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Alafiya's Reviews > P.S. I Like You

P.S. I Like You by Kasie West
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I woke up one day and took a shower. I am so weird. (Also, I am very funny but no one understands my jokes at all.) The next day, I peed. That afternoon, I wrote some lyrics. Then I kept looking at those lyrics for the whole week. Like by doing just that, I could vomit life into those words. I am so weird, no one likes me. This bully dude, Cade, he's soo hot. But I hate him. Then at Monday, I ogled this dude, Lucas. At Tuesday I tried my best not to ogle him, but failed miserably. I am so weird. My family is crazy and that is my life's 'Problem'. That my family is happy and crazy. Sooo weird. At Friday, I sat on the toilet seat and contemplated life. Deep. I need some inspiration. I am so weird. I listen to sad music. The next day, I find a letter under my desk in Chemistry by this anonymous dude. I am so weird. Oh and did I mention how hot Cade is? Sooo weird.

Yes, that is our lead heroine, Lily. Lily thinks she's weird and Cade's hot. But she hates Cade. Lily exhausted me by saying the same things again and again. Bored in Chemistry, she one day writes a lyric of her fav song on her desk. The next day she sees the next line written by someone else. And hence, a tradition of writing anonymous letters to each other starts. Chemistry starts to get a lot more interesting and so does the book. Until one day she finds out who that person is and realizes this needs to stop. But she can't stop. Maybe because she's fallen for his person already. This person that she hates in real life and loves on paper. Who is this person? Soooo unpredictable! :o Jk.

Everything about this book is mainstream. Even the guy's problems are mainstream. (view spoiler) The heroine is annoying. She's not even funny! But since we have so many annoying lead heroines, that didn't surprise me as much as the fact that even the hero is annoying did. Our hero is rich, hot, perfect. He bullies everyone but he doesn't mean to. Awwwwww! But actually he's really deep. Like the Ocean. And hot.

I gave this book 2 stars, because this book still manages to be cute. I really liked all the other characters. Specially Jonah and Wyatt. 1 more star 'cause Kasie West. I know. I am sooooo weird.
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Comments Showing 1-34 of 34 (34 new)

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message 1: by Masooma (new)

Masooma hahaha sucha weird review! Love it <3

message 2: by Sara (new)

Sara Saif "At Friday, I sat on the toilet seat and contemplated life. Deep."
"He bullies everyone but doesn't mean to. Awwwwww! But actually he's really deep. Like the Ocean."
"I'm so weird."
This is THE funniest review I've read in a while. I couldn't stop smiling!

Alafiya Masooma wrote: "hahaha sucha weird review! Love it <3"

Thanks, Masooma! <3 I love you. x

Alafiya Sara wrote: ""At Friday, I sat on the toilet seat and contemplated life. Deep."
"He bullies everyone but doesn't mean to. Awwwwww! But actually he's really deep. Like the Ocean."
"I'm so weird."
This is THE fu..."

Aw, thank you so much Sara! :') I am glad I made you smile. :'D xx

message 5: by Pang (new)

Pang Happy Valentine, Plss wait for me :D Hello Alafiya! :D *miss miss* how r u, girl? I hope your next read is better! Great review, btw :)

Alafiya Pang wrote: "Hello Alafiya! :D *miss miss* how r u, girl? I hope your next read is better! Great review, btw :)"

Hi, Pang! :D I am doing good, hbu? Thanks. :))

message 7: by Aya (new)

Aya Hahahahahaha. That's a funny review, Alafiya. :D Really weird!

Alafiya Aya wrote: "Hahahahahaha. That's a funny review, Alafiya. :D Really weird!"

Thanks, Aya! :D

zoha (A book maestro) Let me guess, the hot dude is the pen-pal ?? :P :D

Aj the Ravenous Reader LMAO! I think your version is better than the book, Alafiya. Excellent job! It does sound like a really deep read. This is exactly what I expect from the book though because it's Kasie West. This is like her forte, writing silly, predictable but somehow enjoyable reads. haha. Oh, btw, I think you may have clicked the three stars instead of two. bahahaha

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

Yeaaaaah. It was underwhelming... But still somewhat cute. Not the best of KW's works :/

Katrina♡•• Hahaha so true!!!!!!!!!

Alafiya Maddie ♪ Loves♪ ┼ Music = Books wrote: "Stunning review Alafiya xxx"

Thank you. :))

Alafiya Kisses A wrote: "Hahaha so true!!!!!!!!!"


Alafiya Lola wrote: "Yeaaaaah. It was underwhelming... But still somewhat cute. Not the best of KW's works :/"

Ikr. :/

Alafiya Aj the Ravenous Reader wrote: "LMAO! I think your version is better than the book, Alafiya. Excellent job! It does sound like a really deep read. This is exactly what I expect from the book though because it's Kasie West. This i..."

I agree with you. Thanks. :D Oh and one extra star because it's Kasie West. I mentioned this in the review. :) xx

Alafiya Zoha wrote: "Let me guess, the hot dude is the pen-pal ?? :P :D"

Exactly! :P

Alafiya Emer (ALittleHaze) wrote: "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh I am never reading this book!!! It would drive me SO nuts.... But this review.... Ah Alafiya no one makes me laugh as much as you. LETS BE WEIRD TOGETHER!!! ..."

Thank you so much, Emer! :D YES, LET'S BE WEIRD TOGETHER! <3 xox

message 19: by Simona (new)

Simona B AHAHAHAH I'm laughing so hard!!! This is so brilliant I had to wear sunglasses to read this *insert smug emoji with sunglasses*

Priceless X°D

Alafiya Simona wrote: "AHAHAHAH I'm laughing so hard!!! This is so brilliant I had to wear sunglasses to read this *insert smug emoji with sunglasses*

Priceless X°D"

Thank you so much, Sim! ^_^

message 21: by Zaira (new)

Zaira Great review Alafiya. I laughed so hard reading your review. You have a great sense of humour, girl!!
Also, I think I'll pass this book; not very interested in this "weird" MC and her hot dude. xP

Alafiya Zaira wrote: "Great review Alafiya. I laughed so hard reading your review. You have a great sense of humour, girl!!
Also, I think I'll pass this book; not very interested in this "weird" MC and her hot dude. xP"

Thank you, Zaira! ^_^ Haha :p

message 23: by Jenny (new)

Jenny Omg this review is hilarious! XD

Alafiya Jenny wrote: "Omg this review is hilarious! XD"

Thanks, Jenny! :D

message 25: by Katerina (new) - added it

Katerina  Kondrenko ahaha, really funny review))

Alafiya Katerina wrote: "ahaha, really funny review))"

Thank you, Kat! xD

message 27: by Nastassja (new)

Nastassja Ahaha, sign me in for a snarky review any day of the week. Excellently done, Alafiya! :D

message 28: by Dorreh (new)

Dorreh Ahahahahha great review, hilarious really!

message 29: by Haïfa (new)

Haïfa Terrific review!!! It almost made me want to read the book! Almost though! :D

Alafiya Nastassja wrote: "Ahaha, sign me in for a snarky review any day of the week. Excellently done, Alafiya! :D"

Thank you, Natassja! xD

Alafiya Dorreh wrote: "Ahahahahha great review, hilarious really!"

Thanks, Dorreh. ^_^

Alafiya Haifoun wrote: "Terrific review!!! It almost made me want to read the book! Almost though! :D"

Lol, thank you! xD

L A i N E Y (will be back) Bwahahaha this review is sooo weird. Why are you so weird review, i feel like you're too funny review!! lmao

Alafiya oh! lainey wrote: "Bwahahaha this review is sooo weird. Why are you so weird review, i feel like you're too funny review!! lmao"

Hahha thanks! xD

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