B Kuhlman CV
B Kuhlman CV
B Kuhlman CV
[email protected]
Ph.D. Educational Psychology (July 2014)
University of Utah (Salt Lake City, UT)
Training Emhasis! "uman Learning # Cognition
M.S. Educational Psychology (August 2012)
University of Utah (Salt Lake City, UT)
B.A. Psychology (May 2005)
Southern $dventist University (Chattanooga, T%)
$&ards! Magna Cum Laude, Psychology Student of the ea!
Ad!unct P"o#$sso" (August 201" # P!esent)
Salt Lake Community College
Courses! Essentials of College Study
Inst"ucto" ($o%em&e! 200' # P!esent)
'alan Test (re and $dmissions
Courses! )*E (re, $CT (re, T+E,L (re
Inst"ucto" (August 200( # May 200')
-eartment of Edu.ational (sy.hology, University of Utah
Course! Strategies for College Su..ess
"a.ker, -., Kuhlman, B., 'ir.her, /., Cook, $. # 0olt1, -. (2345). -ete.ting -e.etion Using
(uillary *esonse and Eye 6ovements -uring *eading. 7n -. *askin, C. "onts and /. 'ir.her
(Eds.) C!ed)&)l)ty assessment* Sc)ent)f)c !esea!ch and a++l)cat)ons, +8ford, U'! $.ademi. (ress.
Kuhlman, B. (2342, 6ar.h). Psycho-analyt)cs* .me!g)ng /!ends )n the 0+t)m)1at)on of Cogn)t)%e and
.mot)onal 2ata, (oster resented at 0inter Conferen.e for 9usiness 7ntelligen.e, Sno&bird, UT.
Kuhlman, B., 0ebb, $., (atnaik, (., Cook, $., 0olt1, -., "a.ker, -., # 'ir.her, /. (2344, Setember).
.%o3ed Pu+)l 4es+onses 5a&)tuate 2u!)ng an 0culomoto! /est fo! 2ece+t)on, (oster resented at
So.iety for (sy.hohysiologi.al *esear.h, 9oston, 6$. (abstra.t &as ublished)
Kuhlman, B. (233:, ,ebruary). .6+e!t)se )n Psychology* 2o Maste! Students 5a%e the Same /!a)ts as
Maste! /he!a+)sts7 (oster resented at Southeastern (sy.hologi.al $sso.iation, %ashville, T%.
Docto"al Diss$"tation (Ma!ch 201" # A+!)l 2014)
Chair! 6i.hael )arner, (h-
Title! The test;taking uil! Effe.ts of diffi.ulty, threat, and deletion on uil resonses.
P!o8ect* Lab;based e8eriment, .ollege student oulation, uillometry, % < =3
9ey /e!ms* ,ear .onditioning, &orking memory, ego deletion, uil resonses
Docto"al Candidat$ (Ma!ch 2010 # Ma!ch 201")
$dvisor! /ohn 'ir.her, (h-
(urose! *esear.h skill;develoment ro>e.ts, rearation for the dissertation.
P!o8ect :1* (uillometer validation, simle movement tasks, % < 23.
P!o8ect :2* (uillometer validation, mental multili.ation task, % < 53.
$s$a"ch Assistant (Janua!y 2010 # 2ecem&e! 2012)
$dvisor! /ohn 'ir.her, (h-
Toi. $rea! Eye;tra.king and Credibility $ssessment
P!o8ect :1* $nalyst, analy1e revious mo.k .rime studies, % < =3 and 442
P!o8ect :2* Lab te.h, grant;funded study, mo.k .rime task, % < 423
P!o8ect :"* Lab te.h # analyst, mental math task on t&o eye tra.kers, % < 53
P!o8ect :4* Lab te.h # analyst, head movement task to validate uillometers, % < 4:
P!o8ect :5* $nalyst, field validation in Colombia, re;emloyment s.reening task, % < 233
P!o8ect :;* $nalyst, field validation in 6e8i.o, re;emloyment s.reening task, % < :23
P!o8ect :(* (ro>e.t 6anager, field validation in 6e8i.o, "* s.reening task, % < 423
Mast$"&s Th$sis (Se+tem&e! 200; # May 200<)
Chair! -an 0olt1, (h-
Title! Testing the measures of a man! Content validity of si8 mas.ulinity norms
P!o8ect* (rin.ial investigator, survey;based study, .ollege student oulation, % < 4?@
Problem: Classification
P!o8ect :1* Log)t Ma!g)nal .ffects = $a)%e >ayes
Churn analysis! .lassify .ustomers &ho leave (vs .ustomers &ho stay) using histori.al .ustomer
data e8orted from Sales,or.e. Used lme4 and e10(1 in 4 to generate grou membershi
robabilities, %aive bayes (A4B a..ura.y) out;erformed marginal effe.ts (?2B a..ura.y).
P!o8ect :2* S)gnal P!ocess)ng = Log)st)c 4eg!ess)on
Lie dete.tion! .lassify liars (vs truth;tellers) using eye;tra.king data .olle.ted during a C3;minute
.omuteri1ed test. Used .yeLa& to Duantify sa..ades and fi8ations using ga1e .oordinates, Used
SPSS to generate .lassifi.ations and *+C visuals.
Problem: Lonitu!inal Mo!elin
P!o8ect :1* S)gnal P!ocess)ng = 4M-A$0?A
6oderation analysis! measure the main and intera.tion effe.ts of various uil dilation resonse
drivers during a C3;minute .ognitive test. Used .yeLa& to Duantify uil resonses a.ross
different item;tyes, Used SPSS to get )eisser;)reenhouse .orre.ted eta;sDuared estimates.
P!o8ect :2* Mult)le%el Model)ng
Ealue;add analysis! measure the effe.tiveness of tea.hers using studentsF standardi1ed test s.ores
a.ross multile testing o..asions. Used mult)le%el and nlme in 4 to run multile hierar.hi.al
linear models,
Problem: Ps"chometrics
P!o8ect :1* Latent @acto! = 2)ffe!ent)al Atem @unct)on)ng Analys)s
Used +sych and n@acto!s in 4 to run latent fa.tor analysis, &hi.h un.overed three latent fa.tors
among ?2 items. Used d)f4 in 4 to run a differential item fun.tioning analysis, &hi.h revealed
-7, a.ross gender, ethni.ity and age grous.
P!o8ect :2* Mult)t!a)t Mult)method Mat!)6
Constru.t validity! evaluate the validity of various mas.uline trait measures. Used SPSS to
aggregate subs.ale s.ores and .reate .orrelation matri8. Used .6cel to aggregate measures of
.onvergent and dis.riminant validity and method effe.ts.
Psycho'Analytics %%C (May 2012 # P!esent)
(ro>e.ts! *ange of small (G2k) to medium (G?3k) statisti.al .onsultation ro>e.ts
6y role! ,ounding artner, ro>e.t manager, analyst
utg$"s Uni($"sity (Se+tem&e! 2012)
(ro>e.t! G:3k grant;funded study investigating a..ountant fraud
6y Task! 7mlement a ne& o.ular;motor de.etion test roto.ol
P"ocu"adu"a G$n$"al d$ la $)*+lica (Ma!ch 2012)
+ffi.e of $ttorney )eneral, 6e8i.o City
(ro>e.t! S.reen >ob ali.ants using an o.ular;motor de.etion test
6y Task! Train test ro.tors and data se.ialist on roer oerational ro.edures
National S$cu"ity Ad,inist"ation (2ecem&e! 2011)
(ro>e.t! S.reen .urrent emloyees using an o.ular;motor de.etion test
6y Task! Train test ro.tor and data se.ialist on roer oerational ro.edures
Mast$"&s %$($l
Huantitative 6ethods 7
Huantitative 6ethods 77
Lifesan -eveloment ; Children
Lifesan -eveloment ; $dults
"istory # Systems of (sy.hology
$dvan.ed *esear.h -esign
User E8erien.e Testing and "C7
"uman;Comuter 7ntera.tion
7ntro to 0eb;based Tools
,ortran I 9asi.s # 7ntermediate
*elational -atabases
Docto"al %$($l
"uman Cognition
"uman Learning
"uman 6emory
(sy.hology of *eading
(sy.hology of 0riting
Cognitive $ssessment
%eurosy.hologi.al $ssessment
(ersonality $ssessment
(rogram Evaluation # Consultation
Stru.tural EDuation 6odeling
"ierar.hi.al Linear 6odeling
Longitudinal $nalysis
-ynami.al Systems $nalysis