Venice Biennale
Most cited papers in Venice Biennale
This paper focuses on the role of contemporary art in international relations and world politics. In IR, art is often examined within the framework of cultural diplomacy, country branding, and soft power, or approached as a site of... more
This chapter offers an ethnographic analysis of two choreographic projects-The Sysmograph (2019) by Pélagie Gbaguidi, which addressed the Venetian Museo del Manicomio. La follia reclusa in the context of the Ultrasanity symposium in... more
The purpose of this article is to theorize the relationship between art and justice in times of transition so that a broader spectrum of political possibilities and their impli- cations can be imagined. The aim is to offer a way to think... more
Housed in the Canadian Pavillion in the Giardini in Venice during the 2010 Architecture Biennale, the Hylozoic Ground project provided visitors with the unique experience of interacting with a responsive and 'live' textile matrix. Philip... more
A review of Festival cities: culture, planning and urban life
by John R. Gold and Margaret M. Gold.
by John R. Gold and Margaret M. Gold.
This paper argues that Cardinal Points of Art, directed by Achille Bonito Oliva has been decisive in the formation of the contemporary Venice Biennale. The 45 th Venice Biennale, (1993) was memorable for many reasons: the first exhibition... more
The number of contemporary art biennials has increased significantly over the last 25 years giving rise to the phenomenon of biennalization of contemporary art. In this article, we detail the world politics of biennalization through a... more
A review of a biography of the American art curator Marcia Tucker.
A barrage of criticism has been levelled against the Venice Biennale’s national pavilion structure in recent decades, chiefly accusing it of anachronism on account of its western biases. Yet the tide has begun to turn, making much of this... more
The exhibition "Kinshasa, The Imaginary City", was curated by Filip De Boeck and Koen Van Synghel for the Belgian Pavilion at the 2004 Venice Architecture Bienale. The exhibition intended to show the multifaceted nature of the... more
ISLAND, Great Britain’s entry to the 16th International Architecture Biennale is underpinned by Alejandro de la Sota’s quote ‘architects should make as much nothing as possible’. Ostensibly, upon visiting the British pavilion it does... more
At the 2001 Venice Biennale, the famous Belgian artist Luc Tuymans decided to exhibit a series of paintings titled "Mwana Kitoko (Beautiful White Man)" that dealt with the colonial past of his country. In a particular political context... more
In 1897 Russia had its debut at the Venice International Art Exhibition, with a group show commissioned by the State Academy of Fine Arts in Saint Petersburg and curated by Ilya Repin. Based on Russian and Italian unpublished archival... more
With the Soviet Pavilion of the 1962 Venice Art Biennale, the Thaw era made its entrance onto the international art scene. Artists from diiferent generations and Soviet republics were entrusted to illustrate "the deeply human dimension of... more
Cosmopolita, «amante del raro» e convinto sostenitore degli artisti e dei letterati «d’eccezione », Vittorio Pica è stato una figura centrale del sistema dell’arte in Italia fra Otto e Novecento. Prolifico scrittore per riviste e... more
Antonio Maraini (1886-1963), scultore e critico d’arte, comincia presto a intrecciare la sua storia con quella della Biennale di Venezia. La sua formazione è articolata fin da subito: spinto dalla famiglia, si laurea in giurisprudenza,... more
This was an essay published in Circa, no.120, Summer 2007. I wanted to avoid a simple preview of the artwork that would be on offer for the 2007 Venice Biennale. Having experienced previous Biennales, I was more interested in the tension... more
Les biennales internationales sont le phénomène d’art mondain et mondial des années quatre-vingt-dix par excellence. Elles répondent bien au rêve global de tous les gouvernements qui veulent représenter le savoir de la planète entière et... more
En 2003, inició su carrera como docente e investigadora y, desde 2012, actúa en la UFRGS como profesora, tanto en el ámbito de la graduación como en el postgrado. Su tesis doctoral "Quando o projeto é patrimônio: a modernidade póstuma em... more
A problem of perfection at art is analyzed in the article according to paradigm of the art market as a system of cultural, economic and social interactions of the art world. The author finds out the vitality of the artwork not only as its... more
Autorka przygląda się strategiom wykorzystywanym w sztuce współczesnej do mówienia o doświadczeniu uchodźczyń i uchodźców. Analizuje dwie instalacje dotyczące migracji z Afryki do Europy przez Lampedusę. Barka Sisleja Xhafy i Barca Nostra... more
The fin de siècle marked an age of internationalization of the artistic practices, of which Symbolism provides some of the most enduring examples. Given this cosmopolitan, interartistic and sometimes collaborative milieu, the study of the... more
Thoroughly oriented towards visual science and semiotics, Monika Leisch- Kiesl’s chapter takes us into the current debates of Global Art History and Postcolonial Studies. For a second time, this time virtually, she visits selected major... more
El trabajo deconstruye, desde la perspectiva del análisis del discurso y la teoría crítica, las estrategias curatoriales de la Bienal de Venecia 2017. El argumento central del ensayo profundiza sobre las apropiaciones de la pulsión de lo... more
La scultura alla Biennale di Venezia del 1950. Note di mercato e di critica dai registri di vendita e dalla coeva rassegna stampa Abstract: The contribution aims to consider the dimension of sculpture at the Venice Biennial in 1950. It is... more
En el año 1950 México desembarca en Italia. Durante la XXV Bienal de Venecia se exponen por primera vez en Europa obras del arte mexicano posrevolucionario que, desde entonces, circularán en el continente europeo a través de exposiciones... more
Fin dalla sua prima apparizione all'Esposizione internazionale di Venezia, il padiglione sovietico ha costituito una delle mostre più attese e dibattute da critica e pubblico della Biennale. Il presente studio ne prende in esame la... more
The first biennial that published a magazine was the Venice Biennale. The magazine la biennale di Venezia was published from 1950 to 1971. It was conceived as an institutional instrument, to keep the audience of the show informed about... more
The essay examines the Impressionist Exhibition at the 1948 Venice Biennale as a crossroads of cultural policies. From the intellectual militancy of the Secretary General, Rodolfo Pallucchini, to the loan strategy, from the Nazi looting... more
After the crisis of the utopian ideals that was linked to the postmodern discourse, it seemed that utopia had ceased to be a useful concept for the art world. This paper addresses the return of the word after the “Utopia Station”... more
Venedik Bienali Uluslararası Sanat Sergisi dünya ülkelerinin sanat alanında ulusal kimliklerini güçlendirmesine imkan sağlayacak bir organizasyon olarak tasarlanmış ve ilk sergisini 1895 yılında gerçekleştirmiştir. Ulusal davetin zorunlu... more
We will remember this Biennale, just like a few previous ones, for, as a critic has put it, "a gap between the philosophical and theoretical dimensions on the one hand and the banality of the result on the other" which is "so big that the... more
In connection with the recent exhibition of Damien Hirst in Venice, the general tendencies of turning to traditional forms of art in the most recent artistic culture are analyzed. In this context, Hirst’s later work is understood as an... more
Cet article est un compte rendu de l'exposition May you Live in Interesting Times présentée dans le cadre de la 58e édition de la Biennale de Venise (2019). L'auteure y retrace les thèmes clés de l'événement ainsi que quelques œuvres... more
This contribution reconsiders Vittorio Pica's criticism on Japanese art and its consequences in fin-de-siècle artistic taste and cultural debate in Italy. Pica was among the first critics to show a relevant interest in Japanese culture,... more
Artikkeli käsittelee Venetsian nykytaidebiennaalia, taidemaailman megatapahtumaa. Sen lähtökohtana on huomio megatapahtumien paradoksaalisuudesta. Tarkastelemme Venäjän kansallisen Venetsian-paviljongin paradokseja analysoimalla, miten... more
The discovery of unpublished documents in the ASAC (contemporary art archives) in Venice has at last made it possible to reconstruct the first Italian Courbet retrospective at the Venice Biennale of 1910, its public and critical... more