1) Manisha Goel is seeking a challenging position where she can effectively contribute her innovative design skills and realize her professional growth potential.
2) She has a B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from HNBU, Rohtak and has over 3 years of experience as a lecturer in electrical engineering at MMU, Mullana.
3) She has participated in several faculty development programs, workshops, and seminars to enhance her teaching skills and stay updated on new technologies like nanotechnology and power electronics.
1) Manisha Goel is seeking a challenging position where she can effectively contribute her innovative design skills and realize her professional growth potential.
2) She has a B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from HNBU, Rohtak and has over 3 years of experience as a lecturer in electrical engineering at MMU, Mullana.
3) She has participated in several faculty development programs, workshops, and seminars to enhance her teaching skills and stay updated on new technologies like nanotechnology and power electronics.
1) Manisha Goel is seeking a challenging position where she can effectively contribute her innovative design skills and realize her professional growth potential.
2) She has a B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from HNBU, Rohtak and has over 3 years of experience as a lecturer in electrical engineering at MMU, Mullana.
3) She has participated in several faculty development programs, workshops, and seminars to enhance her teaching skills and stay updated on new technologies like nanotechnology and power electronics.
1) Manisha Goel is seeking a challenging position where she can effectively contribute her innovative design skills and realize her professional growth potential.
2) She has a B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from HNBU, Rohtak and has over 3 years of experience as a lecturer in electrical engineering at MMU, Mullana.
3) She has participated in several faculty development programs, workshops, and seminars to enhance her teaching skills and stay updated on new technologies like nanotechnology and power electronics.
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[email protected] Hostel No.4, MMU 0!0"1!! #M$ Mullana-133203,Haryana Ca%ee% O&'ec(i)e* To secure a challenging position here ! can e""ecti#ely contri$ute my inno#ati#e %esign s&ills an% reali'e my potential "or pro"essional groth.
Non me%ical 5reenay Mo%ern 1r.1ec. 1chool, Roor&ee
2004 <".!: High 1chool ---- 5reenay Mo%ern 1r.1ec. 1chool, Roor&ee 2002 <=: <tten%e% an >E+,ca(ional T%i/= to 2ITCUL? 400 &0 su$station in >ashipur 7Uttara&han%:. @o%0 E3/e%ience* (resently or&ing as a 9ecturer in M.M.3ngineering 4ollege, M.M.Uni#ersity, Mullana 7<m$ala: ith a total or& e.perience o" three years till %ate.
Sho%( (e%m Co,%ses* <tten%e% 6aculty ?e#elopment (rogram on @En(%e/%ene,%shi/A Inc,&a(ion an+ Inno)a(ionA organi'e% $y NITTTR, 4han%igarh hel% at M.M.3.4, Mullana "rom 2+ th Ban-31 Ban, 200-. <tten%e% Mission10/ (rogramme on BHigh Im/ac( Teaching S0illsC organi'e% $y @I2ROA 4angalo%e "rom 4-C th Banuary, 2010 <tten%e% 1ta"" ?e#elopment (rogram on BNano(echnolog5?C,%%en( Resea%ch Scena%ioC organi'e% $y AICTE, hel% at SVNITA S,%a( #G,'a%a($ "rom 1; th -22 n% Banuary 2010. <tten%e% AICTE sponsore% 1ummer 1chool on BA+)ances in 2oDe% Gene%a(ion O/e%a(ion an+ Con(%olC "rom 12-1D Buly, 2010 organi'e% $y ?epartment o" 3lectrical 3ngineering, NIT Hami%/,% 7H.(.:. @o%0sho/s 1 Semina%* <tten%e% *or&shop on BMo(i)a(ionA Team 4,il+ing an+ Lea+e%shi/ S0illsC hel% on <ugust 0D, 200-, at M.M.3.4, Mullana. (articipate% in the To ?ays *or&shop on BChallenges an+ O//o%(,ni(ies in Analog an+ Mi3e+ Signal 6esign #AMS?E010$C organi'e% $y Elec(%onic Science 6e/a%(men(A FUFA Ha%5ana "rom 6e$22-23, 2010. (articipate% in the To ?ays *or&shop on BA//lica(ion o. LA4VIE@C organi'e% $y 6e/a%(men( o. Elec(%onics 1 Comm,nica(ion Enginee%ingA M.M.E.CA M,llana %uring Bune 10-11, 2010. <tten%e% one %ay National 1eminar on BIn+,s(%ial Sa.e(5 S5s(emsC con%ucte% Eointly $y ISA S(,+en(Gs Cha/(e% 1 ICE 6e/a%(men(A SVITA Vasa+ #G,'a%a($ on C th 6e$ruary 2011. Res/onsi&il(ies 1 6,(ies* Mem$er o" ?epartment ?e#elopment 4ommittee o" 3lectrical ?epartment, MM34, M.M.Uni#ersity, Mullana. 9a$ !n charge o" 3lectrical 3ngineering-! 9a$. 4o-or%inator an% Mentor o" Thir% year. Achie)emen(s * *on pri'es in #arious 5> an% ?raing 4ompetitions at school le#el. <ar%e% Merit scholarship throughout 8.3. *on pri'es in Goon' 74ultural 6esti#al: 200C "or @(lay an% 4horeographyA at college le#el. 2e%sonal S0ills* *illingness to learn. Har%or&ing an% optimistic person. <%apta$ility to or& in%i#i%ually as ell as in group at all le#els. 2e%sonal 2%o.ile* Name ) Ms. Manisha 5oel Ha(he%Gs Name ) 9ate Mr.1umant >umar 5oel Ma%i(al S(a(,s ) 1ingle Na(ionali(5 ) !n%ian 2hone No ) 0---D041-DD , 0;0C--310-; 6a(e o. 4i%(h ) 0D-02-1-;+ 2an No. * <1F(523DD8 Re.e%ences* 1. 6%.R.F.A%o%a, H2? G (ro"essor, 33 ?eptt., MM34, M.M.Uni#ersity, Mullana 7<m$ala: H4ontact No)0-;-D;-C131I 2. 6%. S.F.Agga%Dal, (ro"essor G 4oor%inator, 33 ?eptt, MM34, M.M.Uni#ersity, Mullana 7<m$ala:. 6ecla%a(ion* ! here$y %eclare that the a$o#e-mentione% in"ormation is correct up to my &nole%ge an% ! $ear the responsi$ility "or the correctness o" the a$o#e-mentione% particulars. 2lace* Roo%0ee #Ms. Manisha Goel$