Price Journal Club Presentation 2014 1
Price Journal Club Presentation 2014 1
Price Journal Club Presentation 2014 1
Use %he scale &elo' %o e(al)a%e %he in%ern. *hec+ %he a,,ro,ria%e res,onse -or each o- %he -ollo'in. cri%erion. / 0Ver1 2oo34 4 02oo34 7 0Fair4 # 0Poor4 0Faile34 5 *o(ere3 all ele6en%s 'ell 5 Minor i6,ro(e6en%s nee3e3 5 So6e 6a8or %hin.s 6issin. 5 Ver19 (er1 'ea+: 6ore ,rac%ice nee3e3 5 Faile3 ele6en% or in-or6a%ion no% incl)3e3 in ,resen%a%ion
OVERALL EVALUATION OF THE DIETETIC INTERN CRITERIA Uses effective presentation techniques: Presen%s i3eas lo.icall1 'i%h in%ro3)c%ion9 &o319 concl)sion9 an3 %ransi%ions &e%'een %o,ics S,ea+s co6-or%a&l1 an3 li6i%s re-erral %o no%es S,ea+s clearl1 'i%h ,ro,er .ra66ar an3 ,ron)ncia%ion o6e3ical %er6s9 ,ro8ec%s (oice ; (aries %one S,ea+s 'i%h a)%hori%1 on %o,ic 'i%h en%h)sias6
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COMMENTS A(oi3 %he )se o- -iller 'or3s. A(oi3 sa1in. >i% %al+e3 a&o)%?@ Ao) nee3 %o ,resen% %he in-or6a%ion 'i%h con-i3ence9 li+e 1o) are ,resen%in. %he %o,ic in a ,ro-essional con-erence. >O'n@ %he in-or6a%ion.
Content of the Presentation (bulleted areas to be considered as part of the presentation, but content needs to be needs to be succinct) Pro(i3es an o(er(ie' o- %he research %o ini%ia%e %he 3isc)ssion 0no < Ao) co)l3 ha(e ,ro(i3e3 a li%%le 6ore 3e%ail in 6ore %han / 6in)%es4 1o)r 3isc)ssion. I% 8)s% -eels li+e 1o) are re.)r.i%a%in. %he in-or6a%ion ra%her %han Descri,%ion o- %he S%)31 ,ro(i3in. a s%ron. s)66ar1 o- %he in-or6a%ion. Me%ho3s an3 Desi.n Anal1sis Res)l%s *linical
Re(ise3 A).)s% #$ #
Effectively leads a discussion of the research *learl1 'ellB,re,are3. Sho'e3 an eCcellen% )n3ers%an3in. o- %he iss)e!research a% han3. Disc)ssion %echniD)es: en.a.e s%)3en%sE6o%i(a%in. incor,ora%e 6)l%i,le %echniD)es: enco)ra.e all s%)3en%s %o con%ri&)%e: .)i3e &)% no% 3o6ina%e 3isc)ssion: s)66ariFe %he 3isc)ssion: ,ro6o%e 3isc)ssion o- 3i--eren% (ie',oin%s H)es%ions as+e3 'ere %ho).h%B,ro(o+in.9 )n3ers%an3a&le9 an3 re-er %o rea3in.s Facili%a%ors 3e6ons%ra%e .oo3 -acili%a%ion s+ills: Ac%i(e lis%enin. Para,hrasin. S)66ariFin. Re3irec%in. %he D)es%ions S)66ariFe3 %he ,resen%a%ion &1 3escri&in. %he rela%ionshi, &e%'een %he research an3 %he ,ro-ession o- 3ie%e%ics an3 ho' %he -in3in.s can &e )se3 in ,rac%ice. A&le %o ans'er D)es%ions a,,ro,ria%el1 INTERNS OVERALL SCORE
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Nee3 %o sho' a 3ee,er )n3ers%an3in. o- %he 6a%erial ra%her %han ,resen%in. %he in-or6a%ion ,)rel1 -ro6 %he ar%icle. Gor+ on .e%%in. 1o)r class6a%es 6ore en.a.e3 in %he con(ersa%ion.
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Tr1 %o ha(e o,en en3e3 D)es%ions. Ao) s%ar%e3 'i%h a 1es!no D)es%ion. La%er D)es%ions 'ere 6)ch 2oo3 ans'ers %o %he D)es%ions. Also 'or+ on s)66ariFin. %he in-or6a%ion -ro6 %he ,ar%ici,an%s %o as+ D)es%ions in a33i%ion %o %he ones %ha% 1o) ,re,are3.
Re(ise3 A).)s% #$ #