Recent papers in Wunderkammern/Kunstkammern/Naturalienkammern
Esta copa, realizada por el orfebre de Augsburgo para el archiduque Fernando II de Tirol, desafía muchas de las categorías con las que se suele pensar el arte: en ella se fusiona lo religioso y lo secular; lo artificial y lo natural; la... more
Samuel Quiccheberg Introduction by Mark A. Meadow Translation by Mark A. Meadow and Bruce Robertson Samuel Quiccheberg’s Inscriptiones, first published in Latin in 1565, is an ambitious effort to demonstrate the pragmatic value of... more
Rembrandt, Rubens, Permoser: Glory and Splendour of Baroque Art Collections in Leipzig. Notes on the History of Collecting in Leipzig around 1700 The history of art has largely ignored the city of Leipzig. When studing early modern... more
ABSTRACT This study is an investigation and interpretation of the Kunstkammer and collection of Catherine of Austria (1507-1578), youngest sister of Charles V and Queen of Portugal. Neglected by Portuguese historians and art historians... more
The kunst-und-wunderkammer or as it is known now, Cabinet of Curiosities, is a practice by aristocratic Northern European collectors to create an assemblage of artifacts from a collector’s travels as well as objects they commissioned... more
Published by Annemarie Jordan in Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in Wien, vol. 87 (1991), pp. 121-126. This article details the archival documents found in Torre do Tombo archive in Lisbon, and which document for the first... more
Paul Holberton Publishing, London
Expected 2022
Expected 2022
Archduke Ferdinand II of Austria. A Second-Born Son in Renaissance Europe Edited by: Sylva DOBALOVÁ is Researcher at the Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences Jaroslava HAUSENBLASOVÁ is Assistant Professor at the Institute... more
The Kunstkammer of Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II (1552-1612) in Prague was one of early modern Europe's most famed princely collections. Part of this renown stemmed from the collection's abundance of rare, exotic, costly and artfully... more
В книге на основании архивных документов, опубликованных материалов и исследований представлены в хронологическом порядке основные события, связанные с историей музея, формированием фондов, экспонированием коллекций, работой сотрудников... more
A 1627 description of a peculiar "item" in the Gonzaga of Mantua collection may hint to the early presence of a shrunken head in Italy; at any rate, in 16th century the existence of ceremonial tsantsas was already known, described and... more
The Kunstkammer of Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II (1552–1612) in Prague was one of early modern Europe’s most famed princely collections. Part of this renown stemmed from the collection’s abundance of rare, exotic, costly and artfully... more
Introduction into the colllections of North American Native Art in German museums. General description of the Exhibtion catalogue: "Art is fascinatingly diverse in its broad spectrum: from Native American Art and works from the colonial... more
Museografia di Caspar Fiedrich Neickel, edito in tedesco e in caratteri gotici a Lipsia e Breslavia nel 1727, per i tipi di Michael Hubert, appare finalmente tradotto e in caratteri latini. A fronte dell’imponente produzione di cataloghi... more
Dai "mostri umani" agli ominidi preistorici, dalle creature della mitologia greca ai "freak" del movimento del 1977 fino ai tentativi di rappresentare il Covid-19, l'essere mostruoso è spesso preso tra una molteplicità di saperi e... more
Στην προσπάθειά του να βρει μια ελληνική λέξη που να αποδίδει ορθά τον όρο «Wunderkammer» ο Michael Bernhard Valentini (1657-1729) στο έργο του Museum Musearum (1704/14), το οποίο είναι ένα από τα πρώτα και σημαντικότερα έργα... more
Friedrich Gerschow (1568–1635) visited as preceptor of the young duke Philipp Julius von Pommern-Wolgast (1584–1625) the landgrave's residence city of Kassel in the summer of 1602. He witnessed the ambitious undertakings of Landgrave... more
This paper explores the representation of nature in the work of the German goldsmith Wenzel Jamnitzer (1507-85) and the French ceramicist Bernard Palissy (1510-90). Their artefacts are similar in the use of plants and animals 'cast from... more
Als "Donnerkeile" wurden prähistorische geschliffene Steingeräte und Belemniten bezeichnet, da man die Vorstellung hatte, dass diese in den Wolken entstehen und bei Gewitter mit dem Blitz zusammen auf der Erde einschlagen würden. Ihnen... more
A survey on the history of wax portraits, from antiquity to the present day. Diploma di Perfezionamento su L'insegnamento della Storia dell'arte: metodologie e tecniche per la didattica, FOR.COM., Consorzio Interuniversitario, a.a.... more
Überlegungen zu Verwendung und Deutung des Edelmetalls Silber in der Goldschmiedekunst des Erzgebirges im 16. Jahrhundert anhand verschiedenster Objektbeispiele: Die Knappschaftsinsignien von Freiberg, Medaillen und Handsteine des Concz... more
In the sixteenth century, a new kind of pragmatic, knowledge-oriented collection emerged in southern Germany. Called Kunst- and Wunderkammern, these new museums were intimately linked to the emergence of the modern nation state and the... more
Parole chiave, key words:
Pinna tarentina, Pinna nobilis, Arcivescovo di Taranto monsignor Giuseppe Capecelatro, Bisso marino, Loius de Jaocourt, Tarentinische Steckmuscheln
Pinna tarentina, Pinna nobilis, Arcivescovo di Taranto monsignor Giuseppe Capecelatro, Bisso marino, Loius de Jaocourt, Tarentinische Steckmuscheln
I mitten av 1600-talet får en ny systematisk samlingskultur fotfäste i Norden. Förebilderna kommer från furstehov och universitet på kontinenten. Med det ökade intresset för samlande av naturalia, artificialia, pretiosa, antikviteter med... more
A component of early modern representation but also knowledge organization were art and curiosity chambers. This essay examines the origins, order, and function of three exemplary "Nordic" objects - Sami magic drums, supposed unicorn... more
Publikationsansicht. 5673796. The development of Catherine of Austria's collection in the Queen's household : its character and cost / (1994). Jordan, Annemarie. Abstract. Thesis (Ph. D.)--Brown University, 1994.. Includes... more
"Cultural Dimensions of Dutch Overseas Expansion," Werkgroep Zeventiende Eeuw (Study Group Seventeenth Century) Congres, Utrecht University, 2021[Postponed due to Covid-19].
katalog výstavy v pražské Loretě / the Exhibition Catalogue from Loreto Prague
La présente journée d’études vient clore le séminaire de lectures en sciences sociales de l’École française de Rome, consacré cette année à la question des choses. Les sciences sociales, qui se sont définies par l’étude des humains, de... more
(1719: art at the lottery. Dispersed coins and art objects from the Pedroni collection in Modena). La collezione privata di Andrea e Pietro Giovanni Pedroni di Modena era costituita, oltre che da numerose emissioni della zecca di Roma,... more
Christoph Semler’s model of the Temple of Solomon offered its eighteenth-century viewers a three-dimensional treasure-trove of exegetical opportunities. During live demonstrations, they were invited to explore the links between biblical... more
Half-serious short history of collecting: what, how, where, who.
But, at last, collecting is also giving a second life to objects and memories.
Discover how.
Some of Massimo Crispi's indomitable thoughts.
Рассматривается история собирания коллекций по традиционной культуре народов Тихоокеанского регио- на в Кунсткамере Академии наук во второй половине XVIII в. Показан вклад мореходов и промысловиков, как и государственных экспедиций и... more
Come l’oceano nella sua immensità raccoglie indistintamente le acque dei grandi fiumi e dei ruscelli, così la Museographia neickeliana nasce con l’idea di abbracciare senza nulla tralasciare la totalità di un tema, elaborando,... more
Le ricerche negli archivi romani hanno consentito di fissare con certezza l'anno di morte dell'artista e di ricostruire alcune vicende biografiche ancora poco note. In appendice è pubblicato l'ìnventario della collezione di rarità... more
The article focuses on the ways in which the quotidian is represented in museum exhibitions. Topics dealing with perfumes and cosmetics, here serving as an example, usually stay on the margins of contemporary Russian historical narrative,... more