Value Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
Most cited papers in Value Added Models of Teacher/Principal Evaluation
Value-added estimates of teacher or school quality are increasingly used for both high-and low-stakes accountability purposes, making understanding of their limitations critical. A review of the recent value-added literature suggests... more
Value-added models (VAMs) are used to measure changes in student achievement on large-scaled standardized test scores from year to year. When aggregated, VAM estimates are used to measure teacher effectiveness and hold teachers... more
Despite growing calls for more accountability of teacher education programs (TEPs), there is little consensus about how to evaluate them. This study investigates the potential for using observational ratings of program completers to... more
This article examines the re-professionalization of teaching across a transformative decade of market-based and standards-based reforms in the U.S.A. The first section works with the sociological concept of the ‘new professionalism’ to... more
The value-added assessment model is one over-the-counter product that may be detrimental to your health.
Este estudio espera contribuir a la discusión sobre calidad docente en Chile a través de dos enfoques: el primero se basa en estimaciones de valor agregado del profesor o "efecto Profesor" en el aprendizaje. En él se explora el rol de las... more
This paper was about analyses of the principals' effectiveness on school performance and how principals play a major role to make the school do well in terms of academic results. Furthermore, the paper discussed why it is important to... more
On September 8, 2011 Teachers College Record published a book review of Douglas N. Harris’s recent book Value-Added Measures in Education. In this commentary the author takes issue with not necessarily the book's What Every Educator Needs... more
Az intézményes nevelés számos hatással bír a tanulók személyiségének fejlődését tekintve. Ezen eredmények közül kiemelkedő a pedagógiai hatás a tanulók egész életen át tartó tanulásra való felkészülése, a kompetenciák fejlődése, a... more
Previous research has demonstrated conclusively that value-added inferences are sensitive to the choice of outcome measure within the domains of math and reading. This implies that math and reading are multidimensional domains. However,... more