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P.S. I Like You

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Signed, sealed, delivered…

While spacing out in chemistry class, Lily scribbles some of her favorite song lyrics onto her desk. The next day, she finds that someone has continued the lyrics on the desk and added a message to her. Intrigue!

Soon, Lily and her anonymous pen pal are exchanging full-on letters—sharing secrets, recommending bands, and opening up to each other. Lily realizes she’s kind of falling for this letter writer. Only, who is he? As Lily attempts to unravel the mystery and juggle school, friends, crushes, and her crazy family, she discovers that matters of the heart can’t always be spelled out…

329 pages, Hardcover

First published July 26, 2016

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About the author

Kasie West

27 books18.3k followers
I write YA and adult romance novels. I eat chocolate cinnamon bears. Sometimes I go crazy and do both at the same time. A few of my works are: SUNKISSED, PS I LIKE YOU, MOMENT OF TRUTH, WE MET LIKE THIS, and more. My agent is the talented and funny Michelle Wolfson.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 8,553 reviews
Profile Image for Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘.
876 reviews4,152 followers
February 15, 2021


"If only there was a way to transport letters faster, through some sort of electronic device that codes messages and sends them through the air. But that’s just crazy talk."

Several times during my read I asked myself, "what would it take for P.S. I Like You to reach a 4.5/5 stars?" and in all honesty, I don't think it could, no matter how cute some parts were. Now, I'm all for rating a novel according to its genre, but where am I supposed to put Kasie West books? In YA contemporary? Sure! Then they can't - and will never - compete with the raw honesty and the avalanche of feelings I associate with some of my favorites : Please Ignore Vera Dietz, On the Jellicoe Road, Raw Blue, to name a few.

Truth is, P.S. I Like You put a smile on my face and was well, cute, but I cannot hide how unmemorable it is.

Fact #1 : I've read all of Kasie West's books and I've never come across a female lead like Lily, which is to say, the typical quirky girl with weird self-made clothes and notebooks. The tomboy, the popular girl, absolutely. Not the artist.

Fact #2 : Yet I've read my fair share of YA novels, and Lily doesn't bring anything different in the sea of female leads. She likes music, makes (false) assumptions about people, is convinced that no guy would take an interest in her, fantasizes about this crooked-smiling, earbuds-addict guy with cool hair, has one and only friend because people suck (or something). When it comes to analyze someone else's actions, she's blind, but aren't we all? I mean, TEENAGER 101, anyone? I don't necessarily complain upfront about stereotypes, because sometimes they can be twisted to add something more to a story. Let's just say that it wasn't the case in P.S. I Like You.

Fact #3 : Lily's family is what I like the most about her, but it may be because it is so relatable to me. A four children family and general messiness? It was my playground. Anyone who grew up in a family of six and who looks blank when confronted with the concept of a one child room will easily understand what she goes through. Her family is weird, crazy, annoying, roll-eyes worthy, yet so lovable, with a special award for Bugs Rabbit XD

As for the love interest, given the fact that it's supposed to be a "surprise" (come on, I knew who it was on page 6 - more on that later), I won't say his name but he was pretty great, if completely forgettable. I know, I know, I am harsh, but really : no matter how much he made me smile, mark my words : I will have forgotten his name next week. I just know it.

Look, I'm all for pen pals and stuff, as it's a plot which usually really works for me. Yet if I accept having doubts, I still ask for the story to keep its mystery, at least a little. Take Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, for example. I loved that I did not know if I was right until the very end.

P.S. I Like You, though? I knew who her "mysterious" penpal was almost instantly, and every time a new event occurred, the threads were always so thick that I felt like I was only waiting for what I already knew to happen. Granted, the story mostly revolved around Lily's romance with ***, and romance novels are always all kinds of predictable. Yet it annoyed me because given that I knew who it was, I couldn't help but feel the urge to skim through all the useless scenes with other boys. Just, nope. I didn't care, and it awfully felt like filler for me.

As for the romance, I cannot deny that Lily and *** shared a great chemistry and that I rooted for them to get together from the beginning. They made me smile, especially when they were writing to each other. But I cannot deny either that something was missing, or perhaps I'm finally too old for this kind of cute, kissing book. Maybe. See, it was adorable to see them getting to know each other, but it lacked some tension and character development in my opinion.

Finally, the music part felt flat and contrived, and rather useless. It's as if YA contemporaries had to incorporate some kind of artistic vibes, without needing them to add something to the story. I'm quite tired of this.

It's no surprise that Kasie West's writing is addictive and smile-inducing. Her books, how flawed they can be, always manage to make me happy, even if my feelings stay superficial. However, if I really appreciated the letters, the dialogues didn't flow as well. Although they were often funny, they sounded fake and I forced myself to adapt and ignore the stiffness - or rather, the fakeness. Yes that's a thing.

All in all a cute but unmemorable novel. I would still recommend it to anyone who needs to smile.

For more of my reviews, please visit:
Profile Image for Jaime Arkin.
1,445 reviews1,366 followers
November 23, 2015
Can I ask a serious question? How does Kasie West do it… how does she manage to make me love each story she writes more than the last? I torture myself by reading them as soon as I can get my hands on them, which in turn makes me just have to wait even longer for the next, but I seriously can’t even help myself.

This book isn’t out until July of 2016… yes I said July 2016. That’s half a year away, and still, I didn’t even care. As soon as it was loaded onto my kindle app, I pull this beauty up and dove in.

I mean… I love a lot of books. I just do. I’m an emotional reader so I tend to click with stories where I can relate to the characters and Kasie just manages to write the most realistic and fun characters around.

Lily doesn’t fit in with the popular kids at school… she’s a bit quirky and definitely unique, focused less on the labels attached to her clothing and more on her creative side and trying to get her words to form a song or two. She’s a self-taught guitar player who dreams of writing music that means something to people, but in the meantime, she struggles through Chemistry and dealing with her overwhelming family.

After writing one of her favorite bands lyrics on her desk in chemistry, she comes to class the next day only to find out that someone else in the school actually has good taste in music and has left her a message. One thing leads to another and she’s suddenly got a ‘pen pal’ in class that she ends up sharing more with than she does her best friend. As days and weeks pass, Lily finds herself wondering just who she might be clicking with. It’s not hard to figure out you guys… I mean there are quite a few indicators, and the summary isn’t stealthy about it at all but who the heck cares… it was so fun!!

Cade and Lily hate each other. Like HATE HATE each other. Their hate even came between Lily’s best friend’s relationship with Cade a couple years ago and culminated with a hated nickname he happened to give her that just happened to stick through the years.

Cade is the complete opposite from Lily if everything is to be believed… perfect family, perfect house, perfect friends… but sometimes it’s easy to put up a front and as Lily learns who she’s connecting with via words and shared secrets she quickly finds that maybe Cade isn’t really the self-assured guy he shows everyone.

I love Love / Hate relationship stories… the way the characters build that thin line that’s always present and gah… it’s just perfection. So after seeing the author name, the summary was next to catch my attention. Kasie always does an amazing job of building the connection between characters before having them ‘hook up’ in any way, and she does that really wonderfully here again. I absolutely love that these two are complete opposites in Every. Single. Way. Only to have them come together over words and thoughts … it was just lovely.

I have to mention Lily’s family too, because they are a huge part of this story… no matter how messy or crazy or insane things were, it was so fun to see the traditions, to see them talk things out, to see them help each other… real live, wonderful families are so rare in YA that getting to see one is like Halley’s Comet- they only appear once every 75 years or so. (okay so I exaggerate a bit)

It’s entirely possible that this might just be my favorite Kasie West book after reading, but then, I’ll probably change my mind once I reread her others … Is it okay to just say that I love them all equally and want to drown in her stories and words forever?

If this one isn’t on your radar, put it there now! You’re going to absolutely love it when it arrives… in 7 months. OMG I’M SO SORRY FOR TEASING! I promise I’ll be waiting here with you because I’ll definitely be rereading this one as soon as it hits shelves!

P.S. I like you Kasie... but you already know that :)
Profile Image for Rachel E. Carter.
Author 8 books3,588 followers
January 27, 2023
BEST. KASIE. BOOK. YET. ALL THE YESSSSES. I have major book hangover now. I haven't had this bad of one in a long time. This book was SO. EFFING. GOOD.


I can't make it stop.
Please don't let it stop.
You have me under your spell.
If you knew me as well.
You would make it stop.
I can't let it stop.

Guys, I cheated. I told myself I was going to finish The Raven Boys first, but nope. I got an email alert that this precious coming out and I lasted, errr, a little over 24 hours before I broke down and bought/read immediately.... And naturally I lost sleep and didn't stop for air until it was done.

I.am.not.joking.best.Kasie.book.yet. I am going through major withdrawals right now. This book Kasie gave me the trope I've been dying for her to use (the love-hate thing), and she added in a bonus one (anonymous letters, and who doesn't love the confusion and emotional turmoil that follows those). When I started it was easy to guess who would be the love interest the second he was introduced, just because if a character is mentioned a lot there is usually a reason. But yea, who cares if it's predictable? I was totally reading this baby for the tension, the beautiful TENSION that Kasie does oh-so-well. My only fault with her is that I always want more steamy moments and she keeps the romance very PG. But you know what? The tension is bloody divine so I forgive her.
"--- couldn't be my pen pal.
He couldn't.
--- was an insensitive, selfish, arrogant jerk."

>> (Seriously guys, you wondering why this is my favorite Kasie book, you know how much I adore love-hate stories)
"So you think I'm hot."
"Doesn't every girl?"
It surprised me when his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. I wasn't sure why that embarrassed him in any way. I was positive he already knew it. He ran one hand through his hair. Then he said, almost too quiet for me to hear, "You're not every girl."

My reaction every time a certain someone appeared on page (but really when you read you'll know, if you follow my reviews you will guess immediately because I have a very obvious "type" of love interest:


GAH. SO FREAKING GOOD. and I can't even write a halfway decent review because of all my rabid fangirlisms. And that flipping ending. The part where he reads her his part of letter when he confronts her. Dear, sweet lawd. Kasie seriously upped her game with this book guys. I expected this to be good, I mean, Kasie can't write a bad book, she just can't, but this was so much more. It beat out all her others for me. Go. Read it. It's worth it, and trust me, you want this book in your life. Quite possibly to make beautiful book babies with.
Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,618 reviews11.2k followers
December 13, 2023
*Reread 2023

***Old 2016 Review****

My August OwlCrate Box!

My August OwlCrate Box!:

I fell right in love with this book. It was so sweet and sometimes it's nice to read something sweet.

Lily writes in her notebook at all times. She writes lyrics for songs and other random things. But she wants to write a song and play it on her guitar. And she's really stoked when she sees a competition for a music competition in the newspaper.

Songwriting Competition. Earn five thousand dollars and a three-week intensive with a top professor at Herberger Institute for Music. Visit our website for more details!


Lily has a best friend named Isabel and they are great together. I like their friendship even though Isabel is always trying to set Lily up with someone. Lily has a little boy crush on a hottie named Lucas and she also has an arch nemesis named Cade who used to date Isabel. That relationship didn't last long because he was a jerk.

Every day Lily writes possible song lyrics in her special notebook during chemistry. After her teacher busts her she can't write in her notebook any more. Oh, the agony of trying to pay attention in chemistry. One day she writes some lyrics to her favorite band on the desk. The next day someone wrote back and then they are off writing notes and hiding them under the desk. It's really sweet because for the first time both of them can open up to another person and talk about their lives, which in some cases, are not that great. And they seem to have this great chemistry <-- No pun intended.

Lily has a crazy home life. She has an older sister who is in college but lives at home and shares a room with Lily. She has two younger brothers, crazy parents, and a rabbit that has made his way into their home. They never have enough money but they all love each other dearly.

I love how the relationship slowly becomes more between Lily and her secret penpal. There is no insta anything (which doesn't bother me) but two people becoming friends and then finding things about each other that goes much deeper. To share the heartaches and dreams with someone unknown.

And then . . .

they find out who the other is and it's pretty obvious through-out the book but that doesn't matter to me. It was still pretty sweet.

The story does have a happy ending but I really wish we could have seen Lily at the competition, I know the song she wrote was a winner! And now she has love to go along with it. ♥

Thank you book for all of the feel good feelings. Well, accept when people were being jerks =)

MY BLOG: Melissa Martin's Reading List
Profile Image for Lala BooksandLala.
552 reviews73.6k followers
February 7, 2017
This seems to be most of my friends' least favourite Kasie West book, but it's totally my favourite. This storyline just worked for me.
Profile Image for Anne.
4,501 reviews70.4k followers
October 14, 2019
I bought this one for my daughter (<--target audience, btw) at a book fair and then decided to check it out for myself. Because I'm nosey.
It was cute.

The gist is that there's this artsy girl who modifies thrift shop clothes, listens to indie rock bands, and doesn't realize that she's pretty. And like all artsy girls, she has a notebook filled with dreams, doodles, and lyrics she desperately wants to turn into a meaningful song - which she carries around with her all the time. She's unflinchingly loyal to her one friend in the world because her artsiness and non-mainstream clothes keep all the normies from liking her.


Then you have the popular jock-boy who hides his secret pain with humor that is willfully misunderstood by the angsty indie girl and her guitar.


True puppy love ensues.


And maybe it sounds like I didn't like this cliche riddled story, but that's not true! Started it last night, finished it this afternoon. This was exactly what was advertised and I quite enjoyed it. Formulas aren't necessarily a bad thing, especially when those formulas make you smile. This was the kind of adorable teenage fluff that I would gladly shove at my kids. And I definitely wouldn't mind grabbing more of this author's stuff for myself in the future, either.
Profile Image for B .
614 reviews952 followers
August 23, 2021
“Words brought us together though they almost kept us apart.
You trusted me with your secrets and then you stole my heart.”

~Rating- 4 stars~

Content/ Trigger Warnings- Bulling, Child neglect

P.S. I Like You by Kasie West is a cute, clean contemporary romance with a simple plot.

During her chemistry class, Lilly scribbles some of her favourite song lyrics onto her desk, only for someone to write back. She and her anonymous pen-pal start recommending bands, opening up to each other an sharing secrets. Lilly soon realizes that she is falling for the letter writer, but will she discover who it is and confess her feelings?

“Sometimes I wish I were passionate about something real. Something I knew I could succeed in. Right now all my dreams are a little far-fetched.”

I liked the plot of the book. It was very, very predictable, but believe me when I say in that in April 2021, when I read this book, I desperately needed to read such a book.

I would describe P.S. I Like You as cuteness overloaded. It is smile-inducing It may not make your heart-hammer, or keep you at the edge of your seat, but it will leave you with this unexplainable kind of everlasting happiness. It will fill you with joy and then you will feel an impeding urge to read more books by Kasie West to fill that void and feel even more happy.

Sounds a bit too much? It's true, at least this is what happened with me, and my friend Trisha with whom I buddy read it, and now we are both binging Kasie West's books! The primary reason for this feeling is the writing, which was very easy to follow along with.

“I get too self-conscious. Especially about things that mean a lot to me. I feel like if I hold things close, never share, then I never give anyone the opportunity to judge me.”

The characters of this book were alright. They in a way felt like teenage stereotypes- awkward teenage girl who's into music, bubbly best friend, etc. Now such things usually annoy me a lot in books, but surprisingly it worked out here.

In short, P.S. I Like You was a good read. The only reason I had decided to read P.S. I Like You was because I realized contemporary is a genre I rarely pick up, and contemporary romance is a genre I almost never pick up, and so I had asked for recommendations (I'm still open to more!) and my friend Nimrat recommended this book to me. Thank you to her for that!

This book strongly reminded me of Letters to the Lost by Brigid Kemmerer, which if you know me is my favorite books of all time and I gave death threats to recommended people to pick it up, and they all loved it.

So if you loved this book, READ Letters to the Lost and if you loved Letters to the Lost READ this book. I am 99% sure you will love both. And if for some reason you haven't read either of them, you better read it soon. *glares*

Thank you to Trisha for buddy reading it with me! (Click on the link for her review)

“You claim you want to be heard.
So you write your hollow words.
You fill your life with deception.
Because it’s all about perception.
The world sees you one way.
And they listen to all you say.
You crave their attention.
To feed your addiction.
You have two sides.
Two faces.
You’re trying to hide.
In two places.”

Audiobook Comments-

The audiobook was well narrated. Would highly recommend it. :)

DISCLAIMER- All opinions on books I’ve read and reviewed are my own, and are with no intention to offend anyone. If you feel offended by my reviews, let me know how I can fix it.

How I Rate-
1 star- Hardly liked anything/ was disappointed
2 star- Had potential but did not deliver/ was disappointed
3 stars- Was ok but could have been better/ was average / Enjoyed a lot but something was missing
4 stars- Loved a lot but something was missing
5 stars- Loved it/ new favourite


Update- 12th May 2021

Lowering my rating to 4 stars.
It was still very good, but after some thinking I realised it's not a 5 star for me... BUT still 100% recommend it.

Working on the review now!





Review to come
Profile Image for Hailey (Hailey in Bookland).
614 reviews85k followers
April 14, 2017
Honestly this book just did nothing for me. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it. It just "was" I guess. It's hard to describe my feelings toward it because I really don't have any feelings for it. I just think this wasn't the Kasie West book for me. Oh well! I definitely want to try other books by her, especially her upcoming release.
July 11, 2016

*4.5 Stars*

"So you think I'm hot?"
"Doesn't every girl?"
It surprised me when his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. I wasn't sure why that embarrassed him in any way. I was positive he already knew it. He ran one hand through his hair. Then he said, almost too quiet for me to hear, "You're not every girl."

I find it just so strange that I had never read a Kasie West novel until late last summer. Seriously-It’s so hard to find YA contemporary authors that make such a large range of people happy, that continue to produce cute, funny, witty, and memorable stories, and that do it well. I had personally never heard of her, and then one of my best friends is like…are you kidding? Do you live under a rock?? READ HER NOW! So I picked up The Distance Between Us (Still my favorite Kasie West yet) and fell HARD. Who could resist Xander? Who I ask? WHO?

If only there was a way to transport letters faster, through some sort of electronic device that codes messages and sends them through the air. But that's just crazy talk.

So here I am almost one year later, eagerly awaiting her next release. As soon as I ran out of her books (it was very quick lol) I was desperate for more. I can’t say she’s my absolute favorite author-that would be a lie-but what I can say is that she is an author I have come to admire and that I always look forward to reading. For instance, the minute this book was announced, I immediately had it on my TBR and let all of my friends know. And you can just tell how obsessed and loyal all her fans are. It’s so crazy! And the thing is…I truly truly had never heard of her.

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But now I have, and what I’ve read is nothing but impressive. So here we are, sitting and anticipating her next release-A cute little story about two students who both feel like they are missing something in their lives…and seem to find and express themselves through the words of their favorite bands. What was meant to be just a release one day in chemistry for Lily becomes an instant connection between two people who are desperate for someone to hear them. It begins as a game, a playful flirtation that happens by chance in a boring chemistry class. But, as the days go by, it blossoms into something they look forward to and think about every single night long after the lights have gone out….and turns into something far deeper than they ever thought possible.

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I was both equally in love with this book and disappointed by it. And I know that sounds so crazy, what with my extremely high rating, but I am so torn on this one. On the one hand, I’ve seen this done before-and it was done WAY better. I’m sorry, I adore Kasie West, but that other novel is one of my favorites of all time and it had way more, I don’t know, heart. I’m not saying this wasn’t done well…but on the pen pal aspect, I felt myself strangely detached-and it wasn’t until I was done that I realized I wanted that same intensity I felt from my favorite and this didn’t get one tenth as deep as that. So, this aspect was an extreme let down for me-And I wasn’t even trying to compare.

Words brought us together though they almost kept us apart.
You trusted me with your secrets and then you stole my heart.

And I’m sorry to be focusing on the negatives first, but I’d rather be salty and then sweet-I find it leaves a better taste in my mouth to end on a happy, high note. I had two other problems and one bothered me more than the other, if I’m being honest. I was a tad bored in the middle because the pen pal trope got a little bit stale, in my opinion. That's a small part of my disappointment. But, no, my largest peeve, and I’m sad to say this, was the main character.

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I know, I know-I almost NEVER dislike the main girl, but for some reason I have been increasingly pickier with my female leads. Lily was…I liked Lily at first, ya know? But then I saw how judgmental she was…ON PURPOSE. She wasn’t simply just a snarky teenager, she made herself be that way. And I didn’t realize until the final page just how deeply her attitude had affected me. I adored how much she loved her family-it’s what my friend and I loved most about her. But then I saw how she reacted to said pen pal…it wasn’t enough that this person was a kindred spirit. It wasn’t enough that this person was miserable on the inside. It didn’t matter. All she saw was what she wanted to see, and even when said person proved they broke the mold of her pretentious expectations, she still pushed, fought, and clawed to keep things where it kept her comfortable. So she wanted to pigeonhole someone… but was indignant when she thought that others were doing the same to her. This really just…grr. This did NOT please me.

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And I told my friend this…That I just couldn’t get past her bias. And my friend Anna said-‘Yeah, I get that. But teenagers are like that. They can be judgmental. I’m used to it.’ And it really bothered me long after-Was I being too harsh? And I finally decided...no, no I wasn’t. I love books where the heroines are unreasonable- I just couldn’t get past this one for whatever reason. She bothered me, plain and simple…and it was probably the largest reason I couldn’t fall head over heels for this story.

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But enough of that. I have so many positive things to say about this. Like, how about the fact that after 50-60% I Could. Not. Put. This. Down. It became everything I’ve expected of a Kasie West novel and made me so badly wish that I’d had that connection from the very beginning. Imagine it like this:

Part one: Cute introduction where the plot is set into play and we get to know all our quirky characters

Part two: Pen pal plot drags a little, I begin to lose a little interest in Lily’s attitude and story

Part three: TOTAL transformation where the plot finally expands and we truly connect to the pen pal and our main character (well...you know what I mean). This part was 100% a 5. Things ACTUALLY happen and it feels like an actual story with a flow and a final destination.

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And let me be clear-Had this whole story been like that last 40%, this would have been my absolute favorite Kasie West book (Probably). I just…I can’t explain how a complete lack of connection, focus, and butterflies turned into IMMEDIATE butterflies that are so forceful and so out of nowhere that I couldn't breathe. I’m not kidding. It’s like…okay, it’s like the Beast roller coaster at King’s Island (LOVE LOVE LOVE)-It’s a great coaster okay, but then you get to the final third of the coaster and there are all these wooden tunnels that make you go underground-ish and they are pitch black and you feel as if you are going 1000 times faster and, on the first turn into the first tunnel, your head whips to left so fast you can’t handle it-but you love it and it takes you completely by surprise as you laugh and scream and hold onto your partner for dear life. And, by the end, you have the biggest smile on your face and can't contain the good feels and your extreme excitement. It was just like that. Literally-Feels out of nowhere.

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And I know I haven’t mentioned my main man WHO I AM OBSESSED WITH…but I don’t think I can because it’s a spoiler...is it, though? Is it not obvious? Okay, anyway, I can’t say his name, and I can’t really say much about him or it will make it even more obvious, and I can’t particularly claim he’s above Xander (maybe right below?), but just know that I absolutely loved him. He was an extremely kind, caring, and butterfly-inducing cutie. Misunderstood, if you will. But stop me now, I’m sure I’ve said too much. Whatever, sorry, it’s just so damn hard for me not to say his name and gush and cry like a fangirl professing her love and ah I am just a goner. But, alas, I guess you’ll have to meet him for yourself, unfortunately.

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So, anyway, it may seem like I was mostly down on this book...but that’s not the case. I just wanted people to understand why this isn’t a 5 when I’ve rated her others that way. So many stories win me over in the end (a million jump into my mind) and become a forever favorite and a five star. But when I struggled to love this story from the beginning and found that it paled in comparison to my lovelies, The Fill-In Boyfriend and The Distance Between Us, I can’t objectively and fairly give a five for this story. I finished, was smiling so big it’s unreal, proclaimed my love of it to my friend, and said I had to give it a five…but then I slept on it and realized that it didn’t feel right to give it that rating, that it wasn’t a forever favorite, and it it had too many issues I couldn't get over. So, I decided to rate highly...because the amount of giddiness and happiness I felt for the final third of the story can’t be overlooked-but it didn’t surpass her other novels and needed to be rated thusly. This rating, while a little disheartening to me for KW, feels right and truly says what I want it to say: While this book had it’s issues, it was fun, addicting, butterfly-inducing, and brought the largest smile to my face. P.S. is a good time, if not a little forgettable, and it will take you away from reality and make you feel better about yourself. It will make you happier, if only for the length of the novel. And, really, what else can you ask for?

**ARC provided by Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review**

For more of my reviews, please visit:


Alright guys...I'm guna be frank. My favorite thing about this book?? AGHHHHH MY BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY....he winssssss. Okay. Phew. Glad I got that out of the way. The boy was everything. He was the pitter-patter in my heart. The butterflies in my belly. He was the smile on my face and the driving force behind my high rating for this book.

Spongebob photo kijkhygtfr_zpsusdvumm0.gif

Because, frankly? This wasn't my favorite Kasie West novel. And I couldn't quite put my finger on why until this morning:

Spoiler alert?

I hated the MC.

Sorry not sorry.

Profile Image for Maureen.
584 reviews4,172 followers
January 4, 2017
4.5/5 stars

This book contains my least favorite trope but it's done SO WELL and with just enough to counter balance it that I loved it?? Was not expecting that. I really REALLY REALLY liked this book for a lot of reasons. The characters were fantastic, especially the main character. I loved the romance in this book because it wasn't insta-love. It took a bit to develop and come about, and even then it still took a little longer. LOVE ME SOME (kind of) SLOW BURN. The whole plot and premise are so fun and really intriguing from the start, it's the perfect mix of a lot of different elements.
The things I didn't like were the pacing of the ending (everything seemed to move a little too fast) and I would've loved a *touch* more development for the side characters, though it's hard to do in a book this short. It's not to say that they weren't well developed, but I think it could've been done a little more.
Overall a SUPER fun contemporary that I really enjoyed and read in essentially one plane ride. I could NOT put it down!
Profile Image for Irena BookDustMagic.
698 reviews870 followers
October 2, 2019
This was amazing!
I really finished it in a day and enjoyed it the whole time!

Before reading:

I am so happy I have this book and the rest of Sunday to read it!
I plan to devour it!!!

Profile Image for sreeja.
65 reviews365 followers
November 13, 2018
I like my books cheesy and cute and fluffy sometimes and this was just the perfect one. I am honestly so pleasantly surprised right now and I just need a moment to gather all my feels.
ALSO its official: I love Kasie West’s writings& I’m ready to read everything and anything by her
The plot obviously pulled me in first. The whole premise is so adorable. Kind of like You’ve Got Mail I guess (which makes me love it even more). SO Lily starts writing on her desk one day because she’s bored during Chemistry (relatable btw) and someone answers back. And the whole concept was so sweet. The way Lily managed to get to know you-know-who was so adorable.
The family aspects and friendship was beautiful and I really want more Kasie West right now.

OK BUT the characters firstly were so amazing let me just cry here.
I love her character so much. She was funny, witty and just a ton of fun to follow. Also her love for music played a huge role in her character and it was so refreshing and sweet to follow. Her love for music and being inside her brain as she looked for inspiration for her songs and finally gained courage to show it to the world was so much fun. Her relationships with her family is honestly the best and it was so fun to see her interact with her little brothers (who are the sweetest things every okay).
I LOVE THIS GUY. Honestly I don’t know what to really say about Cade except that he’s adorable and cliché but I don’t care okay he is perfect. He was so sweet and supportive and I can’t say anything except that I love him. A lot.
Honestly I’m kind of a mess and from here so it’s just going to get messy and I’m just going to list all the stuff in this book I loved:
a) The “evil rabbit” named bugs rabbit which likes to pee on unsuspecting people
b) The adorable brothers of Lily who are so cute ohmy
c) Ashley (her sister) and Lily’s relationship #goals
d) Lily’s entire family and how messy and real they are
e) How competitive Lily’s parents are because LOL same
f) The whole note exchanging thing is so pure
g) The fact that Lily and you-know-who bond through music
h) Lily& her best friend’s relationship
i) The fact that you-know-who likes kids and is so good to Wyatt
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Look guys if you just want to feel all them feels this is the book for it okay. It’s so cute and it will definitely lift you off a slump.
Profile Image for Aj the Ravenous Reader.
1,123 reviews1,166 followers
February 1, 2024

SSSSSWWWWOOONN!!I That was all sorts of adorable. I can’t even. I think this is officially my favorite Kasie West novel and I’m so glad that I decided to reread this, gladder that it was so much better than the first time I read it. I can’t believe how I easily wrote this off the first time as some clichéd romantic comedy because this was quite very well written and despite the familiar elements, letter writing, anonymity and stuff, it came off quite very original.

It also helps a lot how closely I could relate with Lily - always awkward and self-deprecatingly funny.

“You thought my awkwardness was from preconceived plans to be awkward?”

“Yeah, that’s me, the girl whose social life makes everyone feel better about theirs.”

I also love the part where she loves to write song lyrics and actually plays the guitar while also designing unusual but really cool outfits. Her family is the best and there are so many moments in their home that simply warmed my heart like I could practically picture visiting the Abbott’s home myself, picking which is the better pie or necklace (the one by her dad or her mom?), meeting her siblings especially the “Things” (Wyatt and Jonah) and even taking a peek on Bugs Rabbit’s cage especially the special one Lily’s dad designed.

Lily’s friendship with Isabel is perfect. I love their honesty and loyalty with each other, how they always watched each other’s backs and how much understanding they have for each other. It’s really the best.

Best of all, the romance! The anonymous letter writing is amazing. It’s mysterious, adventurous, really funny and it gave a glimpse to who the main characters are really including the parts of themselves they try to hide from others. The connection between Lily and this super cute guy (I wouldn’t mention his name for the benefit of those who haven’t read this yet) is truly adorbs. I kept swooning and never rolled my eyes, not even once and that, I believe, merits five shining stars! LoL!


3.5 stars

I honestly didn’t think I’ll end up liking the novel because the first few chapters didn’t do much for me. I wasn’t instantly captivated and I wasn’t that eager to keep reading during the first few chapters. But then came the letter exchanges and I was in. The main characters’ true personalities shone through their words and I eventually fell for both of them. Also, who am I kidding? It’s Kasie West, instantly garnering the novel half a star.

But as much as I liked the novel, I honestly don’t think a Kasie West book deserves five stars because they’re consistently predictable, clichéd, fluffy, sometimes too fluffy but to me, they’re the perfect laid-back reads you can bring with you while are on a vacation which I was and I totally enjoyed it.
Profile Image for jv poore.
665 reviews239 followers
January 3, 2024
This is such a sweet story—not so your teeth hurt--it’s perfectly sweet. First and foremost: I love the Abbott family. I want to dive into their home and be submersed in the fresh, awesome, oddness. Each quirky, yet quintessential, sibling provides poignant texture, interacting individually and collectively with Lily. Her competition-loving, compassionate parents are perfectly embarrassing and absolutely adorable. Also, there is a rescued “pet” rabbit.

I adore Lily. She’s who I wanted to be as a teenager. Her most awkward teen-aged moment is exponentially cooler than any of mine. It is effortless to relate to, empathize with and understand her. She is “learning lessons” that I learned, but sometimes forget. The reminders are welcome and appreciated.

There is also the something-different-that-I-totally-dig-aspect: putting a pencil to your desktop, jotting a note or song lyric to maintain sanity and/or a state of semi-awareness during class, only to be stunned when another student responds in kind. I remember trading notes via the top of my desk with an anonymous person in my 8th grade Literature class (sorry, Mr. Leach). So, no surprise, I’m stupidly delighted and charmed to find a book basing a pretty groovy relationship on such a simple start. Particularly impressive, Ms. West presents a spot-on, classic-yet-credible, way of communicating without feeling the need to mute or explain away today’s textmania.

This was a one-sitting-read that I really enjoyed. The mini-mystery to determine who Lily’s pen pal is warranted a close look and careful consideration of the characters. Although cute and quick, this isn’t the cotton candy of reading—there is a Mean Girl and her role is not gratuitous and the importance of being a good friend cannot be overstated. My copy is going to my 13-year-old niece and I’m sure I’ll donate another copy to my Middle Grader’s classroom library. I really like this book for the Middle-Grade reader looking for a love story.

This review was written for Buried Under Books by jv poore.
Profile Image for Ishmeen.
419 reviews154 followers
July 12, 2018
So cute!!! Can’t believe I binged this ahhh this was just what I needed ❤️ Definitely going to check out more Kasie West books when I’m in need of some serious fluff 😌
Profile Image for Stacee.
2,925 reviews749 followers
June 28, 2016
Of course it was perfect, it's Kasie.

I legit shoved a friend out of the way when I saw this gorgeous thing on the shelf at my local indie, so of course I was going to read it ASAP.

Lily is a great MC. I loved how much she loves music and writing lyrics. Her family was fun {all of those contests and voting had me cackling} and her little brothers were adorable.

I love love love the idea of secret pen pals and letters and this was just perfection. Kasie threw in a couple of mild twists I wasn't expecting, but had me grinning like a loon the entire time. Obviously I would have wanted more, because I always do, but the ending was sweet and just what I wanted.
Profile Image for Jasmine from How Useful It Is.
1,566 reviews371 followers
June 14, 2017
About: P.S. I Like You is a young adult contemporary written by Kasie West. It was published on 7/26/16 by Point, an imprint of Scholastic Inc, hardcover, 336 pages. The genres are fiction, romance, young adult, and contemporary. This book is intended for readers ages 12 and up, grades 7 and up.

My Experience: I started reading P.S. I Like You on 6/3/17 and finished it on 6/12/17. Though if time were in my favor, I would have read this book in two days! I love LOVE reading this book! It’s just so cute and right up my alley!! I love old fashioned letter writing. I love the mystery of the secret love admirer. I love books that makes me smile and the banter in this book is too irresistible not to laugh! I love unique characters with a passion. I especially admire how much Lily can do with little of what she has. She has less money, little quiet time, and more family obligations, yet, she able to self-taught herself to play the guitar and save up to buy the instrument on her own.

“Mr. Otega banned my notebook from class.”
“Uh-oh. How are you going to live without one of your limbs?”
“I don’t know, and in Chemistry of all classes. How can anyone be expected to listen in there?”
“I like Chemistry.”
“Let me rephrase that. How can any normal person be expected to listen in there?”
“Are you calling yourself normal?”
I bowed my head, conceding her the win. p4

In this book, readers will follow the point of view of Lily Abbott, a high school senior aspire to become a songwriter and a self-taught guitarist. She’s always jotting down words and phrases for potential songs in her notebook wherever she walks and especially in Chemistry class because who likes Chemistry anyway? When the teacher, Mr. Otega caught her not paying attention, he banned her from writing in her notebook. When her favorite song runs through her mind, she jots down a line of the lyric on her desk. To her surprise, the next day in Chemistry class, she finds someone else had written down the next verse right below hers. More notes exchanged that turned into letters tucked under the desk. Chemistry becomes a class Lily looks forward to, until she runs an errand during her student aid period for a teacher to Mr. Otega’s class and discovers who has been responding to her letters, she gets the shock of her life.

“Are you stalking me now?”
“I was just trying to be helpful. It’s who I am.”
“You should reevaluate your definition of help.”
“To assist, to save, to be handsome. I think I have them all.”
“Pretty sure you only possess the one that doesn’t even fit the definition.”
“I’m glad you think I’m handsome, Lily. I always knew you did.” p96

This book is beautifully written! I can’t get enough of Lily’s family. I love her parents’ voting requirement. I love their chaos at home and how they take care of each other. Lily is a great character and I like that she stays true to herself. She shops at the thrift store and modifies her clothes to how she likes them. She knows she’s different but she doesn’t change herself to look like others even when they make fun of her. I like her quick ways of getting to know David by asking him his 10 points. This book has so much humor and I can’t stop smiling when I read. I love the banter between Lily and Cade Jennings. I love Lily’s friendship with Isabel and their morning routine. The song Lily wrote, oh so cute!! I love reading a cute love story and this book has it all! I highly recommend everyone to read this book! You won’t be disappointed!

Pro: old fashioned hand written letters, humor, fast paced, page turner, couldn’t put down, suspense, mystery secret admirer, banter, cute romance, friendship, family dynamic,

Con: none

I rate it 5 stars!

***Disclaimer: Many thanks to Scholastic for the opportunity to read and review. Please be assured that my opinions are honest.

Jasmine at www.howusefulitis.wordpress.com for a detailed review
Profile Image for Christy.
4,338 reviews35.4k followers
October 10, 2018
4 stars!!

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I am bound and determined to read all of Kasie West's books. I have been on a YA kick lately and after reading a few of them, I realize how much I love her style. P.S. I Love You was a sweet YA romance and even though it was a bit predictable, I enjoyed it lots.

Lily is a high school student, sister to 3 siblings and 2 fun-loving parents, and a song writer. Chemistry is her arch nemesis, along with Cade, her best friend's ex. One day during Chemistry she scribbles some song lyrics from one of her favorite indie bands on her desk. When she's back in Chemistry, someone else has added to the lyrics. Lily and this mystery student become pen pals and confidants. This person becomes her solace and one of the things she looks most forward to in her day to day life.

I guessed pretty early on who this mystery person was, and I think most people will as well, but it didn't take away my enjoyment of the story. I LOVED LOVED LOVED our leading man. He was 100% book boyfriend material. Lily was likable most of the time, though there were times she irked me. What I loved most about her was her relationship with her family.

This book was adorable. It was witty, fun, and sweet. I loved the characters and the ending. Like most YA books, I only wish we got more at the end. Overall, I really enjoyed listening to this book. The audio was great and I recommend it to anyone looking for a contemporary YA.
Profile Image for Rose.
428 reviews708 followers
July 9, 2016
how did kasie manage to make this so cute?


she has a gift, i swear.

I spotted the love interest like ten seconds into the book, and I was 100% sure I would never like him..... but Kasie worked her magic.


review to cooome :D


this book is unputdownable.

but this is me right now:


so goodnight & shout out to anyone who tries to talk to me at work tomorrow cause it's not happening. gonna be non-stop reading lmao love myself <3
-- -- -- -- -- -- --

may or may not have screamed when I read that my arc request was approved!!!
Profile Image for Heather.
418 reviews16.4k followers
August 21, 2016
This was a super cute and adorable book. It was just what I was craving, a surgery sweet book. It wasn't amazing but if your looking for a cute contemporary that is addictive and that you can fly through, look no further! Now I must read all of West's books! I need more cutesy books in my life, STAT!
Profile Image for Sophie.
1,327 reviews551 followers
January 8, 2019
I have adored Kasie West's books since I read one for the very first time. Every time she brings out a new book, I'm immediately intrigued, and with this book, that was no different. The premise was unlike any book I've read before, and because of Kasie's style, I was hooked from the first page.

The main character, Lily, is bored during chem class - like many students to come before her. When her teacher restricts her paper to one sheet, so that she makes only chemistry notes, and nothing else. To deal with this, she ends up writing the lyrics of her favourite song on the desk, and is surprised that the lyrics are finished by someone else, next time she's in that class. Somehow, she's made a pen pal, and when the notes become lengthier, and more personal, she finds herself falling for the person on the other side of the sheet.

I loved how Kasie dropped in hints here and there to point the way to the mystery 'pen pal'. We learnt who it was as Lily did, and I was very happy with the reveal. Unlike many other books, we didn't have to wait until the end of the book to find out; rather, Lily learnt who her pen pal was about half way through the book, though it took a while until both revealed themselves to each other. Because of this wait, and Lily knowing who it was she was falling for, and still falling harder, it made the book so much better to read.

Like you'll have guessed, the romance was so swoony! I sped through this book in a few hours, and had a grin on my face the entire time. Lily and her love interest had the best chemistry, and once they had the big reveal, the chemistry grew - and no, that's not a pun. Kasie gets better with every single book, and I think this is my favourite so far. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on By Your Side, and other future books by Kasie.
Profile Image for  Nayeli ♡.
174 reviews150 followers
March 30, 2021
🌟 4 Stars 🌟

❝If I tell you my secrets, will you just tell me lies?
If I say I believe you, does that make it all right?
It's hard to place my trust in someone new❞

This book was exactly what I needed after reading a book that I didn't really like. Hopefully this will help me get out of my bad streak!! 😭😭🤞🏻

❀ Now the review ❀

First thing first...I'm late for the party, I know😂 but it wasn't until this year that I decided to read Kasie West's books, and I'm happy I'm giving them a try.
This book was so much better than The Fill-In Boyfriend, so with that statement I'm saying everything. Tbh I started P.S. I Like You with low expectations, maybe I was going to liked it or not, but surprisingly I really enjoyed it even though it had some cliches💯

Seriously, I still can't believe I loved every chapter!
From beginning to end it got me hooked, and the story didn't felt boring at all. It was fresh, fun, cute and a pretty good YA book (it's been a long time since I've read one)

❀ What I liked the most ❀

⇢ THE LETTERS!! Especially those of the last chapters, O.M.G 😍

Why something like that didn't happen to me when I was in high school? Lol, it's not me falling in love again with fictional characters.

⇢ Lily's family made me laughed, they were so funny. All the the scenes Kasie West wrote were amazing! Crazy families are the best ones, I can relate😂

⇢ Lily was an amazing character! She was a dreamy girl who wanted to eat the whole world. Also very talented at composing songs - I wish I have that ability - and fun with her family and friends. I couldn't help but connect with her emotions 100%.

❝ It's easy to judge not knowing the truth
Only seeing carefully built walls.
It's hard to undo the years written youth
But how amazing when the tower finally falls. ❞

⇢ Trying to figure out who the anonymous letter boy was added more excitement to the story.

⇢ Last but no least, Lily's song gave me ALL THE FEELS😭🥰🤧🥺💗

A fragment:

❝ I've turned waiting into a form of art
Tied twisted lines around my broken heart
To keep me hanging on for one more day
I've painted on a crooked smile
Hung the tears to dry awhile
Because I knew that you'd come back to stay ❞

❀ Few things I didn't like ❀

⇢ I wanted an epilogue, it would've added something more to the story (uhm, where was the chapter of the contest? It was completely necessary😪)

⇢ Well, and now that I remember...I hated Sasha's character so much, she was such a cruel person. Like wth girl? Didn't you have better things to do than play with other people's feelings and their relationships? Toxic☠️☠️

❝ P.S.❞ He brushed a piece of hair off of my cheek. ❝I like you. A lot.❞

Hopefully her other books will be like this one or even better!
Profile Image for Alafiya.
53 reviews270 followers
August 10, 2016
I woke up one day and took a shower. I am so weird. (Also, I am very funny but no one understands my jokes at all.) The next day, I peed. That afternoon, I wrote some lyrics. Then I kept looking at those lyrics for the whole week. Like by doing just that, I could vomit life into those words. I am so weird, no one likes me. This bully dude, Cade, he's soo hot. But I hate him. Then at Monday, I ogled this dude, Lucas. At Tuesday I tried my best not to ogle him, but failed miserably. I am so weird. My family is crazy and that is my life's 'Problem'. That my family is happy and crazy. Sooo weird. At Friday, I sat on the toilet seat and contemplated life. Deep. I need some inspiration. I am so weird. I listen to sad music. The next day, I find a letter under my desk in Chemistry by this anonymous dude. I am so weird. Oh and did I mention how hot Cade is? Sooo weird.

Yes, that is our lead heroine, Lily. Lily thinks she's weird and Cade's hot. But she hates Cade. Lily exhausted me by saying the same things again and again. Bored in Chemistry, she one day writes a lyric of her fav song on her desk. The next day she sees the next line written by someone else. And hence, a tradition of writing anonymous letters to each other starts. Chemistry starts to get a lot more interesting and so does the book. Until one day she finds out who that person is and realizes this needs to stop. But she can't stop. Maybe because she's fallen for his person already. This person that she hates in real life and loves on paper. Who is this person? Soooo unpredictable! :o Jk.

Everything about this book is mainstream. Even the guy's problems are mainstream. The heroine is annoying. She's not even funny! But since we have so many annoying lead heroines, that didn't surprise me as much as the fact that even the hero is annoying did. Our hero is rich, hot, perfect. He bullies everyone but he doesn't mean to. Awwwwww! But actually he's really deep. Like the Ocean. And hot.

I gave this book 2 stars, because this book still manages to be cute. I really liked all the other characters. Specially Jonah and Wyatt. 1 more star 'cause Kasie West. I know. I am sooooo weird.
Profile Image for Korrina.
193 reviews4,088 followers
May 16, 2016
Super cute read! I found it to be a bit predictable (I guessed who her secret pen pal was right away), but that didn't ruin the fun of the story. It had me laughing quietly to myself and grinning all the way through.
Profile Image for Kat.
Author 12 books569 followers
June 9, 2022
This was a cute “You’ve Got Mail” redo, which is one of my all-time favorite themes. Lily has no love for Chemistry class and would much rather spend her time writing guitar lyrics. She’s forbidden from getting out her lyrics notebook, and so instead starts scribbling on her desk to some secret person who shares the desk in a different period and a secret romance starts. I enjoy the way Kasie West girls feel like real girls with real problems, and Lily’s social awkwardness and troubles with her family (and that crazy adorable bunny!) made this book great.

Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,057 reviews2,472 followers
March 26, 2017
4 stars!

PS I Like You is the You've Got Mail of the young adult genre.

^^^Yeah, I said it. But I friggin love the movie You've Got Mail and this book came my way at exactly the right time so I was happy to read a cute and predictable YA romance.

PS I Like You is about teenage Lily, a quirky musician who speaks her mind and makes snap decisions. Out of boredom in her Chemistry class, she scribbles some lyrics on her desk and is surprised to see a response the next day. What ensues is a secret passing back and forth of notes between Lily and a mystery person. The more they write, the more they come to understand each other. But when Lily discovers who she's been writing to, it turns her world upside down and her perceptions of others may be wrong.

Was this book predictable? Hell yes. There's not doubt about that. But as I said at the beginning this book came at the right time when I needed a sweet escape from reality. I think this is a good book for teens to read because it teaches them there is more to a person than what we all see on the surface. Many times people can make quick judgements without considering all of the possibilities and it's important to give more consideration.

I thought the passing back and forth of written notes was a cute idea; I am beyond glad this wasn't two people texting. The letters added a nice touch to the book and was better for the plot than instant messaging or texting. Also, I do wonder if all of the bands mentioned in this book are fictional or real, I should probably look that up.

This wasn't a full 5 because the ending felt unresolved in some aspects, but I enjoyed reading this book nonetheless. If you want a cute summer YA romantic read, this is the book for you!

Profile Image for Snjez.
931 reviews890 followers
May 14, 2021
This was such a fun, sweet, feel-good story with wonderful characters and a great storyline.

I loved Lily and I loved her family. I was very happy with who the mystery pan pal turned out to be. Even though I guessed early on, I still enjoyed seeing how everything would play out.

I listened to the audiobook for this one and I enjoyed it a lot. The narrator made it easy to distinguish between the characters, and I could also tell, by the tone of her voice, the difference between Lily just thinking about what she wanted to say and actually saying something.
Profile Image for alexandra.
230 reviews1,531 followers
May 13, 2016
this book is SO ADORABLE but the main character kinda made me want to rip my hair out. it's the kind of book you read simply for pleasure.

- the plot was predictable and cliché but i didn't mind
- i felt the pacing was a bit fast and took some getting used to
- the second half of this book was much better than the first
- i was hoping to see strong character development but there wasn't much as far as i could tell
- i do like the family dynamics though
- the frienships are also fantastic
- some of the situations were a bit too unrealistic for my taste but....
- also really not a fan of the MC

full review to come!
Profile Image for Elena Salvatore.
220 reviews119 followers
August 4, 2017
I don't understand why this is the least favorite Kasie West book for most.
I have to disagree.

Lily isn't the most popular girl in school. She has only one friend but she doesn't mind that.
Most of the people don't appreciate her jokes anyway.
Especially Cade. Oh how she hates Cade. That snoby jerk, thinks so highly of himself and make fun of everyone else.
But she doesn't like to think about Cade. He only makes her mad.

What she really loves is music. Listening to it. Writing her own....
If only she could find some alone time in that big family of hers to actually write her own songs.

So when one day she writes some lyrics of her favorite band on her desk, she is suprised that the other day someone responded to her.
And so begins our story.

Now that I marathoned through all of Kasie West's contemporary books.... I have to say that this is my second favorite of hers.
It has all the characteristics of her other books that are cliche and some people may find annoying (sometimes me too), but I still loved every second of it.

Definitely recommend it you're in the mood for some cute contemporary romance.
Profile Image for Fafa's Book Corner.
511 reviews345 followers
May 8, 2017
Overall this was a good story. Well done and sort of well written. The characters were interesting and the plot was fun. Unfortunately this was not as good as her other books.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 8,553 reviews

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