Florante at Laura
Florante at Laura
Florante at Laura
The Ibong Adarna (Adarna Bird) is a mythical creature of In the castle of Berbanya, the bird refused to sing, until Don
Philippine legend. The Adarna has a very beautiful singing Juan's return to the kingdom. In Don Juan's presence, the bird
voice. The Adarna knows 7 songs. Every time that the Adarna sang and transformed itself into seven different colors, while
finishes a song, it defecates, and its feathers change to a more singing its mystic song and revealing the treachery done by
beautiful shade, becoming more colorful and shiny. It is Don Pedro and Don Diego. The king was healed.
believed that its songs have the power to lull anyone to sleep,
and its droppings could turn anyone into stone. Its song is also Don Fernando wanted to punish his two other sons by
believed to cure any affliction. The Adarna bird is a very imposing a death sentence upon them, for hurting Don Juan.
fancy bird with very long tail, displaying numerous metallic The king later changed in his mind, since Don Juan loved his
colors. It is considered the phoenix of the Philippines. brothers and asked for them to not be killed. The king was
cured and Berbanya was again at peace.
The Ibong Adarna is the subject of a Filipino epic or korido of
the same name. The epic narrates the story of three brothers The king then instructed his sons to guard the magical bird.
sent by their father, a king, to catch the bird, in order to cure Three hours for each one of them. But then, Don Pedro again
the king's ailment through hearing the bird's enchanted song. thought of another evil plan for Don Juan. The time he was
The only prince who was able to successfully capture the bird about to guard the Ibong Adarna, he told Don Diego his plans.
was the youngest, Don Juan. But on his way back to the palace They woke up Don Juan and pleaded him to guard the bird for
- together with his rescued brothers - Don Juan encountered the two of them. Don Juan as a good brother, agreed.
many other adventures and mysteries. He also met many Accidentally, Don Juan fell asleep. Of course, who would not
princesses, and married one of them. feel sleepy when you're awaken in the middle of the night?
While he was asleep, his two elder brothers unlocked the cage
Narration and let the Ibong Adarna go. The next morning, Don Juan was
surprised to see the cage empty. He knew it was his brothers
In a peaceful kingdom named Berbanya, a king known as Don who did that, but because of his love for his brothers, he found
Fernando lived, together with his queen, Doña Valeriana. The a way for them not to be given death punishment by their
king and queen had three sons. The eldest was Don Pedro, the father. Don Juan secretly ran away from their kingdom. He did
second was Don Diego, and the youngest was Don Juan. this for them to think he stole the bird. When Don Fernando
asked his two older sons regarding the whereabouts of Don
Juan, they shrugged and answered in negation. Don Fernando
One night, while Don Fernando was sleeping, he had a terrible felt something wrong about this. He then commanded Don
nightmare and got ill. The nightmare was about Don Juan Pedro and Don Diego to find their brother. The traitors
being thrown into a deep well by two unknown men. The followed for they want the entire kingdom of Berbanya to
following morning, all the doctors in Berbanya were think that they're loyal. After a long period of seeking, they
summoned to alleviate the king from his ailment. But no one finally saw Don Juan on the mountain of Armenya. They had
among the physicians of Berbanya could determine the gatherings on Sundays. One day, they saw a well. Don Juan
ailment, until a "ermitanyo"(hermit) diagnosed and proclaimed had a dream about a land located under the well. They went
that the cure would be the song of the Ibong Adarna. The down one at a time and Don Pedro and Don Diego came out
Ibong Adarna could only be found in the tree of Piedras after a few minutes in the deep well. Only Don Juan was brave
Platas on Bundok Tabor (Mount Tabor). enough to go all the way down. When he reached the bottom,
there was actually not really a bottom and he descended to a
Don Fernando sent his two older sons to search for the bird, beautiful golden palace. There, he met princesses. Each of
one after the other. The two brothers were unsuccessful. They them was guarded by a serpiyente (serpent) and a giant. They
were turned into stone after falling asleep while listening to decided to live together so they went up back to Armenya.
the Adarna bird's song. One of the princesses, Donya Leonora, forgot her diamond
ring and asked if one of them would get it. Don Juan went to
Don Fernando hesitated on sending his youngest son, Don get it but Don Pedro had a treacherous plan again. They threw
Juan, because of the fear that his nightmare might come true. the merciful young prince into a deep well. Princess Leonora
Don Juan insisted on going and left to look for the magical asked her wolf to look after Don Juan but she was forced to
bird. Along Don Juan's way, he met a leper(or also known as leave. When Don Juan was healed by the wolf because of
an old man and taong ketongin) begging for food. Don Juan, a magic water, he hugged the wolf and left afterwards thanking
kind prince, gave the beggar his piece of bread. Because of him.
Juan's generosity, the leper helped Don Juan in finding the
Ibong Adarna.The leper says that there was a little house near On his way back he rested and his sleep was disturbed when
a mountain - where a hermit lives - that will give instructions the Ibong Adarna saw him and sang him a song saying he
to catch the bird. Don Juan comes and see the hermit and the should forget Leonora and find the De los Cristal Kingdom
hermit asked him to eat. And when the hermit showed him the instead. There he would find 3 princesses much prettier; and
food, Don Juan was shocked because the bread that he gave to the youngest and most beautiful of them is Maria Blanca. Don
the old man was with the hermit. Don Juan thought that the Juan was able to reach the De Los Cristal Kingdom because of
hermit and the old man was one. The hermit gave Don Juan a the help of an eagle who flew him directly to the bathing area
duhat(in some cases 'dayap'), a knife, gold "sintas"(laces) and of Maria Blanca. Don Juan stole her clothes while she bathe
holy water. but returned it after some time. They fell in love and decided
to get married by King Salermo, the father of Maria Blanca,
Don Juan succeeded in locating the mystical bird, and was gave Don Juan several tests. One by one, Don Juan overcame
also able to save his older brothers, reviving them back to life. the tests with the help of Maria. In the end, they got married,
But despite of this, Don Pedro envied Don Juan because he King Salermo was dead and Don Juan became the ruler of the
was the only person to catch the Ibong Adarna. Don Pedro De Los Cristal kingdom.
told Don Diego about a plan to eliminate Don Juan. Don
Diego agreed with Don Pedro's plan. They injured Juan and
left him unconscious, taking with them the Ibong Adarna back