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Amidst the expected, punning advertisements for data companies lining the drive into San Francisco, one passes a lone cultural billboard depicting Klimt’s The Virgin (1913). The image advertises Klimt & Rodin: An Artistic Encounter at the... more
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      ConservationRace and EthnicityFeminismModernism (Art History)
Анализ эволюции образа Афины на материале литературной (О. Уайльд, Вл. Соловьев, А. Блок) и иконографической (Э. Берн-Джонс, Ф. Штук, Г. Климт, К. Мозер и др.) традиции модерна позволяет наметить этапы происхождения и развития... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyAncient myth and religionOscar Wilde
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      The Grotesque BodyEgon SchieleExpressionismGustav Klimt
Klimt/Schiele: Drawings from the Albertina Museum, Vienna (Royal Academy of Arts, London, 4 November 2018 ​to 3 February 2019)
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      Art HistoryEgon SchieleGustav KlimtExhibition Review
Il Nobel per la medicina mette di fronte la mente umana e l’ambiente intellettuale viennese fra 1889 e 1914, tracciando un ritratto stimolante dell’intensa simbiosi che si viene a determinare. Le prime tracce della possibilità di... more
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      NeuroscienceNeuropsychologyPsychology of UnconsciousSigmund Freud
Analyse littéraire et thématique des sept phases de l'amour entre Charles Swann et Odette de Crécy dans le deuxième chapitre de "Du côté de chez Swann", de Marcel Proust. Analyse de l'influence des toiles qui aparaissent dans "Un amour... more
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      Marcel ProustVladimir NabokovGustav KlimtGentile Bellini
A great number of researchers have already written on Stoclet House. This essay is about its garden and provides a way of analyzing the whole ensemble from a ‘garden viewpoint’. As will be shown, the following characteristic features of... more
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      ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureGustav KlimtBrussels
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      Art HistoryArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureLandscape History
During the late 1800’s, a transformation began in Vienna, Austria that not only catapulted the development of new social perspectives but it also completely changed the direction of art. There was a transition from academic art to a free... more
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      Fin de Siecle Literature & CultureArt NouveauEgon SchieleGustav Klimt
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    • Gustav Klimt
This paper develops an exhaustive analysis of the Japanese animation series «Elfen Lied» (2004) and its opening song, "Lilium", which is an exceptional case within its field of production because its lyrics are written in Latin. The... more
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      SemioticsCultural StudiesMusicGender Studies
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      Art NouveauGustav KlimtBruxelles
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryHistory of architectureGustav Klimt
and reflects the great passion for art and collecting cultivated by Stoclet and his wife.
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      Architectural HistoryArt NouveauGustav KlimtBrussels
At its height in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Japonisme had a tremendous impact on Western art. In this publication, author Ricard Bru approaches the cultural phenomenon of Japonisme from an innovative standpoint. He... more
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      Japanese StudiesArt HistoryJapanese ArtEroticism
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      Art HistoryModern ArtArt NouveauAustrian History
A comparison of Gustav Klimt's painting "Judith" to previous works  throughout history. And an analysis of the work in light of the Biblical Story.
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      Biblical StudiesArt NouveauGustav KlimtBook of Judith
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      Gustav KlimtÄgyptenrezeptionKunsthistorisches Museum Wien
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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    • Gustav Klimt
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      Modernism (Art History)DarwinFin de siècle ViennaGustav Klimt
Deși nu au o temă comună în mod explicit, articolele selectate se concentrează pe probleme de iconografie, înțeleasă într-un sens larg, investigând diversele relații care se pot stabili între imagini și surse textuale și vizuale, sau... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryArt TheoryContemporary Art
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      Gustav KlimtJaponismeVienna 1900Kimono Culture
At the end of the nineteenth century, Japonisme—an artistic lingua franca—became one of the most organic, overarching components of Gustav Klimt’s new art. This paper draws parallels between Gustav Klimt’s Portrait of Sonja Knips and Itō... more
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      ModernismGustav KlimtJaponismeAustrian and German Art, Architecture and Design 1850-1930
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      Modern ArtSigmund FreudModernism (Art History)19th Century (History)
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      Modern ArtThe Grotesque BodyModernism (Art History)Aubrey Beardsley
Analysis of two ways of approaching the classics, apparently different but with underlying aspects in common, respectively in the fields of literature and visual art. In his lyric O Reginella (Myricae 2 , 1892) Giovanni Pascoli uses the... more
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      Comparative LiteratureHomerReception StudiesClassical Reception Studies
Arguably one of Vienna's most celebrated artists, Gustav Klimt both sketched and painted a remarkable number of artworks during his lifetime. Most of his figurative works, if not all, focus on the female body and various issues of... more
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      Art HistoryArt NouveauGustav Klimt
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      Modern ArtModernism (Art History)Gustav KlimtByzantine art
Postfazione, in: Hermann Bahr - Polemiche su Klimt (Silvy edizioni, 2012).
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      SecessionGustav KlimtMitteleuropaMitteleuropa / Central European studies
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      Primitivism (Art History)Fin de siècle ViennaWiener WerkstätteGustav Klimt
A pesar de todo lo que se diga en contra, Kakania era quizá un país de genios, y probablemente fue ésta la causa de su ruina.
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      Fin de Siecle Literature & CultureFin de siècle ViennaGustav KlimtPsicoanálisis
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    • Gustav Klimt
Este artículo sitúa a Egon Schiele en el contexto de la Viena de Wittgenstein, separándolo de Gustav Klimt.
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      Fin de siècle ViennaEgon SchieleGustav Klimt
Johannes Wieninger “There’s a Chinese vase standing in the bookcase” East Asian elements in the late work of Gustav Klimt in: Sandra Tretter und Peter Weinhäupl (Hrsg): Gustav Klimt - Atelier Feldmühlgasse 1911-1918. (Reihe Edition... more
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      Art HistoryGustav KlimtJaponismeVienna 1900
Discussion of scholarly material and literature regarding Viennese artist Gustav Klimt's allegorical imagery.
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      MythologyArt HistoryArtPainting
Kunstformen der Natur in 1899 he culminated nearly forty years of scientific endeavors by colonizing the disciplines of aesthetics, religion, and philosophy, and presenting evolution as a world view capable of answering metaphysical... more
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      Charles DarwinGustav KlimtErnst HaeckelAlfred Kubin
Gustav Klimt's unique, iconic style was the cusp that connected the academic, historicist tradition of the past to the abstract, inward-looking, symbolic, convoluted and expressive forms of the future. However, the blossoming of Klimt's... more
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      HistoricismSymbolismApplied ArtsArt Nouveau
Este trabajo intenta vincular las representaciones de Klimt en torno a lo antiguo a la crisis de conciencia que asedia a Europa durante el cambio de siglo.
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      Art HistoryModern ArtWomen in ArtModernity
Die vorliegende Hausarbeit soll hauptsächlich über das Leben und die Tätigkeit von Gustav Klimt informieren. Die Arbeit besteht aus zwei Kapiteln, die Klimts Biographie und künstlerische Tätigkeit erleuchten. Das erste Kapitel beschreibt... more
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      Gustav KlimtAbstraktionWiener ModerneDadaismus
The group of Austrian artists that emerged by the mid-1960s, shocking the bourgeois public with their radical events or so-called aktions, have become the second most prominent and significant phenomenon in the art life of 20th-century... more
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      Performance ArtCorporealityArt and MedicineEgon Schiele
L'immaginario sorto dalla ricerca scientifica nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento giocò un ruolo fondamentale nello sviluppo delle arti tra naturalismo e simbolismo....
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      Gustav KlimtStoria Della CulturaDivisionismoStoria Della Scienza
Resumen: El tratamiento del cuerpo femenino en las obras pictóricas de Egon Schiele y Gustav Klimt proyecta dos concepciones de la mujer distintas. En la pintura de Klimt, la mujer se entiende como una fuerza opuesta al hombre. Por el... more
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      Egon SchieleGustav KlimtPinturaCuerpo Femenino
The following article will explore “one of the greatest scandals in art circles in Vienna around 1900,” and a defining experience for a dominant figure in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna: the affair around Gustav Klimt’s rejected University... more
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      CensorshipReception StudiesFin de siècle ViennaGustav Klimt
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      ArtPaintingArt NouveauRealism
Tra il 1910 e il 1911 il viennese Gustav Klimt è presente in Italia con due grandi mostre ufficiali che influenzarono in maniera determinate l’operato di molti artisti italiani. La prima delle due rassegne venne presentata alla Biennale... more
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      LibertyEgon SchieleGustav KlimtArt Deco
Portrait, Individualität und Ähnlichkeit,  Menschenbild,  Gesicht, Identifikation, Selbstbildnisse  Gustav Klimt, Richard Gerstl, Egon Schiele, Oskar Kokoschka
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      Egon SchieleGustav KlimtKunstgeschichteOskar Kokoschka
En el presente ensayo intentaré considerar un aspecto de la phrónesis aristotélica en su articulación con la experiencia de lo simbólico en algunas obras de arte que la representan. Siguiendo aquella rehabilitación de la filosofía... more
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      Hans-Georg GadamerPHRONESISEstéticaHistoria del Arte
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      SchopenhauerWagner StudiesAnti-SemitismFin de siècle Vienna
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      Reception StudiesSymbolismAssyriaGustav Klimt