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Bonjour à tous. Pour me situer, je suis à la fois consultant dans un cabinet, que j'ai créé en 2012 à Toulouse, et chercheur associé au CNAM dans le laboratoire d'ergonomie depuis 2011, là où j'ai fait ma thèse en 1994. Le travail que je... more
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      ErgonomicsTrustConfidenceWork Analysis and Job Design
By embracing insights from project management and intellectual capital measurement research fields, basis can be established for development of new performance indicators for monitoring intangible project aspects of individual and team... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringKnowledge ManagementPerformance Management
Having more women in government leadership roles lead to better gender-responsive and inclusive governance (United Nations Development Program, 2023). Participation in the decision-making and political power of the state is of paramount... more
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      Human Resource ManagementWomen's EmpowermentPerformance AppraisalLocal governance
Master of ScienceDepartment of Psychological SciencesJin LeeOverqualification represents an employment situation where an individual has excess knowledge, skills, abilities, experience, or other qualifications that are not required or... more
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      AttitudesScale Development
El presente documento describe cómo estimular la significatividad laboral, la responsabilidad y el grado de conocimiento acerca de los resultados laborales, a partir de la aplicación de una herramienta de diagnóstico centrada en... more
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      ResponsabilidadSignificatividadCiencias económicas
Recent studies show the importance of overqualification for the career success of professionals. Drawing on relative deprivation and person-environment fit theory and with a  focus on career success perspective, we examined the effect of... more
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      PsychologyModerationEntrepreneurship and Management of Innovation
This version of the article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation Management
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      Human Resource DevelopmentHuman Resource ManagementJob SatisfactionStrategic Human Resource Management
The purpose of this study is to validate the Spanish version of the Work Design Questionnaire (WDQ; Morgeson & Humphrey, 2006). Employees from three Colombian samples completed the questionnaire (N = 831). Confirmatory factor analyses... more
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      PsychologyWorkplace designWork and Organizational PsychologyValidation
In questo articolo presentiamo il processo di ideazione di un simulatore destinato alla formazione e alla valutazione delle competenze degli operatori che lavorano nelle aziende farmaceutiche. I manager delle industrie in questione... more
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      PsychologyHumanitiesPolitical Science
Pengembangan SDM sangat diperlukan karena memiliki aspek yang penting bagi peningkatan produktivitas SDM dan juga memiliki tujuan-tujuan tertentu yang pastinya harus dicapai demi kemajuan suatu perusahaan atau organisasi pelayanan sosial.... more
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Does automation adoption mitigate the COVID-19 infection rate of employees? What resources and internal and external factors need to be configured with automation to mitigate COVID-19 contagion from employees successfully? According to... more
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      BusinessTechnologyAutomationInfection Risk
Este trabajo busca analizar que tanto influye en la motivacion laboral de los empleados de una empresa lider en America Latina, integrada por: el embotellador de una marca de refrescos mas grande del mundo y la cadena de tiendas de... more
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    • Humanities
Este trabajo busca analizar que tanto influye en la motivacion laboral de los empleados de una empresa lider en America Latina, integrada por: el embotellador de una marca de refrescos mas grande del mundo y la cadena de tiendas de... more
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    • Humanities
La problematica del analisis del trabajo es muy interesante para varias ciencias aplicadas que convergen en el intento de mejorar la calidad de vida del trabajador, influyendo en la disminucion de los efectos negativos del trabajo. Se... more
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Past research has found that employees who view themselves as overqualified for their jobs tend to hold negative job attitudes and be unwilling to go beyond the call of duty. In challenging situations such as during the COVID-19 crisis,... more
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      PsychologyApplied PsychologySocial PsychologyBusiness and Management
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceE GovernmentPublic Information Systems
By embracing insights from project management and intellectual capital measurement research fields, basis can be established for development of new performance indicators for monitoring intangible project aspects of individual and team... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringKnowledge ManagementPerformance Management
El presente documento describe cómo estimular la significatividad laboral, la responsabilidad y el grado de conocimiento acerca de los resultados laborales, a partir de la aplicación de una herramienta de diagnóstico centrada en... more
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      ResponsabilidadSignificatividadCiencias económicas
By embracing insights from project management and intellectual capital measurement research fields, basis can be established for development of new performance indicators for monitoring intangible project aspects of individual and team... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringKnowledge ManagementPerformance Management
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This position paper is aimed at presenting as discussion material at the CoPDA 2016 Workshop the preliminary results of a short review of the literature published by the HWID community in the last 10 years in four books. Specifically, the... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionParticipation
The IFIP 13.6 Human Work Interaction Design (HWID) working group aims at establishing relationships between extensive empirical workdomain studies and interaction design. Today, generic designs are applied to usesituations with very... more
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      EngineeringComputer Science
In this SIG we aim to introduce the IFIP 13.6 Human Work Interaction Design (HWID) approach to the CHI audience. The HWID working group aims at establishing relationships between extensive empirical work-domain studies and HCI design. We... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceInteraction DesignHuman Factors in Computing Systems
In the framework of French studies on professionalization, the conceptualization of the action takes on ever-greater importance. The failure of prescriptive models determines the recovery of the dignity of the teacher, his values and his... more
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      SociologyArtAction ResearchConceptualization
This workshop will explore and discuss geopolitical issues in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) as a field of knowledge and practice. These issues are mainly seen at two levels: (1) on discourses surrounding motivations and value of HCI as... more
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      Computer SciencePhilosophy of AgencyGeopoliticsPolitics
Control mechanisms for the evolving potential of autonomous systems are not yet sufficiently established. However, there is a need for control to be allocated throughout organisational and institutional levels of society in order to... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionAviation
In this paper we discuss the emergence of a redefined human work interaction design environment due to Internet of Things. The change in paradigm challenges designers to rethink the category of the user/worker to include their trusted IT... more
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El cambio de horario puede experimentarse en dos cir-cunstancias: una, cuando viajando se llega a una ciudad cuya hora es diferente a la de la ciudad de donde se partió, y que el viajero lleva en su reloj. Los traslados intercontinentales... more
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      ChronobiologyPsychologyCircadian RhythmsSleep & Circadian Rhythms
This study aims to determine the effect of motivation and work experience on employee performance at PT. Yamaha Saka Motor in South Tangerang. The method used was explanatory research with a sample of 43 respondents. The analysis... more
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      PsychologyStatistical SignificanceWork Motivation
This position paper is aimed at presenting as discussion material at the CoPDA 2016 Workshop the preliminary results of a short review of the literature published by the HWID community in the last 10 years in four books. Specifically, the... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionParticipation
We are extremely pleased to present the pre-conference proceedings of HWID2012. The conference is a working conference held under the auspices of IFIP TC 13 on Human-Computer Interaction. 1 Technical Committee TC13 on Human-Computer... more
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    • Computer Science
El presente documento describe cómo estimular la significatividad laboral, la responsabilidad y el grado de conocimiento acerca de los resultados laborales, a partir de la aplicación de una herramienta de diagnóstico centrada en... more
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      ResponsabilidadSignificatividadCiencias económicas
As applicants with more qualifications enter the workforce and managers reject individuals with more skills than a job requires, overqualification grows in importance to organizations. Perceived overqualification, or an individual's... more
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      Industrial and Organizational PsychologyCognitive DissonanceJusticeOverqualification
El presente documento describe cómo estimular la significatividad laboral, la responsabilidad y el grado de conocimiento acerca de los resultados laborales, a partir de la aplicación de una herramienta de diagnóstico centrada en... more
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      ResponsabilidadSignificatividadCiencias económicas
El presente documento describe cómo estimular la significatividad laboral, la responsabilidad y el grado de conocimiento acerca de los resultados laborales, a partir de la aplicación de una herramienta de diagnóstico centrada en... more
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      ResponsabilidadSignificatividadCiencias económicas
Unos seres se hallan espontáneamente mejor en verano y otros en invierno. Hipócrates. Aforismos Libro II.
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University graduates' overqualification (i.e., having more education, qualification and/or skills than one's job requires) has important negative consequences. However, much less is known about its antecedents. This represents an... more
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Employee behaviors can be classified into two basic groups as positive and negative organizational behaviors. One of the negative organizational behaviors is counterproductive work behaviours. It is aimed to reveal the effects of... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyDistributive Justicesocial science studies
We are extremely pleased to present the pre-conference proceedings of HWID2012. The conference is a working conference held under the auspices of IFIP TC 13 on Human-Computer Interaction. 1 Technical Committee TC13 on Human-Computer... more
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    • Computer Science
Preceding researchers have tended to focus on the negative aspect of the perceived overqualification and its inadequacy in the organization. We offer an alternative perspective and postulate that perceived overqualification could... more
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      EconomicsBusiness and Social Science Econpmicsbusiness management and social science
Title: Cross-lagged study of expectation mismatches and proactive work adaptation responses. Abstract: This paper analyse the differences in the evolu- tion of expectation mismatches linking with work proac- tive responses in new European... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkOrganizational ChangeSocialization
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The purpose of this study is to validate the Spanish version of the Work Design Questionnaire (WDQ; Morgeson & Humphrey, 2006). Employees from three Colombian samples completed the questionnaire (N = 831). Confirmatory factor analyses... more
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      PsychologyWorkplace designWork and Organizational PsychologyValidation
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      User Experience (UX)Participatory DesignService DesignPersonas
r e s u M e n Los grupos de trabajo son centrales en las organizaciones actuales, y uno de los procesos más relevantes es el aprendizaje de equipo, su desarrollo y sus antecedentes. El presente estudio tiene dos objetivos principales: 1)... more
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      PsychologyHumanitiesUniversitas Psychologica
El tiempo de trabajo es uno de los aspectos de las condiciones de trabajo que tiene una repercusión más directa sobre la vida diaria. El número de horas trabajadas y su distribución pueden afectar no sólo a la calidad de vida en el... more
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In questo articolo presentiamo il processo di ideazione di un simulatore destinato alla formazione e alla valutazione delle competenze degli operatori che lavorano nelle aziende farmaceutiche. I manager delle industrie in questione... more
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