Victor Klemperer
Recent papers in Victor Klemperer
In writings about the Holocaust, both Primo Levi and Hannah Arendt appeal to a concept of shame that extends the reach of the concept in a dramatic way. In its more familiar uses, we experience shame because of a failing of our own (I... more
Etwas am Wort Weltanschauung ist bekenntnishaft, es transportiert einen suggestiven Mehrwert, der nicht leicht zu erfassen ist. Adorno konstatiert in der Philosophischen Terminologie, dass es häufig mit einem Possessivpronomen versehen... more
In this book, Timothy Snyder (Professor of History at Yale University) shows how the rhetoric of US President Donald J. Trump channels the propaganda of the infamous dictators of the twentieth century. Snyder is an expert on... more
Political speech is a type of performance poetry. That may seem unlikely to those who struggle with its clichés and platitudes, but understanding the links between political speech and oral traditions of poetry allows us to appreciate its... more
In her foundational political treatise, The Origins of Totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt notes that deception is an essential component in the development and maintenance of totalitarian rule. 1 This deceit is made necessary by the regime's... more
An examination of the reception of Victor Klemperer's Diaries in Germany in the late 1990s
Pubblicato in «La contraddizione. Bimestrale di marxismo», no. 110, settembre-ottobre, 2005, pp.64-73.
"Durch Klemperers Fokus auf das Schriftbild und seinen Träger wird der Forschungsgegenstand auf seine Materialität reduziert und unter dem Blick durch die Lupe bis zur Unkenntlichkeit vergrößert. Gerade Klemperer, der mit philologischen... more
just published entry for Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Thought
Suivant la voie ouverte par le philologue allemand Victor Klemperer, à partir d'une perspective interdisciplinaire, ce livre a pour objet la description et l'analyse des discours extrémistes actuels les plus violents. Il s'intéresse plus... more
In this paper I intend to provide an analysis of Thucydides's account of war in the third section of his historical work (3.82-83). Despite some of his early commentators accused him of a certain obscurity, the notions of polemos and... more
The philosophical reflection, existing in diary’s of Victor Klemperer, focuses on the issue of Jewish faculté maîtresse. This issue became one of the most important themes of writing in the works of Á. Heller, M. Blanchot, G. Scholem and... more
L a publicación de los diarios del profesor de literatura románica, Victor Klemperer, escritos durante su vida bajo el régimen nacionalsocialista, fue la sensación del mercado alemán del libro en 1995. 2 Klemperer, luterano, de origen... more
On "Die elf Teufel" (Germany 1927, Zoltan Korda) and "Der König der Mittelstürmer" (Germany 1927, Fritz Freisler)
der, selbständiger Handwerker, der weder von der Arbeiterschaft noch vom Bürgertum als zugehörig angesehen wurde, suchte er Zugehörigkeit zu ideologisch unterschiedlich ausgerichteten Gruppierungen, bis er im Nationalsozialismus... more
Click URL above to listen. As every voter realizes, politically motivated lies, propaganda, and spin present significant challenges to a just and fair democracy. Political myth, however, is a less recognized and potentially more... more
"« Oldthinkers unbellyfeel Wingsoc » Three main topics will be raised in this address: a contextual one, a theoretical one and a practical one. First, what is the general philosophical relevance of Whitehead’s works and especially of... more
Venne epidemicamente di moda qualche anno fa ed è rimasto oggi endemicamente corrente l'aggettivo solare, coi valori metaforici che prende quando è associato a designazioni d'esseri umani o a qualificare loro attitudini o comportamenti...
George Orwell'in 1984'ü distopik bir kitap. Kitabın genelinde Büyük Birader(BigBrother) tarafından 7/24 izlenen, düşünce özgürlüğünün olmadığı, geçmişin sürekli değiştirildiği, yalnız dolaşmanın, karşı cinsten biriyle konuşmanın hatta... more
Auf der sprachgeschichtlichen Ebene erfüllt Lingua Tertii Imperii. Notizbuch eines Philologen (1947) des jüdischen Wissenschaftlers Victor Klemperer eine grundlegende Funktion, denn kurz nach Kriegsende versucht dieses Werk, »das Gift der... more
Weber, M. The Global Systemic Crisis and the Requirements of a Whiteheadian Socialism /Мішель Вебер// Буття філософії: Здобутки минулого та виклики сучасності [Текст]: Матеріали всеукраїнської філософської конференції 27-28 листопада 2014... more
This article explores the moral charge and pedagogical impulse in the works of H.G. Adler by considering his reflections on language and in particular his articles published in the journal Muttersprache during the 1950s-1960s. More than... more