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Journal of Research of NIST

The Journal of Research of NIST reports NIST research and development in metrology and related fields of physical science, engineering, applied mathematics, statistics, biotechnology, information technology.

The Journal of Research of NIST publishes peer-reviewed research articles, in addition to dataset and software articles, tutorials, and tech transfer briefs. Articles are indexed by all major indexing services, including Web of Science and Scopus.

Volume 126 (2021)

ISSN: 2165-7254


Special Section on Ultraviolet Technologies for Public Health

Ultraviolet Radiation Technologies and Healthcare Associated Infections: Standards and Metrology Needs  
Dianne L. Poster, C. Cameron Miller, Richard A. Martinello, Norman R. Horn, Michael T. Postek, Troy E. Cowan, Yaw S. Obeng, John J. Kasianowicz 
Published August 20, 2021 
Supplementary Material:
Perspectives and Recommendations Regarding Standards for Ultraviolet-C Whole-Room Disinfection in Healthcare 
Arthur Kreitenberg and Richard A. Martinello 
Published August 20, 2021 
Methods and Mechanisms of Photonic Disinfection 
Daniel B. Spicer 
Published August 20, 2021 
Comparison of Reflective Properties of Materials Exposed to Ultraviolet-C Radiation 
Pawel de Sternberg Stojalowski and Jonathan Fairfoull 
Published August 20, 2021 
SARS-CoV-2 Ultraviolet Radiation Dose-Response Behavio
Ernest R. Blatchley III, Brian Petri, Wenjun Sun 
Published August 20, 2021 
Effects of Ultraviolet-C Radiation Exposure on Aircraft Cabin Materials 
Stephen F. Yates, Giorgio Isella, Emir Rahislic, Spencer Barbour, Lillian Tiznado 
Published August 20, 2021 
Best Practices for Germicidal Ultraviolet-C Dose Measurement for N95 Respirator Decontamination 
Alisha Geldert, Halleh B. Balch, Anjali Gopal, Alison Su, Samantha M. Grist, Amy E. Herr 
Published August 20, 2021 
Sensitivity of Bacteria, Protozoa, Viruses, and Other Microorganisms to Ultraviolet Radiation 
Mahsa Masjoudi, Madjid Mohseni, James R. Bolton 
Published August 20, 2021 
Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy as a Potential Label-Free Method to Rapidly Verify Ultraviolet-C Radiation Disinfection  
Yaw S. Obeng, Brian J. Nablo, Darwin R. Reyes, Dianne L. Poster, Michael T. Postek 
Published August 20, 2021 
Efficacy of Ultraviolet-C Devices for the Disinfection of Personal Protective Equipment Fabrics and N95 Respirators 
Kumari Moothedath Chandran, Praveen C. Ramamurthy, Kawkab Kanjo, Rohan Narayan, S. Raghu Menon 
Published August 20, 2021 
Estimation of the Ultraviolet-C Doses from Mercury Lamps and Light-Emitting Diodes Required to Disinfect Surfaces 
Pablo Fredes, Ulrich Raff, Ernesto Gramsch, Marcelo Tarkowski 
Published August 20, 2021 
Mean Differential Continuous Pulse Method for Accurate Optical Measurements of Light-Emitting Diodes and Laser Diodes
Yuqin Zong, Jeff Hulett, Naomasa Koide, Yoshiki Yamaji, C. Cameron Miller
Published November 23, 2021
Design Considerations for a Surface Disinfection Device Using Ultraviolet-C Light-Emitting Diodes
Pratibha Sharma, Pao Chen, Saya Han, Peter Chung, Jungpin Chen, Justin Tseng, Chang Han
Published February 16, 2022
Inactivation of Pathogens in Air Using Ultraviolet Direct Irradiation Below Exposure Limits
Gary R. Allen, Kevin J. Benner, William P. Bahnfleth
Published March 1, 2022
Portable Ultraviolet-C Chambers for Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2
Shelby Claytor, Roger Campbell, Ashton Hattori, Eric Brown, Christopher Hollis, Max Schureck, Howard Atchley, John Stone, Michael Grady, Benjamin Yang, and T. Robert Harris
Published March 18, 2022
Capacity Models and Transmission Risk Mitigation: An Engineering Framework to Predict the Effect of Air Disinfection by Germicidal Ultraviolet Radiation
Sam Rhea Sarcia
Published March 21, 2022
Disinfection of Respirators with Ultraviolet Radiation
Dianne L. Poster, Matthew Hardwick, C. Cameron Miller, Michael A. Riley, W.W. Shanaka I. Rodrigo, Andras E. Vladar, John D. Wright, Christopher D. Zangmeister, Clarence Zarobila, Jeremy Starkweather, John Wynne, Jason Yilzarde
Published March 25, 2022
Models for an Ultraviolet-C Research and Development Consortium
Dianne L. Poster, Michael T. Postek, Yaw S. Obeng, John J. Kasianowicz, Troy E. Cowan, Norman R. Horn, C. Cameron Miller,  Richard A. Martinello
Published March 25, 2022

Calorimetry in Computed Tomography Beams
H. Heather Chen-Mayer, Ronald E. Tosh, Fred B. Bateman, Paul M. Bergstrom, Brian E. Zimmerman
Published March 10, 2022

Keyphrase Extraction for Technical Language Processing
Alden Dima and Aaron Massey
Published March 9, 2022

The NIST Vacuum Double-Crystal Spectrometer: A Tool for SI-Traceable Measurement of X-Ray Emission Spectra
Csilla I. Szabo, James P. Cline, Albert Henins, Lawrence T. Hudson, Marcus H. Mendenhall
Published March 9, 2022

Porosity, Powder X-Ray Diffraction Patterns, Skeletal Density, and Thermal Stability of NIST Zeolitic Reference Materials RM 8850, RM 8851, and RM 8852
Huong Giang T. Nguyen, Ran Tao, Roger D. van Zee
Published March 1, 2022

Toward a New Primary Standardization of Radionuclide Massic Activity Using Microcalorimetry and Quantitative Milligram-Scale Samples
Ryan P. Fitzgerald, Bradley K. Alpert, Daniel T. Becker, Denis E. Bergeron, Richard M. Essex, Kelsey Morgan, Svetlana Nour, Galen O’Neil, Dan R. Schmidt, Gordon A. Shaw, Daniel Swetz, R. Michael Verkouteren, Daikang Yan
Published February 24, 2022

Acceptance Testing Methodology for the Production of Standard Reference Material 2806: Medium Test Dust in Hydraulic Fluid
Robert Fletcher, James Filliben, Nicholas Ritchie, Nicolas Petillon
Published February 24, 2022

Understanding Deformation Behavior in Uniaxial Tensile Tests of Steel Specimens at Varying Strain Rates
Dilip K. Banerjee, Mark A. Iadicola, Adam Creuziger
Published February 22, 2022

The National Bureau of Standards and the Radium Dial Painters
Bert M. Coursey
Published February 14, 2022

Feasibility of Modeling Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing Communication Signals with Unsupervised Generative Adversarial Networks
Jack Sklar and Adam Wunderlich
Published February 14, 2022

Development and Evaluation of Bluetooth Low-Energy Device for Electronic Encounter Metrics
Kathryn E. Keenan, José Aumentado, Harold Booth, Kimberly A. Briggman, Mikail Kraft, Michele N. Martin, René C. Peralta, Angela Y. Robinson, Krister Shalm, Michelle S. Stephens, Emily A. Townsend, Sae Woo Nam
Published January 20, 2022

ASME B89.4.23 Performance Evaluation Tests and Geometry Errors in X-Ray Computed Tomography Systems
Bala Muralikrishnan, Meghan Shilling, Vincent Lee
Published January 20, 2022

Multi-Source Common-View Disciplined Clock: A Fail-Safe Clock for Critical Infrastructure Systems
Michael A. Lombardi
Published January 10, 2022

Optical Fiber Time Delay Comparison Between NIST and LAMETRO
T. Dennis and J. Jimenez
Published January 10, 2022

Type B Uncertainty Analysis of Gravity-Based Determinations of Triaxial-Accelerometer Properties by Simulation of Measurement Errors
Jon Geist and Michael Gaitan
Published January 4, 2022

Estimation of a Minimum Allowable Structural Strength Based on Uncertainty in Material Test Data
Jeffrey T. Fong, N. Alan Heckert, James J. Filliben, Pedro V. Marcal, Stephen W. Freiman
Published December 7, 2021

Precise Numerical Differentiation of Thermodynamic Functions with Multicomplex Variables
Ulrich K. Deiters and Ian H. Bell
Published November 29, 2021

Ratio-Based Pulse Shape Discrimination: Analytic Results for Gaussian and Poisson Noise Models
Kevin J Coakley
Published November 9, 2021

X-Ray Computed Tomography Instrument Performance Evaluation, Part III: Sensitivity to Detector Geometry and Rotation Stage Errors at Different Magnifications
Prashanth Jaganmohan, Bala Muralikrishnan, Meghan Shilling, Edward Morse
Published September 29, 2021

Dynamic Plasticity Model for Rapidly Heated 1045 Steel Up to 1000 °C
Steven P. Mates and Sheng-Yen Li
Published August 27, 2021

Development of the Advanced Encryption Standard
Miles E. Smid
Published August 16, 2021

Measurement Uncertainty of Surface Temperature Distributions for Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processes
David C. Deisenroth, Sergey Mekhontsev, Brandon Lane, Leonard Hanssen, Ivan Zhirnov, Vladimir Khromchenko, Steven Grantham, Daniel Cardenas-Garcia, Alkan Donmez
Published August 10, 2021

Optical Power Scale Realization by Laser Calorimeter after 45 Years of Operation
Matthew T. Spidell and Anna K. Vaskuri
Published June 28, 2021

Exact Tile-Based Segmentation Inference for Images Larger than GPU Memory
Michael Majurski and Peter Bajcsy
Published June 3, 2021

Decision Tree for Key Comparisons
Antonio Possolo, Amanda Koepke, David Newton, Michael R. Winchester
Published April 27, 2021

Generative Adversarial Network Performance in Low-Dimensional Settings
Felix Jimenez, Amanda Koepke, Mary Gregg, Michael Frey
Published April 20, 2021

Evaluations of a Detector-Limited Digital Impedance Bridge
Mona Feige, Stephan Schlamminger, Bryan Waltrip, Michael Berilla, Yicheng Wang
Published April 6, 2021

Encounter Metrics and Exposure Notification 
René Peralta and Angela Robinson
Published March 28, 2021

Coverage Intervals
Sara Stoudt, Adam Pintar, Antonio Possolo
Published March 3, 2021


Seabird Tissue Archival and Monitoring Project (STAMP) Data from 1999-2010
Nathan A. Mahynski, Jared M. Ragland, Stacy S. Schuur, Rebecca Pugh, Vincent K. Shen
Published December 17, 2021

Digitization of Adsorption Isotherms from "The Thermodynamics and Hysteresis of Adsorption"
Daniel W. Siderius
Published December 16, 2021

An Analysis of an Inventory of Community Resilience Frameworks
Jarrod Loerzel and Maria Dillard
Published October 20, 2021

Translator from Extended SysML to Physical Interaction and Signal Flow Simulation Platforms, Version 1.1
Raphael Barbau, Conrad Bock, Mehdi Dadfarnia
Published September 22, 2021

Atomic Model Structure of the NIST Monoclonal Antibody (NISTmAb) Reference Material
Christina Bergonzo and D. Travis Gallagher
Published July 15, 2021

Dataset from HDX-MS Studies of IgG1 Glycoforms and Their Interactions with the FcγRIa (CD64) Receptor
Kyle W. Anderson, Kerry Scott, Ioannis L. Karageorgos, Elyssia S. Gallagher, Venkata S. Tayi, Michael Butler, Jeffrey W. Hudgens
Published June 17, 2021

In Situ Thermography During Laser Powder Bed Fusion of a Nickel Superalloy 625 Artifact with Various Overhangs and Supports
Benjamin Molnar, Jarred C. Heigel, Eric Whitenton
Published March 12, 2021


AbsorbanceQ: An App for Generating Absorbance Images from Brightfield Images
Stephen M. Zimmerman, Carl G. Simon, Jr., Greta Babakhanova
Published January 4, 2022

The NMR Spectral Measurement Database: A System for Organizing and Accessing NMR Spectra of Therapeutic Proteins
Niksa Blonder and Frank Delaglio
Published December 16, 2021

Optbayesexpt: Sequential Bayesian Experiment Design for Adaptive Measurements
Robert D. McMichael, Sean M. Blakley, Sergey Dushenko
Published February 3, 2021


A Review of Models for Heat Transfer in Steel and Concrete Members During Fire
Dilip K. Banerjee
Published October 22, 2021

DNA Origami Design: A How-To Tutorial
Jacob M. Majikes and J. Alexander Liddle
Published January 8, 2021