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Durante la Edad Contemporánea tuvieron lugar acontecimientos traumáticos (migraciones, guerra y exilio) que trajeron consigo un auge de la escritura epistolar. Tras la derrota republicana en la Guerra Civil más de medio millón de... more
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      Refugee StudiesEpistolographyHistoria de la cultura escritaExilio español 1939
Este libro clásico recién incorporado al conjunto de da cuenta de los prolegómenos y los primeros años de la antropología posmoderna. Con el correr de un par de décadas pudo verificarse que mi sombrío pronóstico, asentado en... more
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      Jean BaudrillardPost-StructuralismMarilyn StrathernJean-François Lyotard
Este libro da cuenta de los prolegómenos y los primeros años de la antropología posmoderna. Con el correr de un par de décadas pudo verificarse que mi sombrío pronóstico, asentado en un prólogo que se come la mitad del libro, no era del... more
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      Marilyn StrathernPosmodernismoJames CliffordAntropología simbólica
Resumo: A ornamentação de manuscritos era uma prática plenamente viva ainda durante o século XVIII. Documentos adornados se destacavam pela sua singularidade e valor simbólico em relação aos textos impressos. Os manuais de caligrafia,... more
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      Art HistoryPaintingBrazilHistory of Reading and Writing
English: This book addresses, from an anthropological and historical perspective, nurtured by postcolonial perspectives, the main principles and features of the Western Argentine Qom (or Toba) ontology. This chronicle integrates as a... more
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      EthnohistoryOntologyEthnographyPostcolonial Studies
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      James CliffordWriting Culture
Durante los años que duró la Guerra Civil española y la posterior dictadura Franquista fueron muchos los intelectuales represaliados que sufrieron cautiverio. Para hacer frente al aislamiento y a las duras condiciones de la vida entre... more
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      History, Writing and MemoryEgo documentsWriting Culture
ʿAbd Allāh b. al‑Muqaffaʿ (d. c. 756) is one of the fathers of literary Arabic prose in the eyes of both Arab and Occidental academic traditions. His work, along with others chancellery secretaries, without a doubt laid the foundations of... more
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      Arabic LiteratureOrality-Literacy StudiesLitterature ArabeFable
Second half of a two-semester seminar required for incoming graduate students in social-cultural anthropology. Along with ANT 502, the course will introduce students to fundamentals of anthropological thought. Predominantly, the course... more
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      EthnographyEthnographic fieldworkCultural AnthropologyEthnographic Methods
At European universities, writing is a traditional way of learning, assessment, and independent study, but it is handled in an implicit, tradition-based way that has only recently been contrasted with and supported by a more explicit... more
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      Genre studiesAcademic WritingCross-Cultural StudiesWriting Practices
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      MethodologyPhilosophy of Social ScienceJames CliffordCurrent
Those of us in the 'social sciences' who take theory 'seriously' have been taught to treat ideas as ideas. The history of theory is thus the history of ideas as they have evolved from or in contradistinction to other ideas. Some... more
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      Writing CultureAnthropological Theory
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in the subject of sociology.
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      NarrativeWritingDistanciationWriting Culture
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      LiteratureSocial and Cultural AnthropologyCosmopolitanismFiction
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      Augustan PoetryHistory of the BookPropertiusHorace
D ESDE los inicios de la Antigüedad Clásica la poesía épica, la lírica, después, con el transcurso del tiempo, también la tragedia, la comedia y, en definitiva, el diverso y valioso repertorio de fuentes literarias, que como gran legado... more
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      Visual CultureRoman MosaicsWriting Culture
This is Distinguished Lecture delivered by Umberto Eco at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Library at Aklexandria, Egypt in November, 2003 and published by the Library in 2009. In this lecture, Eco visualised a world of reading and writing in... more
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      Creative WritingAnthropologySocial AnthropologyBook History
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      AnthropologyOntologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyCultural Anthropology
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Resumen: São analisadas neste artigo algumas das formas de aprendizagem e de trabalho de profissionais da escrita durante os séculos XVII e XVIII na Península Ibérica, priorizando-se os aspectos visuais dos textos. O escrivão deveria... more
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      History of Reading and WritingWritingCalligraphyManuscript studies, codicology, palaeography, medieval paper, Chaucer, circulation of texts and books, history of the book, electronic editing and digital humanities
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      Oral cultureAncient ChristianityWriting CultureHomily
Today's investment in and calls for public anthropology are one symptom of the profound rupture and reorganization of the research agendas of social/cultural anthropology as it moved away from the four-field organization of anthropology... more
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      Creative WritingAnthropologySocial AnthropologySocial Sciences
Winner of the 2020 Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award for Theological Promise "Without question, this is an excellent book. Larsen's writing is crisp, succinct, and evocative. His analysis is fresh and direct. I often find myself wondering,... more
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookTextual ScholarshipEarly Christianity
This paper explores the role of anthropological expertise in shaping the outcome of legal proceedings under conditions of cultural diversity. Taking the state-driven land-restitution process in post-apartheid South Africa as its point of... more
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      Recursion TheoryAnthropologyApplied, engaged, and public anthropologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
El presente artículo pretende indagar en la voluntad del monasterio de los santos Facundo y Primitivo de Sahagún en la construcción deliberada de una memoria histórica entre los años 904 a 1230. Tal indagación se centra, concretamente,... more
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      History and MemorySahagúnWriting Culture
This chapter offers a new methodology and a new paradigm for an anthropology of global capitalism.
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      HistoryDevelopment EconomicsAnthropologyPolitical Economy
El exilio español producido durante y después de la Guerra Civil es un episodio que ha sido profusamente historiado, si bien aún quedan muchas cuestiones por resolver. Una de ellas es la que pretendemos estudiar con esta breve... more
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      Spanish Republican Exile LiteratureEgo documentsWriting Culture
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      EthnographyPostcolonial StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyPostmodernism
Die in den 1980er Jahren begonnene Debatte über Writing Culture fordert die Ethnologie in ihrem Selbstverständnis als auf Feldforschung beruhender Verhaltenswissenschaft radikal heraus. Ihre Herausforderung bleibt aber nicht auf die... more
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      AnthropologyArgentinaWriting CultureEthnographic Writing and Cultural Representation
Unequal life-chances became a key feature of cross-border migration to, and within, the enlarged Europe. Combining transnational, intersectional and cultural-sociological perspectives, this book develops a conceptual tool to analyse... more
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      Social TheoryEuropean StudiesGender StudiesCultural Sociology
Postmodernist critiques are important because they provided a much-needed critical distance from the positivist paradigms that characterized much research in the social and human sciences in the first part of the 20th century. This entry... more
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      AnthropologyIntercultural CommunicationEthnographyReflexivity
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
Resumen: Este artículo indaga la fe en el poder evangelizador de la escritura (considerada como un "ministerio") en las interacciones entre misioneros hermanos libres y comunidades indígenas del Noroeste de la Argentina. La observación... more
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      Sociology of ReligionSocial and Cultural AnthropologyHistory of MissionsCultural Anthropology
En este diálogo, George Marcus y Tarek Elhaik empiezan reexaminando los cambios en la práctica investigativa y los paradigmas iniciados hace más de veinte años por las deliberaciones de Writing Culture y continúan evaluando el devenir de... more
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      AnthropologyEthnographyCurationWriting Culture
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      EthnologieEthnographieWriting CultureKörpergeschichte
El artículo señala que los textos y medios que circulan por intenet son unidades verbales abiertas en las que irrumpen lectores que hacen parte de comunidades virtuales como Goodreads y Librotea, hacen hiperinterpretaciones en sitios... more
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      Publishing IndustryEstudios CulturalesWriting CultureAlfabetização E Letramento
This article is an ethnography of my ethnography from fieldwork to final paper, on nawe' 'epaq, the Argentine Chaco Toba shaman's competition tree. To do so, I my approach is influenced by Vitor Turner's vision of anthropology as... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophyOntologyResearch Methodology
Actes du colloque / Th e Acts of the Symposium À qui appartient la tradition? À quoi sert-elle? La tradition entre culture, utilisateur et entrepreneur / Who owns the tradition? What is its purpose? Tradition between culture, user and... more
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      LiteracyWriting CultureAnthropology of Writing
Una de las consecuencias más evidentes de la Guerra Civil española fue el exilio al que se vieron abocados miles de personas. A pesar de que fueron cinco las distintas fases del éxodo español, la más la más conocida y numerosa fue la que... more
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      Cultural HistorySpanish Republican ExileRefugees and Forced Migration StudiesHistoria de la cultura escrita
This paper is an attempt towards the construction of ethnography of an encounter between a group of poor rural women and some university teachers and students in the setting of a workshop. The workshop was organized by a Delhi based... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesAnthropologySocial Anthropology
This article explores contemporary modes of writing in Ethnography and proposes a systematized form of narrative descpritions within ethnographies defined as "stream of experience". Inspired by the well-known concept of "stream of... more
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      Qualitative Methods (Sociology)Academic WritingEthnography (Research Methodology)Ethnomethodology
At European universities, writing is a traditional way of learning, assessment, and independent study, but it is handled in an implicit, tradition-based way that has only recently been contrasted with and supported by a more explicit... more
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      Computer ScienceGenre studiesAcademic WritingCross cultural studies
At European universities, writing is a traditional way of learning, assessment, and independent study, but it is handled in an implicit, tradition-based way that has only recently been contrasted with and supported by a more explicit... more
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      Computer ScienceGenre studiesAcademic WritingCross cultural studies
Traduction de TYLER S., 1986, "Post-Modern Ethnography. From Document of the Occult to Occult Document", in CLIFFORD J. & MARCUS G., Writing Culture. The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography, Berkeley, California University Press.
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      AnthropologyEthnographySociology of KnowledgeSocial and Cultural Anthropology
1. La scrittura del Cristo in prospettiva post-meridionalista Nello sviluppo degli studi sul long seller di Carlo Levi-come Carmine Don-zelli poté dire il best seller del 1945, nel presentare alla Fondazione Basso il numero Carlo Levi:... more
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      Carlo LeviWriting CultureItalian Resistance Literature
Bjørn Enge Bertelsen's chapter presents excerpts from his article 'Effervescence and ephemerality: Popular urban uprisings in Mozambique'. This is an analysis of instances of violent popular protests occurring in Mozambican cities in 2008... more
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      African StudiesAnthropologyPostcolonial StudiesDigital Media
At European universities, writing is a traditional way of learning, assessment, and independent study, but it is handled in an implicit, tradition-based way that has only recently been contrasted with and supported by a more explicit... more
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      Computer ScienceGenre studiesAcademic WritingCross cultural studies
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      Anthropology of TaiwanNationalism and anthropologyHomo AcademicusWriting Culture