University Buildings
Most downloaded papers in University Buildings
In France, the university buildings have significant challenges to meet the environmental transition requirements for green growth. At the same time, they are key elements for the spread of the sustainable development objectives at the... more
Since the Middle Ages, universities have established their importance in many small and medium-sized European cities. In many cases, higher education institutions (HEIs) have reused abandoned existing buildings, adapting them to new... more
fanos fue una de las numerosas fundaciones educativa$ surgidas al amparo de la Universidad de Salamanca en el siglo XVI. El ediflclo que albergó a esta institución logró sobrevivir a los distintos avatares del tiempo y de las guerras, y... more
Recent times have seen academic buildings face challenges when it comes to high energy consumption in comparison to relatively low performance, which affects the interior of the building by reducing the comfort level of the area. Reduced... more
University buildings require maintenance in order to create a conducive environment that supports and stimulates learning, teaching, innovation, and research. The prime objective of maintenance is to ensure, as far as practicable, the... more
University buildings require maintenance in order to create a conducive environment that supports and stimulates learning, teaching, innovation, and research. The prime objective of maintenance is to ensure, as far as practicable, the... more
University buildings require maintenance in order to create a conducive environment that supports and stimulates learning, teaching, innovation, and research. The prime objective of maintenance is to ensure, as far as practicable, the... more
However tied universities might be with a heritage building, an iconic establishment, a place or a nation, the very word is actually founded on the notion of an ever-evolving, shifting and moving, expanding and contracting, association of... more
Assetto Generale dell'Ateneo di Roma “La Sapienza” risalgono al marzo del 1998 e nell'aprile dello stesso anno viene siglato il primo Protocollo di intesa con il Comune di Roma, mentre nel mese di luglio la Commissione per “Roma Capitale”... more
University campuses are important places where students interact academically and socially. For this reason, it should comprise appropriate indoor and outdoor educational and non-educational activity spaces located with spatial cognitive... more
This paper is the synthesis of multi-year research activities carried out with the support of Sapienza University in collaboration with some local authorities and private entities on integrated refurbishment planning of tertiary... more
Since the sixties the Jussieu Campus in Paris hosts the most important medical and scientific university pole in France. The Campus includes the universities Paris VI, Paris VII and the Institute of Earth's Physics (IPGP). The entire... more
Le vicende delle università storiche di medie dimensioni sono legate al riuso di edifici esistenti e ai processi di trasformazione del tessuto urbano. Le prime università furono fondate in Europa in epoca medioevale. In origine le lezioni... more
46 0 Abstract This article concentrates on social interactive spaces in a university building and investigates how these spaces are correlated to visual e-partition lines. Although, environment-behaviour literature argues the social... more