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In the daily life of the software we think of mobile phone computer and so on devices that we use in different ways on our devices. For companies, the management of business processes such as the supply chain of human resources is the... more
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      Software EngineeringAgile Methods (Software Engineering)Agile MethodologiesMetode Waterfall
The agile software development method performs based approach authorized with values, principles and performs which make the software development process more easily and in faster time. Agile methods which realize individual methods like... more
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      ScrumWaterfall Model
Gümüşhane ilinin tanıtımı ile ilgili sunum (Fotoğraflı)
The city of Turkey as Gumushane with photographs (places to visit-historical, nature etc.)
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      HistoryHistorical GeographyTourism StudiesTourism Marketing
In order to improve the performance of human resources (in this case is a lecturer) at the Faculty of Computer Science University of Mercu has conducted a lecturer's performance evaluation at the end of each semesterBuana periodically.... more
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      Performance Evaluation (Business)Performance Evaluation (Computer Science)Building Performance EvaluationMusic Performance Evaluation
Penyimpanan buku, artikel serta beberapa sumber referensi pada perpustakaan SMKS Bintang Nusantara saat ini mengalami kesulitan dalam pendataan dan pengelolaan buku maupun sumber referensi lainnya, dimana pendataan dan pengelolaan... more
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      Digital LibraryWaterfall Model
For many years, most public government ICT (Information and Communications Technology) projects were carried out using the Waterfall method. The basic development life cycle format of Waterfall (Requirement Analysis, Design, Development,... more
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      Project ManagementGovernmentSoftware DevelopmentAgile software development
Online Course Registration System Development Software Engineering Project Presentation . Step by step applying system analysis and design with waterfall model.
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      Software DevelopmentSystem Analysis and DesignPPT PresentationWaterfall Model
Each application's quality is the finish results of how every step of the life cycle of software development has been managed. In order to achieve a good quality product, multiple teams and strategies are used. Software development is a... more
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      Spiral ModelWaterfall ModelIncremental modelV-shaped model
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    • Waterfall Model
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      Software DevelopmentPrototypingRadIncremental
Banyak sekali perusahaan yang bergerak pada bidang garment di Indonesia yang tidak hanya fokus di bidang produksi / manufaktur, namun juga telah melebarkan sayapnya ke arah pemasaran / penjualan melalui toko-toko ritel, konsinyasi, dan... more
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      Garments IndustryE-CommerceBusiness to Customer B2cWaterfall Model
Model Proses Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Model proses perangkat lunak adalah gambaran abstrak dari suatu proses. Model ini menyajikan deskripsi suatu proses dari beberapa sudut pandang tertentu. 1. Waterfall Model / Linear Sequential... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringTechnologySains dan Teknologi
Tegal district has broad range of industries which spread over 18 sub-districts. These industries have been supporting the sustainability of the economic rate of Tegal district. Local government still relies on the manual census in... more
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      Sistem Informasi GeografisWaterfall Model
The software project start developing from different methodologies. For the development of the projects different models are being selected according to the project’s goal and aim. Methodologies decide the time period of any software... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware ArchitectureSoftware Model CheckingSoftware
Building owners, designers and constructors are seeing a rapid increase in the number of sustainably designed high performance buildings. These buildings provide numerous benefits to the owners and occupants to include improved indoor air... more
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      ArchitectureSystems EngineeringSustainable DesignGreen Building
Software engineering provides methodologies, concepts and practices, which are used for analyzing, designing, building and maintaining the information in a software industry. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model is an approach... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringCommunicationComputer Engineering
SQUARE (Security Quality Requirements Engineering) is a method for eliciting and prioritizing security requirements in software development projects. This report describes how SQUARE can be incorporated in standard life-cycle models for... more
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      Software EngineeringRequirements EngineeringRUPSecurity Requirements
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceNonprofit Technology and InformaticsWaterfall Model
Technological advancement in information technology applications allows the data recording process to become easier. Putra Mariyo Trading Business is a business institution that sells wood as a building material in various types and... more
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      Computer ScienceWhite Box TestingWaterfallBlack Box
High energy consumption has become a critical problem for supercomputer systems. GPU clusters are becoming an increasingly popular architecture for building supercomputers because of its great improvement in performance. In this paper, we... more
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      Computational ModelingClustering AlgorithmsEnergy efficiencyCoProcessors
ABSTRACT Organisational and cultural boundaries are two of the main important aspects of the software development process for distributed customers. Many organisations use traditional approaches, such as the Waterfall model, to develop... more
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      Software EngineeringDocumentationStakeholdersPlanning
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      EngineeringSoftware MaintenanceSoftware TestingSoftware Development
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      EngineeringSoftware MaintenanceSoftware TestingSoftware Development
SQUARE (Security Quality Requirements Engineering) is a method for eliciting and prioritizing security requirements in software development projects. This report describes how SQUARE can be incorporated in standard life-cycle models for... more
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      Software EngineeringRequirements EngineeringRUPSecurity Requirements
Kabupaten Tegal memiliki berbagai industri yang tersebar di 18 Kecamatan, industri-industri tersebutlah yang dapat menopang laju perekonomian pada Kabupaten Tegal. Pemerintah Kabupaten Tegal dalam melakukan pendataan industri tersebut... more
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      EngineeringSistem Informasi GeografisWaterfall Model
Building owners, designers and constructors are seeing a rapid increase in the number of sustainably designed high performance buildings. These buildings provide numerous benefits to the owners and occupants to include improved indoor air... more
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      ArchitectureSystems EngineeringSustainable DesignGreen Building
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      EngineeringSoftware MaintenanceSoftware TestingSoftware Development
The use of information technology has a very broad scope. One of them is in the field of funeral. Funeral is often a "backward" issue in this life. Even if we look at our "nature" as human beings, we will all experience what is called... more
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      Information SystemsWaterfall Model
Are there "Best practices" in project management? "One size fits all" is still in common use, and this approach has proven to lead to project failure. Flexibility, situational intelligence, and creativity are essential to deliver project... more
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      Project ManagementAgile Project ManagementBest PracticesProject manager
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      Computer ArchitectureSoftware MaintenanceSoftware DevelopmentSystems Analysis
Nowadays, the benefits of using the internet can be felt in society or even in the industrial world, either for business or just for entertainment purposes. Until 2017, Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest internet users... more
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      Computer ScienceWaterfall Model
The Ministry of National Education has declared excellence scholarship program, one kind of these excellence scholarships is P3SWOT. P3SWOT is an excellence scholarship given to researcher, writer, creator, artist, journalist, athlete,... more
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      Computer ScienceNonprofit Technology and InformaticsWaterfall Model
The Ministry of National Education has declared excellence scholarship program, one kind of these excellence scholarships is P3SWOT. P3SWOT is an excellence scholarship given to researcher, writer, creator, artist, journalist, athlete,... more
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      Computer ScienceNonprofit Technology and InformaticsWaterfall Model
We describe the many challenges faced when designing, implementing and embedding large-scale installations in a physical space, such as a building. A case study is presented of a distributed ambient display system intended to inform, lure... more
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      DesignCase StudyIterative DesignImplementation
The use of information technology has a very broad scope. One of them is in the field of funeral. Funeral is often a "backward" issue in this life. Even if we look at our "nature" as human beings, we will all... more
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      Information SystemsWaterfall Model
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      EngineeringSoftware MaintenanceSoftware TestingSoftware Development