the normal method used. The battalion supply
system is designed to operate self-sufficiently.

6-59. Supplies are delivered to the battalion by transportation assets other
than its own. The battalion uses unit distribution to resupply its subordinate
elements. When feasible, supplies are shipped directly from the issuing
agency as far forward as possible, if the receiving unit has the material-
handling equipment necessary to handle the shipping containers. This means
that some supplies may be issued directly to the battalion from COSCOM or
even theater army level, especially Classes III and VII. This issue usually
occurs no farther forward than the field trains.

6-60. Supplies are grouped into 10 classes (Classes I through X) and
miscellaneous supplies. These classes are described below.


6-61. In the initial states of combat, rations are pushed through the system
based on strength reports. Water is not a Class I supply item, but is normally
delivered with Class I. Water supply points are established as far forward as
possible. Water for the battalion and or battery is picked up in water trailers
from area water points which, whenever possible, is collocated with the Class
I supply point.


6-62. Battalion and battery requirements for Class II supplies (other than
principal items) are submitted to the supporting COSCOM or TAACOM
supply company (DS). The DSU then fills the requirement from its supply
point inventory, or passes the requisitions to the CMMC or the TAACOM
MMC for action.

FM 3-01.85


6-63. POL consists of petroleum fuels, hydraulic and insulating oils, chemical
products, antifreeze compounds, compressed gases, and coal. Unit
requirements for Class III packaged materials are submitted to the
supporting COSCOM or TAACOM supply command (DS). The DSU fills
requisitions from its supply point inventory or passes the requisition to the
CMMC or the TAACOM MMC for action. A dedicated supply system
manages, transports in special containers, and issues the supply of bulk
petroleum products. POL is obtained by the battalion or battery using organic
bulk POL assets from the designated Class III supply point established by
the supply company (DS). A formal request is not needed to obtain bulk fuel
at a supply point. Requests from batteries to the battalion are not required
for bulk POL resupply. POL carriers move forward with each logistics
package (LOGPAC) to the batteries as needed.


6-64. This class includes construction and barrier materials: lumber,
sandbags, and barbed wire. Class IV supplies are requisitioned in the same
manner as Class II.

6-65. Timely resupply of ammunition is critical. To determine the
requirements for a specific operation or time, Patriot units develop a required
supply rate (RSR) for each type of ammunition. Expressed as rounds per
weapon per day, the RSR may derive from experience or from reference
manuals. The operations officer (S3) prepares the RSR for the commander
during the planning stages of the operation. Requests are consolidated at
each level until they reach the highest Army headquarters in the theater
(corps and EAC). At that level, the G3, G4, and commander review the
requirements and availability of ammunition. Based on this review, the force
commander establishes a controlled supply rate (CSR), the actual resupply
rate. The CSR is expressed as rounds per weapon per day by ammunition
item. The OPLAN or OPORD will normally identify those ammunition items
for which the CSR is less than the RSR. After consulting with their
operations and logistics staff officers, commanders will normally establish
priorities for the allocation of ammunition.
6-66. The unit basic load is the quantity of conventional ammunition
authorized and required by a unit to sustain itself until normal resupply can
be affected. The unit basic load must be capable of being carried in one lift by
the unit's soldiers and organic vehicles. SOPs will prescribe distribution of
the basic load. In a mature theater, units will have their basic load. Units
deploying to a theater normally carry their basic load with them. However, a
unit arriving in theater without a basic load will receive it at a designated
ammunition supply location. A unit's basic load is designed to meet its
anticipated initial combat needs and is influenced by the following factors:
• Mission.
• Types and numbers of weapon systems.

Patriot Combat Service Support

• Transport capability.
• Time required to conduct resupply.
6-67. For requisition of Patriot missiles, (missile support) the battalion S4
generates requests based on missile expenditure reports submitted to the S3.
The S4 coordinates these requests with the ADA brigade S3 or corps/theater
(G3) before submitting his paperwork to the appropriate ammunition
transfer point (ATP), ASP, corps storage area (CSA), or theater storage area
(TSA). The requests are prioritized at brigade by the S3 in coordination with
the brigade S4 to ensure that there is no impact on the brigade's mission. The
battalion is then notified of what has been approved for annotation using the
necessary paperwork.
6-68. Patriot missiles are classified as conventional ammunition, and as such
arrive at the theater of operation from the continental United States
(CONUS) using the same channels as conventional ammunition see
Figure 6-2 for illustration. From port areas, missiles move directly to the
TSA. Theater transportation assets can make delivery of high-cost, low-
density missiles such as Patriot directly to the Patriot battalion from the
theater storage area (throughput). This is the desired method of delivery. The
battalion accepts delivery in or near the battalion area. In emergencies, Army
aviation assets may be used to airlift Patriot missiles directly from the CSA
to the battalion or fire unit.
6-69. Missile resupply operations depend on the tempo of combat operations,
the number of missiles available in the theater, and the availability of
transport. Resupply may be either centralized (push) at battalion or
decentralized (pull) at battery.
6-70. Key considerations have to be taken into account by commanders and
staff officers when deciding how to structure missile resupply operations.
First, the guided missile transporter (GMT) is the only organic means the
battalion has for loading missiles onto the launcher. If GMTs are used for
transporting missiles, they cannot, at the same time, be used for reloading
launchers. Second, the launcher that has fired its missiles is of no use to the
battery. Third, Patriot missiles delivered by theater transportation assets
directly to the Patriot battalion area may be delivered in military vans
(MILVANs). Upon receipt of the MILVANs, the battalion S4 is responsible for
the unloading of the missile canisters.

FM 3-01.85




1. Missiles arrive at the theater of operations.
2. Missiles arrive at
In the theater, the
it m theater
oves of operations.
through fixed ports or over
2. In the theater,
the shore. it m oves through fixed ports or over
3. the shore.
O nce ashore, it m oves to one of several
3. O nce ashore, depending
destinations it m oves to on
of several
destinations depending
W henever possible, am on theaterresupply
m unition needs. bypasses
W henever
interm possible,
ediate supplyam m unition
facilities to resupply bypasses
reduce standing
interm ediate supply facilities to reduce
am m unition storage. M issiles go directly to standing
am m unition storage. M issiles go directly to
battalion ATPs for quicker delivery and usage.
battalion ATPs for quicker delivery and usage.
4. Patriot units pick up and deliver their ow n m issiles.
4. Patriot units pick up and deliver their ow n m issiles.

Figure 6-2. Ammunition Supply

6-71. The S4 must use two 10-ton all-terrain forklifts for removing missiles
from MILVANs and loading GMTs. The battalion must request use of
forklifts from service support.
6-72. Under centralized Patriot missile resupply in Figure 6-3, theater or
corps transportation assets, or host nation transportation support, move
missiles forward to ATPs designated by the brigade. This point should be
located within the AO. Current Patriot TOEs establish a missile resupply
section under the supervision of the battalion S4. This section includes the
personnel and equipment necessary to operate five missile resupply teams
(based on location of theater).

Patriot Combat Service Support

Fire Units Send

Launchers To ATP For
Missile Resupply P

Corps or Theater ASP

Transports Patriot Missiles
To Bde/ Bn ATP

Bn or Bde

All GMTs
Located Here For
Bn /Bde TOC Reload
Command And Loaded Launchers
Control of ATP Return To Batteries As
Designated By The S-3 P

Figure 6-3. Centralized Patriot Missile Resupply

6-73. The missile resupply section operates the centralized facility that
provides the batteries with ready-to-fire missiles. The battery sends the
launcher to the missile resupply point. When the launcher has been loaded,
the reload crew chief notifies the battalion S3, who decides where that
launcher should go. The centralized concept assumes that launchers may not
go back to their own battery, but will be sent where the tactical situation
dictates they are most needed. The ability to communicate between the
battalion TOC and the missile resupply point is critical. Launcher section
chiefs must be able to navigate well for this concept to function effectively.
The decision to provide the missiles to a battery is based on the tactical
situation and mission requirements.
6-74. Decentralized missile reload has two possible variations. The first is
battalion control; where the battalion retains control over all reload assets.
This requires the battalion missile resupply section to pick up, deliver, and
load missiles at the batteries designated by the S3. The second is battery
control, where the battalion attaches GMTs to the batteries for them to pick
up their own missiles. As shown in Figure 6-4, the battery uses an attached
battalion missile resupply vehicle to pick up missiles from the closest
CSA/ASP or division ATP. The battery then transports the missile to its
location where the missiles are either stored or placed on launchers. Both
variations of this concept should be used when the tempo of combat
operations in corps areas is slower, or in theater rear areas where batteries
may be located close to ASPs. Considerations for centralized missile reload
are organic transportation for missiles by each battery. If the battery does not
have a working GMT or other available transportation, they would need to
take their LS to a centralized location for reload determined by the battalion.
Considerations for decentralized would include time constraints and LSs

FM 3-01.85

being completely expended or partially expended. Depending if the operations

tempo is fast or slow the commander would make the decisions on whether to
have the missiles delivered to site, or to take the LS to the ASP for reloading.
Decisions for use of centralized versus decentralized must be carefully
planned to provide a continuous firing capability.

Fire Units Send

GMTs To ATP For Missiles

Corps Or Theater ASP

transports Patriot Missiles P
To Bde / Bn ATP

Bn or Bde
ATP GMTs Retained At
Battery To
Facilitate Reload

Bn/ Bde TOC

Maintains P
Command And
Control Of ATP

Figure 6-4. Decentralized Battery Control for Patriot Missile Resupply


6-75. Class VI includes candy, cigarettes, soap, cameras (nonmilitary sales
items), and sundry packs. Requests for Class VI support are submitted by the
S1 through supply channels when an Army exchange is not available.
Resupply flow is the same as for Class I resupply.


6-76. Launchers, generators, vehicles, and other major end items are Class
VII supplies. Major end items are issued in combat based on battle loss
reports. Large items may be delivered by COSCOM directly to the battalion
trains. Smaller items are picked up by the S4 at the distribution point in the
theater or corps support area. The battalion XO sends ready-to-fight weapons
systems forward with the LOGPAC.


6-77.The medical platoon maintains a 2-day (48-hour) stockage of medical
supplies. Normal medical resupply of the platoon is performed through
backhaul. Medical resupply may also be by preconfigured Class VIII
packages (push packages) throughput from the forward medical logistics
(MEDLOG) battalion located in the corps support area.

Patriot Combat Service Support

6-78. In a tactical environment, the emergency medical resupply (ambulance

backhaul) system is used. In this environment, medical supplies are obtained
informally and as rapidly as possible, using any available medical
transportation assets. The medical platoon submits supply requests to the
supporting medical company. Ambulances of the medical platoon perform
class VIII resupply of combat medics.


6-79. Class IX includes kits, assemblies, and subassemblies—repairable or
unrepairable—, which are required for maintenance support of all
equipment. ADA brigade, battalion, or battery unit maintenance personnel
submit Class IX requests and turn-ins to their supporting DSUs. Corps and
theater army ADA units receive Class IX support from the non-divisional
maintenance company (DS) assigned to either the COSCOM or the TAACOM.
The corps missile support company and the missile support company (EAC),
respectively assigned to the COSCOM or TAACOM, provide missile Class IX
and repairable exchange (RX) supply support to customer units. The
designated non-divisional maintenance company (DS) maintains the ASL for
corps and theater army units. ASL stockage is determined by the corps
materiel management center (CMMC) or the TAACOM MMC.
6-80. The Patriot Maintenance Company (DS) is authorized a shop stock of
DS replaceable items, while organic battery maintenance elements are
authorized a PLL.
6-81. Batteries obtain Class IX supply support for their PLLs. Requirements
for parts not supported by the PLLs are submitted on DA Form 2765 or
requested by the unit-level logistics system.
6-82. RX for selected repairable items (to include components, racks, and
major assemblies) is accomplished by exchanging the unserviceable item for a
serviceable item. Unserviceable items must have a DA Form 5988E attached
so the maintenance support activity can do a quality assurance (QA)
inspection. RX items are normally limited to those authorized for
replacement by supported units.
6-83. Unit PLLs submit requests to their supply element. This allows
validation of mission critical repair parts at the supporting supply element.
From there, requests are delivered or transmitted to the non-divisional
maintenance company ASL and from there to either the CMCC or the
6-84. The CMCC or TAACOM MMC provides document control and supply
management for the items requested. Supply management is accomplished
by a combination of manual and machine methods. DSU procedures provide
increased management control. The materiel officer (MATO) can introduce
criteria and parameters to be programmed so machine methods may be used
to control available assets, or manual intervention can be used when human
judgment is required.
6-85. Receipt, storage, and issue of items are done under the direct supply
support (DSS). Class IX items arriving in the battalion are received by the
battalion maintenance company's technical supply operating elements. Non-

FM 3-01.85

stockage list (NSL) items are forwarded directly to the units that ordered
them. Turn-ins are handled in the same manner as receipts and are reported.


6-86. Material to support nonmilitary programs such as agriculture and
economic development (not included in Classes I through IX) is Class X.
These items are requested and obtained by the S4 based on civil-military
requirements. Specific instructions for request and issue of Class X supplies
are provided by division or higher.

6-87. Maintenance is sustaining materiel and equipment in an operational
status, restoring it to serviceable condition, and upgrading functional
abilities through modification. These functions are performed at four levels—
organizational, DS, GS, and depot. Successful maintenance at these levels is
the key to a unit's ability to shoot, move, and communicate. Therefore,
maintenance must be a top priority at all levels.

6-88. A key aspect of maintenance is the ability to repair equipment quickly
and as close as possible to the point of equipment failure or damage. The
operator is the first link in the chain of maintenance followed by the
organizational mechanics of the using and or owning unit. These soldiers
must use their fullest capabilities to reduce downtime and to identify
organizational deficiencies. If a deficiency is beyond organizational-level
capability, then DS-level or GS-level maintenance is requested.

6-89. The function of direct support maintenance is to repair end items and
return them to the user and or owner unit. It must be mobile and support
focused as far forward as possible.
6-90. Direct support (conventional) maintenance units perform maintenance
on an area or task basis in the theater of operations. Each DS maintenance
unit establishes and operates maintenance collection points (MCPs) and base
maintenance areas for support of all customer units. Certain units may have
the job of providing area support and backup support to other maintenance
units during surge periods or to provide reconstitution support. In cases such
as these, mobile augmentation (tailored support) teams may be assigned.
6-91. DS maintenance units use maintenance support teams (MSTs) or
contact teams to provide close-in support and on-site repair (fix forward) of
critical systems. DS maintenance units will then establish base operations
and MCPs for repair of equipment, which cannot be repaired on site. Their
capabilities and capacities are tailored to the types and densities of
equipment and units for which they provide support. The MSTs are deployed
from the maintenance units to supported unit MCPs or directly to downed
equipment evacuated to a safe position, depending upon the situation.

Patriot Combat Service Support

6-92. The MST's maintenance capability is constrained by time, environment,

and total maintenance burden. At supported unit MCPs, teams must assess
the total maintenance burden with the objective of returning the maximum
number of weapon systems to combat in the minimum amount of time. Thus,
full use of controlled substitution and cannibalization is made. The tactical
situation is the overriding factor. By using diagnostic test sets, the MSTs can
concentrate on component or assembly replacement. The unserviceable
components are sent to the DS maintenance unit.
6-93. For DS maintenance units, emphasis is placed on repair of end items,
and some repair of components and modules. The extent of maintenance
performed is restricted by time available for repair, availability of repair
parts, resupply, workload, and priorities. The DS maintenance is performed
at corps level by the non-divisional maintenance company (DS) assigned or
attached to the CSB/CSG in the COSCOM. DS maintenance is performed at
EAC by the non-divisional maintenance company (DS) assigned to the
maintenance battalion of the ASG or TAACOM. These COSCOM or
TAACOM missile support DS maintenance units provide DS or backup DS to
the Patriot battalion or battery, and have a Class IX repair parts direct
support supply mission. These units maintain ASLs and RX functions, which
reflect the items in demand-supported stocks. Parts and RX items are also
provided to the MSTs in the repair of end items or components. If the
maintenance unit is unable to repair Patriot end items or components at its
level, the end item or component is sent to depot. GS maintenance is
primarily limited to repair and return to the supply system. GS maintenance
is provided at the COSCOM or theater level.

6-94. Depot-level maintenance is performed in fixed facilities and is
production-oriented. The mission is primarily rebuilding or refurbishing end
items and some components. Repair time guidelines are not established.


6-95. Each unit is responsible for recovering its own damaged equipment.
Wreckers and other recovery vehicles should be used to move irreparable
equipment to collection points along designated routes. Immovable items
remain in place until supporting maintenance units can recover them.
Unserviceable materiel should be recovered to the nearest collecting point or
main supply route (MSR) as appropriate, and should be protected from
pilferage and deterioration. Maximum use is made of on-site repairs before
unserviceable equipment is recovered. Using units should attempt recovery
within their capability and request assistance from the supporting element,
when necessary.
6-96. Evacuation begins when recovery operations end. It is a coordinated
effort between maintenance, supply, and transportation elements. It includes
end items and unserviceable assemblies and components. Evacuation of
unserviceable materiel starts at the DS maintenance collection point or
designated MSR.

FM 3-01.85

6-97. Commanders must establish priorities for recovery and evacuation of

materiel under their control. Priorities established should offer the greatest
potential for the early return of equipment to service.


6-98. An operational readiness float (ORF) is a major end item to provide
replacement for an unserviceable item of equipment when repairs cannot be
accomplished within a command set time.
6-99. Selected ORF end items are maintained by maintenance companies
supporting the ADA battalions (brigade when appropriate). The responsible
major commander (theater and corps) establishes policies and procedures for
control of these float assets. The issue of items from float stocks is rigidly
controlled. Within the ADA brigade, the battalion commanders establish
policies and procedures for the control and use of float assets.
6-100. The authorized ORF for the ADA brigade is carried by the
maintenance operating elements located in the brigade support area.
Maintenance elements in the battalion trains areas are not normally capable
of providing a float, although specific items may be retained by the battalion
support elements. ORF assets must be accounted for, and ORF items should
be maintained in a ready-to-issue state by DS elements.

6-101. Maintenance definitions are discussed below. These methods are used
when required parts, components, or assemblies cannot be obtained in a
timely basis through normal Class IX supply channels.

6-102. Controlled exchange is authorized by battery commanders for the
systematic removal of serviceable parts from unserviceable equipment for
immediate use to restore a like item to readiness. When controlled exchange
is practiced, the serviceable part is removed and replaced by the
unserviceable part. Controlled exchange is performed at the organizational
and intermediate maintenance levels.

6-103. Parts cannibalization is authorized by the battalion commander for
removal of serviceable repair parts, components, or assemblies from
unserviceable, uneconomically repairable, or excess end items of equipment
authorized for disposal. It is a supply source for authorized low-mortality or
difficult-to-obtain repair parts. Additionally, cannibalization is a source for
high-priority items when delivery cannot be made by the required delivery
date. It is also a source for items not stocked in the supply system. This
function is normally performed at a cannibalization point. Cannibalization of
organic equipment in a peacetime environment is not authorized.
6-104. This is the process of assessing the status of damaged equipment.
Trained battle damage maintenance personnel will perform this function.

Patriot Combat Service Support

They will make the critical decision whether the equipment will be repaired
on-site, recovered, or evacuated. If the decision is to recover or evacuate, the
equipment is moved directly to maintenance units with the capability to
repair it.

6-105. As the connecting link between other logistics functions,
transportation moves personnel and materiel. A Patriot battalion is
100 percent mobile. However, higher echelon transportation moves repaired
equipment from maintenance units to storage areas or using units, and
moves supplies, including repair parts, where they are needed. It also moves
personnel replacements from reception areas to combat units.
6-106. The transportation elements within a theater perform three functions:
modal operations, terminal operations, and movement management. Modal
operations move personnel or materiel in any conveyance by one of four
modes: air, rail, road, or sea. Terminal operations shift cargo from one mode
of transportation to another or from one type of transport within a mode to a
different type. The COSCOM provides integrated movement management
and transportation support services through its CMCC and corps movement
control teams (CMCTs). Light-medium or medium transportation truck
companies are assigned or attached to corps support battalions as required,
while a mix of light-medium and heavy truck companies are assigned or
attached to the corps-level transportation battalion.
6-107. Command and control of the battalions are exercised by the corps
support group (CSG). In the theater army, the Transportation Command
(TRANSCOM) provides command and control of attached or assigned motor
transport units engaged in line-haul operations, and in support of the
TAACOM supply and maintenance missions. The Theater Army Movement
Control Agency (TAMCA) provides movement management and highway
traffic regulation through its subordinate theater army regional movement
control teams (RMCTs), movement regulating teams (MRTs), and air
terminal movement control teams (ATMCTs). Theater army motor, aviation,
rail, terminal service, and terminal transfer units operate in the COMMZ and
combat rear area, as well as in the corps AO, as required. Delivery and
retrograde transportation services can be provided all the way into the
division sector, if needed.

6-108. Field services are services required by units in the field but not
usually available with the units. Clothing exchange and bath (CEB) and
mortuary affairs services are provided on an area basis by the field service
company and mortuary affairs elements respectively assigned or attached to
the CSG or ASG. Field services generally include—
• Mortuary affairs.
• Airdrop.
• Bath/ laundry.
• Clothing exchange.

FM 3-01.85

• Bakery.
• Textile renovation.
• Salvage.
• Decontamination.
• Clothing renovation.
• Post exchange sales.
• Provision of general duty labor.
6-109. These are generally divided into the classifications of primary and
secondary field services.
• The primary field services are those considered essential to the
support of combat operations. Mortuary affairs and airdrop comprise
the primary classification. These are necessary from the beginning to
the end of hostilities. The Army must always take proper care of its
dead. Airdrop is also essential. It provides a method of supply
delivery that is responsive and fast enough to meet the demands of
modern battle. Details on airdrop services are in FM 4-20.42.
• The secondary classification consists of those field services that are
not immediately critical to combat operations. Mortuary affairs
procedures are controlled by the S4. All procedures for field services
must be covered in battalion SOPs.


6-110. Rear area and base security includes rear area combat operations
(RACOs) and area damage control (ADC) activities. The purpose of rear area
base security operations is to prevent interruption of combat, combat support,
and CSS operations, and to minimize the effects when interruptions occur as
a result of enemy activity, sabotage, or natural disaster. Those actions taken
to prevent, neutralize, or defeat hostile actions against units, activities, and
installations in the rear area are RACOs. ADC activities are those prevention
and control measures taken prior to, during, and after an attack or a natural
or manmade disaster to minimize its effects.


6-111. The ADA brigade has defined responsibilities for RACO. The ADA
brigade or battalion participates in RACO, which is the responsibility of the
corps or theater support commander. The RACO commander has tasking
authority for all units within rear areas. The ADA brigade S3 has primary
staff responsibility for rear AD planning and coordination for the brigade. In
coordination with the S2 and S4, he plans and assigns ADA brigade rear area
protection (RAP) responsibilities for RACO.

6-112. Each unit provides its own local self-defense and assists in the defense.
The battalion S3 may be required to provide support operations with combat
forces to secure critical areas and resupply routes, escort convoys, or counter
hostile forces that threaten accomplishment of the support battalion mission.

Patriot Combat Service Support

Surveillance and security for those areas not essential to accomplishment of

the support battalion mission are the brigade's responsibility.

6-113. Unit personnel are trained by the battalion in basic defense techniques
including passive AD measures and use of non-AD weapons against attacking
aircraft. Communications and warning systems are established, SOPs are
developed, and OPLANs for reaction forces are developed and rehearsed.
Protection is provided for personnel, key activities, and essential lines of
communications. Operations are dispersed, and defensive positions are
prepared consistent with the effective execution of the mission. Other RAP
measures employed include–
• Conducting a vulnerability analysis of the rear area to determine
which battalion elements and facilities are the most vulnerable to
enemy attack.
• Prescribing instructions for the coordination of local security plans of
adjacent units.
• Employing an alert system to provide early warning and notice of
enemy activity.
• Requesting armed aircraft escorts for resupply flights and armed
escorts for surface convoys.
• Posting security elements from attached security forces at critical
locations on the MSRs.
• Employing local route reconnaissance and patrols.
• Enforcing light and noise discipline.
• Employing natural and artificial obstacles.
• Performing NBC reconnaissance, chemical detection, and radiological
monitoring and survey operations.
• Coordinating with the battalion S2 to ensure adequate
counterintelligence support for the detection, prevention, and
neutralization of hostile intelligence threat.
• Coordinating with the appropriate local civilian and paramilitary
authorities and forces. If control of the civilian population becomes a
prime factor in RAP operations, a request may be submitted to the
ADA brigade S3 for additional psychological operations support and
military police support to control refugees and displaced personnel.
• Coordinating with the brigade S3 and with the military police unit for
area security operations. These operations may include area
reconnaissance, convoy security, security of critical points along
MSRs, and chemical detection and radiological monitoring and survey
operations along the MSRs.
6-114. When enemy activity exceeds the capability of Patriot units, military
police provide the initial force to close with and destroy enemy forces. In the
event of a large-scale enemy incursion, tactical forces will be required.

FM 3-01.85


6-115. The battalion S4 has primary staff responsibility for ADC within the
battalion AO. The battalion S3 is responsible for the plans and activities
necessary to reduce the effects of enemy attack or natural disaster on
battalion elements. During the planning and supervising of ADC, the priority
is on actions that prevent or reduce the interruption of CSS operations. The
battalion commander and staff must be aware of any diversion of CSS
elements to an ADC mission.

6-116. The personnel and equipment of subordinate units located in the area
are the principal ADC means available. Coordination with the brigade staff
for engineer, military police, and signal support is essential in ADC activities.
Locally procured resources and assistance from nonbrigade units located in
the brigade support area (BSA) may be available in some situations.

6-117. Area damage control measures include–
• Providing SOPs and implementing instructions for self-help.
• Designating, training, and employing firefighting, damage clearance,
decontamination, rescue, food service, chemical detection, biological
sampling, radiological survey, medical, chaplain, and repair
personnel. Each unit will organize teams with appropriate skills and
• Assessing the extent and significance of damage and instituting area
damage control measures to reduce the effects of losses in personnel,
materiel, and facilities.
• Ensuring that coordination is made for military police to control
traffic, conduct law enforcement, and protect designated personnel,
facilities, units, and installations.
• Rerouting traffic, as required, to provide continual support to tactical
elements and to facilitate the reduction of damage and
• Dispersing units and facilities to reduce their vulnerability to attack
by enemy forces and nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons.
• Establishing warning procedures for prompt information
dissemination of known or suspected attacks and natural disasters.
Preparations must be undertaken to reduce vulnerability. The
warning system should include fallout prediction, if appropriate.
• Coordinating battalion area damage control plans with local host
nation authorities.
• Coordinating with other units located nearby for their roles in the
area damage control mission.
• Establishing and coordinating a health service support (HSS) plan for
mass casualty situations.

Patriot Combat Service Support

6-118. Operations security (OPSEC) deals with protecting military operations
and activities by identifying and eliminating or controlling intelligence
indicators that the enemy could use. It is concerned with the protection of
both classified and unclassified data that hostile intelligence agencies could
process into military intelligence. It includes physical security, signal
security (SIGSEC), and information security. OPSEC consideration must be a
routine part of operations. It must become second nature to CSS planners
and operators in all types of units and at all levels of command.
6-119. Modern military forces are increasingly dependent upon electronic
devices for command and control, employment of forces, weapons security,
and logistics support. This dependence makes them vulnerable to hostile
actions designed to reduce the effectiveness of friendly Communications-
Electronics (CE) devices. Command posts, weapon systems, and logistics
bases cannot survive during force-projection operations if they are easily
identified and located because of their electromagnetic emissions. Tactics,
which conceal emitters or deceive the enemy as to their identity and location,
are vital to successful operations.
6-120. Because of technical advances in intelligence collection, sensors,
communications, and data processing, survival on the battlefield requires
extensive countersurveillance. Countersurveillance must be a state of mind; a
skill reduced to habit, where everyone practices camouflage, noise, light,
litter, smoke, and communications discipline. OPSEC considerations must be
included in all CSS plans.

6-121. The increasing capabilities and lethality of modern weapon systems
greatly increase the chances of high losses of troops and equipment over short
periods. The success or failure of Patriot units during the air attack depends
upon their ability to reconstitute their combat power. The quality of prior
planning will determine how quickly Patriot units will be able to reenter the
air battle.

6-122. Reconstitution consists of non-routine actions taken to restore
damaged units to a specific level of combat readiness. These non-routine
actions are based on priorities established by the battalion commander and
result in the receipt of specified available resources to accomplish the
reconstitution mission. Commanders have two reconstitution options
available for returning a unit to a specified level of combat capability.

6-123. Reorganization is accomplished within the unit. Reorganization
consists of asset cross leveling to form composite teams, sections, platoons, or
higher-level units. Since reorganization is conducted internally, it is the most
expedient means of maintaining combat power in the early stages of a conflict
and in forward units throughout the duration of the conflict. It is the option
most often executed by commanders.

FM 3-01.85

6-124. Regeneration requires outside support. Regeneration consists of
rebuilding a unit by infusing new personnel, equipment, and supplies into a
unit and then conducting the necessary training to develop combat
6-125. Regeneration is the more difficult of the two available reconstitution
options. It requires a great deal of both outside assistance and time for
training. Commanders may choose regeneration as the method of
reconstitution because regeneration can preserve the cohesion, trust, and
confidence of the unit by infusing new personnel into existing squads and
6-126. Patriot units should attempt to reconstitute at the lowest level possible
based on the following considerations:
• Enemy situation.
• Size of the attrited unit.
• Personnel and resources available.
• Availability of ground or air transportation to move resources to the
unit or vice versa.
• Future deployment plans for the reconstituted unit.
6-127. Reconstitution responsibilities rest with the commander one level
higher than the damaged unit. Reconstitution efforts flow from the platoon
leader all the way to the theater commander.


6-128. The battery commander reestablishes the damaged unit's AD
capability. A key ingredient for the return of unit command and control is the
initiation of damage assessment leading to subsequent reconstitution efforts.
Unit reconstitution points, the predetermined chain of command,
decontamination procedures, and the requirements for determination of
equipment operability following enemy attack must be addressed in detail in
unit SOPs.

6-129. SOPs must also address specific priorities for reconstitution.
Prioritization should always be oriented towards reestablishing the combat
power of the unit.


6-130. Medical support procedures are carried out as the unit attempts to
reestablish C2 within the unit and to higher headquarters. Soldiers perform
buddy aid on wounded personnel, and unit teams initiate rescue, collection,
identification, and separation of contaminated casualties. Combat medics
triage, treat, and request evacuation of patients. Predesignated field
ambulances evacuate the critically injured to the battalion aid station.

Patriot Combat Service Support

6-131. The battery commander and key personnel determine soldier and
equipment losses. The commander assesses the unit's capability to function
in the air battle, and the unit forwards the information to the battalion using
a standardized weapons system status report.


6-132. The battle damage control team saves as much equipment as possible
and estimates the requirement for further assistance. The damage control
team forwards this estimate as part of the unit report.

6-133. In the presence of NBC agents, the unit conducts decontamination as
soon as possible. The decision to do hasty or deliberate decontamination will
depend on the situation, the extent of contamination, decontamination
resources, and the mission. Only that which is necessary to accomplish the
mission is decontaminated.


6-134. The same basic reconstitution procedures apply to the DS unit. The
battalion supply and equipment (BSE) manages the reconstitution of the DS
maintenance unit. The scarcity of Patriot assets and ORFs makes DS
maintenance unit reconstitution a critical priority.

6-135. The battery and battalion commanders determine the best location for
the reconstitution effort, whether on-site, at a jump location, at the
reconstitution point at battalion, brigade, major AD command, or support
command. For ground security purposes, the lowest level of reconstitution
should be at the battalion. If reconstitution at battalion level is not feasible,
the unit jump location should be near a main supply route.


6-136. The battalion commander is responsible for Patriot battery
reconstitution. It is, however, primarily a staff activity (see the following
checklist), and the battalion XO is the manager of the reconstitution effort.
Based upon priorities set by the S3 and the commander, he manages and
coordinates the activities of the S1, S2, CESO, headquarters battery
commander, and DS unit commander. When the battalion receives the status
report from one of the batteries, the XO and staff determine the severity of
the situation, and the XO dispatches a battalion control and assessment team
if he deems it necessary. The XO briefs the battalion commander on the
essential elements of the status report and on staff recommendations. The
following is a staff checklist for reconstitution:
• S1–
- Determines availability of replacements.
- Coordinates personnel replacements.

FM 3-01.85

- Fills positions based on priorities set by S3.

- Coordinates medical support.
• S2–
- Provides threat assessments for rear area reconstitution sites.
- Advises S3 on the threat situation.
• S3–
- Recommends priorities for reconstitution to commander.
- Identifies critical shortfalls.
- Redesigns air defense based on available firepower.
- Sets communications priorities.
- Sets priorities for decontamination.
- Sets priorities for resupply of Classes III and V (missile) by unit.
- Monitors Patriot system repair actions.
- Sets priorities for personnel replacements by MOS and unit.
- Coordinates locations for hasty and deliberate decontamination.
• S4–
- Recommends allocation of critical supply items.
- Coordinates resupply of critical items (Classes I, III, V, and IX)
according to the priorities.
- Coordinates movement requirements to support reconstitution.
- Coordinates delivery of ORF equipment with the DS unit.


6-137. The coordination between the AD chain of command and the corps or
theater chain of command is critical. Standardization of procedures during
exercises should be emphasized. Staff training in reconstitution procedures at
all levels are essential to ensure success in wartime operations. Since Patriot
resources are finite, "push-packs" under a program such as the pre-configured
unit load program could reduce the transportation requirements for critical
Patriot components in a corps area. The criteria and layout of reconstitution
points should be addressed in detail in battalion and brigade OPLANs. This
is because of the sheer number of activities that must occur.

Appendix A

This appendix describes the organization of the Patriot battalion and its
subordinate batteries. It also summarizes the functions of all the
organizational elements that comprise the battalion and batteries.

A-1. The Patriot battalion consists of a headquarters and headquarters
battery (HHB) and five firing batteries or fire units (FUs) as shown in
Figure A-1. A battalion may be task organized with more or less batteries
based on METT-TC.


HHB P a tr io t
B a tte r y

Figure A-1. Patriot Battalion Organization


A-2. The HHB is both a tactical and administrative organization and is
organized as shown in Figure A-2. When tactically feasible, the HHB is
centrally located in relation to other battalion elements, enabling it to
provide responsive and timely support.

A-3. The battalion headquarters provides command, operational control, and
administrative and logistical support for the battalion. It is comprised of a
command section, an intelligence/operations section (S2/S3), a
personnel/logistic section (S1/S4), fire direction center (FDC) section, a
communications platoon headquarters, a medical section and a chaplain. The
functions performed by these elements are described below in Figure A-2.

FM 3-01.85

Headquarters and Headquarters


Battalion Headquarters
Headquarters Battery

Chaplain S1/S4 Section Battery Motor Maintenance

Command Section
Section Headquarters Section

S2/S3 Section Platoon/ Medical Section

Fire Direction Communications Communications

Center Platoon Center Section
Relay Section

Figure A-2. HHB Organization

A-4. The command section exercises command and control of the battalion
and ensures that functions pertaining to the overall operation of the battalion
are properly planned, coordinated, and executed. This section consists of the
battalion commander, the executive officer, command sergeant major, and
the coordinating and special staff officers. The command section must be able
to visit all sites, and also be able to communicate with all batteries and
sections within the battalion at any given time. During static and movement
operations, the command section uses FM communications to coordinate
movements and command and control operations within the battalion.

A-5. The chaplain section is responsible for coordinating the religious assets
and operations within the command. The section advises the commander on
issues of religion, ethics, and morale, and provides pastoral care, personal
counseling, and advice. They help the commander ensure that all soldiers
have the opportunity to exercise their religion, and develop and implement
the commander’s religious support program. The chaplain section also
provides moral and spiritual leadership to the command and community to
include confined or hospitalized personnel, EPWs civilian detainees, and
refugees. Due to the nature of the chaplain’s duties and responsibilities he
may be required to visit all locations within the battalion, and maintain FM
communications with the command section.


A-6. The personnel section (S1) is responsible for managing and coordinating
all personnel and logistics-related matters. It advises and assists the
commander in managing personnel records and reports, personnel

replacements, morale and welfare and discipline. It also coordinates all

maintenance and transportation requirements.
A-7. The supply section (S4) is responsible for missile resupply of the Patriot
batteries. This section has control over the guided missile transport (GMT)
that is used at battery levels. These are the only GMTs organic to the
battalion. The S4 section provides organizational maintenance support for
the battalion’s quartermaster and chemical equipment. The S4 also
coordinates all classes of supply, except class VIII (medical) with brigade.
They also coordinate the requisition, acquisition, storage of supplies and
equipment, and the maintenance of materiel records.


A-8. The intelligence section (S2) is responsible for managing and

coordinating all intelligence and operations-related matters. It collects,
processes, and disseminates intelligence information; conducts and
coordinates IPB; and coordinates counterintelligence and security operations.

A-9. The operations section (S3) prepares coordinates and distributes plans
and orders including command SOPs, OPLANs, OPORDs, fragmentary
orders, and warning orders. It also monitors the battle, synchronizes tactical
operations, plans movements, supervises the command-training program,
and assists in developing the unit’s mission essential task list. The S3
supervises the system evaluation team. This team conducts tactical and
technical evaluations of the firing batteries and the battalion fire direction
center (FDC).

A-10. The intelligence/operations section operates the tactical command

system (TCS). A crew consisting of three 14J EWS operators is required to
operate the TCS. At least three crews must be available for continuous,
24-hour operations. The TCS directly supports the information coordination
central (ICC) by providing automated defense and communications planning
for the battalion and provides situational awareness to the commander.

A-11. The communications platoon includes a platoon headquarters, a
communications center section, and a communications relay section. The
communications center section is responsible for the operation and
maintenance of the battalion radio sets and the battalion wire
communications operations. It also handles administration of
communications security (COMSEC) material and organizational
maintenance of HHB communications equipment (less multi-channel). The
communications relay section operates four communications relay groups
(CRGs). The CRGs provide UHF (voice and data) and VHF communications
to units not having line-of-sight with the battalion FDC.

FM 3-01.85

A-12. The medical section is responsible for coordinating health assets and
operations within the command. It plans and supervises the treatment of
sick, injured or wounded soldiers; patient and casualty evacuation;
preventative medicine services; health education/lifesaver training; and
preparation of health-related reports and battlefield statistics.


A-13. The FDC exercises direct control and supervision of Patriot FUs and
attached THAAD batteries during the air battle. The FDC is responsible for
operating the ICC. A crew of three, consisting of one 14E tactical director, one
14E tactical director assistant, and one 31F network switch operator is
required to operate the ICC. At least three crews must be available for
continuous 24-hour operations. The ICC exchanges data and voice
information with the brigade TOC, the Patriot FUs, the THAAD batteries,
and adjacent Patriot battalions. If the brigade TOC is out of action, the ICC
can establish TADIL-J as a primary or TADIL-B communications directly
with the control and reporting center (CRC).

A-14. Headquarters battery is organized with a battery headquarters section
and a motor maintenance section. Headquarters battery supports the
battalion. A headquarters battery section also provides command, unit
administration, unit supply, and food service functions. It provides refueling
and unit maintenance support for vehicles, power generators, and engineer
missile equipment. MANPADS teams and equipment are assigned to provide
self-defense for the FDC.
A.15. The motor maintenance section provides organizational maintenance
for all HHB vehicles, power generation equipment, and air conditioners. The
section has refueling equipment for the HHB equipment as well as providing
vehicle recovery for HHB.


A-16. The Patriot battery organization, as shown in Figure A-3, is comprised
of a battery headquarters section, a fire control platoon, a launcher platoon,
and a maintenance platoon.

A-17. A battery headquarters section provides command and control, unit
administration, unit supply, medical support, and food service functions. The
battery headquarters operates the battery command post (BCP). A crew
consisting of two 14J EWS operators is required to operate the BCP. At least
three crews must be available for continuous, 24-hour operations. The BCP
operates in a manner similar to the TCS. It directly supports the ECS by
providing automated defense and communications planning for the battery
and provides situational awareness to the commander.



A-18. The fire control platoon includes a headquarters section and a fire
control section. The platoon is capable of sustained operations and is fully
mobile. Fire control section’s equipment includes the engagement control
station (ECS), radar station (RS), electrical power plant (EPP), and the
antenna mast group (AMG). During FU operations, the ECS is the only
manned piece of equipment. The ECS is operated by a crew of three,
consisting of one 14E tactical control officer, one 14E tactical control
assistant, and one 31F network switch operator. At least three crews must be
available for continuous, 24-hour operations. The ECS controls all
engagements, and maintains communications with the ICC. The platoon has
the necessary personnel to operate the EPP and perform diesel maintenance.
The MANPAD team(s) coordinate for coverage of dead zones and other
needed areas through the fire control platoon.

Fire Maintenance
Battery HQ Launcher Platoon
Section Control Platoon Platoon

Section Section

Launcher Support
Fire Control
Section Section
Section X4
X2 Section

Figure A-3. Patriot Battery Organization

A-19. The launcher platoon includes a headquarters section, and four
launcher sections. Each section has two launching stations. Three personnel,
who are capable of LS emplacement, march order, road march,
reconnaissance, and sustained operations operate each launching station.

A-20. The maintenance platoon is organized with a platoon headquarters,
communications section (headquarters section), motor maintenance section,
and system maintenance section. Effective communications, reliable
transportation, and system maintenance are essential to the FU's mission.
The platoon headquarters exercises command and control over the
maintenance platoon. The platoon leaders and platoon sergeants ensure that
FM 3-01.85

PMCS is performed in a timely and coordinated manner for each of their

platoons, and for all of the unit’s equipment. The motor support section
provides organizational maintenance for all organic vehicles and generators,
vehicle recovery, and refueling. The prescribed load list (PLL) is divided into
two sections: conventional and systems. Each section is responsible for
certain types of equipment within the battery. The conventional section
maintains a PLL for motor support, communications and basic equipment.
The system support section performs organizational maintenance for Patriot
system-peculiar equipment, ECS, RS, LS, EPP, AMG, electronics, and
maintenance test equipment.

Appendix B

Patriot System Equipment

This appendix provides an overview of the Patriot system, describing how
the system and its major items accomplish the mission. It also provides a
physical description of the major end items, including support equipment
organic to the battalion. Finally, it provides the weights and dimensions
of all tactical equipment.

B-1. Patriot is a guided missile system designed to defeat the future air and
missile threat, which includes theater missiles (TBMs, ASMs, CMs), fixed
and rotary wing aircraft and UAVs. The system normally fights as a
battalion, which usually consists of five batteries or fire units (FUs) operating
under the control of a fire direction center (FDC). However, there are some
battalions that currently have six batteries due to theater and type of
mission. See Figure B-1 for Patriot system overview.
B-2. Each FU consists of an engagement control station (ECS), a radar
station (RS), eight launching stations (LSs), an antenna mast group (AMG),
EPP, and support equipment. The ECS is the operational control center for
the FU and is manned by three crews of three operator personnel each (TCO,
TCA, and communications operator). It contains the weapon control
computer, man-machine interfaces, and various data and communications
terminals used to accomplish FU functions. The ECS is linked with the RS
via cable and with the LS via VHF or fiber optic communications links. The
ECS is also linked with the ICC via the AMG, a mobile antenna mast system
used to support UHF communications.
B-3. During operations, the ECS receives detection and tracking data from
the RS and determines target classification and identity. Tracking and
engagement operations information from each FU is sent to the ICC, which
establishes and maintains a correlated air picture for the battalion. If the
target is determined to be hostile and eligible for engagement, operator
personnel in the ECS initiate the engagement, which results in the launch of
a missile from the LS. The missile is command guided by the RS to a point
just prior to intercept, then acquires and destroys the target.
B-4. The ICC is the operational control center for the battalion and is manned
by three operator personnel. The three operator personnel include the TD,
TDA, and the communications operator. It contains the computers, man-
machine interfaces, and various data and communications terminals used to
accomplish the battalion’s engagement operations functions. The ICC is
linked to the FUs via UHF communications links. The communication relay
groups (CRGs) serve as communications relays between the ICC and FUs,
allowing the exchange of engagement operations data during the battle. The
ICC is responsible for controlling and coordinating the engagement
operations activities of the FUs. This includes correlating tracks, establishing

FM 3-01.85

engagement priorities, resolving identity conflicts, and ensuring friendly

aircraft are not inadvertently engaged. It also disseminates initialization
data to the FUs, ensuring they are properly initialized and configured for
engagement operations.

Figure B-1. Patriot System Overview

B-5. The crew of the tactical command system (TCS) is responsible for
performing deployment planning, defense planning, and other force
operations activities in support of battalion operations. The TCS crew
disseminates defense readiness conditions, defense warnings, and weapon
control status throughout the battalion. They also disseminate initialization
data to the ICC, to assist the ICC in proper database initialization and
preparation for engagement operations. A crew consisting of three 14J EWS
operators is required to operate the TCS. At least three crews must be

Patriot System Equipment

available for continuous, 24-hour operations. A 24-hour operation is

necessary to ensure continuous coordination is done with the ICC.
B-6. Two support items not shown in the figures are the electric power plants
(EPPs) and electric power units (EPUs). The EPP III is the prime power
source for the ECS and RS, and consists of two 150-kw generators mounted
on a 10-ton HEMTT. The EPU is the prime power source for the ICC and
CRGs. Each ICC and CRG has an EPU, which consists of a 30-kw generator
mounted on a PU 789M trailer.
B-7. The Patriot battalion also has several other items of support equipment
not shown in the figure. These items include the maintenance center (MC),
the small repair parts transporter (SRPT), the large repair parts transporter
(LRPT), and the guided missile transporter (GMT)―
• The MC is a semi-trailer-mounted shop that contains the tools,
handling equipment, and test equipment necessary to maintain the
Patriot tactical equipment.
• The SRPT is a semi-trailer-mounted shop used in the FU for storing
and transporting small repair parts.
• The LRPT is a HEMTT M977 cargo truck with a light duty material-
handling crane. It is used to store and transport large, heavy repair
• The GMT is a modified HEMTT M985 with a heavy-duty crane
attached at the rear of the vehicle. It can be used for the delivery,
recovery, and loading of guided missiles. It is on the HHB TOE.
Whether the GMT remains at the battery or is retained at the
battalion (S4) during combat or other operations is determined by
how missiles will be resupplied to the battalion.


B-8. Physical descriptions of the major end items are provided below. More
detailed descriptions of these items, their components, and subsystems can be
found in the system technical manuals.


B-9. The ICC consists of a lightweight weather tight shelter mounted on a
5-ton cargo truck, see Figure B-2 for illustration. The shelter provides
shielding from radio frequency interference (RFI) and electromagnetic pulse
(EMP) radiation. It is equipped with two externally mounted air conditioners
that cool, heat, and ventilate the interior. An externally mounted gas
particulate filter unit (GPFU) is used in NBC situations to provide clean air
for crewmembers.
B-10. The ICC contains two consoles that are manned by the tactical director
(TD) and tactical director assistant (TDA), that are used to execute
engagement operations, and a communications workstation manned by a
network switch operator. At least three crews of three personnel each must
be available for continuous 24-hour operations. Between the two consoles is
an ICC status panel that displays the status of all battalion fire units (FU).

FM 3-01.85

Figure B-2. Information and Coordination Central With EPU


B-11. The tactical command system (TCS) is a 5-ton truck mounted
expandable shelter shown in Figure B-3 that is a highly mobile all-weather
facility emplaced near the battalion ICC. The TCS can be operational while
parked at a 10-degree angle from horizontal. It exchanges data with the ICC
as well as provides voice communications. It provides the Patriot air defense
battalion commander with state-of-the art equipment to implement and
coordinate tactical planning and management activities. It is a facility, which
accommodates the commander and staff personnel and provides automated
equipment to support force operation tasks that develop defense design
planning. At least three crews with three personnel each must be available
for continuous, 24- hour operations.
B-12. The TCS has active software programs that help planners translate
airspace control measures (ACM) for the battalion into Patriot initialization
data. The TCS consists of an air and missile defense workstation (AMDWS),
and tactical planner workstation (TPW). It can display real time data based
on operator selections. The TPWs capabilities include but are not limited to−
• Map display and control.
• Tactical overlays.
• Air situation.
• Deployment planning.
• Battle situation monitoring.
• Send initialization data to the ICC.
B-13. AMDWS is the primary tool for monitoring and managing air and
missile defense (AMD) operations. AMDWS maintains a comprehensive
database of the tactical situation and also provides mission-planning
capabilities to overlay air defense coverage, weapons coverage, airspace
control measures, threat locations and planned unit positions. It is used by
S1/S4 to manage personnel and logistics functions. It provides an automated

Patriot System Equipment

rollup for submitting personnel reports, unit reports, and daily summaries.
Some of the capabilities include but are not limited to−
• Send and receive messages and defense plans.
• Maintain personnel and logistics databases.
• Develop and run airbattle scenario.
• Maintain situation awareness of the hostile air threat.
• Provide data required for air intelligence preparation of the
battlefield (IPB).
• Maintain situation awareness during ongoing air defense operations.
• Monitor personnel and logistical status.
• Provide for the interface and data exchange between the TCS and
other elements of the ABCS.
• Defense design planning.



Figure B-3. Tactical Command System


B-14. The CRG consists of a weather tight NBC proof shelter attached to a
5-ton cargo truck shown in Figure B-4. It is similar in appearance to the ECS.
It provides a multi-routed secure, two-way data relay capability between the
ICC, its assigned fire units, and between adjacent units. The CRG operates
as an LCS, which is critical for remote launch phase-3 operations. The CRG
also provides the capability for both data and voice exit and entry
communication points with elements that are external to Patriot. A 24-hour
continuous operation is needed to meet mission requirements.

FM 3-01.85

Figure B-4. Communications Relay Group with EPU


B-15. The ECS consists of a lightweight weather tight shelter mounted on a
5-ton cargo truck shown in Figure B-5. The shelter provides shielding from
RFI and EMP, and like the ICC, is equipped with two externally mounted air
conditioners and a GPFU. The left side as seen from the doorway includes
three UHF RRTs and a voice communications station. The right side includes
the very high frequency (VHF) data link terminal (DLT), radar weapon
control interface unit (RWCIU), WCC, an AN/VRC-92A SINCGARS radio,
optical disc drives (ODD), and embedded data recorder. The ECS crew
consists of a TCA, TCO and communications personnel. Three crews of three
personnel each are responsible for running 24-hour continuous operations.

Patriot System Equipment

Figure B-5. Engagement Control Station


B-16. New technology is now being integrated for the battery command post
(BCP). The new Patriot battery command post provides shelterized
communications, computer and display facilities, as well as working space for
the battery commander and his staff, see Figure B-6. BCP equipment
includes a high mobility, multi-purpose, wheeled vehicle (HMMWV), with a
deployable rapid assembly shelter (DRASH) modular tent, which attaches to
the backside of the vehicle.
B-17. Within the vehicle there is an AMDWS station and a common hardware
software (CHS) computer with an attached 8mm tape drive and printer. The
battery CP is run off a 10-kw generator. Battery CPs has dedicated elements
to implement emergency survivability measures in case of chemical or ground
B-18. The BCP is operated by a crew of two 14J EWS operators. At least
three crews must be available for continuous, 24-hour operations. The
crewmembers are responsible for operating, maintaining, march ordering and
emplacing the Battery CP. Personnel required to support battery CP
operations will be early warning system (EWS) operators capable of operating
the AMDWS system. Some of the new BCP functions will include—
• Receive TADIL-J and display on battery CP workstation.
• Situation awareness and early warning.
• Automated defense design and planning.
• AMDWS functionality/routing staff support.
• FMS-D functionality.
• Integrated scenario development.
• AMDWS/TAC planner capabilities to support defense planning and
air battles.

FM 3-01.85

• Told in intelligence received and processed.

Figure B-6. Battery Command Post With Trailer

B-19. The RS consists of a multifunction phased array radar mounted on an
M-860 semi-trailer towed by an M983, heavy expanded mobility tactical truck
(HEMTT), see Figure B-7. It is monitored and controlled by the ECS via the
radar and weapon control interface unit. The RS performs very low to very
high altitude surveillance, target detection, target classification, target
identification, target track, missile track, missile guidance, and ECCM
B-20. Radar antenna is positioned at the forward end of the shelter and is
erected to a fixed 67.5° angle relative to the horizontal plane during
emplacement. Integral leveling equipment on the M860 semi-trailer permits
emplacement on slopes of up to 10 degrees.

PAC 3 AN/MPQ-65 radar

B-21. The PAC-3 AN/MPQ-65 is the radar with the new enhancements that
will provide significant improvements in expanded search, threat detection,
and identification and engagement capability. In addition, the radar search
sector volume has been expanded and a search-tailoring feature has been
incorporated. Configuration-3 radar enhancements provide for additional
search sectors that improve search and track functions against TBM threats.
The addition of the high altitude cruise missile (HACM) search sector
enhances the system’s ability to detect and counter air-launch cruise missiles

Patriot System Equipment

Figure B-7. Radar Set

B-22. Launching stations (LS) shown in Figure B-8 are a remotely operated,
fully self-contained unit, that has integral onboard power and carries up to
four PAC-2 or GEM missiles, or 16 PAC-3 missiles. PAC-2 and GEM missiles
may be mixed together on the LS. PAC-3 cannot be mixed with any other
type of missiles due to their size. Operation is controlled in the ECS via fiber
optics or VHF data link. The LS is mounted on an M-860 semi-trailer towed
by an M983 HEMTT. Leveling equipment permits LS emplacement on slopes
of up to 10°. The LS is trainable in azimuth ±110° and elevates to a fixed,
elevated, launch position. The LS has to be precisely emplaced and aligned
prior to launch. Proper emplacement and alignment is critical for
engagement of any threat.

B-23. The generator for the LS is located on the yoke assembly of the trailer
and includes a built-in 56.8-liter (15-gallon) fuel tank. It has side-mounted
work platforms. The unit is a diesel engine-driven generator, 15-kw,
four-wire, 400-hertz, 120/208-volt power.

FM 3-01.85

B-24. An M983 is the prime mover for the launching station. Each prime
mover should include one radio per launcher. FM communications is required
with the ECS and the battery command network during emplacement,
missile reload, movement, and static operations.

Figure B-8. PAC-2 Launching Station, Emplaced

B-25. The current Patriot launcher has been modified to accommodate the
new PAC-3 missile and serves as an interchangeable launcher platform. The
upgraded launcher is referred to as a PAC-3 launcher and is capable of
accommodating the PAC-3 missile or the current inventory of Patriot
missiles. A PAC-3 launcher is shown in Figure B-9.
B-26. Each PAC-3 launcher will include the enhanced launcher electronics
system (ELES), a junction box containing a Launching Station Diagnostic
Unit (LSDU), and new interface and umbilical cables for the PAC-3 missile.
The ELES performs the electrical interface functions between the PAC-3
launcher and the PAC-3 missiles to the ECS through the fiber optics cable or
SINCGARS VHF radio. During operations, the ELES may be connected to 16
PAC-3 missiles or four PAC-2 missiles. The ELES is comprised of the launch
control unit, motor control unit, power control unit, connector interface panel,
and junction box (J-box). The J-box interfaces the ELES and missile

Patriot System Equipment

canisters, either PAC-2 or PAC-3 missiles. There is no mixing of PAC-3 and

PAC-2 missiles on the same launcher.
B-27. The ELES replaces the launcher electronics module (LEM) and
occupies the same location on the launcher. The power distribution unit
(PDU) internal to the LEM was replaced with a PCU (internal to the ELES)
for control of additional power supplies required by the PAC-3 missile
functions. The J-box replaces the launcher missile round distributor (LMRD)
on PAC-3 launchers.
B-28. Since the PAC-3 launcher is capable of firing the PAC-3 missile or any
standard PAC-2 Patriot missile (STD, SOJC, ATM, or GEM), the launcher
must be loaded with all PAC-3 or any combination of PAC-2 missiles, there
is no mixing of PAC-3 and PAC-2 missiles on the same launcher.

Figure B-9. PAC-3 Launching Station Emplaced


B-29. The electric power plant (EPP III) shown in Figure B-10 is the prime
power source for the ECS and RS. Each EPP consists of two 150-kw, 400-Hz
diesel engines that are interconnected through the power distribution unit
(PDU) and are mounted on a 10-ton M977 HEMTT. Each EPP contains two
interconnected 75-gallon fuel tanks and a fuel distribution assembly with
grounding equipment. Each diesel engine can operate more than eight hours
with a full fuel tank.

FM 3-01.85

Figure B-10. Electric Power Plant III


B-30. The AMG as illustrated in Figure B-11 is a mobile antenna mast
system used to carry the amplifiers and antennas associated with the UHF
communications equipment located in the ECS, ICC, and CRG. Four
antennas are mounted in two pairs, are remotely controlled in azimuth, and
can be elevated to heights up to 100 feet, 11 inches, above ground level.
B-31. Emplacement consists of stabilizing the AMG, setting the antenna feed,
and the erection of the antennas by the use of self-contained hydraulic and
pneumatic systems and then adjusting the antenna elevation. The
emplacement slope for the AMG should not be more than 10 degrees for
cross-roll and ½ degree for roll. Connecting cables to the collocated shelter is
carried on the AMG and includes RF cables, control cables, and a prime
power cable.

Patriot System Equipment

Figure B-11. Antenna Mast Group

B-32. The Patriot missile is a certified round that requires no checkout prior
to launch. It is shipped in a canister, which also serves as a launching tube.
There are several versions of Patriot missiles, each with different capabilities
in Table B-1.
B-33. The PAC-3 missile is considerably smaller than the other Patriot
missiles, allowing 16 to be loaded on the launching station vice four of the
others. Because the different versions have different capabilities and
limitations, there are strict guidelines regarding their selection and use
against different threats (see ST-44-85-3). See Figure B-12 for difference
between missiles.

Standard / SO JC / P A C -2 / G E M M issiles

P A C -3 M issile

FM 3-01.85

Figure B-12. Patriot Missiles

Table B-1. Patriot Missiles Dimensions and Weights
• Basic Capability vs. Aircraft

STANDARD • Limited Effectiveness/ 5.3 M 41 CM 914 KG

Lethality vs. Scud-Class
TBMs And SOJ ECM Threats

• Improved Effectiveness
SOJC 5.3 M 41 CM 914 KG
Against SOJ ECM Threat
• Improved TBM Capability 5.3 M 41 CM 914 KG
• Improved Acquisition,
Guidance And Fusing
ATM-1 • Improved Pk Against Low
5.3 M 41 CM 900 KG
(GEM) RCS, High Speed TBMs
• Increased Defended Area And
• Improved Maneuverability
ATM-2 • Hit To Kill System
5.2 M 25 CM 312 KG
(PAC-3) • Increased Firepower (16 Vs. 4)
Missiles Per Launcher

Patriot Support Equipment

B-34. Patriot support equipment consists of standard Army vehicles that
have been modified and equipped for use with the Patriot system. They
function as the maintenance and supply centers required for Patriot tactical
equipment at the battery and battalion headquarters levels. Patriot support
equipment is shown in Figure B-13. Repair parts, maintainer tools, test and
handling equipment, publications, and maintenance and supply records are
stored in the vehicles.
B-35. A maintenance center (MC) is a semi-trailer mounted shop van that
contains the tools, test and handling equipment necessary to maintain the
Patriot system. It is used at battery and battalion levels. The HHB MC has
been configured to function as a small repair parts transporter (SRPT). Power
is provided by a PU-732M 15-kw, 400-hz, diesel generator set, trailer
mounted. It is towed by a separate vehicle and provides power for the
maintenance center and SRPT.
B-36. A guided missile transporter (GMT) is a modified HEMTT M985. The
GMT is used for delivery, recovery, loading, and reloading of Patriot missiles.
A heavy-duty materiel-handling crane is attached at the rear of the vehicle.

Patriot System Equipment

B-37. A large repair parts transporter (LRPT) provides a means to transport

and store large, heavy repair parts. It consists of a HEMTT M977 cargo truck
with a heavy-duty materiel-handling crane.

B-38. A small repair parts transporter (SRPT) provides a means to transport

small, repair parts, and assemblies. It is also used as a maintenance van
when needed.


M 985
M 373




M 373 M 818



M 977

Figure B-13. Patriot Support Equipment


B-39. Table B-2 provides approximate weights and dimensions of tactical
equipment in both English and metric systems. This table also includes the
weight of water and fuel.

FM 3-01.85

Table B-2. Patriot Equipment Weights and Dimensions

Radar Set w/ M983 - Prime Mover 78,230 lb 11.83 ft 9.52 ft 55.77 ft
(AN/MPQ -53) 35,485 kg 3.61 m 2.90 m 17.00 m
Radar Set w/M983 – Prime Mover 78,030 lb 11.83 ft 9.52 ft 55.77 ft
(AN/MPQ-65) 35,485 kg 3.61 m 2.90 m 17.00 m
Engagement Control Station
mounted (AN/MSQ-104) 37,780 lb 11.92 ft 8.95 ft 32.10 ft
w/M927 5-Ton Tractor Truck 17,137 kg 3.63 m 2.73 m 9.78 m
w/o Winch
Electric Power Plant III mounted on 59,910 lb 11.25 ft 8.5 ft 33.4 ft
M977 Tractor w/Winch 27,174 kg 3.43 m 2.59 m 10.18 m
Antenna Mast Group,
37,170 lb 1.75 ft 8.26 ft 35.13 ft
OE-MRC w/M942, 5-Ton Tractor
16,860 kg 3.58 m 2.52 m 10.71 m
Launcher Station, Guided Missile
67,010 lb 11.50 ft 9.42 ft 55.96 ft
w/15-kw GEN, w/M983 Tractor and
30,395 kg 3.50 m 2.87 m 17.06 m
Trailer, No Missiles
Launcher Station, Guided Missile,
82,010 lb 13.08 ft 9.42 ft 55.96 ft
w/15-kw GEN w/M983 Tractor and
37,199 kg 3.99 m 2.87 m 17.06 m
Trailer w/4 GM (PAC-2) Missiles
4 GM (PAC-2) w/Canisters, No 15,000 lb 6.50 ft 7.04 ft 20.0 ft
Truck, No Trailer 6,804 kg 1.98 m 2.15 m 6.10 m
PAC-3 Launcher Trailer Set,
35,000 lb 11.50 ft 9.42 ft 33.66 ft
w/o Prime Mover, w/15kw GEN, No
15,876 kg 3.50 m 2.87 m 10.26 m
4 GM (PAC-3) w/Canister, 16 18,552 lb 6.50 ft 7.04 ft 20.0 ft
Missiles Total, No Truck, No Trailer 8,415 kg 1.98 m 2.15 m 6.10 m
PAC-3 Launcher Station, w/o Prime
53,552 lb 13.08 ft 9.42 ft 33.66 ft
Mover, w/15kw GEN, w/4 GM (PAC-
24,291 kg 3.99 m 2.87 m 10.26 m
3) w/Canister, 16 Missile Total
Electric Power Unit II PU 804, Trailer 5,920 lb 7.00 ft 7.92 ft 13.75 ft
Mounted, No Tractor, Full w/Fuel 2,685 kg 2.13 m 2.41 m 4.19 m
Maintenance Center (MC) 40,680 lb 11.42 ft 8.17 ft 46.07 ft
w/M932 Tractor 18,452 kg 3.48 m 2.49 m 14.04 m
Small Repair Parts Transporter 39,390 lb 11.42 ft 8.17 ft 46.07 ft
(SRPT) w/5-Ton M932 Tractor 17,867 kg 3.48 m 2.49 m 14.04 m
Large Repair Parts Transporter
(LRPT) w/Light Duty MHE Crane, 40,241 lb 11.92 ft 8.44 ft 33.42 ft
w/M977 Tractor w/ Winch Assem. 18,253 kg 3.63 m 2.57 m 10.19 m
(PLL parts not included)

Patriot System Equipment

Table B-2. Patriot Equipment Weights and Dimensions con’t

Guided Missile Transporter Truck

41,090 lb 6.08 ft 8.44 ft 35.73 ft
w/Heavy Duty Crane, No Missiles,
18,638 kg 1.85 m 2.57 m 10.89 m
M985E1 Tractor and Trailer w/Winch
Information and Coordination
Central, AN/MSQ-16, 37,000 lb 11.99 ft 8.54 ft 32.08 ft
w/M928 5-Ton, Tractor w/o Winch 16,783 kg 3.66 m 2.60 m 9.78 m
Communications Relay Group
34,690 lb 11.99 ft 8.54 ft 32.08 ft
(CRG), AN/MRC-137, w/M927
15,735 kg 3.66 m 2.60 m 9.78 m
5-Ton, Tractor w/o Winch assem.
Tactical Command System, AN/MSQ 29,280 lb 11.86 ft 8.17 ft 30.22 ft
129, w/M934A1 Tractor 13,309 kg 3.61 m 2.49 m 9.21 m
Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical 32,880 lb 9.25 ft 8.46 ft 29.29 ft
Trk (HEMTT), 10 Ton, M983 14,914 kg 2.82 m 2.58 m 8.93 m
Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical
38,165 lb 9.25 ft 8.46 ft 33.4 ft
Trk (HEMTT), 10 Ton, M983
17,311 kg 2.82 m 2.58 m 10.18 m
Fuel-Empty-2500 gal.
Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical
50,900 lb 9.25 ft 8.46 ft 32.7 ft
Trk (HEMTT), 10 Ton, M984A1
23,088 kg 2.82 m 2.58 m 9.97 m
Electric Power Plant (EPP) III Vehicle 52,910 lb 11.25 ft 8.5 ft 33.40 ft
Mounted on M977 Tractor w/Winch, 24,000 kg 3.43 m 2.59 m 10.18 m
6.7 lbs
JP-8 Fuel (1 gal)
3.04 kg
8.0 lbs
Water (1 gal)
3.63 kg

FM 3-01.85

Appendix C

This appendix provides an overview of Patriot communications doctrine
and the supporting C4I resources that must be considered in
communications planning activities. The Patriot system relies heavily on
internal and external data and voice communications. For more detailed
information, see FM 3-01.87.

C-1. The Patriot communications architecture allows Patriot to integrate
with Army, joint, and allied C4I systems in both mature and immature
theaters. In a mature theater, Patriot normally integrates as part of an Army
air defense brigade at EAC or corps, and may be required to fight in an air
and missile defense task force (AMDTF) that includes THAAD and other
Army, joint, or multinational systems. In an immature theater, Patriot
battalions or batteries may fight in a TF with THAAD as part of an air
defense brigade (Patriot batteries may fight without a battalion) or may be
required to electronically integrate with joint or allied C4I systems depending
on METT-TC circumstances. Figure C-1 shows the basic communication links
for Patriot. Note: Depending on the units capabilities communication links
may also include TIBS, TRAP, TDDS, IBS, TADIL-A, and voice and etcetera.

FM 3-01.85

DI -1
L- L

IL-J J /
/M M /B
IL -








Figure C-1. Patriot Communications Overview

C-2. The Patriot battalion communications networks must provide reliable,
real time or near real time exchange of information between dispersed
Patriot batteries, higher headquarters, adjacent battalions, and supported
units. The communications system must be redundant to provide continuous
communications even when the primary system fails. To effectively
accomplish the mission, the Patriot battalion must maintain communications
that will support—
• Control of the air battle.
• Command, administrative, and logistical communications with higher
headquarters, subordinate units, and lateral units.
• Liaison with supported units or the units in whose area the Patriot
battalion is operating.
C-3. The Patriot battalion commander is responsible for establishing effective
communications. He exercises C2 of organic signal assets through his signal
officer. The doctrinal responsibilities for establishing communications are
from higher to lower, left to right, and supporting to supported. The battalion
uses organic multichannel radio and local wire nets to provide external and
internal communications. An organic communications platoon provides
multichannel UHF and range extension for the battalion and limited support
to the FUs.


C-4. External communications are established with the ADA brigade and
adjacent Patriot battalions. The battalion is also capable of communicating
with a CRC/TAOC, AWACS, AAMDC, Navy, ADA brigade, and SHORAD
C-5. Patriot communications provide a capability to communicate with
weapon, intelligence, and communications systems external to the battalion.
There are two major elements to the communications capabilities. These
capabilities provide interservice interoperability for Patriot. The first major
element provides Patriot battalions with direct access to tactical digital
information link TADIL-A, TADIL-B, and TADIL-J networks through
upgrade of the routing logic radio interface unit (RLRIU) and addition of
radios. The second major element provides interoperability with the ACUS,
which is composed of mobile subscriber equipment (MSE) at corps and below,
and of Tri-Services Tactical Communications (TRITAC) equipment at
echelons above corps. Intelligence data is received over the Tactical
Information Broadcast System (TIBS) on the Commander’s Tactical
Terminal−Hybrid Receiver (CTT/H-R) unit. The data is forwarded to the ICC
and tactical planner workstation.

ADA Brigade
C-6. Communications with the ADA brigade supports air battle C2. It also
facilitates administrative, logistical, operational, and intelligence functions.
The brigade commander is responsible for establishing voice and data link
communications and for providing an ACUS gateway to the MSE network.
The connectivity supports voice, and data communications between brigade
and the Patriot battalion.
C-7. The brigade maintains a multichannel system between the brigade and
subordinate Patriot, THAAD, and SHORAD battalions. The corps ADA
brigade is supported by the corps signal brigade, normally with an MSE SEN
at brigade headquarters and required resources at the Patriot battalion
location. Because the MSEs capability is extremely limited the SEN should
be collocated with the battalion TOC.

Adjacent Patriot Battalions

C-8. A Patriot battalion normally establishes UHF multichannel
communications with an adjacent Patriot battalion using one of the four links
of a CRG. Adjacent battalions exchange engagement operations information
using the Patriot digital information link (PADIL) at a data exchange rate of
256 or 512 bits per second over the AN GRC 103 radio. This data exchange
rate is needed to ensure high quality fire control and track coordination.

Supported Unit
C-9. Patriot battalions establish voice and data communications with the unit
in whose area the battalion is operating. The battalion normally coordinates
with the ADA brigade or AAMDC on ADA functions and operates in the

FM 3-01.85

Patriot network. The Patriot battalion provides early warning to the

supported unit command net.
C-10. Engagement operations communications consist primarily of data
communications. However, voice communications complement and
supplement data communications. JTIDS is the primary means used for data
communications; however, CTT provides linkage to early warning and
intelligence networks. MSE and SINCGARS are the primary means for voice
C-11. Force operation communications are essentially the same as used for
engagement operations voice. These include—
• MSE.

Supporting Unit
C-12. Supporting units establish communications with the supported unit.
Normally, the attached direct support (DS) Patriot maintenance company
(MC) collocates with or sends a liaison element to the Patriot battalion
headquarters. If this is not feasible, the DS Patriot maintenance company
enters the Patriot battalion administrative and logistics net. All other units
that provide support to the Patriot battalion on an area basis normally
establish communications with the Patriot battalion. This includes the S1
and S4 operations.

C-13. Internal communications are established with each Patriot FU to
support force operations and engagement operations functions. Internal
communications facilitate control of the air battle, administrative,
intelligence, operations, and logistics functions, using both UHF
multichannel and VHF-FM nets.

Multichannel Radio Systems

C-14. Patriot battalions use organic resources to establish multichannel
communications with each subordinate battery. To pass real time
engagement operations information, automatic data links are established








using a multi-routing scheme shown in Figure C-2. If an FU is collocated

with the Patriot battalion, it can connect via specialty cable (CX 11230)
directly to battalion.

Figure C-2. Battalion UHF Links

C-15. Three voice circuits are established over the UHF multichannel
network between battalion and batteries. These open circuits allow everyone
at each battery and battalion to be simultaneously on line. Each radio is used
for the multi-routing of data on the automatic data link circuit PADIL,
normally channel 4. An engagement voice circuits established using channel
1, corresponds with party line 1 on the operator’s intercom box. Intelligence
and radar reporting circuit is established using channel 2 and party line 2 on
the Intercom Box. Another circuit is reserved, using channel 3 and party line
3 as a maintenance circuit (not used for control of the air battle). Patriot
battery TCAs and battalion TDAs monitor the ADC circuit while the battery
TCOs and battalion TDs monitor the higher echelon nets.
C-16. Patriot battery and battalion communications operators use the
maintenance net. This circuit is an unsecured channel used to coordinate
communications circuits. This circuit is similar to other circuits between the
battalion and the ADA brigade.

Battalion Command FM Net

C-17. The purpose of this net is to provide communications for the command
function within the battalion headquarters. The stations operating in the net
are shown in Figure C-3. This is used as the primary C2 net during
movements and as a secondary net when in a static position.

FM 3-01.85








Figure C-3. Battalion FM Command Network Layout

Administration/Logistics, Intelligence, and Operations

C-18. Normally, the UHF multichannel radio system, which provides
communications for control of the air battle, also supports other functions.
Since the UHF system is operational most of the time, it is also the primary
means for the staff to provide C2 of the FU. The number of circuits is limited
by the 12 external wire connections at the ICC. These 12 circuits must
provide connections to brigade and each battery. Generally, each battery has
a minimum of two circuits and will frequently have more. These UHF circuits
are connected to switchboards at the battalion and battery.


C-19. The ICC is linked to the battalion TCS and the system maintenance
center by a wire network using TA-312s, DNVTs, or LS147s as shown in
Figure C-4. This net allows for rapid communications between key elements
of the TCS and the ICC. It can be used to cross-tell time-sensitive air battle
data such as a change in the airspace control order (ACO). Maintenance
support can also be requested without leaving the ICC.

Information and
Coordination Central





Battalion Maintenance Center Tactical Command System

Figure C-4. Battalion Wire Net

C-20. The battalion and battery wire net connectivity is shown in Figure C-5.
This net is the primary means of communications between battery elements
using either DNVTs or LS147 telephones. The switchboard also provides
access to a minimum of one circuit to each FU.

FM 3-01.85


X S3 T
S4 T






Figure C-5. Battalion Local Wire Net

C-21. A voice and data wire link provides administrative and logistics C2 see
Figure C-6 for illustration. The net control station is located at the S1 and S4
van. Every station in the net is secure. The net is routed through the CRG
with UHF links to higher and supported units.


Battery CP (5 ea)

Battalion Maintenance

Battalion Tactical
CSM HMMWV Operations Center S1 /S4
with Radio Brigade Admin /Log Net

Communications Relay Group Battery Maintenance

Center (5 ea)

Figure C-6. Battalion Administrative/Logistics Net

C-22. Patriot battery communications are comprised of three systems: the
battery command net, the FU operations net, and the battery data net. These
nets are described below.


C-23. The battery command net as shown in Figure C-7 is an FM radio net
used to exercise C2 of the battery during unit road movements. The 1SG is
included in the battery net to help the commander facilitate command and
control, during and after movement. The FM radio net also provides backup
communications (for FU operations net) after the FU has been emplaced.

FM 3-01.85

B a tte r y 1 S G
M a in te n a n c e P la t o o n
B a tte r y XO Leader

C o m m u n ic a tio n s S e c tio n
B a tte r y C o m m a n d e r
B a tte r y C o m m a n d P o s t (5 e a )

F ir e C o n t r o l P la t o o n L e a d e r L a u n c h e r P la to o n L e a d e r

Figure C-7. Battery Command Net


C-24. The FU operations net shown in Figure C-8 is a wire net used to
exercise C2 of the FU after it has been emplaced. The net control station for
this net is the CP. A switchboard in the CP allows the commander to
communicate with the 1SG, ECS, the launcher sections, the communications
section, maintenance platoon, supply, and other elements. Switchboard
connections are diagrammed in Figure C-9.


Battery 1SG Battery Maintenance

Maintenance Platoon Center

Fire Control Platoon Leader Engagement Control Station

(Net Control Station) Motor Maintenance

Stinger Teams Launcher Platoon Leader

AN/ VRC 88 Battery Command Post

Figure C-8. Fire Unit Operations Net

FM 3-01.85













Figure C-9. Battery Switchboard Connections


C-25. The data net in Figure C-10 provides connectivity between the ECS and
launchers, and is used to launch missiles and establish missile availability
and status. Fiber-optic cables link the ECS to the local launching stations.
Data radio transmissions are used as backup for local launchers and as
primary for remote launchers. The net is controlled at the ECS by special
purpose radio equipment that provides reliable transmission of low-data rate
messages over a short path. All command messages originate at the ECS,
requiring a slaved response from the LS in the form of a status message. The
LS cannot originate data communications. This is the first net established
during battery emplacement.



F ib e r O p tic C a b le C R G /L C S


ECS F ib e r O p tic C a b le

Local R e m o te L a u n c h P h a s e I R e m o te L a u n c h P h a s e III

Figure C-10. Battery Data Net


C-26. The Patriot battalion may be task-organized with THAAD and/or SHORAD units,
forming an air and missile task force (AMDTF). The AMDTF uses a variety of
communications networks to accomplish its mission. These networks, shown in
Figure C-11, include the joint data network (JDN), the joint engagement coordination
network (JECN), the joint mission management network (JMMN), and the UHF and
other voice nets. The JDN, JECN, and JMMN are JTIDS communications networks that
disseminate TADIL-J data messages.









FM 3-01.85

Figure C-11. AMDTF Communication Networks


C-27. The JDN is used to disseminate near-real time surveillance and precise
participant location information (PPLI). It is used by the AMDTF primarily
for exchanging air and missile track data. The specific messages used in
AMDTF operations are shown in Figure C-12. These messages are associated
with network participation groups (NPGs) 6 and 7. (See CJCSM 6120.01B for
a discussion of NPGs and TADIL J messages).






Figure C-12. Joint Data Net


C-28. The JECN is used to disseminate near-real time engagement
coordination information. It is used by the AMDTF primarily to coordinate
engagements between Patriot and THAAD. The specific messages used by the
AMDTF, shown in Figure C-13, are associated with Patriot external


C-29. The JMMN is used to disseminate near-real time mission management
information. It is used by the AMDTF and THAAD to disseminate
commands, engagement status, and ICC/ECS operational status. It also
serves as a C2 link with higher headquarters and joint agencies. Figure C-13
illustrates the joint engagement coordination net.


NPG 21
J 9. 0 Command (R/C)
J 9.1 Engagement Coordination
J 2.0 Indirect Unit PPLI PPLI J10.2 Engagement Status J 3.0 Reference Point ( LTDAs), Assets
J 2. 2 Air PPLI NPG 6 J 9.0 Command
J 2.5 Land PPLI
J 2.3 Surface PPLI J 9.1 Engagement Coordination
J13.5 Land Plat and Sys
J 2.4 Subsurface PPLI
Status J10.2 Engagement Status
J 2.5 Land Point PPLI
J 2.6 Land Track PPLI HEU
J 13.2 Air Plat & Sys Status
J 13.3 Surface Plat &Sys Status
J 13.5 Land Plat & Sys Status PATRIOT J 9. 0 Command
TOC J10.2 Engagement Status

JTT-T/R J 3.0 Ref Point (GIP/ELP)

J 3.0 Ref Point (GIP/ELP)
J 3.2 Air Track
J 3.3 Surface Track
J 3.5 Land Track JMMN
J 3.6 Space Track NPG 8
J 3.5 Land Track J 3.7 EW Product
J 3.6 Space Track
J 7. 0 Track Management J 9. 0 Command (R/C)
J 3.7 EWProduct
J7.1 Data update Request J 10.2 Engagement Status
J 6.0 IntelInfo MSG (TBD)
J 7.2 Correlation (TBD)
J 7.0 Track Management
J 7.3 Pointer
J 7.1 Data Update Request
J 7.4 Track identifier
J 7.2 Correlation
J 7.3 Pointer ACUS Area Common User System
J 7.4 Track Identifier JSN JECN JTIDS Joint Engagement Coord Net
NPG 7 JMMN JTIDS Joint Mission Management Net
JSN JTIDS Joint Surveillance Net
JTT-T/R Joint Tactical Terminal - Transmit/ Receive
PPLI JTIDS Precise Participant Location and Ident Net

Figure C-13. Joint Engagement Coordination Net


C-30. The UHF voice net, shown in Figure C-14, provides the primary
communications for coordinating AMDTF engagement and force operations
activities, including engagement coordination, defense design, firing doctrine,
system initialization, and sensor orientation, with task force elements. The
area common user system (ACUS) net is also used to coordinate force and
engagement operations activities. The single-channel ground and airborne
radio system (SINCGARS) net is a FM net used for backup C2 within the

FM 3-01.85


C-31. A commander’s tactical terminal hybrid (CTT/H) is installed in the TCS
and ICC. The CTT/H is a special purpose receiver that allows Patriot to
receive intelligence information from various intelligence sources within
theater. The CTT/H allows TIBS data to be displayed in the TCS and ICC for
situational awareness and planning purposes.





ECS or

Figure C-14. MSE and Voice Nets


C-32. Communications planning begins while the fire unit locations are
selected to support the defense design. Enhancements with Configuration 3
and PDB-5 software have altered the technical capabilities of Patriot
communications, but have not altered the basic method of conducting
communications planning. There must be voice and data links created
between each fire unit, ICC, CRG, and LCS location.
C-33. Patriot communications consist of AN/GRC-103 UHF, a joint tactical
information distribution system (JTIDS) 2M terminal to the ICC, the
integrated digital operator control station (IDOCS), RLRIUs, corner


reflectors, LCSs, and AMGs. These items are used to execute the battalion's
communications plan.

C-34. The battalion signal officer, in conjunction with the S3, coordinates
with brigade staff and adjacent signal officers to develop the communications
plan prior to each move. A well-developed communications plan ensures you
have communications at new positions.
C-35. The signal officer prepares the communications plan using the signal
annex to the TSOP and the SOI. Frequency management personnel can
assist in developing several areas of the plan. The following are steps the
signal officer must consider as part of the planning process.
• Review operations order from higher echelon, and evaluate the
defined area of operations.
• Conduct a ground or map reconnaissance to determine line-of-sight
supportability. This analysis can be accomplished using the TCS
communications planning function.
• Request pre-approval for possible communications sites based on line-
of-sight supportability and availability. These sites will be
coordinated with the defense design when determining placement of
Patriot units.
• Prepare for publication of signal annex to OPORD–
ƒ Coordinate with JICO for battalion OPTASK links, and prepare
data for tab entries.
ƒ Coordinate TADIL-J network, load files, and prepare data for tab
ƒ Request frequency sets from higher for FM, AM, CTT, TADIL-A,
TADIL-B, TADIL-J, ATDL-1, and PADIL networks.
ƒ Coordinate for connectivity to higher echelons, joint, and
multinational forces.
ƒ Prepare network diagrams for voice, data, computer LANs, and
multi-TADIL networks. Diagrams must include locations,
frequencies, antenna azimuths, relays, and alignment.
ƒ Plan, develop, and organize communication support organization.
• Prepare for publication of signal annex to OPORD.
• Have at least one dedicated AN/PSC-5 tactical satellite (TACSAT)
radio per battalion. SIGO must coordinate for TACSAT COMSEC for
employment of TACSAT communications.
• Coordinate for additional signal support with higher headquarters for
satellite communications (SATCOM) when LOS and organic
communications are not possible.
• Request SOIs for battalion (distribute, maintain control and use of
CRYPTO material).
• Ensure there is logistic support for isolated sites (personnel, fuel and
• Monitor all communications links and prepare communication plans
for contingency operations.

FM 3-01.85

C-36. When developing the communications plan, the signal officer must
consider a number of factors. This list is not exhaustive and will vary
depending on the situation.
• Identify all network units interbattalion–total number of Patriot and
THAAD FUs, CRGs, and the ICC), interbattalion (adjacent ICCs and
subordinate German Hawk operations center), and extrabattalion
(brigade TOC elements), and their UTM coordinates. The system can
use up to six CRGs.
• Evaluate site terrain for line-of-sight emplacement of antenna mast
group (AMG) or corner reflectors. For planning purposes,
40-kilometers are the effective line-of-sight range for AMG in the
bypass mode. The planning range for corner reflectors is
• Plan for polarization of UHF antennas.
• Define the patching scheme for each battalion element. Assign
antenna azimuths for each link.
• Assign battalion identification numbers to generate RLRIU addresses
for local battalion elements. The RLRIU address defines the RLRIU
that delivers the data block.
• Identify the interbattalion or extrabattalion exit and entry port (ICC
or CRGs 1 through 4) and shelter modem (1 through 5) to be used for
each interbattalion or extrabattalion link. Direct linking, discussed
later, offers an alternative to the use of modems for interbattalion


C-37. Communications network planning requires close coordination between
the signal officer and the S3 section. The S3 informs the signal officer of
proposed unit locations determined by the defense planning. The signal
officer determines the need for CRGs based on the distance between units
and the terrain. Once the UTM coordinates of the deployed units are known,
the locations are plotted on a map to determine profile elevations and to
verify distance between units. Technical data for this is provided in
TM 11-5820-540-12. The same information displayed on the notational
battalion UHF link diagram in Figure C-15 will be required in the standard
five-battery configuration. Pictured below is a three-battery configuration
with two CRGs. A five-battery configuration would have additional CRGs
with all shot groups correlating with each other and then to the ICC. The
diagram should contain the UTM coordinates and elevation data for each
ECS, ICC, and CRG.


30 13N 337636196
5° EL: 4320
R O U TE 1
B B TR Y 106°
3 7 V -P L 2 /3 P O L A R IT Y
13N 316436348 2 1067 H
EL: 4400 185°
A B TR Y ° 13N ( T R A N S M IT , R E C E IV E )
1 6V -
PL EL: 33763
1 3 432 619
3 09 /3 0 5 ° 0 6
95 2
173° H B B TR Y 1 0 5 ° 7 V -P L 1 /3 286° 13N 337636196
12 1 3 3

83 C B TR Y EL: 5600
D 995 H 1283

2 1
188 °


1523 H 1497


8V-PL 1/3
13N 316436348 353 °
1065 V

E L :4 3 7 4 3 174°
112 °
CHG 2 4 H -O W / D A T A 1
NO. 1 292° CRG
1331 H
4 1 2 NO. 2 4





13N 337636196

1 /3 4 0 EL: 4320

3V -


335° 1 3 46°

Figure C-15. Notational Battalion UHF System Diagram

C-38. Standardization of communications tasks is essential for rapid system
emplacement and operations. To the maximum extent possible, basic and
communications functions should be standardized. Redundant links provide
alternate paths for voice and data communications.


C-39. Standardization at the ICC is achieved by the way voice party lines and
data channels are patched. Party line 1 is patched to channel 1; party line 2
is patched to channel 2 of whichever UHF radio is being used; party line 3 is
patched to channel 3, and party line 4 with data is patched to channel 4. The
integrated digital operator control station (IDOCS) modernizes the system
communications for interconnection, access, and monitoring of VHF, HF,
TADIL-A, voice, and tactical party line conferencing. The IDOCS provides a
means for patching voice and or data via electronic patching using the new
communications OCU touch panel screen, this includes the ground
communications filter unit (GCFU) wire line circuits, UHF/VHF radio
circuits and the switch multiplexer unit (SMU) circuit switching system.
Data channels within the battalion will be patched from RLRIU port 1 to
channel 1 of RRT 1, from RLRIU port 2 to channel 2 of RRT 2, and so forth.
This process will continue until all patching is complete.

FM 3-01.85

C-40. Channel 4 is dedicated for intrabattalion data transmissions. Channel
12 should not be used for data transmission since a synchronized pulse is
routinely sampled from this channel. However, channel 12 can be used for
voice transmissions. For more information concerning the use of
communication, transmissions, and channels see FM 3-01.87. Through
IDOCS, the user determines UHF radio traffic. A default setting on IDOCS
allows direct access from the RLRIU, OCU voice battle circuits (2) and
system management circuits. If the transmission rate over the UHF radio
link is sufficient, the operator can allow the transmission of a FO-DTG
containing 8 or 16 channels and a packet switch circuit. Figure C-16 provides
the possible IDOCS/radio transmission rate and channel access available.

576/32 576/16 512/16 288/16
Rate (Kbps)
Service Ch’s Kpbs Ch’s Kpbs Ch’s Kpbs Ch’s Kpbs
PADIL Data 1 32 2 32 2 32 2 32
2 Battle Circuits 4 128 8 128 8 128 8 128
1 32 2 32 2 32 1 16

Overhead 1 32 1 16 1 16 1 16
FO-DTG 8 256 16 256 16 256 - -

Packet Switch 16,32,

1,2 32,64 1,2,4 1,2 16,32 - -
Total 480,496,
16,17 512,544 30,31,33 30,31 480,496 12 192

Spare Channel 96,80,

2,1 64,32 6,5,3 2,1 32,16 6 96
Figure C-16. IDOCS Channel Access Availability


C-41. The five modems at the ICC and CRG are used for communications
with brigade and adjacent units. Standardization is achieved by assigning;
for example, modem 5 to channel 5 of whichever RRT is being used by the
ICC or the CRG. Direct linking provides an alternative to the use of modems
for interbattalion data communications. This process increases data
throughput and provides data flow between lateral ICCs when modem
hardware is unavailable. Up to six direct links can be established during
initialization. For example, at initialization, the special direct link source
codes to be accepted from battalion B over a direct link are set in the
battalion A RLRIU. All data packets originating in battalion B will flow over
any direct link antenna path established between the two battalions. Only


those data packets carrying the authorized data link source codes will be
relayed into the battalion A net and passed into the battalion A computer by
the ICC's RLRIU.
C-42. At battalion B, the same special direct link source codes are used in the
RLRIU. Therefore, packets from battalion A carrying the authorized direct
link source codes will also be relayed into the battalion B net and passed into
the battalion B computer. A battalion net may also act as a relay between two
other battalions using direct linking see Figure C-17 for illustration.


D IR E C T L IN K 1 & 2 BN B BN C



D IR E C T L IN K B N B & 1 & 2 M E S S A G E S
D IR E C T L IN K 1 & 2


Figure C-17. Direct Linking


C-43. The party line loop switches located on the front of the battery CP must
remain in the NORM position at all FUs and in the OPEN position at the
ICCs. CRGs are also a part of communications standardizing.

C-44. Use the same AN/GRC 103 radio at both ends of the link: for example,
RRT 1 at the ICC to RRT 1 at FU 1. By setting up links in this manner,
troubleshooting the links using the communications fault data tab at the ICC
is made easier.

FM 3-01.85

C-45. In developing the data link network, the signal officer uses the ICC,
CRG, and CRG/LCS deployment FU communications assignment to
designate communications links, antenna azimuths, unit ID codes, and CRG
locations. Up to six CRGs or LCSs may be deployed. A LCS is assigned the
CRG symbol for display.
C-46. The FUs, the ICC, and the CRGs are shown in the communications
diagram as a 360-degree perimeter. The distance from a unit to its perimeter
represents 20−kilometers, which is half the nominal communications
planning range. In determining whether units can communicate with each
other, the individual observes the situation display and notes the proximity of
the units to one another. If the symbols touch or overlap each other, they
should be able to communicate without having to relay through a CRG. This
assumes that the AMG is used and LOS exists. (If the unit symbols do not
touch, the overall separation is 40−kilometers or more, and a CRG is

C-47. Once a communications plan is developed, the communications
personnel in the ICC, ECS, and CRG/LCS must implement it. Operators at
the ICC, CRG, and ECS use the previously discussed system diagram and the
communications planning work sheet as guides in their emplacement
procedures. This is only for the remote launch and communications
enhancement upgrade (RLCEU) units only.
C-48. Initialization of the voice patch panel is through the integrated digital
operator control station (IDOCS) that provides an automated electronic
patching facility. Through IDOCS, the user determines UHF radio traffic. A
default setting on IDOCS allows direct access from the RLRIU, OCU voice
battle circuits (2) and system management circuits. If the transmission rate
over the UHF radio link is sufficient, the operator can allow the transmission
of a force operation digital transmission group containing 8 or 16 channels
and a packet switch circuit.
C-49. Initialization of the switch miltiplexer unit (SMU) will allow access to
the ACUS network. Each Patriot shelter, ICC, ECS, and CRGs, can interface
with the ACUS (MSE or TRI-TAC) supporting communications systems in
the same fashion as used at the ICC.
C-50. Once the system is initialized, the operational software monitors and
checks the RRTs, RLRIUs, and modems at all units (ECS, ICC, and CRG).
This information is displayed at the ICC in the communications link fault
data tab. The tab, when used with the battalion UHF communications link
diagram, is an excellent tool in determining link and equipment status. The
information in the tab becomes available when data communications are
established between links (RLRIU to RLRIU).



C-51. The Patriot data communications system is a multirouted net, which
provides the ICC with multiple communications paths for data transmission.
This multirouted net provides the Patriot system with low vulnerability to
electronic countermeasures (ECMs), equipment outages, and a high data rate
C-52.Patriot data communications is defined by or limited to the 32-kbps
UHF multirouting network. Each linked unit, depending on its data protocol
and initialized linkage, uses (loads) a portion of that total capacity. Based on
the communications net plan, the unit percent loading will be under 100%. If
the percent goes over a 100%, the tactical operator will be alerted on the K-7
display and actions must be taken to reduce the link load.
C-53. In the ICC, the PDB-5 software improvement, the network loading is
automatically calculated and displayed for currently linked units. For
planned deployments, this percentage, referred to as the deployed net loading
percentage (DNLP) is also calculated and displayed in communications tabs.
C-54. Data communications can be accelerated between ICCs by initializing a
"direct-link." A direct link (up to five are possible) bypasses modem hardware
at ECSs and CRGs and allows full access to the 32-kbps net capacity.
C-55. Data modems located only at the ICC and CRGs, (five each per shelter),
are required for data communications with ATDL-1, TADIL-J and TADIL-B
units. An example of this is brigade TOC, THAAD, CRC, and auxiliary units.
Figure C-18 illustrates the data link software capability.

T A D IL -B / A T D L -1 /T A D IL -J
T A D IL -B / A T D L -1 /T A D IL -J
T A D IL -B /T A D IL -J


A T D L -1 P A D IL


Figure C-18. Data Link Software Capability

C-56. Patriot multichannel UHF communications are subject to degradation
under combat conditions. The system or operator may use the following
procedures to help reduce the amount of communication degradation.

FM 3-01.85


C-57. Given DNLP > 100 percent, to maintain optimum system performance,
the ICC will automatically degrade gradually its data communications to
Patriot FUs first and then to or with CRG modem-ported Hawk fire units (if
linked). The number of messages on the link(s) to FUs will be reduced and
lower-priority messages for FUs will not be serviced as often. Note:
Engagement and engagement-related commands are high-priority messages.


C-58. Given an overloaded net where the DNLP is > 100 percent, the ICC
operator will be alerted and must take the following actions:
• Disallow communications to one or more units, which reduces that
unit's load by approximately one-half. Data still flows from the unit to
the ICC.
• Reduce or eliminate "direct-links" to or with subordinate or adjacent
ICCs that reduce that link's load by approximately one-third or
• Transfer CRG modem-linked units to ICC modems that reduce that
link's load to zero. Data still flows to and from the unit(s). The unit(s)
must be relatively close to the ICC, if no CRG relay exists. LOS is
required and data addressed to the ICC is not multirouted.
• Eliminate a data link to a unit(s) at the ICC, which reduces that
link's load to zero. Data is disallowed to and from the unit. FU to FU
communications have no loading reduction effect since FUs share the
ICC's multirouting net.

C-59. The following are some basic rules for UHF data communications.
Additional information can be found in FM 44-01.87:
• Do not "overload." Although loading beyond 100 percent is possible, it
certainly is not advisable. An overloaded net will result both by
design and fact in degraded data communications.
• Plan link loading. With predicted "allowable" numbers and
combinations of units, a link load-planning matrix should be
consulted. Should one not be available, as a rough planning tool, use
the following figures for prediction: each CRG modem-ported Hawk
FU−5 percent; each Patriot FU−10 percent; each initialized external
battalion unit linked through CRG modems−15 percent; and on
"direct-link''−20 percent.
• Maximize use of ICC modems. From a network-loading standpoint,
maximum use should be made of ICC modems, especially by
collocated (1 to 5 kilometers) units, Hawk FUs when CRG availability
is limited, and "relatively close" ATDL-1 or TADIL-D units. Again,
units linked via these modems do not load the network or in any way
affect the network's loading capacity.
• No use of "direct-link." Increases data throughout the ICCs, and
minimal use should be made of "direct-linking" due to their


exorbitant impact on the network loading capacity. If loading capacity

is sufficient (few links exist), direct links may be considered.

Appendix D

Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace

This appendix covers intelligence preparation of the battlespace (IPB), the
methodology used to analyze the threat and understand how the enemy
commander will fight. It is tailored to the Patriot battalion and patterned
after Chapter 2 of FM 2-01.3 (Conducting Intelligence Preparation of the
Battlefield) and Appendix A of FM 3-01 (Air Intelligence Preparation of
the Battlefield). Note: Battlespace is the term used to describe a three
dimensional aspect that includes air, land, sea and space.


D-1. Air defense officers need to fully understand the plans, tactics, and drills
prior to the exercise or operation beginning to ensure success−
• Commanders and staffs need to expect quality products from the air
defense S2, so that the enemy picture is not distorted and the
commander’s battlefield visualization is accurate.
• Air defense officers must practice IPB and develop personal and staff
IPB drills, in order to fight the enemy not the plan.
• Air defense officers should understand the relationship of the enemy
air and missile threat against the friendly maneuver commander
prior to developing an IPB.
D-2. The IPB process is time-consuming. IPB is not just a portion of the
military decision making process (MDMP) or a significant aspect of the staff
planning drill. It is a personal and professional skill that the air defense
officer and S2 must take the time and energy to develop. Commanders at all
levels have the responsibility of not only ensuring that IPB is understood by
all air defense officers, but that all air defense officers under their command
have an expert understanding of enemy air and missile tactics. This implies
that commanders must be experts themselves.

D-3. The intelligence preparation of the battlespace has four steps−
• Define the battlespace’s environment.
• Describe the battlespace’s effects.
• Evaluate the threat.
• Determine threat courses of actions (COAs).
D-4. Each step in IPB can be considered as a point in planning where the
analysis of the enemy is manifested in graphic products (identified with an
asterisk in Figure D-1). The IPB is largely the focus of the intelligence section
at the Patriot battalion. The S2 has a responsibility to ensure these products
are developed at certain steps of the MDMP.

FM 3-01.85


1. Receipt of Mission Msn/ Intent of Higher HQ Issue WO #1 Initial Guidance

2. Mission Analysis Higher HQ’s Order or Information Situational Templates and Narratives *
Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay (MCOO) * Initial CCIRs*
Doctrinal Template * Initial R & S Plan *
Situational Templates and Narratives * Restated Mission
Staff Estimates Issue WO #2

3. COA Development CDRs Intent/ Guidance Course of Action Sketches

CDRs Approved Priorities (CVRT) Course of Action Statements
Correlation of Force--Air (COFA) *
Event Template and Matrix *

4. COA Analysis COA Sketches Wargaming Results

COA Statements CCIRs
Decision Support Template and Matrix

5. COA Comparison Wargaming Results Established Criteria Decision Matrix

6. COA Approval Decision Matrix Patriot Task Order and MSN to

Subordinate Units
Issue WO #3

7. Order’s Production Approved COA Operations’ Order

Execution Matrix Rehearsal

Figure D-1. Air Defense MDMP Products

D-5. The S2’s analysis—manifested in these products—is critical to the
commander’s battlefield visualization and the development of the plan. In
addition, each product is sequentially based upon the previous product; see
Figure D-2 for the S2 product relationship. Analysis of the enemy is deduced
and refined into an understanding of what the enemy commander can do, and
what the enemy will do against certain friendly COAs.
D-6. Because the Patriot battalion’s mission is air and missile defense, the S2
focuses on the enemy air, ASMs, CMs, UAVs, missiles, nuclear, biological and
chemical (NBC), and special operations forces (SOF)/terrorist threat. The S2
must also keep abreast of the enemy maneuver or ground situation, as this
aspect often affects the employment of an enemy’s rocket or air force, as well
as the introduction of NBC and its delivery means. Furthermore, Patriot FUs
may be susceptible to enemy ground forces, such as corps Patriot FUs
protecting a division rear, that is within range of enemy long-range artillery

Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace


A n a ly s is O f B a ttle fie ld M o d ifie d C o m b in e d

E n v ir o n m e n t O b s ta c le O v e r la y (M C O O )

D o c trin a l T e m p la te s , M C O O , T P L s S itu a tio n a l T e m p la te s A n d

N a rr a tiv e s

S itu a tio n a l T E M P /N a rr a tiv e s , N A Is E v e n t T e m p la te s A n d M a tr ic e s

E v e n t T E M P /M a tr ic e s , C O F A , T A Is , D P s D e c is io n S u p p o rt
T e m p la te A n d M a trix

Figure D-2. S2 Product Relationship


D-7. Defining the battlespace environment consists of six steps that lead to
an understanding of where and under what conditions the enemy air, missile
and SOF/terrorist forces (as well as the Patriot FUs), will fight. These steps
are as follows:
• Identify significant characteristics of the environment.
• Identify the limits of the command’s area of operations (AO) and
• Establish the limits of the area of interest (AI).
• Identify the amount of detail required and feasible within the time
available for IPB.
• Evaluate existing databases and identify intelligence gaps.
• Collect the material and intelligence required to conduct the
remainder of IPB.

Identify Significant Characteristics of the Environment

D-8. Consideration must be given to the geographical, cultural, political, and
economic factors of the area to identify characteristics that may influence the
enemy or friendly commander’s decision-making or COAs. In doing so, the S2
begins to focus, or look for, these special considerations throughout the
process. Examples of significant characteristics include, but are not limited
• Political relationship between host nation, multinational forces, and
US (may affect deployment timelines, peacetime and wartime rules of
engagement (ROE), etcetera.).
• Economics of the area provides clues to the development of road
networks and the movement abilities of TM and Patriot forces.

FM 3-01.85

• Sanitation and medical aspects related to soldier health.

• Communication services such as phone, computer, and satellite
• Host nation’s capability to support Patriot operations.

Identify the Limits of the Command’s Area of Operations (AO) and Battlespace
D-9. The AO is the geographical area where the commander has the
authority and the responsibility to conduct operations. Because Patriot forces
don’t “own” ground as much as they are assigned to protect it (or the asset on
it), the Patriot AO has a third dimension. The air area of operations not only
extends to what assets (whether maneuver or static) it may defend, but also
to the maximum altitude of the Patriot system. Thus, the AO for Patriot
battalions has depth, width, and height. As the plan is developed, external
factors such as airspace control measures (missile engagement zones [MEZs],
fire support coordination lines [FSCLs], and restricted operations zones
[ROZs]) can impact upon the commander’s AO.
D-10. The battlespace is defined by the Patriot battalion’s maximum
capability to acquire targets and physically dominate the enemy. Battlespace
can extend beyond the battalion’s AO and can expand or contract based upon
the capabilities and activities of the enemy and friendly forces. Battlespace
should not be considered the same as the AO; in fact, the battlespace
normally extends beyond it.

Establish the Limits of the Area of Interest

D-11. The area of interest (AI) is the geographical area from which
information and intelligence are required to permit planning or successful
conduct of the battalion’s mission. Because the battalion is concerned with
enemy activities, the air area of interest extends vertically to include aircraft
ceilings and TBM trajectories. This also includes activities on the ground
(such as airbases, TBM forward operating bases (FOBs), and transload
points) that may affect or result in affecting friendly forces or the protected
assets. This information should also contain analysis of the enemy maneuver
forces, and any threat they pose to the Patriot battalion.
D-12. When considering UAVs, ASMs, CMs and TBM ranges and launch
points, the AI will normally be tremendously large. A technique that can
reduce the size of the AI, as well as reduce the area under scrutiny, is to—
• Know the type of missile and its maximum range under optimal
conditions (without consideration to battlefield effects).
• Assume the worst case and draw range arcs from the outermost point
of the enemy’s border or line of departure/line of contact (LD/LC). The
result should show a series of range arcs for different missiles and the
friendly territory that it is most vulnerable.
• Identify potential targets within the threat arc, as well as the
defended assets (see DAL).
• Draw or reverse the missile arcs back into threat territory for each
asset and each type of missile from each potential target or
assigned/defended asset.

Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace

• Erase overlapping lines.

• Ending results are range arcs that indicate where TBM forces
generally could deploy and launch missiles under optimal conditions,
without consideration to battlespace effects. This is the initial
representation of the TBM AI.

Identify the Amount of Detail Required and Feasible Within the Time Available for
D-13. Once the AO, AI, and battlespace has been identified and graphically
portrayed, the S2 must consider how much detail is required and necessary
based upon the battalion’s planning timeline (refer to Chapter 3). Because
the commander relies significantly on the S2 to portray the enemy, the S2
must ensure that he has the necessary time built into the timeline in order to
successfully analyze the enemy.

Evaluate Existing Databases and Identify Intelligence Gaps

D-14. The battalion S2 quickly reviews previous and current databases and
threat models that were used to develop OPLANs, previous operations, and
etcetera, in order to determine gaps in the ongoing analysis and set priorities
for answering those gaps (such as TBM, CM and ASM launch points). Acting
on these gaps, the S2 should determine what gaps are intelligence
requirements that must be prioritized. If the gaps cannot be answered before
mission analysis, the S2 should make reasonable assumptions and brief these
to the commander and staff.

Collect the Material and Intelligence Required to Conduct the Remainder of IPB
D-15. The battalion S2 initiates request for information and collects
intelligence from the sources available to him. As information becomes
available, the S2 must review all assumptions made to eliminate those now
known as fact, and to test the remaining assumptions for validity. Any gaps
not identified previously must be determined if they need to be added to the
priority intelligence requirements (PIRs) of the commander’s critical
information requirements (CCIRs). PIRs should be judiciously chosen in
order to avoid information overload, frustration, and complacency.


D-16. Describing the battlespace’s points to the effect the environment will
have—in terms of advantages and disadvantages—on enemy and friendly
capabilities. It is divided into two steps—
• Analyze the battlespace’s environment.
• Describe the battlespace’s effects on enemy and friendly
capabilities, as well as broad COAs.
D-17. The analysis of the battlespace will vary depending upon what portion,
or aspect of the battlespace is being analyzed. For example, the area around
which Patriot forces may deploy must be analyzed in detail with respect to
the terrain, especially when considering trafficability and route acceptability

FM 3-01.85

needed for FU’s. Weather has different variations as well as different

meanings of significance for different portions of the battlefield. For example:

on a given day there may be fog at certain enemy airbases (which may reduce
sorties rates), it could be heavily raining in the vicinity of a templated enemy
missile brigade (which may restrict TEL movement), and it could be clear and
sunny in the friendly AOR (which may provide excellent flying conditions for
friendly DCA operations while providing excellent observation of Patriot FUs
by enemy SOF or terrorists).

Analyze the Battlespace’s Environment

D-18. There are two components of this step: terrain and weather. The
Patriot battalion S2 must analyze terrain and weather to point out the effects
to the enemy threat as well as to the Patriot battalion. The battalion S2 must
make use of graphical representations and programs. Map drops, along with
computerized programs such as arc digitized raster graphics (ADRG), digital
terrain elevation data (DTED), and terrain base, should be used to visualize
the battlespace. Terrain and weather analysis includes an examination of the
ground in relation to both ground and air units. IPB in relation to air defense
operations does not just focus on the impact to enemy air operations; rather,
it includes an impact on TBM, SOF, NBC and Patriot forces as well. The S2
must recognize that he does not have enough time to analyze the
SOF/terrorist threat for each battery site; rather, he should analyze the area
in which the battalion will operate and provide the necessary information
that the battery commander requires for the development of his counter-
reconnaissance plan.
D-19. Observation, Cover and Concealment, Obstacles, Key Terrain, and
Avenues of Approach, (OCOKA), is used to evaluate the military aspects of
D-20. Observation—directly relates to target acquisition, SOF observation,
and the best areas for TBM launch. Examples include, but are not limited
• Aircraft, CMs, and UAVs− potential engagement areas.
• TBM− TEL launch areas.
• SOF− potential ambush points (kill zones) along routes, main
supply routes (MSRs), and sites.
• Patriot− potential areas that afford radar field of view (FOV) or
minimized radar clutter.
D-21. Cover and concealment—cover is protection from observation.
Concealment is protection from the effects of direct and indirect fires.
Examples include, but are not limited to—
• Aircraft, CMs, and UAVs− terrain that permits reverse slope
loitering/denies Patriot target acquisition.
• TBM− TEL hide sites.
• SOF− cache point, patrol base, or insurgent base camp/safe house.

Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace

• Patriot− site terrain that provides protection from direct fires.

D-22. Obstacles—any natural or manmade terrain feature that stops,
impedes, or diverts military movement. Examples include, but are not limited
• Aircraft, CMs, and UAVs− terrain that denies nap of the
earth/contour flight, or restricts lateral movement.
• TBM− surface drainage and slope configuration that impedes TEL
cross-country movement.
• SOF− unnatural vegetation or terrain (such as forested areas in a
desert or unusual architecture in urban terrain), which is
conspicuous to the common observer.
• Patriot− (observation) mountains or terrain that prevent or reduce
line-of-sight (LOS) and observation of UHF/VHF communications.
D-23. Key terrain—any locality or area that when seized, retained, or
controlled, affords a marked advantage to either combatant. Key terrain is
consistent with areas that give good observation over AAs and objectives,
permit an obstacle to be covered by fire (or an attack orbit for FW, and
loitering for RW), or are important road junctions/communication centers.
Assets can also be considered key terrain when they are known to be likely
threat objectives. Examples include, but are not limited to—
• Aircraft, CMs, and UAVs− potential airfields’, landing zones, drops
zones, or terrain that can be used as navigational aids.
• TBM− transload points or FOBs.
• SOF− terrain that controls one or more route chokepoints.
• Patriot− terrain that provides coverage for more than one asset, or
allows the sluing to one or more secondary target lines (STLs).
D-24. Avenues of approach− air or ground route of an attacking force leading
to its objective or to key terrain in its path. Examples include, but are not
limited to—
• Aircraft, CMs, and UAVs− air avenues of approach.
• TBM− TEL withdrawal routes from launch points to post-launch
hide sites.
• SOF− approach routes to ambush/attack points.
D-25. Weather− when analyzing the weather, the following aspects are
• Wind.
• Precipitation.
• Cloud cover.
• Temperature and humidity.
• Visibility.
• Barometric pressure.
D-26. Winds− the effects of wind include blowing sand, smoke, dust, rain, or
the force of the wind itself. Examples include, but are not limited to—

FM 3-01.85

• Aircraft, CMs, and UAVs− fuel and payload impacts on aircraft

attempting to ingress or egress near their standard combat radius.
• TBM− trajectory precision and circular error probability (CEP)
based upon winds located at the launch point.
• SOF− effect on insertion operations from the air.
• Patriot− effect on communications, particularly UHF and VHF
antennas and resultant degree of control on the air battle.
D-27. Precipitation− precipitation not only affects the soil conditions, but in
heavy amounts, it can significantly affect personnel and equipment.
Examples include, but are not limited to—
• Aircraft, CMs, and UAVs− degree of icing on airframe prior or
during flight.
• TBM− degradation effect on chemical and biological munitions.
• SOF− effect on supplies and health.
• Patriot− effect on potential missile storage areas in low ground or
enclosed by berms.
D-28. Cloud cover− influences aircraft and SOF operations, while having a
negligible or favorable effect on TBM and Patriot operations. Examples
include, but are not limited to—
• Aircraft, CMs, and UAVs− low cloud ceiling may force aircraft to
use unfavorable attack profile in relation to munition used.
• TBM− heavy cloud cover denies visual surveillance of TBM field
activities (transload operations, movement, etcetera).
• SOF− allows movement of units in higher elevations due to
degradation of visual and heat surveillance systems.
• Patriot− heavy cloud cover masks movement of FUs from enemy air
visual surveillance.
D-29. Temperature and humidity− the extremes have negative effects on
personnel and equipment capabilities, particularly in hot and wet climates.
As temperature and humidity increase, the air density decreases, thus
reducing airframe payloads. Examples include, but are not limited to:
• Aircraft, CMs, and UAVs− reduction in airframe payload, ordnance,
and combat radius.
• TBM− unexpected high/low temperatures can decrease crew
performance and increase maintenance requirements.
• SOF− effect on aerial resupply as well as personnel endurance.
• Patriot− unexpected high/low temperatures can decrease crew
performance and increase maintenance requirements.
D-30. Visibility− incorporates the effects of all aspects of weather and is not
just concerned with illumination. The S2 must know beginning morning
nautical twilight/end evening nautical twilight (BMNT/EENT),
sunrise/sunset, and moonrise/moonset. Examples include, but are not limited
• Aircraft, CMs, and UAVs− fog around airbases may lower sortie

Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace

• TBM− lack of cloud cover allows better aerial and ground

surveillance of TBM force movement.
• SOF− storm weather that reduces visibility may conceal movement
from friendly forces and populations.
• Patriot− higher moon illumination allows Patriot security elements
to surveil against SOF/terrorist night attacks.
D-31. Barometric Pressure− if the battalion does not have access to
meteorological analysis, the intelligence section must pay close attention to
barometric pressure readings over the past 16 hours, in 2-hour increments.
In spite of current visual conditions (example “it’s raining or its not raining),
the intelligence section should maintain a barometer to indicate what future
conditions will be like. If the air pressure falls, then the weather is
deteriorating. If the air pressure is constant, then current conditions will
remain the same. If the air pressure rises, then better weather is to be
expected. The section should remember that air pressure is related to
elevation. Movement or relocation to a different elevation will result in a
different baseline reading.
Terrain and Weather Analysis
D-32. The results of weather and terrain analysis can be graphically
represented in the modified combined obstacle overlay (MCOO). Symbology
not available should be depicted in a manner consistent with easy
identification and understanding. If time permits, the MCOO should be
created for TBM baskets, or areas where TBM battalions and brigades are
determined to be operating from.
D-33. MCOO step 1−display cumulative effects of obstacles and terrain
• Unrestricted terrain− allows wide maneuver by forces and
unlimited travel supported by well-developed road networks.
Vegetation is minimal.
• Restricted terrain− hinders movement to some degree, requiring
zigzagging, detours, reduced speeds, or changing movement
formations. Road networks are generally secondary or poorly
developed. Vegetation can be moderate or densely packed in small
areas. Slopes are generally moderate. Soil conditions in some areas
slow movement of heavy equipment. Green, diagonal lines mark-
restricted terrain.
• Severely restricted terrain− stops or slows movement to such a
degree that engineer effort must be made in order to enhance
mobility. Road networks are absent or seasonally poor. Vegetation
can be thick, such as triple canopy forests. Slopes are generally
steep. Soil conditions are susceptible to precipitation, making cross-
country movement impossible. Green, crossed, diagonal lines mark
severely restricted terrain. Other types of severely restricted
terrain include minefields, urban areas, and seasonal lakebeds. In
addition, simply identifying severely restricted terrain does not
necessarily mean that a Patriot or TBM unit moving in column
formation along a small road or firebreak can’t traverse it. What it
indicates is the general, relative effect on that particular force.
D-34. MCOO step 2−display ground and air avenues of approach as follows:

FM 3-01.85

• Identify mobility corridors. Use red for enemy air forces, and blue
for friendly, if applicable.
• Categorize mobility corridors. When considering air, include the
differences between rotary wing and fixed wing (some RW and FW
mobility corridors may become an air avenue of approach (AAA)
that is used for both).
• Group mobility corridors to form AAAs.
• Evaluate AAAs. For AAAs, evaluate whether used by attack
FW/RW, transport FW/RW, etcetera.
• Prioritize AAAs. Evaluate each AAA in relation to the threat
objectives or defended assets. Each AAA should be assigned a
number convention.
• Other considerations. For SOF forces, identify infiltration lanes and
withdrawal lanes, as well as landing zone and drop zone (LZ and
DZ) locations. If time permits, AAAs should indicate potential
engagement areas and ordnance release lines (ORLs).
D-35. MCOO step 3—display key terrain as follows:
• Natural and manmade key terrain is marked with a circled K
(black or purple).
• Ensure to display key terrain that is important along air and
ground AAs.
• Evaluate the other four aspects of military terrain, and graphically
represent the analysis.


D-36. Using MCOO, the battalion S2 must now prepare to discuss the
military aspects of terrain and weather and relate this analysis to aircraft,
ASM, CM, UAV, TBM, SOF, and Patriot forces. The S2 will brief the
commander during mission analysis, and discuss why certain aspects are
important and the effect on broad enemy and friendly COAs.


D-37. Evaluation of the threat centers on the enemy’s capabilities and the
employment of doctrinal principles under optimal conditions are manifested
in the doctrinal template. The doctrinal template is a threat model that
demonstrates doctrinally and historically how aircraft, TMs, and SOF forces
are employed. It can be in any format, but it must answer in a graphical and
narrative nature how forces are doctrinally employed.
D-38. Prior to any operation, the battalion intelligence section should be
consistently creating and updating threat databases and models. Time during
an actual operation simply does not permit the S2 to start from scratch.
Instead, the battalion S2 should only have to update existing threat models
in terms of new capabilities or variations in the enemy order of battle. If the
S2 has not previously developed threat models, the battalion will be hindered
in its planning process.

Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace

D-39. Threat models should answer how the enemy air and missile threat
will employ during offensive and defensive operations. To speed the process,
these threat models may even follow the format of a generic situational
template and narrative for basic COAs (see Step 4, Determine Threat COAs).
Threat models should answer the following criteria:
• Enemy air, TBM, and SOF’s order of battle.
• Aircraft type, number, and units/formations/organization (to
include munitions).
• SOF units/formations/organization.
• Aircraft operating bases with aircraft distribution.
• TBM dispersal hide sites and or FOBs.
• Enemy employment of UAVs, ASMs and cruise missiles.
• Enemy equipment characteristics (to include munition
characteristics such as ranges, ORLs, and CEPs).
• Enemy air, TBM, and SOF strategic, operational, and tactical
• Enemy air, TBM, and SOF strategic, operational, and tactical
doctrinal procedures (to include use of NBC and release authority).
• TBM types, numbers, and units/formations/organization.

Enemy Employment and Warfighting History

D-40. This criteria also assists the staff in preparing the commander’s CCIRs,
especially the PIRs (“What I want to know about the enemy”) and EEFIs,
(“What I don’t want the enemy to know about myself”).
D-41. Once the enemy’s capabilities are known, battalion S2 must analyze
the threat in order to understand how these capabilities are used. The S2
must answer—
• Enemy capability to synchronize air and missile attacks.
• Enemy proficiency (example pilot training, TBM individual soldier
training, SOF training and motivation).
• Enemy maintenance capability (to include availability of spare
• Potential of nondoctrinal and unconventional use of forces.
D-42. The S2 then develops the high value target (HVT) list. An HVT is an
asset that the threat commander requires for the successful completion of a
specific COA. The S2 identifies the HVTs based upon an evaluation of the
database, the doctrinal template, and tactical judgment. Thus, the S2 has
generally war-gamed enemy actions, and has identified what the enemy
HVTs are in terms of the enemy air and missile threat. Because of the ability
of Patriot and the nature of air defense operations, when identifying and
prioritizing HVTs, the S2 should consider—
• The TBM battalion organization and the importance of specialized
equipment such as reload cranes, meteorological radars, and repair
• ECM capabilities of aircraft, to include jamming aircraft.
• Anti-radiation missiles (ARMs) and their carriers.

FM 3-01.85

• Command, control, communications (C3) systems that would

improve the capability to conduct simultaneous air and missile
D-43. The Patriot battalion does not have organic assets to attack these
HVTs; however, the commander and staff must be aware of the enemy
commander’s capability. In addition, the HVTs identified by the battalion S2
must be forwarded to higher echelon intelligence and operational sections.
Higher headquarters such as AAMDC and corps assets have the roles related
to attack operations. HVTs are later refined after the development of
situational templates/narratives.


D-44. The development of enemy COAs requires specific products to be made.
Because it incorporates the effects of the battlefield, the result of this step
provides the Patriot commander with visualization of how the enemy
commander will fight his air and missile forces. There are five steps to
determining threat COAs—
• Identify the threat’s likely objectives and desired end state.
• Identify the full set of COAs available to the threat.
• Evaluate and prioritize each COA.
• Develop each COA for detail time allows.
• Identify initial collection requirements.

Identify the Threat’s Likely Objectives and Desired End State

D-45. The battalion S2 must start at the strategic level of enemy command,
then work his way down, in terms of threat air, missile, and surveillance
forces. The S2 must identify the strategic, operational, and tactical
objectives—from the highest level of enemy command down to the aircraft
sorties by AAA, the TBM firing battalions, and the small SOF teams
operating in the friendly rear areas. The S2 then reviews the tactical and
operational objectives to ensure they fulfill the parent command’s desired end

Identify the Full Set of COAs Available to the Threat

D-46. The S2 must consider a complete set of COAs available to the enemy.
At a minimum, the S2 must consider—
• COAs in which enemy doctrine applies to the current situation.
• COAs that could significantly influence the battalion’s mission (this
includes “wildcard” COAs).
• COAs that are possibly based upon recent events.
D-47. The S2 must eliminate any COA that the threat is incapable of
performing. In addition, the enemy COAs must be weighed against the five
criteria, or qualities of COAs: suitability, feasibility, acceptability,
distinguishability, and completeness (see Chapter 3 for definitions).

Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace

Evaluate and Prioritize Each COA

D-48. The S2 must carefully evaluate each COA and determine which is most
likely to be used against the enemy. This is necessary, as the staff will need a
basis from which to develop friendly COAs. Once the S2 has determined the
COAs in priority, he can categorize them as most likely (MLCOA), most
dangerous (MDCOA), and less likely (LLCOA).

Develop Each COA in the Amount of Detail Time Allows

D-49. The enemy COAs must now be developed into situation templates (SIT
TEMPs). SIT TEMPs are graphical representations of an enemy COA, and
contain three parts: a template (or graphic), a narrative explaining the
graphic, see Figure D-3 for illustration, and a listing of HVTs for that enemy
COA. Like the friendly COA, they are normally snapshots in time that
explain the decisive point in the air battle (refer to COA development,
Chapter 3, for explanation on decisive points). SIT TEMPs are eventually
used for war-gaming and later developed into event templates.

TIME H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+






Figure D-3. SIT TEMP Narrative

D-50. In order to properly synchronize the enemies COAs with the Patriot
battalion’s critical battle times, the S2 should discuss with the S3 the
definition of H-hour. This will assist all staff members in developing and
comparing friendly COAs with the enemy templates. Whenever possible, SIT
TEMP graphics should be depicted on overlays and maps—
• Begin with the threat model that represents the current operation.
• Overlay the doctrinal template over the MCOO, or refer to a
sketched doctrinal template and narrative.
• Place another overlay over the MCOO. Adjust the threat
model/doctrinal template in consideration of the battlespace’s
effects and tactical judgment.

FM 3-01.85

• Write a narrative using a matrix format or paragraph format. A

technique is to write critical events over time using H-hour as a
guide (events can occur prior to H-hour [H-___] and after H-hour
• Check to see if all enemy forces pertinent are accounted for
(aircraft, TMs, SOFs, and ground forces that precipitate air/missile
• Ensure that the SIT TEMP answers the air and TM attacks/threats
of concern. This will also assist in the development of COFA (see
Chapter 3).
D-51. S2s should keep in mind that enemy air forces might fly many sorties a
day. However, the danger to Patriot operations is the most dangerous air
threat per AAA each day. This should be annotated for every COA, to include
MLCOA, MDCOA, and LLCOA. An example would be: “under the MLCOA,
expect sorties of 2-4 Mig-25 mounted w/AS-11s will conduct deep strikes along
• Review possible engagement areas by aircraft along AAAs (these
will later develop into targeted areas of interest [TAIs]). These
include points in space that begin aircraft attack profiles, to include
• If information about ORLs is not available, a technique to
determine an enemy engagement point is to compare the maximum
launch range of ordnance in relation to the battlespace effects
• Graphically identify time phase lines (TPLs). TPLs are used to
understand the movement of forces. In the case of aircraft, TPLs
should depict the speed of attacking enemy sorties along each AAA.
Working backwards from the engagement area, the S2 will
sequentially draw lines (in terms of minutes) that depict the
aircraft ingress and attack speeds in relation to the battlespace
effects and AAA.
D-52. Unlike maneuver forces that draw TPLs in relation to the enemy
maneuver force movement, the complex, frequent, and varied nature of
attacking enemy aircraft requires the Patriot battalion S2 to explain TPLs in
relation to the aircraft attack itself. However, the S2 must analyze and
discuss when air and missile attacks will occur in the narrative.
• Consider areas in time and space that determine certain enemy
COAs. Examples include enemy aircraft that have chosen a specific
AAA to fly (for example, a mountain pass that canalizes the
aircraft’s approach), or an enemy missile battalion conducting field
operations (for example, a bridge that battalion K-51 cranes must
cross in order to establish transload sites). These areas will develop
into named areas of interest (NAIs). NAIs are points in space and
time that confirm or deny a certain enemy COA.
• Review/develop a list of HVTs for each COA.
D-53. In addition to the five qualities, the battalion S2 must review the SIT
TEMPs to ensure each COA answers—

Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace

• WHAT—the type of operation (related to the enemy maneuver force

such as defense, offense, etcetera.).
• WHEN—the time expressed in the narrative.
• WHERE—the AAAs, TM NAIs, launch points, SOF ambush sites,
and objectives that make up the COA.
• HOW—enemy methods, such as TBM operational phases (dispersal
sites, FOBs, transload operations, pre-launch hide sites, launch
points, post-hide/reload sites, etcetera), and aircraft missions (deep
strike, close air support, reconnaissance, ECM, bombing, combat air
patrol, etcetera.).
• WHY—the objective or end state the enemy wants to accomplish
(usually related to the strategic or operational mission of the enemy
maneuver force).
D-54. The battalion intelligence will be pressed for time; however, the section
must recognize that the well-prepared enemy COAs contribute significantly
to the commander’s understanding of the battlefield, and provide the litmus
test in which friendly COAs are measured against.

Identify Initial Collection Requirements

D-55. The battalion S2 must then identify collection requirements that will
assist in identifying which COA the enemy will actually commit to. The
battalion S2 must first identify NAIs.
D-56. Although the battalion S2 may send request for information (RFIs),
(see Figure D-4 for worksheet), the observation and analysis of enemy
activities over time at specific areas (NAIs) will reveal the enemy’s chosen
D-57. In order to identify and categorize NAIs, the battalion S2 develops an
Event Template/Matrix see Figures D-4 for matrix illustration. The EVENT
TEMP is the Patriot battalion’s guide for intelligence collection. Each COA is
evaluated to identify its associated NAIs. NAIs are then numbered in the
matrix (that explains each NAI) and symbolized on a separate sheet of
overlay. NAIs can be a specific point, route, or an area, whether on the
ground or in the air. The battalion S2 must also refer to the higher
headquarters order to check for NAIs listed by the brigade, AAMDC, or corps,
and pay attention to ground NAIs that influence the air and missile battle. In
addition, he should review HVTs and their relation or development towards
NAIs when they are committed in each COA.
D-58. To avoid confusion, the battalion S2 may designate air NAIs as “ANAIs
#___”, and remaining ground NAIs as simply “NAI #__”. However, any higher
NAIs must retain their naming convention as assigned by higher

FM 3-01.85






Figure D-4. RFI Worksheet and Event Template Matrix

Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace

D-59. Decision support template. As stated before, the enemy COAs are
critical to the staff war-gaming process. As the friendly and enemy COAs are
wargamed by the S3 and S2 respectively, the list of NAIs will be further
refined and developed. An analysis of the EVENT TEMPs with the results of
the DST as shown in Figure D-5, will assist the development of HVTs into
high payoff targets (HPTs), which are targets whose loss to the enemy will
contribute to the success of the friendly COA. In addition, decision points (a
point or area in time and space that requires the friendly commander to
make a decision) and TAIs (where one or more friendly air defense weapons
are brought to bear on the enemy) are developed as a result of NAIs and a
review of the enemy’s engagement areas and ORLs.


Figure D-5. DST Example

D-60. Clearly, the key to the IPB process is the development of threat
models, or doctrinal templates, prior to operation notification. The battalion
S2 should constantly be developing these templates in relation to threat
countries and capabilities. These threat models should be distributed and
briefed to officers in the battalion on a regular bases, as they form the
battlespace visualization that leads to OPLAN development, and as shown in
this appendix, the subsequent defense design in real-world air and missile
defense operations.

FM 3-01.85

Appendix E

This appendix describes the responsibilities of the commander and safety
officer, and discusses procedures for identifying and assessing safety
problems that may arise during training or operations. It also describes
general safety precautions that must be observed during Patriot
operations as well as special hazards associated with Patriot system.

E-1. The commander has overall responsibility for unit safety and normally
appoints a safety officer to coordinate safety activities. The commander must
ensure that the safety annex of the unit tactical SOP is current and covers all
field-training operations. He must also ensure that adequate provisions for
safe practices, procedures, and physical standards are incorporated into unit
functions, activities, exercises, and combat operations.
E-2. The safety officer must keep the commander informed of the unit safety
status by reporting all accidents, injuries, and incidents, and recommending
corrective actions. The safety officer must also—
• Develop, supervise, and monitor command safety, risk management,
and accident prevention programs.
• Coordinate with other staff officers to ensure appropriate safety
measures are implemented and safety issues are addressed. Specific
coordinating responsibilities are listed in FM 101-5.
• Prepare risk assessments and recommend appropriate risk reduction
control measures. Specific risk management and assessment
responsibilities are described in FM 101-5.
• Document and file accident reports, safety training, and risk
assessments in accordance with the Modern Army Records Keeping
System (AR 25-400-2).


E-3. Safety issues that arise during Patriot operations can be categorized as
• Known issues that have been previously identified and assessed
during Patriot system development, test and evaluation, and field
exercises. These include such hazards as misfires, RF radiation,
launcher backblast, equipment noise, toxic materials, high voltages,
and vehicle movement hazards.
• Unknown issues that may arise when the Patriot system is operated
in a dynamic battlefield environment. On the battlefield, the weather,
terrain, enemy situation, and other factors are continuously
changing, placing additional demands on personnel and equipment,
and increasing the likelihood accidents may occur.

FM 3-01.85

E-4. To ensure that safety issues are proactively identified and assessed, a
risk management process, described in FM 3-100.14 (Risk Management),
should be implemented. FM 3-100.14 explains the principles and procedures
that must be followed to successfully identify, evaluate, and resolve (or
mitigate) safety problems that are likely to arise during training or


E-5. Patriot system operator and maintenance personnel must be aware of
the hazards associated with the equipment. All personnel must observe
safety practices and procedures outlined in DA publications. The Patriot
operations and crew drill manuals should be consulted for complete
information on equipment hazards.

E-6. The following general safety precautions must be followed to prevent
personnel injury or equipment damage—
• Never work on electronic equipment unless there is another person
nearby who is familiar with the operation and hazards of the
equipment and who is trained in administering first aid.
• Be careful when handling high voltage power cables. This hazard can
result in death or serious injury to personnel.
• Wear adequate hearing protection when working in the vicinity of
operating equipment. Irreversible hearing loss may result from long-
term exposure to high noise levels.
• Wear gloves or other protective clothing when working in extremely
cold or icy conditions. Frostbite or other incapacitating injuries may
• Work in well-ventilated areas when operating the power units and
vehicles. Carbon monoxide emissions may be sufficient to cause death
when inhaled.
• Do not walk on tools or components removed from the system.
Damage to equipment or personnel injury may result.
• Do not smoke or have any open flame near or around any fuel
containers or solvents.

E-7. Special hazards associated with Patriot operations include misfires, RF
radiation, launcher backblast, toxic materials, and equipment electrical,
mechanical, and thermal hazards. These hazards, possible adverse effects
and remedial (or preventative) actions are summarized in Table E-1. Figure
E-1 shows the possible placement of Patriot equipment with the hazard areas
for the radar (located in the center) marked in relation to other equipment.
Additionally the figure shows possible STLs for the radar.


Table E-1. Special Hazards

Missile Hazards:
Leave area, minimum safe distance is
1250 feet (381 meters). Call EOD; If (1)
(1) Damaged live round DEATH OR SERIOUS canister, LS or GMT is on fire; (2)
INJURY Missile has partially exited canister
(2) Misfire; missile fails to leave during launch attempt; (3) Canister 4-
canister or missile exits pack has been dropped, damaged, or
canister, falls to earth, does not exposing a missile.

FM 3-01.85

RF Radiation Radar Set: Stay out of denied

(1) Radar set occupancy zone, the area is within 120
meters in front of the RS, and at least 2
meters from sides and rear of RS. (See
Fig E-1). Observe safety precautions
listed in RS operator manual (TM 9-
Before Placing RS in remote, conduct
RF Radiation heats body visual inspection of RS to ensure all
tissues, and if sufficiently high crewmembers have vacated the area.
will permanently damage Post RF radiation-warning signs at
tissue. Damage is NOT right/left limits of radar hazard area to
immediately apparent. warn personnel of required control
(2) AMG AMG: Observe safety precautions listed
in CRG operator manual
(TM 9-1430-604-10).
If exposure occurs or is suspected,
evacuate affected personnel without
delay to nearest medical facility for
examination by physician.

Stay at least 90 meters from launcher at

Launcher Backblast all times. Alert TCO before approaching
INJURY or working in the vicinity of a launcher.

Toxic Materials
(1) Beryllium: Inside various
RS, PAC–3 missile, and repair
parts Avoid exposure to toxic materials.
If breakage occurs during handling,
(2) Carbon Monoxide and avoid contact with skin or inhalation of
hydrochloric acid in Serious Injury small particles of toxic materials, If
PAC-3 missile exhaust contact occurs, wash affected parts with
soap solution and rinse thoroughly and
(3) Potassium Hydroxide in dry. Observe safety precautions listed in
PAC-3 missile silver-zinc the respective operator manuals.
thermal battery

(4) Lithium in PAC-3 missile

lithium thermal battery


Table E-1. Special Hazards (Con’t)


High noise
Irreversible hearing Wear approved ear protection when working within
loss may result from 30 Feet (10 meters) of operating equipment or
CRG, LS) long term exposure Within 800 feet (244 meters) of LS during missile

High voltage/current
(Some components of ECS, DEATH ON Work with someone familiar with operation & hazards
ICC, RS have voltages CONTACT Of equipment and capable of providing first aid. If
greater than 500 volts) possible, shut off power before beginning work.
Ground parts before touching.

Thermal hazards
(Some components of system Wear protective gloves when performing maintenance
Major items have temperatures on equipment that is hot.
Greater than 140 degrees F)
Radioactive material
(Some RS electron tubes RADIATION If tube is broken, contact local radiation protection
contain radioactive tritium that POISONING, officer. If victim was exposed to radiation or cut,
may pose hazard if tube is POSSIBLE DEATH transport victim to physician immediately. Return tube
Broken and personnel are cut for disposal as radioactive waste. Refer to RS
/exposed) operator manual (TM 9-1430-601-10-1) for more
detailed treatment, cleanup and disposal instructions.

FM 3-01.85

P R IM A R Y T A R G E T L IN E (P T L )

L IM IT = A X 2

2 M ETERS (S T L )
(S T L ) CUT – O FF


Figure E-1. RF Radiation Hazard


E-8. Vehicle movements and convoys require leaders to think about safety.
The following list is not comprehensive, but is meant to be a start for building
a complete safety list for movements:
• Basic issue items must be on every vehicle in convoy.
• Ancillary equipment (example drip pans, tone down, chock blocks,
etcetera) must be properly secured to prevent falling off and creating
a road hazard.
• Drivers and assistant drivers must perform before-, during-, and
after-operation PMCS with each movement.
• Drivers must be trained to drive in adverse weather (ice, snow, fog,
and rain), in difficult terrain, and under blackout conditions.
• Drivers must be briefed on the route and observe proper speeds,
following distances, rest periods and signals. They must also be
briefed on hazardous areas or conditions that may be encountered.
• Drivers must be provided with adequate rest (8 hours rest for each 10
hours of driving a tactical vehicle within a 24-hour time period).
• Drivers must be briefed on what to do during emergencies (example,
tire blow out, overheating, other types of breakdown).


• Assistant drivers must ensure that he/she is alert and serves as the
driver’s second set of ears and eyes to prevent road hazards.
• All vehicle occupants must use available seat restraints.
• Ground guides must be used when appropriate.
• Sleeping in, under, and or near running vehicles is prohibited, as
death may result due to carbon monoxide poisoning or accidental
movement of the vehicle.
• Fire drills must be practiced on all vehicles.
• Equipment and soldiers cannot be transported together in the cargo
bed of a truck.
• Troop safety strap is required when carrying soldiers in the cargo


E-9 When Patriot is deployed (collocated) with THAAD in an AMD Task
Force, Patriot operator and maintenance personnel must be aware of the
THAAD radar RF-radiation and launcher backblast hazards. The radar RF-
radiation ground and “no-fly” danger zones are shown in Figure E-2.
Personnel should stay out of the ground danger zone, and friendly aircraft
should be alerted to stay outside of the “no-fly” zone.


4 Km


R F D A N G E R Z O N E (T O P V IE W )

4 Km

N O -F L Y -Z O N E 4

4 º


R F D A N G E R Z O N E (G R O U N D )

Figure E-2. THAAD Radar RF Hazard Distances

FM 3-01.85

E-10. The launcher backblast hazard area for THAAD is equal to Patriot’s.
For example, personnel must stay at least 90 meters from the THAAD
launcher to avoid being injured by the backblast. To preclude hearing
damage, personnel must stay at least 185 meters from the launcher if they
are not wearing protective equipment.


Appendix F

This appendix describes Patriot system transportability requirements. It
begins with an overview of rail, sea, highway, and air transportability,
and then describes airlift requirements for deploying a minimum
engagement package (MEP) into a theater of operations. The appendix
also describes special air transportability requirements for selected
Patriot major items transported on C-5 and C-141 aircraft. General load
plan diagrams for the C-5 and C-17 are also included.

F-1. The Patriot system and its support elements must be rapidly deployable
and transportable via rail, sea, highway (including off-road), and air without
sustaining damage. All vehicles and other components, shipped crated or
uncrated, must incorporate lifting and tie-down features per MIL STD-209.
Comprehensive details can be found in transportation manuals FM 4-01,
FM 4-01.9, FM 4-01.12.

F-2. Patriot is capable of movement on the Passe-Partout International (PPI)
loading gauge. Separation of tractors and trailers is acceptable for clearance
of the PPI gauge requirement. Rail transport of military equipment on the
railway network of Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg,
and the Netherlands is regulated by STANAGs 2832 and 2175. In NATO
countries, Patriot components and vehicles, when dismounted and shipped as
separate loads, will clear the PPI gauge. Therefore, these items would be
categorized as ordinary transport equipment, requiring only a load study to
select appropriate flatcars and determining shipping procedures. In the road
march configuration, however, most Patriot major items fail to clear the PPI
gauge. Accordingly, movement will be categorized as exceptional transport,
requiring a load study and a traffic study, to develop Patriot's routing maps
through Europe. Advanced rail planning and routing must be coordinated
and verified by individual host nations before USAREUR deployment. This is
an USAREUR staff responsibility.

F-3. Transport aboard cargo ships and landing craft of the LCM-8 class is
possible. Tractors and trailers may be separated; however, off-loading of
equipment modules is not acceptable for movement aboard the LCM-8 in
view of the requirement that the equipment be landed in a service-ready
condition. No problems are anticipated in transporting Patriot by the marine
mode. Patriot items are readily transportable by break-bulk ships, barge
carriers (lighter aboard ship-LASH and Seabee) and roll on/roll off (RO/RO)
ships. Although Patriot's major items are not self-contained, most can be

FM 3-01.85

loaded on special flat rack containers if transport by container ships is

necessary. Patriot can be transported in the logistics over the shore (LOTS)
environment, provided the system components are dismounted from the
transporter vehicles, as necessary, to achieve compatibility with Army
barges. Patriot is readily transportable, as required, by LCM-8 provided the
M983 is disengaged from the M860A1 semitrailer and transported

F-4. Patriot vehicles must be reduced to a height of less than 142 inches in
the self-propelled travel configuration to allow unrestricted movement on
worldwide highways and bridges. Off-loading of the GMs is acceptable to
meet this requirement. For example, for highway movement in USAREUR,
all Patriot vehicles exceed width allowances. The M983/860A1 tractor-semi-
trailer used to transport the RS and LS also exceeds length limits. The
amount of excess, however, is not significant. A movement credit (clearance)
will be needed from the transportation movement officer (TMO) at the
movement origin. He will accomplish necessary coordination with host nation
authorities. Hence, highway movement of the Patriot system can be
expedited through advance transportation planning.

F-5. Air travel is the only transportation method that meets world situations
requiring immediate response. Air movement of units requires planning at all
command levels. Units must be trained to skillfully execute an air
F-6. The Patriot system is transportable aboard several heavy transport
aircraft including the C-17, C-141, and C-5A. For a given deployment, the
choice of transport aircraft will depend upon METT-TC and aircraft
availability. Because of their superior airlift capacity, the C-5 and C-17 are
preferred for deploying a Patriot MEP into theater. Load planners must
consider the characteristics of each aircraft. These characteristics include−
• The size of the cargo door and its location and height above the
• The size and shape of the cargo compartment.
• The strength of the aircraft floor.
• The location, number, and type of seats available for airlifting troops.
• Aircraft configurations.
F-7. Special loading considerations must be observed for some Patriot major
items on certain aircraft. Some of the considerations for the C-5 and the
C-141 aircraft, which include loading restrictions, special tie-down provisions,
and special lifting and handling equipment requirements, have been
described in this appendix.
F-8. No Patriot items except the missile are internally transportable by Army
helicopters, although the CH-47 and CH-50 helicopters can transport several
components, such as the ECS and ICC shelters, as external loads.


F-9. The C-5 is a high-winged, long-range, heavy-lift transport aircraft. Its
primary function is to airlift outsized cargo. The troop compartment is in the
upper deck area on the C-5 aircraft. It is a self-contained compartment with a
galley, two lavatories, and 73 available passenger seats. An additional 267
airline seats may be installed on the cargo compartment floor if needed.
F-10. Special features of the aircraft are its ability to load/unload from either
end of the cargo compartment. A vehicle can actually be driven through the
aircraft. C-5s can deliver approximately 150, 000 lbs of cargo.

F-11. The C-17 is a high-winged, long-range, heavy-lift four-engine turbofan
transport aircraft. It is designed to replace the C-141 fleet as the airlift
workhorse. The C-17 has approximately the same wingspan as the C-141 but
can carry twice the payload. It can deliver the same outsize equipment as the
C-5. The C-17 is capable of landing in small airfields previously restricted to
the C-130.
F-12. The C-17 does not have a separate passenger compartment. However, it
has 54 side-facing seats permanently installed for passenger use in the cargo
compartment. These sidewall seats do not affect the cargo area dimensions.
The C-17 has the ability to land on short runways with anticipated payloads
up to 154,000 pounds, which enables delivery of equipment directly to short


F-13. The basic MEP consists of an ECS, radar, two launchers, SRPT,
HMMWV’s with trailers, EPP, fuel tanker, GMT, PAC-2/PAC-3 missiles or
both, and sufficient supporting equipment, supplies, rations and personnel to
sustain 24-hour operations for 15 days METT-TC dependent. Note: The basic
MEP is deployed into the theater using five C-5A or seven C-17 aircraft and
can be employed to defend critical lodgment assets. The number of PAC-
2/PAC-3 missiles deployed with the MEP will vary according to the threat,
each launcher will have a full load of missiles plus one reload.
F-14. The MEP should be considered a starting point only for planning, and
organization tailorable to METT-TC. The diagrams for the allocation of MEP
components should only be used for guidance with possibilities of how the C-5
and C-17 might be loaded. Considerations should be made for vehicle
operator crews and their gear to be transported in the same aircraft as their
assigned equipment. This provides a fail safe for immediate unloading and
reloading capabilities when situation dictates the rapid movement of
F-15. A Patriot MEP consists of the major items, equipment, and personnel
as shown in Figure F-1. The allocation of MEP components for a C-5A aircraft
is shown in Figure F-2. MEP components for the C-17 are shown in Figure

FM 3-01.85

1 x R a d a r S ta tio n

2 x L a u n c h e r s w / 4 M is s ile s C a n is te r s E a c h

1 x EPP
2 x 4 6 3 L /4 P L P a lle t w /
4 M is s ile C a n is te r s E a c h
1 x Tanker
1 2 x 4 6 3 L P a lle ts
1 x SRPT

1 x G M T

1 x ECS

2 x H M M W V w / S h e lte r a n d T r a ile r (B C P , IS E )

3 x H M M W V a n d T r a ile r (C o m m a n d e r , R S O P , S u p p ly )

Figure F- 1. Patriot Minimum Engagement Package


ECS 37,780 lbs

10 PAX (@ 210) 2,100 lbs
Radar Set (-53) 78,230 lbs
x10 2 x 463L Pallet 9,000 lbs
Total 127,110 lbs

Launcher w/4 ms (PAC-2) 82,010 lbs

BCP 11,120 lbs
ISE HMMWV 10,300 lbs
RSOP HMMWV 8,880 lbs
x10 10 PAX (@ 210) 2,100 lbs
UST Trailer 5,016 lbs
2 x Trailer 5,100 lbs
Total 124,526 lbs

SRPT w/tractor 39,390 lbs

10 PAX (@ 210) 2,100 lbs
Launcher w/4 ms (PAC-2) 82,010 lbs
Total 123,500 lbs

EPP w/HEMTT 52,910 lbs

GMT w/4 Msls 56,090 lbs
x10 10 PAX (@ 210) 2,100 lbs
463L/4PL Ms (PAC-2) Pallet 16,420 lbs
Total 127,520 lbs

Fuel Tanker ¾ full 50,925 lbs

10 x 463L Pallet 45,000 lbs
x25 CDR HMMWV 8,880 lbs
HMMWV Troop 8,880 lbs
2 x M101A1 Trailer 5,100 lbs
25 PAX (@ 210) 5,250 lbs
Total 124, 035 lbs

Figure F-2. Allocation of MEP Components on C-5 Aircraft

FM 3-01.85

6 Personnel @ 210 1,260 lbs

RADAR SET 78,230 lbs
RSOP HMMWV w/TRL 11,430 lbs
463L Pallet 4,500 lbs
TOTAL 95,420 lbs

6 Personnel @ 210 1,260 lbs

463L Pallet 4,500 lbs
ISE HMMWV W/TRL 10,482 lbs
TOTAL 98,252 lbs

10 Personnel @ 210 2,100 lbs

EPP III W/900 lbs fuel 52,910 lbs
X 10 AIRCRAFT 3 ECS 37,780 lbs
463L Pallet 4,500 lbs
TOTAL 97,290 lbs

4 Personnel @ 210 840 lbs

X4 BCP W/TRL 16,220 lbs
TOTAL 98,070 lbs

6 Personnel @ 210 1,260 lbs

AIRCRAFT 5 GMT W/4 MSL 56,090 lbs
X6 463L/4PL W/4 (PAC-2)MSL 16,420 lbs
5-463L 4,500 lbs Pallet 22,500 lbs
TOTAL 96,270 lbs

10 Personnel @ 210 2,100 lbs

X 10 463L/4PL W/4 (PAC-2)MSL 16,420 lbs
2-463L PALLET 9,000 lbs
TOTAL 66,910 lbs

19 Personnel @ 210 3,990 lbs

M978 TANKER (W/¾ fuel) 50,925 lbs
3-463L 4,500 lbs PALLET 13,500 lbs
M998 W/M101A1 TRL 7,830 lbs
TOTAL 70,780 lbs

Figure F-3. Allocation of MEP Components on C-17 Aircraft



F-16. This section describes special transport requirements for selected
Patriot system items aboard C-5 and C-141 aircraft. These items include the
radar set, launching station, HEMTT, flatbed semitrailer, ECS, (mounted
and unmounted configurations), ICC (mounted and unmounted), CRG
(mounted and unmounted), LRPT, GMT, AMG (mounted and unmounted),


F-17. Because of the size and payload capabilities of the C-5, the
RS/M860A1/M983 payload can be located almost anywhere in the cargo area.
However, the location of the combined CG of the total load must be within the
limits of the aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing
provisions must also be considered in the location of the payload within the
C-5. The RS/M860A1/M983 configuration can be rolled through the C-5 cargo
compartment without interfering with the walls or ceiling of the cargo area.


F-18. The RS must be off-loaded from the M860A1 semitrailer for C-141 air
transport. The semitrailer cannot be loaded onto the C-141 aircraft without
first removing the outriggers. The actuator portion of the outrigger assembly
may remain attached to the semitrailer, be raised to a vertical position, and
secured using metal strapping with a 2-inch x 4-inch x 96-inch spacer,
notched at each end, placed between opposite outrigger actuators. Specialized
lifting and handling equipment is necessary to dismount and load the RS for
transport in a sectionalized configuration. The RS is loaded on a pallet train
consisting of three HCU-6/E cargo pallets married together. One 30-ton crane
is required to remove the RS from the M860A1 trailer and load it onto
pallets. A 40 K-loader is then required to load the palletized RS into the cargo
area of the aircraft. There are no lateral or vertical interference problems
between the RS and the C-141 aircraft.


F-19. The LSs are remotely operated, fully self-contained units, carrying
integral onboard power and up to four guided missiles. The LS is mounted on
an M860A1 semitrailer towed by an M983 tractor. The LS/M860A1
semitrailer/M983 tractor combination can be transported by C-5 with or
without the missile rounds. Four missile-rounds can be loaded onto the LS for
C-5 transport. Because of the size and payload capabilities of the C-5, the
LS/M860A1/M983 payload can be located almost anywhere in the cargo area.
However, the location of the combined CG of the total load must be within the
limits of the aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing
provisions must also be considered in the location of the payload within the
C-5. The LS/M860A1/M983 configuration can be rolled through the C-5 cargo
compartment without interfering with the walls or ceiling of the cargo area.

FM 3-01.85


F-20. The semitrailer cannot be loaded onto the C-141 aircraft without first
removing the missile rounds, outriggers, and the launcher's onboard power
source, an MEP-113A 15-kilowatt diesel engine-driven generator. The
actuator portion of the outrigger assembly may remain attached to the
semitrailer, be raised to a vertical position, and secured using metal
strapping with a 2-inch x 4-inch x 96-inch spacer, notched at each end, placed
between opposite outrigger actuators. Specialized lifting and handling
equipment is necessary to dismount and palletize the generator for transport.
A crane, forklift, or other lifting device is required to remove the generator
from the M860A1 semitrailer and load it onto a pallet. A 40 K-loader is then
required to load the palletized generator into the cargo area of the aircraft.
There are no lateral or vertical interference problems between the LS and the
C-141 aircraft.


F-21. The M983 truck can be transported by C-5 without disassembly.
Because of the size and payload capabilities of the C-5, the M983 can be
located almost anywhere in the cargo area. The location of the combined CG
of the total load must be within the limits of the aircraft for the total weight
of the cargo. Tie-down spacing provisions must also be considered in the
location of the M983 within the C-5. The M983 can be driven through the C-5
cargo compartment without interfering with the walls or ceiling of the cargo


F-22. The M983 truck can be transported by C-141 without disassembly;
however, the spare tire must be removed from the vehicle in order to load into
the C-141. It can be driven into the aircraft, eliminating the use of pallets.
The location of the combined CG of the total load must be within the limits of
the aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing provisions
must also be considered in the location of the M983 within the C-141. There
are no lateral or vertical interference problems between the M983 truck and
the C-141 aircraft.


F-23. The M860A1 semitrailer can be transported by C-5 with or without its
mission payload. Due to the kingpin’s unusual 3 1/2-inch size, care should be
taken not to lose it during loading. Because of the size and payload
capabilities of the C-5, the M860A1 can be located almost anywhere in the
cargo area. The location of the combined CG of the total load must be within
the limits of the aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing
provisions must also be considered in the location of the payload within the
C-5. The M860A1 configuration can be rolled through the C-5 cargo
compartment without interfering with the walls or ceiling of the cargo area.


Since the M860A1 semitrailer does not have an on-board mobility source, a
prime mover, tow motor, or other suitable handling equipment is necessary to
load the M860A1 semitrailer into the C-5 aircraft.


F-24. The M860A1 semitrailer cannot be loaded onto the C-141 aircraft with
its mission payload or the outriggers. The actuator portion of the outrigger
assembly may remain attached to the semitrailer, be raised to a vertical
position and secured using metal strapping with a 2-inch x 4-inch x 96-inch
spacer, notched at each end, placed between opposite outrigger actuators. The
location of the combined CG of the total load must be within the limits of the
aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing provisions must
also be considered in the location of the payload within the C-141. Since the
M860A1 semitrailer does not have an on-board mobility source, a prime
mover, tow motor, or other suitable handling equipment is necessary to load
the M860A1 semitrailer into the C-141 aircraft. There are no lateral or
vertical interference problems between the M860A1 semitrailer and the
C-141 aircraft.


F-25. The ECS shelter/M927 truck combination can be transported by C-5 in
the road march configuration. Because of the size and payload capabilities of
the C-5, the ECS/M927 payload can be located almost anywhere in the cargo
area. The location of the combined CG of the total load must be within the
limits of the aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing
provisions must also be considered in the location of the payload within the
C-5. The ECS/M927 configuration can be rolled through the C-5 cargo
compartment without interfering with the walls or ceiling of the cargo area.


FOR C-141
F-26. The ECS shelter must be off-loaded from the M927 carrier vehicle for
C-141 transport. The shelter is loaded on a pallet train consisting of three
HCU-6/E cargo pallets married together. The M927 must be height reduced
by removing the cabin top and windshield for loading into the C-141. The
location of the combined CG of the total load must be within the limits of the
aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing provisions must
also be considered in the location of the payload within the C-141. Specialized
lifting and handling equipment is necessary to dismount and load the ECS
shelter for transport in a sectionalized configuration. One 30-ton crane is
required to remove the shelter from the M927 truck and load it onto pallets.
A 40-K-loader is then required to load the palletized shelter into the cargo
area of the aircraft. There are no lateral or vertical interference problems
between the ECS shelter or M927 truck and the C-141 aircraft.

FM 3-01.85


F-27. The off-loaded ECS shelter is C-141 transportable. The location of the
combined CG of the total load must be within the limits of the aircraft for the
total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing provisions must also be
considered in the location of the payload within the C-141. Since the shelter
does not have an on-board mobility source, cargo-handling equipment is
necessary to load it into the C-141 aircraft. One 30-ton crane is required to
load the shelter onto pallets. A 40-K-loader is then required to load the
palletized shelter into the cargo area of the aircraft. There are no lateral or
vertical interference problems between the ECS shelter and the C-141


F-28. The ICC shelter/M927 truck combination can be transported by C-5 in
the road march configuration. Because of the size and payload capabilities of
the C-5, the ICC/M927 payload can be located almost anywhere in the cargo
area. The location of the combined CG of the total load must be within the
limits of the aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing
provisions must also be considered in the location of the payload within the
C-5. The ICC/M927 configuration can be rolled through the C-5 cargo
compartment without interfering with the walls or ceiling of the cargo area.


F-29. The ICC shelter must be off-loaded from the M927 carrier vehicle for
C-141 transport. The shelter is loaded on a pallet train consisting of
three HCU-6/E cargo pallets married together. The M927 must be height
reduced by removing the cabin top and windshield for loading into the C-141.
The location of the combined CG of the total load must be within the limits of
the aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing provisions
must also be considered in the location of the payload within the C-141.
Specialized lifting and handling equipment is necessary to dismount and load
the ICC shelter for transport in a sectionalized configuration. One 30-ton
crane is required to remove the shelter from the M927 truck and load it onto
pallets. A 40-K-loader is then required to load the palletized shelter into the
cargo area of the aircraft. There are no lateral or vertical interference
problems between the ICC shelter or M927 truck and the C-141 aircraft.


F-30. The off-loaded ICC shelter is C-141 transportable. The location of the
combined CG of the total load must be within the limits of the aircraft for the
total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing provisions must also be
considered in the location of the payload within the C-141. Since the shelter
does not have an onboard mobility source, cargo-handling equipment is
necessary to load it into the C-141 aircraft. One 30-ton crane is required to
load the shelter onto pallets. A 40-K-loader is then required to load the


palletized shelter into the cargo area of the aircraft. There are no lateral or
vertical interference problems between the ICC shelter and the C-141


F-31. The CRG shelter/M927 truck combination can be transported by C-5 in
the road march configuration. Because of the size and payload capabilities of
the C-5, the CRG/M927 payload can be located almost anywhere in the cargo
area. The location of the combined CG of the total load must be within the
limits of the aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing
provisions must also be considered in the location of the payload within the
C-5. The CRG/M927 configuration can be rolled through the C-5 cargo
compartment without interfering with the walls or ceiling of the cargo area.


FOR C-141
F-32. The CRG shelter must be off-loaded from the M927 carrier vehicle for
C-141 transport. The shelter is loaded on a pallet train consisting of three
HCU-6/E cargo pallets married together. The M927 must be height reduced
by removing the cabin top and windshield for loading into the C-141. The
location of the combined CG of the total load must be within the limits of the
aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing provisions must
also be considered in the location of the payload within the C-141. Specialized
lifting and handling equipment is necessary to dismount and load the CRG
shelter for transport in a sectionalized configuration. One 30-ton crane is
required to remove the shelter from the M927 truck and load it onto pallets.
A 40-K-loader is then required to load the palletized shelter into the cargo
area of the aircraft. There are no lateral or vertical interference problems
between the CRG shelter or M927 truck and the C-141 aircraft.


F-33. The off-loaded CRG shelter is C-141 transportable. The location of the
combined CG of the total load must be within the limits of the aircraft for the
total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing provisions must also be
considered in the location of the payload within the C-141. Since the shelter
does not have an on-board mobility source, cargo-handling equipment is
necessary to load it into the C-141 aircraft. One 30-ton crane is required to
load the shelter onto pallets. A 40-K-loader is then required to load the
palletized shelter into the cargo area of the aircraft. There are no lateral or
vertical interference problems between the CRG shelter and the C-141


F-34. The M927 must be height reduced to 91 inches by removing the cabin
top and windshield for loading into the C-141. Because of the size and
payload capabilities of the C-141, the M927 can be located almost anywhere

FM 3-01.85

in the cargo area. The location of the combined CG of the total load must be
within the limits of the aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down
spacing provisions must also be considered in the location of the M927 within
the C-141. There are no lateral or vertical interference problems between the
M927 truck and the C-141 aircraft.


F-35. The M977 truck can be transported by C-5 without disassembly.
Because of the size and payload capabilities of the C-5, the M977 can be
located almost anywhere in the cargo area. The location of the combined CG
of the total load must be within the limits of the aircraft for the total weight
of the cargo. Tie-down spacing provisions must also be considered in the
location of the M977 within the C-5. The M977 can be driven through the C-5
cargo compartment without interfering with the walls or ceiling of the cargo


F-36. The M977 truck can be transported by C-141 without disassembly;
however, the spare tire must be removed from the vehicle in order to load into
the C-141. The location of the combined CG of the total load must be within
the limits of the aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing
provisions must also be considered in the location of the M977 within the
C-141. There are no lateral or vertical interference problems between the
M977 truck and the C-141 aircraft.


F-37. The M985E1 truck can be transported by C-5 with or without a payload
of guided missiles. Because of the size and payload capabilities of the C-5, the
M985E1 can be located almost anywhere in the cargo area. The location of
the combined CG of the total load must be within the limits of the aircraft for
the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing provisions must also be
considered in the location of the M985E1 within the C-5. The M985E1 can be
driven through the C-5 cargo compartment without interfering with the walls
or ceiling of the cargo area.


F-38. The M985E1 truck can be transported by C-141 without disassembly;
however, the missile payload and spare tire must be removed from the
vehicle in order to load into the C-141. The crane must be lowered to its
travel position in order to meet height requirements. The location of the
combined CG of the total load must be within the limits of the aircraft for the
total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing provisions must also be
considered in the location of the M985E1 within the C-141. There are no
lateral or vertical interference problems between the M985E1 truck and the
C-141 aircraft.



F-39. The AMG/M942 truck combination can be transported by C-5 in the
road march configuration. Because of the size and payload capabilities of the
C-5, the AMG/M942 payload can be located almost anywhere in the cargo
area. The location of the combined CG of the total load must be within the
limits of the aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing
provisions must also be considered in the location of the payload within the
C-5. The AMG/M942 configuration can be rolled through the C-5 cargo
compartment without interfering with the walls or ceiling of the cargo area.


F-40. The AMG must be off-loaded from the M942 carrier vehicle for C-141
transport. The AMG is loaded on a pallet train consisting of three HCU-6/E
cargo pallets married together. The M942 must be height reduced by
removing the cabin top and windshield for loading into the C-141. The
location of the combined CG of the total load must be within the limits of the
aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing provisions must
also be considered in the location of the payload within the C-141. Specialized
lifting and handling equipment is necessary to dismount and load the AMG
for transport in a sectionalized configuration. One 30-ton crane is required to
remove the AMG from the M942 truck and load it onto pallets. A 40-K-loader
is then required to load the palletized AMG into the cargo area of the aircraft.
There are no lateral or vertical interference problems between the AMG and
M942 truck and the C-141 aircraft.


F-41. The off-loaded AMG is C-141 transportable and due to the size and
payload capabilities of the C-141, can be located almost anywhere in the
cargo area. The location of the combined CG of the total load must be within
the limits of the aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing
provisions must also be considered in the location of the payload within the
C-141. Since the AMG does not have an on-board mobility source, cargo-
handling equipment is necessary to load it into the C-141 aircraft. One 30-ton
crane is required to load the shelter onto pallets. A 40 K-loader is then
required to load the palletized shelter into the cargo area of the aircraft.
There are no lateral or vertical interference problems between the AMG and
the C-141 aircraft.


F-42. The EPP III/M983 HEMTT combination can be transported by C-5 in
the road march configuration. Because of the size and payload capabilities of
the C-5, the EPP III/M983 payload can be located almost anywhere in the
cargo area. The location of the combined CG of the total load must be within
the limits of the aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down spacing
provisions must also be considered in the location of the payload within the
C-5. The EPP III/M983 configuration can be rolled through the C-5 cargo
compartment without interfering with the walls or ceiling of the cargo area.

FM 3-01.85


F-43. The diesel engines must be off-loaded from the M983 carrier vehicle for
C-141 transport. The location of the combined CG of the total load must be
within the limits of the aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down
spacing provisions must also be considered in the location of the payload
within the C-141. Specialized lifting and handling equipment is necessary to
dismount and load the EPP III for transport in a sectionalized configuration.
A 30-ton crane may be used to remove the diesel engines from the M983
HEMTT and load them onto pallets. A 40 K-loader is then required to load
the palletized diesel engines into the cargo area of the aircraft. There are no
lateral or vertical interference problems between the palletized diesel engines
or M983 HEMTT truck and the C-141 aircraft.


F-44. The M942 must be height reduced to 93.7 inches by removing the cabin
top and windshield for loading into the C-141. Because of the size and
payload capabilities of the C-141, the M942 can be located almost anywhere
in the cargo area. The location of the combined CG of the total load must be
within the limits of the aircraft for the total weight of the cargo. Tie-down
spacing provisions must also be considered in the location of the M942 within
the C-141, There are no lateral or vertical interference problems between the
M942 truck and the C-141 aircraft.


C-5 AND C-141
F-45. The EPU II is C-5 and C-141 transportable and due to the size and
payload capabilities of the aircraft, it can be located almost anywhere in the
cargo area. The location of the combined CG of the total load must be within
the limits of the aircraft for the total weight of the cargo.


Appendix G

Reconnaissance, Selection, and Occupation of Position

The purpose of this appendix is to discuss the requirements and general
guidelines for reconnaissance, selection, and occupation of position
(RSOP) team. RSOP is used to facilitate orderly, rapid, safe movement
and emplacement at the designated position. The RSOP team performs its
function by reconnoitering and selecting primary and alternate access
routes and sites for unit equipment and facilities within the position. The
mission of the RSOP team is to select the best terrain and equipment
sites that enable the Patriot battery to perform its mission.


G-1. Moving a Patriot unit into a new position requires extensive preparation
of the new site. For Patriot units to move and deliver effective air defense
fires against all enemy threats they must be sited correctly and rapidly.
Patriot units respond to major shifts of friendly or enemy forces by relocating
their fire units to new locations. Patriot must reestablish defense of critical
assets, respond to changes in mission assignments for survivability, and
insure overall AMD integrity after movement.
G-2. Patriot is part of a larger integrated air and missile defense. Conducting
an RSOP is usually part of a multilevel operation conducted by the air
defense headquarters. The Patriot battalion commander positions fire units
based on the mission received from higher headquarters. The term “site”
when used in this context specifies an exact area within the selected position.
The battalion commander will commonly designate a four or six digit grid
coordinate for the new position in which he expects the unit to occupy. At this
time, the commander may designate a survey team to go with the RSOP team
if needed to provide coordinates and altitudes of the Patriot equipment.
Normally, the battery commander will have some leeway in occupying the
position, based on his reconnaissance.
G-3. The procedures used to conduct RSOP are SOP items and must be part
of every unit’s tactical preparation. These procedures must be thoroughly
understood and practiced repeatedly by unit personnel. SOPs must cover
both day and night movements and occupations of position. They should
include vehicle load plans for each method in which a unit might move such
as rail, sea, air, and road.
G-4. To maximize Patriot’s tactical capability, the reconnaissance must be
thoroughly planned and executed. As part of the planning phase for any
RSOP, the battery commander will brief the RSOP OIC on the new mission,
enemy and friendly situations, and proposed location. A map reconnaissance
is performed to determine primary and secondary routes of march.
G-5. Although the Patriot missile system is fully mobile with all tactical
equipment mounted on wheeled trailers or vehicles, Patriot equipment is
both oversized and heavy. Road surfaces, bridges, and terrain that must be

FM 3-01.85

negotiated may limit the route taken by the Patriot because of the size and
weight of the equipment. See Appendix B; table B-2 for weight and
dimensions of Patriot equipment. By doing a route reconnaissance, as well as
a map reconnaissance, these potential obstacles can be overcome with good
planning and preparation prior to the battery’s movement.
G-6. To minimize movement time, all key personnel must be able to do the
reconnaissance, selection, organization, occupation, and movement tasks
quickly and efficiently. With adequate training, many of the actions of the
RSOP team become “second nature” and are accomplished routinely. The
time required for unit movement is out-of-action time. The longer a unit is
not performing their assigned mission, the greater chances they have in being
surprised by the enemy. The Patriot unit must be able to move and regain an
operational capability at a new position in the shortest possible time. This is
to limit the time Patriot is out of the air battle.

G-7. The three methods by which the battery commander and platoon leaders
may conduct a reconnaissance are map, air, and ground. Any reconnaissance
begins with a map inspection. Potential position and routes to the new
position can be chosen. The best reconnaissance is one that uses a
combination of all three. To maximize the tactical benefit, the reconnaissance
should be thoroughly planned. Reconnaissance considerations include—
• Primary route/alternate route (if not dictated from higher
• New position/secondary position.
• Overhead clearances.
• Bridge classification.
• Route trafficability.
• Towns or cities that the convoy will travel through.
• Roadway width.
• Harbor/hide areas along the primary and secondary routes.
• Proximity to built-up areas.
• Major terrain (mountains/deep valleys).
• Potential ambush sites along the route of march.
G-8. Air reconnaissance may not be feasible due to availability of aircraft, but
ground and map can still be accomplished. The surface conditions of the route
and position cannot be accurately determined for example, (ground may not
be able to support the weight of the equipment).
G-9. Map reconnaissance should be carefully considered. This method is very
fast and allows unsuitable routes to be eliminated. A major disadvantage is
that terrain and other features may have been altered, that is (a bridge may
no longer exist).
G-10. Ground reconnaissance is the best and most often used method. While
this is the slowest method, it is the most accurate and most reliable. Routes
can be physically examined and suitability of routes can be physically

Reconnaissance, Selection, and Occupation of Position

examined. The true condition of the terrain is especially critical if the surface
has been affected by enemy action and or weather conditions.

G-11. The reconnaissance party is composed of a sufficient number of
personnel to accomplish the RSOP mission and within constraints imposed
by personnel availability and concurrent missions. The RSOP party
organization is established in unit SOPs to fit most tactical situations. The
actions taken to form up the RSOP party must not affect the current mission
of the unit.
G-12. It is recommended having 15 personnel on the team. Individuals may
be on more than one team, and some teams may have concurrent activities
within the RSOP team, such as NBC and communications personnel. At a
minimum one RSOP crewmember should be qualified as a combat lifesaver
with a complete combat lifesaver bag with him at all times. The team should
consist of an officer in charge (OIC), and a noncommissioned officer in charge

Officer in Charge
G-13. The OIC has overall responsibility for the RSOP. His job is to train a
dedicated, technically proficient, and motivated RSOP team. The OIC is
normally a commissioned officer TD/TCO, but may be a senior NCO. He
ensures that the party is properly briefed and that all equipment and
supplies are loaded in accordance with the load plan. The following are OIC
• Conducts a map recon with the commander and plans primary and
alternate routes accordingly.
• Determines the suitability of the proposed position and advises the
battery commander on suitability of routes-of-march and battery
position as soon as possible.
• Responsible for detailed battery layout.
• Determines the ISLBs (PTL and STL) and site of radar.
• Briefs the battery commander and fire control platoon leader, upon
arrival, as to the site layout and any unusual circumstances.
• Supervises the preparation of RSOP equipment for the next move.

Noncommissioned Officer in Charge

G-14. The NCOIC assists the OIC in training the RSOP team. The NCOIC is
normally a TDA/TCA but may be a senior NCO from another section. Upon
movement notification, he ensures that all equipment is present in
accordance with load plans, that the RSOP vehicles are mission capable, and
that all team personnel are present, and have all prescribed equipment. The
NCOIC coordinates with the PADS team if needed as a backup capability.
The following are NCOIC responsibilities—
• Ensures radio checks are accomplished with the battery command
network prior to departure.

FM 3-01.85

• Ensures NBC and mine sweeping equipment is operational prior to

• Supervises the FC, LS, and security crews of the RSOP team on site,
determines and marks all the sites for support equipment and
platoon areas, and assists in emplacing communications equipment.
• Upon arrival at the new position, ensures emplacement of all ground
rods for major pieces of equipment IAW with unit SOP.
• Ensures hot-loop communication lines from the ECP to the RSOP
team are established at the new position.
• Upon arrival of the battery, briefs the 1SG and platoon sergeants as
to the battery layout and any unusual circumstances.
• Ensures preparation of RSOP equipment for the next move.

G-15. The unit commander determines that the number and types of teams
necessary to clear and secure a new area are based on METT-TC. Teams
should be proficient in operating the equipment necessary to perform their
function. These teams are only for guidance when establishing the RSOP
team. The following are team members and their responsibilities—
• RSOP OIC driver− Sets up an OE-254 and maintains
communication with the battery and battalion; sets up and operates
the battery jump CP; drives the ground rounds for the CP.
• Fire control crew− Stakes out each piece of system equipment and
drives all ground rods for the system equipment.
• Security team− Upon arrival at the new position, secures and
establishes a light security screen around the area. Everyone is a
member of this team. The light security screen may be in the form of
strong points placed in the four cardinal directions or along likely
avenues of approach. The security team will maintain
communications with the RSOP OIC via TA-312 landline.
• NBC team− In an NBC environment, this team emplaces the M8
chemical alarms and conducts M256 kit readings at suspected
contaminated areas along the route-of-march, and at the new
location. If the situation does not warrant, these personnel assist
other teams in preparing the site.
• Minesweeping team− If the tactical situation warrants, this team
operates the mine detector as part of clearing suspected contaminated
areas along the route-of-march or when the initial entry into areas is
suspected of being mined. If the situation does not warrant, these
personnel assist other teams in preparing the site.
• Ground guides− Prior to the arrival of the main body, these
personnel assist the OIC and other teams with the layout of the site.
This team assists the battery elements in a smooth initial occupation.
One ground guide per vehicle is designated to meet that element at
the dismount point upon arrival.

Reconnaissance, Selection, and Occupation of Position

• Launcher crew− Drives all stakes and ground rods for the launchers
and lays out the fiber cable to the ECS site. Performs security team

G-16. The primary mission of the survey section is to provide the radar and
launchers in each firing battery with timely survey control executed to
prescribed accuracies. Survey teams ensure that the radar and launchers are
precisely located and aligned to establish initialization accuracy. They are
responsible for placing the FUs and supporting elements on a common grid so
that higher headquarters can track their exact location.
G-17. A battalion survey section consists of nine soldiers. There is one section
chief that is an E-6 and four survey teams consisting of two soldiers per team.
Each team has a HMMWV as a prime mover, which is equipped with an
AN/VRC-90 CNR. Each survey team is also equipped with an AN/USQ-70
position and azimuth determining system (PADS). The required data are
determined in the following order of priority—
• Orientation azimuth for the radar, north reference point (NREF), and
azimuth mark.
• Coordinates and altitudes of the radar.
• Coordinates, altitudes, and orientation azimuth for the launchers.
• Collect, evaluate, and disseminate all available survey data that
might be used by the battalion.
• Maintain maps and files of survey data for the battalion area of
G-18. Since the Patriot system uses true north as a reference, and battery
personnel use grid azimuth to perform hasty surveys, both grid and true
azimuths should be provided to the firing batteries. To ensure that survey
data meets the required accuracy, the survey teams will establish all surveys.
G-19. On receipt of the battalion OPORD, usually four to six hours before the
battery movement, the RSOP officer, or the survey section chief will issue a
warning order to one of the survey teams The survey teams, when needed,
should be included in the RSOP party so that the necessary survey
operations can be started immediately after the new sites are selected.
Because of the distance to be traveled, the PADS may be initialized before
departing or initialization may be performed near the new position if survey
control is available at the new position. The survey will be performed in
accordance with the battalion commander’s guidance.

G-20. After the team has been established and individual duties have been
assigned, the necessary equipment according to the MTOE needed to
accomplish the mission is then loaded onto the vehicles in accordance with
the load plan. This load plan is part of the unit’s SOP. A load plan prescribes
efficient loading of personnel and equipment for movement. Each vehicle will

FM 3-01.85

have one. A good load plan ensures that a unit will move into the new
position with all its equipment. The load plan for a vehicle is that the
equipment most essential to the mission is loaded last. The load plan should
be recorded and graphically portrayed. Load plans should be identical
between like sections within the same battery and battalion.


G-21. The team is ready for their first mission when the initial steps needed
to put an RSOP team together have been completed. The first step in
preparing the RSOP team for their mission is for the OIC to receive the
movement warning order. The warning order tells the RSOP OIC that
movement is expected. While the NCOIC is assembling supplies, teams and
all necessary equipment, the OIC and the commander are planning routes
using a map reconnaissance. Routes must avoid NBC contaminated areas
and obstructions. Changes in the initial map reconnaissance may need to be
adjusted accordingly.
G-22. The movement warning order may be followed by the movement order.
The movement order is disseminated from higher headquarters down to the
battery level. This movement order will include more information that the
RSOP team needs to know. The headquarters controlling the movement of
the battery directs the essential elements of the movement–when, where, and
how. The general location of the new position will be given to the team prior
to departing the field site. This location will also include —
• Sectors-of-fire.
• No later than to be in position ready to fire.
• Routes and any special instructions.
- danger areas
- intelligence
- alternate positions
- movement techniques
G-23. A unit begins preparations to depart the current area as soon as it
receives the MWO. The sequence used to clear the area may vary based on
the situation. However, the initial focus is on mission-essential equipment.
Perimeter security must not be compromised in the preparation for

G-24. Routes must be analyzed, and time and distance must be taken into
account prior to movement. Moving the battery over long difficult routes
require well-planned, coordinated movement orders and unit SOPs.
G-25. After the map reconnaissance has been completed, the OIC now
conducts a route evaluation to determine if the selected route is acceptable.
This is conducted en route to the new position. The OIC also ensures that the
designated harbor/hide area is adequate. A harbor/hide area is off the main
supply route (MSR). It is large enough for the entire main body, has adequate

Reconnaissance, Selection, and Occupation of Position

cover and concealment, and is defendable for short periods. It is halfway

between the old and new position, terrain permitting.

G-26. If the tactical situation warrants NBC protection, the RSOP OIC will
determine the MOPP level for the team. NBC contaminated areas should be
avoided when possible. All RSOP personnel dismount upon reaching the
access road that leads to the new position. The OIC notifies the battery
commander of arrival at the proposed position. At least two soldiers stay to
secure the vehicles and monitor the radio. The OIC or NCOIC gives them a
five-point contingency plan that includes the following information:
• Who is going with the OIC/NCOIC?
• How long the OIC/NCOIC element will be gone?
• What to do if the OIC/NCOIC element does not return?
• What to do if the element becomes engaged?
G-27. If the tactical situation warrants, two security team members use the
mine detector to clear the access road, and two personnel conduct a
radiological and chemical survey. The entire team then moves tactically to
the new position looking for signs of enemy activity. Upon reaching the new
position, the RSOP OIC/NCOIC places a two-man team at what they believe
to be the 6 o'clock position; this becomes the dismount point.
G-28. Reconnaissance determines if the position will be selected. The OIC
considers many requirements and factors in determining the acceptability of
the tentative position. The site selected for the radar set provides the basis
for the siting of other major items of equipment. Once the OIC determines
that the position is suitable for the radar, he informs the battery commander
over secure radio. If the position is unacceptable, the OIC reconnoiters
alternate positions. He may have authority to reconnoiter positions within a
given distance to find a suitable position. The OIC uses the following criteria
to determine if the site is acceptable:
• Is the radar field-of-view unobstructed?
• Is the fire control area 30 meters by 35 meters and less then a
10-degree slope?
• Is it large enough to accommodate unit vehicles and equipment?
• Is the internal road network sufficient?
• Is there line of sight for remote launchers (Phase 1 and Phase 3)?
• Does it have a firm, well-drained level surface for maintenance and
dispersion of vehicles?
• Is the location defendable?
• Does it have a minimum of one entrance and exit?
• Does it have natural cover and concealment?


G-29. The primary position is one from which the battery will accomplish its
assigned air defense mission. Alternate position is one in which the unit

FM 3-01.85

moves to in case its primary becomes untenable (overrun by enemy forces,

contaminated or destroyed by natural forces). The alternate position must
meet the same requirements as the primary.


G-30. The RSOP OIC lays out the position. The OIC may use any available
resources to diagram a position layout. The diagram ensures that all
members of the team know exactly where each piece of equipment is going.
This diagram can also be used as a reminder to show the cable lengths of the
fire control equipment, prior to setting ground rods. Figure G-1 shows a
possible layout for the fire control section and the distance between each
piece of equipment. Selected positions are best available for fields of fire,
communications, accessibility, and survivability. Specific considerations for
position layout include: up range, down range (launching stations), command
post, maintenance area, fuel tanker, troop area, mess facilities, latrines, and
ammunition storage. The area required for deployment of the battery is about
one km squared.
G-31. The most critical pieces of equipment to put in position first are the
radar, ECS, EPP, AMG, and the launching stations for the battery. Once the
individual sites are selected for each piece of equipment, the ISLB data needs
to be shot. RSOP team members are responsible for determining the 5-point
ISLB for the RS. Prior to the fire unit emplacing and visibility permitting,
the M2 aiming circle is used to collect needed data. There are step-by-step
instructions included in FM 3-01.87 to determine the ISLB. Practice on the
M2 aiming circle should be done in advance to the unit’s movement to ensure
all steps are done correctly and efficiently.

G-32. Primary areas selected in a new position are those for the fire control
platoon, launcher platoon, and battery support elements. In addition, sites
are selected for security forces and Stinger teams.


G-33. The heart of the Patriot battery is the fire control section. The fire
control section consists of an ECS, AMG, RS, and EPP. When the RSOP team
sets up the big four there are many considerations that must be taken into


10 m

8 m


11 m
Reconnaissance, Selection, and Occupation of Position

account, both for safety of soldiers and equipment. Figure G-1 shows a
possible fire control emplacement. Equipment should be positioned based on
the length of data, power cables, and the terrain that is available.

Figure G-1. Fire Control Section Emplacement Configuration

Radar Set Considerations

G-34. All equipment must be positioned to the rear of the RS thereby keeping
them out of the primary and secondary search sectors. The radar set requires
an area of 30 to 35 meters to operate in. Engineer tape may be used to sector
off the hazard area of the radar. Radar set must have an unobstructed field of
view to eliminate radiation hazards to personnel, equipment and to prevent
clutter. A radiation hazard exists in the track sector 120 meters forward of
the RS. Considerations must be made as to where the radar and its cables are
positioned as to prevent power and data cables from being run over by
vehicles. Other considerations include terrain slope, it must not exceed 10-
degree roll and cross roll from where the radar is emplaced.

Electrical Power Plant Considerations

G-35. The EPP must be positioned to the rear right or rear left of the RS. The
terrain for the EPP must not exceed 10-degree roll and cross roll. The EPP
must be positioned to accommodate easy access for refueling and placed
within the limit of cable lengths.

Engagement Control Station Considerations

G-36. The ECS is positioned to the rear of the radar set and in a concealed
area, if possible, orienting the ECS door away from the radar set to minimize
the RF and noise hazards. It must be placed where the cables can reach the
radar and the EPP, but not where any vehicles will run over the cables.
Additionally, the ECS is connected by a 26-pair cable or field wire to the
battery command post.

Antenna Mast Group Considerations

G-37. The AMG is situated to provide line-of-sight communications to the
ICC and adjacent firing batteries. The AMG, due to its stringent requirement
for level terrain, is the most stringent piece of Patriot equipment to emplace.
The AMG must be level within ½ degree in roll altitude and 10 degree in
cross roll.

G-38. The minimum distance from RS to LS is 120 meters, while its
maximum distance from RS to LS is 1200 meters. The launchers terrain slope
must not exceed 10-degree roll and cross roll. Due to the back blast danger
area, the area directly behind the launchers is 90 meters minimum. The
missile back blast danger area is 90 meters directly behind the launchers.
This area must be kept clear of personnel and equipment.

FM 3-01.85

G-39. There are three separate locations where launchers may be positioned
to counter the threat: local launchers, RL-1 remote launchers, and
RL-3 remote launchers.
• Local launchers are mainly used for air battle and self-defense
against ASMs and TBMs.
• Remote launchers Phase-I are located up to 10 kilometers in front of
the radar and are employed evenly spaced on both sides of the PTL,
METT-TC dependent.
• RL-3 launchers are mainly used to counter the TBM threat as a
launcher farm. A remote launcher farm must consist of a minimum of
two enhanced launcher electronic system (ELES). With each launcher
farm, there will be CRG with a LCS configuration to provide
communications and to function as a launch control station.
G-40. Siting guidance for launchers is within the search and track sectors.
(Caution: sites must be flexible when sector bounds are adjusted). Minimum
separation distance between launchers is 90 meters. Local launchers may be
emplaced using a lazy ‘W’ formation and evenly distributed (METT-TC
dependent) along the PTL/STL. The launcher PTL orientation is determined
during defense design planning and must be pointing towards the center of
the threat launch location NAIs. The launchers must be pointed directly at a
TBM threat to achieve the highest possible Pk. Whenever possible, orient
launchers in pairs towards the threat TBM launch locations, this is for
redundancy. RL-3 launchers must be emplaced within 10 degrees of the
G-41. Fiber-optic cables for local launchers run between the radar and the up-
range launcher area. The NCOIC needs to ensure that no vehicles are driving
over or near the launcher’s area to prevent damage to the cables by fuel
trucks and other vehicles. Considerations should be made whether to bury
the cables, sandbag the cables, or to rope-off those areas.

G-42. The command post is where the commander and staff perform their
activities. The CP is centrally located within the perimeter where it can
exercise control over the battery, remain well defended, and have lines of
communication with sub-elements. See Appendix B for a more detailed
description of a command post.

G-43. The battery support elements are sited to support the tactical elements.
Criteria include staying out of the primary and secondary radar sectors,
ability to provide effective support, good access routes, and use of area cover
and concealment to enhance camouflage efforts.
• Maintenance area. The selection of the maintenance area depends
on its accessibility to entry and exit routes. The area is located within
the perimeter near the entrance. The maintenance area should have
an entrance and exit within the perimeter. This area will need to be

Reconnaissance, Selection, and Occupation of Position

big enough for the maintenance center, SRPT, LRPT and the GMT, as
well as any other vehicles that may need to be worked on.
• Ammunition storage. The basic load of ammunition is removed
from transporting vehicles as soon as possible. It must be protected
by sandbags or earth revetments and sited near the supply tent.
• Fuel tanker. The fuel tanker is sited as near as possible to the
primary entrance, inside the perimeter so returning vehicles can be
topped off.
• Troop area. Personnel are permitted to sleep only in designated
areas. Vehicles are not permitted to move without ground guides in
areas where troops are sleeping.
• Mess facilities. Special attention is given to the selection of the mess
area. It should be centrally located within the perimeter, away from
interior roads to avoid contamination of the food by dust. The mess
area should be at least 100 yards (90 meters) from the latrines. The
serving line, or lines, are marked with engineer tape and strategically
located to take advantage of available cover and concealment. Serving
lines are planned so that a 5-yard (4.5 meter) interval is maintained
between personnel under tactical conditions.
• Latrines. Latrines are located on the downwind side of the
operations area at least 100 yards (90 meters) from the water supply.
Latrines should be able to accommodate at least 8 percent of the unit
at a time. Hand-washing facilities should be located near the exits.


G-44. After the RSOP OIC determines the layout of the new position, he
ensures that all ground guides know exactly where they are to go and where
equipment is to be placed. Preparations also include marking the location of
major sub elements of the unit. Everyone in the RSOP is updated on the
challenge and password, changes to the original order or deviations to the
SOP, and approximate arrival times of the main body and order of march.


G-45. The unit is extremely vulnerable during the initial occupation. The
main entry control point (ECP) will serve as the dismount point for the
arrival of the battery elements. If needed, use roving patrols to augment the
light security screen and act as a quick reactionary force. Maintain site
security; dig the ECP bunker, design the ECP range card, and run
communications wire from the ECP to the battery jump CP. When the main
body arrives at the new position, a ground guide meets each major sub-
element and leads it to its position. All vehicles are moved off the access road
release point and into the position area as quickly as possible, maintaining
vehicle intervals for safety.
G-46. Once the main body arrives, the unit focuses all its efforts on rapidly
establishing a defensive perimeter, establishing the up range and down
range, and reestablishing fire unit operations as quickly as possible. The
sooner they get back to their SOR/SOE the sooner they are able to fight. This
is being done while maintaining communications to higher headquarters and

FM 3-01.85

also establishing internal communications between the CP and the ECS and
also all other platoons. Work priorities are then established and unit
personnel are given specific tasks to accomplish. Figure G-2 represents the
list of supplies and duties needed to accomplish the RSOP mission.

___ 1. OIC receives briefing and then brief RSOP team within 5 minutes of receipt. After the
briefing is given, the RSOP team has 30 minutes to gather necessary personnel and equipment
and get off site. The following is information that the OIC should brief to his team.
___ a. Mission/PTL.
___ b. Enemy and friendly situation.
___ c. NBC intelligence.
___ d. Challenge/password.
___ e. Radio frequencies/call signs.
___ f. Current ADW.
___ g. Current state or stage of alert.
___ h. Primary, alternate supplemental locations and routes with maps.
___ i. Terrain and environment.
___ j. Action to take if attacked.
___ k. Movement times.
___ l. Strip maps.
___ m. Convoy procedures.
___ n. Risk assessment.

___ 2. OIC and the BC perform map reconnaissance noting —

___ a. Start point/release point.
___ b. Location of friendly units.
___ c. Potential ambush sites.
___ d. Check points.
___ e. Primary and alternate site locations.
___ f. Primary and alternate routes to the new site.

___ 3 NCOIC ensures the following personnel are available for the RSOP party.
___ a. OIC and NCOIC.
___ b. Driver/ RTO.
___ c. Security team.
___ d. Equipment guide, minesweeping, NBC team, reaction team.
___ e. Communications personnel.
___ f. Launcher personnel.

___ 4. OIC/NCOIC ensures all essential equipment is loaded per load plan to include the
following (at a minimum)—

Reconnaissance, Selection, and Occupation of Position

___ a. Supply of rations and water dependent on METT.

___ b. Chemical alarm.
___ c. NBC marking kit.
___ d. Chemical agent detector kit and power supply.
___ e. Mine detecting kit, and batteries.
___ f. Radiac meters.
___ g. Telephone sets, and WD1 communications wire.
___ h. Communications antenna and all sub components for FM commo.

Figure G-2. RSOP Checklist

FM 3-01.85

___ i. Measuring tape or a marked engineer tape or rope.

___ j. Equipment marking stakes.
___ k. Map of area.
___ l. Camouflage screen systems.
___ m. Individual weapons and ammunition.
___ n. Protective equipment and LBE.
___ o. Automatic weapons.
___ p. Night sites for selected individual weapons.
___ q. Ground rods.
___ r. Sledgehammer.
___ s. Aiming circle.
___ t. Binoculars.
___ u. Grenade launcher and ammunition.
___ v. Coding equipment.
___ w. Chemical lights.
___ x. Individual flashlights.

___ 5. OIC briefs RSOP party on —

___ a. All items covered in the commander’s briefing.
___ b. Convoy speeds.
___ c. Catch up speeds.
___ d. Air guards.
___ e. Procedures in case of attacks, roadblocks, or breakdown.
___ f. Risk Assessment

___ 6. OIC ensures:

___ a. All drivers have strip maps.
___ b. All soldiers have individual weapons, LBE and MOPP gear.
___ c. Chemical alarms are operational and ON.
___ d. All vehicle loads are secure.
___ e. RTO performs radio check with Bn/Btry.

PART II (Movement Stage):

___ 1. OIC performs route reconnaissance to determine if the route is acceptable, considering—
___ a. Overhead clearance.
___ b. Route security.
___ c. Traffic ability.
___ d. Road width.
___ e. Bridge weight classification.
___ f. Fording sites (amount of water a vehicle can drive through safely).
___ g. Areas for convoy dispersion.
___ h. Landmarks.
___ i. Location for road guides.
___ j. Hazard areas (mines, enemy, NBC).

___ 2. OIC directs specialty teams to secure new position using the following procedures.
___ a. NBC team checks areas with radiac meter, detector paper, and chemical agent

Figure G-2. RSOP Checklist con’t

Reconnaissance, Selection, and Occupation of Position

___ b. Mine detection team conducts a broad zigzag sweep of site. Operators do not carry
weapons. Security guard stays at least 15 meters behind sweeper.
___ c. NBC team and automatic weapon remain behind the mine sweep team.
___ d. Remainder of party form into two fire teams. The teams use bounding over watch,
and sweep abreast behind the mine detectors covering the entire area to be occupied.
The fire team members remain at least 15 meters.
___ e. OIC establishes rear, flank and forward LP or OP.
___ f. NBC team continually examines area for contamination, and positions alarm unit
at the CP and the detector upwind.
___ g. OIC positions a machine gun to cover the site entry road.
___ h. OIC establishes a perimeter defense with rifleman positions or roving guards.
NOTE: NBC and mine sweeps are done if tactical situation warrants.

PART III (Survey Stage):

___ 1. OIC conducts a site survey/terrain analysis to ensure position acceptability (alternate
___ a. Meets equipment requirements.
• Size of area (1km2).
• Slope of area less than 10 degrees.
• Radar field of view along PTL (reduce radar clutter).
• Clear field of fire.
• Surface firmness (weather dependent).
___ b. Cover and Concealment.
___ c. Immediate access.

___ 2. RSOP OIC lays out new position with support from PADS team if needed. Designates
areas for—
___ a. System equipment (marked with survey markings for radar and launchers only).
___ b. Administration
___ c. Vehicle parking.
___ d. Mess.
___ e. Bivouac.
___ f. Fuel truck and HAZMAT.
___ g. ECP bunker.
___ h. Latrine location.

___ 3. OIC ensures the equipment is laid out as follows:

___ a. Orients equipment to give maximum protection in the direction of the avenue of
___ b. Emplaces equipment at the maximum cable length allowed by
the site configuration.
___ c. Records ISLB data for radar set.
___ d. Determines PTL and known reference points.
___ e. Determines that line of sight exists for alignment.

Figure G-2. RSOP Checklist con’t

FM 3-01.85

___ f. Ensures the ECS door faces away from the radar.
___ g. Positions generators to minimize interference.
___ h. Establishes the CP location to ensure it is close to the ECS.
___ i. Positions equipment cables so they are not in a position to be
ran over.
___ j. Marks all grounding rods with engineer tape to prevent being hit by vehicles.

___ 4. OIC conducts a rehearsal for ground guides for day and night, and for entry into site
with their designated pieces of equipment.

___ a. Ground guides proceed to dismount point of arrival of the equipment.

___ b. OIC makes sure ground guides have colored lens flashlights or chemical lights to
use during the hours of darkness (chemical lights may be used to mark equipment locations).

PART IV (Emplacement Stage):

___ 1. OIC ensures receipt of main body into the position so that no vehicle is required to
stop along the access route.
___ 2. Priorities for site occupation are to prepare the Patriot system to fire/establish
CP/BTOC/AMDPCS (as applicable), and establish air defense command and control.
___ 3. OIC maintains communication with a battery/battalion or brigade element (as appropriate).

Figure G-2. RSOP Checklist con’t

Reconnaissance, Selection, and Occupation of Position


A/L administration/logistics
A2C2 Army airspace command and control
AA avenue of approach
AAA air avenue of approach
AADC area air defense commander
AAMDC Army air and missile defense command
ABMOC air battle management operations center
ACA airspace control authority; The commander designated to
assume overall responsibility for the operation of the airspace
control system in the airspace control area. (JP 1-02)
ACO airspace control order; An order implementing the airspace
control plan that provides the details of the approved requests
for airspace control measures. It is published either as part of
the air tasking order or as a separate document. (JP 1-02)
ACP airspace control plan; The document approved by the joint force
commander that provides specific planning guidance and
procedures for the airspace control system for the joint force area
of responsibility/joint operations area. (JP 1-02)
active air defense Direct defensive action taken to destroy, nullify, or reduce the
effectiveness hostile air and missile threats against friendly
forces and assets. It includes the use of aircraft, air defense
weapons, electronic warfare, and other available weapons.
(JP 1-02)
active defense The employment of limited offensive action and counter attacks
to deny a contested area or position to the enemy.(JP 1-02)
ACUS area common user system
AD air defense; All defensive measures designed to destroy
attacking enemy aircraft or missiles in the earth's envelope of
atmosphere or to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of such
attack. (JP 1-02)
ADA air defense artillery
ADC area damage control
ADRG ARC/Army Digitized Raster Graphics
ADW air defense warning

FM 3-01.85

AI area of interest; area of concern to the commander.

AIS automated information system
air and missile defense; As normally used, the term is
AMD synonymous with theater air and missile defense. However, the
term can also be used in a broader context to apply to any
integrated joint force operations conducted to destroy air and
missile threats in flight or prior to launch regardless of whether
the operations occur in an established theater. The term can
also be used in a narrower context to apply to ADA operations
(or active defense operations) conducted to destroy air and
missile threats in flight (USAADASCH).
AMDCOORD air and missile defense coordinator
AMDPCS air and missile defense planning and control system
AMDTF air and missile defense task force
AMDWS air and missile defense work station
AMG antenna mast group
AO area of operation;
AOC air operations center
AOP air operations plan
AOR area of responsibility
APOD air port of debarkation
APOE air port of embarkation
ARFOR Army forces
ARM anti-radiation missile
ARTEP Army training evaluation plan
ASAS all source analysis system
ASCC Army service component commander
ASG area support group
ASL authorized stockage list
ASM air-to-surface missile
ASP ammunition supply point
ATDL1 Army tactical data link 1
ATM anti-tactical missile
ATMCT air terminal movement control teams
ATO air tasking order; A method used to task and disseminate to
components, subordinate units, and command and control
agencies those projected sorties/capabilities/forces to targets and
specific missions. Normally provides specific instructions to


include call signs, targets, controlling agencies, etc., as well as

general instructions. (JP 1-02)
ATP ammunition transfer point
AUEL automated unit equipment list
AWACS airborne warning and control system
AZ azimuth

BAI battlefield air interdiction
battle space The environment, factors, and conditions that must be
understood to successfully apply combat power, protect the force,
or complete the mission. This includes air, land, sea, space, and
the facilities of the enemy and friendly forces. (for example
weather, terrain, the electromagnetic spectrum, and the
information environment within the operational areas and areas
of interest). (JP 1-02)
BCP battery command post
BDA battle damage assessment
BDE brigade
BLOS beyond line-of-sight
BM ballistic missile
BME battalion maintenance equipment
BMG battery maintenance group
BMNT begin morning nautical twilight
BMO battalion maintenance officer
BN battalion
BOS base operating support
BSA brigade support area
BSE battalion supply and equipment
BTRY battery

C/E communications / electronics
C2 command and control
C3 command, control, and communications
C 3I command, control, communications and intelligence

FM 3-01.85

C 4I command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence

CAL critical asset list
CAS close air support
CCIR commander’s critical information requirement
CDR commander
CE2 communication enhancement 2
CE communications electronics
CEB clothing exchange and bath
CEP circular error probability
CESO communications / electronics signal officer
CFL coordinated fire line
CG commanding general
CINC commander in chief
CJTF commander joint task force
CM cruise missile
CMCC corps movement control center
CMCT corps movement control teams
CMMC corps materiel management center
COA course of action
COFA correlation of forces-air
COMMO communication
COMMZ communication zone
COMSEC communications security
CONUS continental United States
COORD coordination
COSCOM corps support command
CP command post
CPP communications patch panel
CPU central processor unit
CRC control and reporting center
CRE control and reporting element
CRG communications relay group
CS combat support


CSA corps storage area

CSB corps support battalion
CSC combat support company
CSG corps support group
CSR controlled supply rate
CSS combat service support
CTT/H-R Commander’s Tactical Terminal/ Hybrid Receiver
CVRT criticality, vulnerability, recuperability, and threat

DA Department of Army
DAADC deputy area air defense commander
DAL defended asset list; A ranked listing of facilities, forces, and
national political items that require protection from attack or
hostile surveillance. The list is compiled from federal
departments and agencies, unified and specified commands, and
the armed services to ensure national security emergency
preparedness functions.
DCA defensive counterair; All defensive measures designed to detect,
identify, intercept and destroy or negate enemy forces
attempting to attack or penetrate the friendly air environment.
(JP 1-02)

DCG deputy commanding general

DCN data coordination net
DEL deployment equipment list
DISCOM division support commands
DLT data link terminal; Sends/receives LS data via VHF radio and
fiber optic link.

DLU digital link upgrade

DNLP deployed net loading percentage
DP decision point
DS direct support
DSA division support area
DNVT digital nonsecure voice terminal
DSM decision support matrix

DSS direct supply support

FM 3-01.85

DST decision support template

DSU direct support unit
DTED digital terrain elevation data
DX direct exchange
DZ drop zone

EAC echelon above corps; Army headquarters and organizations that
provide the interface between the theater commander (joint or
multinational) and the corps for operational matters.
ECCM electronic counter-countermeasure
ECM electronic countermeasure
ECN engagement coordination net
ECP entry control point
ECS engagement control station
ECU environmental control unit
EDWA engagement decision and weapons assignment
EEFI essential elements of friendly information

EENT end evening nautical twilight

ELES enhanced launcher electronics system
EMCON emission control; The selective and controlled use of
electromagnetic, acoustic, or other emitters to optimize
command and control capabilities while minimizing, for security:
a. detection by enemy sensors; b. minimize mutual interference
among friendly systems; c. execute a military deception plan.
(JP 1-02)
EMI electromagnetic interference
EMMO electronic missile maintenance officer
EMP electromagnetic pulse; The electromagnetic radiation from a
nuclear explosion caused by compton recoil electrons and
photoelectrons scattered in the material of the nuclear device or
in a surrounding medium. The resulting electric and magnetic
fields may couple with electrical/electronic systems to produce
damaging current and voltage surges. (JP 1-02)
EOB enemy order of battle
EPLRS enhanced positioning location reporting system
EPP electric power plant
EPU electric power unit


EPW enemy prisoner of war

EW electronic warfare; Any military action involving the use of
electromagnetic and directed energy to control the
electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy. The three
major divisions within electronic warfare are electronic attack,
electronic protection, and electronic warfare support. (JP 1-02)

FAA forward assembly areas
FAAD forward area air defense
FB firing battery
FCO fire control orders; Commands, which are used to control
engagements on a case-by-case basis, regardless of the
prevailing weapon, control status. Higher control echelons when
monitoring the decentralized operations of subordinate units
most often use these commands. Fire control orders can be
transmitted electronically or verbally; however not all of the fire
control orders shown below can or will be used by every type of
ADA unit. (JP 1-02)
FDC fire direction center; That element of a command post, consisting
of gunnery and communications personnel and equipment, by
means of which the commander exercises fire direction and/or
fire control. The fire direction center receives target intelligence
and requests for fire, and translates them into appropriate fire
direction. (JP 1-02)
FEBA forward edge battle area
FFIR friendly forces information requirements
FLOT forward line of own troops
FM frequency modulation; field manual
FO fiber optic
FOB forward operating base
FO-DTG fiber optic-day time group
FORSCOM United States Army Forces Command
FOV field of view
FSB forward support battalion
FSCL fire support coordination line
FSCM fire support coordination measure
FSCOORD fire support coordinator
FSE fire support element

FM 3-01.85

FSOP field standing operating procedure

FU fire unit
FUFU fire unit to fire unit; The fire unit to fire unit capability within
the Patriot system allows fire units to conduct a coordinated air
battle without an ICC. In FUFU mode of operations, fire units
perform triangulation, track correlation, engagement
coordination, and support. The ICC track management software
has been implemented at the fire units, so that those functions
are now available at the fire unit. The weapons control state on
each track is also shared with all fire units. Each fire unit
performs triangulation using shared data from at least two other
FUs. This provides range data on these tracks to the other units.
FW fixed wing

GCFU ground communications filter unit

GEHOC German Hawk operations center

GEM guidance-enhanced missile

GIP ground impact point
GM guided missile
GMT guided missile transport
GPFU gas particulate filter unit
GPS global positioning system; A satellite based system used for
accurate positioning and navigation.
GS general support

HACM high altitude cruise missile
HCU hard copy unit
HE high explosive
HEMTT heavy expanded mobility tactical truck
HEU higher echelon unit
HF high frequency
HHB headquarters and headquarters battery
HMMWV high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle
HPT high-payoff target; A target whose loss to the enemy will
significantly contribute to the success of a friendly course of
action. High-payoff targets are those high-value targets,


identified through war gaming, which must be acquired and

successfully attacked for the success of the friendly commander’s
mission. (JP 1-02)
HQ headquarters
HSS health service support
HVT high-value target; A target the enemy commander requires for
the successful completion of the mission. The loss of high-value
targets would be expected to seriously degrade important enemy
functions throughout the friendly commander’s area of interest.
(JP 1-02)

IAW In accordance with
ICC information and coordination central
ICE initial coordination element
ID identification
IDOCS integrated digital operator control station
IEW intelligence and electronic warfare
IF intermediate frequency
IFF identification, friend or foe; A system using electromagnetic
transmissions to which equipment carried by friendly forces
automatically responds; for example, by emitting pulses, thereby
distinguishing themselves from enemy forces. (JP 1-02)

IPB intelligence preparation of the battlespace

IR information requirement
ISA international standardization agreement
ISE intelligence support element
ISLB initial search lower bounds
ISR intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance

JAOC joint air operations center
JDN joint data net
JECN joint engagement coordination net
JFACC Joint Force Air Component Commander; The joint force air
component commander derives authority from the joint force
commander who has the authority to exercise operational
control, assign missions, direct coordination among subordinate
commanders, redirect and organize forces to ensure unity of

FM 3-01.85

effort in the accomplishment of the overall mission. Using the

joint force commander’s guidance and authority, and in
coordination with other service component commanders and
other assigned or supporting commanders, the joint force air
component commander will recommend to the joint force
commander apportionment of air sorties to various missions or
geographic areas. (JP 1-02/ (FM 6-99.1))
JFC Joint Force Commander; A general term applied to a combatant
commander, subunified commander, or joint task force
commander authorized to exercise combatant command
(command authority) or operational control over a joint force.
(JP 1-02/ (FM 6-99.1))
JFLCC Joint Force Land Component Commander; The commander
within a unified command, subordinate unified command, or
joint task force responsible to the establishing commander for
making recommendations on the proper employment of land
forces, planning and coordinating land operations, or
accomplishing such operational missions as may be assigned.
The joint force land component commander is given the
authority necessary to accomplish missions and tasks assigned
by the establishing commander. The joint force land component
commander will normally be the commander with the
preponderance of land forces and the requisite command and
control capabilities. (JP 1-02)

JFMCC Joint Force Maritime Component Commander; The commander

within a unified command, subordinate unified command, or
joint task force responsible to the establishing commander for
making recommendations on the proper employment of
maritime forces and assets, planning and coordinating maritime
operations, or accomplishing such operational missions as may
be assigned. The joint force maritime component commander is
given the authority necessary to accomplish missions and tasks
assigned by the establishing commander. The joint force
maritime component commander will normally be the
commander with the preponderance of maritime forces and the
requisite command and control capabilities. (JP 1-02/ (FM
JFSOCC Joint Forces Special Operations Component Commander
JICO Joint Interface Control Officer; The joint interface control officer
(JICO) coordinates with the ARFOR or JFLCC, coordination is
essential to the successful integration of ADA forces into theater
counter air and TMD. The JICO is responsible for managing the
multi data link network from the AOC. The JICO cell supports
continuous operations. Each service normally contributes
personnel or expertise to the JICO cell to plan and execute joint
operations. The AAMDC normally would provide the ARFOR or
JFLCC expertise to the JICO cell to ensure integration of


ARFOR air and missile defense operations with joint or

multinational operations.
JIPTL joint integrated prioritized target list; A prioritized list of targets
and associated data approved by a joint force commander, and
maintained by a joint task force. Targets and priorities are
derived from the recommendations of components in conjunction
with their proposed operations supporting the joint force
commander’s objectives and guidance. (JP 1-02)
JLENS joint land attack cruise missile elevated netted sensor system
JMMN joint mission management net
JOA joint operations area; An area of land, sea, and airspace, defined
by a geographic combatant commander or subordinate unified
commander, in which a joint force commander (normally a joint
task force commander) conducts military operations to
accomplish a specific mission. Joint operations areas are
particularly useful when operations are limited in scope and
geographic area or when operations are to be conducted on the
boundaries between theaters. (JP 1-02)
JSN joint surveillance net
JTAMD joint theater air and missile defense; JTAMD includes all
measures and means designed to nullify or reduce the
effectiveness of surveillance and attacks against the joint force
by air and missile threats. Air defense operations represent the
Army’s contribution to JTAMD operations. JTAMD is conducted
to attain and maintain a desired degree of air superiority by the
destruction or neutralization of enemy air and missile forces.
JTAMD operations include such measures as the use of
interceptors, bombers, antiaircraft guns, surface to surface and
surface to air missiles, air to surface missiles, elements of
information operations, and electronic countermeasures to
destroy the air or missile threat both before and after it is
JTIDS joint tactical information distribution system; A joint service,
jam-resistant, secure communications system that permits the
interchange of essential tactical information between aircraft,
surface vessels, and mobile or fixed-base land stations.
JTMD joint theater missile defense; The integration of joint force
capabilities to destroy enemy theater missiles in flight or prior to
launch or to otherwise disrupt the enemy’s theater missile
operations through an appropriate mix of mutually supportive
passive missile defense; active missile defense; attack
operations; and supporting command, control communications,
computers, and intelligence measures. Enemy theater missiles
are those that are aimed at targets outside the continental
United States. (JP 1-02)

FM 3-01.85

JTT-T/R joint tactical terminal-transmit/receive

KBPS kilobits per second
KIA killed in action
KM kilometer
KRP known reference point
KW kilowatts

LAN local area network
LAT live air trainer
LC line of contact
LCC land component commander
LCE lightweight computer equipment
LCM-8 launcher control module -8
LCS launcher control station
LD line of departure
LEM launcher electronics module
LLCOA least likely course of action
LMRD launcher missile round distributor
LNIP launch now intercept point
LNO liaison officer
LOC line of communications; All routes, land, water, and air, which
connects an operating military force with a base of operations
and along which supplies and military forces move.
(JP 1-02/ (FM 6-99.1))
LOG logistics
LOGPAC logistics package
LOP level of protection
LOS line-of-sight
LOTS logistics over the shore
LRP logistics release point
LRPT large repair parts transporter
LS launching station


LSDU launcher station diagnostic unit

LSTS launching station test set
LTDA lower-tier defended area
LZ landing zone

M meter
MANPADS man portable air defense system; The Stinger MANPADS team
carries a man portable, shoulder fired, infrared or IR/NUV
seeking missile that requires no control from the gunner after
firing. It has an identification, friend or foe (IFF) interrogator
that aids the gunner and team chief in identifying targets. The
team consists of a gunner and team chief. (FM 3-01.11)
MATO Materiel officer
MBA main battle area
MC maintenance center; maintenance company
MCA movement control agency
MCO movement control officer
MCOO modified combined obstacle overlay
MCP maintenance collection point
MCPE modular collective protective equipment
MCR movement completion report
MCT movement control team
MDCOA most dangerous course of action
MDMP military decision making process
MEDLOG medical logistics
MEL mobile erector launcher
MEP minimum engagement package
METL mission-essential task list; A compilation of collective mission-
essential tasks, which must be successfully performed if an
organization is to accomplish its wartime mission(s).
METT-TC mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops, time available, and
civil considerations
MEZ missile engagement zone
MI military intelligence
MLCOA most likely course of action

FM 3-01.85

MILVAN military van

MMC Materiel Management Center
MOB mobilization
MOBEX mobilization exercise
MOPP mission oriented protective posture
MOS military occupational specialty
MPL mandatory parts list
MRBM medium range ballistic missile
MRT missile round transporter
MS mobilization station
MSB main support battalion
MSE mobile subscriber equipment

MSE SEN mobile subscriber equipment small extension node

MSR main supply route
MST maintenance support team
MSU mass storage unit
MTOE modified table of organization and equipment
MWO movement warning order

NAI named area of interest; The geographical area where
information that will satisfy a specific information requirement
can be collected. Named areas of interest are usually selected to
capture indications of adversary courses of action, but also may
be related to conditions of the battlespace. (JP 1-02)
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBC nuclear, biological and chemical
NCO noncommissioned officer
NCOER non-commissioned officer efficiency report
NCS net control station; Communications stations designated to
control traffic and enforce circuit discipline within a given net.
(JP 1-02)
NFS North finding system
NPG network participation groups

NSL non-stocked logistics


O&I operations and intelligence
OCA offensive counterair; Offensive operations to destroy, disrupt, or
neutralize enemy aircraft, missiles, launch platforms and
supporting structures and systems both before and after launch,
but as close to their source as possible. Offensive counterair
operations range throughput enemy territory and are generally
conducted at the initiative of friendly forces. These operations
include attack operations, fighter sweeps, escort, and
suppression of enemy air defenses. (JP 1-02)
OCOKA observation and field of fire, cover and concealment, obstacles
OCONUS outside the continental United States
ODD optical disk drive
OER officer evaluation report
OIC officer in charge
OP observation post
OPCON operational control
OPLAN operation plan
OPORD operation order
OPSEC operational security
OPTASKS operational tasks
ORF operational readiness float
ORL ordnance release line

P&A personnel and administration
PAC-3 Patriot advanced capability-3
PADIL Patriot digital information link
PADS position and alignment determining system
PAO public affairs office
PD passive defense; Applies to measures initiated to reduce
vulnerability and to minimize damage caused by theater
missiles TM attacks. Passive defense includes TM counter
proliferation and deterrence; TM early warning and nuclear,
biological, and chemical protection; counter surveillance;
deception; camouflage and concealment; hardening; electronic
warfare; mobility; dispersal; redundancy; recovery, and
reconstitution. (FM 6-99.1)

FM 3-01.85

PDB post deployment build

PDU power distribution unit
PE priority of engagement
PFU Patriot fire unit
PGIP/T predicted ground impact point/time
PIR priority intelligence requirement
PK probability of kill
PLL prescribed load list
PMCS preventative maintenance checks and services
POD port of debarkation
POE port of embarkation
POL petroleum, oils and lubricants
POM preparation for overseas movement
POR proposed operational requirement
positive control A method of airspace control that relies on positive
identification, tracking and direction of aircraft within an
airspace, conducted with electronic means by an agency having
the responsibility and authority therein. (JP 1-02)
PP priority of protection
PPI Passé-Partout International
PPLI precise participant location information
PPO Patriot project office
PPP power projection platform
procedural control A method of airspace control that relies on a combination of
previously agreed and promulgated orders and procedures.
(JP 1-02)
PSP power support platform
PTL primary target line; PTLs are established to assist in the
distribution of ADA fires. Sectors of fire for HIMAD are normally
designated at battalion after review of radar coverage diagrams.
The battery commander or platoon leader normally designates
sectors of fire or PTLs for SHORAD. These limits must be clearly
defined by right and left azimuths. (FM 3-01)

QA quality assurance; That function of management by which
conformance of material to contract and specification
requirements is assured. This assurance is obtained by


evaluation of production quality controls and inspections

exercised by procedures, supplemented by direct verification
inspection of product. (AR 310-25)
QRP quick response program

R/T receiver/transmitter
RAA redeployment assembly area
RACO rear area combat operations
RADC regional air defense commander
RAP rear area protection
RC reserve component
RCS radar cross section; Area of an object as scanned by radar;
measured in square meters.
RF radio frequency
RFI radio frequency interference
RL remote launch
RLCEU remote launch and communications enhancement upgrade
RLRIU routing logic radio interface unit; Provides interface between
WCC, modems, and UHF radios.
RMCT regional movement control team
RO/RO roll on/roll off
ROE rules of engagement; Directives issued by competent military
authority that delineate the circumstances and limitations
under which United States forces will initiate and/or continue
combat engagement with other forces encountered. (JP 1-02)
ROZ restricted operating zone
RP release point
RRT radio relay terminal
RS radar set
RSOP reconnaissance, selection and occupation of position
RSR required supply rate
RSTA reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition
RSU recovering storage unit
RW rotary wing
RWCIU radar weapons control interface unit

FM 3-01.85

RX repairable exchange

S1 personnel officer
S2 intelligence officer
S3 operations and training officer
S4 supply officer
SA situational awareness
SAM surface-to-air missile
SATCOM satellite communications
SHORAD short-range air defense
SIF selective identification feature
SIGINT signals intelligence
SIGO signal officer
SIGSEC signal security
SINCGARS single-channel ground and airborne radio system
SIT TEMP situation template
SMU switch multiplexer unit
SOEC state of emission control
SOF special operations forces
SOI signal operating instructions
SOJ stand-off jammer
SOJC Patriot missile standoff jammer counter “SOJC” MIM-104B; To
counter the long-range ECM threat, use the MIM-104B or SOJC
missile. The guidance and navigation hardware was modified to
allow the SOJC missile to fly a lofted trajectory to the jamming
source and seek out the strongest emitter during terminal phase.
To achieve the lofted trajectory needed to maintain missile
maneuverability at long range, missile acquisition is delayed for
the SOJC mission. The SOJC can fly five times longer than the
standard missile without the uplink/downlink between the radar
and missile. The SOJC missile retains the same performance
against ABTs and TBMs as the standard missile. (FM 3-01.87)
SOP standing operating procedures; A set of instructions covering
those features of operations which lend themselves to a definite
or standardized procedure without loss of effectiveness. The
procedure is applicable unless ordered otherwise. (JP 1-02)
SP start point


SPOD seaport of debarkation

SPOE seaport of embarkation
SRBM short range ballistic missile
SRP sealift readiness program
SRPT small repair parts transporter
SSC small scale operations
SSEKP single shot engagement kill probability
SSM surface to surface missile
STL secondary target line

TAA tactical assembly area
TAACOM Theater Army Area Command
TAADCOM Theater Army Area Defense Command
TAAMDCOORD Theater Army Air and Missile Defense Coordinator
TAC tactical
TACC tactical air command center
TACI tactical initialization
TACON tactical control; Command authority over assigned or attached
forces or commands, or military capability or forces made
available for tasking, that is limited to the detailed and, usually,
local direction and control of movements or maneuvers necessary
to accomplish missions or tasks assigned. Tactical control is
inherent in operational control. Tactical control may be
delegated to, and exercised at any level at or below the level of
combatant command. (JP 1-02)
TACS theater air control system
TACSAT tactical satellite
TADIL tactical digital information link; A Joint Staff approved,
standardized communication link suitable for transmission of
digital information. Current practice is to characterize a tactical
digital information link (TADIL) by its standardized message
formats and transmission characteristics. TADILs interface two
or more command and control or weapons systems via a single or
multiple network architecture and multiple communication
media for exchange of tactical information. a. TADIL-A–A
secure, half-duplex, netted digital data link utilizing parallel
transmission frame characteristics and standard message
formats at either 1364 or 2250 bits per second. b. TADIL-B−A
secure, full-duplex, point-to-point digital data link utilizing

FM 3-01.85

serial transmission frame characteristics and standard message

formats at 2400, 1200, or 600 bits per second. It interconnects
tactical air defense and air control units. c. TADIL-C−An
unsecure, time-division digital data link utilizing serial
transmission characteristics and standard message formats at
5000 bits per second from a controlling unit to controlled
aircraft. Information exchange can be one-way (controlling unit
to controlled aircraft) or two-way. d. TADIL-J−A secure, high
capacity, jam-resistant, nodeless data link which uses the Joint
Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS) transmission
characteristics and the protocols, conventions, and fixed-length
message formats defined by the JTIDS Technical Interface
Design Plan (TIDP). (JP 1-02)
TAI target area of interest
TAMCA Theater Army Movement Control Agency
TAOC tactical air operations center
TASM tactical air-to-surface missile; TASMS are air-launched,
precision-guided munitions designed to strike ground targets.
They are ideal against targets, such as bridges, that are difficult
to destroy with “dumb” bombs. They are similar to air-launched
CMs, but are smaller, have shorter ranges, lack wings and
aerodynamic lift associated with CM flights, and are launched by
tactical fighter-bomber aircraft.
TBM theater ballistic missile
TCO tactical control officer
TCS tactical command system; The Patriot tactical command system
is a facility which accommodates the commander and staff of up
to ten air defense personnel and provides automated equipment
to support force operations (FO) tasks which complement the EO
activities in the Patriot ICC. The TCS is mounted on an M934
5-ton expandable van. It is co-located with and interfaces
directly to the Patriot ICC using MSE and LAN, uses US Army
common hardware and software components, and is powered by
a standard US Army 30 kw, 60 hz generator with UPS backup
power. (FM 3-01.11)
TD tactical director
TDA tactical director assistant
TEL transporter erector launcher; A self-propelled launch vehicle
capable of transporting a TBM to a tactical location and
elevating and launching the missile. A TEL contains all
ancillary equipment needed to support launch operations.
TF task force
TFL time to first launch; TFL is an estimated time it takes for the
target approaching the battery to be engaged with intercept
occurring within an acceptable probability of kill. The acceptable


kill probability region is within the azimuth limits of the track

sector and within a range value based on the target's altitude
and ECM history. (FM 301.87)
THAAD theater high altitude area defense; The THAAD system is being
designed to negate TBMs at long ranges and high altitudes,
supporting both exoatmospheric and endoatmospheric hit-to-kill
theater air and missile The integration of joint force capabilities to destroy air or
defense theater missile threats in flight or prior to launch or to
otherwise disrupt the enemy’s air and theater missile operations
through an appropriate mix of offensive counterair (OCA) and
defensive counterair (DCA) operations consisting of mutually
supportive passive air defense; active air defense; attack
operations; and supporting command, control, communications,
computers and intelligence (C4I) measures.
TIBS tactical information broadcast service
TLL time to last launch; TLL is the time remaining to the last
opportunity to initiate an engagement so intercept will occur
before the target penetrates the asset boundary. (FM 3-01.87)
TM theater missile; A missile, which may be a ballistic missile, a
cruise missile, or an air-to-surface missile (not including short-
range, nonnuclear, direct fire missiles, bombs, or rockets such as
Maverick or wire-guided missiles), whose target is within a
given theater of operation. (JP 1-02)
TMD theater missile defense; Theater missile defense applies to the
identification, integration, and employment of forces supported
by other theater and national capabilities to detect, identify,
locate, track, minimize the effects of, and/or destroy enemy TMs
on the ground and in flight, their ground-based launchers and
supporting infrastructure; TM-capable ships and vessels in port
or at sea; and enemy aircraft armed with air-to-surface missiles.
(JP 3-01.5)
TMO transportation movement officer
TOC tactical operations center
TOE table of organization and equipment
TPL timed phase line
TPW tactical planner workstation
TRADOC training and doctrine command
TRANSCOM transportation command
TRITAC tri-service tactical communications
TSA theater storage area
TSC theater signal command

FM 3-01.85

TSOP tactical standing operating procedure

TST time sensitive target
TTFL time to first launch
TTLL time to last launch
TTP tactics, techniques and procedures
TVA target value analysis
TVM track via missile; The Patriot missile is commanded to the
vicinity of the target by the WCC and then the on board missile
seeker acquires the target. The target is then TVM, while the
two-way data link is maintained at an increased rate. The
missile moves to the intercept point while the RS illuminates the
target. (FM 3-01.11)

UAV unmanned aerial vehicle; A powered, aerial vehicle that does not
carry a human operator, uses aerodynamic forces to provide
vehicle lift, can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely, can be
expendable or recoverable, and can carry a lethal or nonlethal
payload. Ballistic or semiballistic vehicles, cruise missiles, and
artillery projectiles are not considered UAVs. (JP 1-02)
UHF ultrahigh frequency
ULLS unit level logistics system
UMCP unit maintenance collection point
UMO unit movement officer
US United States
USAADASCH United States Army Air Defense Artillery School
USAF United States Air Force
USAR United States Army Reserve
USAREUR United States Army European Command

UTM universal transverse mercator (grid); unit training mission

VHF very high frequency

WARNO warning order
WCC weapons control computer


WCS weapon control status

WMD weapons of mass destruction

WO warning order; A preliminary notice of an order or action, which

is to follow. (JP 1-02)

XO executive officer

FM 3-01.85

AR 25-400-2. Modern Army Records Keeping System. June 2000.
ARTEP 44-635 MTP. Mission Training Plan for the ADA Battalion- Patriot
3 October 1995.
CJCSM 6120.01B. Joint Multi-Tactical Digital Information Link (TADIL)
Operating Procedures. 15 July 1999.
FM 2-01.3. Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield. 08 July 1994.
FM 3-01. US Army Air and Missile Defense Operations. 15 June 2000.
FM 3-01.13. Air Defense Artillery System Planning Data (S/NF)
January 2001.
FM 3-01.87. Patriot Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. 25 September 2000.
FM 3-5. NBC Decontamination. 28 July 2000.
FM 3-100.4. Environmental Consideration in Military Operations.
15 June 2000.
FM 4-01. Transportation Operation. 03 Oct 1995.
FM 4-01.9. Unit Air Movement Planning. April 1993.
FM 4-01.12. Rail Transport in a Theater of Operations. 01 June 2000.
FM 4-20.42. Quarter Master Airdrop and Airdrop Support Units. 3 Oct 1995.
FM 4-93.4. Combat Service support Operation, Theater Army Area Command
24 September 1984.
FM 5-36. Route Reconnaissance and Classification. 10 May 1985.
FM 24-1. Signal Support in the Air and Land Battle. 15 October 1990.
FM 34-130. Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield. 8 July 1994.
FM 44-64. SHORAD Battalion and Battery Operations. 5 June 1997.
FM 44-80. Visual Aircraft Recognition. 30 September 1996.
FM 44-91. Theater High Altitude Area Defense Battalion and Battery
Operations (Third Draft). August 1999.
FM 44-94. Army Air and Missile Defense Command Operations.
31 March 2000.
FM 63-4. Combat Service Support Operations Theater Army Area Command.
1 Mar 2001.
FM 71-100. Division Operations. 28 August 1996.
FM 100-5. Operations (Final Draft). June 1993.
FM 100-10. Combat Service Support. 3 October 1995.
FM 100-12. Army Theater Missile Defense Operations. 31 March 2000.
FM 100-14. Risk Management. 23 April 1998.

FM 3-01.85

FM 100-103. Army Airspace Command and Control in a Combat Zone.

7 October 1987.
FM 101-5. Staff Organization and Operations. 31 May 1997.
FM 101-5-1. Operational Terms and Graphics. 30 September 1997.
FORSCOM Regulation 500-3-3. FORSCOM Mobilization and Deployment
Planning System, Volume III, Reserve Unit Component Commander’s
Handbook. 15 July 1999
Joint Pub 1-02. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated
Terms. 24 June 1999.
Joint Pub 3-0. Doctrine for Joint Operations. 1 February 1995.
Joint Pub 3-01 Joint Doctrine for Countering Air and Missile Threats.
19 October 1999.
Joint Pub 3-01.2. Joint Doctrine for Theater Counterair Operations. (TBP)
Joint Pub 3-01.5. Doctrine for Joint Theater Missile Defense.
22 February 1996.
Leader’s Guide to Force Protection Through Risk Management. October 1999.
MIL-STD-209. Slinging and Tie-Down Provisions for Listing and Tying Down
Military Equipment. 28 June 1991 (Revision H).
Patriot 13680, Patriot System Transportability Data / Reports, June 1985.
ST 44-85-3. Patriot Advanced Capability-3 Doctrine and Tactics Impact
Package (Update 2). 1 March 2000.
STANAG 2175. Classification and Designation of Flat Wagons Suitable for
Transporting Military Equipment (Edition 3). 6 December 1986 with
Amendment 2 dated 29 July 1991.
STANAG 2832. Dimensional Restrictions for the Transport of Military
Equipment by Rail on European Railways (Edition 3). 15 March 1994 with
Amendment 1 dated 21 May 1996.
STANAG 3700. NATO Tactical Air Doctrine--ATP-33(B) (Edition 5). 27 July
1995 with Amendment 1 dated 11 December 1996.
STANAG 3805. Doctrine for Airspace Control in Time of Crisis and War--
ATP-40 (B) (Edition 5). 23 July 1998 with Amendment 1 dated 28 January
STANAG 3880. Counter Air Operations--ATP-42 (B) (Edition 3).
15 November 1995.
TB 43-0142. Safety Inspection and Testing of Lifting Devices. 1997
TB 43-0209. Color, Marking and Camouflage Painting of Military Vehicles,
Construction Equipment, and Materials Handling Equipment.
31 October 1990 (Change 1, 7 May 1991).
TB 380-6-8. Signal Security (SIGSEC) for Air Defense Artillery Battlefield
Survivability (S). 15 November 1992.

medical, 6-1, 6-4, 6-18, A-3 air defense, 5-3, 5-20
A maintenance officer, 6-5 battalion planning, 6-23
S-1, 4-8, 6-3, 6-18, 6-29, A-1 command post, 3-8, 3-17, 5-19,
AAMDC, 3-1, 3-2, 3-8, C-2, C-3, S-2, 3-8, 3-10, 3-18, 5-9, 6-4, B-6
D-12, D-15 6-24, 6-30, A-1, A-3, D-1, D-5, fire direction center, 2-3, 5-19,
ADA mission, 1-1 D-10 A-1, A-4, B-1
ADA role, 1-1 S-3, 3-8, 3-11,3-14, 3-18, 5-3, tactical operations center, 5-19
5-10, 5-19, 6-1, 6-14, 6-26, command, control,
air avenues of approach, 3-13,
6-30, A-3, D-17 communications, and
D-7, D-9
S-4, 4-8, 6-1, 6-16, 6-24, 6-30, intelligence (C3I), 2-5, 4-5, 5-1,
Air Defense Artillery (ADA), 1-1,
A-4 5-19,
surgeon, 6-4 defensive operations, 5-1, 5-5
airspace control measures, 3-2,
battery, 3-8,3-11, 3-17, 5-3, 6-1, communications, 3-12, 5-5, 5-18,
5-7, 6-2, D-4
6-6, 6-28, A-1, A-4, G-1 6-11, A-3, Appendix C, G-3
airspace control order (ACO), 3-2,
commander, 3-6, 5-20, 6-1, ABT defense design, 3-18
6-9, 6-22, 6-28, G-2 battalion communications, C-2,
alert states, 5-2
communications requirements, C-16
AMD task force, 1-2, 3-13, 4-5, C-8, C-10 combat support company, 6-8
5-1, 5-11, 5-13, E-5, C-11
elements, 6-6, C-6, G-4, G-11 command post, 2-1, 5-19, 6-4,
planning, 3-1, 3-5
executive officer, 5-19, 6-3, 6-27, A-4, B-6, G-7, G-10
safety, E-6 6-11, A-2 FM net, C-4, C-14
area damage control (ADC), 6-24, first sergeant, 6-6 planning, 3-13, A-3, C-1, C-11
motor sergeant, 6-6 C-14, C-20
avenues of approach, 3-13, 3-17,
platoon leaders, 6-6, A-5, G-2 security, 6-8
5-5, 5-7, D-9
supply sergeant, 6-7 standardization, C-17

B battlefield visualization, 3-7, D-1 UHF, 6-11, A-3, B-1, B-5, C-1,
battle space, 2-6, D-1, D-3, D-10, D-7
D-14 voice, 2-5, 5-19, A-3, B-5, C-1
ballistic missile, 1-1, 2-1, 5-13,
bounding over watch, 4-6, 5-3 wire, 6-11, A-3, B-2, C-9, C-17,
brigade, 3-1, 3-4, 3-7, 6-1, 6-2, G-9
battalion, 2-1, 3-1, 3-5, 4-8, 5-10,
6-24, C-2, C-15 communications relay group
6-1, A-1, B-1, C-1
(CRG), 3-13, A-3, B-1, B-11,
command FM net, C-5 C-3, C-14, C-16, F-4
communications, C-2, C-8, enhanced (CRG)(LCS), 3-17
C-16, C-18
concept of operations, 3-1, 5-7,
headquarters, A-1, B-13, C-3 C-5 aircraft data, F-4
planning, 3-1, 3-5 C-17 aircraft data, F-5
contingency theater threat, 2-1
battalion staff, 3-6, A-1, B-4, D-1, combat service support (CSS),
convoys, 2-4, 6-24, E-4
G-1 1-1, 6-1
corps planning, 3-4
chaplain, 6-4, 6-26, A-1, A-2 combat support company (DS),
6-5, 6-8 cover and concealment, 6-10,
electronic missile maintenance D-6, G-6
officer, 6-5 command and control, 2-2, 3-11,
masking, 2-3
3-17, 5-3, 6-10, A-2

FM 3-01.85

critical information requirements employment, 4-1, 4-5, 5-2, 5-6, guided missile, 2-2, 6-15, A-3,
(CIR), 3-7, D-5 5-11, 6-27, D-2, D-11 B-1, F-4
engagement control station,
D 3-13, 4-4, 5-11, A-4, , B-1, B-5, H
B-7, C-10, C-20, F-2, F-6, G-9
engagement effectiveness, 3-2,
data communications, C-3, C-20 hazards, 3-8, E-1, E-2, G-8
3-4, 5-21
data communications, highway transportability, 4-4, F-1
engagement operations, 3-18,
ATDL-1, C-15, C-21 5-19, B-1, C-4, C-14 weight, B-1, B-14
PADIL, C-3, C-15, C-19 entry operations, 1-2, 2-5, 4-1,
TADIL-A, C-2, C-15 4-5, 5-16 I
TADIL-B, A-4, C-2, C-15, C-22 post conflict, 4-5
TADIL-J, 5-16, B-6, C-2, C-11, stability and support information coordination central
C-15 operations, 4-5, 4-6, 5-16 (ICC), 3-13, 3-16, 3-18, 5-13,
data links, 2-3, C-4, C-14 essential elements of friendly 5-19, A-3, B-1, C-6, C-17, F-4,
information (EEFI), 3-7, D-11 F-7, G-9
data link considerations, C-20
equipment considerations, G-8 integrated firing concept, 5-21
decision support template (DST),
3-15, D-17 intelligence, 1-2, 3-6, 5-2, 5-19,
F A-3, C-5
decontamination, 6-24, 6-28, 6-29
intelligence preparation of the
defended asset list (DAL), 3-1,
battle space (IPB), 3-7, 3-12,
5-7, 6-23 field services, 4-9, 6-23 3-17, 5-14, Appendix D
defense design planning, 3-12, fire control, 2-4, 5-13, A-4, C-3,
5-15, B-4, G-9 G-3, G-8
defensive operations, 5-1, 5-5, fire direction center (FDC), 5-19,
5-11, D-10 A-1, B-1
TBM defense design, 3-13, joint data network (JDN), 5-18,
fire unit (FU), 3-2, 3-12, 3-15,
5-4, 5-9 5-19, C-12
3-18, 5-16, A-4, B-1, C-22
deployment, 3-5, 4-3, 4-4, 6-28, joint engagement coordination
fire unit to fire unit, C-22
B-2, C-19, D-3, F-1, G-7 network (JECN), 5-19, C-11,
fixed wing aircraft, 2-5, 5-2, 5-8, C-12
distribution, 3-7, 5-10, 6-5, 6-11, 5-13, 5-16, D-7, D-9
6-13 JTIDS, C-3, C-11, C-14
FM communications, A-2, B-9
doctrinal, C-2, D-10 JFACC, 3-2, 5-20
force-projection operations,
joint force planning, 3-1
Chapter 4, 6-1
force projection process, 4-1, 4-7
friendly, 1-2, 2-5, 3-7, 3-14, 3-16,
Echelon above corps (EAC), 1-2, 5-19, D-4, D-8, D-10, G-1
3-1, 4-5, 5-1, 5-7, 6-1, 6-14, Large caliber rockets (LCRs), 2-4
friendly forces, 1-2, 2-5, 3-8,
6-21, C-1
3-14, 5-19, D-4, D-8 launcher, 3-13, 4-4, 5-3, 5-9, 5-12,
early warning, 3-14, 5-2, 5-7, 6-17, A-5, B-9, E-5, G-9
friendly force information
5-16, 6-25, B-6, C-3
requirements (FFIR), 3-7, launcher dead zones, A-5
electronic power plant (EPP),
FU locations, 3-12, 5-9 launcher emplacement, 5-13,
A-4, B-1, B-10, F-4, F-10
electronic power unit (EPU), F-11
G local launcher, 5-5, 5-13, C-10,
electronic warfare, 2-3, 2-5 G-9
global positioning system (GPS),
emplacement, 5-6, 5-9, 5-13, A-5, remote launcher, 3-13, 4-6, 5-1,
B-7, B-11, C-10, C-17, G-1, 5-13, B-8, C-10, F-4, G-7
G-8 guidelines, 5-6, 5-10, 5-12, B-12,
G-1 launcher control station (LCS),
3-13, 5-14, B-5, C-14, G-9


levels of engagement medical support procedures, 6-28 operational engagement

effectiveness, 3-2, 5-21 METT-TC, 3-5, 3-14, 3-17, 5-1, effectiveness, 3-2, 5-21
lifting and tie down provisions, 5-11, 6-2, A-1, B-3, C-1, F-2, operations security (OPSEC),
Appendix F G-4 6-27
loading considerations, F-2 military decision making process operator maintenance, 6-20
locations, 3-10, 3-18, 4-8, 5-3, (MDMP), 3-5, D-1 organizations and functions, 6-1
6-10, C-16, G-1, G-9 COA analysis, 3-15
logistics, 2-5, 5-19, 6-1, 6-5, 6-8, COA comparison, 3-15 P
6-10, 6-27, A-2, C-3, C-5 COA development, 3-7, 3-10,
lower tier defended areas (LTDA), D-13
Patriot crew responsibilities,
5-14 mission analysis, 3-5, 3-7, 3-8,
communications operator, B-1,
3-10, 3-14, D-5, D-10
M orders production, 3-17
tactical control assistant, A-4,
receipt of mission, 3-5 B-1, B-5, C-4, G-3
maintenance, 3-7, 3-9, 3-11, 3-17, minimum engagement package tactical control officer, A-4, B-1,
4-7, 6-1, 6-5, 6-8, 6-20, A-3, (MEP), 3-11, 4-4, F-3 B-5, C-4, G-3
C-6, E-5, G-10 missiles, 1-1, 2-5, 3-13, 4-4, 5-2, tactical director, 5-20, B-1, G-3,
battle damage assessment, 2-3, 5-11, 5-23, 5-30, 6-15, B-3, D-4
tactical director assistant, B-3,
6-22 air to surface, 2-2 C-4, G-3
cannibalization, 6-6, 6-21, 6-22 ballistic, 1-1, 2-1, 5-13, 5-17, Patriot equipment weights, B-14
center, B-3, B-13, C-3 5-21
Patriot missiles, 6-15, B-9, B-12,
controlled exchange, 6-22 cruise, 1-1, 2-2,B-7, D-11 B-13
DS/GS, 6-1, 6-5, 6-8, 6-19, theater ballistic missiles (TBM), ATM, 5-10, B-10, B-13
6-20, B-3 1-1, 2-1, 3-8,
ATM-1 (GEM), 5-11, B-10, B-13
operator, 6-20 missile availability, C-10
SOJC, 5-11, B-10, B-13
recovery and evacuation, 6-5, missile engagement zone, D-4 standard missile, 5-11, B-10,
6-21 mobilization, 4-2 B-13
major end items, 4-7, 6-5, 6-18, movement, 2-5, 3-5, 3-11, PAC-3, 3-13, 4-4, 5-11, B-7,
B-1 3-15, Chapter 4, 5-3, 5-6, 6-23, B-9, B-13, F-2
antenna mast group (AMG), A-2, B-9, C-8, D-6, E-4, F-1, Patriot system equipment,
A-4, B-1, B-11, C-15, F-9, G-19 G-1, G-5 Appendix B
communications relay group planning, Chapter 3, 4-3, 4-8, 5-3,
(CRG), 3-13, A-3, B-1, B-11, 5-7, 5-14, 6-1, 6-8, 6-30, A-3,
C-3, C-14, F-7, G-9 N B-2, C-1, C-14, F-1, G-1
electronic power plant (EPP), positioning considerations, 6-10
A-4, B-3, B-10, F-10, G-9 primary target line (PTL), 3-14,
named area of interest (NAI),
engagement control station 3-15, 5-5, 5-9, D-15 5-4, 5-6, 5-8, 5-16, G-8
(ECS), 3-17, 5-11, A-4, B-1, principles, 5-6, 5-21, 5-24, 6-8,
B-5, C-10, C-20, F-2, F-6, G-9 6-27, D-10, E-2
information coordination central probability of kill (Pk), 3-12, 5-1,
(ICC), 3-13, 3-16, 3-18, 5-19, 5-9, B-13, G-10
B-1, C-5, C-14, C-20, F-7 observation and fields of fire,
launching station (LS), 5-13, 6- D-16
17, A-5, B-1, B-8, C-10, F-2, obstacles, 6-25, D-6, G-2
F-4, G-9 offensive operations, 2-1, 5-1, 5-5
radar set (RS), 5-13, A-4, B-1, radar set, B-7, F-4, G-7, G-8
operational readiness float
B-7, B-17, F-4, G-8 (ORF), 6-22, 6-29
Patriot support equipment, B-13

FM 3-01.85

reconnaissance, selection and system initialization, C-17 U

occupation of position (RSOP),
5-3, Appendix G
T UHF, 6-11, A-3, B-1, B-5, B-11,
rear area base security, 6-24
C-2, C-7, C-11, C-13, C-19, D-7
rear area combat operations
tactical air to surface missile, B-1 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV),
(RACO), 6-24
tactical ballistic missile, 1-1, 2-1, 2-3, 5-13, 5-18
rear area protection (RAP), 6-24
2-5, 3-8, 3-10
reconstitution, 4-1, 4-7, 6-3, 6-20, V
tactical command system (TCS),
6-27, 6-29
3-5, 3-10, 5-5, 5-13, A-3, B-2,
responsibilities at battalion level, C-6, C-14
6-3, 6-29, C-15, E-1 vehicle movement and convoys,
communication plan, 3-12, 3-13, E-5, E-8
responsibilities at battery level, A-3, C-1, C-14
6-28, E-1 voice communications, 2-5, B-5,
defense design assessment, C-1, C-15
recovery and evacuation, 6-21 3-15, 3-16, 5-15, B-4
redeployment, 4-1, 4-7 defense design plan, 3-10, W
assembly areas, 4-7 3-12, 3-14
wargaming, D-17
rehearsals, 3-8, 3-17, 3-18, 6-10 TBM defense planning, 3-12
warning order (WARNO), 3-5,
remote launch (RL), 5-1, 5-3, tactical considerations, C-21
3-8, 3-17, 3-16, A-3, G-5
5-12, G-9 tactical equipment, weights, and
weather analysis, D-6, D-9
RL-1, 5-3, 5-11 dimensions, B-14
weapons of mass destruction
RL-3, 3-13, 5-3, 5-11 tactical standing operating
(WMD), 2-5
risk management, E-1 procedures (TSOP), C-15
weights and standards, B-1, B-14
routing logic radio interface unit tailored search, 5-9
weapons of mass destruction
(RLRIU), C-2, C-15, C-18, C-20 default scenario, 5-10
(WMD), 2-5
rotary wing aircraft, 2-5, 5-2, 5-13, task force, 1-2, 3-11, 3-17, 5-1,
5-16, B-1, D-7, D-9 5-11, 5-16, 5-18, 6-5, C-11, E-6
rules of engagement (ROE), 3-1, operations, 6-5
5-2, D-3 TBM, 1-2, 2-1, 2-5, 3-8, 3-10, 4-6,
5-9, 5-21, D-4
S defense design, D-4
heavy defense, 5-7
safety, Appendix E, G-11 planning, 3-12
secondary target lines, 3-12, 3-14, TCA, A-4, B-1, B-5, C-4, G-3
5-8, D-7, G-3, G-9 TCO, A-4, B-1, B-5, C-4, G-3
security, 3-17, 5-12, 6-5, 6-10, THAAD, 1-2, 3-11, 4-5, 5-1, 5-13,
6-24, 6-27, A-3, D-18, G-3, G-6 5-17, 5-21, A-4, C-1, C-11,
SHORAD, 1-2, 4-5, 5-2, 5-7, C-16, E-5
5-13, 5-14, 5-18, C-1, C-11 threat, 1-7, Chapter 2, 3-2,3-8,
site determination, 6-29 3-12, 4-4, 5-2, 5-6, 5-16, 5-21,
stability and support operations, B-1, B-7, D-1, D-10, D-17, G-9
4-5, 4-6, 5-16 TM defense, 3-6, 3-19, 4-6, 5-3,
standing operating procedures 5-7
(SOP), 4-4, 6-6, 6-10, E-1, G-1, transportation, 4-5, 4-8, 6-2, 6-23,
G-5, G-11 F-1
standardization, C-17 transportability, 4-4, Appendix F
supply, 3-7, 4-9, 6-1, 6-3, 6-7,
6-9, 6-11, 6-13, A-3, D-6, G-6

FM 3-01.85 (FM 44-85)
13 MAY 2002

By Order of the Secretary of the Army:

General, United States Army
Chief of Staff


Administrative Assistant to the
Secretary of the Army


Active Army, Army National Guard, and US Army Reserve: To be distributed in accordance with the initial
distribution number 115471, requirements for FM 3-01.85.
PIN: 080001-000

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