Name: Email: Address For Correspondence
Name: Email: Address For Correspondence
Name: Email: Address For Correspondence
[email protected] Mob: 9561536327/
(n!en' !o buil' a career% +hich o,,ers a /arie!y o, res1onsibili!ies an' challenges in area o, Flash an' Classical "nima!ion +i!h e21erience' an' crea!i/e 1eo1le +hich +ill hel1 me !o im1ro/e my s3ills .
Universit!"#oar d
Mumbai Nag1ur
$ear of passin%
2010 2007
70.07 77.3$
)ro,essional &i1loma in 5Animation Film Ma'in% (Classical) Flash and *D+6 ,rom 4oon7ne "nima!ion 0!u'io. )ho!osho1 "'obe )remier 0oun' ,orge an' au'aci!y 8no+le'ge abou! 9ngineering &ra+ing% 1ers1ec!i/e.
&roject Done:
,or'ed For:
2 mon!hs e21erience' ,rom "uga'h solu!ions as a ,lash anima!or. 3 mon!hs e21erience' ,rom 84* solu!ions as a ,lash anima!or. 6 mon!hs e21erience' ,rom Re' -hi1 solu!ions as a ,lash anima!or.
E tra Achievement:
0ecure' 0econ' 1ri=e in 4ahasil le/el 50a3al6 1ain!ing -om1e!i!ion in 2007. )ar!ici1a!e' in )os!er )resen!a!ion in s!a!e le/el !echnical sym1osium 5)rane!a#096 on 4errorism a! ?&(94% @a/a!mal. 0ecure' ,irs! 1ri=e in A).R Aa!hering e/en! 200$ ,or 1ain!ing 92hibi!ion. 0ecure' ,irs! 1ri=e in A).R Aa!hering e/en! 2010 ,or 1ain!ing 92hibi!ion. )ar!ici1a!ion in 1ain!ing e2hibi!ion o, M-79%1une 2013. 0ecure' ,irs! 1ri=e ,or 03i! :Mo'ern Ramyan; on s1an'an e/en! o, M-79%1une 2013. &ra+ing% 03e!ching B 1ain!ing. 0ocial "c!i/i!ies.
8no+le'ge abou! &ra+ing Aoo' Cis!ener (n!eres!e' !o learn ne+ !echnology Aoo' gras1ing 1o+er le2ible an' "'a1!i/e "bili!y !o +or3 in'i/i'ually or as !eam.
( hereby 'eclare !ha! all !he 'e!ails ,urnishe' abo/e are !rue !o !he bes! o, my 3no+le'ge. &a!e:
)lace: )une
<Miss.Nayana R. Meshram>