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      Pricing StrategyValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
Value-added estimates of teacher or school quality are increasingly used for both high-and low-stakes accountability purposes, making understanding of their limitations critical. A review of the recent value-added literature suggests... more
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      AccountabilityTeacher ResearchValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
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    • Value Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
3rd International Conference on Integrating Technology in Education (ITE 2022) This forum also aims to provide a platform for exchanging ideas in new emerging trends that needs more focus and exposure and will attempt to publish proposals... more
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologyDistance EducationMultimedia in Education
Kvalitet rada nastavnika postao je važno društveno-političko pitanje, budući da se nastavnici posmatraju kao ključni činioci uspeha učenika, te i razvoja sistema obrazovanja i društva u celini. Savremeni momenat politike i prakse... more
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      Monitoring And EvaluationEducational evaluationMeasurement and EvaluationEvaluation
This article examines the re-professionalization of teaching across a transformative decade of market-based and standards-based reforms in the U.S.A. The first section works with the sociological concept of the ‘new professionalism’ to... more
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      Education PolicyTeachers' professional developmentEducational reformEducational Governance
Despite growing momentum to overhaul teacher evaluation policies and practices, scant research examines how educators at the street level of such reform—principals and teachers—make sense of them, and almost no research examines the... more
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      Teacher Evaluation and SupervisionTeacher EvaluationValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
Note: Free eprints of this article are available at the following link (for the first 50 readers): ABSTRACT This article draws from Stephen Ball’s work on markets,... more
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      PerformativityEducation PolicyEducation Policy StudiesTeacher professionalism
A teacher evaluation plan must be flexible enough to be useful and pragmatic enough to be used. This is such a plan. And since schools and teachers are not standardized products, a standardized evaluation tool would be highly... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationTeacher TrainingTeachers' professional development
The purpose of this study is to provide empirical evidence on the economic incentive policies designed by school leadership teams in private subsidized schools in Chile. The case studies are investigated using a qualitative methodological... more
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      Economics of EducationEducation EconomySchool LeadershipEducation Economics
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      Charter schoolsValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
Background: Within the last few years, the focus on educational accountability has shifted from holding students responsible for their own performance to holding those shown to impact student performance responsible—students' teachers.... more
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    • Value Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
Previous research has demonstrated conclusively that value-added inferences are sensitive to the choice of outcome measure within the domains of math and reading. This implies that math and reading are multidimensional domains. However,... more
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      Psychometrics (Research Methodology)Applied PsychometricsValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
The purpose of this study is to critically evaluate value-added accountability measures currently enacted in the United States at the federal and state levels to assess teacher preparation programme (TPP) e ectiveness. We draw on Newton... more
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      AssessmentEvaluationEducational Policy StudiesValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
Value-added models (VAMs) are used to measure changes in student achievement on large-scaled standardized test scores from year to year. When aggregated, VAM estimates are used to measure teacher effectiveness and hold teachers... more
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    • Value Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
From "The K-12 Contrarian" blog, Education Week
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      EducationAssessmentPolitics Of EducationEducational reform
For decades, policymakers have promulgated legislation that requires schools to hire effective teachers in all classrooms. Simultaneously, the education research community has attempted to define what effective teachers do in the... more
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      Teacher EffectivenessValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
The purpose of this study is to critically evaluate value-added accountability measures currently enacted in the United States at the federal and state levels to assess teacher preparation programme (TPP) effectiveness. We draw on Newton... more
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      Measurement and EvaluationEvaluationValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
Se analiza el uso de los modelos de valor agregado como mecanismo para evaluar a los docentes siguiendo el estudio de Chetty, Friedman & Rockoff (2011): Measuring the Impacts of Teachers I: Evaluating Bias in Teacher Value-Added... more
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      Teacher Evaluation and SupervisionValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
The SAS Educational Value-Added Assessment System (SAS® EVAAS®) is the most widely used value-added system in the country. It is also self-proclaimed as “the most robust and reliable” system available, with its greatest benefit to help... more
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      Teacher Evaluation and SupervisionValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
Despite growing calls for more accountability of teacher education programs (TEPs), there is little consensus about how to evaluate them. This study investigates the potential for using observational ratings of program completers to... more
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      Teacher PreparationTeacher EvaluationClassroom ObservationValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
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      Mixed Effects ModelsIRTValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
There is something incalculable about teacher expertise and whether it can be observed, detected, quantified, and as per current educational policies, used as an accountability tool to hold America’s public school teachers accountable for... more
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      Teacher EvaluationTeacher Educatin, Evaluation and MeasurementCompetency-Based Teachers Performance Evaluation and Personal Qualities of TeachersValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
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      Teacher EducationEducation PolicySocial ClassElementary Education
A teacher evaluation plan must be flexible enough to be useful and pragmatic enough to be used. And since schools and teachers are not standardized products, a standardized evaluation tool would be highly ineffective. Non-profit... more
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      Teacher EducationTeacher ResearchTeacher TrainingTeachers' professional development
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      PrivatizationValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
Az intézményes nevelés számos hatással bír a tanulók személyiségének fejlődését tekintve. Ezen eredmények közül kiemelkedő a pedagógiai hatás a tanulók egész életen át tartó tanulásra való felkészülése, a kompetenciák fejlődése, a... more
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      AssessmentMeasurement and evaluation in educationValue addedValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
This paper was about analyses of the principals' effectiveness on school performance and how principals play a major role to make the school do well in terms of academic results. Furthermore, the paper discussed why it is important to... more
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      LeadershipEducational management and leadershipLeadership stylesValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
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    • Value Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
Este estudio espera contribuir a la discusión sobre calidad docente en Chile a través de dos enfoques: el primero se basa en estimaciones de valor agregado del profesor o "efecto Profesor" en el aprendizaje. En él se explora el rol de las... more
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    • Value Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
The main purpose of this paper is to examine the values defining today’s paradigms of the quality of higher education. In order to have a closer look at the main criteria of quality in the globally commodified and standardized mass higher... more
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      Value ManagementValue CreationValue addedValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
Scope International Journal of Education (IJE) is a Quarterly peer-reviewed and refereed open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Education. The journal is devoted to the publication of high... more
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      Social NetworkingNetworkingGolf Course ManagementComputer Networking and Telecommunication
The purpose of this article is to ethnographically document the market-based ideological assumptions of Rio de Janeiro’s educational policymakers, and the ways in which those assumptions have informed these policymakers’ decision to... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationEducational ResearchBrazilian Studies
The central theme of this article is that the usual Shannon’s entropy [1] is not sufficient to address the unknown Gaussian population average. A remedy is necessary. By peeling away entropy junkies, a refined version is introduced and it... more
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      Philosophy of ValueValue theory (Philosophy)Value pluralismPhenomenology, Hermeneutics, contemporary continental philosophy, axiology (theories and applied research on values), philosophical and cultural anthropology, diversity managment, gender studies, intercultural communication, and translations studies
International Journal of Education (IJE) is a Quarterly peer-reviewed and refereed open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Education. The journal is devoted to the publication of high... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationScience Education
Scope International Journal of Education (IJE) is a Quarterly peer-reviewed and refereed open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Education. The journal is devoted to the publication of high... more
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      Business and Economic EducationBusiness and management educationBusiness EducationTeacher Evaluation and Supervision
Scope International Journal of Education (IJE) is a Quarterly peer-reviewed and refereed open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Education. The journal is devoted to the publication of high... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationScience Education
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      Measurement and EvaluationPolitics Of EducationValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
Se analizaron las prácticas de 30 escuelas secundarias de Baja California, con el objetivo de identificar las actividades de gestión del tiempo y de organización del personal, que se realizan en escuelas secundarias que obtienen... more
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      Educational LeadershipEducational ResearchSchool effectiveness and school improvementSecondary Education
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      Educational Leadership and Policy AnalysisTeacher Evaluation and SupervisionValue Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation