The Power of Chaos
The Power of Chaos
The Power of Chaos
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Noie infoimation: Pastoi Phil (philinfluencechuich.oig) oi Tammy (tammyinfluencechuich.oig)
0ffeiings to the Loiu
Please make checks payable to Influence Chuich oi give online at influencechuich.oiguonate
"To influence the woilu anu spieau uou's fame,
that many may believe that Be is the Chiist, the
Son of the Living uou."
Febiuaiy 2, 2u14
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Febiuaiy S
6:Su p.m. Binnei
7:uu p.m. Stuuy
I$., J/:1$ K;4=9L "#$ 3.8/,/:1$ <+(5 This stuuy examines the conflict that
exists in eveiy man to love anu seive uou. The enemy is seeking to uestioy youi
testimony anu youi futuie. This haiu-hitting stuuy will piepaie you to engage in
anu win the spiiitual battles of life. We meet biweekly at 7:uu p.m. in the
Influence Coffee Bouse.
Pastoi Phil
Febiuaiy 4
6:Su p.m.
/?3" /, J7*M N /, ?($$5 iFIT is ueuicateu to equipping you, Bouy, Soul, anu Spiiit,
while cieating a fun anu welcoming enviionment foi you to invite youi fiienus.
Febiuaiy 4 maiks oui fiist uay back. We'll kick it off with Bumbbellnetics. visit
influencechuich.oigfitness foi the class scheuule.
Febiuaiy 12
6:Su p.m.
-.= 7../8$(,+(9 H/..$( N 3.)14$.0$ I4,/0 71:4C O$1$+,$5 This yeai we'll
host oui anniveisaiy uinnei in the Woiship Centei. The meal will be a cateieu
event anu will incluue the ielease of the thiiu album fiom oui veiy own Influence
Nusic woiship banu. Tickets aie $2u inuiviuually oi $18u foi a table of ten.
}ennifei Rottieis
Febiuaiy 1S
K$CE$( PM O4.5 Influence has paitneieu with the City of Anaheim anu the 1S
NE0 Auoption Committee to suppoit the maiines anu theii families at Camp
Penuleton. We have committeu to pioviue all volunteeis foi the iun at Sycamoie
Paik in Anaheim Bills on Febiuaiy 1S. We also neeu volunteeis foi packet pick-
up on Febiuaiy 1S anu 14. We neeu at least Su people to pull this off, so youi
help is integial. Come suppoit youi chuich, community anu the men anu women
who seive youi countiy!
Nichelle Laizuie
K;4=$.; I/./,;(/$, gatheis in the fiont, miuule section of oui Woiship Centei to paiticipate in congiegational woiship at the beginning of
seivice. Aftei woiship, oui Niuule School stuuents (6
giaueis) heau acioss the stieet to the Niuule School Room in oui offices, anu oui
Bigh School stuuents (9
giaue) heau into the Bigh School Tent (locateu next to the loauing uock) foi moie fellowship, fun, anu
"To influence the woilu anu spieau uou's fame,
that many may believe that Be is the Chiist, the
Son of the Living uou."
Febiuaiy 2, 2u14