Lesson Makeover Assignment: Jacob Watkins

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Lesson Makeover Assignment

Jacob Watkins
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Select a lesson from the provided Teacher Edition Lesson Plans. Transform your chosen lesson thoroughly into one that effectively
integrates technology, engages students, and differentiates for all types of learners. The bolded percentages indicate the weight of how
that portion will be graded. Use this Assessment Rubric to help guide your lesson makeover.
Grade/Subject/Title of Lesson:
10th Grade Literature

Why does this lesson need a makeover? 10 points

The lesson includes no outside resources or interactive activities involving the
lesson. Students need to be able to share their ideas and pick up ideas off of
other students. This lesson alway needs interactive ways to include technology
such as presentations, vocab words and explanation of characters.

Objectives 15 points
Clearly articulate exactly what
students will know and be able to
do because of participating in this
lesson. List the appropriate OAS
and ISTE standards associated
with the lesson as you plan to
teach it.

Assessment 15 points
List and explain the formative &
summative evidence they will
show you to demonstrate mastery
of the concept/knowledge/skill.
Use Rubistar (or any other tool) to
create your rubric and copy and
paste to the bottom of this

Resources 10 points
List all resources you will need to
make this lesson happen.
(list specific websites, apps,
books, technology tools, etc.)

Describe in great detail what the

students and teachers will be
doing in the time frame for the
lesson. A substitute teacher should
have all the details they need to
pick up this instructional plan and
teach the lesson for you. Be sure
to describe how the students will
be using technology throughout
the lesson.

Students will need their book and

Open up by explaining the reading


Students should have a grasp of


Instructional Plan 25 points

the poem Birches by the end of

the week.
Students should gain their own
perspective on the reading.
Students should understand and
develop their own thoughts on the
characters, plot, theme and setting
of the story and how these things
tie into what the author is
attempting to do.
Students will share, collaborate
and work with others to get
different ideas.
The students will need to design
and develop an interactive way to
share their ideas with other
students, while also explaining
why they liked or disliked the
Students should be able to
complete the post-assessment,
which will cover facts, ideas and
the plot of the poem.
Students will need to share their
ideas by creating an interactive
activity using nearpod.com. This
will allow the students to share
their ideas with other students on
any electronic device.

To assess student learning I will

develop an assessment that will
test the students knowledge of the
plot, characters and background of
the story.
Students will be required to
answer questions giving their
thoughts on the poem.
Students will not take a preassessment.
Rather than taking a preassessment students will be
graded on their ability to read
along, and share their ideas with
Students will also be graded on
the quality of the presentation they
give at the end of the week.
Students will need to display they
met this weeks standards by
being able to explain situations in
the story, and explaining different
parts of the plot.
At the end of the week students
will be given a post-assessment
asking to explain characters, facts
and other things about the story.
Students should also give
feedback on their peers

will need to read over the poem

Students will also need a
nearpod.com account to share
their ideas with other classmates
in a technilogical way.
In addition to this students will be
asked to bring their own electronic
device to class. This will be used
to watch, listen and see other
students presentations using
Students can bring a laptop, ipad,
or a cell phone to help them
interact with other students.

for the week. Show students the

page number in the book for the
poem Birches.
Show students the necessary
items they will need to complete all
assignments. Show students the
poem and also show them the
nearpod website.
Help students set up nearpod
account if necessary. Students will
need to create this in order to
make a slideshow giving their
thoughts on the poem.
Give students time to read over
the poem for 10-15 minutes and
develop their own thoughts.
Break students into groups to
share their ideas.Have different
groups talk over different parts of
the poem. Give students around
10 minutes of discussion time.
Go around the class and have
each group explain their thoughts
on the poem.
Give students time in a computer
lab to create a presentation using
nearpod.com using their thoughts
and ideas about the poem.
Students present what they have
learned from the weekly reading
and allow them to share their
ideas by using an interactive

Look back at the TIM model and explain where this lesson fits based on the level of technology integration and characteristics of the learning
environment. Explain how your makeover plan is a more innovative, differentiated lesson that integrates technology and thoroughly engages
your students? 25 points
I feel as if the lesson plan I developed falls under the category of infusion. Students are required to use technology by sharing their ideas through
nearpod.com. This allows the students to collaborate with others while still breaking down their thoughts on the poem. I think the plan I developed
is differentiated from others because of the way students are required to share their ideas. Rather than just taking a post-test over the material
students will be asked to think in-depth and later present those in-depth thoughts with others.

When completed, share this document with your instructor; be sure to give them the ability to edit the document.

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