Anne's Reviews > P.S. I Like You

P.S. I Like You by Kasie West
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bookshelves: read-in-2018, kindle-app, romance, young-adult

I bought this one for my daughter (<--target audience, btw) at a book fair and then decided to check it out for myself. Because I'm nosey.
It was cute.

The gist is that there's this artsy girl who modifies thrift shop clothes, listens to indie rock bands, and doesn't realize that she's pretty. And like all artsy girls, she has a notebook filled with dreams, doodles, and lyrics she desperately wants to turn into a meaningful song - which she carries around with her all the time. She's unflinchingly loyal to her one friend in the world because her artsiness and non-mainstream clothes keep all the normies from liking her.


Then you have the popular jock-boy who hides his secret pain with humor that is willfully misunderstood by the angsty indie girl and her guitar.


True puppy love ensues.


And maybe it sounds like I didn't like this cliche riddled story, but that's not true! Started it last night, finished it this afternoon. This was exactly what was advertised and I quite enjoyed it. Formulas aren't necessarily a bad thing, especially when those formulas make you smile. This was the kind of adorable teenage fluff that I would gladly shove at my kids. And I definitely wouldn't mind grabbing more of this author's stuff for myself in the future, either.
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Reading Progress

March 12, 2017 – Shelved
May 18, 2018 – Started Reading
May 21, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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message 1: by Tucker (new)

Tucker Almengor so you how many stars? because quite a few of the people i follow rated it low

Anne 3 stars. It was ok, but I've heard her other books are better. :)

message 3: by Tucker (new)

Tucker Almengor :) thats what i heard to

message 4: by Jeff (last edited May 21, 2018 07:21AM) (new)

Jeff My sphincter muscle tightened on that last gif and my heart skipped a beat!!

I hope you're enjoying yourself. ;)

Anne I would have mentioned you in the review, but I thought that might be over the top harassment, even from me. Heh. I was thinking of you, though!

Kenya | Reviews May Vary Urgh. Now, I'm upset that I can't see the gifs!

Samantha Trillium (Just Reading in the Rain)☂ I thought this one was cute too... I haven't really been able to get into any of her other books though

Anne Kenya wrote: "Urgh. Now, I'm upset that I can't see the gifs!"

It's all Pretty in Pink gifs. ;)

Anne Samantha wrote: "I thought this one was cute too... I haven't really been able to get into any of her other books though"

Really? I've heard this one was the weakest!

Does anyone else have a feeling on this one way or the other?

Samantha Trillium (Just Reading in the Rain)☂ I think books like this, you have to read it at the right time... I read it at a time I really needed a light hearted read and it was perfect. But every time I tried to read another of hers I just couldn't get into the groove... If that even makes sense

message 11: by Anne (new) - rated it 3 stars

Anne Yes, that absolutely makes sense! I get into moods where all I want to read are historical romance bodice rippers or urban fantasy or comics or...whatever. And sometimes I can read something awesome (and KNOW it's awesome) but it's just not what I wanted at the time, so I didn't enjoy it as much as I maybe would have otherwise.

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

I highly endorse To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han. Sounds VERY similar, and I think is getting turned into a movie.

message 13: by Anne (new) - rated it 3 stars

Anne Really? Ok! I'll add that one right now. Thanks!

message 14: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie This is so right up my alley and any review with gifs of Pretty in Pink, well that just about beats all!!!

message 15: by Anne (new) - rated it 3 stars

Anne You know, I still want her to end up with Ducky...

message 16: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Awe, I'm ok w/Blaine but not that haircut.

message 17: by Anne (new) - rated it 3 stars

Anne Ha! None of those haircuts hold up. The 80's were not known for 'classic' haircuts that stand the test of time. If it wasn't permed like a poodle, then it looked like someone took hedge clippers to the hair.

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