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Christy's Reviews > P.S. I Like You

P.S. I Like You by Kasie West
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bookshelves: 2018-audio, 2018-ya-challenge

4 stars!!

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I am bound and determined to read all of Kasie West's books. I have been on a YA kick lately and after reading a few of them, I realize how much I love her style. P.S. I Love You was a sweet YA romance and even though it was a bit predictable, I enjoyed it lots.

Lily is a high school student, sister to 3 siblings and 2 fun-loving parents, and a song writer. Chemistry is her arch nemesis, along with Cade, her best friend's ex. One day during Chemistry she scribbles some song lyrics from one of her favorite indie bands on her desk. When she's back in Chemistry, someone else has added to the lyrics. Lily and this mystery student become pen pals and confidants. This person becomes her solace and one of the things she looks most forward to in her day to day life.

I guessed pretty early on who this mystery person was, and I think most people will as well, but it didn't take away my enjoyment of the story. I LOVED LOVED LOVED our leading man. He was 100% book boyfriend material. Lily was likable most of the time, though there were times she irked me. What I loved most about her was her relationship with her family.

This book was adorable. It was witty, fun, and sweet. I loved the characters and the ending. Like most YA books, I only wish we got more at the end. Overall, I really enjoyed listening to this book. The audio was great and I recommend it to anyone looking for a contemporary YA.
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Reading Progress

August 20, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
August 20, 2016 – Shelved
October 8, 2018 – Started Reading
October 8, 2018 – Shelved as: 2018-audio
October 8, 2018 – Shelved as: 2018-ya-challenge
October 8, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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message 1: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Fun review, Christy! Hope you continue to enjoy her books. 💜

Christy Melissa wrote: "Fun review, Christy! Hope you continue to enjoy her books. 💜"

Thanks, Melissa! Me too :D

Jen (jenslostinthepages) ♥Star-Crossed Book Blog♥ Kasie West writes the cutest books ever! I still need to read this one but I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Fabulous review, Christy!

Christy Jen ♥Star-Crossed Book Blog♥ wrote: "Kasie West writes the cutest books ever! I still need to read this one but I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Fabulous review, Christy!"

Thanks, Jen! Yes! I've been enjoying the ones I've read so far! Definitely need to read more :D

message 5: by • Lisa • (new)

• Lisa • Friend, I know it’s 2 years ago that you read this book but my friends 12 year old daughter really wants to read it and she’s asked if I know anyone who has read it and can remember if it’s suitable for a younger reader. I was so pleased when I saw you had read it. Any idea if it’s suitable or not? Love you

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