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      Cultural HistoryHistory of ReligionHistory of psychical research and parapsychologySpiritualism
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      Vienna 1900Alfred KubinLyonel Feininger
Klimt/Schiele: Drawings from the Albertina Museum, Vienna (Royal Academy of Arts, London, 4 November 2018 ​to 3 February 2019)
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      Art HistoryEgon SchieleGustav KlimtExhibition Review
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      ModernismArt Theory and CriticismVienna 1900Hermann Bahr
This article positions multidisciplinary artist Friedl Dicker-Brandeis at the center of a web that spans Vienna 1900, the Weimar Bauhaus, and interwar Vienna. Using a network metaphor to read her work, she is understood here as specialist... more
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      Women ArtistsVienna 1900Weimar BauhausFriedl Dicker- Brandeis
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      HistoryArchitectureSocialism- Architecture history
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      Fin de siècle ViennaVienna 1900Vienna Music History
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      Gustav KlimtJaponismeVienna 1900Kimono Culture
This thesis focuses on the architectural production of Red Vienna in 1920s to examine the bourgeois conception of social housing program in a governmental socialist understanding of housing. Having a structural transformation through... more
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      ArchitectureWorking ClassesIdeologyArchitectural History
Johannes Wieninger “There’s a Chinese vase standing in the bookcase” East Asian elements in the late work of Gustav Klimt in: Sandra Tretter und Peter Weinhäupl (Hrsg): Gustav Klimt - Atelier Feldmühlgasse 1911-1918. (Reihe Edition... more
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      Art HistoryGustav KlimtJaponismeVienna 1900
Croatian Embassy in Vienna and Zagreb Modern gallery are commemorating 100th anniversary of Otto Wagner’s death with the exhibition on his influence on Croatian late 19th and early 20th century architecture. The exhibition is held in the... more
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      Art HistoryCultural History of Central Europe- Architecture historyArt Nouveau
Im späten 19. Jahrhundert verzeichnete die Stadt Wien innerhalb von nur we-nigen Jahrzehnten ein deutliches Bevölkerungswachstum. Während der Bedarf an Nahrungsmitteln wie Fleisch, Obst oder Gemüse für dieses demographische Wachstum... more
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    • Vienna 1900
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      Art MarketVienna 1900KünstlerhausCharles Sedelmeyer
A Syllabus for a course for Johns Hopkins University's Master of Liberal Arts Program, Spring 2015, focusing on the cultures of Vienna, Paris, and London in the decades leading up to 1900, and exploring the birth of Modernism in the arts.
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      History Of LondonModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Modernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Modernism (Art History)
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      Anti-SemitismGustav Mahler studiesFin de siècle ViennaFin-de-Siècle Culture
1900 was a remarkable year for science. Several ground-breaking events took place, in physics, biology and psychology. Planck introduced the quantum concept, the work of Mendel was rediscovered, and Sigmund Freud published The... more
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      PsychoanalysisQuantum PhysicsPhilosophy of ScienceMolecular Biology
מטרתו של מאמר זה היא לספק לקוראים תיאור של וינה 1900 תוך הסתמכול על מקורות ראשוניים שנוצרו על-ידי הווינאים עצמם סביב 1900. סטטיסטיקאים אוסטרים ליקטו חלק מהאינפורמציה המוצגת ואינפורמציה נוספת ניתן למצוא במדריך הטלפון ומסחר הווינאי. ביחד... more
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    • Vienna 1900
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      History of ScienceFin de siècle ViennaHistory of ModernityVienna 1900
Short essay on Alma Mahler. - In hungarian.
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      Cultural HistoryBiographyFin de siècle ViennaKokoschka
Der japanische Farbholzschnitt in Wien um 1900

The Japanese Colour Woodcut in Vienna around 1900

L’estampe japonaise à Vienne vers 1900
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      SecessionFin de siècle ViennaGustav KlimtJaponisme
Hugo von Hofmannsthal was distinct from the other contemporary Viennese writers. Since Hofmannsthal studied Romanic Literature at the University of Vienna, he could peruse Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, Provençal textes at will. In all... more
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      Literary JournalismPhilologyFrench LiteratureGerman Literature
Tra i vari revival che nel corso dell'Ottocento si succedettero nel panorama artistico europeo, quel lo relativo al recupero della decorazione libraria miniata appare come ancora in gran parte da studiare, nonostante i recenti interventi... more
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      Fin de siècle ViennaGustav KlimtViennaVienna 1900
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      SecessionArt MarketVienna 1900Künstlerhaus
Klimt looked at me as he showed me this picture and said ‘Japon.’ The Japanese artist Kijiro Ohta visited Gustav Klimt in January 1913, and although he put no pressure on him, Gustav Klimt performed a kind of vowed declaration to the... more
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      Japanese Language And CultureFin de siècle ViennaGustav KlimtJaponisme
Was bedeutet es, zu töten? Was bedeutet es, getötet zu werden? Wie wird Töten sag- und sichtbar gemacht? Im Aufschreibesystem von 1900 – zwischen Film, Grammophon und Literatur – werden diese Fragen kulturanthropologisch,... more
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      Cultural StudiesGerman LiteratureAnthropologyMedia Studies
Apstrakt: Od kanonskog spisa analitičke filozofije do egzistencijalističke sabotaže naučnog pogleda na svet-malo koje kapitalno delo savremene filozofije je postao predmetom tako oprečnih tumačenja kao Vitgenštajnov Tractatus... more
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      Intellectual History of EnlightenmentVienna CircleModernismTractatus Logico-Philosophicus
The Hagengesellschaft was crucial for the foundation of the two most important artists’ associations in Vienna around 1900. The first members of the Secession (formed in 1897) and the Hagenbund (established in 1900) came from its ranks.
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      History of photographyFin de siècle ViennaVienna 1900Vienna Secession
António Sousa Ribeiro (Universidade de Coimbra) Um mundo em desagregação? Ordem, violência e o discurso da literature na "Viena de 1900" 1 … the worst is not So long as we can say 'This is the worst'. Shakespeare, King Lear, IV/1 Escolhi... more
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      ViolenceHugo von HofmannsthalVienna 1900
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      Social HousingVienna 1900KonutSociopolitical Development
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      Modernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Modern ArchitectureModernismFin de siècle Vienna
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      German ExpressionismFin de siècle ViennaVienna 1900Oskar Kokoschka
Emotions and Literature of the Viennese Modernity refer to one other in an attempt to create a new language of wholeness. The study focuses in this regard on writings of Friedrich Nietzsche, Ernst Mach, Fritz Mauthner, Sigmund Freud, Hugo... more
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      EmotionMood Disorders (Psychology)LiteratureFriedrich Nietzsche
Catalogue essay for Stadt der Frauen / City of Women, Belvedere exhibition based on Julie M. Johnson, The Memory Factory: The Forgotten Women Artists of Vienna 1900 (Purdue, 2012) A short commentary on the historically specific erasure of... more
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      Holocaust StudiesWomen ArtistsPhilosophy of history, Philosophy of political action, Walter BenjaminVienna 1900
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      Sociology of KnowledgeIdentity (Culture)HomosexualityVienna 1900
PrimaryText Commentary Berthold Hub Bertho d H ub s Assistant Professor at ETH (Sw ss Federal nstitute ofTechno og/) Zurch, n the Fa.ulty ofArchltecture, nstitute for H story andTheory ofArchiteciure. Our mage ofHermann Bahr (1863 914)... more
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      Applied ArtsFin de siècle ViennaVienna 1900Hermann Bahr
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      Karl KrausVienna 1900Die Fackel
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      Karl KrausVienna 1900Adolf LoosWiener Moderne
105th Annual Conference, College Art Association (CAA), New York, 15-18 February 2017. Panel: "Erasures and Eradications in Viennese Modernism." Chairs: Megan Brandow-Faller, City University of New York, Kingsborough; Laura Morowitz,... more
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      Jewish StudiesFin de siècle ViennaVienna 1900Nazi Looted Art
Der Aufsatz behandelt erstmals die Skizzen des Bildhauers Caspar Zumbusch für dessen Denkmal für Maria Theresia in Wien.
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      MonumentsVienna 1900DenkmalHistorismus
Thanks to Prof. Tom Hurka and Dr. Steven Beller. All mistakes are mine alone. Clink the link below to hear the new episode and click subscribe to get notifications when a new episode comes out next Tuesday.... more
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      Intellectual HistoryJewish StudiesPodcastingHabsburg Studies
„Heraus mit dem Frauenwahlrecht!“: Wien am 19. 3. 1911, 20 000 Frauen fordern das Frauenwahlrecht ein, demonstrieren für Kinderschutz und gleiche Bezahlung. Als probates Mittel der Agitation für die Ziele der (sozialistischen)... more
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      Women's HistoryUrban HistoryFin de siècle ViennaUrban Semiotics
Struck down by the Spanish Flu in 1918, aged just 28, in his short life Egon Schiele created over 3000 drawings and paintings, many of them self-portraits and nudes. His sexually frank images shocked audiences in early 20th-century Vienna... more
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      Modernism (Art History)ModernismEgon SchieleVienna 1900
É num texto de 1946-47, um dos densos fragmentos de Minima Moralia, que a reflexão de Adorno sobre o carácter ambivalente da modernidade estética encontra uma das formulações mais lapidares:
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      PostmodernismKarl KrausVienna 1900
Mechira Pumbit 49 (Sept 2005): 16-21
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      Art HistoryJewish Art HistoryVienna 1900