Vladislav Khodasevich
Recent papers in Vladislav Khodasevich
Wiener Slawistischer Almanach. Bd. 93. 2017. p 133–145.
This book is devoted to the poorly studied early poetry of Vladislav Khodasevich (1886–1939), one of the most remarkable poets of the Russian “Silver Age”. The research focuses primarily on early collections of Khodasevich, Molodost’... more
Книга посвящена диалогу русских писателей-модернистов с Данте и Петраркой. В трех ее разделах исследуются: общемодернистское преклонение перед «Канцоньере» Петрарки; стихотворения Анненского, Кузмина, Ходасевича и Ахматовой, отмеченные... more
This paper is devoted to the influence that the experience of emigration had on the poetics of Khodasevich's book European Night (Evropeiskaia noch'). Till the spring of 1925 Khodasevich thought that he had the possibility to return to... more
In this article we will examine the influence of Alexander Herzen, perhaps the most famous Russian emigré of the 19th century, on the worldview of Vladislav Khodasevich and on the poetics of the latter’s poetry written in emigration. In... more
Анализ стихотворения "Перед зеркалом" с точки зрения того, какое место в его смысловой конструкции занимают Данте, Петрарка, а также итальянская опера. См. также электронную публикацию на сайте "Рутения"... more
Vladislav Khodasevich's literary activity in emigration (1922–39) may be described as a search for a new identity. Khodasevich's departure abroad induced a powerful self‐image crisis and resulted in the trauma of emigration, which... more
Основная задача статьи заключается в том, чтобы объяснить, почему в последнем эмигрантском лирическом цикле В. Ходасевича "Европейская ночь" так много физически неполноценных персонажей. В работе физическая неполноценность персонажей... more
Статья посвящена влиянию Гейне на поэзию Ходасевича. Хотя русская литературная традиция для Ходасевича была важнее, чем европейская, в его лирике обнаруживается ощутимый пласт поэзии Гейне. Обращение к Гейне в ранних стихах Ходасевича... more
Vladislav Khodasevich is known not only as a poet who idolized Pushkin, but also as a Pushkinist. Yet, when the issue of Pushkinian influence in his poem "Не матерью, но тульскою крестьянкой…" (Not by my mother, but by a Tula peasant... more
В статье рассматривается поэтическая формула В. Ф. Ходасевича «путем зерна», восходящая к Новому Завету и связанная с библейскими представлениями о вневременных ценностях. Цель статьи показать, что эта формула не в меньшей степени связана... more
Using Vladislav Khodasevich's 1927 collection 'European Night' ('Evropeiskaia noch'') as a case study, this article argues for the notion of travel as a new approach to the field of émigré literature. Khodasevich's poems in 'European... more
О «солидарном чтении» (англ. co-opted reading) в авангардоведении и об участии формалистов в его формировании мне уже доводилось писать [Панова, 2009(а); . В настоящей заметке я постараюсь суммировать сделанные ранее наблюдения, а также... more
This essay is a monographic analysis of Vladislav Khodasevich's famous poem 'Before the Mirror' (1924). It focuses on the work's biographical context; its meaning (midlife crisis superimposed on the poet's self-portrait in a mirror); its... more
В статье анализируется образ Державина в произведениях Юрия Тынянова, Юрия Домбровского и Владислава Ходасевича
The paper discusses the poems of Vladislav Khodasevich based on the theme of fire. The element of this appeared in the poems of the poet initially in the literal sense, as an element of landscapes, later it became an important carrier of... more
In this essay, I analyze Maksim Gor’kii’s and Vladislav Khodasevich’s attitudes to Russian neo-peasant poetry as a formative aspect of their respective worldviews. Their approach represented one of the underlying factors in their... more
This article considers the structure of Vladislav Khodasevich's Necropolis (Nekro-pol', 1939) in relation to the volume's critique of Symbolist life-creation (zhizne-tvorchestvo). Necropolis compiles short memoir-portraits of various... more
Биографический словарь существует и имеет смысл прежде всего как справоч ное издание, основной критерий которого -достоверность. Чтобы обеспечить до стоверность всех сведений картотеки «Предварительного списка», их необходимо проверить в... more
This article considers the function of tears and crying in the “biographical legend” of Maksim Gor’kii. His Nietzschean sympathies notwithstanding, Gor’kii was widely acknowledged to be a weepy individual, and many memoirists discuss... more
My Introduction to "Four Poems' is here: http://muse.jhu.edu/article/693257. ... What we have before us (speaking thematically), is Khodasevich’s own testimony to the shattered certainties of the old world, its shell-shocked survivors... more
The article describes Khodasevich's copy of Pushkin's Works and Days (1910) by N.O. Lerner with the author's inscription. This copy contains notes to Khoda-sevich's historical and literary works: the plan of Pushkin's biography and the... more
This paper is devoted to the influence of Chodasevič’s poetic technique on Mandel′štam’s poetry. We make an attempt to analyze Mandel′štam’s late Novye stichi (“Ne govori nikomu…”, “Kuda kak strašno nam s toboj…” and “My s toboj na kuchne... more
This paper contextualizes Khodasevich's poem 'Slezy Rakhili' ('Rachel's Tears'; 1916) and his article 'Voina i poeziia' ('War and Poetry'; 1938) as his responses to World War I and to the Munich agreement, respectively. I contend that the... more
My Introduction to "Four Poems' is here: http://muse.jhu.edu/article/693257. ... What we have before us (speaking thematically), is Khodasevich’s own testimony to the shattered certainties of the old world, its shell-shocked survivors... more
The leading first generation Russian Symbolist poet Konstatin Balmont (1867-1942) said it best (in 1899): I love this universe’s squeaking axes, The vulture’s screeching at night’s ditch, And this life’s rutted and eroded paths…. (He... more
The article opens with critical remarks on the highly valuable, but abounding in lacunae edition of The Complete Poetical Works of V. Khodasevich, published in 2009 by John Malmstad and Robert Hughes as the first volume of the Collected... more
My Introduction to "Four Poems' is here: http://muse.jhu.edu/article/693257. ... What we have before us (speaking thematically), is Khodasevich’s own testimony to the shattered certainties of the old world, its shell-shocked survivors... more
Arguably "next in line" after the Russian "Big Four," (Mandelstam, Tsvetaeva, Pasternak, and Akhmatova), the poet and critic Vladislav Khodasevich (1886–1939) has been, by comparison, neglected.... The Russian originals of these... more
My Introduction to "Four Poems' is here: http://muse.jhu.edu/article/693257 ... What we have before us (speaking thematically), is Khodasevich’s own testimony to the shattered certainties of the old world, its shell-shocked survivors... more
This article suggests a literary analysis of " Renata's End " , a memoir essay written by V. Khodasevich (1928), one of the key examples for understanding the particular nature of Russian symbolism. It is focused on the interpretation... more