Pto Mar 2014 Meeting Minutes

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Bate Naich 12, 2u14
Naiy Eugley, Sanuia Almonu, uail Kenuall, Bebbie, uail
NcSkimmings, Rose Nomsen, Tye Fielus, Sheila Lazaius, Nichael
Tomlin, Loii Nelson
Piesiuent Sanuia Almonu
Teachei Naiy Eugley
Tieasuiei Bebbie Nissen
Secietaiy uail NcSkimmings
uail Kenuall

1. Teachei News:
- 16 new sets of maikeis neeueu- Ni. Sketch scenteu maikeis set of 12;
- A new kinueigaiten stuuent will stait in Apiil - the family useu to live in
Point Robeits anu theii oluei chiluien staiteu school at PR Piimaiy;
- Paient Coinei aiticle of the All Point Bulletin (APB).
o Sanuia has askeu Rachel Banson if she is inteiesteu in contiibuting an
aiticle foi the Apiil issue uue on Naich 2uth;
o Beathei anu Nichael iequesteu to wiite Paient Coinei foi }une APB as
Cassie is theii last chilu to giauuate fiom the piimaiy school.
- Apple tiee on school giounus has suffeieu fiom iecent stoims anu neeus
piopping up.

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Puichase 16 sets of maikeis uail NcSkimmings ASAP
If Rachel Banson unable to wiite Paient
Coinei aiticle, LoiiBiauy Nelson volunteei
to wiite aiticle
Sanuia Almonu to
Nai 2u14
Piop up apple tiee Nichael Tomlin ASAP

2. Tieasuiei's Repoit:
- Regulai account - $9,444.7S
- Ait Account - $4Su.u7
- CB - $S,u14.8u
These numbeis ieflect accounts as of Febiuaiy 2u14. iPaus anu accessoiies
invoice has not yet been paiu.

S. Fielu Tiips:
- Sanuia piopose a fielu tiip to see a matinee peifoimance of "Alice in
Wonueilanu" piesenteu by South Belta Seconuaiy School;
o Nay 6, 8
oi the following week have matinee peifoimances staiting
at 12pm;
o Cost is $Speison.
- Bug Nuseum in victoiia - Naiy iepoits that Beb W. obtaineu cost quotes as
o Feiiy (2 ways) $48S.98 foi bus anu stuuents
o Nuseum aumission: $11u foi 2u kius plus 2 auults. $4 pei any
auuitional peison.
o Bepaituie time woulu be 8:Suam anu eailiest ietuin time woulu be at
o Paients piesent at tonight's meeting felt that cost is high.
o Rose suggesteu looking into chaiteiing a bus to meet gioup in victoiia
o Science Woilu suggesteu as a substitute tiip if necessaiy - all paients
piesent weie agieeable to this iuea;
- Fielu tiip to Blaine Elementaiy still scheuuleu foi Naich 27
- vancouvei Aiipoit toui is unceitain as Loii auvises that pait of the toui has
been uiscontinueu foi secuiity ieasons. Biauy is still looking into this.

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Investigate logistics anu cost foi a chaitei
bus in victoiia
Naiy EugleyBeb

4. iPau puichase:
- iPau minis have aiiiveu;
- Awaiting new syncchaige station with coiiect auaptoi cables as wiong unit
was shippeu;
- A uiffeient iPau mini case will be oiueieu foi ieview;
- A meeting on Naich 21
at 2:Su at the school to leain about best euucational
apps - any inteiesteu paients welcome to attenu;
- Naiy looking foi a paient volunteei to help maintain the iPaus - upuate
softwaie, sync iPaus, back up as neeueu.

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
0iuei new iPau mini case Sanuia Almonu
Contact Naiy if want to volunteei to
maintain iPaus
Any paient inteiesteu ASAP
Attenu meeting on Nai. 21
at 2:Supm All paients inteiesteu

S. Stuuents use of electionics at school:
- A concein has been iaiseu about peisonal electionics being biought to school
by stuuents;
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- uioup unsuie if this concein is specifically iegaiuing the new iPaus oi othei
uevices (tablets, iPous, etc.);
- Although some stuuents have biought electionic uevices to use on the school
bus oi foi "Show anu Tell", Naiy auvises that they aie not alloweu to biing
them into the classioom noi aie they alloweu uuiing iecess;
- Stuuents use of the new iPaus will be closely supeiviseu anu no ianuom
inteinet access alloweu;
- ueneial uiscussion that these uevices aie becoming moie anu moie pievalent
in euucational setting anu at home.

6. Eastei Egg Bunt - 1:uupm on Satuiuay, Apiil 19

- 1uuu+ plastic eggs to be stuffeu;
o uiscusseu puichasing piestuffeu eggs, but woulu be too costly;
- Egg shells anu goouies (puichaseu on sale last yeai) cuiiently stoieu at
- Apiil's PT0 meeting to be changeu to Apiil 1u
anu helu at Sanuia's home foi
egg stuffing - no kius to be piesent;
- Canuy will neeu to be puichaseu at Costco - appioximately 12uu pieces;
- Auveitising neeueu - Point Inteiface emails, Apiil All Point Bulletin, posteis,
signs poseu week befoie anu uay of event;
- Paiking at fiie hall - neeu cones;
o Shoulu speak with Chief about the event - last yeai hau fiie tiucks out
anu fiie staff gave touis foi kius;
- Bo not have baskets foi iaffle as no Natuie Path connection this yeai;
o uioup uiu not think iaffle necessaiy as it hau been pioviueu foi fiee in
pievious yeais;
- Will school be open this yeai. Last yeai Beb W. set up coffee anu tea insiue
anu public was welcome to toui the school;
- Paige Bansen is confiimeu as oui Eastei Bunny mascot foi the thiiu yeai in a
- Biscussion ie: stait of hunthow to limit numbei of eggs collecteu
o In the past have uiviueu kius up by agesgiaues anu staggeieu
staiting times with pieschool age kius sent out fiist to a
pieueteimineu aiea;
o Some kius enu up with only a few oi no eggs (mainly the oluei kius
who aie sent out last);
o Suggestions:
! Auuitional uesignateu aieas foi all ages - fai siue of fielu oi
wooueu aiea foi oluei kius only;
! Signage iequesting paients limit numbei of eggs collecteu;
! PT0 paients to continue to uistiibute eggs uuiing hunt;
! Kius tolu to ietuin to Eastei Bunny (e.g. at the picnic table
aiea) when have collecteu "x" numbei of eggs to ieceive a
special piize (hanu stamp, stickeis, etc.).

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Paient able to puichase canuy at Costco,
contact Sanuia
Any paient who may be
making a Costco
shopping tiip

Signage anu paiking cones Nichael Tomlin
Any auuitional iueas iegaiuing stait of hunt
anu moie equitable collection of eggs
Any paient

7. uaiage Sale - Nay 24
anu 2S
, Nemoiial Bay weekenu
- Will be accepting uonations staiting Nay 1
unless veiy valuable items neeu
to be uonateu soonei;
- Point Inteiface emails to ieminu community to save items foi uonation.

8. Box Top 0puate
- Apiil's submission amounteu to $6u.6u;
- uail K. auviseu that she pioviueu pioof that August's submission was
ieceiveu anu we shoulu ieceive cieuit foi $6S once theii seaich piocess is
- Labels foi Euucation - have 17,41S points fiom which the school can
puichase items foi the school.

9. Piesentation by Rose Nomsen
- Rose is looking to iuentify families with touuleis living in Point Robeits in
oiuei to piomote eaily liteiacy;
o She woulu like to pioviue a piesentation to these families - many who
may have chiluien in Tsawwassen pieschools;
- Rose also uistiibuteu a scheuule of libiaiy piogiams - ciafts anu Summei
Reauing Piogiam - fiom now to the enu of the summei;
o Rose explaineu the phenomenon known as the "Summei Sliue" - kius
who uo not oi ieau veiy little uuiing the summei uo not maintain the
levels they ieacheu at the enu of the school yeai;
o Kius who ieau 4 - 6 books ovei the summei ietain theii level anu kius
who ieau 1u - 12+ books ovei the summei will stait the school yeai
aheau of wheie they weie.
- TumbleBooks is a site available thiough wcls.oig, anu using theii libiaiy caiu
baicoue anu passwoiu, chiluien can have books ieau to them on the scieen
anu afteiwaiu play games oi puzzles baseu on the book they ieau;
o Rose has alieauy hau the piimaiy school kius on this site anu
iecommenus that paients encouiage theii chiluien to exploie it
- uET uuaianteeu Euucation Tuition
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o Biochuies available at the libiaiy iegaiuing this euucational saving

Next Neeting: Thuisuay, Apiil 1uth at Sanuia Almonu's home foi egg stuffing.

Ninutes piepaieu by: uail NcSkimmings
Ninutes appioveu by: Sanuia Almonu, Naiy Eugley

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