sreeja's Reviews > P.S. I Like You

P.S. I Like You by Kasie West
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bookshelves: read-in-2017

I like my books cheesy and cute and fluffy sometimes and this was just the perfect one. I am honestly so pleasantly surprised right now and I just need a moment to gather all my feels.
ALSO its official: I love Kasie West’s writings& I’m ready to read everything and anything by her
The plot obviously pulled me in first. The whole premise is so adorable. Kind of like You’ve Got Mail I guess (which makes me love it even more). SO Lily starts writing on her desk one day because she’s bored during Chemistry (relatable btw) and someone answers back. And the whole concept was so sweet. The way Lily managed to get to know you-know-who was so adorable.
The family aspects and friendship was beautiful and I really want more Kasie West right now.

OK BUT the characters firstly were so amazing let me just cry here.
I love her character so much. She was funny, witty and just a ton of fun to follow. Also her love for music played a huge role in her character and it was so refreshing and sweet to follow. Her love for music and being inside her brain as she looked for inspiration for her songs and finally gained courage to show it to the world was so much fun. Her relationships with her family is honestly the best and it was so fun to see her interact with her little brothers (who are the sweetest things every okay).
I LOVE THIS GUY. Honestly I don’t know what to really say about Cade except that he’s adorable and cliché but I don’t care okay he is perfect. He was so sweet and supportive and I can’t say anything except that I love him. A lot.
Honestly I’m kind of a mess and from here so it’s just going to get messy and I’m just going to list all the stuff in this book I loved:
a) The “evil rabbit” named bugs rabbit which likes to pee on unsuspecting people
b) The adorable brothers of Lily who are so cute ohmy
c) Ashley (her sister) and Lily’s relationship #goals
d) Lily’s entire family and how messy and real they are
e) How competitive Lily’s parents are because LOL same
f) The whole note exchanging thing is so pure
g) The fact that Lily and you-know-who bond through music
h) Lily& her best friend’s relationship
i) The fact that you-know-who likes kids and is so good to Wyatt
 photo giphy_zps731abhki.gif
Look guys if you just want to feel all them feels this is the book for it okay. It’s so cute and it will definitely lift you off a slump.
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Reading Progress

March 24, 2016 – Shelved
May 14, 2017 – Started Reading
June 3, 2017 –
page 160
48.63% "everything is so cute i love this"
June 4, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-21 of 21 (21 new)

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

wow check out those sick rhyming skills yo

sreeja Solomon wrote: "wow check out those sick rhyming skills yo"
ik how to rap fite me

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)


(view spoiler) O SHIT IM KIDDING and if someone opens this im gg to die HHAHA


sreeja Maggie wrote: "YES HOPE YOU ENJOY IT"

len ❀ you really liked morgan matson's books so im sure you'll enjoy this one and hopefully her other books as well.

sreeja i think i will too!! honestly i see anything remotely cheesy and im in

Alethea my name's alethea and I have a goal,
to have sreeja love this with every ounce of her soul

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)


sreeja Alethea wrote: "my name's alethea and I have a goal,
to have sreeja love this with every ounce of her soul


sreeja ME TOO but i have a feeling we're gonna get killed for liking it HAHAH

Alethea *puts potatoes aside* you have done well young one

Alethea Also LOGAN LERMAN AS CADE ????

sreeja Alethea wrote: "Also LOGAN LERMAN AS CADE ????"

Alethea wrote: "*puts potatoes aside* you have done well young one"
ik i have BE PROUD also yesss logan is adorable and i love him

L A i N E Y (will be back) Wow that's such a gushing review sreeja!! Glad you enjoyed your first Kasie West. I started her pivot point book and it didn't grasp me so I kinda stopped and totaly forgot about it! Maybe I chose the wrong one to begin..

Alethea I AM PROUD <3 tho a little disappointed I don't get to pelt my potatoes at you. Just a little :)

Also I LOVE LOGAN, but honestly I can't see him as Cade. Logan is too... nice.

sreeja l a i n e y wrote: "Wow that's such a gushing review sreeja!! Glad you enjoyed your first Kasie West. I started her pivot point book and it didn't grasp me so I kinda stopped and totaly forgot about it! Maybe I chose ..."
AHHH thanks lainey!! maybe you chose the wrong book yes :p this one was amazinggg please read it :))

sreeja Alethea wrote: "I AM PROUD <3 tho a little disappointed I don't get to pelt my potatoes at you. Just a little :)

Also I LOVE LOGAN, but honestly I can't see him as Cade. Logan is too... nice."

keep your potatoes aside pls
WHAT?? are you saying cade isn't nice??

Alethea sreeja wrote: "Alethea wrote: "I AM PROUD <3 tho a little disappointed I don't get to pelt my potatoes at you. Just a little :)

Also I LOVE LOGAN, but honestly I can't see him as Cade. Logan is too... nice."

Cade is!! But like the beginning part where (view spoiler)

sreeja Alethea wrote: "sreeja wrote: "Alethea wrote: "I AM PROUD <3 tho a little disappointed I don't get to pelt my potatoes at you. Just a little :)

Also I LOVE LOGAN, but honestly I can't see him as Cade. Logan is t..."

OK true ;-; but i LOVE logan

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