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In short, this essay does for the concept of the assemblage what Deleuze and Giorgio Agamben did for Foucault in their essays on the dispositif: it extracts from a large body of work the core formal features of its operative methodology... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Theory
The cruise ship is as much a process as an object. Indeed, while the ship appears stable in its material and affective form, this state is maintained only through the interventions of a vast array of human and non-human agencies. The... more
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      BlogsHeterotopiaSpeculative RealismAssemblage Theory - Manuel De Landa
This article is concerned with the spatial analysis of lecture theaters in higher education institutions and it draws upon two concepts developed by Michel Foucault during the 1970s—heterotopia and the will to know. By examining the... more
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      Higher EducationHeterotopiaMichel FoucaultLearning environments
En virtud del carácter difuso que Foucault atribuye a las relaciones de poder, es posible afirmar que la sujeción de los cuerpos nunca es absoluta, de modo que estos no son algo inexorablemente determinado por el ejercicio del poder. En... more
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      HeterotopiaAnthropology of the BodyMichel FoucaultSociology of the Body
Using Michel Foucault’s notion of heterotopia as a guide, the purpose of this paper is to explore the implications of considering the library as place, and specifically as a place that has the “curious property of being in relation with... more
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      DocumentationHeterotopiaMichel FoucaultLibrary and Information Studies
Michel Foucault’s notion of “biopower” has been a highly fertile concept in recent theory, influencing thinkers worldwide across a variety of disciplines and concerns. In The History of Sexuality: An Introduction, Foucault famously... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyMedical Sociology
In William Kentridge’s The refusal of time (2012), comment on time as both a scientific and a human entity is produced. A complex mix of the visual and nominal vocabularies of early ‘rudimentary’ technological invention, scientific... more
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      Contemporary ArtHeterotopiaVisual CultureArt and Science
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      Military HistoryGender StudiesQueer StudiesSex and Gender
Table of Contents: Introduction - Nicolae Morar, Thomas Nail, and Daniel Smith Part I Encounters 1. Deleuze and Foucault: A Philosophical Friendship - François Dosse 2. Theatrum Philosophicum - Michel Foucault 3. Michel Foucault's Main... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisPolitical SociologySocial Theory
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      Self and IdentityMedieval HistoryPower (social)Medieval Studies
Crear un intersticio sagrado para nacer. Un análisis antropológico de ejercicio de la partería profesional urbana en una casa de partos en México Yaredh Marín Vázquez To create a sacred interstice to be born. An anthropological analysis... more
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      Gender and SexualityMidwiferyQualiaBirth
This article focuses on the dynamics between historical materialism in Walter Benjamin's sense and the postmodern rendition of the baroque metaphor of theatrum mundi in Peter Handke's play Die Fahrt im Einbaum that create a type of utopia... more
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      Walter BenjaminHistorical MaterialismUtopia/dystopiaPeter Handke
In “Of Other Spaces: Utopias and Heterotopias” Foucault asserted that while the 19th Century was an era of crisis and an accumulated past, the present epoch will perhaps be one of space. In his essay Foucault coined the term... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical PhilosophySpatial AnalysisPolitical Theory
Nwadjahane, a small village in southern Mozambique, is set apart from other settlements as the birthplace of Eduardo Mondlane, one of the nation's founding fathers. Declared a national heritage site and made into an open-air museum,... more
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      Museum StudiesLandscape ArchaeologyAfrican HistoryMozambique
The paper employs Michel Foucault’s ideas on heterotopias, outlined in his essay Of Other Spaces (1984), to analyse the interaction of humour and spaces in Edward Gorey’s works, with special emphasis on the book The Evil Garden (1966).... more
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      Children's LiteratureHumorheterotopia/Foucault
Teatr, ze wzglêdu na oczywistooeae swojego charakterku oraz jego wielowy-miarowooeae mo¿e byae postrzegany w kategoriach miejsca pedagogicznego. Szcze-gólnego znaczenia nabiera w tym oewietle idea Bajkobusu-teatru wêdrownego-który... more
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      TheatreUrban Spacesheterotopia/Foucault
Öz: Michel Foucault; 19. yüzyılın tarih, 20. yüzyılın ise mekân çağı olduğunu belirtir. Bundan dolayı Foucault, toplumu çözümlerken mekâna özel bir önem vermiş; getirmiş olduğu "heterotopya" kavramı ile sosyal bilimler alanında mekâna... more
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      HeterotopiaMichel FoucaultFoucault power/knowledge - discourseheterotopia/Foucault
De acuerdo con el libro Edgardo Rodríguez Juliá y el nacionalismo culturalista (Iguana, 2018) del Dr. Jaime Martell Morales, la obra de Rodríguez Juliá asume una poderosa dimensión transgresora ante uno de los modelos de mayor arraigo... more
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      Cultural StudiesPopular MusicPopular CulturePuerto Rican Literature
Trepando el clóset en Bogotá: contra-historias y escrituras drag es el resultado de una investigación-creación de dos años de trabajo con colectividades drag y transformistas en el marco de las tres ediciones el encuentro “La Noche y las... more
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      HeterotopiaGay And Lesbian StudiesDrag KingsRepresentation Theory
This paper is focused on clarifying the concept and the phenomenon of aesthetic heterotopia. The paper takes as its starting point the cultural phenomenon of heterotopia itself and then reveals its aesthetical component in order to find... more
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Drawing from the Foucauldian concept of`heterotopologyof`heterotopology', this chapter provides a spatio-temporal approach to research in Education contexts. Heterotopias are liminal spaces, portable territories that can be conceived of... more
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      HeterotopiaMichel FoucaultFoucault and educationFoucault (Research Methodology)
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      Cultural HeritageWooden Architectureheterotopia/FoucaultBuilt Heritage
El artículo ofrece una reflexión acerca del lugar y las modalidades de la práctica docente en contextos de formación. La intención es articular notas de índole crítica que puedan abrirnos a otras acciones en los trayectos de formación de... more
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      HeterotopiaMichel FoucaultFoucault and educationUtopia
ESPACIOS DEL CONOCIMIENTO: SUJETO, VERDAD, HETEROTOPÍAS. A 30 años de la muerte de Michel Foucault. Actas VIII Escuela Chile-Francia.
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      HeterotopiaMichel FoucaultBiopoliticsHeterotopias
When Foucault looked in the mirror, he realized a certain spatial structure that lies between himself and his reflection, which actually doesn't exist within physical space. He identified this spatial form as Heterotopias, a form of space... more
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      SociologyArchitectureGlobalizationChinese Studies
siehe Konzeptpaper!
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      Early Modern HistoryMichel FoucaultPolemic (Religion)Third Space
O presente trabalho é resultado de um trabalho de tese e vem no sentido de problematizar metodologias de pesquisa de cunho qualitativo. As derivas consistem em um caminhar lúdico pela cidade, uma errância, que se dá pelo movimento a... more
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      HeterotopiaUrban Studiesheterotopia/FoucaultCarthography
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      HeterotopiaTeoría QueerMovimientos socialesTeoría feminista y movimientos sociales
Why, when an individual wants to take to the streets at climate summits, set up a protest camp or protest against eco-political policy they are labelled by the media and politicians as anything from tree-hugger to the neoliberal neologism... more
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      Space and PlaceSocial MediaProtest MovementsEnvironmental Protest
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      PhilologyReligionHistoryCultural History