Pto Sep 2014 Rev Meeting Minutes

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Bate Septembei 9, 2u14
Naiy Eugley, Sanuia Almonu, uail Kenuall, uail NcSkimmings,
Bebbie Nissen, Sheila Lazaius, }en Fielus, Chloe Kiuu, Tia Laiiu, Loii
Nelson, Rena Anuieoli
Piesiuent Sanuia Almonu
Teachei Naiy Eugley
Tieasuiei Bebbie Nissen
Secietaiy uail NcSkimmings
uail Kenuall

1. Teachei News:
- Naiy auviseu that school is off to a gieat stait.
- This yeai the kius will be stuuying:
o 0wls (iaptois) - oluei kius will be uoing ieseaich anu wiiting iepoits. Fielu
tiip to 0WL - a iaptoi iehabilitation centei in Launei.
o The human bouy - kius will make a papei life-size veision of themselves anu
bouy paits as they aie stuuieu. Nutiitionist Annelle Noiman scheuuleu to
- iPaus: Naiy is ieauy to stait with a few apps
o neeu to cooiuinate with Nac NcSkimmings (iPau paient volunteei) to
install apps;
o Sanuia suggesteu coming up with a monthly buuget foi app puichases
o Each chilu will be assigneu a specific iPau as not eveiy app is
appiopiiate foi eveiy chilu.
o }en askeu foi a list of the apps Naiy will be using since some families
who have iPaus at home may have the same apps. Boesn't want kius
to become boieu with those apps.
! Kius shoulu tell Naiy if they have useuaie familiai with the
- NSP iesults fiom last spiing showeu that once again S
giaue stuuents uiu
veiy well. We hau a 1uu% pass iate in both math anu ieauing. This exceeus
both the state anu uistiict pass iates.

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
uail N. to cooiuinate a time foi Nac anu
Naiy to install apps
uail NcSkimmings ASAP

2. Tieasuiei's Repoit:
- Regulai account - $7,u7S.8S
- Ait Account - $4Su.u7
- CB - $14.7S
- 0vei $SSuu eaineu at last Nay's gaiage sale;
- Reimbuisement foi school supplies incluueu - only a couple of payments
have not been ieceiveu.
S. Inteiim Tieasuiei:
- Beb Nissen uoes not have a chilu at school this yeai but has agieeu to
oveisee banking until hei son staits school next yeai;
- Neeu anothei paient volunteei to liaise with Beb to ensuie ieimbuisements,
cash floats, etc. aie taken caie of.
- Sheila Lazaius volunteeieu foi the position.

4. PT0 Stoiage Sheu:
- volunteeis neeueu to move laige tables fiom the playsheu to the outuooi
stoiage sheu installeu in the coinei of the paiking lot.
- Beavy items cannot be leaneu against stoiage sheu walls.
- Balloween items to be moveu aftei Balloween paity so that they uo not have
to be moveu twice.
- Bole neeus to be uiilleu into conciete so that uooi can be secuieu.
- Nichael Tomlin offeieu to supply a lock - if not }en Fielus will get one fiom
haiuwaie stoie.
- In futuie may want shelving built foi the stoiage sheu.

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Tye Fielus to assess moving iequiiements
anu will move items this week. If necessaiy
ask foi help.
}en Fielus ASAP
0btain lock. Nichael Tomlin oi
}en Fielus
Biill hole in conciete. uail NcSkimmings to ask
Nac oi Biett Nelson oi
}aieu Banson

S. Auopt-a-Roau Cleanup:
- Point Robeits Piimaiy picks up tiash on a stietch of Benson Roau annually in
the fall (Septembei oi eaily 0ctobei);
- Supplies anu equipment to be obtaineu fiom Canuo anu fiie tiuck escoit to
be aiiangeu;
- Nonuay, Septembei 22
at 1pm chosen uate foi this yeai.

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Contact Canuo Sanuia Almonu ASAP
Contact fiie uepaitment anu aiiange pickup
of suppliesequipment
Loii Nelson ASAP

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6. School Supplies
- A numbei of paients have expiesseu concein about school supplies sent
home at the enu of the school yeai that have haiuly been useu; specifically,
spiial notebooks, pencil boxes, pencil shaipeneis, etc.
- These items can be iecycleu foi the next yeai - items labelleu with stuuent
name can be useu by the ietuining stuuent oi ielabelleu foi anotheinew
stuuent. School supply costs will be lowei foi following yeais.
- Foi the past few yeais Sanuia has been puichasing supplies in bulk (Costco,
Walmait, online), putting kits togethei (with assistance) anu then paients
aie chaigeu pei stuuent;
o Although this is a huge amount of woik, we benefit fiom the cost anu
time savings.
o Can continue this oi have each family puichaseieuse supplies
- Naiy auviseu that she intenus foi the notebooks to be useu moie this yeai
but is not opposeu to ieusing the supplies.
- Paient committee to assess supplies at the enu of the yeai anu set asiue
anything that can be useu again;
o 0seu pages in notebooks to be taken out, stapleu togethei, labelleu
anu sent home.
- uail Kenuall infoimeu the committee that points eaineu fiom Labels foi
Euucation can be useu to puichase school supplies - eg. wateicoloi paints,
glue, ciayons, etc.
o Cuiiently we have 18,uuu+ points available to puichase school
supplies oi play equipment.
o Naiy conceineu about the quality of the piouucts - especially
maikeis, paints, etc.
- Rena Anuieoli suggesteu contacting Euu-Pack, which is a company fiom
which ieauy-maue school supply kits can be puichaseu.

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Contact Euu-Pack to see if they can souice
anu pioviue cost foi the specific items PR
Piimaiy iequiies.
Rena Anuieoli
Review piouucts offeieu in Labels foi
Euucation catalogue.
uail Kenuall anu Naiy

Paient committee foimeu to assess school
}une 2u1S

7. Bounuaiy Bay Cioss Countiy Neet
- Belta stuuents paiticipate in a 1Suu metei (u.8 miles) iunwalk.
- 2
anu S
uiaue stuuents PR Piimaiy School eligible.
- This yeai's meet to be helu on Thuisuay, Septembei 2S
11am at Centennial
- Theie is a $S inuiviuual paiticipant fee, which incluues a hotuog lunch.
- Paiticipants also askeu to uonate $1 foi chaiity.
- Committee agieeu that this woulu be goou activity foi Point Robeits
- Sanuia, Loii anu }en (anu possibly Biauy Nelson anu Tye Fielus) offeieu to
pioviue tiaining sessions foi kius - all kius can paiticipate not just those
who have signeu up.
- Paient tianspoitation neeueu on uay of event.

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Infoimation lettei anu peimission foim to be
sent home
Sanuia Almonu ASAP
Tiaining sessions scheuuleu as follows:
Fii Sep 12

- 2:1Spm Sanuia Almonu
Non Sep 1S - 8:4Sam Loii Nelson & }en
Weu Sep 17 - 1:Supm Loii & Biauy Nelson
Non Sep 22 - 8:4Sam }en Fielus

8. Balloween Paity - Fiiuay, 0ctobei S1st
- Betails to be uiscusseu at next PT0 meeting

9. Box Top 0puate
- $S8 in boxtops submitteu at the enu of Nay anu $SS collecteu fiom the
summei in the collection bin outsiue of Bannei Bank (in the Naiketplace).
- Boxtops anu Labels foi Euucation can be sent to school in homewoik bags oi
uioppeu off at the collection bin.
- uail K. will senu home moie infoimation about eligible piouucts foi both
Boxtops anu Labels foi Euucation.

1u. New Items:
- Stuuent Planneis
o }en Fielus askeu about stuuents using a stuuent plannei to iecoiu
homewoik assignmentsschool events & activitiespaient to teachei
communication e.g. Absences anu play uate infoimation.
o Naiy is not able to iecoiu infoimation foi all stuuents on a uaily basis;
o Peihaps oluei stuuents can use planneis as a uaily wiiting activity;

- No uaibage Policy
o Chloe Kiuu suggesteu a No uaibage Policy at school - specifically
lunch gaibage.
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o Kius to biing home any "gaibage" - families can then iecycle
accoiuingly (papei, plastic, compost).

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
}en to senu planneis to school with Emme
anu Tau on a tiial basis. Coulu be extenueu
to othei stuuents.
}en Fielus ASAP
No uaibage Policy to be instituteu. Chloe to
speak to stuuents.
Chloe Kiuu ASAP

Next Neeting: Tuesuay, 0ctobei 7, 2u14 at 6:Su p.m.

Ninutes piepaieu by: uail NcSkimmings
Ninutes appioveu by: Sanuia Almonu, Naiy Eugley

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