Sacred Heart News 01-30-2012
Sacred Heart News 01-30-2012
Sacred Heart News 01-30-2012
0nknown iash
Seveie uiaiihea
0ncontiolleu cough, oi coughing oi iunny nose in youngei chiluien who have not uevelopeu skills in nose-blowing anu coveiing
Please call oui Bealth Assistant, Saiah Bowback, if you have any questions.
What. Spiiit is the name of the game! 0ui cheei camp incluues tiauitional siueline cheeileauing skills,as well as the majoi components of
competition cheei: stunts anu lifts, tumbling, anu uance.
Whu. Kinueigaiten - 8th giaue
When. Satuiuay, Febiuaiy 18, 2u12 1pm- 4pm
Those paiticipating in camp will have the oppoitunity to peifoim at half-time of a BeLasalle vaisity boys' basketball game on
Satuiuay, Naich S, 2u12 at the Taiget Centei!!
Cost. Pei cheeileauei is $2S **incluues a special cheei gift!
If you aie inteiesteu in iegisteiing youi futuie cheeileauei, please complete the iegistiation foim:
Islanuei Wintei Cheei Clinic Registiation Foim anu mail payment in cash oi check only to: BeLaSalle Bigh School Cheei Team co
Shannon Foieman
0ne BeLaSalle Biive Ninneapolis, NN SS418
52 club winners
Jan. 22 Kathleen McDonald
Jan. 29 Keli and Beth Hippen
! Catholic Schools Week 2012
Date Dress Acti vi ti es
January 27
SHCS Uniform
!Lunch with a Loved One: Meet your
child in the gym. Students will
receive a lei in support of book fair.
!Book Fair- Marian Room
(Volunteers needed)
*Purchase a book on wish list for a classroom or library.
Lunch Schedul e
10:45- Grades 6-8
11:10- Grades K-2
11:45 Grades 3-5
January 29
Come t o mass i n your
uni f orm
* See your teacher at the Open
House for a non-uniform coupon.
!Open House after 10:00 Mass until 1:00
!Coffee and donuts in gym after 8:00 & 10:00 Mass (Volunteers
!Book Fair- Marian Rooms (Volunteers needed)
*Students may volunteer to help at mass
January 30
K-5: Yee-haw! Western Wear
6-8: Decade Day
6: 80s; 7: 70s; 8: 60s
!Spelling Bee: Grades 1-4 @ 7:45 in gym;
Grades 5-8 @ 8:45 in gym
*Gr. K-5: Western day-wear jean, plaid shirts, cowboy hat, boots..)
Gr. 6-8: Wear clothing from the specified era.
January 31
Mismatch Day
* Home & School Teacher Appreciation Breakfast (starts @ 6:30)
*12:30 Talent Show
*Come in stripes and plaids are the fad! Come in mismatched
February 1
Mass uniform or
Dress Your Best
*8:00 Mass
*Chess Club Tournament for finalists
*DEAR (Drop Everything and Read)- in the classroom
*Dress up in Sunday best or wear your uniform. No jeans.
February 2
Spirit Buddy Color Day
K/4: Blue
1/5: Purple
2/6: Gray
3A/8: Yellow
3B/7: Red
Teachers/Staff: Tie-dye
* 9:30-11:30 grades 5-8 Feed My Starving Children (need
* 9:30 Mad Science assembly for Kindergarten
* Adoration
*Spirit buddies wear the same color shirt.
February 3
Comfy Cozy Day
*Get Up and Go Day- Students will be energized through activities
during the day.
* Home & School popcorn treat
* Its Friday, so get comfy in your most comfortable, appropriate
gear! Sweats, flannel pants, and slippers are OK.
All week:
* Lego Robotics grades 1-4 (Cost $9.00/student)
* Letters to Soldiers (
* Sticker Drawing