Biology Syllabus 2014

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Course Syllabus Template

Course Title: Biology
Class S!e"ule: Tue#T!ru
$irst Day o% Class: Aug& '()* Last Day o% Class: De& '()*
E"uator I+%ormatio+
$irst ,ame: Last ,ame: Art!ur By+um
-oom .: ')*
E/mail A""ress: artby+um0att1+et
Course Desriptio+: Biology ) is taug!t so stu"e+t a+ get a+ o2erall u+"ersta+"i+g o%
t!e Biology o+epts a+" !o3 t!ey li+4 3it! e2ery"ay li%e1
)1 Te5tboo4& 6 i+! bi+"er& paper a+" 3riti+g ute+sils& Pratie test a+" I+ter+et
Classroom Poliies a+" Proe"ures
)1 Atte+" lass regular
'1 Be i+ lass o+ time
61 Complete assig+me+ts
*1 Complete all test
71 Partiipate i+ lassroom "isussio+s
81 Be respet%ul o% ot!ers
E2aluatio+ Met!o"s: Stu"e+t 3ill be e2aluate" o+ partiipatio+& testi+g& a+" ompleti+g
all assig+me+ts1
Gra"i+g System: -e9uireme+ts to pass t!e ourse: T!e gra"i+g system 3ill be t!e same
as MCS1
$:Belo3 =(
Stu"e+t E5petatio+s:
All stu"e+ts are e5pete" to omplete all assig+me+ts
Sore pro%iie+t o+ t!e e+"/o%/ourse test1
Pass all tests 3it! a sore o% <(> or abo2e
Complete a+y report assig+e" by i+strutor
Stu"e+t +ee"s to partiipate i+ lassroom
Course Curriulum
Topial Outli+e#Course Cale+"ar
As you type& spaes 3ill e5pa+"1 Assessme+ts
@$ormati2e a+"#or
?ee4 ) Sie+e o% Li%e @ C!apter )A C!apter assessme+t
?ee4 ' Eology @ C!apter 'A C!apter ' St" Test
?ee4 6 C!emistry o% Li%e @C!apter 8A C!apter 8 Test
?ee4 * C!apter = @Cellular Struture B $u+tio+sA C!apter = Test
?ee4 7 Cellular E+ergy @P!otosy+t!esis B -espiratio+A C!apter test
?ee4 8 Se5ual -epro"utio+ B Ge+etis C!apter test# Pu++ett
?ee4 = Se5ual -epro"utio+ B Ge+etis C!apter test# Pu++ett
?ee4 < Moleular Ge+etis Test# Diagrams
?ee4 ; Moleular Ge+etis Test# Diagrams
?ee4 )( Delete or ig+ore 3ee4s )(/)< i% a+ ;/3ee4 ourse1
?ee4 )) Cell Di2isio+ @ Mitosis#MeosisA C!apter test
?ee4 )' Cell Di2isio+ @ Mitosis#MeosisA C!apter test
?ee4 )6 T!e History o% Li%e C!apter test
?ee4 )* E+"/o%/ourse test re2ie3
?ee4 )7 E+"/o%/ourse test re2ie3
?ee4 )8 E+"/o%/ourse test re2ie3
?ee4 )= E+"/o%/ourse test re2ie3
?ee4 )< E+"/o%/ourse test re2ie3
I+strutor: S!aro+ Brya+t sbrya+t801e"u @6)'A 776/66(;
Course Title: Beginning ABE Math
Term: Fall 2009 (August 31, 2009 e!em"er 19, 2009)
Class #!he$ule: Tues$a%, &e$nes$a% ' Thurs$a% 9 am 12 (m
)a": Tues$a% ' Thurs$a% 12:0* (m 1:0* (m
Course Desriptio+: This +,-ee. A$ult Basi! E$u!ation Math !ourse is $esigne$ to rein/or!e
a$$ition, su"tra!tion, an$ estimation !om(eten!ies, sim(le $e!imals an$ /ra!tions are also
intro$u!e$ $uring the !ourse0 Mathemati!al lessons re/le!t real,li/e situations an$ usage in
-hi!h soun$ .no-le$ge o/ 1o!a"ular%, !riti!al, an$ mathemati!al !on!e(ts are nee$e$0
2re,re3uisites: #u!!ess/ul !om(letion o/ Beginning )itera!% Math or TABE s!ore o/ 200 or
Course ObDeti2es:
10 4e!ogni5e e1en (e0g0 0, 2, 6, 7, an$ + et!) an$ o$$ (e0g0 1, 3, *, 8, an$ 9, et!) num"er
20 9no- that the (osition o/ a $igit signi/ies its 1alue (ones, tens, hun$re$s, et!), in!lu$ing the
use o/ 5ero0
30 Asso!iate -hole num"ers to their res(e!ti1e s(o.en names, -ritten, an$ numerals0
60 Memori5e timeta"les 7 120
*0 A$$ or su"tra!t 2 through 6,$igit num"ers -ith or -ithout regrou(ing num"ers, a((l% rules i/
70 Multi(l% an$ $i1i$e 2 an$ 3 $igit num"ers0
80 :$enti/% $imensional sha(es (e0g0 a s3uare, !ir!le, re!tangle, an$ a triangle) an$ use in
sim(le -or$ (ro"lems0
+0 e/ine: metri!s an$ sol1e "asi! metri! !on1ersion (ro"lems0
90 #ol1e t-o,ste( -or$ (ro"lems a((l%ing a((ro(riate o(erations (a$$ition, su"tra!tion,
multi(li!ation an$ or $i1ision)0
100 istinguish ho- mo$e, mean, an$ me$ian are use$ in sim(le -or$ (ro"lems0
110 e/ine: /ra!tions an$ $istinguish (ro(er /ra!tions, im(ro(er /ra!tions an$ mi;e$ /ra!tions0
120 i1i$e the -hole into (arts (e0g0 $i1i$ing a (i55a into e3ual (arts)0
130 e/ine: $e!imals an$ !om(are $e!imals a!!or$ing to si5e (e0g0 $i//eren!e "et-een 008 ' 08)0
160 :$enti/% (la!e 1alues to the right an$ le/t o/ the $e!imal (oint0
1*0 :llustrate an$ $emonstrate the !onne!tion "et-een $e!imals an$ mone%0
Stu"e+t Lear+i+g Outomes:
A((l% un$erstan$ing o/ -a%s num"ers are re(resente$ an$ use$ in the real -orl$ (<se
/ra!tions = or >, !lassi/% as e1en or o$$)0
2er/orm the /our "asi! mathemati!al o(erations using -hole num"ers u( to three $igits
(a$$, su"tra!t, multi(li!ation an$ $i1ision)0
<se "eginning estimation .no-le$ge an$ units o/ measurement s.ills to sol1e
mathemati!al (ro"lems0
A((l% mathemati!al 1o!a"ular% an$ !on!e(ts to sol1e s(e!i/i! -or$ (ro"lems0
Stu"e+t E5petatio+s:
10 #tu$ents are en!ourage$ to atten$ e1er% !lass -ith the $esire to gain, gro-, an$ $e1elo( the
ne!essar% !on!e(ts,
s.ills an$ un$erstan$ing nee$e$ to su!!ess/ull% (ass the ?E tests0
20 #tu$ents are e;(e!te$ to "e in !lass on time rea$% to -or. an$ (arti!i(ate in a!ti1ities an$
(ro1i$e in(ut0
30 #tu$ents are e;(e!te$ to !om(lete all assignments an$ home-or.0
60 The A$ult E$u!ation e(artment /ollo-s CCC B ICCB rules regar"i+g atte+"a+e1
#tu$ents -ho are a"sent /or si; !onse!uti1e
$a%s -ill "e $ro((e$ /rom the !lass imme$iatel%0
E2aluatio+ Met!o"s:
10 #.ills :n1entor% 2re, ' 2ost tests
20 @ui55es
30 AMi$,term e;am
60 Final e;am (TABE or #.ills)
A 3ui55es an$ Mi$,term e;am must "e ta.en (rior to the ne;t !lass meeting0
Te5tboo4 I+%ormatio+: Contem(orar%Bs Cum"er 2o-er 1 ' 2, A!hie1ing TABE #u!!ess Math,
Math Cote"oo.DEournal, (Casio FFG270 #olar Cal!ulator is re!ommen$e$, not re3uire$)0
?eb base" resoures:
Supplies a+" Suppleme+tary Materials: Ian$outs, TJDJC4, !om(uter la", an$ other math
mani(ulati1es, as nee$e$0 8
Topial Outli+e#Course Cale+"ar @&ee.,"%,&ee. #!he$ule)
Math Tutoring in the Math Com(uter )a" meets $ire!tl%
a/ter !lass0 &ee. 1
:ntro$u!tion to !ourse !ontent, o1er1ie- o/
#%lla"us, an$ Course e;(e!tations
#.ills :n1entor% 2re,test
Ji$eo ta(e K2assing the ?E Math TestsL
Io- to Ma.e #ense o/ Cum"ers
&hat is the (ur(ose o/ the 2rogress Chart ' Math
&ee. 2 Ma$ Math rills (Ta"les 1,*)
4e1ie- o/ #.ills :n1entor% 2re,test ' Cum"er sense
:ntro$u!tion: A$$ition ' #u"tra!tion 2ro(erties
Mournal: :n %our Eournal, $es!ri"e -hat images
!ome to min$ -hen %ou thin. a"out Eo"s in1ol1ing
#hare Eournal -ith !lass
Coo(erati1e ?rou( A!ti1it% :$enti/% an$ mat!h
math (ro(erties
&ee. 3 Ma$ Math rill (Ta"les 7,8)
4e1ie- o/ A$$ition ' #u"tra!tion 2ro(erties
Mental math A$$ition ' #u"tra!tion (ro"lems
:ntro$u!eD4e1ie- Mo$e, Mean ' Me$ian
Mournal: :n %our Eournal, $es!ri"e ho- %ou might
tea!h someone to a$$ or su"tra!t
#hare Mournal -ith !lass
4e1ie- strategies /or @ui5 Nne (Cum"er #ense,
Mo$e, Me$ian, an$ Mean, A$$ition ' #u"tra!tion)
@ui5 one ' re1ie- results /rom 3ui5 one
:ntro$u!tion: <n$erstan$ing Multi(li!ation
Ji$eo ta(e K<n$erstan$ing Multi(li!ationL
A 3ui55es an$ Mi$,term e;am must "e ta.en
(rior to the ne;t !lass meeting0
&ee. 6 Ma$ Math rills (Ta"les 7,9)
Mental Math (Coo(erati1e ?rou( A!ti1it%)
Mental Math Challenge (multi(li!ation)
Mournal: :n %our Eournal, !om(lete senten!es:
#hare Eournal -ith !lass
4e1ie- strategies /or mi$,term e;am (Cum"er
#ense, mo$e, me$ian an$ mean, a$$ition,
su"tra!tion ' multi(li!ation)
Mi$,term e;am, re1ie- mi$,term results an$
$istri"ute mi$,(oint (rogress !harts
:ntro$u!tion: <n$erstan$ing i1ision ' Ji$eo K
<n$erstan$ing i1isionL
A 3ui55es an$ Mi$,term e;am must "e ta.en
(rior to the ne;t !lass meeting0
&ee. * Ma$ Math rills (Ta"les 7,11)
4e1ie- o/ i1ision strategies an$ Nr$er o/
Mental math (#im(le,one ste( -or$ (ro"lems)
Mournal: :n %our Eournal, $es!ri"e ho- %ou use$
math this -ee. outsi$e o/ !lass

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