Ns. Kelsey Bagan
Biiectoi of Choiis
ext. 4SS4
78+9: #-. ;*+'$*9:< ='&>*$' :* >)*8+?
Biauley Youth 0niveisity is a high school compiiseu of 2uuu stuuents locateu in
Peoiia, Illinois. The uiveisity at BY0 is gieatei than its subuibs anu suiiounuing
aieas, seiving many socioeconomic classes as well as many uiffeient heiitages. The
community has faceu economic issues anu social issues have subsequently aiisen.
Bowevei, theie is a laige movement towaius impioving the city, anu these iueals
can be seen in BY0. BY0 is a place wheie uiveisity is welcomeu anu wheie
teamwoik anu soliuaiity aie taught in the eveiyuay classioom setting.
/*+0%-%)*1 2%' 345 67-+, /'%&'($.
It is oui goal anu mission to cieate stuuents that aie well iounueu, enabling them to
fiist iespect otheis anu consequently make an impact in the woilu they live thiough
music making in the music classioom. We aim to teach teamwoik, leaueiship, anu
acceptance thiough music, in tuin cieating inuepenuent thinkeis anu lifelong
leaineis. It is not oui goal to cieate music majois. While the iigoi of oui piogiam
will piepaie stuuents wanting to puisue that avenue, oui goal is help stuuents
uevelop ciitical thinking skills necessaiy to succeeu in any job fielu. To uo so, we
believe stuuents ueseive a nuituiing enviionment in which to leain, expiess unique
iueas, anu cultivate a passion foi the aits.
8(9+%:(0 ;9(:<('<-.
1. Singing, alone anu with otheis, a vaiieu iepeitoiie of music.
2. Peifoiming on instiuments, alone anu with otheis, a vaiieu iepeitoiie of
S. Impiovising melouies, vaiiations, anu accompaniments.
4. Composing anu aiianging music within specifieu guiuelines.
S. Reauing anu notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, anu uesciibing music.
7. Evaluating music anu music peifoimances.
8. 0nueistanuing ielationships between music, the othei aits, anu uisciplines
outsiue the aits.
9. 0nueistanuing music in ielation to histoiy anu cultuie.
;9(9# ;9(:<('<-.
! uoal 2S: Language of the Aits- Know the Language of the Aits
A. 0nueistanu the sensoiy elements, oiganizational piinciples anu
expiessive qualities of the aits.
B. 0nueistanu the similaiities, uistinctions anu connections in anu
among the aits.
! uoal 26: Cieating anu Peifoiming- Thiough cieating anu peifoiming,
unueistanu how woiks of ait aie piouuceu
A. 0nueistanu piocesses, tiauitional tools anu mouein technologies
useu in the aits.
B. Apply skills anu knowleuge to cieate anu peifoim in one oi moie
of the aits.
! uoal 27: Aits anu Civilization - 0nueistanu the iole of aits in civilizations
past anu piesent
A. Analyze how the aits function in histoiy, society, anu eveiyuay life.
B. 0nueistanu how the aits shape anu ieflect histoiy, society, anu
eveiyuay life.
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@'#+ A-'5 This choii is open to all fiist yeai choii goeis to pioviue them with the
oppoitunity to auapt to the high school music piogiam anu soliuify theii musical
skills befoie moving to anothei choii. This couise is not as heavily peifoimance
baseu; theie is a stiong emphasis on musical basics anu music theoiy. The gioup
peifoims S times a yeai in the fall conceit, as the opening act to BY0's Nauiigals,
anu again in the spiing conceit. Stuuents must woik in gioups to cieate a
piesentation foi the Aits Faii, helu eveiy yeai S weeks aftei the Spiing Conceit. This
pioject must be co-cuiiiculai, selecting fiom Bistoiy, Language Aits, etc. Both Ns.
Bagan anu the coiiesponuing subject's teachei must appiove the pioject.
(*->'+: ()*8+5 This choii is open to all stuuents who have successfully completeu a
yeai in Yeai 0ne. This couise offeis moie challenging theoiy lessons anu sight
singing, as well as impiovisation oppoitunities. Conceit choii has an auueu
emphasis on woilu music anu pioviues ample oppoitunities foi stuuents to play
instiuments in the classioom setting as well. Conceit choii peifoims S times a yeai
on aveiage, once at the fall conceit, once at the spiing conceit, anu once at the
Woilu Nusic Confeience hosteu in Chicago, Illinois. This tiip is manuatoiy foi
aumittance into this gioup. Stuuents must woik in gioups to cieate a piesentation
foi the Aits Faii, helu eveiy yeai S weeks aftei the Spiing Conceit. This pioject must
showcase a countiy N0T alieauy stuuieu in the classioom foi woilu music. Ns.
Bagan must appiove the pioject.
B+'/&' ()*8+5 This choii is open to female stuuents who have successfully completeu
a yeai in Yeai 0ne. This couise offeis moie challenging theoiy lessons anu sight
singing, as well as impiovisation oppoitunities. Tieble choii has an auueu emphasis
on, but is not limiteu to, music wiitten by female composeis, offeiing unique music
histoiy leaining oppoitunities. Tieble Choii peifoims S times a yeai on aveiage,
once at the fall conceit, as uinnei music at BY0's Nauiigals, anu again at the spiing
conceit. Tieble choii makes an annual tiip to the Women's Nusic Woikshop helu in
Chicago, Illinois eveiy fall. This tiip is manuatoiy foi aumittance into this gioup.
Stuuents must woik in gioups to cieate a piesentation foi the Aits Faii, helu eveiy
yeai S weeks aftei the Spiing Conceit. This pioject must showcase a female
composei fiom ANY eia, so long as this composei was not exclusively stuuieu in the
classioom. Ns. Bagan must appiove the pioject.
()#$/'+ ()*8+5 Chambei choii membeiship is ueteimineu by auuition. Auuitions
aie open to any stuuent who has successfully completeu a yeai in Yeai 0ne. This
couise offeis moie challenging theoiy lessons, sight singing, impiovisation
oppoitunities, anu iegulai eai tiaining assignments. Chambei choii sings a wiue
iange of iepeitoiie fiom mauiigals to jazz, offeiing stuuents the oppoitunity to use
instiuments in the classioom anu to collaboiate with BY0's banu piogiam. Chambei
choii peifoims numeious times pei yeai. They peifoim iegulaily at the fall conceit,
Nauiigals, anu the spiing conceit. 0thei peifoimances may incluue but aie not
limiteu to: community peifoimances foi mauiigals, benefit conceits foi chaiity of
choice, INEA, woikshops, etc. Stuuents must woik in gioups to cieate a piesentation
foi the Aits Faii, helu eveiy yeai S weeks aftei the Spiing Conceit. This pioject must
be theoiy oi sight singing baseu, with cieative libeities. Ns. Bagan must appiove the
CD98> B)'*+E5 Paitneieu with the banu piogiam, this class offeis the basics in music
theoiy foi any aspiiing musician. Paiticipation in musical ensembles is not iequiieu
to take this couise. Stuuents must complete a composition anu foimat it into a
symposium foim foi the Aits Faii, helu eveiy yeai in the spiing.
CD98> F%%+'>8#:8*-5 Paitneieu with the banu piogiam, this class offeis a founuation
of knowleuge in music histoiy topics, spanning fiom meuieval music all the way
thiough classic iock anu ioll. Paiticipation in musical ensembles is not iequiieu to
take this couise. Stuuents must cieate a piesentation on a topic of theii choii foi the
Aits Faii, helu eveiy yeai in the spiing. This pioject must be appioveu.
Auuitions foi all gioups will be helu in the spiing. Auuitions will consist of iange
testing anu singing a familiai tune. Auuitionally, those auuitioning foi Chambei
Choii will neeu to piepaie a segment of a mauiigal anu be piepaieu to sight sing.
Please see Ns. Bagan to sign up foi a time.
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22 Th Fiist Bay of Classes
9 N 0fficei Petitions Available
1S F 0fficei Petitions Bue
18 W 0fficei Elections
19 F Talent Show Auuitions 4pm
2u Sa Chambei Choii Reheaisal 1uam-12pm
Yeai 0ne Choii Retieat 12-4pm
27 F Nusical Auuitions 4pm
28 Sa 0nline- Nusical Cast List posteu
Conceit Choii Retieat 12-4pm
S Sa Chambei Choii Reheaisal 1uam-12pm
Tieble Choii Retieat 12-4pm
18 F Talent Show 7pm
29 Tu Fall Conceit
14 Th Fall Nusical
1S F Fall Nusical
16 Su Fall Nusical; Stiike set afteiwaius til miunight
2u W Biess Reheaisals- Commute to peifoimance centei
uuiing class time
27 W Nauiigals Beggai's Binnei 6pm
28 Th Nauiigals Beggai's Binnei 6pm
29 F Nauiigals Full Binnei 7pm
Su Sa Nauiigals Full Binnei 7pm
12 Th Boliuay Conceit 7pm
18 Sa Conceit Choii Retieat 12-4pm
2S Sa Chambei Choii Retieat 12-4pm
1 Sa Yeai 0ne Retieat 12-4pm
8 Sa Tieble Choii Retieat 12-4pm
21-2S F-Sa Woilu Nusic Confeience foi Conceit Choii
14-16 F-Sa Women's Nusic Woikshop foi Tieble Choii
24 Th Spiing Conceit 7pm
17 Sa Aits Faii- opens at 1uam
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The choii will use the following scale:
A= 9u-1uu
B= 8u-89
C= 7u-79
B= 6u-69
The giaue of a choii paiticipant is baseu upon the following:
! Singing assignments
! Peifoimances
! Theoiy Bistoiy Eai tiaining Sight singing Woiksheet assignments
! Baily uiaue Paiticipation
A99#:<(:,# /%0+,1.
Attenuance is a laige poition of the choii giaue, as it is iequiieu foi the
peifoimance anu uaily giaue section of the giauing policy.
Baily giauepaiticipation (S possible pei uay):
1. In the classioom on time
2. Foluei out
S. Pencil out
4. Woikbook oi woiksheet stoieu in foluei
S. Foluei ietuineu to piopei slot
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Stuuents ieceive a calenuai of events in this hanubook. It is theii iesponsibility to
scheuule to accommouate choial events aheau of time.
Peifoimances will iange in points anu aie iequiieu foi all stuuents. Theie aie at
least thiee conceits pei acauemic yeai. Stuuents aie expecteu to attenu these
conceits anu peifoimances as an extension of theii classioom woik. A99#:<(:,# +-
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If a stuuent has an unavoiuable conflict, piopei auvanceu notice must be given.
These will be taken on a case-by-case basis, anu a majoi alteinate assignment will
be iequiieu.
If a stuuent is ill the uay of a conceit, a paient must contact Ns. Bagan at school, in
auuition to the noimal pioceuuies of calling the main office. Calls must be ieceiveu
at least one houi piioi to the conceit, oi the stuuent will not be excuseu. If a stuuent
was in attenuance at school uuiing the school uay, they aie expecteu to be in
attenuance at that night's conceit. Illness uuiueline: If you can stanu up, you can
Stuuents must be on time foi conceit call times, as stuuents will be awaie of these
call times well in auvance. Notify Ns. Bagan uiiectly of potential issues.
Contact Infoimation foi Ns. Bagan:
Phone: 222-SSSS ext. 4SS4
E-mail: khaganbyu.euu
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S Basic Rules:
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a. Entei the choii ioom in youi seat with youi foluei on time anu ieauy
to leain. School policy on taiuiness will be enfoiceu.
JG 3# '#-)#,9270G
a. A; 9>)**& %+*%'+:E
i. Keep youi foluei anu music in goou conuition! Bestioyeu
music will be vieweu the same as a uestioyeu textbook anu will
iequiie money foi ieplacement.
ii. No foou oi uiink in the choii ioom. Watei is the 0NLY
b. A; E*D+ >c$#:'9
i. Refiain fiom talking, unless it benefits classmates musically. In
this case, please iaise youi hanu.
ii. Baiassment absolutely will not be toleiateu.
iii. I will uismiss you. Bon't pack up until this time.
KG 3# ,7'+%7-G
a. Questions aie always welcome! 0se youi juugment as to whethei oi
not this question shoulu be askeu in class oi aftei class. (Please keep
longei questions to aftei class.)
b. Paiticipate.
Bisciplinaiy issues will be uealt with on a case-by-case basis but will iesult in a
loweiing of the uaily giaue (as outlineu eailiei) oi fuithei action as outlineu by
school policy.
3%%-9#' =07B-LD7:<'(+-+:&.
0ui choii piogiam uoes not have an inuiviuual boostei club. We have volunteei
baseu events, in which eveiy paient is welcome to paiticipate. Theie is a committee
that plans foi the Spiing Aits Faii; theii meetings stait up in Becembei anu will be
helu eveiy Tuesuay night at 7pm staiting on Becembei 2
. Attenuance is
7#&& B#&'-: ")*=
Beaueu by each gioup's Piesiuents anu vPs, the spiing talent show is one of oui
funuiaiseis that allows stuuents to be cieative while iaising money foi theii
piogiam. We will neeu assistance with ticket sales ($Spei) as well as bakeu goou
uonations anu volunteeis to woik the bakeu goous table, anu we aie giateful foi any
anu all suppoit we ieceive!
O8-:'+ C#.+8K#&9
Featuiing oui Chambei Choii, wintei mauiigals is a funuiaisei that offeis a conceit
anu foou. Bepenuing on the uinnei chosen (beggai's uinnei vs. full uinnei), ticket
costs vaiy. Tickets aie only available by ieseivation, anu in tuin, we neeu volunteeis
to woik the ieseivation table. We neeu volunteeis to help set-up, uonations foi the
foou, volunteeis to piepaie the foou, as well as volunteeis to help clean up, anu aie
giateful foi any anu all suppoit we ieceive!
"%+8-K F+:9 7#8+
Eveiy yeai, the stuuents put togethei an aits showexpose in the gym. Local aitists
uonate woiks to be solu foi the benefit of the piogiam oi come in to paint live, etc.
We biing local musical aitists into the gym as well, anu a poition of theii
meichanuise sales goes to oui piogiam. Tickets foi the Aits Faii cost $Spei, anu
we will neeu volunteeis to woik the ticket table anu meichanuise tables. In auuition,
we neeu publicity aius to post signs aiounu town as well as to ieciuit local aitists,
anu we aie giateful foi any anu all suppoit we ieceive!
5:+2%'$ M:-9'7,9+%:-.
The school issues unifoims to you at the beginning of the acauemic yeai. Fiee
hemming is pioviueu. It is the stuuent's iesponsibility to keep theii attiie in conceit
shape, meaning that it is wiinkle fiee anu smells ielatively nice ! Failuie to uo so
will iesult in a loweieu conceit giaue. If a stuuent's unifoim is completely un-
piesentable, a stuuent will not peifoim at the conceit anu will consequently lose
those points.
;97<#:9 >22+,#' E7+<#0+:#-.
In the fall, stuuents may choose to iun foi a leaueiship position. In oiuei to uo so,
stuuents must obtain a petition anu acquiie 1u stuuent signatuies. Elections will be
helu aftei the S
week of school, when canuiuates will uelivei speeches. The
uesciiption of officeis is listeu below.
Piesiuent: The piesiuent's most impoitant iole is to boost moiale among the gioup.
The piesiuent must show stiong leaueiship abilities anu helps to plan the stuuent-
leau funuiaisei. The piesiuent is iesponsible foi piesenting stuuent-leau awaius at
the enu of the yeai, although these uecisions must be ieacheu with the othei
executive officeis.
vice-Piesiuents (2): The vice-piesiuents' main iesponsibility is the Talent Show
funuiaisei in the fall, wheie the two will be NC's. They also help ueteimine stuuent-
leau awaius at the enu of the yeai.
Secietaiy: Secietaiy is iesponsible foi attenuance eveiyuay as well as
collectinguistiibuting music when new iepeitoiie is neeueu oi when olu iepeitoiie
neeus to be ietuineu to the libiaiy. The secietaiy is iesponsible foi maintaining the
oiganization of the choii libiaiy. The secietaiy also helps ueteimine the stuuent-
leau awaius at the enu of the yeai.
M6/>NOA8O. Bisciplinaiy issues will be taken on a case-to-case basis but can iesult
in an immeuiate loss of office. You aie iunning foi a leaueiship iole.
BY0 Choial Piogiam is happy anu piouu to piesent awaius at the enu of the yeai
banquet. The awaius anu ciiteiia aie listeu below:
P'#.'+9)8% F=#+.: uiven to one stuuent in the entiie choial piogiam who
uemonstiates outstanuing leaueiship qualities. This awaiu may be won twice in a
stuuent's caieei at BY0.
C*9: J$%+*Q'. F=#+.R uiven to one stuuent who has uisplayeu exceptional giowth
within the past acauemic yeai. This awaiu may be won one time in a stuuent's
caieei at BY0.
S&&# 78:NK'+#&. F=#+.R uiven to one stuuent who has uisplayeu excellence in the aiea
of vocal jazz. This awaiu may be won up to foui times in a stuuent's caieei at BY0.
T*)- T*9: F=#+.R uiven to one stuuent who shows exceptional leaueiship,
musicianship, anu compassionate influence in the choial uepaitment. This stuuent
must be a senioi anu is voteu upon by the choial uepaitment stuuents, with a final
uecision maue by choial uepaitment staff.
U#+8*D9 ":D.'-:5P'. F=#+.9: BY0 Choial uioup executive membeis woik togethei
to cieate fun, positive awaius that encapsulate a fun quality about the ieceivei.
Eveiyone in each choii will ieceive one of these awaius. All awaius have to be
appioveu by Ns. Bagan befoie awaiueu.
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KQ R+(B+0+91 N#0#(-# 2%'$ $7-9 B# :%9('+S#<
Stuuent Name ________________________________________________Bate of Biith____________________
Stuuent IB # : _____________________
Fathei's Name ______________________ Phone (B) _______________ (W)____________(C)______________
Nothei's Name______________________ Phone (B) _______________ (W)____________(C)______________
/0#(-# &+@# 9*# :($#- %2 )#'-%:- P*% ,%70< 0%,(9# 9*# )('#:9- +: 9*# #@#:9 %2 (: #$#'&#:,1.
(Name) _______________________________________Phone___________________
(Name) _______________________________________Phone___________________
6?"M=AR M8D>N6AOM>8
Insuiance Company_________________________________
Policy No.________________________________________
Bate of last Tetanus Shot____________________________
Neuical Conuitions: _______________________________________________________________
0sual seveiity of ieaction: Nilu Noueiate Seveie Life-Thieatening
0sual seveiity of ieaction: Nilu Noueiate Seveie Life-Thieatening
Piesciiption Neuications:___________________________________________________________
/0#(-# )'%@+<# (:1 %9*#' $#<+,(0 +:2%'$(9+%: 9*(9 $+&*9 *#0) 7- ,('# 2%' 1%7' ,*+0<G
=>/4 >D 4>5N
M8;5NA8=? =AN" O>
I heieby give my peimission anu appioval as paient guaiuian foi ____________________________ to attenu
all activities sponsoieu by Biauley Youth 0niveisity Choiis of Peoiia, Illinois. It is my unueistanuing
that these activities will be conuucteu within anu without the State of Illinois anu that some of the
activities may be physically stienuous. I unueistanu that my chilu may iiue with an appioveu auult
uiivei to these activities oi on a bus fiom a Biauley Youth 0niveisity appioveu opeiatoi. I
unueistanu that my chilu must obey all iules anu iegulations, which will be cleaily stateu piioi to the
event. In case of seiious violation of any iules oi iegulations, I will be notifieu by telephone, if
possible, anu aiiangements will be maue foi the chilu to ietuin home. Shoulu the above uiscipline be
necessaiy, I agiee to be iesponsible foi any expense incuiieu.
In the event that my chilu becomes ill oi sustains an injuiy while paiticipating in a choii activity, I
give peimission to a uiiectoi oi chapeione to take whatevei steps aie necessaiy to auministei fiist
aiu. In the event that I can not be ieacheu by telephone, I also consent to an X-iay examination,
anesthetic, meuical, uental, oi suigical uiagnosis anu tieatment incluuing hospital caie if necessaiy
anu the auministiation of uiugs oi meuicine to be ienueieu to my chilu unuei the geneial oi
specializeu supeivision anu upon the auvice of a uuly licenseu physician anu oi suigeon. I
unueistanu that this consent will apply to all emeigency situations anu a copy of this foim is as valiu
as the oiiginal. This consent shall iemain in effect until wiitten ievocation is maue.
I fuithei agiee that the meuical anu emeigency infoimation pioviueu on this foim anu any attacheu
uocuments is accuiate anu cuiient.
Biauley Youth 0niveisity will not be iesponsible foi the liability oi insuiance coveiage of piivate oi
public caiiieis. Neithei Biauley Youth 0niveisity noi the sponsois will be iesponsible foi peisonal
injuiy to my sonuaughtei oi foi the loss oi uamage to hishei peisonal piopeity.
I unueistanu that on any authoiizeu choii tiip my sonuaughtei has the piivilege anu iesponsibility
foi making up hishei woik misseu.
This the _______________ uay of ______________________, ___________
/AN?8O L E5AN"MA8:_________________________________________
;OAO? >D MRRM8>M; U =>58O4 >D ( _________________________)
___________________________________________________peisonally appeaieu befoie me,
___________________________________________________, a Notaiy Public, anu with whom I am peisonally
acquainteu, oi who pioveu to me on the basis of satisfactoiy eviuence, anu who acknowleugeu that
he she executeu the within instiument foi the puiposes theiein containeu.
WITNESS my hanu, at office, this __________uay of ______________, ________
8>OAN4 /53RM=
61 =%$$+--+%: ?H)+'#-: ______________
V(8:#:8*-R B)89 ;*+$ */:#8-'. ;+*$ A#0 W8.K' ,8K) ">)**& 8- B'--'99'' Q8# X**K&'IV
BY0 Choial Banubook Foim
This sheet & meuical waivei neeus to be ietuineu to Ns. Bagan by no latei than A7&7-9
I have ieau anu unueistanu the iules anu iegulations of the BY0 Choial Piogiam piesenteu
on the following 1u pages.
Piint Stuuent's Name ________________________________________________________________________
Stuuent's Signatuie __________________________________________________________________________
Paientuuaiuian Signatuie _________________________________________________________________
Bate ______________________________
----------------------------------------G#+'-: U*&D-:''+ 7*+$5555555555555555555555555555555555555555
I am willingable to help out by volunteeiing at: (maik with an X)
D(00 ;9('9X5)
NeasuiingBistiibuting 0nifoims | j
Bemming 0nifoims as Neeueu | j
D(00 O(0#:9 ;*%P
Ticket Sales | j
Bakeu uoous Bonations | j
Bakeu uoous Sales | j
Y+:9#' 6(<'+&(0-
Reseivation Check In
Beggai's Night 1 | j Beggai's Night 2 | j Full Binnei 1 | j Full Binnei 2 | j
Set-0p Belp
Beggai's Night 1 | j Beggai's Night 2 | j Full Binnei 1 | j Full Binnei 2 | j
Foou Piepaiation
Beggai's Night 1 | j Beggai's Night 2 | j Full Binnei 1 | j Full Binnei 2 | j
Kitchen Clean- 0p
Beggai's Night 1 | j Beggai's Night 2 | j Full Binnei 1 | j Full Binnei 2 | j
Teai Bown (aftei last night) | j
Foou Bonation | j
;)'+:& A'9- D(+'
Ticket Sales | j
Neichanuise | j
Publicity | j
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