Rachel E. Carter's Reviews > P.S. I Like You

P.S. I Like You by Kasie West
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bookshelves: have-paperback

BEST. KASIE. BOOK. YET. ALL THE YESSSSES. I have major book hangover now. I haven't had this bad of one in a long time. This book was SO. EFFING. GOOD.


I can't make it stop.
Please don't let it stop.
You have me under your spell.
If you knew me as well.
You would make it stop.
I can't let it stop.

Guys, I cheated. I told myself I was going to finish The Raven Boys first, but nope. I got an email alert that this precious coming out and I lasted, errr, a little over 24 hours before I broke down and bought/read immediately.... And naturally I lost sleep and didn't stop for air until it was done.

I.am.not.joking.best.Kasie.book.yet. I am going through major withdrawals right now. This book Kasie gave me the trope I've been dying for her to use (the love-hate thing), and she added in a bonus one (anonymous letters, and who doesn't love the confusion and emotional turmoil that follows those). When I started it was easy to guess who would be the love interest the second he was introduced, just because if a character is mentioned a lot there is usually a reason. But yea, who cares if it's predictable? I was totally reading this baby for the tension, the beautiful TENSION that Kasie does oh-so-well. My only fault with her is that I always want more steamy moments and she keeps the romance very PG. But you know what? The tension is bloody divine so I forgive her.
"--- couldn't be my pen pal.
He couldn't.
--- was an insensitive, selfish, arrogant jerk."

>> (Seriously guys, you wondering why this is my favorite Kasie book, you know how much I adore love-hate stories)
"So you think I'm hot."
"Doesn't every girl?"
It surprised me when his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. I wasn't sure why that embarrassed him in any way. I was positive he already knew it. He ran one hand through his hair. Then he said, almost too quiet for me to hear, "You're not every girl."

My reaction every time a certain someone appeared on page (but really when you read you'll know, if you follow my reviews you will guess immediately because I have a very obvious "type" of love interest:


GAH. SO FREAKING GOOD. and I can't even write a halfway decent review because of all my rabid fangirlisms. And that flipping ending. The part where he reads her his part of letter when he confronts her. Dear, sweet lawd. Kasie seriously upped her game with this book guys. I expected this to be good, I mean, Kasie can't write a bad book, she just can't, but this was so much more. It beat out all her others for me. Go. Read it. It's worth it, and trust me, you want this book in your life. Quite possibly to make beautiful book babies with.
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
August 26, 2015 – Shelved
August 26, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
February 2, 2019 – Shelved as: have-paperback

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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message 1: by del (new)

del Love/hate relationship + anonymous letters sounds an awful lot like the plot of You've Got Mail/Shop Around the Corner/In the Good Old Summertime/She Loves Me/ALL those variations on that story which I CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF lately but I haven't been able to find any books that have that! I'll have to check this out and see if it satisfies my craving.

Ann Lou Great review Rachel! I just finished this one but gave it a four because I want more of them together. greedy me

Lari :) Awesome review! :D

I just finished this one today as well :)

Candice Willman I'm reading this currently. Cannot wait to finish.

Josie Shinkfield I also read it in one sitting, pretty sure I had a goofy grin on my face the entire time too. I freaking loved it! And I need more Kasie books! I've devoured everything she has written :)

Daniela Same here. Just finished it today, after your review, in one sitting. :)

message 7: by Rachel (new) - added it

Rachel E. Carter Daniela wrote: "Same here. Just finished it today, after your review, in one sitting. :)"

awwwww! yay, Daniela, I'm so happy I convinced you. SO FLIPPING GOOD!!!!

Delaney wrote: "Love/hate relationship + anonymous letters sounds an awful lot like the plot of You've Got Mail/Shop Around the Corner/In the Good Old Summertime/She Loves Me/ALL those variations on that story whi..."

the other ones besides You've Got Mail -are they books? that's totally one of my guilty weaknesses too, I need to know so I can go hunt down those books/movies! If you read this one I hope you love it!

Ann Lou wrote: "Great review Rachel! I just finished this one but gave it a four because I want more of them together. greedy me"

Kasie always tones down the romance, I totally feel you. I want more schmexy YA times, and she always keeps it so light, but the tension made up for it for me.... though I'm totally with you, I wanted more <3

Larissa :) wrote: "Awesome review! :D

I just finished this one today as well :)"

thank you Larissa:)))

Candice wrote: "I'm reading this currently. Cannot wait to finish."

oooOOO enjoy it!!!!

Josie wrote: "I also read it in one sitting, pretty sure I had a goofy grin on my face the entire time too. I freaking loved it! And I need more Kasie books! I've devoured everything she has written :)"

same!!!!!! I wish she released every day, it's too long waiting a year each time!

message 8: by del (new)

del Sadly they're not books! Shop Around the Corner is kind of the original movie, with Jimmy Stewart, and In The Good Old Summertime was a remake with Judy Garland. She Loves Me is a stage musical and there was a delightful revival this year with Zachary Levi and I'm obsessed with it. When the recording goes back up on BroadwayHD you should definitely look into it if you're into that kind of thing.

But I'm still on the lookout for more books with that kind of plot!

message 9: by Rachel (new) - added it

Rachel E. Carter Delaney wrote: "Sadly they're not books! Shop Around the Corner is kind of the original movie, with Jimmy Stewart, and In The Good Old Summertime was a remake with Judy Garland. She Loves Me is a stage musical and..."

Ohhh, I will definitely keep an eye out if it goes back on Broadway and also those movies :) Yea, same, you see more books with that plot send them my way, the only other one I know about is Lying Out Loud <3

Alison Morquecho Yes!!! These are my exact thought. I am in love with this book. It was amazing. And my fave kasie book so far!!!! Ugh I just want to reread it!!!!!! I couldn't stop reading it!

message 11: by Rachel (new) - added it

Rachel E. Carter Alison wrote: "Yes!!! These are my exact thought. I am in love with this book. It was amazing. And my fave kasie book so far!!!! Ugh I just want to reread it!!!!!! I couldn't stop reading it!"

completely agree, thank you Alison:)))

victoria_tonks Your enthusiasm is contagious. :) Seriously, though, I had pretty much the same reaction, and I am not even a fan of hate-to-love relationships.

Morgan Day Jackson Yes!! It reminded me of The Problem With Forever for some reason... Here's to hoping there is a second book.. I need to know how this ends!

message 14: by Iya (new) - rated it 4 stars

Iya I agree with the lack of steamy moments. Characters as good as these deserve more touchey touchey

Eloise I. Loved. IT!! It was an amazing book, and I literally couldn't stop reading it! I am SERIOUS!! I could NOT stop reading it! I couldn't help it!

Leah *Conan's Version*❤️✝️ amazing book fr

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